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EzTrendlines for TradingView

How to get your hands on it, completely free (some assembly required)
Step 1: Navigate to the #trendlines-indicator channel

You can get there by clicking the embedded link above or the direct link below:

Step 2: Download the EzTrendlines Indicator

Just uh… you know, hit the download button in the Discord channel. If you can’t
find it, the rest of this walkthrough probably isn’t in your wheelhouse and you’d
be better off picking up some generic trendline indicator through TV.
Step 3: Switch to TradingView and bring up Pine Script

For those unfamiliar with Pine Editor, it’s the little button down at the bottom of
TV that says “Pine Editor”:

Bring that up and head to the next page for the best part!
Step 4: Copy / Paste the code into Pine Editor

Remember the text file you downloaded? Now’s the time to put that file into
motion. Click “Open” then “New indicator” at the bottom of the menu:

This next part is important… delete ALL of the code that shows up by default in
Pine Editor after opening the “New indicator” option. Once you’ve done that,
open your EzTrendlines text file, select all and then copy / paste it into the empty
indicator field.
Step 5: Save your newly acquired indicator

We’re in the final stretch here – click “Save”, name the script whatever you like
(hopefully EzTrendlines since that makes sense) and then “Save” again:

Once it’s done compiling, you’re ready for the last step. If you get any warnings
during the compiling process, go ahead and disregard them – they’re very
normal and very cool in the world of coding. Errors are what you want to look out
for and if you happen to get one at this point, that is completely on you and you
should start again from Step 1.
Step 6: Add the EzTrendlines indicator to your chart

This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for – click “Add to chart”, then
immediately stand up and pat yourself on the back, because you’ve done it 🥳

Once you’ve come down from the rush of practically hacking the mainframe, the
EzTrendlines indicator is now yours forever and will reside in the indicator
window under the “My scripts” tab.

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