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function calculateSchedule(workingInterest, loanAmount, installmentFrequency,

installmentAmount, loanTenure, disbursementDate, actualRepaymentDates,

actualRepaidAmounts) {
// Convert string disbursementDate to Date object
disbursementDate = new Date(disbursementDate);

// Calculate total number of installments based on loan tenure

let totalInstallments;
switch (loanTenure) {
case '6':
totalInstallments = 6;
case '12':
totalInstallments = 12;
case '18':
totalInstallments = 18;
case '24':
totalInstallments = 24;
totalInstallments = 12; // Default to 12 months

const masterDays = {
Monthly: 30,
weekly: 7,
['Bi-Weekly']: 14,

// Initialize arrays to store the schedule data

let schedule = [];
let currentDate = new Date(disbursementDate);

// Calculate schedule for each installment

for (let i = 1; i <= totalInstallments; i++) {
let days = masterDays[installmentFrequency];
// Calculate interest and principal components
let interest = (loanAmount * workingInterest * days) / (365 * 100);
let principal = installmentAmount - interest;

// Update outstanding principal

let outstandingPrincipal = loanAmount - principal;

// Calculate bi-weekly installment

let biWeeklyInstallment = installmentFrequency === 'Monthly' ?
installmentAmount * 12 / 26 : installmentAmount;

// Calculate the payment date

let paymentDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime());
paymentDate.setDate(paymentDate.getDate() + days);

// Check if there is an actual repayment date for the current installment

let actualRepaymentDate = actualRepaymentDates[i - 1];
let actualRepaidAmount = actualRepaidAmounts[i - 1];

// Adjust remaining principal and interest based on the actual repaid

if (actualRepaidAmount !== null) {
if (actualRepaidAmount > installmentAmount) {
// If actual repaid amount is greater than installment, reduce next
scheduled interest amount
let remainingAmount = actualRepaidAmount - installmentAmount;
interest -= remainingAmount;
principal += remainingAmount;
} else if (actualRepaidAmount < installmentAmount) {
// If actual repaid amount is less than installment, increase next
scheduled interest amount
let remainingAmount = installmentAmount - actualRepaidAmount;
interest += remainingAmount;
principal -= remainingAmount;

// Adjust principal if repaid amount is greater than scheduled

if (actualRepaidAmount !== null && actualRepaidAmount > installmentAmount)
let excessAmount = actualRepaidAmount - installmentAmount;
principal -= excessAmount;
outstandingPrincipal -= excessAmount;

// Adjust payment date if deviated from scheduled date

if (actualRepaymentDate !== null && actualRepaymentDate !== "-" &&
actualRepaymentDate.getTime() !== paymentDate.getTime()) {
paymentDate = actualRepaymentDate;

// Push schedule data to the array

"Outstanding": outstandingPrincipal.toFixed(2),
"Principal": principal.toFixed(2),
"Interest": interest.toFixed(2),
"Installment": installmentAmount.toFixed(2),
"Bi-Weekly Instt.": biWeeklyInstallment.toFixed(2),
"# Days": days,
"Actual Repayment Date": actualRepaymentDate ?
actualRepaymentDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10) : "-",
"Actual Repaid Amount": actualRepaidAmount ?
actualRepaidAmount.toFixed(2) : "-",
"Payment Date": paymentDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10) // Format
payment date as yyyy-mm-dd

// Update loan amount for next iteration

loanAmount = outstandingPrincipal;

// Move currentDate to the next installment date

currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + days);

return schedule;

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