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TEST I (Multiple Choice) 4.

A frame story is a literary technique that serves as a

companion piece to a story within a story, where an
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. NO introductory or main narrative sets the stage either
ERASURES! ERASURES CONSIDER AS WRONG! for a more emphasized second narrative or for a set
1. In the heart of a bustling city, Sarah, a young of shorter stories.
architect, dreamed of designing eco-friendly A. Theme
buildings despite facing scepticism from her peers. B. Narrative
Undeterred, she poured her energy into sustainable C. Frame Narrative
designs, fuelled by a determination to make a D. Narrative Frame
positive impact on the environment. Despite initial 5. How does denouement contribute to the overall
setbacks and rejection letters, Sarah persisted, impact of a story?
attending workshops and honing her skills late into A. provides readers with a sense of closure and
the night. Her breakthrough came when she won a allows them to reflect on the events of the story. It
prestigious competition for her innovative green often leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the
building design, perseverance can overcome even themes and messages conveyed throughout the
the greatest obstacles. With her passion and resolve, narrative.
Sarah's vision for a greener future began to take B. denouement can vary depending on the
shape, inspiring others to follow their dreams with complexity of the story. It can be a brief resolution or
unwavering determination. a more extended exploration of the aftermath of the
What is the theme for this selection? climax.
A. Love C. Denouement is the final part of a narrative, where
B. Determination the various plot threads are resolved, and the story
C. Happy reaches its conclusion.
D. Family Positivity D. None of the above
2. As Sarah nervously awaited the results of the 6. How do authors develop characters in their works?
prestigious competition, her heart raced with A. Characters can undergo significant development
anticipation. The tension in the room was palpable and change as a result of the events and conflicts
they experience during the story. This is known as
as the judges announced the runner-ups, but Sarah's
character arc.
name remained unmentioned. Just as
B. examining their traits, motivations, relationships,
disappointment began to settle in, the head judge
and growth throughout the story. They also consider
paused, a sly smile spreading across his face, hinting the characters' roles in advancing the plot and
at a twist yet to unfold. With bated breath, Sarah and conveying themes.
the audience hung on his every word, their hopes C. Both B and A
teetering on the edge of uncertainty. It was in that D. through their actions, dialogue, thoughts, and
electrifying moment that the judge declared, "And interactions with other characters. They may also
the winner is..." - leaving Sarah's fate suspended in reveal characters through physical descriptions and
the balance, poised to either fulfill her dreams or internal conflict
face crushing defeat. 7. In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a
In the given selection, what is the correct black man's, the white man always wins. They're
corresponding technique used in the selection? ugly, but those are the facts of life." Atticus Finch's
A. Flashback words echoed in Scout's mind as she grappled with
B. Figure of Speech the racial tensions of Maycomb, Alabama. The trial
C. Cliffhanger of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a
D. Herring white woman, divided the town along racial lines. As
3. How does the setting contribute to the mood of the Atticus courageously defended Tom, facing the wrath
story? of his prejudiced neighbors, Scout witnessed
A. By providing insight into the characters' thoughts firsthand the deep-rooted conflict between justice
and feelings. and prejudice in society. Through the trial, Scout
B. By influencing the actions and decisions of the learned that standing up for what is right often
main characters. comes at a great personal cost, and that the fight
C. By creating a sense of atmosphere and tone that against injustice is an ongoing struggle.
affects the reader's emotions. What Literary Conventions did this selection use?
D. By driving the plot forward through a series of
dramatic events. A. Language
B. Theme
C. Conflict 8. A detective (professional or amateur) might be
D. Plot considered the convention of the mastery of genre.
8. Possess traits, personalities, motivations, and
backgrounds that drive the plot forward or 9. Organization of ideas includes brainstorming to
contribute to the overall theme of the work. generate ideas and dealing with a specific are of
A. Man Vs. Man personal experience, interest or expertise.
B. Characterization 10. Spatial Order is describing a scene as things are
C. Theme arrange in a physical space- either by moving from
D. Character one detail to the next or as view from one stationary
9. The sequence of events that make up a story, novel, vantage point.
play, film, or any other narrative work. It
encompasses the arrangement and interrelation of TEST III: ESSAY (10 POINTS)
events, actions, and occurrences that unfold within
Directions: Answer the question and explain it in an essay of
the narrative.
at least 3-5 sentences. (I need to see an essay and work from
A. Plot
a Grade 12 student).
B. Sequence
1. As a student, how helpful are points while writing a draft
C. Topic
of a short piece? How will you use it effectively in writing?
D. Literary Convention
10. Refers to the generally accepted practices,
techniques, styles, and forms that writers use to
create and convey their works of literature. Include
various elements such as narrative structures,
character archetypes, settings, themes, and literary
devices like metaphors, similes, and symbolism.
A. Literature Convenience
B. Literary Convention
C. Fiction
D. None of the above

TEST II: Modify True or False

Direction: Determine whether the statement below is true or

false. In the blank before the number, write T if the statement
is true and if the statement is false underline the incorrect
words and give the correct answer.

1. In writing a fiction, the topic should generate more

interest to the reader rather that the writer.

2. In chronological order, the writer organize his ideas

from beginning to end.

3. Spatial order is a way of organizing ideas where the

author generally keeps the most important or
exciting point until the end of the piece.

4. The reason why a writer wants or need to write will

determine the form and content of his/her writing.

5. Random order, required to organize ideas from

general to specific.

6. Third person point of view is the story is told directly

to “you”, with the reader as a participant in the

7. Climax is the crucial and exciting part of the story.

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