S4 Writing Ánh Revised

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Writing S4 – Ánh

I. There are more workers who work from home and more students who study from
home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily accessible
and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

The number of employees and students who fulfill their work from home are increasing
due to the advancement and affordable cost of computer technology. While I
acknowledge the potential drawbacks of remote work and online classes, I believe it to be
a welcome development.

One might argue that lacking of workplace and learning environment could exert devious
influence on the drive and discipline that are needed for strong outcomes. Some
employees, for instance, could take a nap or run some errands during working hours due
to the absence of supervisors or coworkers. However, many companies and schools are
establishing supervising plans such as online attendance tracking systems, video call
checks or overseeing the number of tasks completed, thereby providing adequate

Another positive ramification of remote work and distance learning is related to

eliminating commuting time, thus helping people to have extra time for other important
tasks. Other than that, since long commute and traffic congestion is associated with
increased levels of stress and anxiety, working and studying at home could make people’s
mental health even improved. Also, working and learning virtually could benefit one
whose home is too far from their working or learning places. While these tend to find
rental properties nearby when they work and learn onsite, telecommuting is a great way
to cut back on rent expenses. Finally, people can now access to broader range of job or
learning opportunity that they could have not in view of geographic barriers. Some
employees in Africa, for example, could work for a company in Europe virtually right
from their own home.

In conclusion, although the disadvantages of distance work and learning are clear, they
pale in comparison with its benefits, rendering this trend positive.

Send home to work virtually = remote work + distance learning = telecommuting = do
their work from home = working or doing school/studying at home

II. Nowadays because of digital technology it is possible for not only studios but also
individuals to produce their own films. Do you think it is a positive or negative

Digital technology = digital revolution

Studios = professional institution
Individuals = people who have interest in filming

Opinion: Negative
Positive: One might argue that today anyone could fulfill his or her dream to create a
film without massive investment.

Reason: In the past, there were many creative people with interesting stories but had not
enough budget for making a film about it, but now a person can make a movie through
his or her digital camera, a computer or even a smartphone, which would not require as
huge sums as one produced by major studios.

Rebut: However, the fact that a film can be more feasible to be made leads to a massive
number of movies on the market, hence causes some kind of overload for viewers. It will
be challenging and time consuming for them to find suitable and quality movies.

Negative 1: Another negative ramification of feasibility of producing and publishing a

film is related to quality control from authorities.
Explain: While movies in the past were needed to go through thorough check before
being displayed on television or in cinema, many products today are published on the
internet, where it is much harder to censor. Therefore watchers, particularly children or
teenagers might see inappropriate scenes that have detrimental effect on their emotions or

Negative 2:
Also, the increasing number of films being created would lead to corresponding rise in
data storage. Since storing data use a certain amount of energy and thereby generate
carbon emissions, this trend would exert devious influence on the environment.

In conclusion, although the advantage mentioned above, they pale in comparison with its
drawbacks, rendering this trend negative. (đoạn này buồn ngủ quá rồi nên viết vắn tắt
mong cô lượng thứ =)) )

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