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fast Moving War Machines for Space Marine by Ian Plckstock
Knights are fast-moving powerful war machines, thirty to forty feet tall and controlled by a single warrior, that
fight on battlefields throughout the galaxy in the service of both Eldar and Imperial armies. Recruited from
feral worlds where lesser versions of these machines are used to herd mighty Megasaurs, Knights take to the
field of war alongside other members of their noble families. With their devastating visor-mounted psychic and
shock lances, the mere gaze of a Knight can bring death to its enemies.
Those who joined the Exodus came from all levels of Eldar
society but were united in their determination and powerful
will to survive. The Exodites were a group which had long
been aware of the dangers of indulgence and hedonism by
choice, they choose worlds where their life would be hard so
as to avoid the trap of sloth. To a great extent, this suppressed
the natural Eldar character of immense emotion and intellect,
and did indeed save them from the Fall. Among the Exodites,
the intensity of the Eldar nature is expressed as a powerful
loyalty to their individual clans and a strong determination to
achieve objectives.
The struggle for survival on these worlds was indeed grim. To
enable them to deal with the harsh conditions, the Exodites
converted the sleek war machines they had bought with them
into tall walkers which they piloted across their new planets,
tending the virgin worlds. The ruling warrior Elite gradually
developed a system of status and honour which
brought about the society now known as the Eldar Knighls.
Dwelling in tall keeps, the Knights strove to hasten the
planets' evolution and bring life and order out of the primeval
After the Eldar Fall, the craftworlds sought out the colonists to
offer them a place on board. The Exodites coldly told their
craftworld brethren that they preffered to stay where life was
simple if harsh, and dangers were obvious. Though the
craftworlds and Exodite colonies trade with one another, the
Exodites still maintain that the easy lifestyle on the
craftworlds is dangerously close to that which brought the·
downfall of their race.


Long before the Dark Age of Technology, numerous barren
planets were visited by Eldar seed ships. These inhospitable
worlds were prepared for the long process of terraforming and
then seeded with the essential ingredients to sustain life. The
Eldar plan was to create new worlds to colonize in thousands
of years time. These worlds were known to the Eldar as
Lilaeihan or Maiden Worlds.
As their civilisation neared its collapse, a number of Eldar
groups denouccd the easy decadence offered by Chaos and 1n order to produce the food neccessary to trade with the
abandoned the homcworlds in a series of migrations they craftworlds, the oceans of the planets were seeded with algae
called the Exodus, referring to themselves as Exodites. These lo form vast floating weed beds. These weed beds and the
groups travelled far away and colonized the Lilaethan, lush vegetation of the primitive jungles provided nourishment
determined to escape the terrible fall of their race that they had for docile brontosaurus-like herd beasts called Megasaurs
foreseen. On their arrival, the Exoditcs split into individual created by the Knights through cloning and genetic
clans each led by a warrior elite. engineering.

The Megasaurs in turn provided protein rich food for the THE REDISCOVERY
craftworlds. The herds were shepherded by the Knights in
their machine-bodies, protecting the megasaurs from predators Thousands of years later, the planets were brought back into
and moving them from place to place to feed. On occasion the Imperium. Their value to the Imperium both as a massive
food resource and as a source of born and bred warriors. The
Knights of different clans would clash over watering rights or
border disputes, though combat took an almost ritualized form Administratum were quick to recognise these assets and
more intended to hone the Knights' skills than to bring about immediately set about rediscovering the rest of the long lost
bloodshed agriworlds. To their delight, they found that two in three of the
originally settled worlds were still occupied by Humans
working along very similar social lines. The remaining worlds
THE COMING OF MEN were either occupied by both Eldar and Human Knights of
During the Dark Age of Technology, scouts from Earth held exclusively by clans of E!dar Knights with strong links to
travelled far throughout the galaxy seeking planets to be used the craftworlds, trading natural raw materials for technology.
as agricultural worlds LO provide food for the huge hiveworlds Often a Knight world would be affiliated to a Titan
of the Imperium. They copied the farming techniques used by forgeworld, producing food for it, while the Sacristans would
the Eldar Knights already living on some of the worlds come under the control of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Often
discovered. In a period reffered to by the Eldar as The coming
Knight worlds were left with a large degree of autonomy,
of Men, the Eldar and Human colonists clashed in a series of required only to produce food and obey the call to anns when
bloody wars as the Eldar Knights sought to protect their homes given.
from the interlopers.
The Imperial cult was introduced in a such a way that the
When these planets were cut off in the Age of Strife, they
Chilvary could be called on by the Imperium to enter a
became feral worlds. A warrior aristocracy grew up on the crusade. Old rivalries forgotten, the Knights (especially
Human worlds, mimicking the lifestyle of the Eldar clans. On younger ones) would form family units to fight with Titan
many worlds, the Eldar clans resurged to win back the lands Orders or the Imperial Guard.
they had lost and settled into a pattern of battling and raiding
both against the Humans and each other. The wealth of the Young knights sometimes don't have their own armour, but
noble Human houses and Eldar clans was based on their herds train on that of their father. When fighting a crusade they are
and much herd raiding went on. The herds were greatly given their own armour, built on a Titan forgeworld. Once
reduced in size, but as the only available food source , were they return home they are able to keep their armour and form
just as important. ther own house.
While the Eldar shared their duties equally throughout the
clan, the Human nobility enforced a feudal system on those
below them. A sub-class of Drovers looked after herds, as the
nobles would not soil their hands with such work. The
Drovers' walkers were not. by law, armed with weapons even
though they lived in constant danger from raiders and
predators. This ensured that the drovers had to rely on the
Knights of the nobility for protection and nullified any chance
for revolt. As well as nobles, each house could field large
numbers of men at arms, either mounted on horses or on foot.
These were equipped much like Planetary Defence Force and
Imperial Guard units elsewhere in the Imperium, though with
not nearly as much heavy weaponry.
On many of the worlds, groups of artificers and technicians
became the most important of the nobles' subjects. They
initially simply maintained the Knights for the nobles but soon
learnt to speak with one voice, threatening to withdraw their
services from any Lord who failed to take heed. They styled
themselves as a priesthood for the half forgotten mysteries of
technology and were called Sacristans. As their power grew,
they arbitrated between the different houses to ensure they did
not wipe one another out in bitter feud. The ever present
dangers of their worlds meant that the Knights couldn't
survive wars of attrition and genocide, and this necessitated the
use of chivalric values to settle disputes. Eventually the
Sacristans on many worlds ritualized these virtues of Honour,
Duty and Valour and passed on these traditions from
generation to generation. With the acceptance of these values
the nobles became known as The Chilvary.
In addition to the threat posed by hostile houses, the Chilvary
had to fight constant battles against swift Carnosaurs which
prey upon the herds. Hunting the Carnosaurs honed their
fighting skills to a deadly art, preparing them for the periods of
violent warp activity which created monstrous beasts. When
such a beast was sighted, all the Chilvary would go on quests
co seek out and destroy the creature before it tainted the land.

KNIGHT SUITS When a noble dies, his throne retains some of his character.
Nobody else can use it to control their suit until they have
Knight suits are similar to Titans in that they are contro1led overlaid their personality onto the throne. It is still possible
through a direct mind link. Imperial Titans are imprinted with however, to communicate with the personalities in the throne.
a feral personality, which must be dominated by the Princeps Thus they are often kept in the family's sacristy, a direct link
in order to control the machine. The Titan's personality is with the ancestors of a noble house. It is the height of
there to handle all the mundane tasks in operating such a dishonour to deny a family the opportunity to salvage the
machine, like balancing and walking. leaving the Princeps free thrones of any Knight who have fallen in battle and the family
to concentrate on more important things. will go to any lengths to get them back.
Eldar Knights
The Eldar Knight suits operate in a similar way to the
craftworlds' Aspect Armour, Each Eldar Knight suits contains
a spirit stone which acts as a buffer and stores all the pilots
feelings, his passionate excitement and desire to satiate the
dark side of their nature. When the pilot leaves the Knight suit
it is like waking from a bad dream, which quickly fades from
memory, leaving the Knight free to pursue other tasks in the
clan. As the Knight suit is passed on from Knight to Knight
the spirit stone stores all the experiences of previous wearers.
These experiences supply's the personality for the machine
which is shared with each and every pilot. When the lone
Eldar pilot links to the Spirit Stone, he becomes part of
machine-warrior that has been fighting a constant war for
thousands of years, the whole machine, pilot included pulses Though there are many different designs of Knight suit, a
with the desire to destroy and shed blood. The spirit stones in common feature to all is the lance. The lance is a short ranged
Eldar Knights are often ancient artifacts dating back to the weapon developed from devices used to herd Megasaurs. To
time of the Fall and contain the souls of many long dead affect the dull nervous systems of Megasaurs, lances needed to
heroes. This makes Eldar Knights strange characters often be very powerful. The war lances used by Knights in battle
speaking in archaic tongues and referring to past ages with discharge all their tremendous energies in a single cataclysmic
unnerving familarity. blast, making them a weapon much feared by their opponents.
The lance is always mounted in the Knights visor, a practice
Each Eldar Knight is equipped with a psychic lance mounted that has given Knights a reputation of being able to kill with a
in the Knights visor, the psychic lance is s derivative of the single glance.
lance used on the Maiden Worlds to herd Megasaurs. Each
lance consists of a crystal linked to the Knights spirit stone.
The spiritstone uses the crystal to focus all it's pent up psychic
anger into a single blast that can overwhelm targets brain and
turn them into gibbering imberciles. The psychic lance is also
particularly effective against daemons and warp enitiies,
destroying their control over the material universe, and
banishing them back to the warp.

Human Knights
Human Knight suits do not have a permanently impnnted
personality. Instead the Knight has a throne, which is
imprinted with aspects of his own personality. The throne is
plugged in to the armoured Knight suit and may be transferred
from one Knight suit to another, though this rare occurance
usually only undertaken if the old suit is damaged beyond
repair or a Knight passes his old suit to a younger relation.
Imprinting your personality is a lengthy, sometimes
dangerous, business. It has become a rite of passage for young
nobles - this is how they become an adult. When he is old
enough, a noble son who wishes to become a Squire
undertakes a vigil in the family's chapel or sacristy, remaining
seated in the throne throughout the long night. He is
surrounded by the ancient thrones and battle banners of his
forefathers which are kept in the sacristy, reminding him of the
long traditions of honour and chilvary he is expected to

The restrictions incurred by various terrain is indicated on the
terrain chart below. The modifiers to hit are the same as those
printed on the terrain chart in the Space Marine rulebook but
have been included here for convenience.



Buildings!frenches/Bunkers -2 Impassable
Foxholes, rocks, rubble, -1 No Effect
craters, broken ground
Hill 0 No Effect
Marsh 0 Difficult
River 0 No Effect
Woods -1 No Effect

Difficult: The temin is crossed at half move rate.

Impassable: It may only be croucod if lbc tcrnin ii lower than !he .tnea height
oflhemodel and the Knight docm'lc:nd bia move on lbc Tmnin.

Knights fire in exactly the same way as normal vehicles.
Knights with first fire orders may fire
in the first fire segment,
Knights with advance orders may fire in the fire in the advance
fire segment and Knights with charge orders may not fire at
Knights follow all the roles for range and WS as printed in the
FORMATION Space Marine rulebook and fire their weapons as if they were
Detachments of Knights must follow the formation rule, No
Krught in the detachment may be further than 6cm away from
another Knight. If for any reason the Knights become
separated by further than 6cm, then they must assume an Just like vehicles, if Knights have Charge orders they move up
acceptable formation next time they move. The Knights may to double the distance printed on their speed value and may
stay out of formation so long as the detachment doesn't move. enter close combat. To enter close combat the Knights must
move into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit. All
ORDERS PHASE Knights have a special lance attack which is dealt with in a
special way. It the Knight detachment charges into close
Detachments of Knights are given orders in the Orders Phase combat then it recieve the benefit of using their lances (see
exactly like normal troops. Knights follow the normal tum below). If the Knights allow themselves to be charged, then
sequeru;.e for moving and firing as printed in the Space Marine the close combat is resolved in the usual way as if the Knights
rulebook. were vehicles and using their Close Assault Factor.

MOVEMENT Imperial Shock Lance

The shock lance is used by Human Knights to deliver high
Knight, move in exactly the same way as vehicles i.e. Knights voltage electromagnetic shocks to enemies they are close
with advance orders can be moved up to the their speed value assaulting. The engines of the Knight suit are fitted with huge
as noted on their profile. Knights with charge orders may dynamos, as the Knight builds up speed, literally charging into
move up to double their speed value. combat, the dynamos revolve, storing electric charge in
capacitors mounted in the Knights visor. When the Knight
enters close combat the charge in the capicitors is so great it
Just like Titans, Knights are unable to move through some can do nothing but earth itself, usually via the enemy troops,
types of terrrain, while some terrain will slow them down.
delivering a devastating electric shock which bum infantry to
Because of the Knights smaller size, they are a lot more the bone, and shorts out vehicle weapon systems.
flexible and can move with greater ease than Titans.
When an Imperial Knight detachment equipped with lances
One noteable exception from Titans is the Knights ability to
charges into close combat it doubles its CAF for the first round
move, through woods normally, many of the Maiden Worlds of combat. But Knights may only assist each other in multiple
are covered in forests and the pilots chlldhood within the
combat when fighting Super Heavy vehicles, Titans or
forests lend a sort of affifnity with trees to their Knights
Gargants, as they risk discharging the lance on each other.
'personality. The ability of the Knight pilots to move through
close terrain is one which Titan princeps would love to learn, Krughis who are charged themselves recieve no benefit from
but their Titan personalities never seem to grasp it to the full. their lances, as their lances will not be'charged'.

The Eldar psychic lance is particularly potent against Greater
Eldar Psychic Lance
The psychic lance is used by Eldar Knights to deliver a Daemons. If the Knight charges directly into close combat
with a Greater Daemon, then the Greater Daemon must make
massive psychic blow to enemies in close combat. As the
an immediate saving throw to avoid being destroyed. The save
Knight charges into close combat, the spirit stone replays all is modified by -1 for each Knight in the base to base contact
the previous close assaults that have occured in its thousands
of years in existance, flooding the entire machine and pilot with the Daemon. The chaos player may add+1 to their saving
with psychic fury. These energies spit and froth from the roll for each Chaos card they use. The Chaos player must
machine in arcs of lightning, making the sight of a charging nominate how many cards they wish to use before rolling for
Eldar Knight awesome to behold. When the Knight enters the save. If the saving throw is failed the Greater Daemon loses
close combat the psychic energies are of such an intensity that it's control over the material universe and is banished back to
the spirit stone is screaming from the feedback. At this point the warp.
the pilot diverts the psychic energies into crystal mounted in
the Knights visor. This focuses the psychic energies into a
catacylsmic blast that burns the minds of infantry, jams
weapon systems and fuses electrical components.
When an Eldar Knight Detachment charges into close combat
with infantry stands or vehicles the following procedure
should be followed. Before the combat is resolved, roll a 06
for each unit that is in base-to-base combat with the Knight.
On a roll of 1,2 or 3 the combat is resolved as usual, on a roll of
4 or 5 the target CAF is reduced to zero for the rest of the close
combat. on a roll of 6 the target must make it's saving throw to FIRING AT KNIGHTS
avoid being destroyed, if the target makes it's saving roll then
the combat is resolved as usual. Knights who are charged When firing at both Eldar and Imperial Knights they are
themselves reeieve no benefit from their lances, as the Knights treated just like vehicles, with one noteable exception. both
have to build up the psychic fury needed to charge the lance. Eldar and Imperial Knights carry a shield defense.
When the Eldar Knight detachment charges into close combat Eldar Shields
with a Titan or Gargant the following procedure should be Eldar Knights use a system of disruptive holo fields similar to
followed, roll a 06 for each Knight in base-to-base combat those employed by the Eldar Harlequins and Eldar Titans. The
with the Titan, on a roll of 1,2 or 3 the combat is resolved as holo fields act to diffract a Knight's image as it moves; the
usual, on a roll of 4 or 5 the titans CAP is reduced by 06, on a faster it moves, the more widely spread the the Knight's image
roll of a 6 the Titans CAF is halved for the rest of the close and the harder it becomes to target. To represent this each
combat. Knight recieves an additional saving throw based on it's orders
for that tum. This is taken before the Knight's normal saving
throw and isn't modified for any reason. Look up the Knight's
orders on the table below to find the save recieved by the
Knight for fire against it. Holo fields are useless against
barrage weapons, and the Knight recieves no extra save
against weapons or attacks which use a template. If the Knight
fails it's save for the holo fields it recieves it's normal saving
throw, if the Knight fails this roll. as well, it is destroyed and
removed from play as usual.
Orders Save

Charge 3+
Advance 4+
First Fire 5+
Fall Back 4+

Human Shields
The shields carried by the Imperial Knights are a derivative of
power field technology. Human Knights carry a small but
powerful directional generator. This works by creating a
powerfield across a 90° arc to the front of the Knight. To
represent this any hits fired at the front of the Knight recieve
no save modifier. The Knight's saving throw to the front
cannot be affected by weapon save modifiers. Shots which
strike the Knight from the side or rear are allowed to use their
save modifier as usual. Barrages are considered to hit the
Knight from the direction the weapon is flied (this represents
the Knight's shield deflecting the fire before it passes him).
Indirect barrages are considered to come from the centre of the
burst template. If the Knight fails it's saving throw it is
destroyed and removed from play as usual.
Since the Knights Inclusion In the Imperlum, Imperial Knights have earned themselves a fearsome reputation as bold
warriors who will risk all for the Emperor. Many an Imperial commander has called upon the services of the Noble houses
to break an unrelenting foe or to smash through enemy Does with their high speed and devastating Shock lances.

--------PI.AE.TORIAN KNIGHTS--------
The Praetorian Knights is one of the most common types of
Knight suit used by the Imperial Knights. Built to roughly the
same proportions as a human, one arm usually mounts a
vicious close assault weapon. used to sweep infantry aside and
crack open armour. The other arm mounts a heavy amwnenl
of some sort. usually a battle cannon or an auto-cannon,
aldwugh some are equipped with multi-melta. The Praetorian
Knights are multi-role Knights tha1 can hold there own at long
range and still be devastating in close combat, As with most
Imperial Knights, the Praetorian Knights are fitted with the
devastating Shock Lance.

TroopType Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

Sabre 20cm 2+• +3 Multi-melta 25an 1 3+ -2 Lance: Dwble CAF

on charge

Scimitar 20an 2+• +3 Battle Carmon SOan 1 4+ -2 Lance: Doublt CAP


Oaymore 20an 2+• +3 Auto Cannon 50cm 2 S+ -1 Lance: Dwble CAI

on charge

--------ClNTURION KNIGHTS--------
Although less common than the Praetorians, almost all of the carry heavier weaponry, but this is usually for defensive
houses have a few detachments of Centurion Knights, the purposes and fighting off marauding infantry and vehicle
Centurion Knights are highly mobile and used for scout units. The Centurion Knights are best used in a scouting role.
missions where speed is essential. The Centurion Knights running around the enemies flanks, revealing hidden troops.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapoos Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

Hunrer 25an 3+• +2 Battle Cannoo 7Scm 1 4+ -2 Lance: Double CAF

Bolren 25cm 2 6t 0 cxtcha,ge

Striker 25cm 3+• +2 Lucannon 15cm 2 5+ -2 Lance: Dwble CAF


What &bot at from the front Cmturion Knight, recieve the balcfi1 from their shield and thm save cannat be modihcd by weapon moclificn of any type.

Lords are the leaders of households, they have survived many customised so that the lord can lead Centurion Knight
battles and lead their house from victory to victory. The Lord's charges, bearing the household banner aloft and inspiring the
annour is decorated with captured banners and trophies. A other knights to great deeds of courage and heroism.
Lords Knight suit is usually a Praetorian, but many are

Troop Type Move Sa'ring CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to TafJ4ll'1 Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

Lord 25cm 2+• +4 Bllltle C111111on 75cm 1 4+ -2 Lance: Double CAP

Bolws 2Scm 2 6t 0 on charge

When shot at fJom lbc front Lorcll zea.eve the benefit from their shidd and 1lieir save cannot be modified by wupm moddim of my type.

The Eklar Knights are the envy ol every Human Noble. The sleek forty foot war machines move through the forests and
crca tbe grassy sappes of the Maiden Worlds, with grace and style, that makes the Human Knights look like a dumsy old
drover. The superior Eldar technology allows some of the E1dar Knights to mount the deadly Maelstrom Luer. A high
powend Laser weapon, with It's abDJty to punch a hole In even the toughest keep, It Is known as the Eldar Knights' calling
----------Jilt£ KNIGHTS----------
The Bldar Fire Knight is one of the most common Knight
types. The ability of the Fire knight to mount several different
weapon combinations is very populu with the Eldu pilots
who like to personalise their armour. The Fire Gale carries the
deadly Maelstrom laser. a high powered lascannon that is
feared throughout the Maiden worlds and is well capable of
destroying most heavily armoured opponents. The Fire Gales
other arm mounts an Bldu Scatter Laser for dealing with
Jnfanlry units which may stray too close to the Knight. The
Fire Reaper carries a potent triple barreled lucannon for
dealing with massed armoured targets. The Fire Reapec carries
a vicious power fist to enhance it's ability in close combat. The
Fire Storm shows how versatile the Fire Knight is by
completely replacing its weapons with multi-launchers, that
fire a barrage of missiles which are deadly to groups of massed
infantry and light vehicles. The Fire Storm carries Shmiken
cannons for dealing with Infantry units which threaten to
charge the Knight.

Troop Type Move Savlag CAF Weapons Raage Attack Roll to Target'• Notes
Tbrow Dice Hit Save Mod.

FireGale 20an 3+ +2 Maelstrom Laser 7San 2 4t -2 Psychic Lance

Scauer Laser 2San 3 S+ 0 HoloPicld1
mReapu 20an 3+ +3 Lascannon SOan 3 S+ -1 Psychic Lance
Holo Fielcb
mStoan 20an 3+ +2 Mi11iles 100cm 4 Barrage Points -2 Psychic
Shurilten, 2Scm 2 6+ 0 Bolo Fields

--------BRIGHT WARRIORS--------
The Bright Warrior represents the epitome of Eldar walker combat weapons, their abilty to rear up on their hind legs and
teclmology. The ability of these four legged Knights to move trample infantry and tanks with their front hoove makes them
across the battle-field with grace and swiftness lies with the formidable close combat opponents.
pilots. who come from the grassy steppes of the Maiden
worlds. They spend most of their younger years taming the
wild horses and riding with the herds of gazelles that roam the
grasslanm. This lends them an affinity with the swift creatures
and enables them to pilot the huge Bright Warriors with the
coordination and agility of a trained horseman. Both the
Bright Stallion and Bright Stalker cany the deadly Maelstrom
laser. The Bright Stallion also carries an Eldar Scatter Laser
for anti-personel purposes. The Bright Stalkers carries a
1.ucannon to give it additional punch against armoured targets.
Alth>ugh both the Stallion and Stalker do not carry any close

TlvopType Move SaYing CAP' Wapom Range Altack 1loll to Tarpt'1 Notes
Tlirow Dice Bit Save Mod.
Bright S111lion 2San 4t +3 MIICWb'om Luer 7San 2 4+ -2 Plyc:bic Lance
Scatter Laser 2San 3 S+ 0 HoloFid.d•
Bright Stalker 2Scm 4t +3 MadJtrom Luer 1Scm 2 4t -2 Psychic Lance
Lucannoo SOan 1 S+ -1 HoloFieldl

--------TOWlRING KNIGHTS--------
The Towering Knights are the largest and heaviest of all the
Eldar Knights. The mental agility required of the lone Eldar to
cmtrol these four mned Knights. is something most humans
can't even comprehend. It takes many centuries of learning
before even the Exodite can master the art of controlling a
Towering Knight. because of this, these walking towers are
piloted by the oldest and most experienced Exodites pilots.
Two of the arms are mounted with a variety of vicious close
combat weapons. Combined with an Eldar psychic lance, this
gives the Towering Knights an unparalleled advantage in close
combat. Both the Towering Destroyer and Towering Fury
cmy the deadly Maelstrom laser, giving them the potential to
destroy human keeps. The Towering Deatroyer also camcs m
Eldar Scatter Laser for defending itself against marauding
groups of infantry and light vehicles. The Towering Fury
carries a lascannon to give it additional punch against
armoured target&, freeing the Maelstrom Laser to c:onoentrate
on targets of more strategic importance, such as enemy
strongholds and Titans.

Troop'l)pe Move Sa'rine CAF Wupon1 Range AUad; lloOto Tarpt'1 Nota
Tllrow Dice BJt Save Mod.

Towering Destroyer 20cm 2+ +S Maelstnim La1er 15cm 2 4+ -2 Psychic Lance

Scatter Lasec 2Sc:m 3 5+ 0 HoloPields

Towering Fwy 20cm 2+ +5 MadJUan Later 7San 2 4+ ·2 Psychic Lance

Lasc:mmon 50cm 1 S+ -1 HoloPidds

Imperial forces can include Imperial Knight support and Just like other company cards you can buy up to five support
company cards. An Imperial player can attach Knight support cards. These may be more Knight detachments or any of the
cards to Imperial Guard company cards. This represents following units from the Imperial Guard support cards:
smaller houses being drafted into Imperial Guard armies.The Tactical Platoons, Assault Platoons, Sentinel Squadrons,
Knight detachments are completely independent and do not Rough Rider Squadrons, Bike Squads and Thudd Gun
have to conform to the Imperial Guard command structure. Batteries. These are the Knights men-at-arms, Imperial
The only formation the Knights have to maintain is the 6cm players should use normal Imperial Guard models and paint
between themselves. If the Imperial player has a leviathan, them colours matching their Knights house.
which is destroyed at some stage in the game, then the Knights
are completely unaffected by the breaking of the chain of Note: If you buy a complete company of Imperial Knights,
command. although any support cards attached to it may be Imperial
Guard, and the models used are Imperial guard, the troops
Knights can also be bought as company cards. This represents represented are not Imperial Guard, they are the Knights men
the larger houses that are left wider autonomous rule. being at arms, and do not have to maintain a chain of command.
called to serve the Imperial cause as and when the need arises.


An JmperW Kmaht Homehold CGnlim cl one dc:tacbment of BREAK POINT 4: The Impez:ial :KnightHoutebold ii bmkm
Pnc:lotian Kalgbll and one deiadment of Cailllzioa Knl,sh... once it bu lac 4 Knight.I. Once the hOllldlald ia bmkm c.o:dl
led by thdr Lord. knight dotachmcn nuul take ID indiY!dull mcraJo cboc:k.

[:]+ MORALE VALUI 2: ICnipta hav• • morale valuo of 2.

TheJ mmt roll 2 or more an a D6 to pea lhe:ir maale cbDca.


Y011? opponent glim S VPa wheo this canpuiy ii brdtm


A Pn e10ri111 Knight De11ch111ent eomilta of any mil of 3 BREAK POINT 2: Tho Praetorian ICnipt Dctacbme.nt ii
Prac:kirian Knigbu. broken once it bu lcut 2 Kni.Jhta. Once the detachment is
brdtcn it must tab a monlc dlcck.

MORALE V ALU! 2: Xnig!UI have a monlo v1l1JO of 2.

They nuul roll 2 or more on a D6 to pau their moruo choc:k.


Your oppment guns 2 VPa when this company ia lxakm

@ Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use
All of the Eldar Knight cl1111 maintain a small number of Each Elder Knight company card allows you to buy one
ground IIOOpl for lbe defence of their realm. From their trading Special card and up to five support card&. These may be ether
with the c:raftworlds, all the Knight clam have close links with extra detachments of Knights or support cards chosen from the
at J.eut one of lhe craftworlds. Both lhe clan and the aaftworld following cards from the Eldar support cards: Guardian
have a mutual defence policy and will come to each others aid. Defende:rs, Eldar Jet Bike Squadron, Vyper Squadron, War
purely in the inlerelts of p-eserving u many Eldar u possible. Walker Squadron, Eldar Anti-Grav Lascannon. Each Eldar
Although m Bldar Knight clan would neve:r come under direct Knight company allows you to buy the following Special
command of a craftworld, the Knights 1re still Eldar, and they cards: Warlodcs, Scouts and Harlequin Troupes.
more than most Eldar understand lhe plight of their declining
If you prefer you may actually field an entire Eldar Knight
auny. Although you would be quite limited in yow- choice of
Eldar Knights are available u m allied contingent for your troops. it would be interesting if you played against a purely
Eldar anny. The contigent may contain lhe following company human Knight force. In this way you could recreate the battles
cards: at least one company of Knights, Defender Warhosts and fought during the Age of Strife, for supmnac:y of the Maiden
Wind R.ider Hosts. Worlds


All Bld&r ltalgttt Bast comiJt& cL 11m,c Knight dccachmcnu. The Eld1t Liptlbt ii lhc cxn f'Ol'Cll oflr:nip, """8fflWl8
&ch Knigllt dcw:bmait camlll of呸 mix of any thfte Kniahll an Eld.Ir Exodita Clm.
mm elA:h of tho 11uw cliffman t)'IIIII « Knigbr. BREAX POINT 5: The Elclar 1Cnip Holt ii braca once it
hu lost 5 Knights. Once the host ia brokeo. each knight
detaclunca& must take m inciividDll zncnJe dicc:k.
MORALE V.ALOE 2: Knights have • monlo valac of 2.
They mlll\ IOll 2 or IDOftO on • D6 io put their monla chock.


YOUl' CJPPCll*ll aams 9 VPs when 1hia comp1111y is -*en


A Fire &'.nigh I Detachment consists oi any mix oi 3 Fire BREAK POIN'I' 2: The Fire KniJht Dc:ucbma1t ii broken
Enigbtl. once it bu !Olt 2 Knigbta. Once 1he dctaduncnt ii llldtcn it
must take I moale c:beclc.


MORALE V ALOE 2: Knight.a ilave I morale vuic of 2.
They must IOll 2 or mare on a D6 io pua their manlllchcck.

Your llppODCllt pim 3 VPs whm this eonipaiy i, lloken

@Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use

A Bn,b1 Wmior Detachmait conm11 of any mix of 3 Br:ig1n IRIAXl'OINT2: TheB!iptWamarDet1ebmmtisbmkm
Wmiail. once it hu loet 2 KnigJ,.11. Once die clctaebmen1 ia b:aken i1

muat take a moxu: chcc:k.
MORAJ..I VALUE 2: ICnightc have a morale value of 2.
They ll'llllt roll 2 or more on a D6 to pu1 their moralo chock.


Your呸 piN 3 VPa what this c:ompmy ii bmkm


A Towming Knight Detachment con,iata of any mix of 3 BREAK POINT 2: The Towenn, Knipt Dctachmait ii
Towering Jeniptl. broken once il bu 1011 2 Knigbta. Oac:e the clataehment ia
braltai .ll nwlt take a mcnle cha:k
MORALE VALUE 2: Jtniahtl have a morale value of 2.
They ftllMl mll 2 «-CID I 1)6 to pul their mcnle dia:.k.

Youropponmtgaim4 VPa wban thiaccmpmiyia bmtm


A Ccnturion Knight Detachment con1iat1 of any mill of 3 BREAK POINT 2: Tile Ccntariaa Knight Det&chment ia
Cmtmim JCiiipl. broken cmce it hu lo,,t 2 Jtniabt1. Once tho debchmcnt ii
brakm i1 nnut '*" a -1e ehec:lt.
MORALE VALUE 2: Kniabt1 have a morale value of 2.
They fflDll mll 2 ormoro an a 06 to pua lhmr mcnle check.


Your oppanent aams 2 VPI when lhill cc:mpany ia brakm


A PraetoriaJl )[aipt Detachment c:auiata of any mill of 3 BREAK POINT 2: The Prall!Oliaa KniJlit Datachmcn1 ia
Pnct«ian Kzua111a. broken once it h11 lOll 2 Knightl. Once the detachment ia
bmbn it mtlll take a -1e clxa.
MORALE VA.LUE 2: KniaJit1 have a morale val11C of. 2.
They 1l"Allt mll 2 or more on a D6 to pu1 their mcnle dlec:k.


Your oppoa,:n1 pillll 2 VPI when lhill c:a:npay ia brakcn
Many battles are fought In heavily urbanised areas where cover and possession of buildings is vital to victory. This article
helps you to fight Space Marine battles in cities and other urban complexes.

One of the ultimate tests in combat is an urban conflict, with The Basics.
reduced lines of sight, limited fire arcs and many areas that are City Fight battles are a version of assault scenario. One player
perfect for enemy ambushes adding to the overall feeling of is the attacker and will find that capturing buildings is the best
tension that underlies a battle. where foes could be metres way for him to acquire VP's. The other player must defend his
away and out of sight. The pressure put upon soldiers during city and will gain more VP's for breaking the enemy than by
such battles is very heavy, the need for perfect co-ordination occupation of his own property. Unlike other games of Space
and reflexes plays strongly upon the nerves of even the super· Marine, City Fight does not use Objective markers, instead
human Space Marines. Death can stalk a fighter in many ways, every single building on the table is allotted a number of VP's
but a bolt or las-shot from some hidden foe is one of the most that vary according to the building's importance to the
ignoble deaths that anybody could face (or rather, not face). attacker or defender.
Despite this, it is often essential that an anny attack a city, they Forces and Deployment.
are sites of power generators, the nexus to continent-spanning
Before the battle the players will have to decide who is
transport systems, and the seat of local authority, or perhaps
attacking and who is defending. This can be done by mutual
even the habitation of the planetary Governor. The suppression
of all these factors make assaults on urban complexes agreement, tossing a coin or some other method. It is best if
you decide this well in advance, as it will make a great
paramount in any campaign that is relying on surprise and difference to your army selection. The attacking player picks
speed for it's victories. If you can steal the heart and brain of his force as normal. We recommend games between 5,000
any army, all that is left is useless, and can be easily removed and 8,000 points are best; too few points and the defender will
at your convenience.
find it impossible to cover all of the major pieces of terrain,
Buildings are one of the most important terrain features in too many and the attacker will be hard pressed to make any
Space Marine games. They provide hard cover for infantry headway. The defender chooses his forces slightly differently.
stands and excellent fields of fire for support troops such as He may purchase the fortifications, published in the Space
Devastators. In most games at least one Objective marker will Marine Battles book (also in WO 144), at the printed cost,
be placed on a building, or in a space in the middle of a group with the exception of Strongholds (see The City section
of buildings. The following rules are for players who like to below). Normal army cards will cost him double, so a l 00
have lots of fortresses, power plants, temples and bunkers as point card effectively costs 200 points. Once both armies arc
well as ordinary buildings. The type of game that uses these selected you are ready to fight.
rules is called a City Fight. The deployment zones for a City Fight are slightly different
than those for normal battles or other types of assaults. The
deployment for the defender is exactly the same as given in
the assault rules. He may set his forces up to halfway across
the table. He may set-up hidden, which means that a counter is
placed for each detachment, and the troops may not be
targeted until they are revealed. When an enemy model
approaches within 25cm of a hidden set-up counter place the
models on the table. One must be placed on the counter's
position, and the others will be set-up within the normal
coherency rules. Models may be placed in close assault and
will be dug-in when revealed, flip the counter to show the
dug-in face. Models that fire at a dug-in model receive a
further -1 LO hit modifier, this is in addition to all the usual
modifiers for cover. A model that is dug-in counts as having
First Fire orders and will lose the dug-in counter if it moves
for any reason. The hidden set-up and dug-in rules arc covered
more fully in Space Marine Battles. The attacker deploys
second and may not place his troops any further than 30cm
from his table edge, unless they have special deployment rules
(such as Eldar scouts). Once both players set-up it is the first
tum. with the Initiative automatically going to the attacker, as
cities are usually the primary target of a fast-moving assault
column and the defenders will only have a short time to

Victory Points. Victory Points. A Secured counter does not effect the game in
Instead of Objectives, City Fight armies gain VP's by any other way and the building may be reclaimed as normal by
occupying buildings and destroying the enemy. The attacker the defender in future turns, and the counter should be
gets normal VP's for breaking enemy formations, but the removed if the defender enters the building later on (or Guards
defender gains double the printed value for enemies broken. it, in certain cases).
There are a number of ways to obtain VP's from the buildings.
The VP's are awarded in the End phase as usual, and are Guard: Certain installations may be Guarded, with the
received under the following rules. guardians attempting to prevent enemy troops from gaining
access. A model is said to Guard a building if it is 5cm or
Secured: If a player has models occupying a building in the closer to the building. If there is an enemy unit within 5cm,
End phase he will receive the VP's given in the building then neither side may claim the VP's for Guarding. Other than
description, unless one of the following conditions apply: by firing or close assault in the usual manner, the unit
Guarding the building does not affect the ability of the enemy
l> There is an enemy model within the same building, to possess or attack it in any way.
2> The model is on Fall Back orders, A building only ever awards VP's from one source. A
3> The model is subject to a condition thar will prevent it from building that is Secured and Guarded by the same player will
moving and/ or firing in the next turn. i.e. the victim of the only allow him to gain VP's from the Securing, the Guarding
Eldar Warlock power Psychic Lock. does not confer additional VP's. Similarly, a building that is
marked with a Secured counter and has an attacking stand
There is also a special option open to the attacking army. An inside it does not count twice, the VP's arc awarded once only.
anacking army that has assured itself that a building does not Securing takes precedence over Guarding, and Guarding takes
contain any more traps or secret entrances can delete the precedence over Secured counters (see examples). This is
building from it's worries and continue the attack To represent easiest to remember if you calculate the player's VP's in the
this an attacking model that fulfils all the requirements for following sequence; award for Securing and place/ remove
Securing (see above) allows the attacking player to mark the Secured markers. Award for Guarding and remove any
building as Secured. After you have calculated VP's for the Secured markers, finally award the auackcr VP's for any
tum the attacker should place an appropriate counter on any Secured markers still on the table. You should calculate VP's
buildings that his forces have Secured. The attacker may then at the very end of the turn, after rolls for Rallying or breaking
move his troops from the building without losing the VP's. free of psychic anacks, etc. have been attempted.
When you calculate the attacker's VP's a building that is
marked by a Secured counter counts as if the attacker had Victory Levels are the same as those given in the table on the
models inside it and he will receive the appropriate number of Space Marine play sheet.

Key to Examples

Im Attacker Troop Stand

00 Defender 'froop Stand



Secured Marker The attacker gains VPs for securing the building. The
models within Guard range do not affect this in anyway.
Place a Secured Marker.

The defender gains VPs for securing the building, and the Since the building is no longer secured by the attacker the
Secured Marker is removed. As in the previous example the Secured Marker is removed and neither side gains VPs for
Guarding models do not affect this in any way. this building.

Power Station.
Occupation of power stations is vital in a City Fight, where a
defenders whole command structure can be broken if the
enemy deny him the power he needs for communications and
transport. Power stations are usually a group of buildings and
generators rather than a single edifice. Models making up a
power station should be clearly grouped as a single objective, a
wire fence around them can be a good way of indicating this.
One of the buildings should be designated as the control
centre, it is this building which must be Secured to gain VP's,
all the other structures count as standard buildings.

There should also be a model of the main generator or reactor.

The reactor cannot be Secured (unless you like living in
conditions similar to the heart of a star) and is the structure you
measure from if you want lo gain VP's for Guarding. If a
reactor is destroyed there is a chance that the volatile
generators and conductors within its walls will explode. If this
is the case, roll a D6. On a roll of 5 or 6 it explodes, hitting
everything within a radius of 2D6cm from its centre, including
any other buildings. Models in the blast must make a save with
a -1 modifier or be destroyed. Titans will lose a shield or suffer
a hit as appropriate. ·
If a reactor is destroyed or the control centre Secured by the
THE CITY. attacker, then any defending troops in Strongholds,
The following is a description of different types of buildings Watchtowers and similar fortifications count as having no
and the rules for using them. You don't have lo play a City orders for the rest of the tum. while commanders desperately
Fight game lO use these rules, you can use the special rules in try to remedy the sudden loss of power. Any building weapons
an ordinary battle or an Assault scenario. The Victory Point cease to function until the start of the next tum, as power is
values are only for use in City Fight battles, use an objective being re-directed from another source. Power stations can hold
marker if you want lO give them a value in an ordinary game. between 5 and 10 infantry stands.

Standard building. Power Station

A standard building is usually some kind of residential block.
The card buildings that come with Space Marine are a good Saving throw 3 on 206
example of standard buildings, but Ork villages, Eldar towers
and other structures till the same niche. They can hold four to VP value: 7 if Secured
seven infantry stands. 5 if Guarded
4 to necker if Destroyc .

Standard IJuilding Temple.

S ving throw. 4 on 206. Temples provide a focus for a defenders morale and an
attacker who occupies a temple of the enemy, or destroys it,
\ Pvalue: l if Secured can deliver a large psychological blow to his foes. A defending
model within 25cm of a temple may re-roll any Morale or
Rally tests. If the second roll also fails then the unit Falls Back
as usual. However, nearby troops will be totally disheartened if
Factory. they see their shrine destroyed or desecrated by the enemy. If
The term 'Factory' is a convenience, it represents a building the Temple is destroyed or Secured by the enemy all defending
that contains more than just areas for habitation. It may units within 25cm must pass an immediate Morale check or be
actually be a munitions factory, medical centre, archive given Fall Back orders. A temple should be able to contain five
building or other place of strategic importance. An attacker can lo ten stands.
find vital intelligence such as maps, records of army musters
and other information. A factory should be large enough to
hold between five and eight stands. Temple
Saving throw: 4+ on 206
VP value; 6 lo Securing attacker,
Saving Throw: 4+on2D6 4 to Securing defender
VP value: l to defender if Secured, 3 if Guarded
u, 1r s · t, .l ker if destroyed

Bridges. Watch Tower.
Bridges form an important part of any settlements Watch towers are small bastions designed to slow an enemy
transportation system. Controlling a bridge cuts down the advance rather than stop it. Defenders in a watch tower have
mobility of an enemy army considerably. Bridges that are good protection and have the advantage of an elevated line of
destroyed are useless to both forces and so a player has 5 sight, allowing them to pour fire into an enemy formation
Victory Points deducted from his total if he destroys one. It is while sustaining few casualties. Watch towers should be
possible for a bridge to be destroyed by a scattering barrage so placed to the front of your defences, where if undealt with the
it is given a save of 4+ on 206. Models firing at troops on defender will be able to pour fire upon the attacker's exposed
bridges suffer a -1 to hit modifier due to the struts and other rear A watch tower model should not be any larger than three
cover that it provides. Unlike other buildings, bridges can be size points.
crossed by any vehicle, providing the model actually fits onto
the terrain piece (don't try shuffling your Great Gargant along
VVatch Towers
a footbridge). At least one bridge (and preferably two) must be
used if there is a river on the table. If you do have a river there Saving throw: 2+ on 2D6
should be an additional ford or similar indestructible crossing
point at another location on the river (a City Fight across a well VP value: 4 if Secured by attacker
defended river is nigh-on impossible if you can't get across; 2 to attacker if destroyed
believe me, I failed miserably). Cost: 50 points

Saving throw: 4+on 2D6
Strongholds are much larger fortifications than Watch Towers.
VP value: 4 if Secured They are often Adcptus Mechanicus facilities, or perhaps the
2ifGuarded headquarters of a particularly powerful Ork Warlord. They arc
-5 to army who destroys very hard destroy, and if adequately manned they are almost
invulnerable to other types of assault A Stronghold is between
four and eight Size points. Strongholds have very rigid internal
structuring, and arc specifically designed to absorb a lot of
The following buildings are classified as fortifications and arc punishment. Consequently, a Stronghold has to be hit twice
allowed several extra additions to the basic building. A before it is destroyed. The first failed save causes one hit, place
fortifications 'class' is based around its size. For every two a marker on the building. If the stronghold fails its saving
infantry stands that could occupy the building, it is said to have lhrow from another hit it is destroyed as usual.
one Size point. The importance of Size points will be clearer
later. Fortifications have thick walls which confer a 4+ saving Larger Fortifications can be made by designating parts of the
throw to models that are completely within its walls, this save model as either watch towers or Strongholds, each section
is modified as normal. being treated as a scpcr ate building for occupation,
destruction, equipment (except power fields) and its VP rating.

Saving throw: 2+on 2D6
VP value: 6 if Secured by attacker
3 to attacker if destroyed
Cost: 150 points

City walls.
If you want to fight a battle just outside the city limits then you
will want to include a model city wall (a modified Mighty
Fortress wall (i.e. lotsa pipes an' plates an' grills an' nails an'
red paint an' squigargagarglcoylcs an' stuff- cd.) makes an
impressive focal point for a battle). City walls should stretch
from one table edge to another, either from side to side or
turning in towards the defenders base line at some point Its
furthest section should be no further than 35cm from the
defenders base line. If a City wall is in play the defender can
set up anywhere on or behind it, rather than in the normal
deployment zone. The City wall should be divided into
sections between 15 and 25cm in length. For the purposes of
destruction each section counts as a seperatc building. City
walls can take three hits before collapsing, so you need
counters to mark them when they fail the first and second
saving throws, they follow all of the normal rules for
collapsing buildings if they fail to save against a third hit. City
walls fo1Jow the rules for fortifications and may be equipped
with powerfields, weapons and a Scanner tower as detailed

A City wall should contain al least one gate large enough LO
admit a Titan sized model. The gate can be targeted separately
if the firer is within 50 cm of the wall section it is in, and it
counts as a vehicle with a saving throw of l+ which can take
two hits before it is destroyed. At the start of the rum, before
initiative is rolled, the player who Occupies the gale section
must declare whether the gate is opened or closed. Any model
may move through an open gate, no models may move through
a closed gate. The gale may be attacked in Close Assault and
has a CAF of +20 though it does not roll dice to add to this
score (so any enemy who can roll 21+ with their CAF will
cause one hit).
Models may be placed on the ramparts and gain the -2 to hit
modifier for being in a building. Models that are flying high
will only suffer a -1 to hit penalty when firing at troops on
walls, as a lot of the cover will be negated by the firers greater
elevation. There will only be a -1 to hit modifier if the firer is
located behind the wall, as most of the defences arc positioned
10 withstand attacks from the front, It takes an entire tum for a
model positioned al the top of the wall LO reach the bottom, and
vice versa. City walls are assumed to have lifts and other
devices to move tanks up Lo the ramparts, so almost any model
can be positioned at the top. Only Titans and super heavy tanks
are prohibited from being placed on top of a City wall. The
occupants of a City wall may only be close assaulted by
models on the inside unless the attacking model is a skimmer
(in which case it can fly up to the ramparts as usual). The
normal rules for attacking a building apply. Models on top of a
City wall do not get the extra saving throw given by
fortifications as the protection provided docs not completely
enclose them.
A City wall may have Strongholds and Watchtowers
positioned along its length (such as the Mighty Fortress BUILDING WEAPONS AND DEFENCES.
towers) and these follow all the rules given for Strongholds in
this article. The following items may be bought for a fortification and
There are many other types of building not included with this should be represented by an appropriate terrain model.
article, if you have a particularly interesting terrain pieces feel
free to make up rules and Victory Point values for it (as long as Power field generator.
your opponent agrees). A Fortification may be equipped with a power field generator,
to defend it from incoming fire. Each generator will supply one
power field which will be permanently knocked down by the
first shot that hits it, Because powerfields have LO flick on and
off to allow weapons inside the field to fire, any hit on the field
will bypass it on a roll of 6 on a 06- the shield still remains but
the hit is worked out on the building. The number of generators
one building can contain is limited by its size. A building can
have one generator per size point. Larger fortifications made
up from several Strongholds and/ or watch towers combine the
number of powerfield generators. Each Powerfield will protect
up to 7 size points of building.
An occupier may destroy the powerfield generators at the
endof the tum (to prevent them from being used by an attacker
who is almost certain of gaining possession, for example) and
this is automatically done in the End phase. City wall sections
are very large and so do not combine generators, they only
cover the section the generator is located in. City gates arc
City wan protected by a generator if it is in the same waJI section. Power
fields cost 25 points each and adds one to the Victory Point
Saving throw: 2+- on 206, takes three hits value of the building for every two generators bought (one is
VP value: 3 to a Securing defender,
free. two are worth +l VP and so on).
7 to a Securing attacker.
5 to attacker if destroyed Scanner tower
Next to the fortification there is a tall column covered with
Gate: Vehicle save of 1 +, takes aerials, dishes and other scanning devices. A Scanner tower is
two hits, CAF +20. filled with sophisticated target acquisition sensors,
communications relay systems and other equipment necessary
Cost: Free for the co-ordination of an army.
If the building is equipped with one or more weapon systems a calibre auto-cannon that can achieve a high rate of fire. They
Scanner Lower grants it a+ 1 modifier on all its Lo hit rolls from arc mostly employed to deal with medium sized attackers, such
a single weapon. A Scanner tower can give accurate advanced as enemy transport vehicles, forcing attackers to slow their
warning to troops about the dispositions and movement of the advance or risk getting killed in a torrent of shells.
enemy. After orders have been placed but before they arc Melia-blasters: The super-heat discharges from Mella-blasters
revealed you may add 06 order counters. The units affected can cause horrendous damage to living tissue, as well as
must have at least one model within 30cm of the tower's base. melting through thick armour. This devastating firepower is
A unit that has been given two order counters may decide offset by the relatively short range of weapons that employ
which to use. It must still move and fire under one type of Mella technology.
order, it cannot Charge for its movement and have First fire
orders for firing, for example. No unit may be given more than An Imperial building may also mount the following Titan
two order counters. weapons; Vulcan Mega-bolter and the Inferno gun. These
follow all of the rules given for them in the Space Marine
A Scanner tower can also be used as a Command Unit for Battles book.
Imperial Guardsmen allowing them to be given orders if they
arc within 25cm of its base. Another use for the tower is Lo spot l呸ldar.
for models firing indirectly. It has a line of sight from the top
of the model ·and shots that scatter when being guided by a Lightning cannon: The Lightning cannon works on a similar
Scanner tower scatter three centimetres less than indicated by principle to the Titan Heat Lance. It sets up an electromagnetic
tube, along which a tremendous current of electrical energy is
the 206 roll.
discharged. Unlike the Heat Lance, the energy explodes
The tower counts as a seperate building that cannot be Secured violently when it hits the target, with forks of lightning arcing
or Guarded. The tower has to be situated outside any from tanks and armour, striking more enemy before it
powerfields otherwise it scanning equipment is rendered dissipates.
useless and will therefore not benefit from any powcrficlds
When you fir a Lightning cannon, select a target as usual.
that protect iLS associated building.
Place a barrage template so that it is centred on the model. Roll
A scanner tower is slightly less armoured than a standard 10 hit all the models under the template, needing a 3+ to
fortification. it has an armour saving throw of 3+ on 206. A succeed. Because the energy is of an electrical nature, heavier
Scanner tower costs 100 points and is worth 2 Victory Points if armour only attracts more of the auack towards the model. For
the attacker destroys it. this reason, any model hit has a saving throw of 5 or 6,
regardless of what it would normally save on (this includes
A captured tower (one with its parent building Secured by the stands and vehicles that normally receive no saving throw).
attacker) will automatically reveal any defending units that arc After all hits have been worked out there is a chance of the
still hidden. Since Orks are not sophisticated enough to lightning leaping across to a new target. Roll a 06, on a score
construct them, Ork fortifications may not include a Scanner of 5+ the barrage template should be repositioned as follows.
tower. Roll a scalier dice and place another template so that it is
Weapon system. touching the original, with it's centre point in the same
There arc several types of special weapon that can be mounted direction as indicated by the scalier dice. Remove the first
on a building. Some of these are designed 10 auack enemy template and work out any hits on models under the new
transports at a distance, while others arc relied upon for their template. The lightning can continue to jump in this manner, if
ability to cul down swathes of auackers shortly before they you keep rolling a 5+. The lightning field is very dense and
attempt 10 storm the building. Each building counts as a will ignore any terrain, so there is no to hit modifier for cover
scpcratc detachment for firing, and always counts as if it had when you roll to hit.
First Fire orders. If the defender does not have models
occupying the building then the weapons may not fire, as auto-
targeting systems get very confused when there is a large
number of buildings and potential targets to fire on. The
auacker may not use these weapons, and it would take too Jong
to destroy them in the heat of battle. A weapon can be targeted
separately by an enemy model within 50cm of the building.
They count as an armoured vehicle with a save of l+. A
weapon system is usually turret-mounted with a 360 degree arc
of fire. For every four stands that a fortification could hold. it is
allowed a single building weapon. A weapon system costs 75
points and each one adds + l VP to the fortification's value,
either for Securing or destruction.
Multi-launcher: The multi launcher is a barrage weapon that
fires salvoes of semi-guided rockets at attackers while they arc
still advancing into the outskirts of the area the fortification is
Las-battery: The Las-battery is an array of large scale Las-
cannon, similar to those that make up the barrels of a Titan
Las-blaster. Their primary use is for destroying recon troops
and other light vehicles, though they can also shoot attacking
infantry in significant numbers.
Gatling bauery: The Gatling battery is a multitude of large

Attak-Kannon: The Auak-Kannon is simply another variety of
the Orks favourite weapons, the Battlecannon and the
Autocannon. It lobs huge shells at approaching troops and
makes a satisfyingly loud bang when the ammo detonates,
sending armour rippling through the air or shooting great clods
of dirt and shrapnel into the sky.
Belcha; The Belcha is obviously based on the fire throwing
armaments of the Imperiurn, such as is mounted on the
Hellhound tank. It is supposedly the breath of Gork, but is in
fact large amounts of burning embers and smoke flushed out
of a funnel-shaped barrel. It uses the template given for use
with the Hellhound and the Inferno G1.m and will hit covered
models on a 4+.
Bigblasta: Bigblasta's are the next step up from Battlecannon.
They fire huge shells which can smash apart infantry
formations or rip armoured vehicles to smithereens. The
Bigblasta is a barrage weapon, but cannot fire indirectly.
Skorcha's: These are simply a number of Scorcher turrets
taken off wrecked Gargants or souped up from the remains of
a Wartrak Scorcher. They ignore to hit modifiers for cover,
since the flames lap round any intervening terrain.
An Ork fortification can also mount a Deth Kannon or Cluster
Buster, which follow all of the rules in the Warlords
Mortar: Mortars arc huge weapons which fire high-explosive
shells for great distances. The Squats use them to barrage
distant troops, as the enemy attempts to deploy his baulc line.
A Mortar fires it's shells in a very high trajectory and so
cannot fire at troops who are closer then 50cm co the weapon.
Dcathrcaver: The Dcathreaver is a large shuriken cannon that The Mortar has a number of barrage points equal to a roll of
fires mono-molecular edged discs, over a metre in diameter. 06+4 (giving it between 5 and 10).
These slice through troops and armoured vehicles with equal
case, causing great rifts to appear in the enemy line. Anti-storm boltcrs: The fortification mounts a number of
boilers that can hurl a lethal amount of ammunition into
Repulsor: The Rcpulsor uses the warp-field technology seen in nearby attackers. The bolters are all controlled from a central
such devices as the Warp-wave generator mounted on Wave pod, which can be targeted as any other building weapon.
Serpents, and is also a popular device for creating anti-gravitic
skimmers. The Rcpulsor is not a single weapon, but a series of Blaze Cannon: The Blaze Cannon is very similar to the
conductors that are positioned around the fortifications walls. Human Inferno Gun and the Ork Belcher, except that it not
These generators send out a blast of energy that sends models only fires superheated steam or flames, but also a hail of shells
reeling from the buildings walls. Troops are scattered, while which are intensely heated by the inferno surrounding them.
vehicles can be left overturned and useless. The Repulsor does The cannon fires a plume of fire half a second before
have a central generator which can be targeted and destroyed secondary turrets spew forth a hail of fist-sized ammunition.
like other building weapons. Troops not incinerated find themselves bombarded with
white-hot metal shards.
When the Repulsor is discharged you must determine how far
the wave emanates from the building, which will be 306cm. The Blaze Cannon fires using the flame template used by
The only way to avoid this is to use dexterity or brute strength Inferno Guns and Hellhounds. Any model half or more under
to avoid the rather erratic spread of energy. Any model caught the template will be hit on a roll of 4+. Targets hit must take
in the wave should roll a 06. If the model scores a 5 or 6 it is any saving throws with no modifier. After working out the hits
unaffected and will remain in place. If it scores a 1, a from the flames, leave the template in place. Any models
particularly powerful section of the field forces the model to under the template that have survived will hit by a hail of shot
make a save with a -3 modifier, if it makes it's save it is moved on a 5+, requiring them to make a saving throw with a -2
to the edge of the field as described below. Any other result modifier. Titans, and other vehicles with Void or Power fields,
means that the model is pushed back to the edge of the field, will lose two shields, one from the flames and another from
directly away from the building, and may do nothing for the the burning shells.
remainder of the turn. If a model cannot move the full distance
Squat fortifications may also mount a Las or Galling bauery as
(i.e. it is pushed into a building) then it must make an detailed in the Imperial building weapons section of this
unmodified save or be destroyed. Other buildings within the article
field are unaffected. The Repulsor takes a while to charge up
and so can only fire in the advance fire segment. Chaos.
Chaos Hellwrecker: The Hellwrecker is a huge cannon that
Eldar buildings may also mount weapons that are equivalent to fires large shells sec with a timer fuse. They soar into the air
the Titan Wing Missile launchers and Lascannon, and follow and explode just above the heads of enemy troops. Such is the
the details given in the Renegades book.
blast that any cover afforded by the terrain only offers limited Buildings and occupation.
protection. The Hellwrecker fires a barrage, with barrage The rules say that only infantry can enter buildings. Fine, but
points equal to a roll of the artillery dice. If you roll a misfire what really counts as infantry? There are two methods of
the Hellwrecker explodes and destroys itself, you must also resolving the problem, and I leave the choice to you as to
make a saving throw for the building the Hellwrecker is which you prefer. The first is two lists of 'Can enter' and
mounted on with a -2 save modifier. The Hcllwrecker blasts 'Can't enter', as follows.
away intervening terrain and so it's to hit roll is not affected by
modifiers for cover. Can enter: Any stand that consists of five infantry models, as
well as commanders, Robots, Chaos Champions, etc. Mole
Camageclaw: The Camageclaw is strange in that it is not a Mortars can be set-up in basements. Weapons such as Shokk
ranged weapon as such. The weapon consists of a huge multi- Attack Guns are obviously infantry. Daemons. Greater
taloned claw mounted on a long arm, which lashes out at Daemons and Avatars are big enough 10 cope with any internal
troops who are close by. The Camageclaw can attack units obstructions. Rapiers, Hop-splats and other field artillery can
within 10cm of the building. At the start of every close assault start the game placed in buildings, but may not enter or leave
phase, before any other combats arc worked out, it may make a them during the normal course of events (This represents the
number of attacks equal to a roll of an artillery dice. Each army preparing a position by knocking down walls, etc).
attack is worked out as a normal close assault, with the
Camagcclaw being treated as having a CAF of +4. Second and Can't enter: Boarboyz, bikes, jctbikes, speeders. Rough
subsequent targets do not count as being secondary attackers. Riders, Disc riders, Juggers of Khome. Trikes and similar light
The Camageclaw can only be destroyed by close assault vehicles are not permitted to try and crawl their way up those
opponents if their score is twice or more than the Claw's. Even echoing stairways. There is too little room to allow these
if it is beaten it may still use any attacks it has left. The models to manoeuvre properly. It states in the rules that
Carnageclaw does not claim benefits for being a secondary Dreadnoughts follow vehicle movement restrictions, and this
attacker, and does not allow other attackers to claim this applies to Eldar War Walkers as well.
bonus. If the artillery dice roll is a misfire then the trapped Method number two is a bit more deep, but can prove more
spirits within the machine have gone berserk. The Claw will realistic. Any of the troops mentioned in the 'Can't enter' list
auack 06 friendly troops instead, chosen by the opposing above may enter buildings but incur a penalty if they do so.
player. While in the building these troops cannot achieve the speed
Chaos fortifications may also mount the following Lord of and agility that allows them to fight well in close assaults. If
Batlle and Titan weapons; The Death Storm, a Rocket any of the models enter a building they receive a -3 modifier
Launcher and Mella-Cannon. These follow of the rules given on their CAF. This system allows you to indulge your
in the Space Marine rulebook and the Renegades supplement. imagination a little. Picture that Jetbike screaming round spiral
stairways, the flitting shadows as it purrs down boulevards of
Since the writing of the main rules there have been many new statues, the horrendous screech and bang as the rider
models and troop types released. In view of this fact I'd like to encounters a closed door ... (you've got the idea by now, I
take you through a few points that have caused some dispute or expect).
confusion over the intervening years.
Of course, there is also a really complicated method which 1
will risk mentioning briefly, and this involves dismounting
(aaaarghl). Ycs, you can replace disc riders with a cultist stand,
or bikes with the appropriate tactical stand, and other such
tom-foolery. (actually, it does work OK. but can bog things
down if the troops arc constantly mounting and dismounting.
as would be found in a City Fight game or you keep mixing up
those who are dismounted and those who have been killed).
A model which cannot enter a building is unable to close
assault troops inside one. (stands to reason, dunnit?).
Hidden set-up.
During playtesting a rather strange occurrence took place,
which has led me to twiddle the hidden set-up rules a tad. It
was the first tum, my Speed Kultists went screaming across the
table towards a seemingly harmless, insignificant Hidden Set-
up counter by a bridge. After the smoke had drifted away my
Warlord was horrified to sec a Leviathan standing proudly
amidst the tom wreckage- 'Where did dat fing cum from?" he
cried .....
Hi, as the opponent It should have been pretty obvious that the
set up counter was the Leviathan, what else has the ability LO
stand boldly in the middle of First Avenue and shout 'Shoot
Thanks, Ian. But with all that aside, it is rather unlikely that a
building-sized vehicle can duck down behind a hedge.
Accordingly J suggest that the following vehicles should be
placed on the table al the start of the game; Titan, Gargani,
Leviathan, Colossus. Cylops and Capitol lmpcrialis models.
Other super-heavy vehicles can be hidden as normal.

'lip' around the edge of the buildings making up the city block.
Note that mounting anything other than standard buildings in
such a way seriously alters the effort required to attack or
defend important buildings. But don't let this stop you from
fighting battles this way, it just makes the game even more
infantry orientated, as a city fight should be.

Hints and Tips for attackers:

Always remember tllat the most valuable source of VP's are
the buildings themselves. You will probably find it very hard
to kill enough troops to break more than a handful of
detachments (at best).
The enemy will be hidden to start with. so be prepared to alter
your battle line slightly if you encounter something you cannot
cope with (my Leviathan escapade should not occur in your
games, but it is a good example of what I mean).
Don't completely shun vehicles, tanks like Vindicators arc
useful for winkling stubborn infantry out of their hidey-holes.
If you can get a detachment of barrage firing weapons it is
possible Lo give your enemy some nasty scares. Pound his
Temple or Power Station consistently, while your other troops
move in for the kill. The Guard option on some buildings
allows you to snatch some VP's with light vehicles, while you
wait for slower moving infantry to Secure them.
Remember to advance though the buildings, if possible. Each
one you Secure adds vital VP's to your total, so grab as many
as early as possible (this is espccialy important to Khomate
players, who gain certain bonuses for some of the models
when they are in the lead).
It is preferable to advance slowly and methodically, snapping
up 'easy' targets and amassing your troops for assaults on
Terrain Layout, Temples, Strongholds and other primary locations. It is much
Terrain is one of the most important factors in a City Fight. better to try and close combat troops inside buildings than to
wait for ages taking pot shots, a troupe of Harlequins or
Auaining the correct balance of cover is not too difficult, and
here are a few guidelines to help you. similar close combat specialists can storm buildings with
remarkable efficiency.
It is very unlikely that you could. place too much cover. The
best layout has very dense 'blocks' of buildings, which it is Hints and Tips for defenders.
impossible to draw a LOS through, while leaving some longer Assign prorities to the various locations. making Temples and
LOS in the form of avenues. parks, etc. Long roads should not other high value structures a primary building. Your best
be too straight, and important objectives, such as a power troops should be positioned within these places, with a small
plant, are best placed halfway across the board, though as far contingent of tanks on First Fire orders.
Lo the neutral sides as you like. There should be five or more
Factories, placed as you would normal objectives. The amount Don't think that tanks can only be used offensively. If you can
of important installations that are deep within the defenders buy a detachment of vehicles with long ranged weapons, you
deployment zone can seriously unbalance a battle. The idea is can start taking out opposing transports and similar troops.
to generate terrain that allows the attacker to gain VP's, but Their armour also makes them handy for holding up lightning
only after considerable effort. U you find that the auackcr is raids by bikes and similar vehicles.
blowing away your front line of defence, but is failing to The same applies to barrage weapons, most buildings arc quite
Secure more than three or four standard buildings, the major good at withstanding hits, and it is a good way of taking out
terrain pieces arc Loo far back. large numbers of enemy troops, while still preserving cover
A good idea is to build some 'city blocks'. Since troop stands for any counter-offensive you may launch.
actually represent a group of foot troopers, it is sometimes Rcmerneber that you also get VP's for buildings, so don't be
annoying that they don't perform with the flexibility you afraid to launch the odd counter-auack to reclaim some of
would expect (i.e. hiding in narrow alleys, etc.). The city block your land. Also be aware that dug-in troops automatically
can be used to overcome this. Simply mount a group of count as having First Fire orders, meaning you should be able
buildings on a single grey board. You can allow enough room to pound the attackers as they move up, since it is essential
to actually place troop stands, but the intention is that the they keep moving, and will have to Advance or Charge most
whole section counts as a building for the purposes of of the Lime.
movement. In other words, most vehicles cannot be moved
onto the base board. as the whole model represents twisting That's it! Enjoy rampaging through thrc streets and painting
alleys and other inaccessible locations (and don't make the the town red, racing down Detonation Boulevard and other
base board twice as large as the area actually covered by such recklessness. Erm, running out of room. so I'1I say good-
buildings. that's just cheaiingl). It is best if you have a 2-3cm bye now ..... Good Bye!
Imperial Building \\'eapons

Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes

Dice Roll Save Mod.

Multi-Launcher 75cm 8 Barrage Points 0

Las-Battery 50cm 5 4+ 0

Gatling Battery 75cm 4 5+ -1

Mel ta-Blasters 25cm 5 3+ -3

Inferno Gun Template 4+ 0 Uses Inferno template

Mega-Bolter 25cm 8 4+ 0

Eldar Building Weapons

Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes

Dice Roll Save Mod.

Repulsor 3D6cm Roll 06: I-Destroyed. 2-4 Knocked back. 5/6- Unaffected.
Jumps on 5+, save of:
Lightning Cannon 50cm Special 3+ Special
or 6 for target. See rules.
Deathreaver 25cm 6 4+ -1

Missile Launcher 100cm 4 Barrage Points 0

Lascannon 75cm 2 3+ -2

Ork Building \\'capons

Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes

Dice Roll Save Mod.

Attak-Kannon 50cm 4 4+ -1

Belcha Template 3+ 0 Uses Inferno template

Bigblasta 75cm 4 Barrage Points -1 Ignores cover

Skorcha's 25cm 4 4+ 0 Ignores cover

Cluster Buster 75cm 1 4+ -2 Nearby targets hit on 5+

Adds +2 to Titan
Deth Kannon 100cm 1 3+ -3
Damaze Rolls

Squat Building Weapons

Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes

Dice Roll Save Mod.

Mortar 50-150cm D6+4 Barrage Points 0

Anti-storm Bolters 25cm 10 6 0

Template 4+ 0
Secondary hit on s-
Blaze Cannon with -2 save
Las-battery 50cm 5 4+ 0

Gatling Battery 75cm 4 5+ -1

Chaos Building ,vcapons

Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes

Dice Roll Save Mod.

Hell wrecker 75cm Special -2 Ignores cover

Carnageclaw Close combat weapon. Makes number of attacks within 10cm. See rules.

Rocket Launcher 100cm 8 Barrage Points 0

Melta-Cannon 25cm 4 3+ -3

Death Storm 75cm 6 5+ -1

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The Power Within
By Gavin Thorpe
This article introduces some new troop types for Space Marine players.
Included are Imperial Adeptus Primary Psykers, Space Wolf Rune Priests and
Chaos Magi.
The new troop types in this article are all psykers, and follow
the roles given in the expanded psychic system, presented in
issue 3 of the Citadel Journal. If you have any ideas for other
types of troops, either using the expanded system or the
ordinary rules, don't hesitate to send them in to us at the
normal address.

--------- SPACE WOLF RUNE PRIESTS---------

While most Space Marine Chapters have psykers known as Space Wolves may re-roll their dice for close assaults, the
Librarians, the Space Wolf Chapter is more unorthodox. It's second roll is final. The Courage of Russ lasts until the start of
psykers are named Rune Priests and their abilities and outlook the next orders phase.
are much different to those of other Chapters. The Space
Wolves are renowned for their ferocity and skill in close Wolf Howl: The Rune Priest utters a loud and haunting howl
fighting, and the Rune Priests are no exception. They are which strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies. As the howl
found in the thick of the fighting, slaying many foes with their intensifies the enemy are overcome with pictures of wolves
weapons. as well as with their minds. tearing at their flesh. and past scenes of Space Wolf triumphs.
As with other Librarians, it is the Rune Priests who are the This power works on a roll of 6+. All enemy models within
keepers of the Chapter history. However, the Space Wolves 15cm must make an immediate Morale check. Roll separately
have few written records and the tales of their battles is for each model, with those failing being removed as crew
sustained by the spoken Sagas. Before embarking on a Great abandon vehicles and others running to hide. Affected units
Hunt, the Rune Priests tell the Sagas of such men as Ranalf, count as destroyed and VP's should be awarded as usual. A
Durfast, Berek Thunderfist and Jaeger Silverclaw, not to detachment which is broken by Wolf Howl will have a -1
mention the tales that are centred on their great Primarch, modifier to the resulting Morale check. Models which do not
Leman Russ. These tales inspire the Marines to the greatest usually check morale, such as command units, are unaffected
heights of courage and heroism, and it is for this reason that by Wolf Howl.
the stories are painstakingly handed down from Rune Priest to Fangs of Fenrls: Shadowy shapes appear around the Rune
Rune Priest. Priest, and can be vaguely discerned as the great wolves of
A Rune Priest may only be included as a Special Card for Fenris, the Space Wolf home planet. These huge beasts charge
Space Wolf companies. Space Wolves cannot choose an the enemy and rip them to pieces. Fangs of Fenris works on a
ordinary Librarian. A Rune Priest stand is a command unit and roll of 5+. The Rune Priest selects a target within 25cm, this
follows all of the rules given in the Space Marine rulebook. model is attacked by the shadow-wolves. Fight a close combat
A Rune Priest has a Rune Staff, which allows him to store immediately, the wolves have a CAF of +5. If the wolves
unused force cards, to be used later in close combat. A Rune destroy their target then the Rune Priest selects another within
Priest may use the following psyhic powers each tum: 5cm of the last target. Fight another close combat against the
new target Second and subsequent targets gain the additional
Courage of Russ: The Rune Priest instils vivid images of 06 for being secondary attackers. This will continue until a
Leman Russ in the minds of nearby Space Wolves, goading close combat is drawn or lost by the shadow-wolves, who will
them into acts of extreme valour. The power works on a roll of then dissipate into the realm from which they were
5+ and has the following effects on all Space Wolf models summoned. The Wolves are not substantial beings and cannot
within 15cm. Affected models are immune to all Morale be shot at by troops on first f呸e orders.
checks, they will automatically pass with no need to roll. The
Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range At.tad Roll to Target's Notes
Tllrow Dice Hit Save Mod.

Rune Priest 10cm None +5 Bolt Pistols 25an 1 5+ 0 Command unit

Adeptus psykers are remarkable individuals. They have passed Embolden: The psyker unleashes a wave of power that fills
all the tests posed by the Inquisition and have an innate ability nearby units with courage beyond normal expectations. This
to protect themselves from the predatory denizens of the Warp. power works on a 4+ and has the following effects. Each
Unlike Astropaths, Adeptus psykers are strong enough to resist Imperial unit 15cm of the psyker (including the psyker
Chaos without undergoing the blinding ritual of the Soul- stand) is immune to Morale checks and may add + l to its CAF.
Binding. They are usually attached to the Imperial Guard and The power lasts until the start of the next orders phase.
are often seen stalking the battlefield, sealing the fate of foes or
Telepathic Link: The psyker reaches out with his mind and
using mystical energy to blast their enemies. directs the fire of his comrades by means of his telepathy. This
Adeptus psykers are not quite as powerful as the Librarians of power works on a 3+. Until the start of the next orders phase
the Space Marines or the Warlocks of the Eldar, but there are the psyker may spot for friendly barrage attacks with unerring
many more of these in Imperial service and so it is a rare accuracy. Any indirect barrages that use the psyker as a spotter
Imperial Guard campaign that cannot draw on the services of a need not roll for scatter, treat the firing model as if it had direct
few of these eccentric Imperial servants. WS to the target. All the normal rules for spotting apply to the
An Adeptus psyker stand can be represented by a collection of psyker.
spare infantry models. Adeptuspsykers often have a small Righteous Fire: The psyker calls forth the power of the
bodyguard of Beastmen and Ogryns. A typical stand could Emperor to hurl gouts of cleansing fire at the opposing army.
consist of a Commissar (the psyker himself), an Ogryn, a This power works on a 5+. The psyker may make an
Beastman or standard bearer and two troopers. The presence of immediate ranged attack that has a 50cm range and I attack
an Adeptus psyker bolsters the confidence of nearby troops, dice. It will hit on a 4+ and the target most make its saving
while his telepathic abilities allow him to communicate orders throw with a -2 modifier. This counts as a psychic attack and
to the soldiers around him. An Adeptus psyker stand is a therefore prevents Greater Daemons from saving themselves
command unit and follows the rules given for Commissars in with Chaos cards. Please note that the attack is a physical
the Armies of the Imperium supplement. An Adeprus Psyker missile and follows all of the normal rules for WS and cover .
may use the following powers each tum.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

Sanctioned Psyker 10cm None +2 Bolt Pistols 25cm I 5+ 0 Command unit

Nurgle Magi
Nurgle is the lord of pestilence and decay, and his followers (friend or foe) within 15cm must make a saving throw with a
are often but a hair's breadth from being walking corpses. The + 1 modifier or be destroyed. This means that models which do
Magi of this foul god are often corpulent, maggot-ridden not usually gain a saving throw will succeed on a roll of 6.
examples of utter deterioration. They shamble into battle, or
Corrupting Glare: The Magi sweeps his gaze across the
are borne upon palanquins carried on the shoulders of battlefield, turning all he looks upon to crumbling dust or
stumbling zombies or upon a tide of constantly moving rotten flesh. Buildings are eroded in seconds, while the telling
Nurglings. tale of decades works upon the flesh of those who meet his
The powers bestowed to them by the Lord of Decay reflect the malevolant stare. This power works on a 5+ and if successful
utter dedication Nurgle and his followers have for their cause. allows the Magi to attack D3 targets within 50cm and in LOS,
Withering gazes tum men into piles of rotten flesh and bone, including buildings. Any model looked at in this way will be
buildings crumble and fall into ruin at the chanting of a verse. hit on a roll of 4+ and must save with a -2 modifier or be
A Chaos Magi of Nurgle is constantly surrounded by a swarm destroyed.
of Ilics, which buzz into vision slits and jam weapon Corpulent Flesh: The body of the Magi begins to swell to
mechanisms. Any enemy in close combat with the Magi suffer impossible proportions, his guts spewing through tears in his
a -1 penalty to their CAF. skin. As he fattens his skin takes on a leathery feel and soon
Nurgle's Stench: A foul odour begins to exude from the Magi, becomes rock hard. This power gives the Magi an unmodified
causing nearby troops to wretch and vomit, collapsing to the saving throw of 4+. So tough is his skin that he may also make
ground as the unholy fumes corrode their innards. This power a saving throw to prevent himself being killed in close combat.
works on a 4+. Any model that is not a follower of Nurgle This lasts until nullified.

Slaanesh Magi
The decadent followers of Slaanesh have given themselves stand affected must make a morale check or be destroyed. A
over entirely to the needs of the flesh. No sensation, no matter roll of 1 will always fail even if the model has a morale value
how perverted or strange, is unbearable to them. The Magi of of 1. Models which are unaffected by morale will not be
Slaanesh revel in disgusting orgies of ecstasy and degradation. affected in any way.
They welcome the feel of pain, turning mind-numbing horror Temptation of Daemons: The Magi summons a horde of
into a sensory thrill that they can barely stand. Slaanesh lesser Warp entities, known as Succubi, who are enslaved to
followers do not only revel in the sensations they feel Slaanesh. Directed by the Magi to subvert the craven warriors
themselves, they also gain great pleasure from inflicting pain of the enemy, they swirl across the battlefield and try to
and suffering on others. The sight of their enemies writhing in possess the bodies of the foes of Slaanesh. This power works
ecstatic agony sends a mind blowing buzz coursing through on a 5+. Place a Barrage template within 50cm of the Magi,
their drug befuddled minds. within LOS. Every model under the template must win a close
Slaanesh Magi arc surrounded by a mystic aura and douse assault or be possessed and destroyed. The Succubi do not
themselves in many exotic scents and perfumes which have a normal CAF, instead they roll 306 to determine their
seriously hinder the judgement of nearby creatures. Any non- close combat score.
Slaaneshi model (friend or foe) which starts the turn within Lewd Enchantments: The Magi starts to chant in a hissing,
15cm of the Magi must roll a d6, on a roll of 1 they may not sibilant tone. To others on the battlefield the Magi takes on the
move or shoot that turn and have their CAF reduced by -2. test form of their heart's desire, a beautiful female in most cases
before placing orders. (though Orks normally see a large cannon!). When ordered by
Promise of Slaanesb: A whispering voice of alluring beauty their commanders to attack such exquisite beauty they blanche
gently enters the minds of nearby non-worshippers. With and disobey the order. This power works on a 4+. Whenever a
haunting promises of pleasures beyond belief, the melodic model wishes to shoot at the Magi they must make a morale
chant persuades the affected soldiers to lay down their arms check. If they fail they may charge or shoot at another eligible
and join Slaanesh in wonderful fulfilment. This power works target. A roll of one will fail, even if the model has a morale
on a roll of 4+ and affects an area covered by a barrage value of 1+. Models which are immune to morale checks are
template, placed within 50cm and LOS of the Magi. Each unaffected by this power. This power lasts until nullified.


Chaos festers everywhere within the galaxy. From the depths They are usually led by a Chaos Champion, who has already
of Hives, where Scavvies pray in ignorance to Nurgle, to the served the god over untold years, but occasionally the society
lofty spires of Terra, within whose ivory walls decadent nobles is headed by a Magi. Chaos Magi are potent sorcerers, granted
secretly succumb to the promises of Slaanesh. It is the task of strange powers by their deity. Sometimes twisted and
the Inquisition to root out these subversives and destroy them. malformed by the corrupting influence of their masters, they
No matter how tireless the efforts of the Ordo Malleus there use their psychic abilities to bring political destruction on their
are always new fools willing to risk their souls on the chance enemies, and physical destruction when the time has come to
of achieving their dreams. As a threat to the stability of the throw off the veil of normality and seize the planet in the name
lmperium, these petty worshippers are of little consequence, of Chaos.
more sinister are the well organised and highly militant Chaos Chaos Magi are available to any Chaos force. You are allowed
cults. These societies are often very powerful, thrusting their one of the special Chaos Magi cards for your army. This does
tendrils into every aspect of society, from politics to religion, not take up a minion card allotment, but must be of the same
education to military forces. At the heart of every cult there is Chaos power as one of your Daemons (i.e. you couldn't have a
a controlling cabal of dedicated suppliants; the Coven. These Chaos Magi of Tzeentch if you didn't have Magnus the Red or
powerful individuals wield their followers like immortal gods, a Lord of Change). They do not have a patron daemon but may
directing them, betraying them and slaughtering them, all to be the recipient of Chaos cards as normal.
achieve the purposes set in°their minds by their twisted deity.
Chaos Magi are command units and never need to be given
The leader of the Coven and supreme head of the cult is orders or test for morale. The Magi gains the psychic powers
somebody who has intimate knowledge of the cult's patron.
appropriate to his god, as listed below.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

Chaos Magi 10cm None +4 Bolt Pistols 25cm 1 5+ 0 lcommand unit

Tzeentch Magi
The Magi of Tzeentch are the most adept Chaos followers, attempts to nullify it have been made that tum. If the roll is a
being granted incredible power by the master of sorcery. They double the Terror Wave dissipates after moving. It is not
are very capable of twisting fate, so that everything from the possible to have more than one Terror Wave in play at any one
elements to your weapons seem to be conspiring against you. time as there is only so much emotion in a battle.
Not only are they highly skilled in the subtle manipulation of
the mind, they can also wreak havoc with bolts of pure Warp Mind Warp: The Magi uses this power to project images into
energy, mutating their victims into hideous creatures that are the minds of nearby enemies. The images are scenes directly
barely recognisable. These spawn live briefly and with frantic from the Warp. Past personal tragedies, future disasters and
energy, bounding and capering across the battlefield before mind-tearing pictures of the Immaterial universe that the
they finally expire. Chaos gods dwell in.
Terror Wave: The Magi gathers together all the negative This power works on a 5+ and affects all enemy units within
emotions of his enemies. For a brief while they are strangely 25cm. Affected units must score a 5 or 6 on a D6 or be placed
heartened. When he has gathered enough power the Magi hurls on Fall Back orders. Models which roll a one on the dice are
the feelings at the opposing army, a solid wall of terror, pain automatically destroyed with no saving throw. Psykers within
and hatred surges through the enemy ranks. range may re-roll the dice, the second result will count, even if
it is worse. Titans will suffer damage to the Head location if
This power works on a 5+. Place the Terror Wave template their shields do not nullify the attack and they fail to roll a 5 or
touching the Magi at the centre, so that the arrow in the middle 6.
is facing in the direction you want the Wave to pass. Roll
D6x 10, this is the distance in centimetres that the Wave moves, Inferno or Change: The Magi thrusts his arms forward. gouts
in the direction of the arrow. of pink and blue flames streaming from his fingertips. As the
mystic fires envelop the enemy they begin to corrupt and twist
Any enemy model the template passes over must make an everything they touch. forming hideous new forms with the
immediate morale check. A roll of one will always fail in this intensity of the raw power contained within the burning magic.
case, even if the model has a morale value of l+. This will not
affect models which are not subject to morale. Roll a 06 for This power will work on a roll of 4+. Using the flame template
any model that fails its test, on a roll of 1-2 the model is that is used for the Inferno Gun and Hellhound, position the
destroyed, the troopers scattering and hiding, or crew template so that it is touching the Magi stand and covers the
abandoning their vehicle. On any other result the model is intended targets. Any model under the template will be hit on a
simply immobilised until the start of the next tum and they will 4+, irrespective of cover. Models that are hit begin to warp and
have a -2 modifier to its CAF while they are terrified and may change, they must make a saving throw with a +l modifier or
not move or fire. If the Wave moves into contact with a be destroyed, this means that troops who do not usually have a
shielded Titan the Chaos player must roll immediately to see if saving throw will succeed on a roll of a 6. Unlike other attacks,
the power is nullified by the shields. If the Titan is affected roll there is no automatic save, if any model, regardless of its
a hit on the Head damage chart. saving throw, rolls a 1, it is destroyed as the fabric of its being
is twisted to destruction, its molecular structure stretched
The Terror Wave continues to move 2D6x5cm in the direction between realities.
of the arrow at the start of any subsequent psychic phase, after


CHAOS MAGI A Chaos Magi is a command stand and so never needs to be

given ordees or checlc morale. A Chaos Magi does not have a
patron daemon bul may be affected by chaos cards like Olhc
The Chaos Magi sund follows Tzeerueh, Suancsh o,- Nurgle. tmops sunds.
BREAK POINT: The Chaos Magi cannot be broken, and VP's
are awarded only when the Chaos Magi Stand is destroyed.
POWERS: The powers available to a Chaos magi depend
upon the Oiaos God he follows, see the main teJtl for details.


Your oppooent gains I VP when the Chaos Magi is destroyed
SPACE WOLF RUNE A Space Wolf Rune Priest is a command unit and therefore
PRIEST needs no orders and never chcclts morale, The Rw,e Priest may
use psychic powers without affecting his ability to shoot or
The Rune Priest stand is accompanied by a Rhino. fight in close combats.
BREAK POINT: Works on S+.The Rune Priest cannot be
broken, VPs are awarded when the Rune Priest stand is
destroyed. The Rhino is removed from play if the Rune Priest
is destroyed.
COURAGE OF RUSS: All Space Wolves within 20cm
immune to morale and may re-roll close assault dice once.
Lasts one twn.
WOLF HOWL: Wodcs on 6+.All enemy within IS cm take
immedille morale check or be destroyed. • I modifier to
subsequent morale checks due to brcakmg. Troops irrunune to
morale unaffected.
FANGS OF FENRJS: Works on S+. Range 25cm, makes
close assault with CAF of +5. May then attack model within
5cm of last target. Wolves keep attacking until they fail 10
destroy wgc:t.

Your opponent gains 1 VP when the Rune Priest is destroyed


ADEPTUS PSYKER An Adeptus psyker is a Command unit and thcrc!orc needs no

orders and cannot be broken. The Adeptus psyker may use
these powers wilhout affecting his ability to fire weapons or
The Adeptus Psyker SW!d is accompanied by a Rhino. fight in close assaults.
BREAK POINT: The Sanctioned psyker cannot be broken,
and VPs are only awarded when 1he stand is destroyed. The
Rhino is removed from play when the Sanctioned psyltcr is
EMBOLDEN:. Wodts on 4+. 15cm range. all Imperial troops
have no Morale checks, and + 1 CAF. Lasts until next tum.
TELEPATillC LINK: Worl<.s on 3+. May spol for- barrages,
no need 10 roll far scatter.
RIGHTEOUS FIRE: Works on 5+. Immediate attack with
25cm range, 4+ to hit, -2saving throw modifier.


Your opponent gains I VP when the Sanctioned Psyker is
By Paul 'humle- smasha' Sawyer
' Due to their suspicion of 'new-fangled' technology the Snakebite clan has a larger propor-
.--_.,..• tion of Painboys and Runtherds than Mekboys. This is most evident as the Snakebites
. charge into battle mounted on vicious Warboars and massive Squiggoths - creatures exclu-
,, sive to the Snakebites. These creatures aren't the only result of Painboy/Runtherd co-oper-
ation, however. These traditionally-minded Orks have taken a typically Orky mount- the
• , Wyvern, and replaced parts of it with bionik bitz, the result being the Cyber-Wyvern.

呸illlllP. Favoured Oddboys are often rewarded

by their Warboss by being allowed to
form Cyber-Wyvem squadrons. These
squadrons are formed into two distinct types: Painboy and
Runtherd squadrons. Joining a Cyber-Wyvem squadron is a
great honour for many Orks who proudly don their ancestral
armour and ceremonial sword. A squadron of Cyber- Wyvems
is a majestic sight - enough to bring a Jump to any Snakebite's
throat as these mighty creatures pump their powerful leathery
wings to gain height and speed before soaring in to attack their
hapless victims.
Cyber-Wyvems are classed as Skimmers and so can fly over
impassable terrain and difficult ground without the usual
movement penalty as long as they do not end their movement
in impassable terrain. Cyber-Wyvems can also make pop-up
The Cyber-Wyvern has an armour-plated underbelly which
gives it a saving throw of 4+ from ground-based attacks. There
is no saving throw against attacks from other skimmers (Squat
Overlord Airships, Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunships,
etc.) as the fleshy part of the Cyber-Wyvero is exposed to
As Cyber-Wyvems are piloted by Oddboys they are exempt
from the normal Ork command rule and therefore do not have
to stay within !Ocm of a command unit.


Creating the models for Snakebite Cyber-Wyverns is really base of the head. Once you have removed all the handles
very simple. To start you will need 3 Man O' War Ore you will need to remove part of the stik.kbomb head, this is
Wyverns (for each squadron), 6 plastic Ork 'Eavy weapons to allow them to sit squarely on to the plasticard (see
plastic sprue (for each Painboy Cyber-Wyvern squadron), 6 diagram). You can do this by simply filing one side of the
battlewagon turrets from the Ork Horde plastic sprues (for head flat.
each Runtherd Cyber-Wyvem squadron). You can get all of Now, cut two pieces of plasticard 4mm by 6mm for each
these components from Games Workshop's Mail Order staff. model. Line up two Stikkbomb heads over the plasticard
In addition you will need a pair of clippers, a bottle of Super- and glue them in position with polystyrene cement. Once
glue, a tube of polystyrene cement, a sharp craft knife, a set of the glue is dry you are ready to attach the Squig-bombz to
needle files and a small piece of thin plasticard. the Wyvem - simply superglue the plasticard under the
wings and up against the body.
Painboy Cyber-Wyvern
When making the Snakebite Runtherd Cyber-Wyvero

Painboy Cyber-Wyvem, To create the Runtherd Cyber-Wyvem first take the turrets
carefully clip the Stikkbombz (two for each model) and cut off the locating pins on the
from the plastic sprue and clean underside. The turrets are located either side of the under
away any flash lines left by the belly and underneath the wings so carefully fix them there
moulding process. Take each using superglue and leave this to dry. Once dry, you are
Stikkbomb and completely cut ready to paint your models.
off the handle flush with the ._ ___.

W- -W5lll!il!lii515l!i!5Bil!!lliil
- -i2l
!- ii51! - -ili5
- - - -ms
-i!5Z!i -o
- -!515l1 SN AKE BITE CYBER-WYVERN w- - - - - -- - - - - ......._ _ - .......,

The Runtherds that especially please their warboss are often automatically hit as the enraged squigs vent their anger at
allowed to join a Cyber-Wyvern squadron. The Cyber- being shaken about so badly.
Wyverns are then fitted with cupola-mounted autocannon
crewed by enthusiastic Gretchin gunners. The Gretchin would
happily blaze away at anything and everything in sight if it
wasn't for the Ruotherd rider shouting at them! The cupolas
may fire in a 180° arc to the front, like other vehicles.
When the Waaagh! picks up momentum and battle approaches
many Snakebite Painboys dust off their flying goggles and take
to the skies on a Cyber-Wyvem armed with a rack of special
Bouncing Bombs (more fun than running after rampaging
Squiggothsl). The Painboy also carries a huge syringe filled
with a special fungus mixture that drives the Cyber-Wyvem The buzzer squigs don't like the taste of the algae in Ork &
into a killing frenzy during close combat. Gretchin blood so won't attack them. Those vehicles and troop
stands hit must make a saving throw to survive, but as buzzer
Each Painboy rider in the squadron may jettison one Bouncing squigs can't bite through armour the save is made with a +l
Bomb per tum. To see if this hits, place small marker directly modifier. This means that even those troops who don't usually
beneath the model and then roll the scatter dice three times. If get a saving throw recieve a save of 6+.
you roll an arrow the bomb bounces off in that direction
2d6cm. If you roll a 'hit' or the bomb has bounced three times. After they have attacked they may disperse, but once they have
the bomb's outer casing cracks open and a swarm of vicious tasted flesh they may going into a feeding frenzy. Roll ld6 and
buzzer squigs pours out! Take the buzzer squig template from on a 6 the swarm moves 2d6cm in a random direction deter-
the Ork and Squat Warlords boxed set and place it over the mined by the scatter dice, any model moved over suffers a hit
final landing site. Any model under the swarm template will be as detailed above. This may only happen once per swarm.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod_
PAINBOY 25cm Special +3 Bouncing 0 Special +I Snakebites Only
CYBER-WYVERN (4+) Squig-Bomb Skimmer
Bolters 15cm l 6+ 0
RUNTHERD 25cm Special +2 Autocannon 50cm 2 5+ -1 Snakebites Only
CYBER-WYVERN (4+) Skimmer


A squadron of Snakebite Painboy Cyber-Wyverns consists of three A Cyber- Wyvem squadron can be added 10 a Snakebite clan. It forms a
Cyber-Wyvems. separate formation and is not subject to the special Ork command rule.
Each Cybcr-Wyvem squadron fonns a distinct formation.
BREAK POINT 2: Toe detachment is broken once two models have
been lost. Once broken the detachment must take a morale check.

MORALE VALUE: Snakebites must roll 4 or more on a 06 lo pass

their morale check..



A squadron of Snakebite Runtherd Cyber-Wyvems consists of three A Cyber-Wyvcm squadron can be added to a Snakebite clan. It forms a
Cybcr-Wyvems separate formation and is not subject to the special Ori. command rule.
Each Cyber-Wyvem squadron forms a distinct formation.
BREAK POINT 2: Toe detachment is broken once two models have
been lost. Once broken the detachment must take a morale check,

MORALE VALUE: Snakebites must roll 4 or more on a 1)6 to pass

their morale check.


© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.





By David Corby, Michael Taylor and Gavin Thorpe
These additional Special characters are written by me (Gav) while the Blood Axe
Kommandos and Warpbeadz rules were sent in by veteran Ork player (what a guy!)
Michael Taylor. David Corby supplied the Squat Ancestor Lord rules. Thanks to them
both. Hope you enjoy them and feel inspired to think of your own.

The following special characters can be used in any appropriate army. For obvious reasons you can't have more than one of a special
character in an army. Suitable models are easily convened. The Ork special characters can be represented by any appropriate Nobz
model with a suitable banner. If you are particularly nimble fingered (more than me anyway) you can try and do little conversions.
Irongutz' Doomdredd should be made suitably imposing, the Zooma of Mekboy Bignailz should have appropriate armaments, and

Mad Doc Grotsnik

Mad Doc Grotsnilc is one of the most famous Painboyz in Ork Mad Doc Grotsnik has a 'bodyguard' of Madboyz who escort
civilization. He was Boss Painboy to Ghazhgull Thraka during him around the battlefield looking for casualties which he can
the Armageddon campaign. and many medical inventions that try to treat, and his Gretchin helpers constantly scurry around
have changed Ork society recently have been pioneered by him. Mad Doc Grotsnik and his aides follow all the normal
him. It is was Mad Doc Grotsnik who first transplanted a Madboyz rules. If an Ork or Gretchin stand is killed within
squig's brain into an Ork body, and with the aid of various 10cm of Mad Doc Grotsnik roll 106. On a roll of 5 or 6 he
Mekboyz he has devised many wierd and wonderful Bionik manages to save them and they are not removed. On a roll of 1
bits for patching up wounded Orks. Unfortunately, Mad Doc his experimentation leads to more casualties, remove the
Grotsnik cannot see the difference between normal surgery nearest troop stand from the same formation. If two or more
and 'eksperimentin', and tries out new techniques on his stands are an equal distance from Mad Doc Grotsnik the Ork
patients, even in the thick of banle, player may decide which one is removed.

Hoop Type Move savmg 1:AF weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

MAD IX>C GROTSNIK 10cm None +4 Bolte rs 50cm 1 5+ -1 See main rules

I Da Dreadmob
The Dreadmob is a Freebooter formation led by Kaplin
Irongutz, The Dreadmob consists of 8 Ork Dreadnoughts led
by Irongutz' own Kustomized 'Doomdredd'. The Dreadmob
will only take orders from Kaplin Irongutz, and Kaptin
Irongutz may only give orders to the Dreadmob. If Kaptin
Irongutz is destroyed then the Dreadmob will automatically go
on to fall back orders with no morale check.
Kaptin Irongutz himself is a command unit and follows all of
the normal rules.
.• roop 1Jpe Move Saving CAF weapons Range Attack Roll to Targets Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

KAPTIN IRONGUTZ 10cm 4+ +5 Autocannon 50cm 2 5+ 0 Command unit

Baulecannon 50cm 1 5+ -1 See main rules

Enjuneer Bignailz
Enjuneer Rotfang Bignailz rose to prominence after joining a detachment loses another model as Bignailz has
Waaagh! on the planet Skumgrot's Rock. He managed to build cannabalised it in his unsuccessful attempL The vehicle
an entire Great Garg ant big mob in a matter of weeks, and still removed should be the one nearest Bignailz, if2 or more are
had enough spares left over to make numerous smaller the same distance away the Ork player may decide which
vehicles. His Apprentices have improved on many of his one is removed.
designs, and a large proportion of the Mekboy Dragsters and Bignailz carries around a large Kombi-weapon, which is
Speedsters that are on the battlefield owe some of their more rather unpredictable. To find out how many attack dice it has
intricate innovations to Bignailz. roll I 06 just before you fire. The result is the number of
Enjuneer Bignailz may not be targened unless he is the closest attack dice for that tum. If you roll a 1 it bas backfired and
model. like a command unit, However he must be given orders you should roll 106, on a roll of 1 or 2 Bignailz is destroyed
and checks morale as normal. In addition. any Ork vehicle that by the exploding weapon. Even if he survives Bignailz may
is destroyed within 10cm of Bignailz is not removed on a 06 not fire the weapon that turn.
roll of 5 or 6. However, if the 06 roll is a 1 the vehicle
Troop Type Move saving -CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll to Target's Notes I

Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

ENJUNEER BlGNAILZ 10cm S+ +3 Kombi -wcapon 50cm D6 S+ -1 CommandWUJ

See rules

DAZOOMA 30cm 4+ +4 Autccannon 50cm 1 5+ 0 Bignailz' Transpon

Battlecannon 50cm I 5+ .)


ENJUNEER BIGNAILZ Bignailz races around the battlefield in bu 'Zooma', a
Kusuxniscd baulewaga, with upgraded weapons and a larger
Enjunec:r Bignailz is accompanied by 5 Apprentices and the engine. The 'Zoorna' ia a transport vehicle, but may only CIJT)'
'Zooma" ba.ulewagon. They form a single formation, Bignailz and no other Orlc stand.

Enjunccr Bignailz is always accanpanicd by hia Appn:nticcs,

who drive around in their lateSt invcr1tiona. When you pwchase
Bignailz you must also t.alte 5 Mckboy Speedsters or Dragste:rs.
Enjuneer Bignailz himself cannot be targcuc:d unless be is the
clQSCQ vehicle to the firing model.
BREAK POINT 4! The form.atim is broken mcc it ha.s lost 4
models. wither Bignul7. hia 1.ooma or the Mckboy dnptc:rs ..
MORALE VALUE 4: The Apprentices must roll a 4 or more
to pus their morale chcclc.
MEKBOY: Any Ork vehicle that is desttoycd within IOc:m of
Enjuneer Bignailz i.s saved and not removed from the table on a
D6 roll of 5 or 6. II the roll ia a l another vehicle from the same
formation ia lost.


Your opporu:nl gains S VPs when the formation is broken.

You are allowed lo photocopy this page. 'cos we're nice like that, ©Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994


Mad Doc Grotsnik and the Madboyz need no ordczs and never

Mad Doc Grotsnilt is accanpanied by four Madboyz stands as

check. morale, Mad Doc Grotsnik and the Madboyz follow all
of the rule5 given for Madboyz in On: and Squal Warlords.
a bodyguaid and they fonn one formation. II
I BREAK POINT 3: Mad Doc Grotsnik and his bodyguard are
I broken once the fonnation has lotll 3 modc:la.
I PAINBOY: Any On: infantry swid that is destroyed within
! 10cm of Mad Doc Grotsnilt is saved and nCll removed from the
table on a D6 roll of S or 6. If the roll is a 1 another On: st.and
II from the s,une formation is lost,


1 Your opponenl gains I VP when the formation is broken.


DA DREADMOB The Dreadmob will only lalcc orders from Kapcin lnxt.gUI%.

In Dtcadmob consisu of Kaplin Irongul% in hill Doomdn:dd, Kaplin lrongutz is a command unit and therefore needs no
and 8 ordinary Ode Dtcadnoughts. orders and never checks morale. Kaplin Irongutz may only
give orders to the Dn:admob.

;·呸 BREAK POINT: If Kaplin lrongutz is destroyed then the

. :· l Dreadmob will automati呸y go on to fall back orders with no
morale check.
MORALE VALUE 4: The Dreadnoughts musr roll a 4 or
more to pass their morale check.


Your opponent gains 4 VPs when the formation is broken.
Blood Axe Kommandos

The Blood Axes have always tried to employ the troop types Because the Kommandos can move swiftly and react to the
and tactics of the Imperium, from camoflage clothing to Land enemy's deployment, they can be repositioned once both sides
Raider tanks. One if their more successful copies of human have set up. They can be moved a distance up to their charge
military practices is the use of Kommados. The Komrnandos movement (normally 20cm) and can move closer to the enemy
are highly trained. and can infiltrate deep into enemy territory if you wish, though no closer than 5cm. If both sides have
to launch surprise attacks or set up ambushes. scouts of this type (such as Eldar Scouts) roll a dice or toss a
coin to determine who has to move first
As well as this they are potent close combat experts, allowing
them to get to grips with the toughest foes. This combines to Because of their role in Ork warfare, Blood Axe Kommandos
make them a higly effective, if somewhat limited, force. For have a high degree of intelligence (for Orks!) and initiative.
when they have achieved their primary mission. the Blood Axe This allows them to act on their own without orders from Da
Kommandos carry Stikkbombz and Bolt Pistols. allowing Nobz, This means that Blood Axe Kommandos are inunune to
them to attack their enemies from a distance. the Ork command rule and can always be given orders.

aroopType Move savtng (.;Al• weapons Kange Attack KOii to Target's Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

KOMMANOOS lOan None +3 Bolt Pistols 2San 1 5+ 0 No command rule

Weirdboy Warphead

Weirdboyz are Orks with raw psychic powers. When a mam text of these expanded rules.
Weirdboy uses his powers he channels pure Orkiness through
The Warphead may cast the following powers with any Warp
his mind, sometimes leading to his head exploding and the
cards he has picked up and any additional W aaagh ! power left
subsequent loss of vitality (Death!). Becuase of this most
over may be used to make normal Weirdboy attacks, as
Weirdboyz don't like being dragged around by huge
detailed in the Ork and Squat Warlords supplement,
Warbosses, intent on making them risk life and limb. For this
reason they are normally locked up in tall Battletowers so they A W eirdboy Warphead may, unlike other psykers, use a single
can't escape. power any number of times during a single turn, as long as he
expends at least one force card each time he uses the power.
Weirdboy Warpheadz are locked up in Battletowers so that
they don't get too carried away and blast apart the entire Da Kruncb. Da Krunch summons a ghostly foot, supposedly
battlefield. The Warpheadz actually like channelling Ork of Mork or Gork, to crash down upon his enemies. This power
Waaagh! power through ternselves and are addicted to the rush works on a 5+ with the following effects. Take the special Da
of blood, the crackling sensation along the nerves and general Krunch template and place it anywhere within line of sight and
feeling of being the living incarnation of Gork or Mork. 50 cm of the Weirdboy Warphead's Banletower. Anything half
or more under the template, including buildings, takes a hit on
These rules use the expanded psychic rules written in issue 3
a 06 roll of 3+ with a -4 saving throw modifier. Titans and
of the Journal. Weirdboy Warpheadz are treated like any other
other vehicles with void shields or power fields will lose a
Weirdboy, accumalting Waaagh! power in the end phase, his
shield if Da Krunch is not nullifed. Unshielded Titans and
head exploding and so on.
other vehicles with a Hit location template will take a single
Wcirdboy W arpheadz do not have to release their energy in a hit as normal.
psychic blast like ordinary Wierdboyz, they can use some of
Waaaargh! This power infuses all nearby Orks with the
the energy to draw Warp cards during the psychic phase. For
power of the Ork gods, driving them into frenzied maniacs,
every 4 points of Waaagh! power given up the Warphead can
frotginh at the mouth and possessed of incredible speed and
draw a Warp card and use these to cast the following powers.
strength. This power works on a4+ and affects all Ork Infantry
The Weirdboy Warphead is a command unit and replaces the within 15cm. The affected Orks gaind an extra 06 in combat
ordinary Wierdboy in a Bauletower already purchased for for the next combat phase and are immune lo Morale checks
your force (so you must buy at least one Battletower to use the for the rest of the tum. Orks on Fall Back orders which are
Weirdboy Warphead). As a command unit the Warphead does affected immediately rally successfully and count as out of
not need to be given orders and is immune to morale checks. command for the rest of the tum. Unfortunately, due to their
state of mind and general recklessness, the Orks are too wild to
The Weirdboy Warphead caaries a Copper Staff around with shoot effectively and any affected stands have an additional -1
him, and this allows him to store force cards, as detailed in the to hit modifier in the subsequent combat phase.
Troop Type Move saving CAI• weapons Range Attack Roll to Targets Notes I
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

WARPHEAD 2San 4+ +2 None - - - See main rules


Epic Special Characters


WEIRD BOY The Weirdboy Wuphead ia a CG<Dmand unit and therefote
WARPHI.AD needs oo orders and never checks morale. The Weirdboy
Warphead may use hia powers in lhe pcychic pbue without
The Weitdboy Wuphead replaces the Weudboy in one of your affecting his ability to shoot or fight in close oombata. lie gain£
8111.leiowen. a Warp card for every 4 Waugh point& he eiu:hanp
BREAK POINT: The Weirdboy Warphead C&llllot be broken,
and VP'a arc awuded only when ma Baaletower is cbtroyed.
Remember to award the 1 VP for the BaalelOWCt u well.
PSYCHIC BOLT. This is worlced out like an ordinary
Weirdboy's pcychic 111:aeb.
DA KRUNCH. W<>tb on a 5+. Pl..&c:e template within LOS
and 50cm. Covered models are hit on a 3+ wilh a -4 saving
throw modifier.
WAAARGH!. This power wO<b on a 4+. all models witrun
15an pin a + D6 in close combat, ate immwtc to morale and
suffer a ·I to hit penalty. Lui$ until end of tum.
COPPER STAFF. The Weirdboy Warphead has a Copper
Staff and may store wtused force cards for use in close combal.

Your opponent gains .I VP when lhe Wupbead is destroyed


The Blood Axe Kommando Mob consists of 4 Blood Axe
Kommando stands.


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You are allowed to photocopy this page, 'cos we're nice like that OCopyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994
Ancestor Lord
Squats are renowned for their longevity, and often live for counters instead of one. The models may still only use one of
three hundred years or more. A few squats live much longer the orders to resolve their movement and firing.
than this and begin to develop psychic powers, and are known Force Dome: The Living Ancestor creates an impenetrable
as Ancestor Lords. Force Dome over a part of the battlefield. This power works on
These Ancestor Lords are wise and have a long experience of a 5+ and allows the Squat player to place a Force Dome
life and its problems. Their peacetime role is as advisors t the anywhere within 50cm of the Ancestor Lord. The Force Dome
Squat Warlords and Kings, on maners of trade, engineering is represented by the 12cm template used for Gutbuster
and other dilemmas that may arise. Airburst shells and Pulsa Rokkits. The range of the power is
When the Squats go to war the Ancestor Lords use their measured to the centre of the template. Anything completrely
considerable mental strength to protect their comrades, foretell under the template is trapped isnside. Roll 1 D6 for each model
the future and entrap the enemy. not completely covered, on a 1-3 the model id moved inside
The Ancestor Lord replaces the existing Squat Living the Force Dome, on a 4-6 the model is pushed out of the Force "3"

Ancestor. An Ancestor Lord is a command unit and so never Dome. Reposition the models accordingly. 呸
needs orders or to check morale. The Force Dome completely stops any moving and firing
An Ancestor Lord has a Force Hammer which may store through it. from inside and outside, though barrages may be ...l
directed over the Force Dome as usual. The Force Dome also
unused Force cards for use in close combat, An Ancestor Lord
may use the following psychic powers during the Psychic stops psychic powers being used on troops within the Force .so..
phase without affecting his ability to move, shoot or fight in
Close Combat:
Dome, or being used by trapped troops. No part of a barrage
template may touch the Force Dome. A Force Dome remains
Heal: The Ancestor Lord's mind stretches out at those around in play but may be Nullified in future turns as described in the 呸
him, mystically staunching injuries and sealing wounds. This main rules. 呸
power works on a roll of 4+ and affects all Squat stands within Titans are too big to be contained within a Force Dome. 0
25cm (including the Ancestor Lord, Bikes, light artillery, and The following weapons have special rules for the Force Dome: t
so on. but not vehicles). All affected models gain an Vortex missile and Eldar Warp Hunter templates may ·c:
unmodified save of 5 or 6 against anty damage for the rest of Nullify the Force Dome in the same way as power fields and 呸
the turn. This works against psychic powers, close combat. void shields (see main rules). If it does not then the Vortex will 呸
ranged attacks and any other form of attack. stop as soon as it touches the Force Dome.
Precognition: Casting his mind into the Warp, the Ancestor Wave Serpent's firing their warp Wave may Nullify the
Lord foresees the future and instructs nearby Squats to act Force Dome, just like void shields (see main rules).
accordingly. This power works on a 4+ and affects all Squat Warp Missiles are stopped as normal, since the Dome exists
detachments that have a model within 15cm. In the next orders within warp space as well.
phase each affected detachment may be given two order Doom Weaver webs on the Force Dome are removed.

I roopType Move Saving CAI• weapons Range Attack Roll to Targets Notes
Throw Dice Hit Save Mod.

ANCESTOR LORD lOcm 6+ 0 Laspistols 25cm l 5+ 0 Command unit



SQUAT ANCESTOR A Squll Ancestor Lord is a canmand unit and never needs to
LORD be given orders or chcdr. morale. The Ancestor Lord may use
his psychic powers without affecting his ability to move. fire or
The Ancestor Lord is an ancient and venerated memcbcr of the fight in close combaL
Warlord's closest advisors. BREAK POINT: The Ancestor Lord cannot be broken and
victory points are awarded onoe he is destroyed.
HEAL: Works on a roll of 4+, range 25cm (including the
Ancestor Lord, Bikes, light artillery, and so on, but not
vehicles). All affected models gain an unmodified save of 5 or
6 This works against psychic powen, close combat, ranged
attacks and any other fonn of attack.
PRECOGNITION: Worics on a 4+, range 15cm. In the next
Orders phase each affected detachment may be gjvcn two
Order coontcn inSIUd of <>ne.
FORCE DOME: Works on a 5+. Place a Force Dome
anywhere within 50cm. Roll 106 for each model nol
completely covered. on a 1-3 the model is moved inside the
Force Dorne, on a 4-6 the model is pushed. Lasis until nullified
FORCE HAMMER: The Ancestor Lord has a Force Hamma
which he can store Force catda in for use in close combaL


Yow-opponent pim 1 VP when tbc呸Lard ia destroyed


By James Funnell
Titans are massive awe inspiring machines of death that mercilessly stalk the battlefield, Chaos
Titans represent the ultimate perversion of man and machine, a terrifying mix of flesh and metal
dedicated to the art of slaying for slaying's sake.

Hi there, I expect there are a few among you dedicated gamer Current Epic rules allow you to mount a lashing Chaos Titan
types who have sat down to read this article and thought "who tail in addition to the Titans standard weapons. The rules
on Armageddon this James Funnell chappie", in which case presented here represent the huge diversity amongst Chaos
stop reading from the back and have a look at the editorial. For Titans and allow you to utilise a variety of abilities and
those of you who look at the pictures first you will have attributes instead of (and including) the Chaos Titan tail.
realised that I suffer from a terminal case of milliput on the
Each Titan in your army may have one general attribute for
brain and Chaos Titan fever. Luckily I recently had a brief free. To determine what Attribute/Ability your Chaos Titan
relapse and some reader-friendly conversions are on their has roll 206 and consult the general attribute table.
It is preferable that your model has any obvious attributes
During the dark days of the Horus Heresy brother fought modelled on to it ( note that some attributes are not always
brother. The great armies of the Imperial Guard turned traitor visible, ie-Long legs/Daemonic protection ), also there is no
and several of the mighty Titan legions declared their
need to try and model "Flaming".
allegiance to the Warmaster. The Heresy may be over but the
Warmaster's deadly legacy remains!With the failure of the Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle Titans may have one General
Heresy the Traitor forces were driven into the Eye of Terror. Chaos attribute each.
The Emperor knew it would be suicidal to follow them so
there they remain, waiting to board space bulks and attack the To reflect the fury of a Khomate Titan's advance and its desire
worlds of the mortals once again. to enter close combat, Khornate Titans may only be given
Advance or Charge orders. To make up for this Khornate
During their ten thousand year sojourn among the Demon Titans are allowed two rolls on the General Chaos attribute
worlds the warping power of chaos has twisted and corrupted table.
the Titans into gigantic engines of terror that roam from battle Although the models shown below have been subjected to a
to battle eternally wreaking the carnage that they were built vicious milliput ordeal, this is by no means the only way to
for.Chaos Titans often appear as giant effigies of their patron convert Chaos Titans and I suggest that any sane Journal
power with fearsome knashing heads or other unnatural readers delve in to their bits box for some appropriate parts.


2 Tentacles - Writhing tentacles cover the Titans
body and grabbing any enemy model in reach. The 8 Scales - The Titan is covered with a layer of hard
Titan gains + I CAF and may make a single grab scales that hamper incoming fire. The Titan has an
attack every turn. The grab attack has a Range of additional 5+save against all weapon hits. this
10cm and will hit on a 4+ with a -2 saving throw. saving throw is modifiable as usual.
3 Chaos Cannon - A number of big guns have been 9 Flaming - The Titan is wreathed in magical fire
attached to various parts of the Titan. These may that causes opponents to back off and burns
fire at the same time as the Titans other ranzed unprotected troops. +2 CAP, any troop stands that
weapons and have a Range of 50cm 2 attack dice are in contact with the Titan at the beginning of the
requiring a 5+ to hit with a - I saving throw close combat phase are killed on the roll of a 6 on
modifier. ld6.
4 Daemonic Protection - The Titan is particularly 10 Cyclops - The Titan is blessed with a single
favoured by its Chaos patron who protects it from penetrating eye that notices every detail, The Titan
enemy psychic attacks. This gives the Titan a 4+ has a + I bonus to hit when shooting at troops in
psychic saving throw. cover. Hence a Titan with this attribute shoots at a
troop stand in hard cover there will be a -1 penalty
5 Agile - The Titan is gifted with long legs and an to hit and no penally for shooting at troops in soft
incredible sense of balance. This allows the Titan cover. Cyclops can not be used in conjunction with
to make anextra0-90 degree tum if'it bas advance barrage weapons.
or charge orders.
11 Long Spines - Many sharp spines protrude from
6 Chaos Tail - A long sinuous tail lashes about the Titans body making close assault difficult The
behind the Titan. The Titan gains a +3 bonus ro its Titan gains a +2 bonus to CAF and may no longer
CAF during close combat. move rhrough woods (the spines catch in the
7 Chaos Head - The Titan sports a vicious looking trees). infantry that attack the Titan suffer an
head with snapping jaws and ominous looking gun addiucnal-Z penally to their CAF.
ports. The Titan gains a +2 CAF bonus and a 12 The Titan is not in favour and may not have any
single ranged attack with range 25cm, 5+ to hit general attributes.
with no saving throw modifier.

DAEMONIC PLAGUE TITAN OF NURGLE. Whenever Bubonis moves he leaves a trail of sticky
contagious slime behind him, the slime trail is 4cm wide and
Since the dark days of the Horus Heresy the renegade Titan the template that is provided on the back inside cover should
legions have dwelt in the Eye of Terror. For thousands of years be used to represent the slime. The slime remains in play for
they have been proving themselves to the Dark lords in the the rest of the game and any troops who are not his minions
hope that the most worthy of them might be granted the will take a single hit with a -2 save modifier if they touch the
ultimate reward, Daemonhood! template. Also any models that are in close combat with
Bubonis will take a hit on a 4+ with a -1 save modifier before
Bubonis is one such Titan, once the command of Grand Master combat is resolved
Mamie Bubon, man and machine have become one and now
lead the much feared Festering Death Titan legion to war Bubonis was once a Warlord class Titan and as such be can
against all-comers. make one 90 degree tum during his movement. He has 6 void
shields to protect him from incoming fire
The legion of Festering Death, formally known by the
Imperium as the Silver Scythes bad been based on the rim of 1200 years ago Nurgle rewarded Bubonis for his loyalty and
Imperial space when the Heresy swept the lmperium into civil devotion with special plague cannon. These are barrage
war. Overlooked by many and far away from the bulk of the weapons that fire a festering ball of rotting waste that' s infused
fighting the Legions commanders quickly succumbed to the with many sickening diseases. This hits its target and splatters
lure of Chaos and entered the fray, siding with the Lord of over a wide area hitting anything underneath with 8 barrage
Decay. The Legion set about bringing famine and pestilence to points, any model that is hit suffers a -1 save modifier. After
the worlds on the rim and unleashed ancient plagues upon the shooting has been resolved leave the template in position and
planets, thus winning their Lord's favour. roll on the plague outbreak table at the beginning of your
movement phase.
Bubonis is a Greater Daemon and all normal rules apply, the
Titan is entitled to 3 chaos cards and he may use these to
negate the effects of a hit, the card must be played before WEAPON RANGE TO HIT SAVE
damage is rolled. Any units charged by Bubonis may not shoot PLAGUE 100cm 8BP -1
him in the first fire phase and must take a morale check or go
on to Fall back orders. CANNON

PLAGUE CANNON TABLE PLAGUE CARRIER -The Titan carries a hideously

contagious and corrupting plague. Any model that charges or
1 -3 The plague seeps in to the ground and dissipates, is charged by the Titan takes a hit on a roll of 4+ and must
remove the template from play. make a save at - I to survive. --- +50 points
4 -5 The mess of rot and disease starts to fester, leave
the template in play, anything that touches the WARTY BODY - The Titan is covered in thick leathery skin
and has large, angry looking warts scattered over its surface.
template will be hit on the roll of a 4+ with a - I
This confers a + l save to all locations at the detriment of a 5cm
movement penalty. --- + 150 points.
6 The plague starts to spread at an alarming rate,
An outbreak is imminent! Any model that NURGLESQUE APPEARANCE - The Titans head has
touches the template will be bit on the roll of a 3+ mutated hideously and is now so atrocious that any models
with a - I save and anything within 6cm will be charged by the Titan mast take a morale test or go on to fall
hit on a 5+ with a -1 save. back orders. --- +20points.

NURGLINGS - The Titan is covered in hundreds of

mischievous Nurglings. These tease, interfere and get in the
Bubonis is also armed with the revolting Rot spitters, many way of attacking models. The Titan gains a +2 CAF in close
writhing tentacles protrude from the Titans carapace. These combat and never counts as outnumbered. Opponents may not
end in gaping mouths that shoot large gobbets of Rot and Goo claim any multiple combat bonuses. --- + 150 points.
at the enemys of Nurgle, while the huge gaping mouth that
dominates the Titans body can spit long streams of corrupted STREAM OF CORRUPTION - Hundreds of tiny orifices
slime at anything that gets too close. Bubonis' mighty plague cover the Titans body out of which the Titan is able to spew a
cannon arc gripped and aimed by decaying Claws of Nurgle. concoction of maggots, slime and other foulness over its
These are are treated as a single power fist in close combat. opponents. Place the stream of corruption template anywhere
You may not fire the plague cannon and use the claws as a iu the 180 degree fire arc. place the pointed end of the template
power fist in the same tum. against the Titans base and the rounded end over the target
models. Any model caught under the template is killed on a
FOLLOWERS OF B UBONIS roll of 3+, Titans lose a void shield or take a hit with a -2 save
If you take Bubonis as a greater daemon you must also buy modifier. --- +50 points
him followers. Bubonis must have at least 3 minion cards
following him, and can have a maximum of 5 minion cards CLAWS OFNURGLE -The Titan's arms have grown a fleshy
following him. Bubonis also allows you to purchase a Titan covering and huge 3 taloned claws clutch on to the Titans arm
battle group, this battle group must be made up of Titans from weapons. The Titan gains a +2 CAF and counts as having a
the Legion of Festering Death and may be picked from the power fist in close combat. You may not first fire and use your
Titan Legion cards at the end of the article, as these are power fist.---+ IOO points
Bubonis' followers. Titans from the Legion of Festering Death
can have general Chaos attributes and Nurgle specific Chaos
If Bubonis is destroyed then any Titans from the Legion of
Festering Death will lose all of their general Chaos attributes.
Nurgle specific attributes are not affected.
(Any Titan bought as a minion card for Bubonis will come
from the Legion of Festering Death)


Nurgle specific attributes may also be purchased at additional
cost for any Nurgle Titan (Not Bubonis), if you wish to buy
any of these attributes first roll a die to see how many attributes
the Titan may haverMinirnurn of one per Titan), this is
dependant on the size of the Titan. You may then choose
attributes freely at the cost indicated. To buy attributes for
Titans multiply the attribute cost by the modifier. To use these
attributes it is necessary to have the model suitably converted.

Emperor Titan - 06-1 auributcs at double cost.
Warlord Titan - 06-2 attributes at cost indicated.
Reaver Titan - 06-3 attributes at cost indicated.
Warhound Titan - 06-4 attributes at half cost.
WARLORD ·I Where ever Bubonis goes he leaves a Contagious slime trail
behind him, the contagious slime has the following effects.
-Any model in combat will be hit on a 4+ with a -I save
Bubonis is equipped with 6 void shields modifier before combat is resolved.

Bubonis may make up to 1 x 90° turn during his move. -Bnbonis leaves a 4cm wide slime trail behind him when he
moves, this should be represented on the table and remains
Bubonis is a greater daemon and must be accompanied by in play for the rest of the game. Any model chat touches the
minions as usual, he entitles you to 3 chaos cards which he template will be hit and must make a save at -1 to survive
may use to negate damaging hits in the same way as a Lord
of Battle. When charging in to close combat opponents
must make a morale check or go on to fall back orders.
enemy on first fire who are charged can not fire at Bubonis




2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+


I+ O+ I+ O+ I+ O+ I+ I+ I+


1+ 1+ I+ l+ l+ I+ 2+ I+


I+ I+ 2+ 2+ 2+


I+ I+ 2+ 2+ 2+

Permission to photocopy for personal use only.


1-2 Bubonis' void shield generators arc damaged and shut down
Roll lo hit Bubonis as normal. if you bit, refer 10 the location templates.
temporarily. Until the void shield generators are repaired (roll
Nominate the target area. Roll the pair of aim dice and move the location hit
a 5+ on a 06 in the end phase). they may not be used.
as indicated up. down, left or right. lf the shot lands in a location area take any
appropriate save. If the save fails refer to the appropriate damage table, if your 3.4 Bubonis' void shield generators shut down and may not be
shot lands on an empty square or outside the grid it has missed. used any further in this game.

CLOSE COMBAT 5 Bubonis' void shields are in danger of overloading and you
must shut them down before they explode! Roll a 06, on a 5
If beaten in close combat the enemy chooses a location and damage is worked or 6 the shields are safely shut down . On a 1-4 the shields
out from the appropriate damage table. Shields have no effect in close combat overload as described below.
and saving throws arc ignored.
6 Bubonis' void shields overload and explode causing massive
internal damage. Bubonis is destroyed but remains standing.
Any vehicles and troop stands within 206cm are hit by flying
debris nod must make an unmodified save lo avoid damage.


1-2 Bubonis' corrupting spittle auack is lost and the damage so REACTOR DAMAGE TABLE
enrages him that he must First fire at his attacker next tum if
1-2 Bubonis' armour is holed and vital chaotic energy starts to
leak back into the warp, the bole can be repaired in the end
3 TI1e shot stuns Bubonis and his CAF is halved next turn. He phase by rolling a 5+ oa a 06. Until then Bubonis' movement.
must be given advance orders and he may not fire for the rest CAF and weapon ranges are halved.
of this tum or lhe next.
3.4 Bubonis' plasma reactor has been breached. Attempt to repair
4 The shot knocks Bubonis unconscious and he may do nothing the damage by rolling a 5+ in the end phase, if you fail there
unti I he regains consciousness. leave Babonis standing. He will be a reactor meltdown and Bubonis is destroyed (see 5-6
will regain consciousness on the roll of a 4+ on a D6 in the for details). If you succeed the reactor comes back on line and
end phase. The tum after Bubonis regains consciousness be Bubonis can move and fire as normal in his next tum.
will be stunned as 3 above.
5-6 Bubonis' reactor has been destroyed and Bubonis is vaporised
5·6 The shot rips into Bubonis' head, killing him instantly. in a spectacular meltdown. Buboois is removed from play
Bubonis will fall over in a random direction, any vehicles or (replace il with a crater template). Anything within 306 cm
troop stands fallen oo are destroyed. suffers an automatic bit from flying debris and must make an
unmodified save to avoid damage.


1-2 The weapon has been damaged in the attack and may not be
used until a 5+ is roUed on a D6 10 repair in the end phase. If LEG DAMAGE TABLE
the Plague cannon is damaged then the power fist will also be
damaged, Bubonis may not use his power fist and suffers 1-2 The leg is damaged, forcing Bubonis 10 walk with a
from a • I ro his CAF umil it is repaired pronounced llmp. Bubonis' move rates arc halved and he may
not enter difficult terrain.
3.4 The weapon is damaged as above, additionally if lhe hil was
on the arm Bubonis will loose his power fist and -1 CAF. if 34 Bubonis' leg has suffered extensive damage . and it is vcr:y
the: hit was on the: carapace weapons Bubonis will lose 4 likely 10 give way. Roll a 06 in each ensuing end phase.
attack dice from his Rot spitters. subtracting 2 if Bubonis had charge orders or l if he had
advance orders. On the roll of O or less the leg will snap and
5 The weapon is destroyed and may not be used again in this Bubonis will crash 10 the ground (see result 6).
battle. If the arm is hit Bubonis loses his power fist and
suffers from a -I to his CAF. 5 Bubonis is completely crippled by the damage 10 its legs. It
may not move or cum for the rest of the game.
6 The weapon is destroyedtsee 5 ) and the neural shock causes
a further automatic hit on Babonis. Roll aD6, 1·3= reactor, 4- 6 The leg is blown apart and Bubonis crashes to the ground.
6= head. Now roll a 06 on the appropriate damage table to Decide randomly which way Bubonis falls. and place him
determine what additional damage is caused. lying on his side in that direction. Any vehicles or troop
stands fallen on destroyed.

Permission to photocopy for personal use only.



Bubonis - Plague Titan of Bubonis is a towering warty filth covered Titan his carapace is
Nurgle covered in slimy tentacular Rot Blasters and his two diseased arms
grip the mighty Plague Cannon that was gifted to him by father
Following the death of Horus and the effective end
of the Heresy, Bubonis fled to the Eye of Terror with Bubonis entitles you to Titan Battle groups taken from the Legion of
Festering Death.
the remainder of the Legion of Festering Death.
There he dwells, a Prince among Daemons waiting The Legion of Festering Death is highly favoured by Nurgle and any
to seek his vengeance on the mortals of the lmperium Tiians taken from this legion may be bought a number of Nurgle
specific Chaos Attributes (see rules)
once again.
If Bubonis is destroyed then any Titans under his command will lose
their General Chaos Attributes (Nurgle specific attributes arc not

Your opponent gains 12 VPs when Bubonis is
POINTS VALUE 1200 destroyed
LEGION OF FESTERING The Legion of Festering Death Warlord Titan Battle Group may
only be ta.ken as minions for BUBONIS, lbe plague Titan of Nurgle
DEATH Legion of Festering Death Titans are allowed one General Chaos
Attribute each and are can be bought Nurg)e Specific Chaos
A Warlord Titan Battle Group consists of three Each Warlord must remain within 25cm of at least ooe other Titan
Warlord Titans. from the battle group. If a Titan is more than 25cm from its battle
group in the orders phase it must go onto advance orders until it is
back within 25cm of another Warlord from the grouping the Orders
phase of a subsequent turn.

Warlord Battle Titans cannot be broken so they do not need to take

morale checks. 8 Victory points are awarded to the opposing player
for each Warlord Titan destroyed.

Your opponent gains 8 VP'S for every Warlord
POINTS VALUE 15 Titan that he destroys


LEGION OF FESTERING The Legion of Festering Death Reaver Titan Battle Group may only
be taken as minions for BUBONIS the Plague Titan of Nurgle.
DEATH Legion of Festering Death Titans are allowed one General Chaos
Attribute and can be bought Nurgle specific Cbaos Attributes.
Each Reaver Titan must remain within 25cm of at least one other
A Reaver Titan Battle Group consists of three Titan from the same Battle group. If a Titan is more than 25cm from
its battle group in the orders phase it must go on to advance orders
Reaver class Titans. until it is back within 25cm of another Reaver Titan from !he group
in tbe orders phase of a subsequent tum.

Reaver Battle Titans can not be broken so Ibey do not need 10 make
morale checks. 5 Victory points are awarded to the opposing player
for each Reaver Titan destroyed.

p TS VALUE 100 Your opponent gains 5 VP's for every Reaver Titan
that he destroys
the head piece from a Beast of Nurgle is quite large and it is

BUBONIS necessary to cut the actual head away from the "bib". To do
this make two straight cuts either side or the head so that a
triangular wedge ( with the head at the centre ) is removed
from the "bib" , don't make the wedge too big as we will be
BUBONIS IS MADE FROM A NUMBER OF using the "bib" later on. File the head down a bit and slot it in
DIFFERENT PARTS, YOU WU..L NEED . to position between the body section and the the
space left by the removed overhang.
1 Plastic Warlord Titan Sprue ff you wish you can now glue the "bib" on to the rear of the
2 Rubble Claws (Metal Titan extras) titan, slot it in between the carapace and the main body.-(see
The Banners from a Palanquin of Nurgle picture on left)
2 Old style Great Gargant Gut Buster Cannons
2 Nurglc Titan Heads
The Read from a new Beast of Nurgle
1 Greater Daemon of Norgle Body section (the one with the
Tentacles from the old Beast of Nurgle
2 Arms from a Greater Daemon of Nurgle (one left and one

To start your model glue the Rubble claws over the Titans
moulded feet and then attach the body section as usual, don't
glue the carapace on yet.
Next you wil1 need to take the carapace and drill some holes in
it, make the holes big enough so that the tentacles will fit
inside. It is also necessary to cut away the front overhang-
that's the bit with the Imperial eagle moulded to the top. You
can now glue the carapace to the rest of the Titan.
It is now time to attach Bubonis' main body,(thc Nurgle body
piece) this should fit quite well on to the front of the Titan THE ARMS The arms are also simple, although you may wish
body although if you trim the Titan body and the inside of the to pin them in place. Your model will look better if you pose
lead pan a good fit can be obtained, Try to position it so that the arms a bit. To do this bend the fingers and hand so that it
the bottom of the Nurgle body piece fits between the Titans will look like the hand is gripping the Plague cannon, but be
legs.- (see picture) very careful as it is very easy to accidentally break a finger or
even the entire hand off ( I know, l did it myself). After the
hand has been posed it is a simple matter to glue it on next to
the Plague cannon.

Assuming you have drilled the boles into the carapace all you
have to do is cut the tentacles away from the rest of the metal
and position them as you like in the holes.

This is up to you, your Bubonis model should now be ready
for painting although I recommend filling the gaps in the
model with some milliput. Also you may like to model
Bubonis' slime trail on to his base. again milliput would be
ideal., although I used some Bostic all purpose clear glue.


These are simple to make. Take the two Titan heads of
Nurgle and cut of the rear tab ( the one that usually fits in to
the hole in the Titan body, ) and the tongue, you can now glue
these on to the front of the Gargant Gut buster cannons.
Attach the finished Plague cannon to the ann mounts on the

By James Funnell

Tf an Ork Weirdboy is within 6cm of a Tour Wagon he will

gain an additional 2D6 power points, however bis head will
Bang. bang, bang. BA.i'l"G. "Woahhhh, That's the sample now explode on the roll of a 5+ on a D6 if be attempts to use
tape finished. now lets get back to work. and your name his powers.
is Nodraz. And your interested in the Epic gig arc Any Orks within 6cro of the Tour Wagon will pass morale
you Hmmmmm very well the gigs yours. here's 20 tests automatically and gain a+ I to their CAF in close combat,
Teer in advance. If you just park Da Tour Wagon next lo but due to the disorientation caused by head banging these
the big yellow Gargant yes that's right Orks will suffer a -1 to hit penalty when shooting. Da Tour
'Skullgrinder", the fighting should be starting in about an Wagon is accompanied by a number of Orks,(weJI quite a lot
hour, we expect a turnout of about 3000 Orks aaaannnd actually). There are 5 stands of Bouncer Orks that accompany
yes that's right Space Marines. probably about 1500 of the wagon, they must stay within 5cm of the wagon at all times
them. Very good sir, bye." and the wagon may transport these five stands (no others) if
you wish. The bouncers share orders with the wagon and
count as Goff boyz,
If the wagon is destroyed all Ork units within 6cm of the
Following the recent article on GOFFIK ROKKERZ in wagon must take a morale test, if this is failed the Orks will go
Warhammer 40,000 I decided it would be unfair if everyone's in to berserk frenzy and must charge towards the model that
favourite little men (sorry Orks) were without some awesome destroyed the Tour wagon next tum. If the Bouncer Orks pass
music to listen to. So here they are strait from the keyboard of their morale test they will stay with the wreck and guard it -
James Epic Mad Funnell.-LETS ROKK! ! they are placed on first fire orders for the rest of the game, if
they fail the morale check and charge off then they must move
back towards the destroyed tour wagon at charge rate until
Soon after the ingenious Mekboys had created the Jamme,r they are within 6cm of it.
one particularly intelligent Ork (IQ=60) pointed out that he
All Tour Wagons are equipped with a variety of big noisy
could not hear the music as loud as he would like to. It was
cannon, these are fired by unfortunate Orks and Gretchin who
soon afterwards that the Orks realised that this was the case for are thrown in to the special ROKK insulated gunning
any Ork who either tried to listen from a building or from
compartments by the big, bossy Bouncer Orks. And they make
about 3000 meters away. Not loud enough at all ! !
After this astounding discovery was made the Mekboys set to
work building giant amplifiers and Jammer enhancement gear
and finally came up with Da TOUR WAGON, A giant tracked
platform that contained all the gear that the boyz could ever

Da Tour Wagon counts as a super heavy vehicle for movement

and pinning. It is allowed any orders but must stay within
1 Ocm of a Ork command unit to receive them.
The Tour wagon and anything within 6cm will get an
unmodified save of 4+ on a D6 if attacked by a psychic power.

good sound effects too !

Da Tour wagon is also equipped with a special Mega Woofer
sound blaster, this is a giant speaker with a truly tremendous
output Once per game the Mega Woofer can be overloaded
and used as a weapon. Take the Inferno gun template(big tear
drop) and place the pointed end so that it touches the Tour
wagon, place the rounded end over your target. Any model
underneath the template will be bit on the roll of a 4+ on a D6
with a -1 to their saving throw, Titans shields arc ignored and
Titans will suffer a hit on the head if they arc affected. Any
unit that contains models which have been hit but not killed
can not be given orders next tum as they have been temporarily
deafened by the sound blast. This includes Titans as thei:r crew
are hooked in to auto systems that allow them to hear the
battle. Troops without orders may not move, but may shoot in
the advance fire phase.
The Tour Wagon is protected from incoming fire by 1D3
powerfields. If the wagon is bit and it has remaining power
fields roll a D6 , on the roll of a 6 the shot passes through the
shield and hits the Tour wagon instead.


IOcm I+ +10 Cannon 50cm 3 5+ -1

(all round) Sound Blaster Flame Template 4+ -1 see notes

Bolters 10cm 4 6+ 0


The Goffik Rokkerz and their Bouncers form a single
Goffik Rokkers may only be taken as a Special Card unit, which must stay within l Ocrn of a Ork
for a Goff clan, they consist of l Goffik Rokker Tour Command stand to receive orders.
Wagon and Five stands of Bouncer Orks.
BREAK POINT : The Goffik Rokkers are broken
The Bouncer Orks count as Goff Boyz. when the Tour Wagon is destroyed. If the Tour
Wagon is destroyed then all Ork units within 6cm
must take a morale test, if they fail then they must
charge towards the enemy model that destroyed the
Tour Wagon in their next turn. If the Bouncer Orks
pass the Morale test then they will go on to first fire
orders for the rest of the game.
MORALE VALUE 4: The bouncer Orks must
roll 4 or more on a D6 to pass their morale check.


Your opponent gains 4 VP's when the Tour Wagon
D+ is destroyed

Permission to photocopy for personal use only.




1 Sprue from an Ork Mega Gargant ( The one with the hull pieces)
3 Gun turrets, the ones from the Lead Ork Battle Wagons work well (or anything else that's handy),
5 Stands of Ork Boyz, some Wildboyz, Madboyz and a Warboss.


• Take the bottom hull piece and glue on the front spikes and rear ramps

• Cut the tops off of the two side tracks so that they are level with the top of hull piece

• Gluc the rwo side tracks Lo the bull and add a turret to the bottom turret mounts.

• Take the Lop hull piece (the small one) and glue it towards the back of the bottom bull piece, stick a turret to tbe top of this.

• You need some pieces to go on top of the tracks, T used the arm mounts from my Mega Gargant sprue but you could use anything.

• Rummage through your bits box and find some bits that you can use as loud speakers, drums etc. Stick these aJJ over your wagon
, put the drums in front of top hull piece leaving enough room for a drummer to stand behind.

• Take some Madboys and trim down the bolrplstols ( make them look like drumsticks ) , cut tbe Madboyz off of their base and stick
them behind the drums.( super glue is best)

• Take the Warboss and trim down his gun ( make it look like a microphone), cut him from his base and glue him to the centre.front
of the bottom hull.

• Take the Wildboyz cut off their axes and glue them on to the Odes chests with the handle towards the Wildboys band, cut them
from their bases and stick them all over the bottom hull piece.

• The Tour Wagon is now finished you should paint it in the colours of the Goff clan.

• Make up 5 stands of Orks and paint them in Goff Ork colours, these arc the bouncers.


By James Funnell
In this follow up article to last issues abomination I describe the mighty Skylok Winged Daemon Titan of
Tzeentch and his loyal followers, the Suns of Damnation Titan Legion. Be afraid, be very afraid!
Last issue I described how your Chaos Imperial records and they are now
rM§n\呸 t. 6'4o, SKYi:.bKl Titans could become even more varied known as the Suns of Damnation.
:. 'T'o 呸ke Sky!呸呸 you:, wiH 'need a1 and deadly. Also I introduced the Wherever they go the mighty form of
呸 nllrobet of differ呸llt partstall 9fwbich , galaxy to one of the universes most Skylok swooping through the skies is
呸 are available·:o:om, Maj.1 otde.t,.'
'' • ,.. •
terrifying warriors, Bubonis and the an ominous sign of awaiting death that
Legion of Festering death. causes fear in all that behold him.
I expect many of you screamed at the SPECIAL RULES
thought of only being able to purchase Skylok counts as a greater daemon and
additional attributes for Nurgle Titans. all normal rules apply, This means He
Well now you can calm down because is entitled to 3 Chaos cards which may
in this second installment of Legions be used to negate the effects of any
of Chaos 1 will tell you a tale about unsaved hits. The card must be played
Skylok mighty winged Daemon Titan after you fail Sky loks' saving throw
of Tzeentch and his loyal followers, but before damage is rolled.
the Suns of Damnation Titan Legion.
Now you will be able to purchase Skylok inspires terror in all his
powerfu I attributes for Tzeentch Titans enemies and any units charged by him
(Hiab, Elf呸 as well as N urgle. may not shoot if they are on first fire
"' . orders and must take a morale test or
go on to fall back orders.
., TITAN OF Because Skylok has huge wings his
TO )ie,&i..n''fin1t make up the Metal TZEENTCH movement is totally different to any
., Waij'()t<l; titan呸 Carapace and glue on other Titan. Skylok can fly and and
f. his (ors()' anajointplat呸. .. . Like Bubonis Skylok escaped the follows all the rules for flyers as
l'o'1呸1e 呸-; fz呸呸n呸cb Titari head into
carnage of the Horus Heresy and fled· described in Titan Legions.
to the Eye of Terror after the
p呸呸s\ti.oii jus,t above the mounting hole Warrnaster was killed. Here he now Skylok must move between lU and
: for t呸e Warlord head, you wm t1od that waits in eternal conflict for a chance to 30cm and can make a single 90° turn at
: J{
firs,,._ in quite
• • Y..;,
snugly. .
wreak his vengeance upon he worlds the beginning or end of his move, this
of Mankind once again. move must be in a straight line but he

I No呸 the Wings; these will ue呸(;l to be

t,rinimid do'«ln (a knife or modelling j
ftl呸·f\ll he. adequate) a hit so that they :
will fl:t in · under the side carapaees The ,
Once the Heresy was under way Grand
Master Sarlon Hess of the Burning
Stars Titan Legion was one of the first
can ignore terrain as he flies over it.
At the end of Skyloks' move he may
declare that he is flying high, place
· wings wtll g1ui fa to place beitec 呸t they . Jmperial commanders to come under him on the top of a cup or something
ar; b呸tcid'o.p"·agai1ts:t t)1e Ti.tans torso. ! the Warmaster's sway. He announced similar to represent his height. When
his traitorous intentions by mounting a Skylok is flying high anything on the
rt' N呸xf呸:You wlf1
need to make
lightning raid upon the important table will be able to see him and he
$$iC©:ritl呸ry wipgs: T:;ike the Frrelotd and i
1ut呸6ff the i;>nd呸 of Its w·tngs (jcl呸t below
t the ;uM,), t!iese can be glued in to place ,
i Imperial fuel dump on Stienor IV,
immobilising an entire Imperial space
will be able to see them. Any enemy
models wishing to shoot Skylok while
I jLfst_ itb,<JVe the wings on the Titans , fleet for a whole month. His name and he is flying high must add 25cm to
. 1Sad(paq'e: · all records concerning the Burning their range as gravity is against them.
Stars were promptly stuck from This penalty does not apply to Skylok
i v.,
If Skylok does not fly high then he is destroyed. If any Infantry stands are
permitted to make a special Death destroyed in the attack then these will
Swoop attack. With an ear bursting be transformed in to Pink Horrors.
screech Skylok swoops down on an Place a Pink Horror stand where the
unsuspecting enemy vehicle and infantry stand used to be, the Horrors
attempts to pick it up in his talons. will come under the control of the
Chaos player from the next turn and is
To make a Death Swoop attack Skylok
worth no victory points.
must first forfeit half of his movement,
then if he he moves over any enemy SKYLOKS' FOLLOWERS
vehicle (Titans, Super heavy tanks and
If you take Skylok as part of your army
infantry stands can not be picked up) then you must also buy him followers.
he may attempt to pick it up. Roll a 06
Skylok must have at least 3 minion
if you score a 2 or more then Skylok cards accompanying him and he can
has successfully grabbed his target and
have a maximum of 5 minion cards.
flown of with it.
Skylok also allows you to purchase a
Titan battle group from the Suns of
Damnation Titan Legion cards at the
end of this article. These are Skyloks'
followers and any Titan picked as a
minion for Skylok will be from the
Suns of Damnation Titan Legion.

Titans from the Suns of Damnation

Titan Legion may have general Chaos
Once Skylok has grabbed a vehicle be Attributes and Tzeentch specific
may drop it at any time in the rest of Chaos Attributes.
the current movement phase or during
Jf Skylok is destroyed then any Titans x
any subsequent movement phase.
from the Suns of Damnation Titan
Once dropped the victim is
Legion will lose all of their general
automatically destroyed and anything
Chaos attributes, Tzeentcb specific
that it falls on will be destroyed if its
attributes will not be affected.
armour save is worse than that of the
vehicle that is being dropped on it. If a
Titan is hit it will loose 1 shield. If it
has no shields choose a location and
roll the aim dice as usual, if the hit
locations armour save is worse than
that of the vehicle that is being
dropped then roll on the locations
damage table.

Skylok may only have one vehicle in

his talons at a lime.

Skylok was originally a Warlord class

Titan and as such he is equipped with 6
void shields.

Skylok is armed with a potent array of

magical weapons. Powerful Lightning
cannon protrude from his carapace
ready to spit electric death while he POWERS
can bring a Beam of Power in to Tzeentch specific attributes may also
existence to burn large targets to a be purchased al additional cost for any
crisp. Skylok has also bean gifted with Tzeentch Titan (Not Skylok), if you
the ability to cast The Magic of wish to buy any of these attributes first
Tzeentch. roll a die to see how many attributes the
Titan may have (minimum of one per
Skylok may caJI upon the power of the Titan), this is dependant on the size of
Magic of Tzeentch once per Psychic the Titan. You may then choose
phase, Place a barrage template attributes freely at the cost indicated.
anywhere within 25cm of Skylok, any To buy attributes for Titans multiply
model underneath will be hit on the the attribute cost by the modifier . To
roll of a 5+ on a 06 and must make an use these attributes it is necessary to
unmodified saving throw or be have the model suitably converted.
TZEENTCH The Titans feet have been replaced by
a pair of razor sharp Talons. The Titan
WINGS can only have this attribute if it has
The Titan is gifted with a magnificent wings.
pair of wings and can now fly, it has a A Titan with Talons can make a Death
TABLE move of. Swoop attack in the same way as
06-1 auribu tes at Emperor Titan not Skylok.
double cost allowed +50 points
D6-2 attributes Warlord Titan 10-30cm
D6-3 attributes Warhound Titan 10-50cm The Titan is totally infused with raw
(A warnoune Titan lhat has wings will not be magic that a ha lo of fire can be seen
06-4 attributes at dancing around it.
able lo use its dodge when charging and so
half cost If the Titan is destroyed so much raw
enemy will not be ut -1 to bit the Titan)
The Titan now follows all the rules for power is released that a unit of Pink
flyers. +150 points Horrors is created were the Titan was
destroyed, the Pink Horrors are under
MAGIC OF TZEENTCH the command of the Chaos player.
The Titan is able to cast this potent +100 points
spell. Once per psychic phase you
may place a barrage template BOLT OF CHANGE
anywhere within 25cm, any model The Titan has been granted with
underneath will be hit on the roll of 5+ powerful magics to kill its foes.
on a D6 and must make an unmodified The Bolt is cast during the psychic
THE ARMY CARDS save or be destroyed. Infantry stands phase and has a range of 35cm, it will
Over the next couple of pages we have that are killed will turn into pink hit its target on a 3+ on 1 D6 and the
provided some Epic army cards for Skylok horrors and come under the command target must make a saving throw at -1.
and his followers. of the Chaos player. +30 points If the save fails then the target is
turned in to a Chaos spawn (Titans
To make these simply photocopy them (so DAEMONIC APPEARANCE will take a normal hit with +2
you don't have, to cut up your luvly Journal) The Titan's head has mutated darnagejand this will work in the same
tben, 1,.-ut,ddwn the middle and glue 呸1e two hideously and is now so atrocious that way as a spawn created by a Lord of
' ba.tv呸$ t¢"呸etbeJ. simple! · any models charged by the Titan must Change. +50 points
take a morale test or go on to fall back
orders. +20 points


Skylok is a majestic winged Titan and inspires awe and fear in all
Skylok - Winged Daemon unlucky enough to face him.
Titan of Tzeentch Skylok entitles you to Titun Bullie groups taken from the Suns of
Damnation Titan Legion.The Suns of Damnation are highly
Following the death of Horus and the effective end of favoured by Tzccruch and any Titans taken from tbls legion may be
the Heresy, Skylok fled to the Eye of Terror with the bought a number of Tzeentch specific Chaos Auributes (see rules)
remainder of the Suns of Damnation Titan Legion IC Skylok is deslroyed then any Titans under his command will lose
, There he dwells, a Prince among Daemons waiting to their General Chaos Auributes (Tzeentch specific atrributes are not
seek bis vengeance on the mortals of the Imperium effected)
once again. 呸

___ POINTS VALUE 1000 _


* Your opponent gains IO VPs when Skylok is

Suns of Damnation
A Suns of Damnation Warlord Titan Baule Group may only be
WARLORD BATTLE GROUP taken as minions for Skylok. the Flying Daemon Titan of Tzccmch.
A Warlord Titan Battle Group consists of three Suns of Damnation Titans are allowed one General Chaos Attribute
Warlord Titans. each and can be bought Tzeemch Specific Chaos Attributes.

Each Warlord must remain within 25cm of at least one other Ti Lan
from the battle group. If a Titan is more than 25cm from its battle
group in the orders phase it must go onto advance orders until it is
back within 25cm of another Warlord from the grouping the Orders
phase of a subsequent tum.
Warlord Baute Titans cannot be broken so they do not need co take
morale checks. & Victory points are awarded to the opposing player
for each Warlord Titan destroyed.


Your opponent gains 8 VP'S for every Warlord

Titan that he destroys


Suns of Damnation
A Suns of Damnation Reaver Titan Battle Group may only be taken
REAVER BATTLE GROUP as minions for Skylok the Flying Daemon Titan or T2.ee111ch.

A Reaver Titan Battle Group consists of three Suns of Damnation Ttrans are allowed one General Chaos Attribute
and can be bought Tzeenich specific Chaos Attributes.
Reaver class Titans.
Each Reaver Titan must remain within 25cm of at least one other
Titan from the same Battle group. If a Titan is more than 25cm from
its baule group in the orders phase it must go on to advance orders
until it is back within 25cm of another Reaver Titan from the group
in the orders phase of a subsequent cum.

Reaver Battle Titans can not be broken so they do not need to make
morale checks. 5 Victory points are awarded to the opposing player
for each Reaver Titan destroyed.

___ POJN_IS VALUE 1000.._____


* Your opponent gains 5 VP's for every Reaver Titan

that he destroys

Skylok is equipped with 6 void shields.

Skylok may make up to Ix 90° turn during his move.
Skylok is a flyer and follows all rules for flyers.
As a flyer Skylok must move between l O and 30cm each
turn, he can not go on to first fire. Charge orders will not
double his move.
Skylok is a Daemon Titan and may not be given any
additional attributes.


Lightning cannon 50cm 4 4+ -2

Beam of power. 75cm 3+ -4

Magic of Tzeentch 50cm 4BP 4BP -1 See rules

Death swoop 2+ See rules




2+ 2+

1-2 Skyloks' void shield generators are damaged
HIT LOCATION/SHOOTING and shut down temporarily. Until the void
shield generators are repaired (roll a 5+ on a
Roll to hit Skylok as normal. If you hit, refer to the location
D6 in the end phase), they may not be used.
templates. Nominate the target area. Roll the pair of aim
dice and move the location hit as indicated up, down, left or 3-4 Skyloks' void shield generators shut down and
right. If the shot lands in a location area take any may not be used any further in this game. Also
appropriate save. If the save fails refer to the appropriate his Lightning cannon are destroyed and may
damage table, if your shot lands on an empty square or no longer be used
outside the grid it has missed.
5 Skyloks' void shields are in danger of
CLOSE COMBAT overloading and you must shut them down
before they explode! Roll a D6, on a 5 or 6 the
If beaten in close combat the enemy chooses a location and shields are safely shut down . On a '1-4 the
damage is worked out from the appropriate damage table. shields overload as described below.
Shields have no effect in close combat and saving throws
are ignored. 6 Skyloks' void shields overload and explode
causing massive internal damage. Skylok is
destroyed but remains standing. Any vehicles
and troop stands within 2D6cm are hit by
HEAD DAMAGE TABLE flying debris and must make an unmodified
save to avoid damage.
1-2 Skyloks' Magic of Tzeentch attack is lost and
the damage so enrages him that he must try to
Death Swoop his attacker next turn.
3 The shot stuns Skylok and his CAP is halved l-2 Skyloks' armour is holed and vital chaotic
next tum, He muse be given advance orders energy starts to leak back into the warp, the
and he may not fire for the rest of this tum . hole can be repaired in the end phase by rolling
a 5+ on a D6. Until then Skyloks' movement,
The shot knocks Skylok out of control and he CAF and weapon ranges are halved (rounding
may do nothing until he regains control, leave up).
Skylok were he is. He will regain control on
the roll of a 4+ on a D6 in the end phase. If 3-4 Skyloks' plasma reactor has been breached.
Skylok is out of control during a movement Attempt to repair the damage by rolling a 5+ in
the end phase, if you fail there will be a reactor
phase he will move 2D6 cm in a random
direction. meltdown and Skylok is destroyed (see 5-6 for
details). If you succeed the reactor comes back
S-6 The shot rips into Skyloks' head, killing him on line and Skylok can move and fire as
instantly. Skylok will crash 306 cm away in a normal in his next turn.
random direction, any vehicles or troop stands
fallen on are destroyed. 5-6 Skyloks' reactor has been destroyed and
Skylok is vaporised in a spectacular
meltdown. Skylok is removed from play
(replace it with a crater template). Anything
within 3D6 cm suffers an automatic hit from
WING DAMAGE TABLE flying debris and must make an unmodified
1-2 The Lightning cannon has been damaged in the save to avoid damage.
attack and may not be used until a 4+ is rolled
on a D6 to regenerate it in the end phase. LEG DAMAGE TABLE
3-4 The was damaged in the blast and the 1-3 The leg is damaged, and Skyloks CAF is
Lightning cannon was destroyed, Skyloks balved until it is regenerated, Skyloks leg will
maximum move is reduced from 30cm to regenerate on the roll of 4+ on a D6 in the end
J 5cm until the damage can be regenerated by phase. Additionally Skylok may not make a
rolling a 4+ on a 06 in the end phase. Death Swoop until his leg has regenerated.
S-6 The wing is destroyed and Skylok will crash to 4-6 Skyloks' leg has suffered extensive damage,
the ground 306cm away in a random and may no longer be used. Skyloks CAF is
direction. Any vehicle or infantry stand that halved for the rest of the rest of the game and
Skylok crashes on will be destroyed. he may no longer make a Death Swoop attack.

Permission to photocopy for personal use only. 37

By the Journal Team
When armies group together with infantry numbering in the We will be detailing our campaign and its results in Journal
thousands, vehicles and Titans of mass destruction l l. It is a fairly complex campaign involving three armies.
overshadow them, dwarfing them with their immense height. Watch this space for more derails.
When this happens brothers you know war is upon you. War
on an immense scale. It' you have ever wanted to fight a This system is fairly flexible so you can fight just an Epic
massive 40K and Epic campaign then this campaign sy. tern is campaign or just a 40K campaign. Of course you can be
for you. really clever and fight a Warhammer campaign or any other
w argames system you like for that mauer.
When we first got together here in the Journal bunker we had
a good long discussion over what we were going to put in the \\ ithout further ado we proudly introduce (fanfare, drum roll
Journal. One of the first things we discussed was a campaign etc.) 呸1ega Wars.
system for Epic and 40K. Over a 3 month period ,, e all
worked feverishly to com pi le our ideas into a workable PREPARING THE CAMPAIGN
system which combines the two games smoothly together.
Before you can begin a Mega Wars campaign you need a map.
The results of which are in these pages right here.
The best \\ a呸 to make your map is to gel hold of some large
Unfortunately the rules for Mega Wars have proved to be too sheets of card and polystyrene. Glue the card onto the
long lo fit into one Journal so we have split them in half. ln poly ,t) rene and mount this on a wall somewhere. This will
this, the first part, we give you all you need to get started. prov ide a rigid board which will not move about when the
deployment, choosing armies and the turn sequence and rules pins. ,\ hich represent armies are put into the board, the
itself. In the second part we will show you more advanced pol呸 styrene prevents them from falling out.
. rules such as missions, fortifications, experience. multi player
Thea get a long ruler and draw a grid on the board. Each
campaigns and campaign scenarios.
-quare should be approximately half an inch square. You will
We have also fought several campaigns over the last few need to make the grid fir properly with a good number of
months to playtest these rules and make sure that the呸 work squares in it. We recommend 60 X 40 squares as an ideal size.
properly to ensure the game is as fun as possible. Or y ou could 呸 30 X ..+O. or 40 X 40 or even 60 X 60, the size
j.., up to you and depends upon how big a campaign you want
to fight. 呸take sure chat the grid is painted in black so that
when the board is painted green you can still see where the
grid lines are.
Xext the map needs to be painted to show the terrain you are
playing over. The implcst way to do this is paint the whole
map green and then paint on forests in a darker green, hills and
mountains in brown and white for snowcapped tops and
an呸 thing ehe that takes your fancy really. Leave towns and
citie for now. We shall be covering rules for towns, cities
and other fortifications in the next Journal.

Choosing an army is the hardest part of a campaign. Firstly
both of the players should decide upon a points value that they
,, ish to play with. Everything is bought in Epic points values
so you will need a huge amount of points. 50,000 points is an
average size for a campaign army. You then need to spend all
of your points Lo create the biggest army you can imagine
from the Epic Company, Detachcrnent and Special cards.
Normal re. trictions apply to the amount of cards you choose
but you are free to select any cards that you want.
Obviously you will never have enough models to represent
everything you have just bought, so you will need LO split the
army up for tactical purposes. There are no restrictions on
how you split up your army except that you must be able to
represent all of the troops in each contingent on me tabletop.

Other thao this limitation there are no restrictions on your Epic and 40K armies
contingents, From now on each of these contingents shall be If the army has an army rating of 15 or less and all of the
referred to as an 'army'. models in the army can be represented on a 40K tabletop with
In the special case of Tyranid armies they must keep their Epic rules to go with them then it is a 40K army. If the army racing
armies within the hexagonal brood structure so that they gain is over 15 then it is an Epic army.
rhe Hive Mind cards each game. Each separate army needs a It is best to remember to have a lot of smaller armies that will
hive structure instead of the army as a whole. Each sepcrate make good scouting armies because they can be lost very
Chaos army must also conform to the normal for Epic Chaos easily, if you are good at rolling 1 · s that is. Remember that a
armies with cards being under Greater Daemons. Other types 40K army may not have an army rating of above 15. So create
of army are free to split their company or detachment cards these armies with this upper limit in mind.
however they see fit.
Wargear and weapon options
For your 40K armies you will need a separate points value for
the wargear. special abilities. weapon upgrades and grenades
that you cannot buy using Epic poincs values. This should be
a predetermined amount decided by you and your adversaries.
Around 3000 points should be enough for an average force of
50,000 points. This can then be used however you want to up
Each player needs to write individual army Lists for each army to the points limit and within the limitations of the equipment
he has. Titans must have the weapons that your models are themselves. Write down which weapons are with which 40K
armed with written down on the army list. They cannot be army. They may be swapped and changed about just prior to a
changed once the campaign has started. battle but after the battle bas begun they cannot be changed.

Each army is represented by a pin on the map. You will need Some weapons have a limitation on ammunition. Such as
lots of large pins to use for this. Make sure they arc big Whirlwinds and Shokk attack Guns in 40K for example. In
enough LO paint numbers or letters on the top of chem so that these cases keep a track of how many shots they use and once
呸 ou can tell them apart. Make sure that the numbers on the they are out of ammo they cannot fire this gun again during
pins correspond to your army lists so that you cannot get your the battle. They do however carry extra stocks of ammo but
armies mixed up. cannot replace it during the battle. It will be done in the End
Phase before the next battle.
Each player must start with one HQ base. The HQ base must
be protected at all times because this is where the Campaign
Commander is (that's you, you know) and is also where the
orders arc transmitted from. If you lose your HQ base then
you cannot send any more orders and you are out of the game
completely. The HQ base also has several other special rules
which are covered in the End Phase section. Some of the wargear cards can only be used once per battle,
Xext each army must have its army rating written on the top of such as grenades and Seer stones and the like. These can be
rts army list. An army rating is a number which represents used once per battle that the character is involved in provided
now big a force it is. This army rating is used to determine the character carrying them is alive. This represents the
whether an army outnumbers another or not before a battle character having lots of the wargear but has limited stocks and
begins. Work out your army rating as the following list can only have one for each battle.
indicates. After you have added up the total round up any odd Strategy cards will be covered in the advanced rules part next
J.5 · s tO a full number and round up any odd numbers of issue so put them aside for now.
models in squads to a full 5.

Army Rating Table Now that you have your armies and your map you need to
infantry Stands/S man squads or Light vehicles o.s deploy your forces for the long campaign ahead. Deployment
as in any game is very important and you must make sure that
Vehicles/l.arge Monsters (Camifexes, Dreadnoughts) you have the right armies in the right places for any plan of
Seper Heavies (Knights. Daemons, Hive Tyrants) 2 attack to work well.

Scorn Titans (Revenants, Warhounds, Stornpas) 3 Imagine that North is the direction pointing directly up
towards your ceiling and South toward the floor. Both players
R呸, er Titans, Dominatrixes, Hierodules, Phantoms 4
roll a dice. The player who scores higher can choose whether
W!dords. Hierophants, Gargants, Warlock Titans 5 .., co deploy on the East or West side. The size of both players
deployment zones is 5 squares from East and West board edge
'-L3;? Gargants 8
and 10 squares from the North and South sides. Position each
u;.呸.. r Class Titans 10 army pin in the deployment zone alternately, starting with the
player who chose Ute board edge, until all of the army pins are
in the map. You are now ready to begin the campaign.

Winning the Campaign ORDERS PHASE
Winning the campaign is very simple. The objective is to To be of any effective use each day an army muse be given
destroy the enemy totally. The best way to do this is to get to orders. Each army should have a number or way of
the enemy's HQ base and wipe out the enemy commander. In identifying them. On a sheet of paper write those numbers
this way you will win the campaign automatically. You can of down along with orders you wish to give chem. All of the
course create your own victory conditions with any variations orders you can give them are outlined below. Unless it says
you chose. In the next Journal we will detail various otherwise the grid reference you want them to move to is
campaigns you could fight and their special victory required for each order. Tbe grid reference muse be within
conditions. their movement allowance (MA) and cannot be further than
this distance away.
Grid References
A grid reference is given in two numbers the first is along the Some events and certain situations wiJI mean that they cannot
bottom of the map and the second is up the side. Remember reach their target grid reference. Such circumstances cannot
"Along the corridor and Up the stairs". Tbe following way of be taken into consideration when writing the orders so do not
determining a random grid reference is for a 60 X 40 map. It worry if something docs happen to stop your army reaching
is easy enough to convert the system to whatever size map you the grid reference given in the orders.
are using.
To work out a random grid reference you will need some dice.
Roll a D6 first. A I indicates a number between 1 and 10. a 2
between I I and 20, 3 between 21 and 30 and so on. Next roll
a DI O and this is the number between those brackets that the
'Along the corridor' number is in. For example you roll a 5 on
the 06 and l on the DI O so the grid number is -41, or a I is
rolled on the D6 and a O ( or I 0) score is on the DI 0. This is
grid number l 0.
AD\'A呸CE. The army marches aU of the turn at double its
The second number is worked out by rolling a D4 first. A I MA to a new location. Write the grid reference that is within
indicates a number between I and 10. a 2 between 11 and 10 double their 呸IA that you want them to reach. They are not
and a 3 between 21 and 30 and so on. Next roll a D lO and add ready to fight a battle and any army attacked while on
it to the score in exactly the same way as above. This is the Advance orders will be Surprised. NOTE: This order cannot
'Up the stairs' number. For example you roll a I on the D4 be used to deliberately move double your MA and engage an
and a 2 on the DI 0, the grid is number 2. enemy but be surprised, this goes against the whole point of
having this order.
Now put the two numbers together and you have a random
grid reference. For example a 4 is rolled on the 04 and a 6 on BATTLE READY. The army prepares for battle. They can
the DI 0. Then a 3 is rolled on the 06 and a 1 is rolled on the move their full 呸!A this turn and engage an enemy in battle if
DI 0. The grid reference is 36/21. When you are asked to roll they can reach them. The army must be given a grid reference
for a random grid reference follow the above procedure. to move and engage an enemy army. ·

TURN SEQUENCE RADIO SILENCE. The army moves all of the turn at its full
MA but cannot engage an enemy at the end of the move.
There are 3 turns a day. Each turn progress' in sequence Instead they maintain radio silence and do not Report In (See
according to the table below. The turns are Morning, Below). They are ready for battle if they arc attacked by an
Afternoon and Night. There are many different advantages enemy they will not be surprised, but will be surprised if they
and disadvantages of fighting at different times of the day. encounter someone when moving.
Keep a track of whether it is morning, afternoon or night
because it does make a difference in the game. SCOUTING. The army is now a scouting force and will
move up to its full MA to scout an enemy army out. They
need a grid reference of the area you want them to scout. The)
TURN SEQUENCE TABLE arc not battle preped and will be surprised if attacked this turn.
Orders Phase You must write the orders which AMBUSH. An army on Ambush orders may not move this
are sent to your armies each turn tum as they dig themselves in and prepare an ambush. They
Initiative Phase This determines who moves first are prepared for battle and any enemy army that moves on
them this turn will be surprised regardless of whether their
Movement Phase This is when all of your armies enemy cause surprise. They do not need a grid reference.
FALL BACK. An army that is broken is automatically put on
Batlle Phase Any armies in contact will fight Fall Back orders and an army may fall back if you want it to.
battles now An army on Fall Back orders moves as fast as their MA allows
them to towards their HQ base and are not prepared for battle
End Phase Any damage or losses are recovered
and so will count as surprised if attacked this tum. If they are
in this phase
not broken a grid reference is required to get them back to
where you want chem.
qi:rnbl呸 Even;
. 1 SPY SATELLITE. Roll for grid reference. The closest army has been the object of attention for an independent
spy satellite which broadcasts the results to allof the players. Treat as a Scouted result ( 4) on the Scout table
(See Scouting). The player reads out what the· army.has. to all of the other players. .
2, ELECTRICAL Sl'ORM. Roll for grid reference, The closest army has been affected by the electrical storm and
their orders are not picked up on the radio-properly. Tl:Je army counts as though they had been given no orders
· at all.
·3 'SAD WEATHER. Roll for grid reference. A.11 armies within 2D6 squares are affected and move at half their
MA this turn.
4 SC.RAMBLED ORDERS. Roll for grief reference. Theclosest army has had its orders scrambled and the army
could not make them out properly. Roll a Do
and consult the random orders table below.
D6 Scrambled order
Scouting orders to grid refere)1C呸 given in its original orders if they can reach there. If not they will get
as close as possible:
2 FaJl Back orders. The fl.(my'w.ill move its full MA directly towards its HQ base.
3 Advance orders in thedirection of'the original orders grid reference but will move as far as possible.
4 Combat Prep orders to the original grid reference if they can reach there.
5 Radio Silence orders to the original g;ric.l reference if they can reach there.
6 Ambush orders so they remain iu place and set up an Ambush.
5 STORM. All armies on the map move half their MA this turn.
6 EAR'J'BQUAKE. Roll for grid reference. This is where the tremor begins. Next roll a D6 and consult the
Richter' Scale Table below:
D6 Richter Scale result
1 MINO呸 T.l{EMOR '.Has no effect on the game.
2呸3 MAJOR TREMOR. A,U armies within D6 squares cannot move al all this turn.
4-5 MINOR QUAKE. All armies wlthin 2D6 squares cannot move at all this turn.
6 MAJOR, QUARE. All armies within 306 squares cannot move at all this turn and the closest army is
swallowed \JP by the quake and totally destroyed. Remove this army from the map and erase their army

Both players roll a dice to determine which player will move
first. The highest roll will move first then the lowest second.
If the dice are the same, ie doubles, then a random event has
occurred. Whichever double was rolled is the event as
described on the event table above, ie a double 3 indicates that
bad weather has afflicted your troops.
After any events have been worked out then the players roll
again. If both players throw a double again then another event
takes place, in which case roll again and continue to do so
until both players roll different numbers. The initiative phase
Surprise can make a great amount of difference to a battle. [t has now been finished so move onto the Movement phase.
makes your troops less ready for battle and could change the
game around. If both armies cause surprise then they are both
cancelled out. The surprise rules are covered as and when
they are needed in these rules .
.After the orders are written for all of your armies the Orders
Phase is over so move on to the Initiative Phase.
may be asked to prove the orders. To do this cover up any
other orders so that the army which is moving has its orders
MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE TABLE revealed only and show it to those who want to check the
Army Type MA for a MA for an order. Then move the pin up to the new grid location. If
something which slows your army down occurs then the army
WH40KArmy EPIC Army will get as close as they can to the grid reference and Report
Space Marines 2 squares 2 squares in.

Imperial Guard l square I square Reporting In

If the arm) is not going Lo be fighting a battle after its move
Tyranids/Gcnestealers 3 squares 3 squares
then they will Report In. When Reporting In an army settles
Eldar 2 squares 2 squares down for a rest and waits for new orders. They will count as
surprised if attacked. The exception to this is the order Radio
Squats I square I square
Silence. With this order the army does not report in but waits
Orks/Gretchin 2 squares l square for the enemy to attack them so they will not be surprised if
they are attacked this tum.
Chaos 2 Squares l square
Movement Allowance
Movement Allowance (MA) is slightly different for each
army type. An army has many types of troops which can
MOVEMENT PHASE move at vlightly different rates. The list above indicates an
The player who won the initiative this turn moves one of his average mo, e race and includes any stops for rest and rations.
armies to a new location first. Movement is worked out in the Epic armies are generally slower than 40K armies because
following sequence for each individual army al a time. The they are harder co co-ordinate when moving.
player who lost the intiative moves an army next and the
players alternate moving armies until all of those armies that
are moving this turn have moved.
Declare Movement of army
Reveal Orders
Move army to new grid reference
Check on Encounter table if there is an enemy at that
grid reference
The table below shows the Fast moving forces which if they
Make scouting or fleeing roll if required are on their own can move a lot faster than they would with an
army. They may CaJTY troop stands but they cannot have any
Report In (Unless there is an enemy to fight at that grid
slower vehicles ragging along with them. The lists below
detail what rapid moving troops and rapid flying vehicles are.
You can choose which army to move first but cannot change All of the MA amounts are with the forces on the list below.
your mind once you have declared which army to move. Next
Rapid moving forces list
the armies orders are revealed and read out lo everyone. You
Bikes, Trikes. Landspeeders, Jetbikcs, Harridans, Buggys.
Speedsias. Dragsters and Wcrtracks.
Rapid flying vehicles list
Faster types MA for a MA for an Gyrocoptcrs, Doomwings, Firclords, Nightwings.
Thunderbolts and Mauraders.
WH40K Army Epic Army
Notes on movement
Thunderhawks 6 squares 6 squares
If any army has allies then your army is as fast as your slowest
Mounted troops 3 squares 3 squares troops. For example if a Space Marine army had Squat allies
then the army would move at Squat speed because they have
Rapid moving forces 4 squares 4 squares to keep together. The only way to get around this is to put
Rapid flying vehicles 5 squares Squat allies in a separate army on their own. Note chat Ogryns
and Railings will be able to keep up with any army they are
Revenant Scout Titans 4 squares with.
Scout Titans 3 squares On occasions you may forget to give an army orders or you
Titans (not Emperor), Knights 2 squares might not want to. If this happens then this army will count as
surprised if Encountered, regardless of whether the enemy
will cause surprise or not.
Moving armies during the night Big Epic armies and battles
During the night armies are very hard to co-ordinate and move An Epic army which has 40 stands of infantry or more and has
to where you want them. To represent this all armies move just fought a baule must stay in position to reorganise and
half distance during the night phase. Even races which can recover their army. Next turn they cannot move to a new grid
see in the dark will find it hard to co-ordinate so this applies to reference but may be put on any orders you choose for
them also. surprise purposes.

It is possible to have your whole army in some sort of ENCOUNTER TABLE
transporter in which case they will move one square faster W ARHAMMER 40,000 EPtC
than the table above indicates. All of your troops have to be in
tanks or transports to gain this bonus. Even if a single 40K ARMY SCOUT' ARMY scout
trooper or Epic base is left outside then you do not gel this
bonus. The fast army forces detailed on the previous page
have already had this bonus taken into account and do not gain SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT
Terrain makes a great difference in a campaign as it does in a
normal game. Difficult terrain costs two squares of MA per
square which is moved over. Very difficult terrain is Encounters
impassable to a whole army so they must go around it. Any
When two opposing army pins move into contact with each
army pins which have just flying models in them may ignore
other then this is called an encounter. The result of an
all terrain modifiers.
encounter usually means that there will be a battle.
Half Movements Sometimes scouts attempt to survey the enemy forces or an
army may run off to hide away somewhere.
If there are several half movements penalties played on your
army then they may not move at all this turn as they struggle To discover the result of an encounter both players must
to overcome both difficulties. If a half MA penalty is in play declare whether the pin represents an Epic or a 40K army. If
on an army and reduces it to a half move roll a 06. On a 1-3 the army is on scouting orders then this is also declared. The
round down, if this reduces it to O then they may not move at attacking player declares first and then the defending player
all. On a 4-6 round up and move as normal. must declare.
Next look at the Encounter table above to determine what the
result of the Encounter will be. The attacking army is down
the side, this is the army that moved into the square last. The
defending player is along the top and this is the player that was
in the square first. Look up the result of the encounter using
the rules below and follow the rules which follow.
If the result of the encounter is a battle then both armies move
encls here and they prepare for battle. See Army Ratings and
Outnumbering below for details of what happens next.
Results of encounter table
FLEE The Scouting force Fices.
SCOUT Make a Scouting roll.
FB 40 Fight a Warhammer 40,000 battle
FB EPIC Fight an Epic battle

Encounters with multiple armies

Sometimes more than one army has orders to move on the
same grid reference and a multiple encounter will take place.
When this happens problems can arise. The first army lo be
moved there this turn looks up their result on the Encounters
table as normal. Follow the result for this first encounter as
If the result is to fight a battle of any type then other forces
that arrive after this point join with their friendly armies to
make a bigger army. Do not look up the resu It on the

encounter table when this happens. If the result for the first squares adjacent then it will be destroyed by the larger force.
army was a scouting roll or a fleeing roll then the second army This move is made without any penalties. The fleeing force
to arrive at the grid reference must check the Encounter Table cannot follow their orders because they are too shaken up, so
to discover what happens. As above if this is to fight a battle they stop where they are and will Report Jn now.
then any following army's join it. Do not check to see
whether the army is outnumbered until all of the forces
arriving at the square have got there (See below). Common
sense will sort out most problems.

When an army is on Scouting orders they avoid the enemy as
much as possible and will go to great lengths to avoid
confrontation. With a fleeing result the scouting force is
attempting to avoid the larger army. Roll a D6. Subtract -1 if
the fleeing scouts were surprised. On a I the scouts are
destroyed but on a 2 or more the scouts have escaped so move
the fleeing Army back I square directly away from the other.
If the square has another enemy army in it then the fleeing
army will move to a different square. If there are no empty A scouting forces job is to seek out enemy positions and report
back on their forces and locations. When Scouts come across
an enemy they will stay around long enough to see what the
SCOUTING TABLE opposing army is and report back to their HQ base.
D6 Scouting Successes
Firstly the force which is being scouted must declare which
1 CAPTURED. The Scouts are captured by the order they are on. Not the grid reference they are moving to,
enemy with no chance of escape and are just the order name. This is done for surprise purposes.
killed or destroyed, The enemy does not get
Next a scouting roll is required. Roll a 06 and consult the
YP's for destroying them.
table (light) to discover the successes of the scouts. Add + l lo
2 SPOTIED. The Scouts do not discover a the roll if the enemy was surprised and -1 to the roll if the
thing 1;>呸1t the enemy spots them and discovers scouts are surprised.
what the scouts arc. Read out every detail
about the scouts. After the scouting roll is made the army which has been
scouted will move and follow their orders. This is the only
3 FAILED. The Scouts could not get close exception to the move over rule. This shows that the scouts
enough and do not discover anything' about watch the army pass by and they will end up in the square they
the enemy army. were in. Tf the army stays in place but were not on Ambush
orders then the Scouts will move back 1 square in the direction
'4 'scOOTED. The enemy army is scoured and
they came from. If the army that was scouted is on Ambush
the scouts discover how many men are with
orders then they can attack the scouts and will surprise them.
the army, how many tanks, how many Titans
and how many vehicles. Add up the number
Army Rating and Outnumbering
of troops in the army to tell your opponent.
After you have checked the Encounter Table but before each
Do not tell him what they are! Just how many
there are! A player which has been scouted battle is fought a check must be made to see whether one of
the forces is so much bigger than another to make fighting the
may declare that troops are inside vehicles if
battle a waste of ti me. Each of your armies has an Army
'they can fit them all inside them, in which
case just read out the number of vehicles. Rating. See the Anny Rating section of the choosing an army
section to discover how to work out your Anny Rating.
5 PARTIAL SUCCESS. As above except the
It is best to check this table after all of the armies moving this
scouts discover what troops are with the
tum have moved because several different armies may move
army. Read out to the player the number and
to the same location. lf this happens then add their combined
type of what you have. This includes Titans
. and vehicles, but do not tell your opponent army ratings together and then check the chart opposite .
what weapons they are all armed with and The army which is attacking, ie: the player who moved into
keep characters and special cards for the square where U1e battle will take place, last, declares his
characters secret with this result. Army Rating first. Then the defending army which was in the
6 SUCCESS. The scouts discover every last square first declares his Army Rating. Compare each army's
detail about the army. As above except rating with each other using the Outnumbering chart opposite.
Cross reference the two army ratings to find a result.
add any characters, special cards, what
weapons they are armed with, but you may The results are either FB which means the armies fight a battle
keep grenades and wargear cards a secret. or OUT which means they are outnumbered and make a
fleeing roll. A fleeing roll is done in exactly the same way as

AR's 0-5 6-15 16-25 26-50 · 51-75. 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 200+
76-100 OUT our
126-l50 OUT OUT our our OlJT FB FB PB FB FB OUT

described in the movement phase above except a result of l BATTLE PHASE

means they must fight the battle as normaL An army which
During the Battle Phase any armies which have moved into
flees moves I square back away from the other army, the way
the same square as another army may fight a battle against
they came basically,
them, Players alternate the choice of which battle is fought
After all of the armies have moved and all of the scouting and first begining with the player who won the initiative,
fleeing rolls have been made then the Movement Phase is over
and it is time to move on to the Battle Phase, Fighting battles at night
At night the world is changed into a haunted land of darkness
and shadows. You cannot see so far, you cannot fight so well
and the dark things that hunt in the night are far more
If any battles are fought at night then alJ ranges arc reduced to
short range or half distance in Epic, because shadows cover
your enemies and you are not really sure of what you are
shooting at. All Leadership tests are made at -1 at night as the
darkness makes things worse than daylight Jn Epic this
means+ I to all morale values.

Fighting Battles
The following rules apply to every type of battle both Epic and
40K. The army which began its turn at this grid reference or
arrived there first is called the defender. The army which
arrived at the square last is called the attacker, The defender
deploys first unless they were on Ambush orders. In this case
the attacker has walked into the trap and must deploy first.

Deployment zones are exactly the same as in the Space

Marine/Titan Legions and Warharnrncr 40,000 rulebooks. ie:
40 cm from the table centre in Epic and 12" from the table
edge and 12" from the side edges in 40K
Initiative rolls and Strategy rolls are made as normal except if
one of the armies is causing surprise over another, An army
which is surprising the other may add +2 to the first initiative
roll and the first Strategy roll to see who moves first.

There are no set number of turns in any games. The game will
last Jong enough for one army to completely destroy the other,
one of the armies withdraws or the army as a whole is broken
(See finishing a battle below).

reserves are any vehicles you have in an army but do not have
enough models for and any other troops which you wish to
come into the battle later in the game.
You must write down which tum you want the reserves to
enter the battle on and which troops you want to join in with.
When the turn arrives they must make a Ld test using the
hishest Ld of the reserves coming on and if they are successful
th;y may come on at the start of your turn anywhere along
your table edge. If they fail the Ld test then they must wait
until your next turn and must then pass a Ld test as above.
In Epic make a D6 roll requiring equal to or greater than the
reserves morale value to come on during the turn you want
them to. If they fail roll again next turn. Use the highest
morale value in the reserves you want to bring on to test with.
After a battle any reserves will join the army in whatever they
are doing. If the army lost the battle and are withdrawing or
breaking then they will too (See finishing a battle below). If
the army won then the reserves join them to heal the wounded
and mourn the lost. But if the army was completely destroyed
then the Reserves count as broken and retreat one square back
from the battle. They are now on their own.

Finishing a battle
A battle may end in a number of different ways. Your army
may break from the battle (See breaking from battles below),
they may make a tactical withdrawal (See withdrawals below)
or you could be completely destroyed or may simply
sun-ender. An army which is completely destroyed or
surrenders is lost so erase the army list and remove the pin
All mission cards, objective markers and other special playing from the map.
cards not described in these rules are NOT used in these
games at all, so put them all away. Breaking from Battles
During a battle your soldiers may become disheartened with
Fighting Battles on a Warhammer 40,000 scale the way the battle is progressing, for example if they lose a lot
Terrain is generated in the method described on page 9 of the of their comrades they may not want to fight on any more or
Warharnmer 40,000 rulebook. The game is fought as normal they may fight on for revenge. To represent this on the
using the rules outlined above. battlefield as soon as your force as a whole has taken 25%
casualties during any battle you must make a
Fighting Battles on an Epic scale Leadership/morale check to see whether they will fight on.
Set up terrain as you would for a normal Epic game using the Test using the highest Ld or Morale value left alive in your
rules from Space Marine or Titan Legions. The game is army. This Ld test is made once per turn as soon as 25%
fought as normal using the rules outlined above. casualties have been taken.
If an Epic army fights against a 40K army then set up the 40K
army using Epic miniatures. This should be possible in most
cases. In the rare case of a model not existing then improvise
as best you can. If you have an odd number of models to make
a troop stand, ie: 3 models instead of 5, then round up. You
will need 3 models or more to make a troop stand. 2 or less
means they will count as Reserves (See below). Models
converted from 40K to Epic or vice versa will be assumed to
have the weapons and equipment that they come with in Epic.
For example a Space Marine Epic stand is assumed to have
four marines armed with bolters and one marine with a
Missile launcher. If the Leadership/morale check is failed then the broken army
leaves the battlefield immediately. All models in hand to hand
combat will fight it out but with a -2 to their combat resolution
Before a game of any type, be it 40K or Epic, then each player or CAP. If they kill their opponent then they turn and run.
must decide which troops are being used in the battle and Leaving the battlefield after their comrades. Otherwise they
which are being held in reserve. Troops which will act as will not leave the battlefield at all.
Pursuer/Fleer> 3" Less 4"-5'1 6"-T'· 8"-12'' ]3"-18 "19"-25" 26"-35" 36"+
3'' or Less 0 +1 -t-2 +3 +4 +5 +5 +5

4" - 5" -I 0 +l +2 ,+3 +4 +5 +5

6" 呸 7"· -2 -1 0 +l +2 +3 +4 +5
8" - 12'' -3 -2 .:1 0 +l +2 +3 +4

13" - 18" -4 -3 '. -2; -1 0 +I +2 +3

19" - 25''. -5 .-4 呸3· 呸2 -1 0 +l +2

26" - 35" -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -J. 0 +l

36"+ -5 -5 呸5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0

Space Marines which fail a Ld test in this way will become In an Epic game compare the fastest Move for each army with
Shaken, this means that all of the Marines count as shaken and each other using the Movement difference modifier table
any that were Shaken become Broken. Space Marines may below. Again the army which is broken or withdrawing is
attempt to rally as usual but any which are broken leave the along the top and the pursuer is down the side. The modifier
battlefield immediately. where they meet is made to the dice roll below.

Next see Pursuit below to determine whether the army escapes

successfully. The army may try to rally in the End phase
otherwise they will go onto Fall Back orders next turn.

During any battle a player may wish to withdraw to save their
troops lives. A withdrawal is where all of the models on the
table leave over their own table edge. Once all of the models
left alive move over the table edge then they have withdrawn.
Next see Pursuit below Lo determine whether the whole army
escapes successfully. After the movement difference modifier has been ascertained
the player whose army is broken or withdrawing rolls a 06.
Any armies which withdraw on turn 1 will count as broken Add or subtract any movement difference modifiers and an
and unless they are rallied in the End phase will be broken and additional -1 subtraction if the army is broken. Also add on
go onto Fall Back orders next turn. Any army which the number of turns that have passed in the game between the
withdraws from turn 2 or onwards is making a tactical last model to leave the tabletop and the end of the battle.
withdrawal and so just needs to make a fleeing test as This represents your men dying valiantly so that others may
described below. escape.
Make a pursuit roll after the battle bas ended
and all models on the table belong to the MOVEMENT DIFFERENCE MODIFIER
winning side. An army which is broken or TABLE (EPIC)
withdrawing can be pursued. The opposing Pm;uer/Fieer> 5Less 6-'15 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+
player may decide not to pursue in which case
the broken or withdrawing army escape · 5. cm or less 0 +l +2 +3 +4 +5 +5
successfully. 6 cm- 15 cm · -1 6 +I +2 +3 +4 +5
Pursuit is worked out as follows: 16cm-25 cm -2 -l 0 +l +2 +3 +4:
ln a 40K game compare the fastest basic
Movement/Fast Speed in the army with each
2-6 cm· 35 cm •3. .2 -1 0 +I +2 +3

other using the movement difference modifier 36 cm.-45 cm -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +.I +2

table above. The army which is broken or
withdrawing is along the top and the army
cm - 55 cm . -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +I
pursuing is down the side. The modifier 56cm+ -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0
where the two lines cross is applied co the dice
roll as described below.

repaired in the End phase as normal. For each troop stand.
single trooper and character that is a casualty during a battle
INJURY TABLE roll a D6 and consult the Injury table (Left) to see whether
D6 Resu1t they leave the battlefield themselves or if they need help.
1-2 Dead! Remove the model from the army list. Space Marines have super-human bodies and so may add + 1
to the following table.
3-4 Serious wound. Alive but will need help to
For every model or troop stand who is seriously wounded you
leave the battlefield (See Below).
will need to look at the table below and discover how the loser
5-6 Mesh Wound. Leaves the battlefield under of the battle lost and what the modifier is to retrieving each
own strength and may fight in the next battle wounded trooper. The None result means that no troops can
as normal. be retrieved at all.
Then roll a D6 for each seriously wounded model or troop
stand and add the modifiers above. A score of S or more is
A result of I indicates that the army has been completely required to carry a model or troop stand off to safety. Add + 1
destroyed as they were running away. A roll of 2 or more if the army has a medic or other medically minded troop with
indicates that they got away. An unmodified dice roll of I is them as they know what they are looking for when retrieving
always a fail and a 6 a success though no matter the number of injured men. Any troops which are retrieved are healed but
modifiers. any that are not die so remove them from your army list.

Retrieving the wounded

After a battle the dust settles and the dead are counted. Those
who flee the field of battle can carry any casualties with them
from the battlefield. But some brave souls can stagger off RETRIEVAL TABLE
under their own strength co escape the death and carnage that Battle Winners Battle Losers
is battle.
Vehicles, Titans and the Tyranid equivalents cannot be All Casualties Retrieve +2 None
retrieved and healed because they are too large for other Withdrawal Retrieve +l Retrieve
troops to simply help off of the table. Any which are
completely destroyed in battle are removed from the army list Broken Retrieve +l Retrieve -1
as casualties. If they were just damaged then they will be
Surrender Retrieve +2 None

Any models killed by Vortex Grenades. Vortex Missiles.

psychic powers or any other form of killing through the warp
should be put seperate to other models killed. This is because
they are automatically killed and cannot be retrieved so
remove them from the army list.
Characters and models with multiple wounds receive the best
medical attention and will receive all of their wounds back
ready for the next battle provided they were not casualties.
They will get all of their wounds back if they were retrieved.
Any characters which die are removed from the army list.

Victory Points
After the battle is over add up the victory points that each
player has earnt. This can be a tricky process when some
company or detachment cards may be split up. Try to work
out the VP's as accurately as possible. If an army was
completely destroyed then they will get no VP's at all. The
Victory Points arc worked out before casualties are recovered
and retrieved, this is because you get VP's for everything
wounded but they may not necessarily be killed. These VP's
now become Experience Points (EP's). These can be spent in
the End phase to make your armies troops better and therefore
more experienced. See Experience below for more details.
After all of the battles have been fought and all of the
wounded have been retrieved then the Battle Phase is over and
it is time to move on to the End Phase.
Splitting Armies up and Joining them together
During the End Phase you may split an army up into a smaller
detachment. For example you may want co detach a fast
vehicle to scout out the enemy ahead of you, or you may pick
up an army which bas few survivors left. You may also join
some models into a larger army for example a 40K army
which has few survivors left joins another for protection.
Firstly the two armies must be in the same square when they
split or join and they can move as usual next turn so give them
separate orders.
When splitting an army up just cake another pin for the split
off army, write an army list for them and remove them from
the original one. When joining armies together remove the
old pin, delete the old army list and add them to your new
army List. A split off army starts with no Eperience Points but
an army which joins another may add their EP's to the total
score for that army.
Sometimes when joining or splitting an army you will find
that they do not meet with the limits and specifications of the
army lists. The only restriction with doing this is that they arc
not split down lower than the number of troops on an Epic
base, which is usually five. For example you cannot have less
than 5 Space Marines split a.part. The only way they could be
split up to anything less is if someone from the squad dies in
battle. Other than this there are no other limitations on
splitting armies up or joining them together.

Army Rating
If there have been any changes to your army lists then you will
need to recalculate your army rating. Use the table under the
END PHASE choosing armies section to recalculate the army rating.
Remember that an army with an army rating of 15 or less and
Repairs can be represented on a tabletop using 40K miniatures and
Any damage to any vehicle, field gun, tank or Titan is repaired rules, is a 40K army.
quickly enough to fight that same day unless they were
completely destroyed. If they are completely destroyed then After all of the wounded have been rolled for and all
remove them from the army list. amendments are made to army lists the End phase is over
which means the start of a new turn. Any armies that were
Rallying completely destroyed during the turn are removed from the
Any armies which are broken can be rallied now. Make a Ld board and then play is ready to begin at the start of next turn.
test for each army using the highest Ld characteristic in the
army. ff they pass then they may move and fight as normal
next turn, Jf they fail however then they immediately go on to
Fall Back orders next turn. If a broken army is attacked then
they must fight out the baule they may not run for it until a
further 25% casualties have been inflicted on them.

Experience Points
At this point you may spend any EP's you have earnt from
your battles on your armies to make them better. The
experience rules are in the next copy of the Citadel Journal
and will be covered in detail. If you have issue 11 then you
can spend your BP's now.

HQ bases Well that is the end of this first part of the Mega Wars article.
A HQ base has the following special rules. Any broken army We hoped you all liked it. However, if you have a problem
which reaches its HQ base is immediately rallied and may with any of these rules then send us a letter. Constructive
move out again next tum as normal. Any army at its HQ base criticism is welcomed and we may make some changes due to
may buy extra weapons and equipment at half points cost in some of your comments. Any amendments will be included
EP's. Wargcar cards can be bought at full points cost in EP's with the second part of this article in two months time. See
at a HQ base. you then.

By James Funnell
"Gigantic war machines clash in epic conflict", or so it says on the box. In the shadow of Titans and the foot
print of the mighty Ork Gargants lurk infantry, countless unsung champions and a few mighty heroes can be
found on every battlefield and here I present to you a few of the most feared troops and deadly individuals
with which you can conquer your enemies.

Over the next few pages you will find a selection of Imperial Guard, Space Marine and Eldar characters, I have included brief
modelling and painting suggestions with each set of rules. I have also included army cards for all of the new Characters and squads,
to make these all you have to do is photocopy the page (if we hear that any one has been cutting up their luvly Journal we shall be
paying them a visit and introducing them to "Gavin" our pet Face Eater Squig), Cut out the Anny card and stick the two halves
together. Simple eh.
The following are some photos to give you an idea what your models should look like.

Eldar Warp Spiders

Imperial Confessor
The Eldar have many Warrior aspects, some of which are unique to specific
Craftworlds, but most are common to all .
Each warrior Aspect on a Craftworld is represented by a shrine. within these
shrines the aspect warriors are trained in the lore of combat. Their minds and
bodies are honed with endless exercise, both physical and spiritual, until they
become suffused with the aspect of Kaela Mensha Khaine that their shrine
The Warp Spiders take their name from the tiny creatures which may be seen
within the dome of crystal seers amongst the wraithbone trees. These minute
sparkling creatures can move anywhere within the Craftworld by means of the
wraithbone core and aggressively hunt down intrusive psychic forces. They are
attracted in vast numbers to the presence of any invasive psychic entities and act
much like the white blood cells in the human body which hunt down and
neutralise foreign bacteria.
The Warp Spider Aspect warriors epitomise the doctrine of aggressive defence.
Their armour contains a compact warp- generator enabling the warriors to make
short warp-jumps, disappearing and reappearing some distance away. This
enables them co make sudden and totally unexpected attacks upon their foes,
using a deadly death spinner to entangle their prey in a cloud of mono-filament MODELLING THE
USING WARP SPIDERS IN EPIC To make my Warp Spiders I converted
some Epic Dark Reaper aspect warriors.
Warp spider aspect warriors move and fight in a unique way. The movement
very little work needs lo be done lo turn
allowance on the profile represents their maximum move, if a warp spider
these models in to Eldar Warp Spiders.
charges it will not double its move (but may enter close combat). If a warp
spider moves more than 15cm there is a chance that the stand will become lost in You will need 20 of the Epic Dark
the warp, roll a 06 if you score a l then tbe stand is destroyed. Reaper models (enough to make 4
infantry stands). To convert them in to
The Warp Spiders also conduct shooting in a different way to most troops, If a
Warp Spiders simply cut off the
stand bas first fire or advance orders the Warp Spiders may fire during the
targeting vanes that are on both sides of
movement phase, if they are moving then their shots can be worked out at any
rhc helmet and trim down the Dark
point during their move, simply stop them, fire and then move them the rest of Reapers missile launcher.
the way.
The Warp Spiders have a very simple
Warp Spiders are armed with a deadly Death Spinner, these weapons use the colour scheme.
small tear dropped shaped template (stream of corruption template). Anything
I - Give them a red base coat.
underneath the template will be hit on the D6 roll of 3+ and must make an
2 - Paint their gun and back pack black.
unmodified save or be destroyed.
3 - Paint their heads and knee pads in
Because of the Warp Spiders small size and the way that they disappear and white.
reappear during their movement the warp spiders have a 6+ unmodifiable save
on 106.

Troop Type Move Savtng CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll Target's Notes
Throw Dice to Bit Save Mod.

Warp Spiders 30cm* 6+* +2 Death spinners template 3+ 0 Warp jump

see rules

A unit of Warp Spider Aspect Warriors consists BREAK POlNT 2: The unit is broken once it has lost 2
of four Warp Spider troop stands. troop stands. Once the unit is broken it must take a morale

4/t' 4/t' ,t ,t MORALE VALUE 2: Warp Spider Aspect Warriors must

roll 2 or more on a D6 to pass their morale check.


Your opponent gains 3 VP when thi$ unit is broken

Toe Legion of the Damned is a mysterious and unexplained occurrence. In times
of great adversity the legion will come to the aid of Space Marines in battle,
turning defeat into victory, and even protecting the lmperium from some terrible
catastrophe. Afterward the Legion vanishes in to thin air, leaving no trace of their
presence or clues as to their origin.


The Legion of the Damned are 'a very rare and special unit. appearing only when
their brother Space Marines are in dire trouble. To represent this a Single unit
from the Legion of the Damned counts as a special card. You can include one
special card in your army for every company card.
The Legion of the Damned do not deploy with the rest of your army at the
beginning of the game. Instead they will appear to reinforce a Space Marine unit
that is in trouble.
MODELLING THE The Space Marine player must keep a note of which Space Marine unit the enemy
LEGION OF THE broke first (if the unit is compleatly wiped out by the end of the turn then ignore
DAMNED them). The Legion of the Damned will appear in that turns end phase, place the
Making a Detachment of Legion of the detachment anywhere within 25cm of the Space Marine unit that broke, the
Damned Space Marines is very simple. Legion of the Damned can now be given orders like any other unit from the next
just make up six Space Marine infantry tum onwards.
Note that if no Space Marine unit Breaks during the game then the Legion of the
As you can see from the picture Legion Damned will not appear.
of rhc Damned Space Marines have a
The Legion of the Damned are fearless and stalwart warriors and may therefore
complicated colour scheme. Unless you
are an accomplished painter the best way
ignore any morale based tests lhat they would normally have to take, at the same
to paint these Space Marines is to give time their mysterious nature and the fearsomely chilling battle dress that they wear
causes fear in their foes. Any enemy that are charged by the Legion of the Damned
them a black base coat and then paint red
flames on lo the legs and shoulder pads. must make a morale test or immediately go on to fall back orders.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack RoU Target's Notes
Throw Dice to Hit Save Mod.
Legion of lhc 10cm none +4 Bolters 5()cm I 5+ 0 see rules


LEGION OF THE DAMNED The Legion of the Damned do not deploy with the rest of your
SPACE MARINE anny, instead place them on the table within 25<:m of the first
Space Marine unit to break during the subsequent orders

Any unit charged by a detachment of Legion of the Damned

A Legion of the Damned Space Marine Space Marines must take a morale test or go on to fall back
detachment consists of 6 Legion of the Damned orders.

Space Marine stands. BREAK POINT 4: The detachment is broken once it bas
lost 4 stands of Space Marines.

MORALE VALUE: The Legion of the Damned are fearless

Jlt Jlt Jlt and stal wan warriors who never have to take morale tests for
any reason.

Jlt Jlt Jlt


Your opponent gains 4VPs when this detachment is broken

An Imperial Guard Colonel is in charge of an entire regiment, together with
other senior officers and his personal bodyguard he forms the Regimental HQ
and during a battle they are often found inside a massive Leviathan mobile
command centre, from where they can effectively command an entire army.
However sometimes situations arise when troops need to be lead personaly,
Leviathans are large and cumbersome, providing an excellent target for the MODELLING THE
opportune enemy. Therefore it is often safer for a colonel to personaly inspect a COLONEL AND HIS
battlefield, accompanied by his most trusted and hardy Guards. From this GUARDS
position he can personally command the armies' best troops and take advantage
of opportune situations more effectively. The Colonel command stand is easy lo
model but needs to stand out from the
During the game the Colonel acts in a similar way to a company HQ, He is rest of your armies HQ stands. For the
allowed to give orders to any Imperial troops that are within 25cm of him, also Colonel himself I used a Commissar
because the colonel is personally overseeing the battle you are allowed to change miniature and included thi on an
one order counter of a unit that is within the colonel's command radius after all infantry stand along with two Imperial
other orders have been revealed. Guard standard bearers and two Imperial
guardsmen. To make the Colonel look
If the Colonel is killed the troops that were under his command may loose their
different to a commissar I painted him
faith and panic. Any detachment that is under the Colonels command when he is
white and gave him a Powersword
killed must take a morale test or immediately go on to fall back orders.
instead of the Commissars chains word.
The colonel is accompanied by his Elite Guards, these consist of 5 Imperial
The Colonels guards are even easier to
Guard troop stands and 3 lmperial Chimera troop transport vehicles. These elite
make, simply make up five stands of
troops are particularly courages and will only break if the Colonel is kilJed, if he
Imperial guardsmen but make sure that
is killed then they must take a morale test as normal.
they are given a different colour scheme
The Colonel is a command unit and as such be may charge and first fire in the to he rest of your Imperial guardsmen so
same turn, his bodyguards and the accompanying Chimeras are not command that the) look more important.
units and must be given orders in the usual fashion.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll Target's Notes
Throw Dice tomt Save Mod.
Colonel IOcm none +4 Pistols 25cm 2 4+ 0 Command unit
Gives orders
Personal Guards IOcm none +2 Las guns 50cm I 5+ 0
Chimera 20cm 3+ +l Multi-laser 25cm 1 4+ 0

IMPERIAL GUARD COLONEL The Colonel is a command unit and so needs no orders and
never needs to check morale, the Chimeras and his personal
The Imperial guard Colonel is accompanied by guards are not command units and so need orders as usual.
Because the Colonel is an inspirational leader he may give
five stands of elite personal guards and three orders co any Imperial Guard troops chat are within 25cm of
Chimera armoured transports. him. The Colonel is also a superb tactition and this allows you
to change the orders of one Imperial Guard unit that is within
25cm after al I other orders have heen revealed.

BREAK POINT : This unit will be broken only if the

Colonel stand is destroyed. LI this happens then any
detachment that was under the Colonels command (including
his personal guard) must take a morale test or go on to fall
back orders.

MORALE 3: The Colonels personal guards must roll a 3+ on

a 06 to pass their morale test.


Your opponent gains 3 VPs when the Imperial Guard Colonel
is destroyed.

Confessors are roaming zeolots, devotees who have come so close to the
Emperor's divinity that they are no longer wholly sane. They are messianic
figures whose words can stir human emotions and touch the very soul. A
Confessor can lead men cheering into certain death, or turn their darkest despair
into wild joy.
Confessors are especially zealous Preachers who have been offered
confessorship by their Cardinals, they are not in charge of any shrine but are
free to wander about within and preach amongst the population. They are
supreme architects of mass emotion. Under the spell of a Confessor, huge
MODELLING A crowds will rush forwards to divulge their personal heresies and betray their
To make the Confessor model take a The Confessor is a command unit and can therefore charge and first fire. During
Commissar model and trim down its the game a Confessor will join one of your infantry detachments and lead it, he
peaked cap so that it looks more like a may not leave the detachment during the game.
cowl. Then cm of the Iaspistol from the Although the Confessor leads the detachment he may not give it orders,
Commissar model and replace it with a however if the detachment is unable to be given orders they will automatically
small square piece of cardboard to be given charge orders if they are lead by a Confessor and will charge at full
represent a book. movement towards the closest enemy.
Any unit that is lead by a Confessor becomes utterly fearless and the Confessors
'.\lo\\ you have the Confessor modelled rantings drive them into a killing frenzy, as a result of this troops that are lead by
place him on an infantry stand along a confessor never need to take a morale test for any reason and their CAF is
with an Imperial guard standard bearer increased by + I for the rest of the game.
and three other models,
Because the Confessor joins a detachment he does not have his own break or
Paint the Confessor predominantly black victory point'>, instead he adds + 1 to the break point of the detachment that he
while the other troops on the stand joined and+ 1 to the amount of victory points that the detachment is worth. If the
should be the same colour as the rest of detachment is part of a company then the + 1 's are added on to the companies
your Imperial guardsmen. break and victory points value.

Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll Target's Notes
Throw Dice lo Bit Save Mod
Imp Confessor lOcm a one +4 Pistols 25cm 5+ 0 see text


IMPERIAL CONFESSOR The Imperial Guard Confessor is not a command unit and has
the same orders as the Infantry detachment that he bas joined.
he may not give this detachment orders so they still have to
The Confessor consists of a single infantry stand be within 25cm of a command unit 10 be given orders.
that may join an infantry detachment of your however if the unit is not within 25cm of a command unit
choice. they will automatically be given charge orders and will move
towards the closest enemy at their maximum movement rate.
The Confessors mad rantings and utter devotion to the
emperor drives all troops close by in to an unstoppable
frenzy, any detachment that the Confessor is part off will gain
a + 1 bonus to their CAF.

BREAK POIJl,'T +I: The I mpcrial Confessor add, + I 10 the

break point of any unit that he joins, if he joins a detachment
that is pan or a company then he adds + I to the companies
break poim,

MORALE VALUE: The Imperial Confessor and any

detachment that be bas joined is completely immune to
morale tests and never has to take one for any reason.


The Imperial Confessor adds + I 10 the victory points value
of the infantry dctachmem, that he has joined.
By the Journal Team
This is the second part of the Mega Wars campaign system
which we began in the last issue of the Citadel Journal, which
by all accounts everyone enjoyed. In the first article we
covered the basic rules such as choosing armies, deployment,
the turn sequence and rules themselves. In this article we
intend to cover advanced parts of the game such as
fortifications, missions, experience, multi player campaigns
and a whole host of campaign scenarios for you to play.
At the end of this article are a few points which we feel needed
clarifying. There are also a few hints and tips on how to plan
your strategies and your cunning plans. Again this article is
jam packed with new ideas and wild creations so without
further gibberish, on with the madness.

Some weapons are powerful enough to fire over long
distances at targets which are not visible and too far away for
conventional weaponry to hit. This is called a barrage and can
damage your enemy without your army engaging them
directly in combat. Vehicles such as Basilisks make ideal
barrage weapons for firing at armies a long distance off.
To fire a barrage an army must be given the new Hold and "Incoming!"
Barrage order below: Weapons which have any number of barrage points and a
range of over 99 cm in Epic can fire a Barrage up to 2 squares
away from their present grid reference. There arc a huge
variety of these weapons and all of them may fire when on
Hold and Barrage orders. Roll for each such weapon in the
army individually to see whether it has bit, see the Barrage
Table below to see whether you have hit or not. These
represent the shots actually landing upon the army and you
will still have to roll for barrage points (see below). If there is
more than one army pin in the target square then roll randomly
to discover which one is hit. Tt is possible to hit friendly
HOLD AND BARRAGE: The army hold their position and armies in a square which is attacked by a barrage.
fire a barrage at an enemy army within range. Give the grid
reference of the barrages target. The army is not prepared for BARRAGE TABLE
battle and will be surprised if attacked this turn.
1-3 Your barrage has missed.
Armies which are on Hold and Barrage orders may fire a
barrage at a grid reference within range during the Battle 4-6 One randomly determined unit is hit by
Phase. There are two types of Barrages. The standard barrage the barrage.
and the Deathstrike barrage missile. Follow the rules below
for each army on hold and barrage orders.
When you have determined the hits scored upon the army roll
randomly for the army's units and vehicles to discover what
the barrage has hit. Imagine the barrage template has struck 3
A soldiers faith must always be troop stands or a single vehicle or a single super heavy or a
in his commander: single Titan. Next you need to roll to cause damage to the
targets using the barrage points system. Use the normal Epic
But a commander has nobody to put his rules to determine the damage caused. Damage will be
faith in but the Emperor: repaired automatically in the End Phase so only destroyed
targets and casualties need be written down. The casualties
Famous litany are all retrieved so just make the roll to see whether troop
stands survive or not.
Deathstrike Barrage Missile in a 40K army. If this happens then take a random Strategy
A Deathstrike Barrage Missile is a long range cruise missile Card for him and write il down. If there are two commanders
which is guided by a computer to its target. Deathstrikcs are in the same army then only one may be overall commander
too valuable a weapon to throw away on a desperate hope that and only his strategy cards may be used. lf this commander is
it will hit something. So a Deathstrike may only fire at an killed the other may take over but he cannot use his strategy
army which has been scouted out by one of your scouting cards in the same battle as his superior officer was killed in.
forces. A Deathstrike may be fired at up to a 4 square range.
You may choose which target in the army to hit (Titans, Tyranids and Strategy
buildings or whatever). Select your target and roll a 06 and Tyranids do not use strategy cards but use the Events tables in
then consult the chart below. Apply damage as normal Epic Codex: Tyranids. With any "They're all around us" and "Low
rules dictate, you may use any type of missile you want. on Fuel" results which come up then check the campaign map.
If there are any Tyranid army pins between the battle and the
non-Tyranid player's side of the board then the result stands,
DEATHSTRIKE BARRAGE but if not then ignore the result.
1-2 Your missile is faulty and misses the target. FORTIFICATIONS
3-6 Your missile is guided perfectly and hits the During a campaign one of the most exciting things is when an
target. army lays siege to a town or city which bas fortifications such
as huge wal Is and defence towers. One of the biggest
defending advantages is fortifications. Huge forts, castles and
STRATEGY CARDS protected towns mean big problems for auacking players.
Each 40K army with a commander takes one Strategy Card at
the beginning of the campaign. If the commander is killed
then the army loses the card. When using strategy cards take
the card and write it down on the army list, then put the card
back in the pack. Different armies can end up with the same
card but it may not appear more than 3 times in the whole
campaign army. When choosing new strategy cards remove
any that an army has already so that they cannot have the same
card twice. Use the "Storm the Breach" rules by Gavin Thorpe in Citadel
Journal 2. All of the points values are in Epic and come out of
When you split an army into smaller divisions you may end up the points allowance that the rest of the army comes from.
with a commander that was originally in an Epic army being

Wall Section Free (see below)

Standard Building Free
Factory Free
Power Station Free
Temple Free
Bridges Free
Watch Tower 50 Pts
Emplacement 150 Pts
Razorwirc 150 Pts
Bunker 150 Pts
Stronghold 150 Pt5

Fortifications in games
All games which involve fortifications will be fought in Epic
because WH40K cannot fully encompass the scale of the
massive walls and buildings which protect a town or city. An
army in a town which is surrounded by walls (See Below)
will not flee even if they are outnumbered. They may of
course withdraw as usual. When the army ratings are
compared add a point to the defender's army rating for every
100 points or part thereof, spent on that wall or side of the
town. This is because the attacker may flee from the battle
due to being outnumbered.

Marking Fortifications on the map

It is imponant that fortifications are written down correctly to
ensure accuracy. The following rules should be followed to
make certain this is so.
Town Walls
Town walls are huge slabs of Adamantium and concrete
which offer lots of protection for defending troops. Roll
randomly to discover which towns have walls. Roll a dice for
each town on your map and on a roll of 4 or more the town
will have walls to protect it. List which towns have walls or
mark them on the map. Each side of the town walls will have
gates in them, gates are the weakest part of the walls and need
heavy protection.
Watch Towers may be positioned in the comers of town walls
so that they cover two walls at once. Tf you choose this option
write this down as well. If a battle is fought over a town with
watch Towers at the comers they must be positioned as such
on the table.

Other defences
For each town mark down which defences are on which side
of the town. They will either be the North, East, South or
West facing sides. This will become important when enemy
forces attack the towns. Any armies may start inside a town
and will be hidden which means they are not placed on the
map. Note down any armies hidden inside the towns with
their defences. The defenders can react to any attack on
whichever side of the town is attacked. Any armies hidden in
towns will be revealed if there is a random event which will
effect them, if they move out of the town or if they attack
someone, with a barrage for example.

Assaulting towns Q)
Assaulting towns is great fun and can really enhance your o
battles. When armies assault towns then whichever direction 呸
the army came from on the map is the direction they assault c
the town from. If they come from a diagonal then the attacker ....,
can choose which side of the town is attacked. must be
written in the armies orders. For Example: Battle Ready to 13
I 26, assault the West wall. The City
The Main city always has walls. A city is 3 squares by 3
Scouting towns is essential before a major assault can be squares in size. There are four gates in the city which will be
attempted. Firstly when Scouts move into the town's square in the middle square of each wall. All of the defences must be
the defending player will declare if there is an army protecting written down in terms of which square they are in and which
the town. If there is no army in the square then the scouts direction they face in. Armies may deploy hidden inside the
simply take over the town, it is assumed to be abandoned as city. They can move around the city freely because it is
the people in the town leave for safer places. If there is an assumed that there are turbocars and monorails and various
army there to Scout then make a scouting roll but the Scouts other transports. Armies deployed in the city must have the
will be surprised. If the result is a 4+ then the scouts discover square they are in written down. If they move around the city
all of the defences on the side of the town they are coming then write down the order and move them to a new square. Do
from. lf the scouts survive then the scouts move to a safe not tell your opponent about this move, just write it down.
position by moving 1 square back on the map. Again the side
of the town being scouted must be written in the scouting Assaulting the City
orders. For example: Scouting to 11 38, scout the North wall. When armies assault the city they will be attacking the section
of the city adjacent to the square they are in. If this is a comer
Multiple assaults on towns square then they can choose which side of the wall Lo attack.
Sometimes a town may be assaulted by two or more armies Fight a battle against the defences at this square. Whether
from different directions. In this case the defenders may there are weapons, towers or armies, or not, they will still have
choose which side to defend and may split the force as to attack the walls.
required. The best way to work out such a battle is to get a
huge playing area, lay the town out in the middle and, if you When the city is attacked the defender will raise the alarm.
have the miniatures, fight the battle. Other ways that you This means that defending forces may leave their posts if they
could play such a massive game would be to have two are not also being attacked and rush to help the beleaguered
separate tables or fight the games separately. The choice is defenders. Only one other army in an adjacent square may act
yours my fellow gamers. With any of these possibilities the as reinforcements. They will take 03 turns before arriving to
defenders will be hard stretched if attacked from several help their comrades. You must decide whether to raise the
different directions. You wilJ need to use a lot of common alarm and send for reinforcements after the enemy attacked
sense with complicated games such as this and lots of but before army ratings are revealed for outnumbering
miniatures may be a help tooll purposes.
The benefit of experience is essential during a campaign. It A reputation is earnt through winning famous battles and
allows your troops to progress through their careers and becoming feared throughout the ranks of the enemy armies.
become better troops. After each battle you will need to keep AD army's reputation can precede it and make the enemy
a record of bow many victory points you have scored. These decide not to face such a tough opponent.
are converted into Experience Points (EP's) and may be used In a Mega Wars campaign to represent an army's reputation
by the army that scored them. EP's may be spent on any we use the Experience Points that the army have accumulated.
models which survived the battle. lf the whole army is There is no need to add anything extra onto your army rating,
destroyed then the EP's are lost. Characters may not have any instead when checking the Outnumbering chart add on each
EP's spent on them, except by talcing strategy cards. Any 40K armies total number of experience points divided by 10.
army may buy extra strategy cards at 10 EP's each. Tyranids
may buy rerolls for their special event tables at IO EP's each.
A multi player campaign with several different armies
involved can be a tricky game to play. But if players work
through the problems that occur with common sense and
follow the simple guidelines below you will find that multi
player campaigns are brilliant fun.
How you can spend your EP's will depend greatly upon which
army you have. Look at the table on the following page for The tum sequence progresses in exactly the same way as it
your army to find the benefits experience will bring to you. does in a two player campaign. When rolling for initiative all
The cost in EP's is beside each ability. Keep a record of how three players roll dice, so it is more likely that there will be a
many EP's each army has earnt and spent because it is also random event. lf a random event does occur then whichever
used to check whether you outnumber your opponent or not player did not throw a double counts as winning the initiative.
(See Reputation below). The table below shows the Imperial The players who threw doubles need to reroll until their
Guard veteran abilities for use in Epic games. The costs are initiative order has been determined. Once this has been
clearly indicated on the table itself. achieved then it is on to the movement phase in which the
players take it in turn to move an army. During the battle
phase the player who won the initiative chooses to fight a
IMPERIAL GUARD VETERAN battle and then the second player chooses to fight a battle and
ABILITIES IN EPIC so on. So as you can see the tum progress' in very much the
same way a'l it does in a two player campaign.
Cost is per detachment
Crazed 25 EP"s (50 EP's for Railings) Encounters with three different armies
Needs 75o/c casualties to break. The first thing that must be checked is the encounter table.
Dead Eye shots 25 EP" s The first two army pins will have their encounter resolved
Reroll one attack dice if you miss first. If this is a scouting or fleeing result then resolve this
normally. If the result is to fight a battle then any further
Freedom Fighters 5 EP" 呸 (Ogryns may not be armies will join the battle. 1f the third army which moves into
Freedom Fighters) the square is on scouting orders then they will scout both
Can set traps in woods or buildings. place a counter armies. There will be a -2 modifier if both armies cause
down, An) enemy who moves inside the wood or surprise upon the scouts.
building sets the traps off and takes a hit with no save
Grizzled 15 EP's (30 EP's for Ratlings
Roll two dice for break tests. use the best one.
Guerrillas LO EP" s lOgryns may not be
May Charge and still shoot wirh a -1 to hit.
Hardened Ffghters IO EP' s
Reroll one dice in close combat.
Slick Crew 20 EP" s (Must be a heavy
detachment Lo be slick crew) Tf there is going to be a three way battle then you will need to
ff you hit with an attack you may fire again once. work out army ratings. Compare each to each other. If they
are all FB (fight battle results), then the battle will go ahead as
Stealthy IO EP. s ( Ogryns, Rough Riders the rules below indicate. If any of them are OUT results it
may not be stealthy) means they are outnumbered and will flee. If this leaves two
Stealthy troops count +I CAF in difficult terrain. armies in the square then fight the battle normally. If there is
Street Fighters 20 EP's (Rough Riden, may not one army left in the square then there is no battle to fight in the
be street fighters > battle phase.
An extra -1 to hit if in cover.
Fighting three way battles
Tank Hunters 10 EP's
The order that the armies arrived in the square, is the order
May reroll CAF dice in close combat with tanks.
that they are set up in. You will need to remember which

Veteran Abilities:
May buy veteran abilities at COM of points in EP's (see White Dwarf 184 for details).
Veteran Abilities:
Bought for each infantry detachment (see previous page for details).
Veteran Sergeants Gain stats of veteran Sergeant 5 EP's per model
Veteran Space Marines Gain veteran Space Marine stats I 5 EP. s per squad of five
Veteran Space Marines Gain veteran Space Marine stats 15 EP" 呸 per stand
May not be bought for veteran companies.
Goff Boys to Skarboyz Gain stats of Skarboyz I EP per model
Boyz to Nobz Gain stats of Nobz 3 EP.:. per model
Gretchin to Super Runts Gain stats of Super Gretchin I EP per model
Snotling to Super Runts Gain stats of Super Snotting 2 EP' s per Snotling stand
Boyz to Nobz Gain stats of Nobz 15 EP" s per stand
Chaos Space Marine Veterans Gain Veteran Space Marine Stats 3 BP' s per model
Cultist skills May gain skills exactly like the Imperial Guard See above
Chaos Space Marine Veterans Gain Veteran Space Marine Stats 15 EP" s per stand
Cultist Skills 呸fay gain skills exactly like the imperial Guard See above
Hearthguards Squats warrior may become Heanhguard 5 EP. s per model
Hearthguards Squats warrior may become Heanhguard 25 EP's per stand
Biomorphs: May buy Biomorphs at Points cost in experience points (see Codex Tyranids).
Hive \liod Cards Gain additional Hive Mind card each tum of battle 25 EP":.
Exarch Powers:
Aspect Warriors may buy Exarch powers at the EP cost the same as the points values printed in Codex Eldar.
Warrior Path:
A Guardian may enter the warrior path. To do this he must return to the HQ base and must then pay the appropriate EP·s
according to the difference in points between 11 points for a Guardian and the points cost of the Aspect you choose.
An Aspect Warrior may become so possessed by the warrior path he becomes an Exarch. TI1e aspect warrior must be at
his HQ base and must pay the difference in EP" s between the Aspect warrior points cost and the Exarch (don't forget to
add the wargear on).
Warrior Path:
A Guardian may enter the warrior path. To do this he must return to the HQ base and must then pay the appropriate EP's
according LO the difference between 25 points for a Guardian and the points cost of a single stand of Aspects of your
An aspect warriors may become so possessed b) the warrior path that he become an Exarch. Thi! aspect warrior must be at
bis HQ base and must pay the difference in EP" s between the single stand of Aspects and I 00 points for single Exarchs,
order the armies arrived in and which direction they came into tells you when the mission is over and the army must get a
the square from. The first player sets up first choosing table new one. This rolJ is made during the End phase after the
edge. The second player to arrive then sets his army up but completion of the old mission. Any armies which are split off
must be in a relevant position to where be came on relative lo from an army on a mission can choose to remain on the same
player 1, ic: If they arrived directly opposite player l set them mission or rolJ for a new one, as the player chooses.
up opposite them. If they came on to the left or right of player
1 then set them up there as the rules below indicate. Finally
the last player is set up in a relevant position to where he came
2D6 :\ti呸ion
Deployment zones should be assumed to be half the width of
the battlefield. If your table is 4' across then deployment 2 TER."1INATION: The first army that )OU
zones will be 24" long and 12'" in for 40K. Or 80 cm long and come up against mill>! be totally terminated.
21 cm in for Epic battles. This means that deployment zones Once they are terminated by this army they gain
in three way battles are drastically reduced. 50 yp· s. Do not roll for a new mission until the
first army encountered has been destroyed.
In this example three different
armies move into the same square. 3 TAKE AND HOLD: The army must take and
The army represented by the black hold one randomly selected town and occupy ii
arrow at the top is an Imperial for I day 10 fulfil their purpose. Gain 50 VP"s
Guard 40K army. The black arrow for succeeding. Gain new mission once
at the bottom represents an Epic fulfilled.
sized Space Manne army.
4 ASSASSINATE: The first enemy commander
you engage in battle must be killed. Pursue him
until be is dead. Grun 40 VP' s if you <lo. You
will not gel a new mission until the commander
is dead.

5 DlFILTRA TTON: The army must advance as

far as possible without encountering any enemy
troops. The army earns 5 VP's per tum before
any encounter. After their first encounter they
will receive a new mission.
6-8 MISSJO呸 FREE: The army is required to get
The arm) stuck in the middle is an Epic on with the campaign objective and has no
Eldar army. The battle will be fought using mission for the next 2 days.
Epic miniatures and will be set up as
similar as possible to the relative directions 9 E呸GAGE AND DESTROY: The army must
of approach as the above diagram shows. engage the enemy as soon as possible. Start at
20 VP's and deduct -2 vp·s each tum until they
If one of the armies comes on behind another army then move fight in a bartle. They gain however many VP"s
the first army that was along this side to the opposite side of this total stands at \.\ hen the) fight an enemy in
the table provided there is no other army there. If there is an battle. If the total reaches O then they will get a
army opposite then the army that has the other army behind it new mission having failed in this one.
sets up in the middle of the table and is going to gel Otherwise they receive a new mission after
sandwiched. Set up the army in the middle in the usual order completing their first battle.
of deployment using a 6" or l O cm deep area in the middle of
the table as the deployment zone, the sides of which arc the IO SURVIVAL: ll is vital your army escapes the
usual length. next battle with minimal loses. Gain 10 w·s
for each battle they win over the next two days.
Make a strategy or initiative roll to see who moves first, but After this they will get a new mission.
only add surprise modifiers to the army which moves on
behind the other army. Reserves may be used as normal 11 ASSAULT: You must capture enemy towns as
except for the army in the middle which must set them up you advance. For each 1ov. n that you end your
when they deploy. Any models which cannot be represented tum inside with no enemy forces inside over the
on the table by the army in the middle are destroyed by the next 2 days gain LO VP's. After 2 days the
enemy. army get a new mission.
12 BLOCKADE: This army must prevent all
MISSIONS enemy forces getting around hs flanks and must
be blockaded to prevent the enemy escaping.
Missions are small side objectives to the main campaign
The army gains 50 VP' s if there are no enemy
objective which can gain an army more victory points. They forces between the army s last position and
also serve a useful purpose in the campaign by giving players
their O\\. n hoard edge after five days. Once
something extra to aim for. At the beginning of the campaign those five days are over then the anny gets a
roll 206 for each army and check the missions table (Right) to new mission.
discover which mission the army must undertake. The table

up some good ideas which will suit your own particular
CM1PAIGN LIST armies just as well. If you write any good campaign scenarios
then send them in.
D6 Campaign
We have included a list of five standard campaigns plus six
1 GUERRILLA WAR: Your campaign takes
special campaigns which largely relate to specific armies. On
place on a Deathworld where deadly creatures
and voracious plants wait to kill you if your page 14 there is a list of sub-plots that you may want to use
enemies don't. during the campaign. We wrote the sub-plots to add greater
depth and fun to the campaigns. For example the religious
2 VENGEANCE: A pirate gang have angered the madman sub-plot is very funny (Have a read if you don't
local Planetary Governor with their raids and he believe us). Again these are entirely optional and you do not
calls in his army for some pay back. have to use them at all if you do not want to.

3 REBELLION: A planetary Governor has You may choose to fight a specific campaign from the list
turned rebel and the Space Marines have been below or you can roll a 06 and check with the Campaign List
sent to deal with him. to see which campaign you will be fighting. If you get a
special campaign result then roJl a further D6 and consult the
4 WAR OF A ITRITION: Two ancient enemies
Special campaign list on page 12.
are ernbauled in a long and desperate War of
Attrition which must end soon. Guerrilla War
5 RECOVERY: Ancient artefacts of great use to The Deathworld of Catachan is one example of a deadly
the Techno MagYS of Mars have been planet full of voracious creatures and man-eating plants.
discovered and the armies must recover them. During a campaign on a Deathworld your armies are likely to
get attacked by monstrous creatures and you must fight them
6 SPECIAL CAMPAIG:I\: See page 12. off or die hideously. The terrors of the jungle will constantly
be trying to get al your men and drive them off the planet.

CAMPAIGN SCENARIOS Deploy as normal and the campaign objective is still to kill
your enemies HQ as normal. When you roll for initiative
Scenarios can make a campaign more in depth and interesting.
there will automatically be a Deathworld event. Each player
Sometimes you may be fighting your campaign on a
will have the Deathworld event for the number they threw for
Deathworld or perhaps a rebellion is in order. Or on very rare
initiative. This is in addition to any random events for
occasions a force may be fighting on a Deathworld.
throwing doubles (on the rcrolling of doubles there will not be
These campaign scenarios are entirely optional. You should another Deathworld event). Check the table below for your
feel free to write your own scenarios and create new ideas. Deathworld event. With each event roll for a random grid
You might even like some of the ideas here but hate the rules. reference and the closest of your army pins will be effected by
In this case write your own, I'm sure you will be able to think the event as described below.


D6 Deathworld Event
1 CATACHA.呸 DEVILS: A group ofCatachan Devils attack your army. Roll fora random unit of infantry. Not
vehicles or Titans, just infantry. The unit has been attacked and will lose 03 men in a 40K army. or 03 stands in
Epic to the Caiachan Devil auack. Remove the dead men from your army list
2 ACID BOG: Your army has unwittingly walked into an acid bog. Roll for a random vehicle or Titan to be affected
by the acid bog. I1 must make a Leg or track saving throw or it is melted by the acid and destroyed. For 40K the
acid has an armour penetration equivalent to a Metta Bomb.
3 VENUS FLY TRAP: A venus fly trap snaps shut over your men. Roll for a random unit of infantry. They will lose
I single man in a 40K army or I Epic stand to the venus fly trap,

4 POISON PLANTS: A stupid prat in your army sniffs some flowers only to realise the) are poison plants. Roll for
a random unit of infantry. The poison plants knock them out and the rest of the arm) must v. ait in place for a tum
for them ro wake up. No move this tum for the army. They will go onto Ambush orders.

5 STRANGLEVTh'ES: Stranglevines surround your army and attempt to crush you. Roll for a random infantry unit.
vehicle or Titan. they are attacked by the srranglevines. The stranglevine has a CAF of +3. Fight a small Epic
combat against the stranglevine. If the stranglevine wins it destroys a troop stand or five men in 40K or a single
vehicle or Titan. Remove them from the army list

6 SHAM.BLl呸G 呸IAMORPH! A rare Shambling Mamorph from the volcano lands attacks your army in an attempt
to drive you all away. The Shambling Mamorph is a huge, terrifying creature. Make a Leadership or Morak test
with a -1 modifier to Ld characteristics or+ I co morale. Use the highest Ld or morale left alive in your army. If the
roll is failed then the army is broken. The Mamorph kills 03+ l random infantry stands or single men in a 40K army
before you gun it down yourself. The Marnorph will kill these men even if they pass the Ld or morale check.
Tn this campaign vengeance and revenge is the name of the
game. The campaign map should have several towns marked
on it. The towns are where the Pirates hideouts will be. The
pirates may have D6 +2 hideouts. AJJ of these hideout come
with walls and any of the pirates may hide in these towns if
they choose to.
The pirates can be of these races, Orks, Eldar, Squats, Humans
(Use Imperial Guard) or Chaos. Space Marines and Tyranids
cannot be pirates. As pirates however these armies cannot use
the following troops or characters:
Avatar, any special characters (except Kaptin Flash Git
Badruk), Space Marine allies.
The army after vengeance can be of any race but we suggest
Space Marines or Imperial Guard as the most Likely. The
campaign objective is to kill the enemy HQ as per usual and
the attackers deploy as normal.

One of the armies is always Imperial Guard and the other
Space Marines. The campaign objective is to kill the enemy
HQ army. The rebel Imperial Guard can deploy his forces in
towns on the map and the Space Marines deploy as normal. In
addition the Imperial Guard will have a city at the opposite
side of the board to where the marines deploy. This city is 3
squares by 3 squares and the square in the centre is where the
HQ base will be.

War of Attrition
Divide the map in two. splitting the number of towns cquaJJy.
Each player rolls a dice and the highest may choose which side's HQ Base is destroyed add up the number of towns in
side to take as his land. The lower takes the remaining half as each players possession and the winner is the one with the
his territory. Choose armies and each player may deploy most towns.
anywhere on his land including inside towns. The objective of
this campaign is to capture as many towns off your enemy as Recovery
possible. Fight the campaign until either one side is totalJy Many strange ancient artefacts have been discovered and must
annihallated or one sides HQ base is taken out. When one be recovered. You may use any armies you want in this
campaign. On this planet there will be D6+4 empty and
useless towns. The towns may contain an artefact. Deploy
and play the game as normal but the campaign objective is to
find more artefacts than your opponent. The game ends when
either sides' HQ is taken out. Add up the number of artefacts
found at that point and the winner is the player with the most
of them. Add on I if you took out the enemies HQ base.
lo every town that you come across you may spend your
Battle Phase searching for artefacts. Obviously this cannot be
done when there is an enemy army to fight but only if the town
has just your army in it. Roll a D6 and consult the artefact
table below to discover whether you find an artefact or not.
An army may only search each town once.
Artefacts may be stolen from an army by completely
destroying it. The artefact will always be stolen if the army is
destroyed, you cannot claim the artefact was with your

D6 Artefact discovery
1-3 No artefacts found
4-6 You find an artefact

Any Spores which drop on the same location start together
SPECIAL CAMPAIGN LIST and may split off after the initial drop. Unlike usual Mycetic
D6 Special Campaign Spores these huge Spores drop in such a way as to prevent the
troops from being harmed but completely destroying the
1 IDVE FLEET: A huge Hive Pleet has Spores on impact. Place the relevant army pins in tile map as
attacked a planet and cut them off from the they come on.
warp. The occupants of the planet must defend
themselves or succumb to the horror of the Tyranid armies which move onto the board from outside the
Tyranids. map are placed on any square along the top or bottom sides of
the board at the beginning of the tum they arrive o.n before
2 WAAAGHH!: An Ork Waaaghh of truly orders arc written. They must be placed IO squares from left
massive proportions has been building up and right edges but only 1 square in.
recently and they strike out at the local Imperial
base. The Tyranid opponent may be of any race and will deploy in
any towns or fortifications on tile map. He can also deploy in
3 REALM OF CHAOS: .\ crusade has been either deployment zones at the left and right edges of the map.
mounted to destroy a recently mutated chaos His objective is to destroy all of the Tyranid invaders and
world full of the evil of the warp. purify his homeland.
4 EXODITE WORLD: An Eldar Exodite
colony ts under attack from Orks who want the
fertile world as their own. Will reinforcements An Ork waaaghh has built up and must be stopped. There are
from Ulthwe arrive in time'! two armies in this campaign, the Orks and the Imperial Guard.
This is an Imperial Guard homeworld so any towns that are
5 SQUAT HOMEWORLD: A Squat has there can be used by the Imperial Guard to hide i.n at the
developed a deadly new weapon which must be beginning of the campaign. The Orks must deploy as normal
held in your hands. You plan to steal u from and their objective is to kill Ghazghkull Thraka the
"'over-- the Squats noses. commander of the Ork Waaaghb ! The Orks objective is to kill
the Imperial Guards, Commissar Yarrick (Yes folks, its
6 HIVE WORLD: A Hive World is a planet of
Armageddon again).
buildings and spires which is densely populated
\.\ ith people and gangs of youths. Ash wastes The Orks may blast the Imperial Guard armies with raw
which comain wild outlaws. This will be a W aaaghh power. This can be done once per tum at the end of
harsh campaign. the Initiative Phase. A blast of raw power emerges from one
army selected by the Ork player and blasts one Imperial Guard
army of his choice within 4 squares. Roll a D6 and consult the
SPECIAL CAMPAIGNS following table for tile Waaagbb blast.
Most of these special campaigns involve specific armies. You
may decide that you do not want to play one of these because
nobody you regularly play games with may have this army. WAAAGHH!BLASTTABLE
This is perfectly alright, its your campaign after all. D6 Result of Waaaghh!
Hive Fleet 1-2 The army avoid the blast and may move as
The Tyranids objective is to cleanse the whole planet of life. normal.
The campaign objective is to kill every enemy to the last man.
3-4 The army is blasted and must move half
Tyranids set up totally differently compared to any other
distance this turn.
army. You may choose how many of your armies are dropped
from space in huge Mycetic Spores and the remainder will 5-6 The army is soaked in Waaaghh power and
move onto the map from distant parts of the planet. cannot move at all.
To determine the location of the Mycetie Spores roll for a
random grid reference for every spore which is being dropped. If the army being targeted by the Waaaghh blast has a Psyker
Jf they drop in a city or on an army then they immediately then subtract -1 from this roll. An army which is blasted by
Waaaghh power and cannot move will go onto Ambush

Realm of Chaos
A small fracture between the universe and the warp has
allowed Chaos invaders to take a world and change it to a
realm of Chaos. The armies of Chaos have changed the land
around them into a horrible concoction that confuses the eye
surprise any forces there and will fight a battle in the next and frightens men. Only Space Marines are strong enough to
battle phase. Neither army is given orders they are both
endure such terror and have been sent to destroy tile planet's
assumed to be Battle Ready but tbe Tyranids will surprise
them. Hydras, fortifications and Titan mounted weapons with
a range of 75 cm or more may fire at Mycetic Spores. The The Chaos forces may set up hidden in the cities and the Space
Spore has 2+ save on 206 and has three wounds. If the spore Marines deploy as normal. The objectives remain the same
is destroyed you lose the army that it was carrying. and the game plays the same except that when a random event
has occurred something nasty happens to someone. Roll a 06
and consult the table below to discover what has happened.
This is in addition to any random events.
The Space Marines may have Grey Knight Terminators with
them to nullify any of the above effects. An army which has
any Grey Knights with them can nullify a Chaos event on the
D6 roll of 4 or more. Psykers may also attempt to nullify them
but will only succeed on the 06 roll of 5 or more.

Exodite World
An Eldar Exodite world sends a desperate message to the
nearby craftworld of Ulihwe, They are under attack from
Orks and forces from Ultbwe are quickly sent to help. Will
they arrive in time to prevent the Orks from killing them all?
The Orks set up in a normal deployment zone with all of their
forces. The Eldar may set up hidden in any towns but may not
have an Avatar or any Phoenix Lords set up on the Exodite I

world because they will arrive with the forces from the -i
craftworld. At least 40% of the Eldar army must be from c
Ulthwe and will arrive D3 days into the campaign. c.

REALM OF CHAOS EVENTS TABLE When the Eldar from Ulthwe arrive they will Lum up on the
map edge directly opposite the Ork deployment zone. They
D6 Chaos event are placed during the End Phase on the row of squares next to
J GREATER DAEMOl\: A Greater Daemon the map edge and can move as normal from the next turn
onwards. The campaign objective is to wipe out the enemy
has arrived from the warp and joins a Chaos
HQ as in a normal game.
arm} of the Chaos players choice. The Chaos
player may choose which Grearer Daemon
Squat Homeworld
A Squat Homeworld is a dark and desolate place and most of
2 DISTORTDJG TERRAIN: Roll for gnd it lies beneath the surface. For this campaign you will need
reference. The nearest non-Chaos army ma} some floorplans such as those in Warhammcr Quest or the old
not move at all this tum as the terrain shifts Dungeon floorplans. These will be used in underground
around the army. battles which are particularly deadly.
3 SCREAI\I OF TERROR: Roll for grid This campaign is for Squats and any other army you want to
reference. The nearest army must make a Ld or use. Imperial Guard, Orks, Eldar, Chaos or Space Marines
morale test at - I Lo Ld. + l to morale , alue. Test would be more likely than Tyranids. The Squats set up as
using the height Ld/morale left alive. Tf they below and the other army sets up in a normal deployment
fail the army is broken and goes on to Fall Back zone.
You will need to mark the map with various fortresses and
4 DAEMONIC ATTACK.; A small group of cave entrances. Fortresses are walled towns basically . The
Daemons attack a psyker and attempt to drag caves are fortresses in their own right but they cannot be seen
him away. Roll for grid reference. The closest unless an army assaults them from underground. within the
enemy psyker is attacked and must roll a D6 and cave system itself. Also one of these caves must be noted
add his mastery level. On the roll of J-3 he is down as being the Squat inventor's guild where the deadly
dragged into the warp and killed. On a 4 or weapon is. The weapon cannot be used and when it falls into
more he survives, A roll of l is always a failure. enemy hands the Squats will lose the campaign.
lf there are no enemy psykers then this anack
has no effect. The Squats can set up their forces in the fortresses above the
surface or in the caves beneath the surface. Their campaign
5 CHAOS TERRAlN: The ground itself comes objective is to kill the enemy commander.
alive and joins in the fight. Roll for a random
grid reference. All non-Chaos armies within During an Underground battle place the floorplans out
206squares will move half distance this turn. between the pair of you to create a fair dungeon area to fight
the battle in. Only 40K armies can enter the caves. Vehicles
6 LURE OF CHAOS: Roll for grid reference. and Titans are just too big to fit inside. Play the battle using
The closest army must make a normal Ld or normal 40K rules as best you can. The caves will be well lit so
morale test. If they fail <a l always fails in Epic there is no need to use the night rules when fighting
armies) then they are consumed by Chaos and underground. An army can only enter or leave the caves
are destroyed, Remove the army pin from the through the cave entrances. Both players will need lots of
map and erase the army list. common sense and initiative to play a campaign such as this
so I do not suggest you try this as your first campaign.
HIVE WORLD EVENT TABLE These sub-plots arc entirely optional and can make a
06 Hive World Event campaign a little more interesting.

1-2 GA呸G ATTACK: One of the Hive Worlds Imperial Storehouse

big gangs attack an army and will kill a small Roll for a random grid reference before deployment Reroll if
number of your troops before running back to the square has another city, a mountain or is completely
their hideout. Roll for a random grid reference. covered up by a river. The square rolled has an Imperial
The closest 40K arm) has been attacked by a Storehouse in it which has spare weapons. Any army in this
Hive gang and will lose D6 men from a
random infantry unit. remove them from the
arm)' list.
3-4 MINEFIELD: Roll for a random grid
reference. The closest army has walked into a 206 Sub-Plot
minefield and must carefully leave. The army 2 IMPERIAL STOREHOUSE: The planet
moves half distance this tum and cannot attack has a storehouse of ancient weaponry and
another army Mr be attacked at that grid awesome vehicles. It is, however. guarded by
reference. If another army moves into this grid an elite guard.
reference then there will be a huge explosion
3 CHAOS Ct:LT: The world has a hidden
and both armies blow up into fifty thousand
Chaos cull which announces itself by
attacking the two armies while they fight their
5-6 ACID RAJl'i: Roll for a random grid war.
reference. All armies within 06 squares are hit
4 ALIEN ARTEFACTS: Scattered all over the
by the acid rain and can only move half planet are alien artefacts which can aid the
distance this turn. In addition one random armies who are Lighting.
vehicle or Titan in each army under the acid
rain is hit by the acid attack and must make its 5 :\1AD GO\"ERNOR: The planetary governor
saving throw (In Epic) or will be destroyed. is mad. lie has turned against the Emperor
Titans will be hit on the topmost location. roll and declared his world as his own.
randomly to determine v. hich if mere are rwo 6-7 RELIGIOUS l\L\DMA.呸: A religious
or more possible locations. madman has convinced a world of people that
armageddon is upon them and when the great
spoon appears to cat the pudding in the sky we
Hive World will all he saved from our sins. He is currently
A Hive World is densely populated in large hives of people. convincing people to believe in the pudding
our saviour through a harsh leaflet campaign
These hives breed tough and hardy people, many of whom are
entitled "Pudding - l 00 reasons why you
recruited by the Space Marines or Imperial Guard and many should believe."
more join gangs
8 NEWS CREW: As the war begins upon the
Check out the new gang warfare game Nccromunda, you may planet a news crew who are on the world
want to use a few rules or terrain pieces from this great game decide to film the events. They get in the way
in your campaign but this is entirely up to you, The terrain a lot.
pieces from Necromunda are dead good for 40K games.
9 ROGCE PSYKER: A rogue psyker has
Your campaign map should include hives instead of towns gathered a small army \\ hich the lighten, of
and cities and will need lots of wide open spaces which would the war did not know about. When the war
be full of abandoned ruins, scorched and blackened ash wastes begins the psyker assumes they are here ro
and perhaps acid pools and rivers. destroy him and fights back against both
You can use any armies you want for this campaign although
Imperial Guard would be the most likely army to be there. 10 ORBITING BATTLESTATION: A
baruestation in orbit fires random barrages at
the planet below in the hope of destroying the
armies fighting the war.
11 GENESTEALER CULT: A Gcncstealcr
cult hidden within the planets underground
makes trouble for the defending army by
attacking them from within.
rumoured that a lost Titan Legion lies
Use normal campaign deployment and game rules except
abandoned on this planet and your men try to
when a random event occurs then roll a further D6 and consult
track down these Titans Lo use against the
the chart above to discover what happens. enemy.
News Crew
Roll for a random grid reference before deployment. This is
where the News crew will start, so put a pin with an N marked
on it in this square. They move at the end of the movement
phase after all other armies have moved towards the closest
army. They move 2 squares each tum and this cannot be
changed except by random events or terrain. If they reach
another army then they will film them and send the reports off
to the Adeptus on Earth. These transmissions are picked up
by au of the players. Treat as a Scouted result on the scouting
table, so the player reads out how many things he has got in
his army. The news crew will film both armies if they reach a
square where a battle is about to be fought and there is nothing
that anyone can do to stop them doing this, because they
automatically flee from an encounter if they get attacked.

Rogue Psyker
The rogue psyker has got an Imperial Guard support Platoon,
a Leman Russ squadron and an Imperial Guard Bike squad
under his command. This army bas an army rating of IO (the
rogue Psyker is one point). Roll for a random grid reference
before deployment. This is where the Psyker's army starts so
put a pin marked with a P into the map in this square. During
the movement phase after all other armies have moved the
Psykcr's private army will move towards the nearest army pin.
square must fight the guardians. The guardians have an army Like a normal Imperial Guard army it has a MA of I which
rating of 10 and if they have a greater army rating than the wil1 be doubled to advance if there is no army to engage in
army attacking them then they destroy them. If the army battle. If they fight a battle then the player who is not attacked
attacking them is equal to or more then they may kill the will play the psyker's force. Fight the battle as you normally
guardians and acquire 306 X l O points worth of 40K weapons would and keep a track of how many of the psyker's men have
of their choice during the End Phase. A storehouse may only been killed.
be robbed once during the campaign.

Chaos Cult
When the first random event is rolled up then the Chaos cull
springs up and attacks someone. Roll for grid reference. The
closest non-Chaos army is jumped on by the Chaos cultists 06 Artefact discovered
and a battle ensues. Just compare Anny Ratings. The Chaos
cultists have an army rating of 12. If the Chaos cultists army 1 VORTEX GRENADE: A Vortex grenade is
rating is equal to or higher than their opponents then they have found. This can be given 10 a character who
completely killed the army and then they disappear into the does not already have one. It works in exactly
surrounding territory. They will attack another army when the rhe same way as the Vortex Grenade Wargcar
next random event is rolled up. They will keep attacking card.
armies until they are defeated and killed by attacking an army 2 FIREPIKE: The army discover an P.Jdar
with a higher army rating than them.
firepike. This specific weapon can be used by
any race and can be given to any character in the
Alien Artefacts
Whenever a town is occupied by an army for a whole tum
without moving then it may be searched for artefacts. Only a 3 DIGITAL LASERS: Digital lasers are very
40K army may search for artefacts and this is done by rolling deadly and can be given to any character in the
a D6 and on a 5 or 6 an artefact bas been discovered. Roll a army to increase their CAF by + I or it works like
D6 and consult the Alien Artefact Table to discover what the the wargear card in 40K.
artefact is. On the result of 1-4 there is no artefact and the
4 CA.\IELEOLil\呸: Can be given to a character
town cannot be searched again by anyone.
in the army and it works just like the wargear
card docs in 40K
Religious Madman
This has no effect on the campaign but is rather funny. 5 KUST0:\1 SHOOTA: You discover this Orky
weapon which can be given to a character if you
Mad Governor want in any type of army and it works just like
The local planetary governor is mad and will delay any the wargear card.
Imperial forces by confusing them with bizarre orders. No
6 \lRUS GRE呸ADE: Can be given to a
Imperial forces can move during the Morning phase of the
character who can use it in exactly the same WU)
first turn. During this time an Inquisitor finds the governor
as the wargear card in 40K.
and kills him so that next turn the Imperial forces can move as
normal next turn.

Orbiting Battlestation A Psyker may also increase his Mastery Level through
A battlestation in orbit fires random barrages at the planet Experience. This is done by paying 25 EP' s per Mastery level
each turn. Roll for a random grid reference at the end of the gained through experience. An optional rule that you may
Battle Phase and this is the square hit by the banlestations want to play with is that you pick all of your psychic powers at
barrage. The barrage will bit automatically if there is the beginning of the campaign and keep the same ones
something in the square and it has 6 barrage points with a -3 throughout the entire campaign. We think that this makes
saving throw. Work this out as you normally would for a psykers in a campaign vastly more realistic.
barrage. If there is nothing in the square where the barrage
has hit then it misses completely.
A question which came up in your letters concerning Mega
Wars is how you buy special characters (and other troops
types as well) which cannot be bought using the Epic
company and detachment cards.
Allocate a separate points allowance for buying additional
weaponry. special characters and any other troop types that
cannot be bought using Epic cards but can be bought from the
Warhammer 40.000 points values. This can be any amount so
Genestealer Cult long as both players agree to the amount before choosing their
armies. If you are intending to buy lots of characters and
When a random event first takes place then the Genestealer
troop types we suggest that in an average campaign army of
cult will attack a randomly determined town or city. The
50,000 points a 40K points allocation of 4,000 points should
Genestealer cult has an army rating of 12 and will attack any
be sufficient for your needs.
army in the city at the Lime. Compare the army ratings and if
the Gcncstcaler cult has equal to or higher rating then they Another very good point about characters is that in Epic the
destroy the army in the town. Do not count any fortifications characters come in stands of 5 models. Obviously this would
to the army rating because the Genestealers are attacking from not be the case in 40K where 5 Farseers are illegal in one
inside the town. If the Genestealers attack an army with a army. Fortunately a stand of characters in Epic is supposed to
higher army rating than themselves then they are destroyed, represent a single character model of that type in Warhammer
otherwise they will attack another town every time there is a 40,000 with four bodyguards. So in the example above the
random event until they are destroyed. lf there is no army in Farseer would infact be converted to a Farseer and four
the town they attack then they have no effect this time but will Guardian models.
attack next time there is a random event.

The Lost Titan Legion

Select a town near the middle of the map before deploying
your armies. This is where the lost Titan Legion are located.
The town cannot be used to deploy inside and cannot be given
any defences. When an army moves into the town then they
will discover the lost Titans, there are the following Titans.
1 Warlord
3 Warhounds
Only armies which can have these Titans in their armies may
use them (if your army can use the Titans then you are
assumed to have a few spare Titan crew for these). These
Titans may be used in the same army or split up as normal.
Any Titans which are not being used are destroyed so that the
enemy cannot use them at all.

When you buy a Psyker from the Epic Special cards he is
assumed to be a level 2 Psyker in 40K. This level may be
increased at a points cost of 25 points per level. So a Chief
Librarian (level 4) would cost you 150 points (100 points for
the Librarian Special Card and 50 points to make him a level 4
Psyker). This rule may also be used to demote a Psyker to a
level L Psyker. Just simply take 25 points off your total army.
This change in the Psykers level will have no effect upon an
Epic battle but in a game of Warhammer 40,000 will be
essential for most armies. The points for the Psykers level
come from the total points value of the army not from the
separate 40K points allocation.
Special characters personalise a game of Epic or 40K have required testing in the lase few months we have not had
perfectly and can make a huge difference during the game. the time to complete our campaign and to tell you what
But what about special characters from 40K in Epic games? happened.
Gasp! What shall we do? All readers of the Citadel Journal
But J shall unveil what has happened so far. The campaign is
are intelligent and rational beings so it won't be a problem
thinking up some interesting rules for all the special characters a Rebellion with a Multi player campaign option of Hive Fleet
and the Religious Madman Sub-plot. Gavin is the rebel
who are not in Epic. If you are lucky enough to have the early
Citadel Journals with rules such as Psykers (Issue 3), special Imperial Guardsmen who holds the planet and James' Mentor
characters (Issue 5) and other such articles by Gavin Thorpe Legion Space Marines and a very large Titan Legion have
then these are perfectly alright to use in a Mega Wars been sent to deal with the rebels. We decided that Phils
Tyranids would arrive 3 days into the campaign and use the
campaign as are the rules in this issue by James Funnell.
Hive Fleet special campaign rules for deploying.
Several skirmishes were fought between rebel guardsmen on
PROBLEMS? bikes and landspeeders against Space Marine forces which
We have received a letter from Peter Cartwright who asks were won quickly by the Space Marines. A large battle was
about how splitting an army down into contingents works. looming as the ponderously slow Titan Legions moved in on a
You can split down your company and detachment cards into heavily defended town.
any amount provided that they are not split down lower than
the amount on an Epic base. For example you cannot split a But then the Tyranids arrived and quickly leapt upon a Space
squad of Space Marines down to fewer than 5 models. Marine Land Raider force which had captured one of the
rebels towns and was using the massive Adarnantium walls as
protection. In a pitched battle the Tyranids beat against the
walls (taking massive casualties) until the Dorninatrixes
Psychic powers rocked the foundations and the walls came
crumbling down. The Space Marines fled and are seeking to
get as far away as possible from the ever deadly Bio Titans.
The current situation is unstable and anyone could win. The
Tyranids are closing on the city of Tnrandros and all the meat
things therein. The Mentor Legion have fought well against
Many of you have found this leaves your break values stuffed both the rebels and the Tyranids with only minimal loses.
up, so you will have to work them out again for any With all to play for the third week of the campaign draws
companies and detachments which have been split down. As nigh. Can the rebels hold out much longer? We will just have
a rule of thumb the break value is half the amount of models or to wait and see.
stands of troops within the company or detachment. Round
down any odd numbers. Some companies do not follow this HINTS AND TIPS ON PLAYING A
rule of thumb because the reduced unit is more fragile. If you MEGA WARS CAMPAIGN
decide to split a company like this down then they will be so
demoralised from not having their trusty comrades around that Playing a Mega Wars campaign takes a lot of effort on the
their break value will drop to half their number like any other players part but is well worth it because a campaign is so
unit. If you have not guessed it's best to keep companies like much fun. On occasions you will have to rework the rules we
this together. have written to fit in with any of your own House Rules or
certain special models which are in your army, or maybe you
Also when you split a company or detachment card down into will find a situation or event that we did not think of.
smaller amounts the Victory points should change. [f there is Whatever, you need a lot of initiative to play a Mega Wars
a detachment card which fully covers a splic company then campaign.
you should use the detachments victory points for when the
split down unit is destroyed or broken. For example a
company of Shadowswords can be represented by three
detachment cards so should a single Shadowsword be sent off
with a different army then put the company card to one side
and use the break value and victory points from each
individual Shadowsword detachment card.
lf you do not have a detachment card which can be used then Unlike most games where you might only use one very good
you will have to divide the victory points down by the amount tactic in a Mega Wars campaign you will need lots of different
which have left the detachment or company. Round up when tactics otherwise your enemy will easily work out a way to
you have a fraction of a victory point. This is not too beat you. Vary the forces you use and your tactics to make
complicated a procedure but keep your calculators handy for certain your plans cannot be guessed easily. Scouting is very
those times when your brain just does not want to tell you important. If you know where and what your enemy are then
what the answer is. you should be able to send the required army to take them on
but never be certain that great numbers will win the day.
Sound battle plans and a little bit of luck are essential.
I know we promised to bring you a report on our campaign but If you arc having any problems with our Mega Wars
time has proved to be our enemy. With so much going on here campaign system then do not hesitate to send us a letter with
at the studio, Necromunda and dozens of other things which your questions which we will do our best to answer.

By Robert Maylcy
Just the other day we were all saying that the old Epic Dreadnought did not look very good and how we should
really do a new one, and then a bubble packed letter arrived with little plastic Epic Dreadnoughts inside.
What a coincidence we thought so we put them in the Journal. Everyone here at the studio thinks
they are just great and we hope you like them too.

Robert Mayley of Manchester had the third place Epic

battleforcc at Golden Demon which included a detachment of
Space Wolf Dreadnoughts just like the ones shown here. He
made the Dreadnoughts from the plastic sprues which your
Epic miniatures come on, you know the bit you always throw
away. Well you need to keep it now if you want to make these

A few months ago 1 decided that the brilliant and dead shoory
Space Marine Dreadnought from Warhammer 40,000 should
be remade for Epic. I chose to make my own miniatures for
these, because making your own models is good fun and gives These are Robert's finished Dreadnoughts and don't they look
you a great sense of satisfaction when the model is finished. splendid. The Dreadnought on the left is a Space Wolf
Dreadnought with multi-melta and missile launcher. Then the
The Dreadnought is a fiddly model to make, being made out one in the middle is Bjorn the Fell Handed and the one on the
of 30 to 40 separate pieces. Herc is the list of pieces which right is an Ultramarines Dreadnought with multi melta and
you win need to make your own Epic Dreadnought. power fist, (it's amazing how many of you out there put
mushrooms on your bases -Ed).

I Epic base
l 'official' Epic Space Marine Dreadnought
I Epic Space Marine Rhino
2 Imperial robots
3 Banner Poles
I Sprue from the Stornpers box or Space Marine
Legion box
I Mano· War mast sprue tor Epic Tyranid sprue
because you need a thick cylindrical piece of
Some card. cereal packet will do. some paper and
A very sharp knife, a pair of tweezers and some
Milliput or Dru;
The following three pages are stuffed to bursting point with
detailed drawings and explanations on the fiddly subject of
Stage 1
making your own Epic Dreadnought. I have included a couple
of pictures of the finished Dreadnoughts so that you can sec
which bits go where on the finished model.

Stage 1 /
The first thing to do is prepare the base by covering the boles. Man O' War mast sprue
This can be done with Milliput although the best way is to cut
the bottoms off 5 individual miniatures and glue these into the

呸 •<LLt
Next take 2 of the cylindrical bits from between the masts of
the Man O' War sprue. Leave the pointy bit that connects to
the mast in place, this is the front toe. Carve a chunk off the
square bit on the back to make the rear toe as illustrated in the Stage 2
diagram. When you have got these two pieces cut the upper Put them to one side for now and cut the hips and upper legs
half off each to make them the correct height. These are the from the 'official' Dreadnought. Using this as a guide glue the
basis for the Dreadnoughts lower legs. lower legs to the base at the correct width. Don't glue the
upper legs on yet.

Stage 2 UStage3

"Official" Epic
Dreadnought Toes from
Imperial Robot

Stage 3
Next cut the toes off 2 lmperial robots. This will give you the
remaining 4 toes for the Dreadnought. Glue one of these to
each side of both lower legs. This is the fiddliest bit l found
that if I wanted to avoid super-gluing my fingers to my model
it was best to use a pair of tweezers or hold the toe in the end
of a long thin piece of blue-tac while putting it in place.
Stage 4
Now to make the upper body. With a sharp knife cut down the
I centre of a Rhino, between the vision slits at the front. Cut

Epic Stage4 down the other side and across the top. The piece you've
Rhino taken out will form the Dreadnought sarcophagus. The
bottom needs to be trimmed at an angle as shown in the
You also need to cut a wedge from a straight piece of sprue.
This needs to be the same width but not quite as high as the
sarcophagus. Once these are glued together they can be stuck
to the legs. The top of the Dreadnought is probably a bit
rough and uneven but this doesn't matter because now you
glue a small square of card onto the top. Take your carved-up
Rhino and carefully shave the multi-launcher from one side
and glue this into place on the top of the Dreadnought.
Auto launchers
from Rhino


Stage 5 Stage 5
The next difficult bit is making the shoulders and the upper ,,
arms. To make the shoulders cut 2 of the curved corner pieces ,'
from a Space Marine sprue and carefully carve them to the ,'
,' You will need to sculpt
shape shown in the diagram. They need to be about the same
width as the sarcophagus. Try to keep them as near identical ,
,,, two shoulders like this

as possible. At this stage you can glue a small section of

banner pole underneath the Dreadnought's right shoulder and
a small piece of card or carefully carved sprue underneath the
left shoulder to make the bits of machinery which can be seen
on the 40K model, although these bits are optional. Each
shoulder can now be glued onto the sides of the sarcophagus.

I Stage 6
.,, r-.
I ,
' Banner Pole Sprue
I ',
,' I

Stage 6
Righu Ann Left Ami To make the upper arms carve two more pieces from a straight
piece of sprue and shape them as shown in the diagram and
put these to one side for a moment.

'' Stage 7

Imperial Robot

Stage 7
Take your badly damaged Rhino again and carefully shave two
exhaust pipes off the side. The pipes will probably bend as .
they are cut off but can be gently flattened again. Now cut the
backpack bit off one of the Imperial robots. Glue this piece
onto the back of your Dreadnought and then glue the exhaust
pipes on either side of it.

Stage 8
- Exhausts
from Rhino

"Official" Epic

Glue power plant and

exhausts onto back
and then glue upper
body to the legs

Stage 8
The last parts of the Dreadnought body to be made are the
lower arms, the fearsome weaponry. To make an assault
cannon simply cul the cannon off the 'official. Dreadnought
model and glue it underneath the right arm. The whole arm
can then be glued to the Dreadnoughts shoulder.

Stage 9 Stage 9
Cut the top half off one of the cylindrical bits of the Man O' ·呸 ·
War sprue to form the base for the fist. Now cut the elbow out
from the 'official ' Dreadnought between the fist and the
- --- __..
shoulder pad. Glue this to the back of the cylinder. Now cut 4 -. .1. ._- -..__
small pieces from a banner pole (or ideally the very end of a .........
-=---- ·
Man 'O War mast) and glue these around the front edge of the
cylinder so that they project forwards slightly. Gluc the wbole : Dreadnought
thing to the upper arm and glue that to the Dreadnought.

Space Marine
Stage 10

<) •, '':''
·o 0--o呸
4 _ -1呸eiC-
呸 -e=-
呸 -r=::;==t'
o l

'-. :o
\ Glue the power
fist arm to the
body and you arc
nearly finished

Stage IO
Finally, to make the banner. Cut one banner pole to the
correct length (as measured by the paper banner) and chop the
bobble and the base off the other pole. Glue the smaller piece
The finished across the other banner pole. Cut the eagle off the top of the
Dreadnought Space Marine commanders flag and glue this to the op of the
awaits painting banner pole.
before taking
to the Epic It is best to paint the banner and the Dreadnought separately
battlefields. before gluing them together. And there you have it, an Epic

. q:-__)
Dreadnought, phew!
It is quite easy to make alternative weapon systems if required
although you may need a few extra Imperial robots. To make
the missile launcher cut the tip off the robots right weapon.

When you have four of these glue them onto the front of the
basic power fist but don't put the 'fingers' on. launcher option

To make Bjorn the Fell Handed's lightening claw just carve 4 Cut 4 tips of ()
long fingers from a banner pole and auach these to the basic
power fist. Cut the gun-like thing from the top of a robots head
and glue this underneath the fist for the heavy flamer. Extra
details, i.e.; shoulder drapes, chains and Bjorn's wolf skin and
weapon from
Imperial Robot


banner skull can be made from milliput,

Cut half Robots
, weapon

The multi-melta is a bit more difficult. Carve a piece of sprue
into the right shape for the nozzle. Cut the body from a
Dreadnought's assault cannon and glue these together. To
make the fuel bottle cut a robots right weapon in half
/ lengthways and glue this onto the side.
Cut barrel 呸ff
Multi melta option I hope this guide makes sense, it does get quite complicated in
assault cannon
parts but the diagrams should explain most bits. Each of my
呸 Sprue shaped Dreadnoughts took about 3 hours to make but the result
呸 to make barrel certainly justifies the time spent.
Dreadnought - The fighting machine Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Dreadnoughts are enormous fighting machines over 3 meters Bjorn is the oldest Space Wolf warrior alive and has the
tall. They are the resting place of a Space Marine chapters unique distinction of being alive when Russ led the chapter.
oldest and most revered warriors whose mortal bodies can no Over the mellenia he bas grown heavy with wisdom and today
longer sustain them. The Old ones as they arc called are be resides within the deepest shrine of the Space Wolves,
implanted inside the Dreadnought, their nervous system protected by a stasis chamber lined with adarnanrium. Only in
attached to the computer system which controls the times of direst need is he awakened from ms slumber to stride
Dreadnoughts actions. The Old one lives on inside the forth against the Emperor's foes once more.
Dreadnought fully able to continue his service to the Emperor
for many centuries to come. It is therefore always a time of Dreadnoughts in games of Epic
mourning for a chapter when they lose a Dreadnought. Not You will need to make four Dreadnoughts to be able to
only because of the death of the Old one and his ancient include a detachment in your army. All four must be armed
memories which can stretch back to the dawn of the chapter. with the same combination of 2 weapons chosen from the four
but the loss of a Dreadnought is far more devastating because listed below. Try to bear this rule in mind when you are
the secrets of how to build these awesome fighting machines is making your Dreadnought models.
lost and can never be recovered. Good luck and have fun making your own Dreadnoughts.

Troop Type Move Sa\ CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll Target's Notes
Throw Dice to Hit Save Mod.

Dreadnought 10cm 5+ +3 Assault cannon 25cm 3 4+ -1

Multi melta 15cm 1 4+ -3
Missile launcher 50cm 4 Barrage points -
Power fist +ICAF -2
Troop Type Move Saving CAF Weapons Range Attack Roll Target's Notes
Throw Dice to Hit Save Mod.

Bjorn 10 5+ +4 Assault cannon 25cm 3 4+ -1 Command unit

Lightning claw Reroll one CAF dice
Jauto hit -
Heavy flamer 5cm
I 1

BJORN THE FELL-HANDED Bjorn is a command unit and as such docs not
need orders and never needs to take a moral test.

Break Point
Bjorn the Fell-Handed is only ever broken when
be is destroyed.


Your opponent gains 2 VPs when Bjorn is destroyed
呸espoifer of QEorllis Cf呸aos 呸itan
By Adrian Wood and Gav Thorpe
Abominatus is one of the most add 3 Chaos Cards to your band you
terrifying of all the servants of cannot surrender the cards in order
Khome. When it walks the ground to nullify a bit against a location.
shakes beneath its steel shod feet Enemy troops which Abominatus
and the enemies of the Blood God engages in close combat cannot first
quail in fear. The Chaos Titan wields fire at the Chaos Titan, although this
fire and steel against its foes, with only includes troops and vehicles
flames and gun smoke flickering with crews. Robots, etc. and
from each casement and embrasure Daemon-hunters such as Grey
in its massive body, Its soul bums Knights arc unaffected. Also troops
with the unquenchable fire of a engaged in close combat must pass a
Daemon's hate. Morale check or go on fall back
orders with a -2 to their CAF.
Abominatus Is the hellish union of
an Emperor titan
and a Greater
Daemon of
Kborne. The
Greater Daemon
rules apply with
only a few
Abominatus is
represented by a
Greater Daemon
card, and must
be accompanied
by three to .five
Minion cards.
entitles you to


In other respects, Abominarus moves, shoots and fights Bloodrage of Kborne: The Chaos Titan's power
close combat like an Imperial Emperor Class Titan. You increases if the battle is going well for the armies of
must generate plasma counters on 206 at the start of Chaos. This success is judged by whoever has the most
each tum in order to power the Chaos Titans weapons, victory points. If Chaos has the most Victory Points
engines and void shields. It should be noted that during a turn Abominatus receives + 1 on itS to hit rolls,
Abominatus cannot carry Chaos troops and therefore + l on its saving throws and rolls an extra D6 in dose
cannot be boarded by enemy troops. combat! lf "the victory point totals are equal or your
opponent has more points no extra benefits arc
In Addition, Abominarus has special
rules of its own which reflect its
allegiance to Khorne, the Blood God. ABOMINATUS MOVEMENT
Furious Advance: The Titan must Engine Power Min. Move Max. Move Restrictions
always move towards the enemy and
therefore a plasma counter must always Energised (green) 5cm 15cm max 1 x 90° turn
be placed in its engines. Aborninarus
always wanes co engage the enemy at Overcharge (red) 15cm 30cm max 1 x 45° turn
close quarters and this means its
movement much faster than an
Imperial Emperor Class Titan.
War Howl: As it stalks across the battlefield Aborninatus
Instead of moving between Scm and 10cm on energised growls menacingly and lees out a terrifying bellow of rage
(green plasma counters), Abominatus moves between and anguish. This is performed at the start of the tum
Scm and 15cm and can make up to 1 x 90° turn. For the after orders are placed 'but before they are revealed. Any
same reason instead of moving 10cm and 20cm when the enemy units that are within 15cm of Abominatus must
engines are Overcharged (red plasma counters), immediately pass a morale check or be placed on fall
Abominacus moves between 15cm and 30cm and can back orders.
make up to 1 x 45° tum. Note that plasma is always
diverted to the Engines in preference to Abominatus'
Fire Power. This means that when Abominarus' engines WEAPONS
are Overcharged the Titan's fire power cannot be Abominatus carries a veritable arsenal of weapons built
Overcharged as well. onto its body. Its main armament, the Hellstorrn Cannon
Khorne's Shield: Abominatus is part Daemon and part and Plasma Annihilator along with its main battery
machine, and this makes it particularly resistant to function in an identical fashion to its imperial
psychic attack. The Titan always receives a saving throw counterpart. However the weapons on its main fighting
of 2 + on a 06 against all psychic attacks. platform are quite different.

One of the most interesting things about creating your

own special model is inventing the rules for it. Even more
exciting is the first time you use this special model on the
table top. Here you can see Adrian and Chris, his long-
time opponent testing Abominatus' mettle for the first
time. Tbe monstrous machine proved itself to be a worthy
adversary for the Imperator Titan, smashing the Imperial
titan to the ground with multiple hits to the head. Abb,
Khorne was proud that day...


The Blood Cannon fires a Lava Template which has the The Hellstorm cannon is a huge gun with six rotating
same dimensions as the flame template supplied in the barrels. Seen from a distance the barrels seem to turn at
Titan Legions boxed set. To use this weapon place the an almost leisurely rate but the giant shells they spew out
template so that the pointed end is couching the Blood quickly rend the target apart in storm of fiery explosions
Cannon and the rounded end covers the intended and scything shrapnel Such is the weight of fire laid
targets. Anything under the template is hit on a roll of 4, down by the Hellstorm cannon that whole swathes of the
5,or 6. Models hit suffer a -1 saving throw modifier. battlefield turn into an inferno of smoke and flames.
Buildings can be destroyed by the Blood cannon, any
which are hit and fail their saving throw collapse and are The Hellstorm cannon is often mounted in combination
turned into rubble. The lava-like daemon blood flows with a Plasma Annihilator on Emperor class Titans. This
over and around cover so modifiers have no effect on the provides the Titan with a deadly area fire capability
blood cannon's to hit roll. combined with the point effect devastation of plasma
weaponry. Though the Hellstorm cannon has a limited
Attack To Hit Target's ammo supply it requires comparatively Little energy to
Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes fire, a factor which has allowed Aborninatus to crush
many enemies despite having found itself starved of
Flame Template 4+ -1 Ignores cover modifiers
power at Critical moments.
Normally mounted on Daemon Engines of Khorne this At the start of the game place ten counters on
lethal multi-barrelled weapon Is at it's most deadly when Aborninarus' datacard for the Hellstorm cannon. The
in close assaults. Up close this short-ranged but Hellstorm cannon requires one green plasma counter to
devastating weapon literally scythes down the enemy in fire and it cannot be overcharged. When you come to fire
a withering hail of fire. The Scorpion Cannon has a range the Hellstorm it ls capable of shooting up to four barrage
of 25cm and fires 6 attack dice hitting on a 5 + with no templates, each one with the profile shown below. Each
save modifier. barrage template fired costs one ammo counter, so if
there aren't any ammo counters left the Hellstorm
Attack To Hit Target's cannot fire. All the barrages fired in one turn from the
Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes Hellstorm must be placed so that each template touches
25cm 6 5+ 0 at least one other in the salvo.
Other than this the barrages are fired using the normal
MANGLERS rules. Hellstorrn barrages may be fired indirectly. Jo this
case place the templates as above and then roll to scatter
The Manglers are huge battle claws which can sweep each template separately.
aside battle tanks and flay enemy Titans to twisted metal.
When Abominatus wins a combat with a Titan the
Manglers hit the chosen locations as many times as is the
difference between the two close combat scores,
ignoring shields and striking which ever locations you
choose. i.e. if Abominarus scores 31 on 206 plus its CAF,
and a Warlord scores 21, then Abominarus hits the
Warlord 10 times in whichever locations you wish.

Abominacus bristles with weaponry to keep enemy
assault troops at bay. On Abominatus bolters and heavy
bolters controlled by automated systems lurk in blister-
turrets and firing slits all over the bastions and upper The barrage templates must be placed so that each one touches at
fortress. Aborninarus' Daemonic origins allow it to pick least one other barrage marker.
up any movement close co the Titan and identifies its'
origin; friendly troops are ignored but enemy troops arc Attack To Hit Target's
shredded by volleys of explosive bolts. Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes
Attack To Hit Target's 100cm 8 Barrage points -2 See above
Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes
15cm leach 6+ 0 First Fire MAIN BATTERY
SPECIAL RULES The main battery or batteries of Abominatus are usually
hellishly large bore cannon or mortars. Each shell, often
So long as energy is supplied co its fire power centre, an the height and width of a man or more, is marked with
Emperor class Titan may use its bolters - they do not foul Khornate runes and curses before being
require a separate plasma counter to power them. manhandled into the breach for firing.
Bolters can always fire in the first fire phase regardless of
the amount of power directed to fire control. Attack To Hit Target's
Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes
200cm D6+3 Barrage Points-S Fires barrage


So long as energy is supplied to the fire power centre
Abominarus may use its main batteries, you do not oeed
a separate plasm.a counter to power them. A main battery
fires a barrage with a variable number of barrage points.
Roll a D6 and add + 3 ro the result each time the main
battery iS fired to find out how many points the barrage

The Plasma Annihilator is amongst the deadliest
weapons fitted to a land-based fighting machine. It takes
raw, seething plasma directly from the Titan's reactor,
accelerates it through a series of electro-magnetic fields
and fires it as blinding, white bot bolts of destruction. As
well as a rapid rate of fire the Plasma Annihilator has
phenomenal range and accuracy. Indeed the high-
pitched whine of the Annihilator's electro-magnetic coils
building up for discharge has been known to send whole
enemy formations fleeing in terror before battle is even
joined. The only limitation on the Plasm.a Annihilator's
destructiveness is its requirement for plasma from the
reactor chamber. Abominatus rarely find itself in the
happy position of being able to fully charge the
Annihilator without seriously compromising power
supplies to the rest of the Titan.
Plasma Attack To Hit Target's
Annihilator Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod
Energised 100cm 2 per gpc 4+ -4 SECONDARY WEAPONS
Overcharged 150cm 3 per rpc 3+ -<i Secondary weapons stud the outer carapace of the
(Nb. gpc = green plasma counter, rpc = red plasma counter) Despoiler of Worlds. Rapid fire cannon jut from
casements and barbettes, lascannon swivel in turrets and
SPECIAL RULES on platforms. As Abominatus strides into battle its
The Plasma Annihilator has a variable number of attack silhouette is lit with the myriad flashes of its secondary
dice dependent on the number of plasma counters weapons spewing death at the enemy.
allocated to it during the orders phase. Each green
plasma counter gives 2 attack dice with to hit rolls of 4 or Attack To flit Target's
more and -4 save modifiers. Each red plasma counter Range Dice Roll Sv. Mod Notes
gives 3 attack dice with to hit rolls of 3 or more and -6 50cm 1 each 5+ -1
save modifiers. lt is possible to place both red and green
counters in the Plasma Annihilator, though no more than SPECIAL RULES
four counters of either colour can be fitted in the So long as energy is supplied to the fire power centre the
accelerator chambers at one time. Titan may use its secondary weapons; you do not need a
separate plasma counter to power them.


Weapon Range Attack To Hit Target's Notes
Dice Roll Sv. Mod
Man lers Close Combat Special Rules
Bolters 15cm 1 each 6+ 0 First fire
Blood Cannon By Template 4+ -1 Ignores cover
Scorpion Cannon 25cm 6 5+ 0
Hellstorm Cannon 100cm 813arragc -2
Main Battery 200cm 06+ 3 Barrage points -3 Fires barrage
Plasma Annihilator:
Energised 100cm 2 per gpc 4+ -4 (gpc = green plasma counter)
Overcharged 150cm 3 per rpc 3+ -6 (rpc = red plasma counter)
Secondary Weapons50cm 1 each 5+ -1

Permission is granted to photocopy for personal use only.

© Copyright Games Workshop Ltd.1996.
All rights reserved
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buildings, suffers a hit with a -4 save modifier.
The bastion section is damaged. 6 The coupling is shattered. blowing the primary
weapon clean off Abominates as above and
The bastion section hit is destroyed. ff both also causing a flashback into the Titan's buU.
sections of a bastion on a single level are A burst of static temporarily overloads
Abcminatus' mind. The Chaos Titan's CAF is Roll a D6 co Ste what is affected: 1-2 buuress,
destroyed the Titan will collapse in a direction 3-4 Temple dome, 5-6 Reactor. The location
determined by rolling the scauer dice. Troops halved and it may not fire its primary weapons
for the remainder of the tum. indicated suffers an automatic bit with no
and vehicles under the Titan when ii falls are
armour save possible. Roll damage
destroyed with no save. Titans and Gargants 2 Abcminatus' is disorientated, reducing the
suffer 06+ 1 hits which ignore shields and Chaos Titan's CAF by 206 points. Further hits
rumour. will reduce the Titan's CAF by another 21)6.
This disorientation cannot be shaken off. TEMPLE DOME
HEAD DAMAGE TABLE 3 Abominatus is disorientated. Whenever the DAMAGE TABLE
The Chaos Titan's bead is damaged, seriously Titan moves from now on roll a D6: on a 1 or 2
1-3 The Temple dome is damaged.
it rums 45° left at the start of its move, 3 or 4 it
effecting the Daemons grip on the material 4-6 The Temple dome is desuoyed. All weapons
universe. Any attempt to repair itself is difficult rums 45° right and 5 or 6 it goes straight ahead.
The Titan may not tum otherwise. Abominams fired from the Titan suffer a -1 to hit modifier if
and repairs can only be made on a roll of 6+
cannot restore himself. one dome location is destroyed, If aU 11\ree are
instead of 5+.
destroyed it suffers a -2 to hit penalty. The
The Titan's ability 10 channel fire power to its 4 Abominatus is seriously losing his grip on the
Titan also suffers a -2 modifier 10 its psychic
weapons is severely impaired, As long as fire material universe! From now on, whenever one
saving throw for each temple dome location
power is damaged it requires twice as many of lhe primary weapons is fired roll a D6: 011 a
plasma counters to activate. I, 2 or 3 lhe weapon is fired at the nearest target
- friend or foe! Abominatus cannot restore
Abominarus has lost its ability to generate void himself. WEAPON DAMAGE TABLE
shields. Void shields may not be activated or
restored. 5-6 Abominarus completely looses his grip on
reality and is cast back into the Warp. The I ·2 The weapon is damaged by the hit and may not
The head is destroyed. The Titan lurches and Titan's limbs lock up and it topples over as be used again until it is repaired.
falls as detailed above (see the Bastion Damage detailed above (see the Bastion Damage Table). 3-4 nae weapon is destroyed and may not be used
again in this battle.

BUTTRESS DAMAGE TABLE MANGLER DAMAGE TABLE 5 The weapon is blown clean off Aborninatus
and seance; 206cm in a direction determined
The buttress section is damaged by the hit, 1·3 The Mangler section is damaged by the bit. by using lhe scauer dice. Any vehicles or troop
The buuress room section is destroyed by !he bit Abominatus' CAF is reduced by ID6. stands underneath the weapon suffer a hit with
4-5 The Mangler section is destroyed by the hit.
a -2 saving throw modifier.
ENGINE DAMAGE TABLE Any higher Mangler sections are also 6 The weapon is blown off the Titan as above.
destroyed. Abominatus • CAF is reduced by but there is also a flashback to an adjacent
The engines are knocked out of alignment by
206. location. Roll randomly to determine which
the bit, reducing Abominates' movement by
6 The Mangler is destroyed as above. The force location is hit and roll for damage co that
D6cm in il, next tum. location immediately.
of the explosion blows the Mangler clean off
The engines are damaged. The Chaos Titan
Abominarus and it lands 2D6cm away in a
may not move or tum until they are repaired.
direction deteanined by using the. scatter dice. VOID SHIELD GENERATOR
The engines are destroyed. The Chaos Titan Any vehicles or stands underneath the mangler
may not move or turn for the rest of the battle. suffer a hit with a -2 saving throw modifier. DAMAGE TABLE ·
The engines are destroyed and a fire breaks out Abominarus' CAP is reduced by 206. I ·3 Abominarus bas lost its ability 10 generate void
which spreads to me gyros. Roll on the Gyro shields. No void shields can be raised until they
Damage Table for each gyro immediately. The are restored,
fire is extinguished after any damage has been
4-5 Abominatus has lost its ability 10 generate void
resolved. DAt'VlAGE TABLE shields. No void shields can be raised for the
rcsr of the game.
L-3 The reactor link is damaged. While it is.
GYRO DAMAGE TABLE damaged no plasma counters may be placed in 6 Abominarus has lost its ability to generate void
The gyro is damaged. the engines. shields as above. lo addition, arcing energy
lashes out and damages another location. Roll a
The gyro is destroyed. Each destroyed gyro
reduces lhe Chaos Titan's turning ability by
4-5 The reactor link is destroyed. No further
plasma counters may be placed in lhe engines.
06 to find out which location is hie: 1-2 =
Reactor, 3-4 = Temple dome, 5·6 = Daemonic
45°. lI all three gyros are destroyed A gout of white bot plasma spews out of the mind. Roll on the appropriate damage cable
Abominarus will fall over as detailed above. linkage - roll the aim dice to determine if the immediately.
(see the Bastion Damage Table). plasma damages an adjacent area. If a bit is
indicated on a location it must make a saving
LEG DAMAGE TABLE throw with a -4 modifier or suffer damage. REACTOR DAMAGE TABLE
The leg is damaged. Abominatus may not move 6 The reactor link is destroyed as in 4-5 above. 1-2 The reactor vessel is breached. Until it is
more than 10cm a wrn until it is repaired. Also. plasma from the ruptured link damages repaired 03 plasma counters will leak out each
the reactor vessel, roll on the Reactor Damage mm. RoU the aim dice for each counter to
The leg is destroyed and the Chaos Titan Table. determine if lhe leaking plasma damages an
slowly topples over as detailed above (see area adjacent to the breach. 1£ a hit is indicated
Bastion Damage Table). on a location il must make a saving throw with
PRIMARY COUPLING a -4 modifier or suffer damage.
PRIMARY WEAPON DAMAGE TABLE 3-4 The reactor is damaged and shuts down. While
it is damaged no plasma counters wiU be
The coupling is damaged. Until it is repaired generated but plasma still in the core can be
The primary weapon is damaged by the nit and the primary weapon may only fire in the
may not be used again until it is repaired. used.
direction the weapon on the model is pointing.
The primary weapon is destroyed and may not No further plasma counters may be placed in 5-6 The reactor is destroyed and the Titan is
be used again in this battle. the primary weapon until the coupling is vapourised in a cataclysmic meltdown.
repaired. Abomioarus is cast back into the warp. Remove
The primary weapon explodes, causing damage the Titan from play and place a crater on the
10 all adjacem locations. Each location suffers a 3.5 The coupling is destroyed aod. with n spot where it stood. All units within a 4D6cm
hit with a .3 saving throw modifier and a + 1 deafening screech of tortured metal, the radius suffer a hit with a - I modifier.
damage modifier per unused ammo or plasma primary weapon crashes to the ground!
counter in the weapon as appropriate. Anything under the weapon. including
in: in: .. ilct 1;:
!I: !I: 1Uct in: in: i!.t j§: il.t

§1.t il.t
iii: let •!呸ct i+
IN i;:
U: fl: !J; jct let f!.t
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Ii ,1; 11.1; ilJ; §U: §n: §1.t §let §1.t

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