Please Encircle The Letter of Your Choice and Fill in The Blanks For Your Answers

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Name: _______________________________

Position: _______________________________

Please encircle the letter of your choice and fill in the blanks for your answers.
1. While at the front desk, it is not important to smile.
a. True
b. False
2. Telephone should always be picked within 3 rings.
a. True
b. False
3. A person with a confirmed reservation who does not arrive on the day of his booking is called ___.
a. Guaranteed Guest
b. No-show Guest
c. Cancelled Guest
4. When the customers enters the office, you must ___ them immediately.
a. Do nothing
b. Welcome
c. Ignore
5. If a guest have a complaint, you should:
a. Be empathetic, listen, acknowledge, and resolve.
b. Put the guest on mute and dont worry.
c. Shout at the guest to stop.
6. It is a standard procedure to eat in the front office.
a. True
b. False
7. Which of the following do front desk agents use to track maintenance problems reported by guests?
a. Room inventories
b. Repair/Job Orders
c. Front office transaction file.
8. Which of the following is not a guideline in handling guest complaints professionally?
a. Monitor the progress of the corrective action, even if the complaint was resolved by someone else.
b. Concentrate on the problem, not on placing blame.
c. Do not take notes.
9. What type of complaints do guests make when they feel they have been mistreated by hotel staff?
a. Unusual complaints
b. Service-related complaints
c. Mechanical complaints
10. Mr. Han wishes to have the Philippine Daily Inquirer delivered to his guest room each morning. Typically, the
hotel delivers only Philippine Star. Whom should Mr. Han call to try to get a Philippine Daily Inquirer?
a. General Manger
b. Concierge
c. No one. Since the hotel would not help him get a newspaper other than Philippine Daily Inquirer.
11. Which of the following requests would be considered a special procedure request?
a. I need extra pillows sent up to my room.
b. Could you please reserve a shuttle to the airport?
c. I will need a room reserved that is adapted for someone with a hearing impairment.
12. Typical requests handled by the front office include all the following except:
a. Auditing Services
b. Entertainment Reservations
c. Secretarial Services
13. Which of the following data will probably not be found in a registration record?
a. Room Status
b. Method of Payment
c. Special Services

14. The pre-registration process may involve all of the following except?
a. Settling the guests account.
b. Assigning rooms and establishing rates.
c. Producing a registration card.
15. Twirlie is travelling with her sister on business. The two of them plan to charge all of their room expenses to
their partnership, but will pay for each of their telephone and food and beverage charges separately. What
type of folio might they request from the hotel?
a. Master folio
b. Individual folio
c. Split folio
16. Enumerate at least 3 different types of payment method ASB Condotel accepts.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Give 3 Donts in Front Office.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
18. Give 3 categories of Guests.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Give 3 types of calls offered by ASB Condotels.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
20. List three signs that a credit card provided is invalid or fraudulent.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
21. Enumerate three positive characteristics or qualities that a Front Office Agents should have.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
22. Enumerate 3 different kinds of rates ASB Condotels offers
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
23. List 3 things to remember when issuing the key to the guests.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
24. Enumerate at least 3 room categories we offer.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
25. Enumerate at least 3 room status categories.
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Total Score: ______ / 25

Percentage: ______ %

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