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Questionnaire based on the topic; “TO STUDY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF


-Name and Gender

1. What is your age group?*

• 18-28
• 29-39
• 40-50
• 50 & above

2. Which type of advertising mediums medium do you prefer?*

• Television
• Radio/FM
• Print (Newspaper/Magazines)
• Outdoor (Billboards/Posters)
• Online (Social media/ Websites)

3. How often do you purchase products/service based on advertisement?*

• Always
• Rarely
• Never

4. Which aspect of an advertisement catches your attention the most?

• Visuals
• Slogan
• Celebrity endorsement
• Offer/Promotion
• Brand name/Logo
5. Do you think advertising helps in creating brand awareness?*

• Agree
• Disagree
• Neutral

6. Which factors influence your decision to purchase a product/service based on


• Price
• Brand reputation
• Features/Quality
• Recommendations from friends/family
• Personal experience with the brand

7. Do you find Outdoor and Print advertising in Thiruvananthapuram district is

relevant to your needs and interests?*

• Relevant
• Irrelevant
• Occasionally
• Never

8. How often do you come across advertisements in a day?*

• Less than 10 minutes

• 10-15 minutes
• Upto 30 minutes
• More than 30 minutes

9. How much time do you spend researching a product/service after seeing an

advertisement of it?

• Less than 15 minutes

• 15-30 minutes
• Upto 1 hour
• More than 1 hour
10. How often do you share information based on various advertisements with

• Always
• Rarely
• Never

11. Have you ever felt compelled to buy a product after seeing an advertisement due
to fear of missing out (FOMO)?

• Yes
• No

12. Which type of advertising message resonates with you the most?

• Emotional appeals
• Rational appeals (Fats, Statistics)
• Humorous appeals
• Celebrity endorsements

13. Which social media platforms do you frequently encounter advertisements

related to Thiruvananthapuram district?*

• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Youtube

14. How important is the trustworthiness of the brand when considering purchasing
a product/service based on advertisements?*

• Very important
• Not very important
• Neutral
15. How likely are you to engage with paid search advertising relating to goods and

• Likely
• Unlikely
• Neutral

16. Which factor is most likely to prompt you to share an advertisement on social

• Humor
• Inspiring message
• Shocking value
• Informative content
• Incentives (Discounts, Giveaways)

17. Which aspect of an advertisement do you remember most vividly?

• Visual imagery
• Slogan/Tagline
• Brand logo
• Emotional appeal
• Product demonstration

18. Which type of advertising do you trust the most?

• Traditional media (TV, Radio, Print)

• Online advertisements
• Word-of-mouth recommendations
• Brand sponsored content

19. Which advertising tactic do you find most irritating?

• Pop up ads
• Auto play video ads
• Banner ads
• Sponsored content
20. Which aspect of an advertisement do you find most persuasive in convincing you
to make a purchase?

• Appealing visuals
• Compelling message/story
• Discounts/Promotions
• Testimonials/Reviews
• Trustworthiness of the brand

21. Which advertising format do you prefer for learning about new products/service?

• Video commercials
• Social media posts
• Search engine results
• Magazine/Newspaper ads
• Influencer recommendations

22. How much do you think the timing of advertisement (Eg; During holidays,
Special events) influences your purchase behaviour?

• Slightly
• Significantly
• Extremely
• Not at all

23. Which factors would make you more likely to engage with a broadcast

• Clear call-to-action
• Entertaining content
• Limited time offer
• Interactive elements (Quizzes, Games)
24. How do you feel about advertisements that target specific demographic groups
(Eg; Age, Gender, Location)?

• Appreciate it for relevance

• Find it exclusionary/Stereotypical
• Neutral

25. How do you perceive the trustworthiness of online advertising compared to

traditional advertising?

• Online advertising is more trustworthy

• Traditional advertising is more trustworthy
• Both are equally trustworthy
• Neither are trustworthy

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