Python Syllabus

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Python Programming

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]

(Effective from the Academic Year 2022-23)
As Per NEP 2020


Course Code 22BCA41 CIE Marks 50

Number of Lecture
03 SEE Marks 50
Total Number of
42 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts of Python Programming Language.
 To make students understand Python Program Control, Function, Lists in Python.
 To make students understand Working With Databases with Python Programming.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying,

L4 – Analyzing, L5 – Evaluating, and L6 – Creating
Teaching RBT
Module 1 Hours Levels
Introduction to Python: - What is Python, Reasons for popularity, what sets
python apart? what can be done using python? who use python today, python
resources, programming paradigms, functional programming model,
procedural programming model, object-oriented programming model, event-
driven programming model.
Python Basics: - Python specification, Working with Python, Identifiers and
Keywords, Python Types, Integer & float Ranges, Variable type and
assignments, arithmetic Operators, Operators Precedence, Conversions,
8Hrs L3,L4,
Built-in Functions, Library Functions. Python Type Jargon, Comments &
Indentations, Multi-lining
Strings: - What are string? Accessing string elements, string properties,
string operations.
Decision Control Instructions: - Decision Control Instructions, Logical
operators, conditional expressions.
Repetition control instruction: - repetition control instruction, Usage of
while and for, break & continue, pass statement.

Module 2
Console input/output: - console input & output, formatted printing
Lists: - What are Lists? Accessing List elements, basic list operations, list
methods, list varieties,
Tuples: - What are tuples? more way to create tuples, accessing tuple L1,L2,
elements, tuple operations, tuple verities, 8Hrs L3,L4,
Sets: - What are sets? accessing set elements, set operations, set methods, L5,L6
mathematical set operations, updating set operations,
Dictionaries: - What are Dictionaries? Accessing Dictionary elements,
Dictionary operations, Dictionary methods, nested Dictionary,

Module 3
Comprehensions: - What are Comprehensions? List Comprehensions, set 8Hrs L1,L2,
Comprehensions, dictionary Comprehensions. L3,L4,
Functions- Communication with Functions, Types of Arguments, Unpacking L5,L6
Recursion: - Recursive functions, recursive factorial functions, Types of
recursions, recursion limit.
Functional Programming: - Functional Programming, Functions as First-
class values, Lambda functions, Higher order functions, Map, Filter, Reduce,
map () function, filter function (), reduce () function, Using Lambda with
map (), filter (), reduce (), Where are they useful?
Modules & Packages: - The main module, multiple modules, importing a
module, Variations of import, Search sequence, Same code different
interpretation, Packages, Third-Party Packages.

Module 4
Namespaces: - Symbol table, Namespaces, globals(), locals(), where to use
them, Inner functions, Scope & LEGB rule.
Classes & Objects: - Programming Paradigms, What are Classes & Objects,
Public & Private members, Class declarations & object creation, Object
initialization, class variable & methods, vars() and dir() functions, vars() and
dir() with classes and Objects.
intricacies of class and objects: - identifier naming convention, calling
functions and methods, operator overloading, Which operators to overload,
Everything is an object, Limiting a structure, type conversion.

iterators and generators: - iterables and iterators, zip() function, Iterators,

User-defined iterators, Generators, Which to use when?, Generators
L1, L2,
10Hrs L3, L4,
Exception Handling: - What may go wrong? Syntax Errors, Exceptions,
how to deal with Exceptions? How to use try - except? Nuances of try and
except, else block, finally block, Exception Handling tips

File Input/Output: - I/O System, File I/O, Read/Write Operations, File

Opening Modes, with keyword, Moving within a file, Serialization and
Deserialization, sterilization of user defined types, File and directory

Multi-threading: - Types of Concurrencies, types of multi-threading, When

to use concurrency, Thread Properties, Lunching Threads, Passing
Parameters to a Thread.

Module 5
Database Design in Python - Structure, Objectives, Introduction to a
database, Advantages of a database over a file system Database model -
Hierarchical model, Network model, Relational model, Introduction to
SQL- Features of SQL Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation
Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Transactional Control
8Hrs L3,L4,
Statement (TCL), Types of databases used in Python Introduction to the
SQLite Manager, Features of the SQLite Manager
Database programming connecting the SQLite Manager-Creating a table,
inserting records in the tables, Update records in a table, deleting records
from the database, Getting records from the table

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
 Gain the basic concepts & programming hands-on with Python Programming.
 Basics of SQL quires.
 Working Database connectivity with Python Programming.
Question Paper Pattern
The Question Paper will have Ten Questions.
There will be two questions from each module.
Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Text Books:
1. Let Us Python By Yashavant Kanetkar & Aditia Kanetkar, BPB PUBLICATIONS, FIRST
EDITION 2019 Copyright © BPB Publications, INDIA , ISBN : 978-93-8851-156-8
2. Python Made Simple By Rydhmberi , First Edition 2019 ,Bpb Publications, India
3. Python Programming - Using Problem Solving Approach First Edition (English, Paperback,
Thareja Reema) Publisher: OUP India
4. Taming Python By Programming (English, Paperback, Jeeva Jose),Publisher: Khanna
Books, 1st Edition
5. Programming in Python 3 (English, Paperback, Summerfield Mark),Publisher: Pearson
Education India, 1st Edition.
6. Python For Every Body Exploring Data In Python3,By Charles Severance, SPD Publication

References Books:
1. Data Science Using Python and R (English, Hardcover, Larose Chantal D.), Publisher: John
Wiley and Sons Ltd.
2. Learning Python (English, Paperback, Lutz Mark), Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA,4th

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