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English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

English Clinic Vocabulary Course

Batch No-02

Phrases & Idioms Part-01

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Part A: Exercise on Phrases & Idioms Part-01

01. ‘Pass away’ means- [33rd BCS]

a. disappear b. die c. erase d. fall

02. He visits this place every now and then. [Social Islami Bank (Officer)-04]
a. daily b. rarely c. occasionally d. frequently

03. When a person says he is ‘all in’, it means – [[17th BCS]

a. He is very tired b. He has arrived c. He has finished packing d. He has got everything

04. ‘‘Out and out’’ means – [11th BCS]

a. Not at all b. Brave c. Thoroughly d. Whole heartedly

05. ‘‘At a low ebb’’ means – [RAKUB-15]

a. Increasing b. Decreasing c. Still d. Increasing and decreasing

06. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the---. [29th BCS]
a. sky b. heavens c. firmament d. blue

07. ‘‘At daggers drawn’’ means--. [15th BCS]

a. to be in a state of understanding. b. to be in a state of hostility
c. to be in a state of friendship d. none

08. The expression ‘‘after one’s own heart’’ means - [25th BCS]
a. To be in low spirit b. To be in high spirit
c. With complete devotion d. To one’s own liking

09. A ‘bull market’ means the share prices are ---- [17th BCS]
a. rising b. moving c. falling d. static

10. In share market ‘Bearish’ indicates--- [Islami Bank-08]

a. a high price b. a falling price c. bonus d. spot market
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

11. ‘Bootleg’ means - [15th BCS]

a. smuggle b. export c. import d. distribute

12. ‘By and large’ means - [44th BCS]

a. Very large b. Mostly c. Everywhere d. Nowhere

13. ‘Be that as it may’ means- [BBAD – 06]

a. But b. And c. As well as d. However

14. Black and blue এর অর্ কি?

থ [Islami Bank (AO)-06]
a. কাল া ও নী b. উত্তম মধ্যম c. রঙ্গীন d. ধ্ূসর

15. Only those who are not serious to their success work by ---- and starts. [31st BCS]
a. long odds b. against time c. every inch d. fits

16. ‘Burning question’ means- [Islami Bank (Officer)-08]

a. Hard question b. To set fire to question paper
c. Much talked about d. To end the issue

17. Choose the meaning of ‘bring to pass’ [27th BCS]

a. cause to happen b. cause to pass c. cause to destroy d. None of these

18. ‘Bill of fare’ is - [17th BCS]

a. A chart of bus fare b. A price list
c. A valuable document d. A list of dishes at a restaurant
19. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
[14th BCS]
a. beggars description b. cuts to the quick c. boils down to this d. keeps open house

20. What is the meaning of the expression ‘‘bottom line’’? [15th BCS]
a. The essential point b. The final step c. The end of a road d. The last line of a book
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

21. The expression ‘browbeating’ means- [Bangladesh Development Bank (SO)-17]

a. Raising eyebrows b. Showing indifference c. Showing surprise d. Frightening someone

22. ‘Cut to the quick’ means - [RAKUB-17]

a. to cut into two pieces b. to cut quickly
c. to cut at a reasonable d. to hurt intensely

23. ‘Carry the day’ means - [Janata Bank-(Cash)-20]

a. win b. lose c. defeat d. carry

24. ‘Call to mind’ means - [33rd BCS]

a. fantasize b. attend c. remember d. request

25. ‘Dog days’ means- [14th BCS]

a. A period of being care free b. A period of having youthful flings
c. A period of misfortune d. Hot weather

26. The word ‘dilly - dally’ means - [20th BCS]

a. to dilute b. repeat c. waste time d. wait impatiently

27. Most of the participants did not expect the victory of a dark horse like him. [City Bank-11]
a. A mischievous person b. A strong person
c. An unknown person d. An illiterate person
28. ‘End in smoke’ [31st BCS]
a. come to nothing b. catch fire c. destruct d. imagine e. stop smoking
29. ‘Green eye’ means- [RAKUB-15]
a. Jealousy b. Trust c. Faith d. Green coloured eyes
30. ‘To get along with’ means- [28th BCS]
a. to adjust b. to walk c. to interest d. to accompany
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

31. I know nothing about the language; it is all – to me. [Bangladesh Commerce Bank-03]
a. English b. Bengali c. Greek d. Hindi

32. What is the meaning of ‘‘hang about’’? [RAKUB-15]

a. lag behind b. keep aloof c. loiter about d. remain away

33. A person whose ‘head’ is in the clouds’ is -- [23rd BCS]

a. proud b. a day dreamer c. an aviator d. useless

34. ‘Hold water’ means-- [11th BCS]

a. store water b. patience
c. keep water for the dry season. d. bear examination

35. ‘In black and white’ means- [Standard Bank-12]

a. In writing b. Verbally c. Falsely d. In colour

36. ‘In a nutshell’ means - [RAKUB-14]

a. elaborately b. briefly c. abnormally d. completely

37. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in cold blood. [14th BCS]
a. in cool brain and calculated thought b. so patiently and thoughtfully
c. so impatiently and thoughtlessly d. stirred by sudden emotion

38. To keep one’s head-. [30th BCS]

a. to save oneself b. to be self-respectful c. to keep calm d. None of these

39. We must keep our fingers ___ that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow. [22nd BCS]
a. raised b. pointed c. lifted d. crossed

40. ‘Kith and kin’ অর্ থ কি ? [Islami Bank (AO) -05]

a. পাড়া পড়শী b. আত্মীয় স্বজন c. বাবা-মা d. ভাইলবান
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

41. ‘A man of straw’ means - [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-17]

The bank will not accept the guarantee of a man of straw. [Bangladesh Bank-10]
a. A man with no substance b. A very active person
c. An unreasonable person d. A worth fellow

42. ‘Maiden speech’ means – [23rd BCS, 34th BCS]

a. First speech b. Last speech c. Late speech d. Early speech

43. The phrase ‘make headway’ means - [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-18]
a. doing hard work b. to make progress c. to make loss d. find highway

44. ‘Nip in the bud’ means – [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-11]

a. Destroy at the very beginning b. Bed of roses
c. Beginning d. Rare-up

45. The horror movie scared them out of their- [30th BCS]
a. wits b. seats c. lives d. funds
46. Cul-de-sac means -- [22nd BCS]
a. selection b. dead end c. error d. bubble

47. Debut means - [23rd BCS]

a. first appearance b. conclusion c. contradiction d. gracious response

48. What is the meaning of ‘Bona fides’? [Karmasangsthan Bank-11]

a. Bonus b. Good faith c. False belief d. Genuine cultivator

49. ‘Laissez faire’ means-- [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-15]

a. intimate friend b. letting along c. among others d. by the law itself

50. The term ‘‘Lingua franca’’ means- [24th BCS]

a. the French language b. language of brother
c. the common language d. the first language
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Part B: Solution to Exercise on Phrases & Idioms Part-01

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Part C: Scores & Feedback

Scores Feedback Comments

41 or above Excellent Keep it up!
36-40 Good Solve the questions again that you got wrong
35 or below Need to improve Reread the related concepts and explanations

Part D: Next Course of Action

1. Make an ‘error log’.
2. Use dictionaries, websites/ online sources or guidebooks to check meanings and usage of difficult/
unknown words.
3. Post your confusion regarding the words/ questions in the group that you can not solve even after taking
help from a dictionary.
4. Use the idea of Active Recall and Spaced Repetition to revise these.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Part E: Easy Revision of Exercise on Phrases & Idioms Part-01

01. ‘Pass away’ means- [33rd BCS]

a. disappear b. die c. erase d. fall

02. He visits this place every now and then. [Social Islami Bank (Officer)-04]
a. daily b. rarely c. occasionally d. frequently

03. When a person says he is ‘all in’, it means – [[17th BCS]

a. He is very tired b. He has arrived c. He has finished packing d. He has got everything

04. ‘‘Out and out’’ means – [11th BCS]

a. Not at all b. Brave c. Thoroughly d. Whole heartedly

05. ‘‘At a low ebb’’ means – [RAKUB-15]

a. Increasing b. Decreasing c. Still d. Increasing and decreasing

06. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the---. [29th BCS]
a. sky b. heavens c. firmament d. blue

07. ‘‘At daggers drawn’’ means--. [15th BCS]

a. to be in a state of understanding. b. to be in a state of hostility
c. to be in a state of friendship d. none

08. The expression ‘‘after one’s own heart’’ means - [25th BCS]
a. To be in low spirit b. To be in high spirit
c. With complete devotion d. To one’s own liking

09. A ‘bull market’ means the share prices are ---- [17th BCS]
a. rising b. moving c. falling d. static

10. In share market ‘Bearish’ indicates--- [Islami Bank-08]

a. a high price b. a falling price c. bonus d. spot market
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

11. ‘Bootleg’ means - [15th BCS]

a. smuggle b. export c. import d. distribute

12. ‘By and large’ means - [44th BCS]

a. Very large b. Mostly c. Everywhere d. Nowhere

13. ‘Be that as it may’ means- [BBAD – 06]

a. But b. And c. As well as d. However

14. Black and blue এর অর্ কি?

থ [Islami Bank (AO)-06]
a. কাল া ও নী b. উত্তম মধ্যম c. রঙ্গীন d. ধ্ূসর

15. Only those who are not serious to their success work by ---- and starts. [31st BCS]
a. long odds b. against time c. every inch d. fits

16. ‘Burning question’ means- [Islami Bank (Officer)-08]

a. Hard question b. To set fire to question paper
c. Much talked about d. To end the issue

17. Choose the meaning of ‘bring to pass’ [27th BCS]

a. cause to happen b. cause to pass c. cause to destroy d. None of these

18. ‘Bill of fare’ is - [17th BCS]

a. A chart of bus fare b. A price list
c. A valuable document d. A list of dishes at a restaurant
19. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
[14th BCS]
a. beggars description b. cuts to the quick c. boils down to this d. keeps open house

20. What is the meaning of the expression ‘‘bottom line’’? [15th BCS]
a. The essential point b. The final step c. The end of a road d. The last line of a book
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

21. The expression ‘browbeating’ means- [Bangladesh Development Bank (SO)-17]

a. Raising eyebrows b. Showing indifference c. Showing surprise d. Frightening someone

22. ‘Cut to the quick’ means - [RAKUB-17]

a. to cut into two pieces b. to cut quickly
c. to cut at a reasonable d. to hurt intensely

23. ‘Carry the day’ means - [Janata Bank-(Cash)-20]

a. win b. lose c. defeat d. carry

24. ‘Call to mind’ means - [33rd BCS]

a. fantasize b. attend c. remember d. request

25. ‘Dog days’ means- [14th BCS]

a. A period of being care free b. A period of having youthful flings
c. A period of misfortune d. Hot weather

26. The word ‘dilly - dally’ means - [20th BCS]

a. to dilute b. repeat c. waste time d. wait impatiently

27. Most of the participants did not expect the victory of a dark horse like him. [City Bank-11]
a. A mischievous person b. A strong person
c. An unknown person d. An illiterate person
28. ‘End in smoke’ [31st BCS]
a. come to nothing b. catch fire c. destruct d. imagine e. stop smoking
29. ‘Green eye’ means- [RAKUB-15]
a. Jealousy b. Trust c. Faith d. Green coloured eyes
30. ‘To get along with’ means- [28th BCS]
a. to adjust b. to walk c. to interest d. to accompany
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

31. I know nothing about the language; it is all – to me. [Bangladesh Commerce Bank-03]
a. English b. Bengali c. Greek d. Hindi

32. What is the meaning of ‘‘hang about’’? [RAKUB-15]

a. lag behind b. keep aloof c. loiter about d. remain away

33. A person whose ‘head’ is in the clouds’ is -- [23rd BCS]

a. proud b. a day dreamer c. an aviator d. useless

34. ‘Hold water’ means-- [11th BCS]

a. store water b. patience
c. keep water for the dry season. d. bear examination

35. ‘In black and white’ means- [Standard Bank-12]

a. In writing b. Verbally c. Falsely d. In colour

36. ‘In a nutshell’ means - [RAKUB-14]

a. elaborately b. briefly c. abnormally d. completely

37. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in cold blood. [14th BCS]
a. in cool brain and calculated thought b. so patiently and thoughtfully
c. so impatiently and thoughtlessly d. stirred by sudden emotion

38. To keep one’s head-. [30th BCS]

a. to save oneself b. to be self-respectful c. to keep calm d. None of these

39. We must keep our fingers ___ that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow. [22nd BCS]
a. raised b. pointed c. lifted d. crossed

40. ‘Kith and kin’ অর্ থ কি ? [Islami Bank (AO) -05]

a. পাড়া পড়শী b. আত্মীয় স্বজন c. বাবা-মা d. ভাইলবান
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

41. ‘A man of straw’ means - [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-17]

The bank will not accept the guarantee of a man of straw. [Bangladesh Bank-10]
a. A man with no substance b. A very active person
c. An unreasonable person d. A worth fellow

42. ‘Maiden speech’ means – [23rd BCS, 34th BCS]

a. First speech b. Last speech c. Late speech d. Early speech

43. The phrase ‘make headway’ means - [Rupali Bank Officer (Cash)-18]
a. doing hard work b. to make progress c. to make loss d. find highway

44. ‘Nip in the bud’ means – [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-11]

a. Destroy at the very beginning b. Bed of roses
c. Beginning d. Rare-up

45. The horror movie scared them out of their- [30th BCS]
a. wits b. seats c. lives d. funds
46. Cul-de-sac means -- [22nd BCS]
a. selection b. dead end c. error d. bubble

47. Debut means - [23rd BCS]

a. first appearance b. conclusion c. contradiction d. gracious response

48. What is the meaning of ‘Bona fides’? [Karmasangsthan Bank-11]

a. Bonus b. Good faith c. False belief d. Genuine cultivator

49. ‘Laissez faire’ means-- [Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-15]

a. intimate friend b. letting along c. among others d. by the law itself

50. The term ‘‘Lingua franca’’ means- [24th BCS]

a. the French language b. language of brother
c. the common language d. the first language

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