Why Our Minds Wander

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Unintentional spontaneous thouhgts

Stimulus dependent and stimulus independent thoughts

task independent thoughts

Unguided thoughts
Compulsive ruminative thoughts

Thoughts clasification
Intentional or spontaneous, task oriented or not, directed or not

Our thoughts about ourselves can be categorized into different types, such as self
critical thoughts, self affirming thoughts, self doubting thoughts, self judgmental
thoughts, self comparing thoughts, and self reflective thoughts

How to get rid of pervasive thoughts one way to succeed is to reappraise the thought
understanding that these thoughts are either false or that they are hard hurting us and
our bodies. We know the thought is bad for us on some level, but we have not realized
how bad it is. Only when realised the neural mechanisms take place to suppress the
activity because it is no longer supported by one of its nodes (the node I genuinely
believe this or the node this is part of who I am).

The first step to reappraising a thought is to become fully aware of it.

The technique it's about writing down the thought in a paper then every time that that
thoughts pop pops up I have to count it

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