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Wh Questions

Name: Magdalena
Test: 1 Result: __/17 Date: __/__/20__

1. She loved both; but some impulse within rebelled vehemently against being
treated like a child, and-now that her mother was dead-subjecting her own will
whom she would have gladly
to that of any other person than the man to ________
looked up as a master.

when we got to the doorway.

2. I turned ________

what can be done.

3. We'll see ________

4. That he had no doubt those would take notice of the circumstance

________ duty it was to do so.

5. They were there ________ I was a boy.

6. Then it turned in the direction from ________ it had come.

7. It was a novel position in ________ he found himself.

8. A number of eunuchs stood behind them, ________ duty it was to see that
they did not raise their eyes towards the men.

9. He nodded back in the direction from ________ they had come.

10. ________ didn't you tell us before?

11. ________ didn't I think of it before?

12. It was some fifty miles to the spot ________ the gold had been

13. She could not have concealed her love in order to play upon that of the
man to ________ she gave it.

14. ________ he had finished he came to the door.

15. I don't know ________ long I walked.

16. He did not know ________ way to turn.

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17. Then they took away the stone from the place ________ the dead was

18. The time will come ________ you will find it.

19. It was he ________ had killed them.

20. That is ________ is the matter with me.

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