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Operating System Concepts

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]

(Effective from the Academic Year 2021-22)
As Per NEP 2020


Course Code 21BCA43 CIE Marks 50

Number of Lecture
03 SEE Marks 50
Total Number of
42 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts of Operating System, process, threads, memory, file system.
 To make students learn Operating System structure, process scheduling, memory
management and deadlocks.
 To make students understand the various algorithms or methods used for process
scheduling, virtual memory management, disk scheduling.
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying,
L4 – Analyzing, L5 – Evaluating, and L6 - Creating
Teachin RBT
Module 1 g Levels
Introduction – Definition, user view, system view, computer system
organisation – computer system operation, storage structure, I/O structure,
computer system architecture – single processor systems, multiprocessor L1,L2,
systems, clustered systems. 08 L3,L4,
System Structures – Operating system services, user operating system L5
interface, system calls, types of system calls, operating system structure –
simple structure, layered approach, microkernels.
Module 2
Process management – Process, process state, process control block,
operations on processes – process creation, process termination,
interprocess communication – introduction, shared memory system,
message passing systems.
10 L3,L4,
Process scheduling – Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, scheduling
algorithms – First Come First Served scheduling(FCFS), Shortest Job
Scheduling, Priority scheduling, Round Robin Scheduling.

Module 3
Multithreaded programming – Overview, motivation, benefits,
multithreading models, threading issues – The fork() and Exec() system
calls, cancellation, signal handling, thread pools.
08 L3,L4,
Deadlocks – Introduction, deadlock characterization, methods for handling
deadlocks – deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, recovery from
Module 4
Memory management – Background, basic hardware, address binding,
logical Vs physical address space, dynamic loading, contiguous memory L1,L2,
allocation – memory mapping and protection, memory allocation, 08 L3,L4,
fragmentation. Paging basic methods, virtual memory management – L5
background, demand paging, basic concepts.
Module 5
File System – File concept, file attributes, file operations, file types. File
access methods – Sequential access, direct access. File protection – types of L1,L2,
access, access control. Secondary storage structure – magnetic disk, 08 L3,L4,
magnetic tapes, disk structure, disk scheduling. Disk management – disk L5
formatting, boot block, bad blocks.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1. Gain the basic knowledge of operating system concepts.
CO2. Understand How processes are created and scheduled in the operating system and how
memory is allocated to processes and problems associated during process execution.
CO3. Develop an application by considering operating system structure and operations.
CO4. Gain the basic knowledge of memory management.
CO5. Understand the how the file systems are created, attributes and operations etc, associated
With secondary storage structure.
Question Paper Pattern
The Question Paper will have Ten Questions.
There will be two questions from each module.
Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Operating System Principles, A Silberschatz, P Galvin, G Gagne, Wiley India
Publication, 7E
2. Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Pearson
Publication, 6E
3. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan , Johannes Gehrke , McGraw-Hill
4. Introduction to operating system, I A Dhotre, 1st Edition.
Reference books:
1. Operating system concepts, Abraham Silberschatz Peter bare Galvin, greg gagne 9th
Edition, Wiley publication .
2. Operating system concepts, Ekta walia, 2nd Edition.

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