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12, DECEMBER 2022 12795

A Multi-Segment Compensation Method for

Improving Power Density of Long-Distance
IPT System
Jianwei Mai , Student Member, IEEE, Yijie Wang , Senior Member, IEEE, Xianrui Zeng,
Yousu Yao , Member, IEEE, Kang Wu, and Dianguo Xu , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Inductive power transmission has been ap- the volume of coil is still very large. Long-distance wireless
plied in industries, such as electric vehicles, consumer power transmission has large application potential in the fields
electronics and biomedical fields. However, there is a long- of strong electric fields and the dynamic charging of drones. The
term key problem in this field that has not been solved.
This is the adverse effect of the parasitic capacitance of strong long-distance transmission capacity contradicts the coil
the coil, which will cause the change of the coil inductance, miniaturization.
the reduction of the quality factor and the reduction of Researchers have conducted many researches on long-
efficiency. Especially in the field of long-distance wireless distance wireless power transmission. For example, MIT re-
power transmission. The existing technologies all adopt the searchers designed a long-distance wireless power transmission
scheme of sacrificing volume in exchange for the quality
factor of the coil. As a result, the volume of the system system that transmitted 60 W of power at a distance of two meters
is very large, and the quality factor of the coil is still not with 40% ac/ac efficiency and 15% dc/dc efficiency [6]. The
high enough because the influence of parasitic capacitance diameter of the coil is 60 cm and the thickness is 20 cm (recorded
has not been completely eliminated. Here, we found the as φ60×20 cm), which is relatively large. Some scholars also use
solution. Connect compensation capacitors in series to the solenoid coils to achieve long-distance wireless power transmis-
coil sections to short-circuit the parasitic capacitance and
reduce its loss. The designed system has a diameter of 502 sion, but they have not got rid of the problem of relatively large
mm and a thickness of 22 mm, which can transmit 115.2 W coils [7]–[9]. For instance, scholars have used single-layer spiral
of power within a distance of two meters with an efficiency coils to achieve long-distance power transmission [10]–[15]. But
of 29%. they all have the problems of low transmission power and low
Index Terms—Inductive wireless power transmis- efficiency. For example, Sample et al. [10] proposed a planar
sion, parasitic capacitance, quality factor, segment spiral coil and adopted an asymmetric design to improve the
compensation. tolerance of misalignment. The transmission distance of the
system is 70 cm with 59-cm and 28-cm coils. The efficiency
and transmitted power are 50% and 12 W, respectively. In the
consideration of the used coil size and transmission distance,
IRELESS power transfer (WPT), due to its convenience,
W safety, and some other advantages, has been extensively
studied recently, which has promoted its application in the field
the system efficiency and power are not high. The operating
frequencies of the mentioned long-distance power transmission
systems are all MHz level. At such high operating frequencies,
of electric vehicles [1]–[4] and consumer electronics [5]. How- the coil cannot be tightly wound due to the coil’s parasitic
ever, the long-distance transmission capability of the inductive capacitance. Therefore, the number of turns of the planar coil is
power transfer (IPT) has not been significantly improved, and small and the volume of the solenoid coil is large.
Researchers also have explored the kHz-level long-distance
Manuscript received May 15, 2021; revised September 3, 2021 and wireless power transmission. Park et al. [16] proposed a long
October 11, 2021; accepted November 17, 2021. Date of publication and narrow solenoid coil with ferrite for long-distance wireless
December 7, 2021; date of current version July 8, 2022. This work was power transmission. Maximum output power and primary coil-
supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under Grant 51922033, in part by the Power Electronics Science to-load efficiency under 3, 4, and 5 m at 20 kHz were 1403
and Education Development Program of Delta Group under Grant W, 471 W, 209 W, and 29%, 16%, 8%, respectively. Although
DREK2020003, and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of the transmitted power is increased when the distance decreased,
Heilongjiang Province under Grant YQ2020E017. (Corresponding au-
thor: Yijie Wang.) the efficiency is still low and the application is limited. Some
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering and Au- scholars have made improvements on the basis of [16], but
tomation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150000, China (e-mail: its main defects have not been overcome [17]–[19] proposed;; 20s006103@stu.;;; xudi- a square solenoid coil. The system with 50∗50∗19.2-cm coils transmitted 103 W power with 75% efficiency under the trans-
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at mission distance of 100 cm. The coil is wound very sparsely,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2021.3131800 resulting in a large volume. Solenoid coils are also used in
0278-0046 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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[20]–[22], but none of them reduced the volume of coils. Coils U1 –Un are the voltages at the midpoint of the inductors L1 –Ln ,
operating at kHz level need more turns because of the lower respectively. IC(p,q) is the current of the parasitic capacitors
frequency. In this instance, the self-inductance of the coil is C(p,q) .
usually larger than 100 μH. Limited by the parasitic capacitance, The parasitic capacitance is equivalently connected to the
the coil in an operating frequency over 100 kHz usually cannot midpoint of each section of the coil. Therefore, each part of the
be tightly wound with multiple layers. Otherwise, the quality coil is divided into two by the parasitic capacitance. Lm is divided
factor of the coil will decrease significantly. into L(m,1) and L(m,2) , RLm is divided into RL(m,1) and RL(m,2) ,
Higher transmission power and efficiency with smaller coil M[(m,1),(m,2)] is the mutual inductance of L(m,1) and L(m,2) ,
size are generally expected in long-distance wireless power where m = 1, 2, …, n. They satisfy (1). M[(p1,p2),(q1,q2)] is the
transmission system. However, in previous work, limited by the mutual inductance of L(p1,p2) and L(q1,q2) , where p1 = 1, 2, …,
parasitic capacitance of the coil, they could not be realized at n, q1 = 1, 2, …, n, p1ࣔq1, p2 = 12 and q2 = 12. They satisfy
the same time. Some scholars have also studied the influence of (2). In order to conveniently show the connection position of the
parasitic capacitance and proposed a high-frequency equivalent parasitic capacitance and calculate the model, the model shown
model of a loosely coupled transformer [23]–[25]. However, in Fig. 1(a) has been updated. The updated equivalent model
sufficient attention has not been paid to the influence of the qual- of the coil is shown in the Fig. 1(b). Self-inductance, mutual
ity factor of the parasitic capacitance, and no effective solution inductance and parasitic resistance of the updated equivalent
has been proposed. This article proposes a solution of segment model can be calculated by (3). Take a five-turn coil as shown in
compensation to reduce the current flowing through the parasitic Fig. 1(c) as an example. From the outside to the inside, each
capacitance and reduce its loss. In previous studies, the method turn of the coil is a segment. The parasitic capacitance be-
of segmented compensation has also been used [26], [27]. But, tween the first-turn coil and the second-turn coil is equivalently
the purpose is only to reduce the voltage stress of the coil for linked to the midpoint of the two-turn coil, as shown in Fig. 1(d).
safety consideration. Therefore, the values of the compensation From the inside to the outside, L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 , and L5 are
capacitors used are equal. And the change of the quality factor sequentially shifted by half a turn to form L1  , L2  , L3  , L4  ,
of the coil after segmental compensation is not noticed. In [27], and L5  . The updated 5-turn coil segment combination is shown
efficiency of the system with segmented coil is higher. In fact, in Fig. 1(e).
the reduction of parasitic capacitance loss is the reason for the According to Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the above-mentioned
efficiency improvement, but the key reason is not pointed out branch current and node voltage can be calculated. When n is
in the literature [27]. In addition, the method proposed in this close to infinity, the voltage and current value of each point of
article gets rid of the limitation of the self-resonant frequency of the coil can be accurately solved. The smaller the value of n, the
the coil, which cannot be achieved by previous work. Even if the lower the calculation accuracy
operating frequency is higher than the self-resonant frequency
of the coil, the system can still transmit power normally.
In this article, the problem that coils cannot be tightly wound ⎧ 
 = L(m,2) = 14 Lm
in the long-distance transmission system is solved. Section II ⎨ L(m,1) m=1,2,...,n

analyzes the loss of the coil based on its distributed parameter M[(m,1),(m,2)] m=1,2,...,n = 14 Lm (1)
⎩R  1
L(m,1) m=1,2,...,n = RL(m,2) = 2 Rm
model. Section III introduces the proposed multisegment Com-
pensation Method and verifies the method through simulation. 
In Section IV, an IPT prototype with symmetrical primary and M[(p1,p2),(q1,q2)] p1=1,2,...,n;q1=1,2,...,n;p1=q1;p2=1,2;q2=1,2
secondary coils was built to verify the proposed method. Finally,
Section V concludes this article. = M(p1,q1) (2)
⎪ L1 = L(1,1) + L(n,2) + 2M[(1,1),(n,2)]

⎪ Lm |m=2,3,...,n
 = L(m−1,2) + L(m,1) + 2M[(m−1,1),(m,2)]

Because of the parasitic capacitance between the various ⎪
M (1,q)  = M[(n,2),(q−1,2)] + M[(n,2),(q,1)]

parts of the coil, the loosely coupled transformer coil cannot be ⎪
⎨ q=2,3,...,n

regarded as a pure inductance under high frequency conditions. +M[(1,1),(q−1,2)]

 + M[(1,1),(q,1)]
Parasitic capacitance not only destroys the series compensation ⎪ M (p,q) p=2,3,...,n;q=2,3,...,n;p=q = M[(p−1,2),(q−1,2)]

of the coil, but also increases the loss of the coil. Because the ⎪ +M[(p−1,2),(q,1)] + M[(p,1),(q−1,2)] + M[(p,1),(q,1)]

quality factor of parasitic capacitance is very low. ⎪ R1 = R(1,1) + R(n,2)

Fig. 1(a) is the equivalent model of the coil. The coil L is ⎩ 
RLm |m=2,...,n = R(m−1,2) + R(m,1)
divided into n parts, and their inductance are L1 –Ln , respectively. (3)
Their parasitic resistances are RL1 –RLn , respectively. There is ⎡ ⎤
parasitic capacitance and coupling between the parts. The mutual ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ PL1 ⎤ I1 UL1
QL1 PRL1 I1 2 RL1
⎢ I2 UL2 ⎥
inductance between them are M(p,q) , where p = 1, 2, …, n, q = ⎢ QL2 ⎥ ⎢ PL2 ⎥ ⎢ 2  ⎥
1, 2, …, n and pࣔq. The parasitic capacitance between them are QL = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎢ PRL2 ⎥⎥ = ⎢ I2 RL2 ⎥
⎣ ...⎦ ⎣ ...⎦ ⎢ ...⎥
C(p,q) . The parasitic resistances of these parasitic capacitors are ⎣ ⎦
QLn  P Ln  I U
n Ln
RC(p,q) . I1 –In are the current flowing into L1 –Ln , respectively. PRLn 2
In RLn

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Fig. 1. (a) Equivalent model of the coil. (b) Updated equivalent model of the coil. (c) Five-turn coil. (d) Schematic diagram of the connection
position of the parasitic capacitance. (e) Updated five-turn coil segment combination.

⎡ I1 ⎤
I1 2 RL1
0 ... 0 Correspondingly, the energy loss of the coil is also divided into
⎢ 0 I2
... 0 ⎥ two parts, one is the energy consumed by the parasitic resistance
⎢ I2 2 RL2 ⎥
=⎢ ⎥ of the coil inductance, and the other is the loss caused by the
⎣ ... ... ... 0 ⎦ parasitic resistance of the parasitic capacitance. The quality
0 0 0 In 2 RLn factor QL of the branch where the coil is located is (4). ULm  is
⎡ ⎤ the voltage difference between Um and Um-1 , where m = 1, 2,
jωL1 + RL1 +
⎢ jωC1 jωM (1,2) ... jωM (1,n) ⎥
…, n.
+ RC1
⎢ 1 ⎥ The calculation formula of the quality factor QC of parasitic
⎢ jωL2 + RL2 + ⎥
⎢ jωM  ... jωM (2,n) ⎥
 capacitance is (5). Compared with general compensation ca-

(2,1) 1
jωC2 + RC2

⎥ pacitors, such as ceramic capacitors made of NP0 or C0G, the
⎢ ... ... ... ... ⎥
⎢ ⎥ parasitic capacitance has a very low quality factor. It is also much
⎣ jωLn + RLn + ⎦
jωM (n,1) jωM (n,2) ... smaller than QL with high operating frequency. The calculation
jωCn + RCn formula of the total quality factor of the coil QL _1 is as (6). SL is
⎡⎤ the sum of the apparent power of each turn of the coil, and PLR
⎢ I2 ⎥ is the active power consumed by the coil. IC(p,q) is the current
×⎢ ⎥
⎣...⎦. (4) of C(p,q) . Usually, the quality factor obtained by measuring
equipment QL _2 is as in formula (7). θin is the input impedance
angle of the port connected to the measuring equipment. When
The energy of the coil consists of two parts, which are stored in a compensation capacitor is connected in series with the coil,
the inductance and parasitic capacitance of the coil respectively. QL _1 cannot be measured due to the compensation capacitor.

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Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of a segmented compensation circuit of a planar spiral coil. (b) Equivalent circuit diagram of the segment
compensation circuit.

QL _2 is the equivalent quality factor of the network formed by be higher than L2  at high frequency. Equation (8) is no longer
the coil and the compensation capacitor. When there is no series satisfied. The current difference between two adjacent inductor
compensation capacitor in the coil, QL _1 is equal to QL _2 branches flows through the parasitic capacitance of the coil. The
 1 higher the operating frequency, the greater the current flowing
QC(p,q) p=1,2,...,n;q=1,2,...,n;p=q = (5) through the parasitic capacitance. Since the quality factor of the
ωC(p,q) R(p,q) (ω)
parasitic capacitance is very low, the loss is very big
n n p−1
Im ULm + IC(p,q) (ULp − ULq ) I1 ≈ I2 ≈ . . . ≈ In . (8)
SL m=1 p=1 q=1
QL_1 = = n
n p−1
QLm + QC(p,q)
(6) This article proposes a method of winding coils tightly to
QL_2 = tan(θin ). (7) reduce the volume. Since the quality factor of the parasitic
capacitance is very low, it is necessary to reduce its loss. The
When the operating frequency is low, the capacitive reactance method proposed is to reduce the voltage between the parasitic
ZC(p,q) of the parasitic capacitance is relatively large, so its capacitance instead of reducing the value of it.
impact on the circuit is very small. The current of the coil satisfies Compensating for each turn of the coil, each turn of the wire
formula (8). But in long-distance transmission, it is necessary to and the capacitor connected to it resonate in series, which can
increase the operating frequency to improve the power transmis- greatly reduce the voltage difference between the two points
sion capability. Under high frequency conditions, the capacitive where the two adjacent turns of the coil are directly opposite.
reactance ZC(p,q) of parasitic capacitance is relatively small, Fig. 2(a) is a schematic diagram of a segmented compensation
and the current flowing through them increases. For example, in circuit of a planar spiral coil. Fig. 2(b) is an equivalent circuit
the two-segment coil model in Fig. 1(b), the current of C(12) may diagram of the segment compensation circuit. CA and LA are

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Fig. 4. Circular coil model with two layer and 30 turns. (a) Main view.
(b) Top view. (c) Partial enlarged view of the top view.

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the connection of the compensation

capacitor in the coil. (a) Planar spiral coil. (b) Solenoid coil.

equivalent total capacitor and inductor. RLA is the total para-

sitic resistance. Calculate the parameters of each compensation
capacitor by (9). When the coil is compensated, Cm and Lm 
resonate in series, and the potential difference between any two
points of U1 , U2 … Un is almost zero. Therefore, the current of
the parasitic capacitance is almost zero, and model with parasitic
capacitance can be simplified to the model without parasitic

⎪ C = ω21L1  = ω2 (L1_turn2+Ln_turn )
⎪ 1
⎨ 1 2
Cm |m=1,2,...,n = ω2 L  =
ω 2 (Lm−1_turn +Lm_turn )
m . (9)


⎩ Lm_turn |m=1,2,...,n = Lm + M(m,y)

The schematic diagram of the connection of the compensation

capacitor in the planar spiral coil is shown in Fig. 3(a), and
the schematic diagram of the connection of the compensation
capacitor in the solenoid coil is shown in Fig. 3(b).
A two-layer 30-turn circular coil is designed in the simulation
software as shown in Fig. 4. The outer diameter of the coil is
Fig. 5. 3-D histogram showing the distribution of parasitic capacitance
501.8 mm, the inner diameter is 383.4 mm, and the thickness is between each turn of the coil. (a) Front view. (b) Top view.
22 mm. The single-turn coil is 3.2-mm wide and the turn spacing
is 0.8 mm. The supporting structure of the wound coil is made
by three-dimensional (3-D) printing, and the material is resin simulation. Fig. 5(a) and (b) are the front view and top view
with a relative dielectric constant of 3.78. The coil is numbered respectively. Because C(p,q) and C(q,p) are the same capacitor,
1–15 from the outside to the inside in the first layer and 16–30 Fig. 5 is symmetrical along the 45° angle. The parasitic capaci-
from the inside to the outside in the second layer. tances of adjacent two-turn coil in the same layer and adjacent
Fig. 5 is a 3-D histogram showing the distribution of parasitic coils in different layers are relatively large. The red boxes in
capacitance between each turn of the coil which is obtained by Fig. 5(b) are parasitic capacitances between adjacent two turns

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Fig. 6. Curve of equivalent inductance of the coil varying with fre-

quency by simulation.

Fig. 7. Current flowing through each turn of coil with different number
of segments.

Fig. 8. Current values flowing through the parasitic capacitance with

of the coil in the first layer and second layer, respectively. The (a) single-segment compensation coil and (b) 30-segment compensa-
tion coils.
data point represents the value of the parasitic capacitance. For
example, point A in Fig. 5(b) represents the parasitic capacitance
between the first and the 30th turn of the coil. The sum of the when the coil is divided into single-segment. Fig. 8(b) is the cur-
capacitance in the red box in Fig. 5(b) is equal to the capacitance rent distribution diagrams of the parasitic capacitance when it is
value between the first and second layer coils Clayer . Clayer is divided into 30-segment. Compared with single-stage compen-
equal to 197.45 pF. Due to the influence of parasitic capacitance, sation coil, 30-stage compensation coils can greatly reduce the
the equivalent inductance of the coil is not a fixed value. current flowing through the parasitic capacitance. The current
The curve of the equivalent inductance of the coil varying of the parasitic capacitance has been reduced by nearly 6000
with frequency is shown in Fig. 6. It is calculated according to times, which means that the loss of parasitic capacitance has
the model in Fig. 1(b). The value of the self-inductance, mutual- been reduced by nearly 36 million times. Almost only copper
inductance, and parasitic capacitance of the coils is obtained loss remains in the coil.
by the ANSYS MAXWELL simulation software. Under low
frequency conditions, the self-inductance of the coil is 629.5 μH.
The self-resonant frequency of the coil is 0.687 MHz. Compared
with [6], [10], the self-resonant frequency of 0.687 MHz is Two coils are wound, the size of the coils is the same as the
very low, which shows that the parasitic capacitance has a great above simulation parameters shown in Fig. 4. The curves of
influence in the circuit. the equivalent inductance of the coil varying with frequency is
The 30-turn coil is equally divided into different sections such shown as a blue curve in Fig. 9. It is measured by the impedance
as 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30. Take ten sections as an example, analyzer KEYSIGHT E4990A. The red curve is the curve ob-
one segment consists of three turns. Design the compensation tained by simulation. The blue curve is the curve obtained by
capacitor value according to formula ([9) with 1-MHz operating experiment. There is a slight difference between simulation and
frequency. When the current flowing into the coil is 1 A, other experiment, which is caused by the slight difference in coil size
currents through different number of segments are shown in and the difference between the relative permittivity of the coil
Fig. 7, which shows the result of calculation based on simulation former and the simulated value. Fig. 10 shows the measured
data. The calculated model can refer to Fig. 2(b). The more the value of the capacitance between the first and second layer coils,
number of segments, the smaller the current fluctuation of each which is also measured by the impedance analyzer KEYSIGHT
part of the coil. When each turn of the coil is compensated, the E4990A. The experimental value of Clayer is smaller than sim-
current between the parts of the coil is almost equal. Fig. 8(a) ulation, which can be attributed to two reasons. One is the dif-
is the current distribution diagrams of the parasitic capacitance ference between the simulated coil size and the experiment. The

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Fig. 9. Curve of the self-inductance of the coil varying with frequency

by simulation and experiment.

by the simulation software ANSYS MAXWELL. To simplify

calculations, the quality factors of parasitic capacitances are con-
Fig. 10. Measured value of the capacitance between the first and sidered the same. The quality factor of the parasitic capacitance
second layer coils.
is QCp and the parasitic resistance of 1-m wire is RL0 , which are
obtained by the impedance analyzer KEYSIGHT E4990A. The
wire used is 4000-strand Litz wire with each strand’s diameter of
0.03 mm. QCp and RL0 vary with frequency. When the frequency
is equal to 1 MHz, QCp is equal to 55, and RL0 is equal to 13
mΩ. As the frequency increases, the quality factor of the coil
first increases and then decreases, and then slowly increases
after decreasing to zero. Since the parasitic capacitance value of
simulation is larger than the experiment one, the red curve is on
the left side of the bule curve.
The working frequency is 1 MHz, and the coil is compensated
according to the method in Fig. 2. The value of 30 compensation
Fig. 11. Curves of quality factor of the coil varying with frequency.
capacitors is calculated by ([9). The self-inductance of each turn
and mutual inductance between each turn used in calculation
are obtained by simulation software. Due to the error between
second reason other is that the supporting structure of the coil is the simulated and actual values of coil inductance and mutual
doped with small bubbles during 3-D printing, resulting in the inductance, the compensated coil may not be completely res-
equivalent relative permittivity lower than the simulated value. onant. The compensation coil is fully resonant by fine tuning
The third reason is that the wires in the simulation are solid. The the values of CP1 and CS1 . The equivalent capacitance of 30
wire in the experiment was Litz wire, and the wire was wrapped capacitors in series with the primary side is CP _2 , and the
with tape in order to increase the insulation performance. equivalent capacitance in series with the secondary side is CS _1 .
The curves of the coil’s quality factor varying with frequency The parasitic resistances of them are RCP _2 and RCS _1 . RCP _2
are shown in Fig. 11. The blue one is obtained by experiment and and RCS _1 are 0.81 and 0.82 Ω, respectively. The compensation
the red one is obtained by simulation and calculation, which are capacitors of the primary and secondary coils are given in Table I.
measured through the impedance analyzer KEYSIGHT E4990A These compensation capacitors are ceramic capacitors made of
or calculated according to the model in Fig. 1(b), respectively. NP0 or C0G.
Among the latter, the value of the self-inductance, mutual- Taking the primary coil as an example, the curve of reactance
inductance, and parasitic capacitance of the coils are obtained of the compensated coil varying with frequency is shown in

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Fig. 13. Loss distribution of the compensation coil.

Fig. 12. Curves of reactance and parasitic resistance of the compen-

sated coil varying with frequency. (a) Reactance of the compensated
coil. (b) Parasitic resistance of the compensated coil. Fig. 14. Prototype of the long-distance wireless power transmission

Fig. 12(a). The reactance value of simulation and experiment at

1 MHz is almost zero. The simulation curve is not completely
consistent with the experiment. The slight error is mainly due
to the difference in parasitic capacitance. The curve of parasitic
resistance of the compensated coil varying with frequency is
shown in Fig. 12(b). The parasitic resistance of the compen-
sated coil at 1 MHz is the smallest. Parasitic resistance of
Fig. 15. Circuit schematic of the proposed system.
the compensated coil in simulation Rpar _S is 1.4 Ω. Parasitic
resistance of the compensated coil in experiment Rpar _E is
1.95 Ω. QCp is equal to 55, and RL0 is equal to 13 mΩ. The the compensation capacitor loss. The parasitic resistance of the
parasitic resistance of the inductor in Fig. 2(b) is obtained compensation capacitor in simulation is based on the measured
according to RL0 , and the parasitic resistance of the parasitic value of the experiment, so they are the same. In simulation, the
capacitance is obtained according to QCp and the simulated parasitic resistance of the inductor is calculated based on the
parasitic capacitance. According to simulation and calculation, measured parasitic resistance value of the 1-m coil. Therefore,
the ratio of the copper loss of the coil to the dielectric loss the parasitic resistance of the inductor in the simulation only
of the parasitic capacitance is 258361:1. Therefore, the loss of includes the copper loss caused by skin effect. In experiment,
parasitic capacitance is almost negligible. When the capacitance the parasitic resistance of the inductor reflects both of the copper
of Cp2–Cp30 deviates from the theoretical value by 1%, adjust loss caused by skin effect and proximity effect. Therefore, the
Cp1 to make the compensation capacitor resonate with the coil. difference between Rpar _E and Rpar _S is the proximity effect
In the simulation calculation, the ratio of the copper loss of copper loss. The loss distribution of the compensation coil is
the coil to the dielectric loss of the parasitic capacitance is 66:1. shown in Fig. 13.
Therefore, in addition to Cp1 and Cs1, the other 58 compensation A long-distance wireless power transmission system with four
capacitors do not need to be very accurate. coils was built. The four-coil configuration was first proposed in
In the uncompensated coil, the loss mainly contains the [6]. The two small coils on the two sides are used for impedance
copper loss of the coil and the dielectric loss of the parasitic matching. The two relay large coils establish a strong magnetic
capacitance. Copper loss can be divided into skin-effect copper field to achieve long-distance power transmission. The four-coil
loss and proximity-effect copper loss. Because the copper loss configuration has the advantage of isolating high voltage. The
caused by proximity effect and the dielectric loss of parasitic prototype picture is shown in Fig. 14, and its circuit schematic
capacitance are both related to the distance between each turn of is shown in Fig. 15. The inverter used is EPC9048C from
the coil, they cannot be divided before the coil is compensated. efficient power conversion corporation. The rectifier diode used
At the operating frequency, the dielectric loss of the parasitic is SCS302AHGC9. They are shown in Fig. 16. To compensate
capacitance of the compensated coil is almost zero. Therefore, for each turn of the coil, 30 capacitors are connected in series
the loss of the compensated coil only includes the copper loss and between two adjacent turns of the coil. The values of these

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Fig. 16. Inverter and rectifier. (a) Inverter. (b) Rectifier.


Fig. 17. (a) Curves of the system efficiency (dc/dc) η DC-DC and
capacitors are calculated according to formula ([9). When the η P2-S1 varying with the resistance of the load. (b) Curve of the system
transmission distance is two meters the circuit parameters are efficiency (dc/dc) varying with transmission distance.
given in Table II, where CP _2 and CS _1 are the equivalent
capacitance values of thirty series capacitors on the primary and
secondary sides, respectively. The values of CS _1 and CP _2
are much smaller than Clayer . Because the value of kP2S1 is very
small, it can hardly be measured. kP2S1 is obtained by simulation.
Because the coils LP1 and LS2 are very small and kP2S1 is much
smaller than kP1P2 and kS1S2 , the efficiency from LP2 to LS1
basically determines the efficiency of the system. When the coil
is fully compensated, the efficiency from LP2 to LS1 is shown in
(10). RE is the equivalent ac impedance of the load. RP1 , RP2 ,
RS1 , and RS2 are the parasitic resistance of LP1 , LP2 , LS1 and
LS2 , respectively. RP2 and RS1 are 1.14 and 1.16 Ω. The quality Fig. 18. Waveforms of the output voltage and current of the inverter,
factors of LP2 and of LS1 meet QLP2 = 3464 and QLS1 = 3407. the current of the primary relay coil and the output voltage of the system.
The quality factors of CP2 and CS1 meet QCP _2 = 4875 and
QCS _1 = 4820
⎧ efficiency (dc/dc) varying with transmission distance is shown in

ηP 2−S1 = 1+α × k kP 2S1
QP 2 QS1 Fig. 17(b). The efficiency and power are measured using a power
P 2S1 QP 2 QS1 +1+α

⎨ α = kS1S2 2 ω2 LS1 LS2 analyzer YOKOGAWA PX8000. The experimental results show
RS1 (RE +RS2 ) . (10) that the closer the transmission distance, the higher the efficiency

⎪ QP 2 = QQLP LP 2 QCP _2
2 +QCP _2 of the system. Because the transmission distance is closer, the

⎩ Q = QLS1 QCS_1
S1 QLS1 +QCS_1 coupling coefficient is higher, so the efficiency and transmission
power are more advantageous. When the transmission distance
When the transmission distance is 2 m, the curves of the is 1.5 m, the transmission power is 214.8 W and the efficiency is
system efficiency (dc/dc) η DC-DC and η P2-S1 varying with 54.2%. When the transmission distance is 2 m, the transmission
the resistance of load is shown in Fig. 17(a). η DC-DC is the power is 115 W and the efficiency is 29%. Fig. 18 is the
experimental value, and η P2-S1 is the calculated value according waveform of the output voltage of the inverter, the output current
to ([10). When RL is equal to 75 Ω, the system efficiency η DC-DC of the inverter, the current of the primary relay coil and the
is the highest. The highest efficiency points of η DC-DC and output voltage of the system. The output voltage of the inverter
η P2-S1 are different, mainly because of the parameter error slightly leads the output current, and the input impedance is
and incomplete resonance of coils. The curve of the system weak inductive. Fig. 19 is the waveforms of current of the

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Fig. 19. Waveforms of the current of the primary and secondary

relay coil.

Fig. 22. Schematic of the coils of this article and other related
Fig. 20. Input and output power measured by the power analyzer when achievements.
the transmission distance is 2 m.

power are 396.9 and 115.2 W, with the system efficiency of

29%. The loss distribution of system is shown in Fig. 21. The
losses of LP2 , CP _2 , LS1, and CS _1 account for 96.6% of
the system losses. The transmission efficiency of LP2 to LS1
basically determines the transmission efficiency of the system,
which is consistent with the previous analysis. The coil with
single-stage compensation is capacitive at 1 MHz, as shown in
Fig. 9. The measured value of the inductance is -783 μH, and
the parasitic resistance is 125 Ω. Therefore, it cannot be used
to transmit energy to compare with the improved multi-stage
For power electronic equipment, high power, small size and
Fig. 21. Loss distribution of system.
high efficiency have always been the goal of continuous op-
timization, and the wireless power transmission technology is
primary and secondary relay coils. The current of the primary also pursuing a longer transmission distance. Table III is the
relay coil is 16 A, which reaches the maximum value of the system parameters of this article and other related achievements.
allowed current of the wire. The current of the primary coil Some of the parameters are not directly given in the compared
is lag 90° compared to the secondary coil. The current of the references, and their values are calculated by simulation in
secondary coil is approximately half of the primary side. Fig. 20 this article. This article made progress in output power, size,
is the input and output power measured by the power analyzer efficiency and transmission distance. Fig. 22 is schematic of the
when the transmission distance is 2 ms. The input and output coils of this article and other related achievements. In previous
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Yijie Wang (Senior Member, IEEE) was born Kang Wu was born in Jilin, China, in 1993. He
in Heilongjiang Province, China, in 1982. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineer-
received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in ing from Northeastern University, Shenyang,
electrical engineering from the Harbin Institute China, in 2015. He is currently working toward
of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2005, 2007, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from
and 2012, respectively. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.
From 2012 to 2014, he was a Lecturer with His research interests include wireless power
the Department of Electrical and Electronics En- and magnetic coupling structure design.
gineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. From
2014 to 2017, he was an Associate Professor
with the Department of Electrical and Electron-
ics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. Since 2017, he has
been a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests in- Dianguo Xu (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S.
clude dc–dc converters, soft-switching power converters, power factor degree in control engineering from Harbin Engi-
correction circuits, digital control electronic ballasts, and LED lighting neering University, Harbin, China, in 1982, and
systems. the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engi-
Dr. Wang is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON neering from the Harbin Institute of Technology
TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, IEEE ACCESS, IET Power Electronics, In 1984, he was an Assistant Professor with
and Journal of Power Electronics. the Department of Electrical Engineering, HIT.
Since 1994, he has been a Professor with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, HIT. He
was the Dean of School of Electrical Engineer-
Xianrui Zeng was born in Guangxi, China, in ing and Automation, HIT, from 2000 to 2010. He was the Vice President
1997. He received the B.S. degree in electrical of HIT, from 2014 to 2020. He has authored or coauthored more than
engineering in 2020 the from Harbin Institute 600 technical papers. His research interests include renewable energy
of Technology, Harbin, China, where he is cur- generation technology, power quality mitigation, sensorless vector con-
rently working toward the M.S. degree in electri- trolled motor drives, high performance servo system.
cal engineering. His research interests include Dr. Xu is the Chairman of IEEE Harbin Section, Co-EIC of IEEE
wireless power and data transfer and magnetic TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, an Associate Editor for the
recipient of the 2018 IEEE IAS Outstanding Achievement Award.

Yousu Yao (Member, IEEE) was born in

Jiangsu Province, China, in 1991. He received
the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engi-
neering from the Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin, China, in 2014 and 2019, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor with
the School of Electrical Engineering and Au-
tomation, Harbin Institute of Technology. He
has authored or coauthored more than 30 jour-
nal and conference papers and holds seven
patents. His current research interests include
wireless power transfer, dc–dc converter, magnetic coupler design, and
simultaneous wireless power and data transfer.
Dr. Yao was the Recipient of the First Prize Paper Award from
Awards from 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Ma-
chines and Systems, SPEED 2019, and ITEC Asia-Pacific 2017.

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