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(Academic Year - 2024 - 2025)

Grade 10-History
Nationalism in India- Question Bank (Previous years)

1. Explain the implications of the First World War on the economic /political
situation of India.
“The first world war and the aftermath led to a nationalist upsurge in India”.
How was the social and economic situation of India affected by the First World
2. Describe the 3 Satyagraha movements launched by Gandhiji just after his
return to India from South Africa.
What were the three local issues in which Gandhiji experimented his technique
of Satyagraha during the years 1917-18? How were these issues resolved?

3. How did non-Cooperation movement became a mass movement? Explain.

4”. The effects of the non-cooperation movement in the economic front were
more dramatic. Explain the statement with suitable examples.”
5. Mahatma Gandhi launched a more broad-based movement in India by joining
the Khilafat Andolan. Explain the statement with three arguments in the context of
Non-cooperation movement.
7. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to withdraw the Civil Dis obedience
movement in 1931?
8. How did the Indian merchants and industrialists relate themselves with Civil
Dis obedience movement? Explain.
9. Mahatma Gandhi saw in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation.
Examine the statement in the context of the Civil Dis obedience movement.
A pinch of salt could shake a nation. Evaluate the statement referring to the Dandi
10. Explain the reaction of Indian people against the Rowlatt Act passed through
the Imperial Legislative Council in 1919.
11. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the
proposed Rowlatt Act, 1919? How was it organised Explain.
12. The demands mentioned by Gandhiji in his letter to Viceroy Irwin on 31st
January 1930 were wide ranging. Evaluate the statement.
13. Explain any three reasons for the lukewarm response of some Muslim
organizations to the Civil Disobedience Movement.
14. Why did the poor peasants join the CDM? Why could not the Congress give
full support to their demands?
15. Why did Gandhiji relaunch the CDM after the Second Round Table
conference? Explain any three reasons.

16.” The cultural processes helped to create a sense of collective belonging in

India “Justify with valid arguments.
18. Differentiate between the NCM and the CDM.
19. Dalit participation was limited in the Civil Dis obedience movement. Explain.
20. The Poona Pact resolved the differences that had arisen between Gandhiji and
BR Ambedkar. Support your views with valid examples.

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