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-:Generic & trade name of sulphonylureas

."Chloropropamide = " Diabenase

."Glibenclamide = " Daonll & Euglocon
."Gliclazide = "Dimicron
."Gliplzide = "Minidiab
"Tolbutamide = "Rasthone
."Acetohexamide = "Dmior

-:Generic & trade name of biguanide

."Mellormin = " Glucophage & melbin

-:Generic & trade names of non-sedative anti-histaminc

"Astemizole = "Hismanal
."Tefanadine = "Toldane & trilludane

-:Antispasmodic drugs generic & trade names

."Hyoscine N-Butylbromide = "Buscopan & spasmopan
."Propanthelline Bromide = "Pro-banthena
."Mebeverone H-Cl = "Duspataline
."Pipermint-Oil = "Colpermin

NSAIDs generic & trade name

."Acetylsalicylic acid = " aspirin
."Ibuprofen = "Brufen & Fenbid
."Diclophenac sodium = " Voltaren
."Fenbufen = " Cinopal
."Indomethacin = "Indocid
."Ketoprofen = " profenid & oruvall
."Nabumetone = "Rellfex
."Naproxen = " naprosyn & Proxen
."Phenylbutazone = "Tecinil
."Piroxicam = " Feldene
."Tenoxicam = " TILCOTIL

-:Anti-malarial drugs generic & trade name

."Chloroquine = "Malarex & Resochin
."Primaquine = "Primaquine
."Pyrimethamine = "Daraprim
."Pyrimethamine + sulphadoxine = "Fansidar

."Praziquantel (Bultricide) is used for treatment of ----------- "Bilharsiasis

Effective against --- "S. Mansoni & S. Haematobium" i.e effective against all types of
."Schistosomes and dose = --- "40 mg/kg/day

."Vansil" is effective against S. Mansoni only & dose is "15 mg/kg/day"

.Uses of gentian violet (Crystal violet):- antiseptic and skin disinfectant

The concentration of crystal violet paint is :- 0.5 % acoording to B.P. 1980 and 1%
.according to U.S.P. 1985
.I.N.H. is abbreviation of Isoniazide or Isonicotinic acid hydrazide

.Nalidixic acid is used for U.T.I and is effective against GM –VE bact

-:Mention three names for mucolytic drugs

.Bromohexine H-Cl

-:Give generic name of Expectorant drugs

.Ammonium chloride

-:Generic names of cough sedatives


."What is the concentration of mercurochrome solution:- "2%

?What is the differences between retard and enteric coated tablets

Retard tablet= are thoses tablets which are coated with thin layer of different
.kinds of coating agents which make the active constituents sustained release
Enteric coated tablets= are those tablets which are dissoluted in the intestine
.and are not affected by stomach juices. E.g anthelmentics

-:Mention the generic & trade names of (5) O.T.C drugs

."Paracetamol = " panadol
."Ascorbic acid = "Redoxon
."Hyoscine N-Butylbromide = "Buscopan
."BromohexinE-HCl = "bisolvon
."Pentoxlverine = "toclase

-:Contraindication of propranolo
.Bronchial asthma
.Partial heart block
.Heart failure

-:For hypertensive pregnant woman, we can only use

"Alphamethyl dopa = "Aldomet
."Atenolol = " tenormin

.Dapsone is the drug of choice of ---- Leprosy

.Antidote of paracetamol toxicity is---- acetylcysteine or methonine

.Antidote of opoid toxicity is ----------- Naloxone

.Antidote of iron toxicity is desferrioxamine

-:Antidote of cyanide toxicity is


.Antidote of copper and lead toxicity is ---- penicillamine

Antidote of heavy metals toxicity (e.g. antimony, arsenic, bismuth, gold & mercury) is
.--- Dimercaprol

.Antidote of warfarin toxicity is ---- Vit-K

.Antidote of insulin & oral hypoglycemics is ---- Dextrose

-:Mention generic & trade name of "4" Quinolones

."Ciprofloxacin = "Ciprobay
."Norfloxacin = "Noroxin
."Nalidixic acid = " Negram
."Pefloxacin = "Peflacin
."Ofloxacin = " Tarivid

-:Cotrimoxazole is a mixture of
.Trimethoprim ration 1
.Sulphamethoxazole to 5

-:Generic name of "4" Macrolides

."Erythromycin = " Erythrocin
."Clarithromycin = "Kiacid
."Roxithromycin = " Rulid
."Spiramycin = "Rovamycin

-:Mention "7" generic & trade names of Aminoglycosides

."Amikacin = "Amikin
."Gentamycin = "Cidomycin & Garamycin
."Kanamycin = "Kantrex & Kanacyn
."Neomycin-sulphate = "Myelfradin
."Streptomycin = "streptocid
."Tobramycin = "Nebsin
."Aminosidine sulphate = "Gabroral

-: Sulphonyl-ureas actions are

.Stimulation of insulin secretion from B-cells of pancrease
.Depression of glucagon secretion by alpha cells of pancease
.Increase number of insulin receptors

.Short-acting sulphonyl-urea is ----- Tolbutamide and Gliclazide

.Long acting sulphonyl-urea is --- Chlorpropamide and Gilbenciamide

.Sodium cromoglycate is used as --- prophylaxis of asthma

-:Mention one drug of each

.B1- Agonist = Adrenaline. Isoprenaline. Ociprenaline
."adrenaline, medihalor, alupent "
B2- Agonist = Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Fenotrol
.ventolin, bricanyl, berotec "
.Selective B1-Agonist = Dobutamine, Dopamine

------Toxicity overdose of digoxin will cause

.Cardiac arrhythmia
.Mental confusion
.Nausea & vomiting
.Visual disturbances

-:Mention one drug of each

-:First generation cephalosporins
."Cephalexin "Keflex
."Cephradin "Velocef
."Cephadroxil " Ultracef

-:Second generation cephalosporins

."Cefuroxime axetil "Zinnat
"Cofactor " ceclor

-:Third generation
."Cefotaxime "Claforan
."Ceftazidime " Fortum
."Ceftizoxime " Fortum
."Cefodizime " Fortum
."Cefexime " Suprax

-:Differences between Cream & Ointment

Ointment Cream
.Greasy W/O emulsion .Non-greasy O/W emulsion
.Used for dehydrated skin .Used for any skin type
.High penetration power .Low-penetration power
.Non-washable .Washable

."Lopid's active constituents is --- "Gemfibrozil 300 mg

Zidovudine is used for management of advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus
.(.causes such as Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome i.e. (H.I.V. or A.I.D.S

-----Mention oral anti-emetic used in emergency room

."Metocloperamide = "Primpran and plasil
."Chlorpromazine = " Largactil
."Promethazine = "Phenergan
."Dimenhydrate = "Dramamine

-:Cytotec (Misopristol) is ---- prostaglandin E1 analogue and is used for

.Gastric and Duodenal ulcers treatment
.Prophylaxis from NSAIDs induced gastric ulcers

-: Disadvantages of
.Aminoglycosides = nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity
Tetracyclines = deposited in growing bone and teeth combined with calcium
.causing staining of teeth and dental hypoplasia
.Erythromycin = cholestatic jaundice under 12 years old
.Chloramphenicol = gray syndrome and aplastic anemia

-:Contraindication of aminoglycosides
.Fetal eight nerve damage
.Myasthenia gravies

.Capoton causes --- hyperkalemia (increase K level in the blood). i.e. decrease potassium excretion

.I.N.H is the abbreviation of Iso-Nicotinic acid Hydralazine

."Hydralazine (apresoline) acts as – direct vasodilator "antihypertensive

-:A.C.E.I. drugs are

."Captopril = "Capoten
."Enalapril = "Renitec
."Eisinopril = "Zestril
."Perindopril = "Coversyl
."Quinapril = "Acuitel
."Cilazapril = "Inhibase

.(Generic names of ( Natrilex, Becotide, Persantin) = (Indapamide, Beclomethazone, Dipyridamole

-:"Give the uses of Inderal "propranolol

.Cardiac arrythmias
.Prevention of angina attacks
.Prophylaxis from migraine
.Control of anxiety and anxiety-tachycardia
-:Drugs contraindicated during pregnancy include
."Clomiphen-citrate = "Clomid
."Salicylates = " Aspirin
."Corticosteroids = "Dep[o-medrol
."Mesopristol = " Cytotec
."Aminoglycosides = "Garamycin
."Tamoxifen = "Nolvadex
.Oral anticoagulants

-:Uses of metronidazole
.Treatment of amoebiasis
.Trichomonas Vaginalis
.Pseudomembranous colitis

-:Antibiotic used twice daily

."Cefuroxime Axetil = "Zinnat
."Roxithromycoine = "Rulid
."Norfloxacin = "Noroxin
."Ciprofloxacin = "Ciprobay
."Clarithromycin = "Klacid

-:Side effects of sulphonyl-ureas

.GIT disturbances
.Sensitivity disorders

-:Give (1) caution and (2) contraindication of sulphonyl-ureas

.Hepatic & renal impairment because of the hazard of hypoglycemia

-:First generation of sulphonyl-ureas

."Tolbutamide = "Rastinon
."Chlorpropamide = "Diabenase
."Acetohexamide = "Dimelor

-:Second generation sulphonyl-urea

."Glibenclamide = "Daonil & Euglocon
."Gliclazide = "Diamicron
."Glipizide = "Minidiav

-:Generic & trade names of anti-fungal drugs

"Griseofulvin = "Fucin
."Itraconazole = "Sporanox
."Ketoconazole = "Nizoral
."Miconazole = "Dctarin
."Nystatin = "Mycostatin
."Bifonazole = "Mycospor
."Naftifine = "Exodril
."Clotrimazole = "Cansten
."Econazole = "Pevaryl
."F;uconazole = "Diflocan

-:B-blockers used in Glaucoma

."Timolol = "Timptol
."Betaxolol = "Betopic

-:B1 and B2 antagonista

."Propranolol = "Inderal
."Oxyprenolol = "traslcor
."Pindolol = "Visken
."Timolol = "Timptol
."Nadolol = "Cogard
."Stotalol = "Cogard

-:(B1 selective blockers (Cardio-selectiv

."Atenolol = "Tenormin
."Betaxolol = "Betoptic
."Bisoprolol = "Concor
."Metoprolol = "Lopressor
."Acebutolol = "sectral

"Mention alpha & beta blocker :- Labetalol = "Trandate

."Mention selective alpha-1 adrenergic blocker:- Prazocin = "Minipress

.Give main side effects of I.N.H. :- peripheral neuropathy

-:B-Lactamase stable penicillins are

."Cloxacillin = "Orbenin
."Fluclcoxacillin = "Floxapen
."Methicillin = "Methicillin

-:Generic & trade names of water soluble vitames

."Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) = "Redoxon
."Pyridoxine (Vitamiine B6) = " Benadon
."Thiamin (Vitamin B1) = "Benerva
."Riboflavin (vitamin B12) = "Benerva
."Cyanocopalamoine (vit. B12) = "Benerva

-:Generic & trade names of Oil "fat" soluble vitames

.(Retinol (vit. A
."Ergocalciferol (vit. D2) = "Calciferol
.(Cholecalciferol (vit. D3) "Alphacalcidol" (one-alpha
.(Tochopherol (vit. E)= " alpha-tochopherol-acetate" (Ephynal
."Phytomonadlone (vit. K1) = "Konakion

-:Generic & trade names of thiazide diuretics

."Chlorothaiazide = "Saluric
."Hydrochlorothiazide = "Esidrex
."Chlorthalidone = "Hygerton
."Indapamide = "Natrilox
."Hydroflumethiazide = "Natrilox

-:Side effects of thiazide diuretics

.Hypercalcemia & impotence
.Hypernatraemia & hyperuricemia
.Increase plasma cholesterol

-:False or true
.(Eurax lotion can be used as O.T.C. (false
.(Idoxuridine is used as antiviral (true
.(Primidone (Mysoline) can be used as antimalarial (false

-:Ephedrine is sympathomimetic drug directly stimulat alpha and beta receptors, so, it act as
.Increase force of cardiac muscle contraction
.Increase cardiac output
.Increase heart rate

."Mephenamic acid is contraindicated in – "Peptic ulcer

.(Metamucil is contraindicated in – (intestinal obstruction

Dobutamine (Dobutrex) and dopamine are cardiac stimulants and act on B1 receptors in cardiac
.muscles (B1 Agonist) they are used in – he case of cardiogenic shock

Catapress generic name is --- (clonidine) antihypertensive acting centrally by --- depressing the
.vasomotor tone

.Tavigyl (Clemastine) is antihistaminc, H1 selective antagonist

.Trade name of dipyridamole is – persantin

-:Generic name of anti-T.B. drugs


.".Main use of Digitalis in the treatment of --- congestive heart failure " C.H.F

.Generic name of Zyloric or Zyloprim is ----- Allopurinol

.Propranolol and cimetidine may induce --- impotence

-:Generic name of loop or high celling diuretics

."Frusemide = "Lasix
."Bumetanide = "Burinex
."Ethacrinic acid = "Burinex

:Side effects of anticholinergic drugs

Dry mouth - Dilation of the pupil with loss of accommodation-swallowing difficulty
Thirsty –increase intraocular pressure –flushing –dry skin-Bradycardia followed by
.tachycardia-palpitation and arrhythmias-urine retention-constipation

(Contraindication of anticholinergic drugs is … (closed angle Glaucoma

Zovirax (Acyclovir) is active against Herpes viruses but it doesn't eradicate them. It is
effective only if started at the onset of infection, it inhibits viral D.N.A polymerase
.enzyme which is responsible for D.N.A replication

;Generic names of antiviral are

Acyclovir 2-Famclclovir 3-Amantadine hydrochloride 4-Idoxuridine-1
Inosine Pranobex 6-Zidovudine 7-Didanosine 8-Ganclclovir 9-Foscarnet sodium-5

(Sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam) is used for …(Leishmaniasis

The treatment of choice for Toxoplasmosis is …. The combination of Pyrimethamine

.and Sulphadiazine or Sulphadoxine

Spiramycin "Rovamycin is used if Toxoplasmosis is acquired in pregnancy

:( Drugs used for thread worms (pinworms, Entroblus or vermucularis

"Mebendazole "Vermox
"Piperazine "Antepar
'Pyrantel "Combantrin

-:(Ascarides (against common round worm infection

" Levamisole H-CL = " Ketrax

.Niclosamide "Yomosan " used for treatment of……… Taenia

(( Antidote for propanolol toxicity is:- (( Adrenaline- Isopronaline-Atropine

.(Specific antidote for Strychnine is …..(Mephensine

-:Parlodel (Bromocriptin) is used for

Suppression of lactation by inhibiting prolactin release #
Treatment of Galactorrhoea #
Benign breast tumors #
Inhibit the release of growth hormones #
Parkinsonism #Actomegally # Infertility # Male hypogonadism #

(Use of Clomphen-Citrate is for…….. (Anovulatory infertility

(The anti-estrogen hormones ……….. (Clomlphen and Tamoxifen

Gonadotrophin release by occupying estrogen receptors in the Hypothalamus

.Carbimazole "Neomerazole" is used for …..Hyperthyroidism

.Cautions for use are pregnancy, breast feeding, Goiter
.Other anti-thyroid drug is propythiouracil

"Anti-androgen (Androgen antagonist) is…Cyproterone acetate "Androcure

.Uses in male: Hyper-sexually and prostatic cancer
Uses in female: Hirsulism and acne

:Generic and trade names of sedative anti-histaminics

"Chloropheneramine maleate "Anallerge and Polaramin
"Pheneraimine maleate "Avil
"Clemastine "Tavegyl
"Cyproheptadine "Periactin
"Dimenhydrinate "Dramamine
"Dimethindone "Fenistil
"Hydroxyzine "Atrax
"Ketotifen "zaditon
"Mequitazen "Primatan

:Uses of anti-histaminic
Allergic Rhinitis 2-Allergic rashes, purities and insect bites 3-Motion sickness-1

:Mention generic names of anti-arrythmic drugs

))Supraventricular arrhythmia((
Digoxin -Verapamil -Adenosine-#
Both ventirecular and supraventricular arrythmias
Amiodarone"cordarone" – Disopyramide "Rhythmodan" –Procainamide #
:Both ventricular arrythmias
.Bryllium-Lignocaine-Mexlletin"Mexitill"-Phenytoin-Propaphenome-Tocamide #
:What are the Uses of Diazepenes
. Relief of anxiety and insomnia-1
Adjuvant therapy in Alcoholism withdrawal-2
(Pre-operative (pre-Anaesthetic medicine-3
sedative, Anti-depressant and Hyponotics– 4

:Toxicity sympotoms of paracetamole are

.Liver damage 2- Renal damage 3-Acute hemolytic anemia-1
:Lipid lowering drugs
"Cholestyramine-------- "Questran #
"Cloflbrate ------------ "Atromids #
"Gemflbrozil-- --------"Lepid #
"Benzaflbrate----------"Bezalip #
"Probucol--------------"Luselle #
"Simvastin-------------"Zocor #

Cholestyramine is used for Hyperlipidemia &Hypercholesrolemia and contraindicated

.in complete Dietary obstruction

Quinine is used as Antimalarial; it has schizonticidal effect and effective against

.gametocytes of plasmodium

Methotraxate is used for malignant tumers treatment and as immunosuppressant, it is

antimerabolites , inhibits the enzyme Dihydrofolate Reductase which is essential for
.synthesis of purines and pyrimidines

:Cautions for the uses of salbutamol

1-Hypersensitivity to Salbutamol
patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis-2
.During first trimester of pregnancy -3

:Spironolactone is used in the cases of

Hypertension 2- oedema in addition to thlazide -1
liver cirrhosis 4- Congestive Heart Failure 5-Primary Aldosteronism-3

: Contraindication of Spironolactone uses

Hyperkalemia 2- Renal insufficiency 3-Peptic Ulcer-1

:Drugs which induce D.M. syndrome

Adrenalin 2-Thytoxin 3-Glucagon hormone 4-Cortocosteroids-1
.(Oral contraceptive 6- Growth hormone 7-Frusemide (loop diuretics -5

These drugs are contraindicated with Cimetidine because of drug-drug interaction and
:((mention reason for ((D.D.I
Theophyllin 2-Digoxin 3-Codeine 4-Warfarin 5-Atenoiol-1
Because it (Cimetidine) inhibits the liver microsomal enzymes (P-450), causing an
.increase in the concentration of these drugs in blood, and toxicity

..……… Theophyllin +Erythromycin) is contraindicated because) # #

Erythromycin inhibits liver enzymes therefore, decrease metabolism of Theophyllin,
.therefore, the conc. Of theophylline will be increased, therefore toxicity can take place

.……Aldactone (Spironolactone) +Capoten (Captopril) is contraindicated because # #

Captopril increases Aldactone secretion therefore increases potassium conc., therefore,
.……Furosemide +Aminoglycosides) is contraindicated because) # #
.Both potentiate Nephritoxic and Ototoxic effects

.Furosemide + Antibiotic ) combination can cause Hypoglycecia ) # #

Serum Vaccine
Fluid contains antibodies isolated from Attenuated M.O. or viruses when
animals injected enhances antibodies formation
(( contain antigen

Co-amoxiclay trade name is ((Augmentin)) ,it is formulated as

.Potassium Clavulanate-2
The effect of Clavulanate is the inhibition of B-lactamase enzyme therefore increases the
.activity of Amoxycillin by making it free attacking the bacteria

:Drugs used in Ulcerative colitis are

((Sulphasalazino ((salazopyrino-1
((Mesalazine ((Asacol-2
(( Prednisolone ((Prednisone-3

:Types of insulin preparation

.soluble (regular) insulin , short duration of action and rapid onset -1
.intermediate insulin (N.P.H.)e.g. Isophane insulin and insulin zinc suspension-2
long duration and slow onset e.g.Humen Ultratard-3

; Laxative drugs are classified as

: bulk forming laxatives #
(bran (Fybranta , Proctofibe-1
(Ispagula Husk (Metamucil-2
(Sterculla (Normacol-4
: Stimulant laxatives #
(Bisacodyl (Dolcolax -1
-:fecal softers#
Arachis oil 2-paraffin oil-1
-:Osmotic laxatives #
Magnesium salt 2-lactulose-1

:Interaction of Warfarin
:Drugs which inhibit the action of warfarin #
Enzyme induction that increases the degradation of Dicumarol therefore decreases-1
.action of Dicumarol. e.g. Barbiturates ,Rifampicin and Griseofulvin
.Inhibition of G.I.T. absorption e.g. cholestyramine-2
Increase of the level of vit.K e.g.adminstration of vitamins -3

:Drugs which enhance the action of warfarin #

. Enzyme inhibition e.g.Allopurinol ,Cimetidine and chloramphenicol-1
.Inhibit vit. K synthesis by intestinal flora e.g.oral antibiotics-2
.Inhibit vit.K absorption e.g. Liquid paraffin -3

.O.R.S (oral dehydrating solution) is the first choice of acute severe Diarrhea

.( Generic name of fansidar is ….(sulphadoxine 500mg +pyremethamine 25mg

:Generic names of Antiparkinsonial drugs are

:Dopamineric drugs#
.Co-Beneldopa (Benserazide +Levodopa) e.g. Madopar-2
.Co-carledopa (Carbldopa + Levodopa) e.g. Sinemet-3
. Bromocriptine e.g. Pariodel -4
(Benzhexol (Artane-1
(Bentropine (Cogentin-2
(Biperden (Akeniton-3

;Contraindication of Aspirin
peptic ulcer 2- pregnancy 3-renal failure-1
liver cirrhosis 5-Brochial Asthma 6-anemia-4

:((Uses of phenytoin ((Epanutin

in Epilepsy as antiepliptic-1
.Migraine -3

:Give the meaning of the following abbreviations

M.R. : Modified Release
F.C : Film coated
N.I.D.D.M : Non insulin Dependant Diabetes Militius
S.G.P.T. : Serum Glutamic pyruvate Transaminase
S.G.O.T : Serum Glutamic oxalic Transaminase
H.G.H : Human Growth Hormone
H.P.L.C. : High Pressure liquid chromatography
V.L.D.L. : Very Low Density Lipoprotein
H.D.L : High density Lipoprotein
H.C.G. : Human Chorionic Gonadotrophic Hormone
F.S.H :Follicle stimulating Hormones
C.S.F : Cerebrospinal fluids

?What is the source of H.C.G.and what are its uses

.The source is the urine of pregnant women
:Indication are
. tratment of oligospermia-1
stimulate endogenous testosterone production e.g.pregnyl &profassl-2
; What is the source of F.S.H.? What are its indications
.The source is the urine of postmenoposal women
.It is indicated in the treatment of infertility of females
e.g. Menotropin ((Humegon and pergonal))both are L.H +F.S.H (( urofollitrofin ,

.( Triple-sulpha is ….. Sulpha (-Dimedine + -Guanidine + -Diazine

:Drugs used in the treatment of Brucellosis are

Streptomycin by the dose of 1 gm daily for 3 weeks -1
.Tetracyclin by the dose of 250 mg, 4 times daily for 3 weeks-2

:Complete the following

.Depaquin is a trade name of ……..Valporic acid -1
Dinopostone is a name of ………..prostaglandin -2
Azetronam is an antibacterial acting against ……. GM –ve bacteria -3
Pancronium is …………. Short acting insulin-4

To preserve most hormones and vaccines you should keep in a temperature of 2-8 C to
.prevent its distruction

;Digitalis toxicity can be detected by

.plasme digitalis concentration detection-1
R.B.Cs 3- salivary electrolytes-2

:Insulin can be given I.V. only in the cases of

.Dibetic Ketoacidosis-1
.Diabetic coma-3

:Advantages of human insulin are

-No insulin body tolerance 1
No allergic reaction -2

:Dose of cortisone in cerebral oedema is

Initial does of 10 mg I.V. then 4mg I.M every 6 hours for 2-10 days

:Side effects of Allopurinol are

G.I.T disturbance-3
.A plastic anemia -6

-:Uses of allopurinol
Gout prophylaxis
Treatment of Hyperuricemia
:Complete the following interactions
-Allopurinol + chlorproppamide)----------------------- Hypoglycemic action 1)
Allopurinol + cumarin )----------increase of the action of cumarin by inhibition of liver) -2
. microsomal enzymes
Allopurinol + cytotoxic drugs) --------------------Effects of) -3
. Azathlopyrine,Cyclophosphamide and Mercaptopurine) enhanced thus increase toxicity)

: Contraindications of Allopurinol are

pregnancy 2-Gastritis 3-Acute Gout 4-liver impairment-1

: A precautions for the use of Allopurinol is

Acute attack of Gout occur in early treatment, colchicines or anti-inflammatory should #
be administrated

Bioavailability is ….. (The pharmacological activity of the drug and its receptor following
.the drug administration

-: What is the meaning of

Analgesic: remover of the pain
(.Antipyretic: remover of the fever (high temp
.Sedative: make analgesic effect and remove excitability
.Tranquillizer: remover of anxiety
.Hypnotics: those drugs which induce sleepiness

(Nicotine poisoning is treated by …..(KMNO4 solution of 1\10,000 concentration

:Define Antiseptic and Disinfectant

.Antiseptic: is a substance which kills or prevent the growth of M.O. in lying tissues
Disnfectant: is a substance which destroys M.O. and prevent infections .e.g. alcohol,

:Give the meaning of these Latin prescription abbreviations

A.C. : Before meals
P.C. : After meals
P.R.M . If necessary
T.I.D : three times daily
Q.I.D. : Four times daily
B.I.D. : Two times daily
P.O. : Orally
B.T.I.D. : Two or three times daily
B.C.R : British comparative rate
C.N.S : central nervous system
A.C.T.H. : Adenocorticotrophic hormone

Antacids decrease the activity of............. 1- Digitalis

N.S.A.I.D.s -3
.if coadminstered with it

.Cimetidine increases plasma concentration of Diazepam and therefore increases its toxicity
Reparll contains 20 mg of amorphous Aesin, and used in legs, ulcers ,odeama , Hemorrhoids
and varicose veins

. Absolute bioavailability means ……. That 100% of drug is reached to the site of action

:Physiological factors that affect bioavailability are

P.H 2-protein biniding 3- liver and kidney function -1

……Mention 7 drugs which are contraindicated in liver disease

((Methyltestosterone (( Rulid-1
((Erythromycin (( Largactil-2
((carbimazole (( Neomercazole-3

: Uses of cortisone
.Acute heart block , Hydrocortisone I.V -1
. Bronchial asthma ,prednisclone reduce the response of antigen-antibody reaction-2
.Anti-inflammatory 4-Acute Gout 5-Hemolytic anemia-3
Rheumatic arthiritis-6
. shock and emergency-7

Liver cirrhosis means Enlargement of the liver and its cells and tissue becomes
. sponge like tissue

.Ubretid is ………. Distijmine bromide

: Mention 2 major side effects of Quinolones

bone marrow depression -1
Epileptic tremors and convulsions-2

:Mention 2 contraindications of Quinoiones

childeren below 18 years old-1
.Hypersensitivity to drugs -2
Mention 4 generic and trade names
((Nor…. ((Noroxin-1
((Ofloxacin ((Tariyid-2
((Ciprofloxacin (( Ciprobay -3
((Pefloxacin ((peflacin-4
((Nalidixic acid ((Negram-5

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