CHAPTER 1-Keyword and Mindmap

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I- Fill in the blanks

Keywords How could you understand Your own example
Manager They get things done through Project manager leads a
other people. Management specific project from start
activities such as make to finish, ensuring it stays
decisions, allocate resources, on track, within budget,
direct activities of others to and meets its objectives.
attain goals.
Organization A group of people working Discrepancies between
together to achieve a common attitudes and
goal or set of goals. behaviors tend to occur
when social pressures to
behave in certain ways
exceptional power, as in
most organization

Manager’s function Planning, organizing, leading, A manager in a

controlling manufacturing company is
responsible for overseeing
the production process,
ensuring that the products
are manufactured
efficiently and meet quality

Manager’s roles Managers perform 10 A marketing manager in a

different. These 10 roles are retail company is
primarily interpersonal, responsible for developing
informational, decisional. marketing strategies,
conducting market
research, coordinating
advertising campaigns, and
analyzing sales data.

Manager’s skills Technical skills, human skills, A project manager needs

conceptual skills skills such as leadership,
negotiation, and problem-
solving to effectively
manage a team and ensure
successful project

Manager’s activities Manager’s activities have 4 A human resources

types: traditional manager conducts
management, communication, interviews, hires
human resource management, employees, handles
networking employee performance
evaluations, and oversees
the development and
implementation of HR
policies and procedures.

Intuition A gut feeling or hunch that A sales manager, based on

guides decision-making their experience and
without relying on conscious knowledge of the market,
reasoning or analysis, relies on intuition to make
individual observation, quick decisions during a
common sense client meeting when faced
with unexpected objections
or challenges.

Systematic study The process of gathering and A manager in an IT

analyzing data to understand company conducts a
and solve problems in a systematic study by
structured and objective way, analyzing data on customer
give scientific evidence. satisfaction, product
performance, and market
trends to identify areas for
improvement and develop
strategies for growth.

Evidence –based The basing of managerial A manager in a healthcare

management decisions on the best available organization uses evidence-
scientific evidence. based management by
reviewing research studies
and consulting with experts
to make informed decisions
about implementing new
medical practices or
Few absolute in OB Organizational behavior is a There are so few absolute
complex field with many in OB because human
variables and few universal beings are complex
Economic pressure The external forces that A manager in a retail store
impact an organization's faces economic pressure
financial performance, such as when determining pricing
competition, market strategies and managing
conditions, and government inventory to remain
regulations. competitive in the market
and maximize profitability.

Globalization The increasing An operations manager in a

interconnectedness of the multinational corporation
world economy, leading to adjusts production
businesses operating across processes and supply chain
borders and cultures. logistics to adapt to the
challenges and
opportunities presented by
global markets and
international trade.

Diversity The variety of human A manager in a

experiences, backgrounds, an multinational team
d perspectives within an promotes diversity by
organization. fostering an inclusive work
environment, encouraging
collaboration, and ensuring
equal opportunities for
employees from different

Model A model is an abstraction of A financial manager uses

reality – a simplified financial models to forecast
representation of some real- future revenues and
world phenomenon expenses, analyze
investment opportunities,
and make informed
decisions about resource
allocation and financial

Productivity The combination of the A manager in a call center

effectiveness and efficiency of tracks call volume, average
an organization. handling time, and
customer satisfaction
metrics to identify
bottlenecks, optimize
workflows, and improve
overall productivity.

Absenteeism The rate at which employees A manager in a healthcare

are absent from work without facility implements
a valid reason. employee wellness
programs, flexible
scheduling options, and
effective leave
management strategies to
reduce absenteeism and
maintain adequate staffing

Turnover Turnover includes voluntary Regarding turnover, the

terminations by the older you are, the less
employee (quitting), likely you are to quit your
involuntary terminations by job.
the employer without cause
(layoffs and discharges), and
other separations including
involuntary termi
nations with cause (firing)

OCB Discretionary behavior that A team manager

contributes to the acknowledges and rewards
psychological and social employees who regularly
environment of the go above and beyond their
workplace. job duties by actively
contributing to team
projects, sharing
knowledge, and supporting
their colleagues.

Deviant workplace Actions that harm the A manager in a corporate

behavior organization or violate its setting addresses deviant
norms. workplace behavior by
implementing clear
policies, providing training
on ethical conduct, and
taking appropriate
disciplinary actions when

Job satisfaction An employee's positive A manager regularly

emotional state resulting from conducts employee
their job. satisfaction surveys, holds
one-on-one meetings with
team members, and
provides opportunities for
professional growth and
recognition to enhance job
satisfaction and employee

Individual A single person within an A manager provides

organization. individual coaching and
mentorship to employees,
identifies their strengths
and development areas, and
tailors performance goals
and feedback to foster
individual growth and

Group A collection of individuals A project manager

who interact with each other facilitates team-building
and share common goals. activities, encourages
collaboration and open
communication, and
establishes clear roles and
responsibilities to promote
effective group dynamics
and achieve project

Organizational The formal arrangement of A manager in a large

structure roles, responsibilities, and corporation reviews and
reporting relationships within redesigns the
an organization. organizational structure to
improve communication,
streamline decision-making
processes, and enhance
coordination between
different departments.

II- Try to draw your own mind map to show the relationships of these above keyword.
You could add more words to illustrate your idea.

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