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Lecturers: Nguyễn Minh Quân



Full name: Lưu Nguyễn Triều Vĩ-205017858

TP HCM, 4th April 2024

Table of contents

I. THEORETICAL BASIS............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Brand Equity......................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Brand vision......................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Brand Positioning..............................................................................................................................6
1.4 Brand architecture............................................................................................................................6
1.5 Brand promotion...............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Test and evaluate brands..................................................................................................................7
II. RESEARCH ON BRAND MANAGEMENT BY BITI’S HUNTER.................................................................8
2.1 About company.................................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Vision and mission......................................................................................................................8
2.1.2 History Brand..............................................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Product level model....................................................................................................................9
2.2 Brand elements.................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Brand image................................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Identifying and establishing brand............................................................................................10
2.2.3 Brand name..............................................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Brand mantra............................................................................................................................12
2.3 SWOT...............................................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Strength....................................................................................................................................12
2.3.2 Weaknesses..............................................................................................................................12
2.3.3 Opportunities............................................................................................................................13
2.3.4 Threats......................................................................................................................................13
2.4 STP...................................................................................................................................................13
2.4.1 Segmentation............................................................................................................................13
2.4.2 Targeting...................................................................................................................................14
2.4.3 Positioning...............................................................................................................................14
2.5 Brand influences.............................................................................................................................16
2.5.1 Seek an origin...........................................................................................................................16
2.5.2 Customer loyalty.......................................................................................................................16
2.6 Factor responsible branding challenges.........................................................................................17
2.6.1 Brand proliferation...................................................................................................................17
2.6.2 Media transformation...............................................................................................................17
2.7 Strategic brand management process............................................................................................17
2.7.1 Identifying and developing brand.............................................................................................17
2.7.2 Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs........................................................17
2.7.3 Constant Innovation and Strategic Collaborations...................................................................18
2.8 Risk management............................................................................................................................18
2.8.1 Case study 1..............................................................................................................................18
2.8.2 Case study 2..............................................................................................................................19
III. CONCLUDE.....................................................................................................................................20
IIII. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................20

Currently, along with the development of the country, our country's economy is
making progress. With Vietnam becoming an official member of the World Trade
Organization - WTO, it has promoted goods trading activities to become more
exciting. Deciding the success or failure of a product is the Marketing department.
An era of technological development like today is also an advantage in easily
marketing to potential customers and customers who do not know the product or
its brand. The footwear market in Vietnam is also a competitive place no less than
other markets with brands that have taken Vietnam by storm in recent years such
as Biti's, Ananas, RieN, Bita's, etc. And Biti's is one of the best-selling shoe brands
in Vietnam. Bitis Hunter is a key product line of the Biti's brand The above issues
were convincing enough for my group to learn and research about the famous,
top quality leather shoe brand in Vietnam. Furthermore, it is a study of the
Marketing strategy of the Biti's brand, especially the Bitis Hunter product.
1.1 Brand Equity
Brand Equity includes all the unique values that the brand brings to related people (customers,
employees, shareholders, communities...). These values will be added to the product or service
to increase value for those involved.
The elements that make up these brand assets must be connected to the company or product
logo symbol. If a company changes its name or external symbol, these brand assets will be
affected and one of them will be affected. number of cases may be lost.
The elements that make up brand equity may vary depending on each case. However, in
principle, there will be five main elements.
- Brand loyalty
- Brand recognition
- Product quality
- Brand attributes
- Other ownership factors such as brand protection and relationship with distribution channels.
Brand assets will add or reduce the value brought to customers. All elements of brand assets
will help customers understand and store a lot of different information about the product.
Products and brands will give customers confidence when choosing products.
1.2 Brand vision
Brand vision is what you want customers to feel about your brand. Some people say brand
vision is the harmony between what consumers want and the capabilities that the brand can
best meet. Brand vision is a collection of understanding of all the factors that bring success to
that brand
A brand vision is the expression of the determination of a business's senior leaders towards the
financial goals that that business sets. Brand vision is the guideline for all business activities.
Brand vision is the message you want to send to every member of the business, many
customers, partners, government, the public and other relevant people. related to business
1.3 Brand Positioning
Brand positioning is the efforts and efforts of a business to make customers and the public see
the defined position of the brand, which is what the business wants customers to think of every
time they encounter the brand.
Brand positioning is choosing a unique characteristic that matches the nature of the product
and meets the specific needs of the customer group. By doing this, the brand can well meet the
needs of becoming a brand. Being closer and closer to customers will increase loyal customers
as well as attract new customers
1.4 Brand architecture
Brand architecture is one of the important concepts in strategic brand management
methodology. Brand architecture can essentially be thought of as a genealogical structure or
organizational chart where the positions in the chart are brands instead of individuals. The main
purpose of brand architecture is to form a strategic structure for product and brand
development in large enterprises that have many product categories and target many
The key issue in multi-brand management is how to reach new market segments and introduce
new products without the risk and expense of having to create new brands, but sometimes
Business strategy requires using different brands for different market segments, so the problem
of multi-brand management is posed to managers. More specifically, brand architecture is a
structure to organize brands in a common category with the purpose of clearly defining the role
of each brand, the relationship between brands as well as the relationship between brands. on
the product market.
The main goals in brand management are to create strong and effective brands, allocate
resources appropriately in building different brands, and provide products and services with
clear brand portraits. helps retail companies, clothing companies, and in-store display methods
to clearly understand the relationships between brands of the same company, thus being able
to create appropriate business strategies, enhancing the value of brands create resources for
future growth penetrating new markets timely developing new products.
1.5 Brand promotion
Brand promotion is to create strength for the brand, strength from the good performance of
functions and strength from awareness among customers and the public about the product
through the brand that represents what the product is. have, have, and can do
Promotional marketing includes the main activities of advertising, promotions and public
1.6 Test and evaluate brands
When building a brand, we cannot leave it alone but must proactively take measures to check,
evaluate, and appropriately monitor feedback from the environment to have effective solutions
to improve brand strength.
Nowadays, many people build brands mechanically and forget about the fundamental part of
the brand, which negatively affects the position and performance of the brand. Furthermore,
when there are more media, there are fewer consumers. . As a result, marketing staff try their
best to achieve revenue goals but forget about brand reputation, which is really not good for
A successful brand audit must meet the following criteria
- The main message according to experts your brand needs to connect with the domain name
But please tell us, is the main point of your message on the website clear to viewers? What
three messages do users get when spending 10 minutes on your website?
- Consistency is a very important factor when starting a business, you must make sure the key
information of your brand reflects the consistency in your business so that customers can trust
you. That information, search page after page, from cell phone, from directory to your industry,
one thing is certain: in every form of conveying information about your brand your customers
do not doubt. wondering where they need to go and why they are going there.
- Another point is that consistency is also a necessary foundation in every aspect that affects
customers. Consistency also demonstrates synergy between the brand's message and the
media. Is your brand message on your website consistent with the messaging in your stores at
the same level as what is featured in catalog magazines? Are you presenting about 50% of your
message consistently in tone and content to the media? If so, you are headed in the right
- Support from the media: Has the media helped you in implementing your brand strategy so
that your business operations are harmonious and highly effective? How to be successful in
your strategy to convey information To customers from website to website, from web to mobile
and from mobile to stores you can take advantage of 70% Does the media work to bring the
brand to customers and vice versa?
- Listen, learn and respond: Brands don't just talk, they listen and react. All brands can listen to
consumers, learn from the data they collect, and respond to them in a tactful way that will help
you succeed. Check out your brand's reviews. See how, as a brand builder, you have listened to
customers, captured information and learned from exploiting data and analyzing them. This is
shown through your research and discovery in your work. direct conversation with customers. If
you estimate that your ability to build a brand using this method is about 5 to 5/10, then your
brand has a good direction.


2.1 About company

2.1.1 Vision and mission
It is becoming a strong consumer goods manufacturing company in Asia. Biti's mission will not
stop at "Caring for Vietnamese feet" but will also aim at spiritual values as a sincere friend. To
accompany you from your first steps until you are mature enough.
Our mission at Biti's Hunter is to revolutionize the hunting experience by combining advanced
technology with ethical principles, fostering a community of responsible hunters, and
promoting wildlife conservation. We are committed to providing hunters with innovative tools
and resources to enhance their skills, while prioritizing sustainability and environmental
stewardship. Through education, collaboration, and data-driven conservation efforts, we aim to
inspire a new generation of hunters who are dedicated to preserving our planet's natural
ecosystems for future generations.

Continuously improve and improve the quality of providing products true to the meaning of
Biti's brand identity "Prestige - Quality".

2.1.2 History Brand

The Biti's Hunter sneaker line, launched in the second half of 2016, created a huge craze in the
youth community and continuously "sold out" as soon as it appeared on the market, thanks to a
creative promotional campaign with influential faces. like Son Tung M-TP or Soobin Hoang

With Vietnam's rapid economic integration in recent years, the 9x and 10x generations have now
switched to favoring sneakers from international brands. Not only serving the primitive need of
mobility support, today's sneakers are also a symbol of young people's style and ego. If they
continue to focus on traditional shoe models, Biti's will gradually lose connection with them, and
the next generations.
Our research has shown that the sports shoe market in Vietnam is currently divided into 3 main
segments. First are international names such as Nike, Adidas, Vans, Converse... with an average
price of 1,000,000 VND or more, with the strength of diverse designs, trendy, high quality and
especially brand influence. The second is the segment under 500,000 VND, including little-
known domestic products or fake goods - imitation goods, not guaranteed in quality or design.
And finally, the middle segment - with a price of about 500,000 - 1,000,000 VND - is still left
open. Customers in the above segment do not want to use counterfeit products, but at the same
time are not willing to spend a large investment on shoes.

Summarizing from the above two factors, we realize that the Vietnamese market is still lacking
domestically produced sneaker products, with reasonable prices, high quality and designs that
keep up with trends. That is why Biti's Hunter was born. Not only meeting a gap in the market,
this line of sneakers is also an effort to help us change the perception of customers, especially
young people, about a brand that is only known for producing high-quality shoes. Cheap sandals
are durable but have an outdated design.

2.1.3 Product level model

Core products: Enhancing consumers' comfort and flexibility in engaging in physical activities.

Generic products: Providing confidence and styles when participating in sports and daily

Expected products: Biti's Hunter sports shoes feature high-quality fabric and sole materials,
modern and diverse designs, along with elasticity and breathability.

Augment Products: The brand offers a wide range of sports shoe lines, from professional running
shoes to football shoes, walking shoes, and sports shoes integrated with daily fashion.

Potential Products: Biti's Hunter has introduced a design-potential product through

collaborations with international brands like Pepsi and Marvel, creating a new craze among
young customers

2.2 Brand elements

2.2.1 Brand image

Biti'sHunter is a secondary footwear brand launched in the first half of 2016 as a new high-end
product line under Bitis (parent brand). Bitis is the pride of the Vietnamese footwear industry
and is the most loved by many of us. Nowadays, there are many lines named Biti'sHunter, such
as Hunter X, Street, football, etc. with many special editions from collaborations with other

The brand image of Biti's Hunter can be envisioned as follows:

Innovation: Biti's Hunter is synonymous with innovation in the hunting industry. The brand is
known for its cutting-edge technologies and advanced hunting equipment that push the
boundaries of what's possible in the field. Whether it's state-of-the-art GPS tracking systems,
virtual reality interfaces, or educational resources, Biti's Hunter continually seeks to
revolutionize the hunting experience through innovation.

Quality and Reliability: Biti's Hunter products are known for their exceptional quality, durability,
and reliability. Whether it's rugged GPS trackers built to withstand the elements or immersive
virtual reality interfaces designed for long-term use, hunters trust Biti's Hunter to deliver
products that perform consistently in the field, enhancing their hunting experience.

Community and Collaboration: Biti's Hunter fosters a sense of community among hunters,
encouraging collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support. The brand's image is that of
a supportive and inclusive community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for
hunting, technology, and conservation. Whether it's through online forums, social media
engagement, or educational events, Biti's Hunter brings hunters together to learn from each other
and contribute to the greater good.

Environmental Consciousness: Biti's Hunter is deeply committed to environmental conservation,

and this commitment is reflected in its brand image. The brand is known for its efforts to
minimize the ecological footprint of hunting activities, promote sustainable practices, and
support wildlife conservation initiatives. Hunters who associate themselves with Biti's Hunter are
seen as environmentally conscious individuals who prioritize the health and preservation of
natural ecosystems.

2.2.2 Identifying and establishing brand

Recognition: Biti's Hunter logo is simple and easy to remember with two main colors: white and
orange. Modern font, creating a dynamic and youthful feeling.
Remember: The logo is used throughout Biti's Hunter's marketing campaigns, products, and
stores. Thanks to that, customers can easily identify the brand.
Association: The Biti's Hunter logo is associated with the image of a dynamic, creative, youth-
oriented footwear brand.
Distinctiveness: The Biti's Hunter logo uses a unique typeface, combined with a striking orange
color, creating a difference compared to other footwear brands.
Identifying and establishing the brand of Biti's Hunter involves several key steps to ensure a
strong and cohesive brand identity. Here's a suggested approach:
-Define the Brand Identity: Begin by defining the core values, mission, and vision of Biti's Hunter.
Determine what sets the brand apart from competitors and what it stands for in terms of
innovation, ethics, quality, and environmental consciousness.
-Understand the Target Audience: Conduct market research to identify the target audience for
Biti's Hunter. This may include avid hunters, outdoor enthusiasts, technology enthusiasts, and
individuals passionate about wildlife conservation. Understand their needs, preferences, and
values to tailor the brand messaging and positioning accordingly.
-Develop Brand Elements: Create brand elements that represent the identity of Biti's Hunter,
including the brand name, logo, color palette, typography, and visual assets. Ensure that these
elements align with the brand values and resonate with the target audience.
-Craft Brand Messaging: Develop clear and compelling brand messaging that communicates the
unique value proposition of Biti's Hunter. Highlight the brand's commitment to innovation,
ethical hunting practices, quality, and environmental conservation. Craft messaging that appeals
to the emotions and aspirations of the target audience.
-Build Brand Awareness: Implement marketing strategies to build brand awareness and reach
the target audience. This may include digital marketing campaigns, social media engagement,
content marketing, influencer partnerships, and participation in outdoor events and expos.
-Engage with the Community: Foster a sense of community among Biti's Hunter customers and
enthusiasts. Encourage engagement through online forums, social media groups, and events
where hunters can connect, share experiences, and support each other.
-Deliver Consistent Brand Experience: Ensure consistency in the brand experience across all
touchpoints, including products, packaging, customer service, and marketing communications.
Every interaction with Biti's Hunter should reinforce the brand identity and values.
-Measure and Adapt: Continuously monitor brand performance and customer feedback to
identify areas for improvement and adaptation. Measure key performance indicators such as
brand awareness, brand sentiment, and customer satisfaction to gauge the effectiveness of
branding efforts.
By following these steps, Biti's Hunter can identify and establish a strong brand identity that
resonates with its target audience and sets the foundation for long-term success in the hunting
2.2.3 Brand name
The name Biti's is derived from the name of the company, Binh Tien consumer goods
manufacturing company, simplified by the first two symbols of the two words Binh Tien, bi and
ti, s is implicitly understood to be owned by Binh Tien. Calling Biti's with two simple syllables but
very different and unique so it easily helps customers recognize and goes deep into the
customer's subconscious.
About the meaning of the word Biti's globally Biti also means the name of a poisonous snake
with a very beautiful pattern on its skin. This coincidence can be compared to Biti's being a very
strong and beautiful manufacturing company in Vietnam. But sometimes it can be
misunderstood that Biti's, a first manufacturer of snakeskin shoes with 30 years of presence in
the Vietnamese market, has gradually entered the minds of customers not through loud media
activities or promotional activities. Expensive marketing Biti's enters the hearts of consumers
with a nationwide distribution system and diverse customer orientation. We can easily see Biti's
stores with large and impressive logo names and slogans.
2.2.4 Brand mantra
Figurative meaning:
Biti's slogan embodies national pride and the company's connection with the Vietnamese
people. Biti's desires to accompany Vietnamese individuals on every journey, contributing to
enhancing the quality of life for the Vietnamese.
Shortened translation:
Biti's slogan: Showing care for Vietnamese feet with quality, comfortable footwear. Embracing
national pride and supporting Vietnamese journeys to enhance their quality of life.
Dare to pursue passion:
Encouraging everyone to chase their interests, despite difficulties and challenges.
Dare to shine:
Demonstrating oneself confidently, unafraid to stand out and assert one's individuality.
2.3 SWOT
2.3.1 Strength
With a nationwide distribution network that has been built and formed from the parent
company Biti's (main stores, supermarkets, shopping centers,...), on that foundation, Biti's
Hunter will save costs. logistics and supply chain costs while increasing product recognition for
Biti's is a long-established Vietnamese enterprise whose brand and quality have been affirmed
and won the hearts of the majority of Vietnamese consumers from young to old. For many
years in a row, it has been voted by consumers as a high quality consumer product. And Biti's
Hunter inherits and promotes that.
Personalized, strong design with many outstanding features such as good elasticity, light weight;
Diverse designs, especially prices suitable for the majority of Vietnamese consumers in general
and young people in particular. Each Biti's Hunter product has a shelf life of 3 - 5 years with a
price of 500 - 700 hundred thousand/pair, which is an acceptable shoe investment for
Vietnamese people.
With about 8,500 skilled workers and modern machinery imported from abroad, Biti's Hunter
exports to 40 countries around the world: Italy, England, France, America,... and is a processing
partner of international firms. big as: Decathlon, Clarks, Speedo, Skechers,
2.3.2 Weaknesses
Born in 2016, Biti's Hunter is a brand that is still young in the Vietnamese Sneaker market, so it
takes a lot of financial time to attract Vietnamese customers as well as affirm the brand.
The design team is young and does not have much experience, capacity and professionalism is
not high, it takes time to keep up with trends as well as create breakthroughs or create a unique
name for the brand in the market.
There are not many emotional features yet, current competitors such as Adidas are considered
to bring emotional benefits such as creating a feeling of luxury and class. Emotional benefits are
one of the factors. important when products in this industry are loved by consumers
Currently, the technology level of the Vietnamese thick leather industry in general is at an
average or quite average level and Biti's Hunter is no exception, the passivity in raw material
sources, the localization rate on products only reaches 20 to 30%, so businesses will have
difficulty changing designs and prices
2.3.3 Opportunities
The advantage of being a purely Vietnamese brand helps Biti's Hunter develop based on the
national pride and self-esteem of the Vietnamese people. At the same time, it receives the
sympathy and attention of consumers with the ideology "Vietnamese people use Vietnamese
Biti's Hunter is also an "open" brand when it has launched many collections with the Biti's
Hunter Street shoe product line collaborating with Vietnamese artists since 2019. Furthermore,
they also update trends regularly like Marvel, Pepsi, or soccer star Lionel Messi, Vietnam
national soccer team. Many product lines carry bold Local Brands, inspired by Vietnamese
streets with colorful designs associated with familiar images to create a feeling of closeness.
Biti's Hunter's main target group is from 18 to 24 years old, including young, dynamic, open-
minded people who update trends,...
2.3.4 Threats
Biti's Hunter's products are mainly in the fashion sports shoe segment, which already has fierce
and fierce competition between "old-timers" such as Adidas, Nike, Reebok,... with a "foreign"
brand image. ” Luxurious, youthful, dynamic.
Not only do they have to compete with the big guys, but they also have to "fight" with brands
from neighboring China. They have strengths in raw materials, are quick to adapt to trends,
have diverse designs and Especially price is the strength. And not only shoes but also most
products on the Vietnamese market are labeled "Made in China".
It is also impossible to ignore Vietnamese footwear brands such as Vina Giay, Thuong Dinh,...
These are also brands with a long history and have won the trust of a part of consumers.
2.4 STP
2.4.1 Segmentation

Biti's Hunter targets specific customer segments within the broader Biti's brand audience.

Below is a breakdown of potential segmentation factors.


-Age: Mainly 15-25 years old, focusing on teenagers and young adults.

-Gender: Primarily unisex, although some collections may be slightly unisex.


-Lifestyle: Active and adventurous individuals who like sports, exploration and outdoor
activities will be the preferred choice for biti's hunter.

-Personality: Dynamic, ambitious, trend-conscious


-Brand awareness: Biti's Hunter is considered a trustworthy footwear brand because Biti's is a
famous brand so Biti's Hunter will affirm its position.

-Desired benefits: Comfort, durability, style when using Biti's hunter products and reasonable
price will be very popular with consumers.

2.4.2 Targeting
Biti's Hunter chooses to focus on:
Student group: This is a large potential customer group with a high demand for sports footwear
for daily activities such as going to school, going out, and joining sports clubs.
Young working people: This group also has a need for active, comfortable footwear for daily
activities and sports practice.
Today, young consumers want to express their style and personality through the brands they
use. And to attract customers' attention, BITI'S Hunter sports shoes with optimal features for
consumers were born.
To date, most of BITI'S products are aimed at middle-class and working-class customers. With a
price range of 500,000-1,000,000 VND (21.5 USD to 43 USD), BITI'S Hunter is the company's
product for the middle and upper classes, who are less price sensitive. Most lines will cost from
700,000 VND - 1,500,000 VND, for Collab lines (combined) with other brands, or limited editions
will have a higher price.
2.4.3 Positioning
Select “MORE FOR THE SAME” for positioning strategy:
BITI'S could attack the larger buying position of a competitor such as Nike or Adidas by
introducing a brand of comparable quality at a lower price.
The price of 650,000 VND for men and 495,000 VND for women is considered attractive
compared to the quality and creates a difference between Hunter and existing sports shoes on
the market.
BITI'S has made great use of social networks including Facebook and Instagram. Strategy
Good communication with good content, convincing messages, beautiful images and activities
Highly interactive has helped BITI'S have a common voice with young people. Many activities
Diverse online activities such as giving gifts, online sales, Uber Move (have a chance to receive
BITI'S Hunter shoes when traveling by Uber)
With the Hunter product, BITI'S is clearly aiming to conquer young customers (17-25).
Experiencing the feeling of "Light as flying" with Hunter is an activity that is extremely suitable
for the "modern - surprising - overcoming challenges" brand that BITI'S is aiming for.
Market segment: Price segment: mid-range, higher than other domestic brands such as Biti's,
Ananas, but lower than international brands such as Nike, Adidas. Customer segment: active
young people who love fashion and sports, especially Gen Z. Core values: Proud of Vietnam:
Biti's Hunter is a Vietnamese brand with more than 40 years of experience in the footwear
industry, always striving to bring high quality products that suit Vietnamese tastes. Quality: Biti's
Hunter uses advanced technology and high-quality materials to produce shoes, ensuring
durability and comfort for users.

2.5 Brand influences

2.5.1 Seek an origin
Products with traceability stamps: Biti's Hunter is currently applying origin traceability stamps to
certain products. This stamp contains a QR code, when scanned with a smartphone, consumers
will access detailed information about the product, including: origin of raw materials, place of
production, production process, etc.

Products are sold at official stores: When buying products at Biti's Hunter official stores, you can
be assured of the product's origin.
Products with clear information on the label: Biti's Hunter often provides full information about
the product's origin on the label, including: size, QR code, etc.
2.5.2 Customer loyalty

Quality: Famous for good product quality, high durability, using high-quality materials and
applying advanced production technology.

Design: Always updated with fashion trends. Function: Provides a comfortable experience for

Price: Reasonable price, competitive compared to other sports shoe brands on the market.

Brand: Long-standing and reputable in Vietnam, trusted and chosen by many people. Promotion:
Regularly deploy attractive promotions to attract customers.

External factors

Influencers: Biti's Hunter cooperates with many KOLs and celebrities who have great influence
on young people to promote products.

Advertising: Regularly carry out impressive advertising campaigns, attracting customers'


Store: Owns a nationwide distribution system, convenient for customers to shop and experience

Customer service: Professional, thoughtful customer service, supporting customers during the
process of purchasing and using products.

Biti's Hunter has succeeded in attracting and retaining customers thanks to an effective
combination of internal and external factors. Understanding these factors helps Biti's Hunter
continue to develop its brand and enhance its position in the market.

2.6 Factor responsible branding challenges

2.6.1 Brand proliferation
The footwear market is increasingly competitive with many new brands appearing.
Other footwear brands are also stepping up branding.
Biti's Hunter must compete to attract customers' attention and needs a differentiated strategy
to establish its competitive position.
2.6.2 Media transformation

The footwear market is increasingly competitive with many new brands appearing. Biti's Hunter
must compete to attract customers' attention.

Today's youth have diverse and rapidly changing needs and tastes, requiring brands to
continuously innovate and create.
Customers are increasingly concerned about product quality, price, brand, and shopping
2.7 Strategic brand management process
2.7.1 Identifying and developing brand
Biti's is the parent company of Biti's Hunter and has played a significant role in supporting the
establishment of Biti's Hunter's reputation. The parent company often provides resources,
expertise, and financial support for the development and promotion of the subsidiary brand.
This helps Biti's Hunter gain trust and credibility from customers, as well as access resources and
growth opportunities from a larger corporation.
2.7.2 Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs
Unique design style
Biti's Hunter often features unique and personalized designs, blending sporty styles with
modern fashion. This creates a difference in how products are presented and accessed by the
target customers.
Innovation and creativity
Biti's Hunter emphasizes the use of new technologies and advanced manufacturing methods to
create unique and modern products.
Market approach
The brand typically uses digital marketing channels and social media to reach young target
customers, fostering strong connections and building a vibrant fan community around the brand
The brand often creates highly personalized products, allowing customers to express their
individual style through customization of colors, materials, and other design elements.
2.7.3 Constant Innovation and Strategic Collaborations
Biti's Hunter x Marvel
Launched on the occasion of the premiere of "Avengers: Infinity War" (2018) attracted the
attention of Marvel fans.
Biti's Hunter x Pepsi
Collaborated with Pepsi to launch 2 versions related to football players Lionel Messi and Xuan
Truong, creating a great attraction for young people.
Brand positioning
Biti's Hunter affirms its position as a dynamic, creative and internationally trending Vietnamese
footwear brand.
Revenue growth: In the 3 years following the strategic collaborations, Biti's business situation
has continuously grown.
Biti's Hunter focuses on modern and personalized designs, reflecting the lifestyle and
preferences of young consumers. The products are designed to meet the daily needs of the
youth, including comfort, flexibility, and traction, suitable for active lifestyles and sports
Experience goods
Emotional & Social psychological
The products of Biti's Hunter can have several positive impacts on the psyche of young users.
Personalization and modern style instill confidence and reflect individual style. Overall, the
products provide them comfort, contributing to uplifting spirits and creating a sense of
happiness for young users
2.8 Risk management
2.8.1 Case study 1
Biti's Hunter's apology regarding Biti's Bloomin' Central product
Faced with the actions and aftershocks of both the fashion and creative community, as well as
customers, Biti's quickly apologized and took appropriate corrective measures to avert the crisis.
Biti's Hunter has cooperated many times with Viet Max to produce many collections with mixes
honoring Hanoi, Saigon as well as historical sites, all of which made a big splash and had
extremely positive sales. However, with the desire to portray the image of a talented, sharp and
honest Central region, the latest collection "Bloomin' Centrel" - "Flowers in Stone" with "1 pair
of shoes - 3 variations" has caused problems. controversy for the brand.

Domestic cultural materials are certainly no longer strange, from music to fashion. If in the past
our concept of beautiful images depended a lot on trends as well as a series of works from
abroad, now, what is most familiar and traditional is the most popular. Biti's clearly understands
the positive feedback of the market, diligently focuses on domestic art as well as shows its
willingness to cooperate with the system of Vietnamese designers, singers, and painters.
Next, Facebook account La Quoc Bao said that Biti's uses cheap brocade fabric sold on Taobao,
Hangzhou nylon brocade fabric is very popular in making low-priced souvenirs. This type of
brocade is inherently an "instant noodle" design, machine-woven jacquard with average quality
and low durability and once again commits cultural appropriation, as well as not truly honoring
"Proudly made" products. in Vietnam", and especially taking "Central inspiration" as Biti's said
in the promotional campaign.
On the afternoon of October 12, Biti's quickly responded on its Fanpage about errors in the
production and communication of new products and expressed a sincere and straightforward
2.8.2 Case study 2
Customers demand to boycott Biti's because the advertisement "smears" Da Lat
In response to criticism, instead of removing the film, Biti's only pledged to stop advertising the
film in all media. However, many people quickly recognized the video posted on Son Tung MTP's
Youtube channel, so the video continued to spread widely. "Personally, I think stopping
promotional activities is not enough, we need to delete this short film from all media to show
our spirit of knowing wrong and correcting it!", Nhut Minh Tran commented.
Previously, the video was criticized for recording a group of young people's journey to leave a
mark in Da Lat. This group of young people painted their shoes and left their footprints at many
famous places in Da Lat such as: Quang Nam. school, pine forest, Da Lat children's palace...
This action was considered unsightly and propagated a message of sabotage and defamation of
Da Lat. In particular, the video has the appearance of Son Tung MTP - the male singer with the
largest number of fans at the moment - so many people are also worried that many young
people will follow their idol.
On her personal page, Biti's media representative shared her apology, affirming that she would
never create a scandal for marketing purposes.


A valuable brand is a combination of many factors, the achievements that a business creates
throughout its operations, and a valuable brand reflects the core needs of customers to
have Building a successful brand that is known by many consumers is extremely difficult,
requiring a process of research and analysis of customer needs while also receiving constant
creativity from a brand's brand managers. Brands that can be deeply engraved in the minds
of consumers will stimulate the ability to consume the business's products, creating prestige
and trust for customers when using the product.


Website Biti’s

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