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Good morning my fellow friends, I am Zane.. I am from Year 9.

Today, share with all of u about my

thoughts about Should there be a minimum age requirement to view some forms of online content?

To begin, it is important because There are different types of online content, some of which can be
inappropriate or harmful for minors, including indecent content, violent or graphic images, or content
that promotes dangerous or harmful behaviors. For this reason, many online platforms have
implemented age verification mechanisms or age restrictions for specific content.

Age restrictions on the internet have a biological basis. Before age 13, most kids haven't fully developed
the ability to control their impulses or think ethically. This makes it challenging for them to handle the
responsibility of having their words and actions permanently recorded on the internet, accessible to

Young minds may not fully comprehend the consequences of their social media posts, and once
something is online, it's permanent. This can impact their future. Additionally, children may not be
equipped to handle harassment or predators online, which can harm them mentally and physically.

When kids lie about their age to use social media, it can cause problems. There are rules called COPPA
that protect kids under 13 online. Companies have to ask parents before collecting kids' personal info,
and they can't gather pictures or videos that could identify the child. But if a kid says they're 13 or older
when they're not, they don't get these protections. So, their personal information can be in danger.

Parents may pause at the thought of their younger children using social media platforms like Facebook
and Twitter, and rightly so. A child tapping into a network shared by billions of people worldwide and
trying to navigate safely is an intimidating thought.

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