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Fighrh Sernester-(Five Yerrs Dcrrrce Course) (1014- l5 Pattern)

(l,an relating to Trusts. [,quit1'and l'iduciarl Relationships) Paper - ll
P. Pxges : -{\' - 0367

Tirre: Threc Ikrurs Nlar. \lrrks : S0

Notcs: I Solvc in all seven qucstions ilclLrding qLrcstiorr no. I rvhich is cornpulsory and
carries 20 rnarks.
l All othcr qucstions carry l0 marks cach.

I Wrife short notes on an-y four.

a) Dclay Dcleals Equil).
bi i_nrst xnd coftract
c) I )isahilitics olTrustccs
d) Brcach oftrust
e) Blcnding ofproperty by lruslees
l) l\rblic lrlrsl doclnne
g) Origir and growth ofcquit!.
l)ctlne 'Ir0sr' and explain in detail rhe broad ciassification oi various kiods of lrusl.
3. IixpllLir thc clicrurn, "A tmstcc rrlr.rsl nol nrakr: anv hcncflt out oftnrst".
1. WhLrt irr0 po\.\'cls ol-trustcc ? ExplaiD-

5. Writc detail notes on :

a) AppoilllrDont ofnew lnrslcc.

b) Dischargeoftrustees-
6 Lxplain thc ctcumstances u'hcn barrcilci.rv is cstopped lrom challenging a brcarh oi tr-usl.
1 Discuss ort :

a) ( .rain ohligalions in nature oftrust.

bl Vacation ofofJlcc oftnrstccs.

8. \\'hat is nrcant by construclive noticc'.) \\'hlrt are rrllhls ol bonafidc purchaser ? Il\plain-
\\'har is puhlic n-ust ? Describc the procedurc Ior rcgistmtioD of pllblic tr.trsl Lrnder
Maharashtra public trust Act.
10. l-.xplain thc provisions relating to thc jurisdiction ol charity cornrnissioncr undcr
ivlirhar aslrtra fublic nust act.
lr. Wrilc rhort notes or1 :
ir) l{i!dr{soI'lnrstcc
h) L)ilincliolloflrlrst.

A\', - 0367 I

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