Cheez Ålchënø Field Project

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Name: Enoch Mwale

Examination No:180701270201

Grade: 12

Name of supervisor: Mr T.Soko

Due Date: 23 April 2023


 Declaration

 Dedication

 Acknowledgement

 Title

1.0 Chapter one

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background history of hydro-power electricity in Zambia

1 4 Problem statement

1.5 Aim/Goal

1.6 Specific Objectives

2.0 Chapter Two

2.1 Literature review

3.0 Chapter Three

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Data presentation

3.3 Data analysis

4.0 Chapter Four

4.1 Benefits of hydro-electricity

5.0 Chapter Five

5.1 Negative effects and disadvantages of hydro-electricity

6.0 Chapter Six

6.1 Problems and Limitations

6.2 Conclusion and Evaluation

6.3 Recommendation

6.4 References/Referees

I Mwale Enoch, do here by declare that this field project is my authentic

work and to the best of my understanding and knowledge.I also declare
that no similar piece of work had been done at kabanana secondary school
or any other institution.

No part of this work may be copied or reproduced in any manner without

the authorisation of the author myself.

All errors, beliefs, opinions and ideas are of my own.


I would like to dedicate this piece of work to my brother, Patrick

Mwale,whose support and encouragement has enabled me to complete
this project.

I wish to extend my gratitude to my family for their support both financially

and spiritually,may the almighty God bless them.My sincere gratitude goes
to the department for their supervision, guidance and helping me to stay on
track through out the project.Special thanks goes to the school and all the
people who helped me during data collection.Thank you and I wish you the
best in your lives.
TITLE;Hydro-electric power and development in Zambia


This project is aimed at determining or establishing the impact of climate

change on the generation of hydro-electric power in Zambia in the last few
years and also ascertain the solution to this problem in the future.The
change in climate is uncountly real as it is affecting the rainfall pattern
biodiversity and other things.Once the rainfall pattern is affected by climate,
generating electricity through hydro becomes difficult.This causes load
shedding and reduced power supply to household, industries,hospitals,
schools e.t.c. Load shedding causes a reduction in the production of goods
and services by the manufacturing industries thereby recording low income
and also low revenue by government itself thus causing the economy to
shrink and bringing down the gross domestic production (GDP) of the


The history of hydro-power electricity in Zambia dates back as far as 1983

when power was first generated at a small station in Zambia in the third
gorge below the Victoria Falls. Zambia has about two(2) installed power
stations and among the major ones are the kariba North bank,kafue gorge
lower and Ithezi-thezi.

In 1962 the Zesco act was passed and zesco over the operations and
supplying of power across the country.Since then Zesco has been
committed to provide quality supply of electricity and making it accessible
to everyone across the country.

Zambia has about 2,800MW of installed capacity of electricity of which

55% is hydro based.National access to electricity averages at 31% of which
67% is urban and 4% rural.Due to the impact of climate change, Zambia
recorded massive reduction in power generation in the last few years.For
instance in 2017 Zambia generated about 1901MW compared to 1650MW
as of 2019.This was a result of nad rainfall pattern experienced in the
2018/2019 rain season.As for 2020 load shedding hours increased from a
minimum of 4 hours per day to about 8 hours a day as for 2019.
It is for this reason that the government through the energy regulation
board(ERB) and Zesco has restored to importing power from esaomo a
South African utility company to reduce the power deficit which was being
faced at the time.

The impact of climate change all over the world is clearly visible as it is
affecting all countries in the world and Zambia is not clear to what extent it
has affected Zambia.This study is specifically going to look at the energy
sector and find out how it has been affected by the generating of hydro
electric power as it is Zambia's dependable source of energy.In this regard
we Will strive to find out how the climate change had affected the power
generation whether in positive or negative way,hence to find out why?


To determine how hydro-electrical power generation has led to the

economic development in Zambia.


 To find out how climate change has affected generation of hydro-

electric power in Zambia

 To discuss the challenges faced in the generation of power

 To describe how load shedding has affected the gross domestic

product (GDP)


Climate change is a Problem which is affecting industries, countries and

the entire globe at large.This effect climate change has been defined by
many people, organisations and groups of people differently,for instance
Julia sanbria document published in 2017 defines climate change as a
significant change over several years, decades or longer in temperature,
participation wind pattern and other aspects of climate and involves long
term trends such as gradual shift towards warmer,winter of drier
conditions.Others include Boris Johnson,who according to him climate
change is "a threat to human life as it can cause hunger, poverty and other
economic challenges which impact humans greatly."

Looking at Zambian perspective, it's effects can be over emphasized and

the need to be more resilient should be on top of the agenda.Literature has
it that Zambia has the capacity to produce about 600MW of hydro based
electricity under normal circumstances and conditons without interference
from factors such as climate.However, it had only an hydro based installed
capacity of about 2178MW and it's main generation power stations are
Kafue gorge power station with 991MW capacity,Kariba North bank with
about 108MW(Zambia development agency) ZDA.Unfortunately due to the
change in climate, power generation and supply has reduced greatly and
the current power deficit had resulted in prolonged load shedding hours
and power cuts has occasionally affected trade, production, manufacturing
and business in genera.A manufacturing of this can be seen by protests
not only by domestic and commercial, but also industrial consumers,such
as complaints have also been heard from various chambers Of Commerce
of industry and consequently leading to poor economic growth.

According to the world Bank attigah and Mayer taseh report of 2018,did
identify that quality and reliable electricity supply as an important factor
when it comes to business performances in any country.Another report by
the African development bank( ADB) published in may 2017 cites that most
economic challenges today the world and Africa is facing it is as a result of
climate change which has in low power production leads to power
economic growth and reduced gross domestic product (GDP).


The research utilised much of secondary data and a bit little of primary
data in it.

Under primary data,the research interviewed some manufacturing

industries within Lusaka to find out how climate change has impacted
them leading to high levels.I also did interviewed some selected Small
scale business that depend on hydro electricity to operate just to find out
how they have been affected.Under secondary data the research collected
data from written information such as books, internet, google and other
relevant books provided by the Zambia electricity supply


Figure 1.0, showing major power stations in Zambia,


Kafue Gorge 991MW

Kariba south bank 1080MW

Victoria Falls 1080MW

Kariba North bank 360MW

Ithezi-thezi 120MW

As seen from figure 1.0 there was an increase in power production,

National level by 99% from 11335 Gwh in 2017 to 12453 Gwh in 2018.This
was mainly to the increase in production at the Kariba north bank extension
power station which was set up to act as a peaking plant to run whenever
there is high demand electricity in the country.

However, due to the adverse effects of climate change, there was a

massive decrease in power production for instance,the Kafue lower gorge
could only generate 900MW out of the possible 991MW installed capacity,
Kariba North bank with 600MW out of the 1080MW capacity.On the other
hand the demand for electricity keeps increasing for example mining
requires about 68%,19% domestic use,4% indutrial and commercial
sector,2% agriculture and finally 7% for other services.Due to high demand
for power,load management hours increased massively and this had severe
effects on various sector of the economy and other small businesses.

As seen from figure 1.0 shows the major power stations in Zambia and
their capacity of generating power under normal circumstances.The
biggest and largest power station is the Kariba south bank with the
capacity of 1080MW of power followed by the kafue gorge with the
capacity of 991MW.The Ithezi-thezi power station and kariba north bank
extensions produce 120MW and 360MW respectively.In addition to this
there is also the Victoria Falls which generates 108MW of electricity into
the stations such as the Mulungushi power station,Lisiswa and among
others that generate electricity.

Load shedding management hours changed dramatically over the years

that are under study.For instance load shedding hours increased from
about 4.2 % to 12.5% daily between 2016 and 2017 respectively.As of the
year 2019 and early 2020,the country experienced power cuts from about
early as 06:00 to 18:00 daily representing 50% daily.This increase affects
various sectors of the economy that include manufacturing industries,
small scale businesses and even at household level.For instance,one
woman of Chazanga compound in lusaka explained how load shedding is
affecting at night residential areas prone to the thieves who took advantage
of the darkness and break into people's homes and even beat up those
found on the streets.

On small scale business part especially those that depends on high voltage
of electricity such as metal fabrication for its operations are negatively
affected by the disruptions as work which should be completed within the
agreed time for example two weeks take two months to complete all
because of power cuts, this further reduces their profits as work takes long
to be completed.In some cases load shedding is associated with
interruption in water supply especially those households that depend on
piped water by the load municipal,in such cases it causes water problin
households and usually the duty of ferrying waterfalls on the woman and
children from alternatives distant places.In addition to the drudgery
associated with cooking using Braziers which the woman has to do during
periods of load shedding, local businesses have been similarly affected at a
higher rate as have to pay rent for their premises and face huge problems
due to the prolonged hours of load shedding.


The following are uses and benefits of hydro-power electricity;

 The power is used in industries for lighting, driving machinery,

processing and manufacturing.

 In homes(domestic),it is used for cooking and operation of electrical


 In commercial establishments it is used for lighting and operating




The following are the disadvantages and negative effects of hydro-power


 High cost of building a power station

 It is affected by drought

 It cannot be stirred like petroleum

 Leads to reallocation of people when constructing



The impact of climate change all over the world has clearly visible as it is is
affecting all countries all over the world and Zambia is not an
extension.However,in this regard we Will find out how climate change has
affected power generation.


 Long distance to study sites which resulted in insufficient

information collected.

 Insufficient time to carry out research properly

 Lack of transport to travel to sites of study

 Some manufacturing industries and small scale businesses where

not interested talking to me.


In summary the impact of climate change on the lives of humans is huge

and has affected all aspects of human lives.The impact of climate change
has had in the hydro-power in Zambia is also massive as it causes change
in reduced rainfall being recorded making power production difficult.This
problem is reality and if nothing is done about it,it will lead to more load
shedding in the near future and eventually poor economic growth because
of power supply is key for any country to grow economically.

From my finds,it is clear that climate change is a big challenge and hence
the need for Zambia electricity supply cooperation( Zesco) and the
government took for other alternative sources of energy such as coal,
geothermal,solar e.t.c than depending on hydro as a major source so as to
be resilient to the effects on climate change.

 Introducing of other alternative source of energy such as a solar

energy, geothermal e.t.c.

 Contribution of enough storage dams of water to minimise

fluctuations in power generation during dry years.

 Ensuring that catchment areas and courses of the rivers are not


 Dictionary (2016) retrieved from

http:/ shedding

 Julia sanbria (2017) document of southern illians University of the

United states of America school of geography

 Author Tembo Abel(2017)Excel and advance geography learners


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