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ORG July–August 2011

reprint R1107X

HBR Case Study Only

The Gentleman’s yo

No one gets a low score on this company’s

performance reviews. Is there a better system
for evaluating employees? by Brian J. Hall
and Andrew Wasynczuk

This document is authorized for educator review use only by Sonali Beri, Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) until Nov 2024. Copying or posting is an infringement of
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Experience For article reprints call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500, or visit

Case Study Brian J. Hall is the Albert H. Gordon Professor of

Business Administration and Andrew Wasynczuk

is a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School.

No one gets a low score on this company’s
performance reviews. Is there a better system
for evaluating employees? by Brian J. Hall and

Andrew Wasynczuk

The Gentleman’s


etween the inner and outer doors of “It is about the numbers,” she said. “I
Circale Corporation’s headquarters know in your department you like to take
building, human resources VP Nils your time to get everything just right.” It
Ekdahl crossed paths with CFO Anita Fierst was an unwarranted dig at both Ekdahl
as he was leaving for lunch. “We need to and his predecessor, Michael Milanese,
make those cuts we talked about,” Fierst who happened to be waiting for Ekdahl at
said briskly. She clearly wasn’t up for chit­ their usual lunch spot in town. “But with

chat about her recent trip to Asia. “I was all this duplication, you don’t have the
looking at our org chart on the plane last luxury of identifying the perfect individ­
night,” she continued. “After those two ual for every position.”
new acquisitions, the duplication across A few more employees passed by.
departments is untenable. We need to start “Anyway,” she said. “More later.”
achieving synergies right away.” Within 10 minutes, Ekdahl was
She paused while a group of employees recounting the exchange over soup and
passed, nodding hellos to both executives. salad.
Then she said, “I know Hal feels strongly “Don’t let her get to you,” Milanese

about it.” said. His resentment toward Fierst was

It always irked Ekdahl when she spoke obviously abating six months after CEO
for the CEO like that. Hal Taylor, at her urging, had pressured
“He wants $20 million cut from the pay­ Milanese to retire. “It’s your show now,
HBR’s fictionalized case studies present
dilemmas faced by leaders in real compa- roll in the next four months,” Fierst said. Nils. Stay the course. Fight the good fight.
nies and offer solutions from experts. This one “Working on it,” Ekdahl replied. “But as You know as well as I do that Circale’s
is based on the HBS Case Study “Compensation you know, it’s not just about the numbers. future depends on it.”
and Performance Evaluation at Arrow Electronics”
(case no. 800290), by Brian J. Hall and Carleen It’s also about making sure we have the Ekdahl was touched that his former
Madigan. It is available at right people in the right positions.” boss still cared about the company,

 (PIBM) until
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Nov 2024.2011 Harvard
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despite how he had been treated. Perhaps a system by which each of Circale’s more database of results I can’t use. I have to be
Milanese, long divorced and in sporadic than 3,000 nonsales employees would straight about that with Hal—and Anita.”
contact with his grown children, didn’t be explicitly compared with colleagues He looked at his watch. He was due to

have much left in his personal life. Or (salespeople continued to be evaluated meet with Fierst in a few minutes.
maybe it was that the retired executive on their sales numbers). When the project “The employees haven’t seen the results,
had some unfinished business. dragged on, Fierst was able to convince right?” Milanese asked.
the CEO that Milanese was ineffective and “Of course not,” Ekdahl said.
Fighting Grade Inflation should be “encouraged” to retire. “So you have to make the managers do it
Michael Milanese had been the chief archi­ The CFO was right: Milanese was again.” He sounded almost in a panic. “Hal
tect of a new performance-review system indeed a perfectionist. But that had helped wants to cut $20 million from the payroll,
that Ekdahl was about to implement across Ekdahl. After being promoted to VP, he and he now understands that personnel

all six of Circale’s global locations. It had easily wrapped up the project, creating a decisions need to be made objectively.
been designed to ensure the objectivity of He’ll want the cuts to be data-driven.”
decisions about postmerger personnel cuts. The executives had “I can’t order the managers to do
The stated goal: Place the best person in
every position.
received powder-puff another set of reviews right away,” Ekdahl
said. “They’ve spent a lot of time on these.
Milanese had become obsessed with performance reviews Besides, we don’t have any way to get
the importance of objective evaluations. for years. better results. We need to figure out what
He had convinced the CEO that it would went wrong.”
be wrong to pare away employees from “Nils, be smart,” Milanese said. “Look at
the acquired companies and retain just fairly simple form for managers to fill out. what happened to me. If you take time to
the veterans of the “old” Circale as the On each of seven performance dimen­ analyze everything, you’ll seem like a pro­
company expanded globally. That’s what sions, ranging from “delivers results” to crastinator. You just need to get managers
had been done after previous acquisitions, “builds internal goodwill,” managers were to feel comfortable issuing 1s and 2s. Help
with some disastrous results: A few years asked to rate employees on a five-point them see that awarding everyone a 4 or a

back the incompetent country head for scale: “Significantly below others” was a 1, 5 on all dimensions of performance is non­
Germany, a good-old Circale guy, had mis­ “somewhat below others” a 2, and so on up sensical. It’s not logically possible for all
handled a scandal involving company of­ to “significantly above others,” a 5. employees to be significantly above their
ficials who were accepting personal favors With the year-end-review season just peers. That’s fantasyland. You can correct
from vendors, and the recently appointed a few weeks away, implementation was this problem by holding training sessions,
head for Brazil, a 20-year veteran, had so imminent. which should be easy to set up.”
tyrannized his new employees that he had Sure. Ekdahl imagined just how easy
to be dismissed. Everyone Is Above Average those sessions would be to arrange as he

An analysis of those executives’ HR Alone in his office, Ekdahl paged through headed to Fierst’s office to share the num­
files showed, amazingly, that they had re­ the screens of performance-review re­ bers, which he had promised to do.
ceived powder-puff performance reviews sults: 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5.
for years—as had the entire workforce, “Didn’t anyone get a 2?” he wondered Evaluation Redux
for that matter. Grade inflation was so aloud. Not only were there no 2s or 1s, but Ekdahl gave Fierst a quick summary. She
prevalent at Circale that decades’ worth 3s were scarce. The average score, calcu­ paused and said smugly, “Performance
of reviews were essentially useless for lated automatically, was 4.6. He called reviews have very limited usefulness.
identifying miscreants, singling out high Milanese. Managers don’t like to be honest. The best
potentials, or any other purpose. “This is a disaster,” Ekdahl said. “We way to evaluate an employee is to look at

So the CEO had given the HR depart­ told every manager to look hard at each his unit’s P&L. If there’s no relevant P&L,
ment the green light to create a new employee and be completely objective. you’re pretty much flying blind.”
system that would force managers to be Not one of them gave a bad score.” “I’m going to have the managers repeat
brutally honest. Milanese had begun visit­ “Are all the results in?” Milanese asked. the reviews,” Ekdahl said.
ing other companies, gathering informa­ “Is there a bug in the system?” She looked shocked, almost personally
tion, and studying best practices in the “No, Michael,” Ekdahl said with frustra­ offended. “When will they find the time
area of performance review. Eventually tion. “But even the best-designed system for that?”
he made Ekdahl coleader of the initia­ can’t force people to be honest without “They’ll make time,” Ekdahl said.
tive. Together they struggled to develop an incentive. I’ve just generated an entire “Don’t they have real work to do?”

3 Harvard
This document Business Review
is authorized July–August
for educator 2011
review use only by Sonali Beri, Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) until Nov 2024. Copying or posting is an infringement of
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“This is their real work,” he said. “Perfor­ be a 3. After all, getting that 2 had worked are inflated and cluster at the top, but it
mance reviews are critical. And they’re not for him. can also occur in the middle. All you did
just for doing layoffs and promotions the was move the average.”
Now Everyone Is Average

right way—you know that. Well-executed Indeed, within a couple of days, the HR
evaluations give a company the data it As soon as the managers’ completion department’s analysis had revealed few
requires to develop talent. Employees deadline had passed, Ekdahl went over deviations from 3 companywide. More­
need to know what they’re doing well the data in his office. It was 6:30 PM on a over, managers seemed to have given high
and what they’re doing poorly so that Wednesday. Employees were streaming marks to people who were up for promo­
they can improve. In my first review here, out of the buildings as he stared at the tion anyway and low ratings to employees
Michael gave me a 2. It was on flexibility— screens: 3, 3, 3, 2. they didn’t know well. In one case, a man­
willingness to take advice and try new “Finally!” he said to himself. He scrolled ager gave someone all 1s. The employee, it

approaches. I treated it as a challenge. The through another form: 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3. turned out, had recently died.
next year, I got a 4. Effective reviews are “Good. Very good.” The more he looked, Ekdahl wondered whether he really
essential to management.” though, the clearer it became that there ought to follow through with his vow to
Fierst glared at him. She didn’t take were an awful lot of 3s. An avalanche of make managers keep doing performance
well to being lectured. “All right, let’s say them. His heart sank as he continued to reviews until they got them right. Was
you force the managers to give employees click through pages. it simply time to admit defeat and start
lower marks. Will those numbers have any As if on cue, Fierst poked her head in. recommending arbitrary cuts?
meaning? People will just manufacture low “How are the new numbers?” she asked. HBR Reprint Case only R1107X
grades for employees they don’t like and “Honestly,” Ekdahl said with resignation,

fudge the rest. Nils, sometimes when you “there are lots of 3s. Not much variation in
have to make cuts, you just have to make the data, at least at a first glance.”
cuts. You design an algorithm and you go “I’m not surprised,” Fierst said. She Should Ekdahl
through the list. It’s painful but quick.” wasn’t quite gloating, but Ekdahl could order another
“I won’t do that, Anita. I’m going to get detect a hint of ‘I told you so’ in her voice.
round of reviews or

useful results out of these performance “Have you ever heard of grade compres­
reviews. And if the managers can’t deliver sion? People give almost everyone the make do with the
good data this time, I’ll make them do it
again and again, until they get it right.”
same grade, and distinctions become im­
possible to make. It happens when scores
data he has?
He walked out of Fierst’s office and
strode through the executive corridor until
he came to an interior-facing window. It
looked down on a set of conveyors staffed

by workers wearing white from head to

toe. Packages of meticulously constructed
electronics components were gliding past
them, heading out into the unforgiving
world, where customers would be all too
eager to make known any displeasure with
Circale’s products. Only here in this sterile
cocoon was practically every employee’s
performance deemed to be perfect or

damn near perfect. Ekdahl was so dis­

gusted he could spit.
He would start organizing the train­
Cartoon: randy Glasbergen

ing sessions immediately. And he would

personally appear in a video in which he
explained to managers that they must give
every employee a 2 or a 1 on at least one “Nope, our financial report doesn’t look any better in 3D.”
performance dimension and that the aver­
age score across their direct reports must

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Nov 2024.2011 Harvard
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