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Assignment 3 – EN412

Ques 1:
Assume that the Einstein frequency w o for a particular crystal depends upon the molar

w o=wo −A ln
( ) v

Calculate the isothermal compressibility of this crystal.

Hint: Use molar entropy (expression of s given in chapter 15).

Ques 2:
(a) A system is composed of two harmonic oscillators each of natural frequency w o and

( )1
each having permissible energies n+ ℏ w o, where n is any non-negative integer.
The total energy of the system is E '=n ' ℏ w o, where n ' is a positive integer. How
many microstates are available to the system? What is the entropy of the system?
(b) A second system is also composed of two harmonic oscillators, each of natural
frequency 2 w o. The total energy of this system is E ' '=n ' ' ℏ w o, where n ' ' is an even
integer. How many microstates are available to this system? What is the entropy of
this system?
(c) What is the entropy of the system composed of the two preceding subsystems
(separated and enclosed by a totally restrictive wall)? Express the entropy as a
function of E ' and E' ' .

Ques 3:
Assume that a particular body has the equation of state U = NCT with NC= 10 J/K and
assume that this equation of state is valid throughout the temperature range from 0.5 K to
room temperature. How much work must be expended to cool this body from room
temperature (300 K) to 0.5 K, using the ambient atmosphere as the hot reservoir?

Ques 4:
Calculate the molar heat capacity of the Einstein model by

U ℏ ωo
= ℏω
3N NA k T

e −1 B
Show that the molar heat capacity approaches 3R at high temperatures. Show that the
temperature dependence of the molar heat capacity is exponential near zero temperature,
and calculate the leading exponential term.

Ques 5:
A particular system has the equations of state

As T
T= 1 /2
∧P= 1/ 2
v 4Av

where A is a constant. One mole of this system is initially at a temperature T 1 and volume V 1. It is
desired to cool the system to a temperature T 2while compressing it to volume V 2 (T 2< T 1; V 2< V 1).
A second system is available. It is initially at a temperature T c (T c< T 2). Its volume is kept constant
throughout, and its heat capacity is
1 /2
C v =B T
Whal is the minimum amount of work that must be supplied by an external agent to accomplish this

Ques 6:
Calculate the work and heat transfers in each stage of the Carnot cycle for the auxiliary
system being an "empty" cylinder (containing only electromagnetic radiation). The first step
of the cycle is again specified to be an expansion from V A to V B. All results are to be
expressed in terms of V A , V B, T h, and T c. Show that the ratio of the total work transfer to
the first-stage heat transfer agrees with the Carnot efficiency.
Hint: Use section 3.6 for expression of S and U.

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