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Fundamentals OF


Prepared by

Professor Dr. Mohamed Moenes M. Salama


1. David Bell, " Fundamentals of Electric Circuits ",

Prentice /Hall International Editions, 1981.

2. Joseph A. Eminister, " Electric Circuits ", Schaum's

outline series, McGraw- Hill Book Company ,
Singapore 1983.

3. H. Cotton, " Applied Electricity "

4. Robert L. Boylestad, "Introductory Circuit Analysis ",

9th Edition, Prentic Hall

5. A. M. Howatson, " Electrical Circuits and Systems ",

An introduction for engineers and physical scientists.

6. David E. Johnson, Johnny R Johnson, John L.

Hilburn, " Electric Circuit Analysis ", 2nd Edition.

7. Chales I Hubert, " Electric Circuits AC/DC ", An

Integrated Approach, International Student Edition.

8. Robert A. Bartkowiak, " Electric Circuit Analysis ",

Harper & Row, Publishers, New York.

9. Syed A Nasar, " Electric Circuits ", Book 2,

University of Kentucky, McGraw – Hill Book
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 2
Chapter 1

Active and Passive Circuit Elements

The International System of Units (SI)

Nine basic units are built this system, which is used

throughout this book, as indicated in Table 1.

The derived units commonly used in electric circuit theory

appear in Table 2.

The electric current results from charges in motion. The

basic unit of current is the ampere (A).

One ampere is one coulomb of charge moving past a fixed

location in one second.
One Coulomb
1 Ampere = = 1 Coulomb/Second
One Second
1 Coulomb = 1 Ampere Second

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 3

Some units will be developed in this chapter, while the
others will be explained, as they are required.
Table 1: The basic units of the international system

Quantity Unit Symbol

Length Meter M

Mass Kilogram kg

Time Second S

Current Ampere A

Amount of substance Mole mol

Temperature Kelvin K

Luminous intensity Candela cd

Plane angle Radian rad

Solid angle Steradian sr

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 4

Table 2: Commonly derived units

Quantity Unit Symbol

Electric charge Coulomb C

Electric potential Volt V
Resistance Ohm Ω
Conductance Siemens S
Inductance Henry H
Capacitance Farad F
Frequency Hertz Hz
Force Newton N
Energy, Work Joule J
Power Watt W
Magnetic flux Weber Wb
Magnetic flux density Tesla T
Magneto motive force Amp. Turn AT

C. G. S. units
The C.G.S. means that the basic units of this system are
centimeter (c), gram (g), and second (s).
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 5
Table 3 shows the C.G.S. units of electromagnetism.
Table 3: Electromagnetism in C.G.S. units.

Quantity Unit

Magnetic flux Maxwell

Magnetic flux density Gauss
Magnetizing force Oersted
Magneto motive force Gilbert

1 Gauss =1 Maxwell/cm2

1 Oersted = 1 Gilbert/cm

1 Weber = 108 Maxwell

1 Weber/cm2 = 108 Gausses

Submultiples and decimal multiples of the international

system of units (SI) should be used.
For examples: -
Kv is used for Kilovolt, 1 Kv = 103 Volt
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 6
Mw is used for Megawatt, 1 Mw = 106 Watt
And, mm is used for millimeter, 1 mm = 10-3 meter

μf is used for Microfarad, 1 μf = 10-6 farad

Table 4 gives the multiples, decimal multiples and the

corresponding symbols.

Table 4: Submultiples and decimal multiples of SI.

Factor Prefix Symbol

103 kilo K

106 mega M

109 giga G

10-2 centi c

10-3 milli mm

10-6 micro μ

10-9 nano n

10-12 pico p

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 7

Electrical and mechanical units of work and power

1) Force
The force F equals mass m (kg) times
acceleration a (meter/s2).
Force = mass x acceleration
The unit of the force F is Newton,
1 Newton = 1 Kg x 1 meter/sec2 = 1 Kg.m/sec2
2) Work
Work (W) results when a force (F) acts over a
distance (d). Unit of work is Joule,
Work (W) = Force (F) x distance (d)
1 Joule = 1 Newton x 1 meter
Then, Joule = Newton meter
3) Energy
The energy (W) equals the work done and has
the same unit (Joule).
3.1 Potential energy Wp = m g h
3.2 Kinetic energy Wk = 0.5 m v2
Where, m is the mass, h is the height, and v is the velocity.

4) Power
The power (P) is the rate of change of the energy (W).
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 8
Power P =
Or, P = W/t , Unit of power is watt,
1 Joule
1 watt =
1 Sec
5) Electric Potential
The electric potential is the ratio between the work done to
move an electric charge against a field and the electric
charge. Its unit is the volt.
Work done (Joule)
Electric potential (volt) =
Electric charge (Coulomb)

In other word, the volt is the difference in electric potential

between two points along a conductor carrying a constant
current of one ampere when the power dissipated between
the two points is one watt.
Power dissipated (Watt)
Electric potential (volt) =
Electric current (Ampere)
1 Volt =
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 9
1 Joule
i.e., 1 Volt =
1 Coulomb

By expressing the three quantities in practical units, we find

Energy = Potential difference x Electric charge

W = V Q Joule
Joules = Volts x Coulombs
Q=It Coulomb
W=VIt Joule

The rate of doing work is called the power P,

P= =VI Watt
V=IR Volt
P = I2 R Watt

And, P= Watt
Energy = Force (F) x distance (d)

= potential difference (V) x charge (Q)

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 10
Potential difference (V) x Charge (Q)
Force (F) =
Distance (d)
Relationship between Electrical and mechanical
units of work and power
1 Horse-power = 746 watt

The following Table gives the factors, which may be used to

convert non-SI units to SI units.


The ratio between the output power of a machine or of

equipment and the input power is called the efficiency η.

Output power
% Efficiency η = x 100
Input power

Calculate the work done in raising a 3 kg mass of metal
through a height of 800 cm.
The force F = mass x acceleration

= 3 x 9.81 = 29.43 Newton

The work done W = Force x height
= F x H
= 29.43 x (800/100) = 235.44 Joule
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 11
Table 5: Conversion between non-SI units and SI units.
Convert from Multiply by To obtain
Angstrom 10-10 meter
Inches 2.54 cm
Feet 0.3048 meter
Mile 1.609 Km
Circular mils 5.067 x 10-2 m2
Amp/inch 39.37 amp/m
Bars 1.02 x 104 Kg/m2
Btu 1054.8 Joule
Btu 2.928 x 10-4 Kwh
Dyne 1.020 x 10-3 gram
Dyne 10-5 Newton
Erg 10-7 Joule
Erg 0.2778x10-13 Kwh
Gauss 10-4 Tesla
Horsepower 746 Watt
Line/inch2 1.55 x 10-5 Tesla
Maxwell 10-8 Weber

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 12

Example 2:

A lake that is 8 Km long, 2 Km wide and 30 m deep is

situated at an average height of 900 m above sea level.
Calculate the potential energy of the water.


The volume of the water in the lake =

(8x1000) x (2x1000) x 30 = 48 x 107 m3
= 48 x 107 x 106 cm3
= 48 x 1013 cm3
Since, one liter = 1000 cm3

Then, the total volume of the water in liters = 48 x 1013 /

= 48 x 10 liters

Since, one liter = mass of one Kg

Total mass of water = 48 x 1010 Kg

The force = mass x acceleration of gravity

= 48 x 1010 x 9.81 = 470.88 x 1010 Newton

The work done = F x H

= 470.88 x 1010 x 900 = 4.238 x 1015 Joule

The potential energy = work done = 4.238 x 1015 Joule

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 13

Example 3:

If the total mass of water of problem (2) can be allowed to

flow to sea level over a period of 10 weeks, calculate the
power developed by the water as it falls to sea level.


The time t for the period of 10 weeks

= Number of weeks x (number of days/week) x (number
of hours/day)
= 10 x 7 x 24 = 1680 hours
= 1680 x 60 x 60 = 6.048 x 106 Sec.

Work done (W)

The developed power P =
time (t)

4.238 x 1015
6.048 x 106

= 0.7007 x 109 watt = 0.7007 x 106 Kwatt

= 0.7007 x 103 Mwatt

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 14

Circuit Elements

The network of representation an electrical device is

constructed from series and parallel combinations of two-
terminal elements. This network is called the circuit

The circuit elements are consisting of two types: -

1) Active circuit elements.
2) Passive circuit elements.

1) Active Circuit Elements

Active elements are voltage or current sources, which are
able to supply energy to the network. The active elements
are consisting of: -

1- Independent active circuit elements.

Their specified voltage or current is not altered by changes
in the connected network.

These independent active elements can be divided to:

a- Independent voltage source,
b- Independent current source.
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 15


Fig. 1) Independent Voltage Fig. 2) Independent Current

Source Source

b) Dependent active circuit elements

The voltage or current of the dependent active circuit

elements (sources) are changed according to variables in the
connected network.
These dependent active elements can be divided to:
 Dependent voltage source,

 Dependent current source.


Fig. 3) Dependent Voltage Fig. 4) Dependent Current

Source Source
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 16
2) Passive Circuit Elements

The passive elements are either absorbing energy from the

sources, like resistances, or store energy in their magnetic or
electric fields, like inductances or capacitances,
Then, the passive circuit elements are: -
1) Resistance R,
2) Inductance L,
3) Capacitance C.

The lumped-parameter circuits are when a single element at

one location in the diagram is used to represent a distributed
resistance, inductance or capacitance.

Resistance Inductance Capacitance

Fig. 5) Passive circuit elements.

1) Resistance

From the driving sources, a resistor consumes energy, which

cannot be returned.
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 17
The consumed power P = I2 R watt

The energy consumed W = P t = I2 R t Joule

All electrical devices, which consume energy, must have

resistance in their circuit models.

Connection of resistances
1- Series resistances.

In series connection, the current in each resistance is the


The voltage across the entire circuit is the sum of the

individual voltages across each resistance.

We can replace the individual resistances by a single

equivalent resistor Req.

I R1 R2 R3

Fig. 6) The connection of the individual resistances in series

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 18

The equivalent resistance:

I Req

Fig.7) The equivalent resistance circuit.

From Fig. 6) and Fig. 7), we can obtain

V = V1 + V2 + V3
I Req = I R1 + I R2 + I R3

Req = R1 + R2 + R3

2- Parallel resistances.

The voltage across each parallel resistance is the same and

the total current, which flows from the supply to the circuit,
is the sum of the individual currents. I
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 19
R1 R2 R3
I1 I2 I3

Fig. 8) The connection of the individual resistances in


The equivalent circuit:


V Req

Fig. 9) The equivalent circuit.

From Fig. 8) and Fig. 9), we can obtain I = I1 + I2 + I3

V V1 V2 V3
= + +
Req R1 R2 R3


Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 20

1 1 1 1
= + +
Req R1 R2 R3

For two resistances connected in parallel,

1 1 1
= +
Req R1 R2


R1 R2
Req =
R1 + R2

When the two resistances are equal two each other,

Req = =
R + R 2

The power in the equivalent resistance is equal to the total

power in the resistances it replaces.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 21

The voltage, current, power and energy relations in a
Table 6 shows the equation and unit of voltage, current,
power and energy relations for a resistance.
Table 6: The relations of a resistance.

The relation The equation The units

Voltage V=IR Volt

Current I = V/R Ampere

P = I2 R
Power Watt

= V2/R
= I2 R t
Energy =VIt Joule
= (V2/R) t

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 22

2) Inductance

The inductance is a circuit element that stores energy in the

magnetic field during some periods of time and returns it
during others, such that the average power is zero.

In transformers, electric motors and in the other similar

devices, the winding of the coils have inductances in their
circuit models.

The voltage, current, power and energy relations in an


Table 7 shows the equation and unit of voltage, current,

power and energy relations for an inductance.

Table 7: The relations of an inductance.

The relation The equation The units

Voltage V = L (dI/dt) Volt

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 23

Current I = (1/L) ∫ V dt + K1 Ampere

Power Watt
= L I (dI/dt)


Energy Joule
= L ∫ I dI

= 0.5 L I2

3) Capacitance

Like the inductance, the capacitance is a circuit element,

which stores and returns energy.

The storage of the energy in the capacitance is occurred in

the electric field.

The voltage, current, power and energy relations in a


Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 24

Table 8 shows the equation and unit of voltage, current,
power and energy relations for a capacitance.

Table 8: The relations of a capacitance.

The relation The equation The units

Voltage V = (1/C) ∫ I dt + K2 Volt

Current I = C (dV/dt) Ampere

Power P=VI Watt

= C V (dV/dt)

Energy W=Pt Joule

= C ∫ V dV
= 0.5 C V2

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 25

Measuring Instruments:

To measure the resistance, current and voltage, it is

necessary to able to use the basic electrical measuring

The correct method of connecting each type of meter and its

suitable range are required. The correct reading of the meter
scale is also very important.

The instrument accuracy must be specified and the possible

error in the measured quantity is important to be evaluated.
The use of multifunction instruments involves setting the
function switch and the range switch, as well as making
correct connections and reading the scale.

Digital multi-meters are easier to read than deflection

instruments. Correct connection of the meter is still
important, and the accuracy of measurement must be
carefully assessed.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 26

Basic Characteristics Of Electrical Instruments

The basic electrical instruments characteristics such as

circuit symbol, quantity measured and instrument resistance
are summarized in Table 9.

Table 9: Summary of basic Electrical Instruments


Instrument Circuit Quantity Instrument

Symbol measured resistance

Voltmeter V Electric Very high

pressure in volt

Ammeter A Electric current Very low

in ampere
Ohmmeter Resistance in upon range
ohm setting

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 27

The instrument connections for each instrument are
illustrated in Table 10.
Table 10: Instrument Connections.

Instrument Connection

Voltmeter In parallel with the points at which the volt is

to measured.

Ammeter In series with the circuit in which the current

is to be measured.

Ohmmeter In parallel with the component which is to

have its resistance to be measured.

Example 4:
Two metal plates situated 4 cm apart in a vacuum have a
potential difference of 200 volt. Calculate:
1. the field strength in the space between the plates.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 28

2. the work done in joules when, current of 200 mamp
flows from one plate to the other for a period of 4
3. the work done in electron-volts, when 200
electrons travel from the negative plate to the positive


1- The electric field strength = volt/distance

= 200/(4 x 10-2) = 5000 volt/meter

2- The electric charge Q = current x time

= 200 x 10-3 x (4 x 60) = 48 Coulomb

The work done = volt x charge

= 200 x 48 = 9600 Joule

3- The work done W = volt x number of electrons

= 200 x 200 = 40000 electron volt (ev)

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 29

Example 5:

Calculate the amount of energy required to raise 3 liter of

water from 10 ºc to 100 ºc. Take the water equivalent of the
kettle as 0.3 liter. If the water is to be heated in a period of
10 minutes, determine the power required.

The temperature rise = Δt = t2 – t1
= 100 – 10 = 90 ºc
The total water equivalent = water equivalent of the kettle +
amount of water
= 0.3 + 3 = 3.3 liters
Energy required to raise the water temperature
= total water x Δt x energy amount to raise 1
liter by 1 ºc
= 3.3 x 90 x 4187 = 1243.539 x 103 Joule
Where, the value of 4187 is called the mechanical
equivalent of heat or Joules equivalent, which is required to
raise one liter of water by one ºc.
The power required P = Energy / time
= 1243.539 x 103 / (10 x 60)
= 2.073 x 103 watt
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 30
Example 6:

An electric lamp consumes 200 watt of power, when a

current of 1.1 amp flows through its filament. Determine the
required emf and calculate the work done in the filament
over a period of 20 min.


Power P
The voltage across the lamp V = =
Current I
= = 181.82 volt

= the emf required

The work done W = Volt x charge

= V x I x t = Power x t
= 200 x (20 x 60) = 240000 Joule

Example 7:
A water pump driven by an electric motor moves water
through a height of 100 m at the rate of 800 liter/min.
Calculate the electric power required if the motor efficiency
is 92 %.
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 31

800 liters of water = 800 Kg of water

The work done W = m g H

= 800 x 9.81 x 100 = 784800 Joule

The power delivered in one minute = work done / time

= 784800 / (1 x 60 ) = 13080 watt


Upper reservoir

Motor Pump

Down reservoir

The input power Pi = Po / η = 13080 / 0.92

= 14217.391 watt = 14.217391 Kwatt

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 32
Example 8:

If the motor runs for 10 hr each day in the previous

problem, find the consumed energy in 5 weeks.


Total time of operation of the motor in 5 weeks

= Time of operation of the motor in one week x 5
= (10 x 7) x 5 = 350 hour

The total energy consumed W = the input power x time

= 14217.391 x 350

= 4.976 x 106 Watt-hour

= 4.976 Mwatt-hour

Example 9:

An electric motor is supplied with 2 amp of current from

120 volt source. Each of the cables used is 100 meter long,
and the resistance of the cables is 0.004 ohm/meter .
Determine the potential difference at the motor terminals.

Also, calculate the power dissipated in the cables.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 33

E1 E2 Motor


The resistance R for the cable of length 100 m

= 100 x 0.004 = 0.4 Ohm

The voltage drop along each cable V1 = I R

= 2 x 0.4 = 0.8 volt

The motor terminal voltage E2 = E1 – 2 V1

= 120 – 1.6 = 118.4 volt

The power dissipated in the two cables P

= 2 I2 R = 2 x (2)2 x 0.8 = 6.4 Watt

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 34

Conductors and Insulators

Whether a material is an insulator or a conductor depends :

1. Upon the material atoms,

2. Upon the relationship of each atom to its

surrounding atoms.

Insulators may break down if subjected to excessive

voltages. The best insulators have the highest breakdown

Conductors may be destroyed if too much current is passed

through them. The best conductors have the lowest

Insulating Materials

Electric cable usually consists of conducting copper wire

surrounded by an insulating sheath of rubber or plastic.

If more than one conductor, the conductors should be

individually insulated. A protective metal may cover the
In over-head transmission lines, the electric cables are
suspended from poles and must be insulated from the poles.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 35

Glass and porcelain insulators are usually employed for this

In insulating materials there are some free electrons drifting

about between the atoms. Therefore, a very small electric
current can flow through the insulator. A current can also
flow along the surface of an insulator, especially, if the
insulator is dirty or wet.

If a sufficiently high potential difference is applied across

an insulator, electrons can be pulled out of the atoms, and
current flow may occur. This is known as insulator

Sometimes breakdown may produce a fire or other dangers.

To avoid breakdown, all insulating materials are rated
according to the maximum voltage that may be safely

Table 11, lists typical breakdown voltages for various

insulating materials.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 36

Table 11: Breakdown Voltage for insulating materials.

Material Breakdown volt Kv/cm

Air 30
Porcelain 70
Rubber 270
Glass 1200
Mica 2000


The conductor may be a thin strip of aluminum or copper

when the involved currents are very small. When large
currents are involved, the cables must have relatively thick
The conductor voltage drop may cause unsatisfactory
performance of the equipment supplied for long conductors
and with large currents.

When the resistance per unit length of the conductor is

known, the dissipated power and the voltage drop can be
easily calculated.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 37

The power dissipated in the conductors may generate
sufficient heat to destroy the insulation. When the dissipated
power is very huge the conductor material will be melted.
1) Conductor resistivity ρ

The specific resistance, which is called the resistivity ρ of a

material, is the resistance of 1 cubic meter of the material.

R= Ohm
Where l is the length of the conductor in meter,
A is the cross sectional area in square meter,
R is the resistance of the conductor.



Ohm meter2
Ohm meter

Then, the units of ρ are ohm meter. Table 12 gives the

specific resistance ρ for electric conducting metals at 20 ºc.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 38

Table 12: Specific resistance ρ for metals at 20 ºc.

Metal ρ (Ohm meter)

Silver 1.64 x 10-8

Copper 1.72 x 10-8

Gold 2.45 x 10-8

Aluminum 2.83 x 10-8

Tungsten 5.50 x 10-8

Nickel 7.80 x 10-8

Constantan 49.00 x 10-8

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 39

2. Temperature effects on conductors

Since the temperature has an influence on the conductor

resistance, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the new
resistance at lower or higher temperatures.

For pure metals, the resistance will tend to increase as the

temperature of the metal rises. The atoms are vibrating at
elevated temperatures, and becoming greater obstructions in
the path of moving electrons.
Then, we can conclude that, the resistance of metals
increases with increasing temperatures. Therefore, metals
are said to have a positive temperature coefficient (PTC).
Semiconductors exhibit a decrease in resistance as their
temperature rises. They have a negative temperature
coefficient (NTC).
The insulating materials have a negative temperature
coefficient (NTC).

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 40

3- The relationship between resistance and
temperature for metals
All metals exhibit a nearly linear relationship between
resistance and temperature over the normal range of
operating temperatures.

Fig. 13) shows the variation of copper resistance with

temperature change.


ΔR = α R1 ΔT

-234.5 ºc 0 T1 T2 T ºc
Fig. 13) Variation of copper resistance with temperature

Assume R1 is the resistance at T1 :

and T1 = 20 ºc

Then, ΔR = R1 – 0 = R1 Ohm
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 41
And ΔT = T1 – (-234.5) = 254.5 ºc

ΔR1 1
= R1 = 0.00393 R1Ohm/ºc
ΔT 254.5
ΔR1 = α R1 ΔT

Where α is the temperature coefficient for copper at 20 ºc.

R2 = R1 + ΔR1 = R1 + α R1 ΔT

R2 = R1 ( 1 + α ΔT )

Where R1 is the resistance at 20 ºc,

α is the temperature coefficient of the material,
ΔT is the temperature change from 20 ºc.

The temperature coefficient at 0 ºc may also be used if R1 is

measured at 0 ºc and ΔT is the temperature increase from 0
1 R2
ΔT = ( -1 )
α R1
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 42
1 R2
α = ( -1 )

If a conductor having Ro at 0 ºc and it will be heated to t ºc

with Rt.

ΔR = Rt - Ro

Rt = Ro ( 1 + αo t )

Where, αo is the temperature coefficient at 0 ºc

For copper, αo = = 0.00426 per degree

4- The temperature coefficient αt at temperature t

in terms of αo

R1 = Ro ( 1 + αo t1 )

R2 = Ro ( 1 + αo t2 )
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 43
1 + αo t2
R2 = R1 ( )
1 + αo t1

R2 = R1 [ 1 + α1 ( t2 – t1 ) ]

Equating these two equations for R2, we can obtain

1 + αo t2
1 + α1 ( t2 – t1 ) =
1 + αo t1
α1 =
1 + αo t1

And for any temperature t:

αt =
1 + αo t

Resistor Power Ratings

The maximum current that may be permitted to flow

through a resistor, and the maximum voltage that may be
applied across it, are limited by the specified maximum
power dissipation.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 44

Usual range of power ratings for resistors are :-
 Watt
 Watt

 Watt
 …….
V  PR


Linear Resistance

The graph of V and I for a normal fixed resistance is a

straight line for a linear resistance. The voltage/current
graph for a resistance is sometimes termed the V/I
characteristic of the resistance as shown in Fig. 14.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 45

V volt

3 R = 1 Kohm.

0 1 2 3 I mA.

Fig. 14) V/I characteristic of a linear resistance.

Nonlinear Resistance

The graph of V versus I for a nonlinear resistance is clearly

nonlinear. Fig. 15) shows the V/I characteristic for a device
known as a thermistor, which is referred to the two words
thermal and resistor.

A thermistor is a semiconductor device constructed of

metallic oxide. The resistance of the thermistor changes
when the surrounding temperature increases or decreases.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 46

V volt

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 I mA.

Fig. 15) Graph for nonlinear resistance.

When the ambient temperature remains constant, the

resistance of the thermistor may be altered by the heating
effect of the current flowing through the device.
Unlike a conductor, the resistance of a semiconductor tends
to fall when its temperature increases. This is because more
electrons are released from the semiconductor atoms by the
effects of thermal energy. The current flow will be

Thus, most thermistor have a negative temperature


Illustration of the graph:

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 47

1- First portion of the graph is near linear,
because the currents are too small to produce
any significant heating of the device.

2- As the current increases further, the heating

effect causes the resistance of the thermistor to

3- Reduced voltage drop will be occurred. Further

increase in current causes progressive
temperature increases, and consequently
produce further reductions in resistance and
terminal voltage.

Example 10:
The resistance of a coil of nickel wire is 1 Kohm at 20 ºc.
After being submerged in a liquid for some time, the
resistance falls to 880 ohm. Calculate the temperature of the

From the table, for nickel at 20 ºc, α = 0.006

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 48

R2 = R1 (1 + α ΔT) , then

1 R2
ΔT = ( -1 )
α R1

1 880
= ( -1)
0.006 1000

= -20 ºc

ΔT = T2 – T1
T2 =ΔT + T1 = -20 + 20 = 0 ºc

Example 11:

An electric heater takes a current of 15 amp from a 115 volt

source. The cables connecting the heater to the supply are
each 43 m long. If the total voltage drop along the cables is
not to exceed 12 volt, determine the diameter of suitable
copper wire. Select the suitable wire resistivity.


From the table, the resistivity of the copper material,

ρ = 1.72 x 10-8 ohm meter

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 49
The total allowable resistance of the cable

Voltage drop along cable (E)

R =
Current (I)

= 12 / 15 = 0.8 Ohm

Total length of the cable = 2 x 43 = 86 meter

Also, the resistance R = ρ l / a


= 1.72 x 10-8 x 86 / 0.8 = 1.849 x 10-6 m2

π D2
a =
Then, the diameter D can be calculated as follows

D = 1.53 mm

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 50

Example 12:

A 3.5 Kohm resistor has a specified maximum power

dissipation of 2 watt. Determine the maximum current that
may be passed through the resistor and the maximum
voltage that may be applied to its terminals.
Power P = I2 R


Imax = 0.0239 Amp = 23.9 mAmp.

Also, P = E2/R

Then, E = PR

i.e., Emax = 2x3.5x1000 = 83.667 volt

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 51

Review Questions

1) Define: Power, Work, energy,

and Potential difference. List
the SI units in which each
quantity is measured.

2) Define: Potential energy and

Kinetic energy. Write equations
for each.

3) State The SI definitions of the

ampere and coulomb. Discuss
the relationship, which connect

4) Using illustrations, explain how

temperature affects the
resistance of a metallic

5) Define linear and nonlinear

resistances. Sketch the V/I
characteristics for a linear and
for a nonlinear resistance and
discuss each characteristic.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 52

Sheet 1

1- A lake situated at a height of 1.5 Km above sea level

is approximately 18 Km long, 10 Km wide and 50 m
deep. Determine the potential energy of the water.

2- If the total mass of water in problem 1) can be

allowed to flow to sea level over a period of 32 days.
Calculate the power developed by the water flowing
to sea level.

3- How much power is required to raise 4 liters of water

from 10 ºc to boiling point in a period of 3 minutes.

4- Calculate the current taken by a 200 watt lamp from a

120 volt supply. Also, determine the resistance of the
lamp filament.

5- Determine the conductance of a 60 watt lamp

connected to a 220 volt supply. Calculate the current
that flows.
6- A house with a 220 volt supply has: - seven 100 watt
lamps, 4 Kwatt oven, a 300 watt motor on
refrigerator, 200 watt motor on the furnace and a 400
watt motor on a fan, calculate the supply current that
flows when all electrical equipment is in use at the
same time.
Determine the Kwh used daily if the first three loads are
switched on for an average of 4 hour per day and the two
last loads of 6 hour per day.

Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 53

7- Calculate the conductance of a circuit that passes 60
mA of current when 30 volt is applied to it. Also,
determine the current that flows when the
conductance is doubled.

8- Derive an equation relating conductor resistance at an

elevated temperature to resistance at 20 ºc.

9- Calculate the maximum current and voltage limits

for: -
 a ¼ watt
 a ½ watt
 a 1 Mohm resistance.

10- A 800 watt electric motor is to be connected to a

130 volt supply via two cables which are each 80
meter in length. If the voltage at the motor terminals
is to be not less than 125 volt, determine the
minimum thickness of the copper conductors in the

11- A piece of electronic equipment takes 3 Amp from

a 130 volt supply. The cables connecting the supply
to the equipment are 12 meter long. If the terminal
voltage at the equipment is to be not less than 125
volt, determine the smallest diameter of suitable
copper conductors.

12- Two lengths of wire each have resistances of 1

Kohm at 20 ºc. At 75 ºc the resistance values are
measured as Ra = 1.209 Kohm and Rb = 1.187 Kohm.
Calculate the temperature coefficient of each wire and
identify the materials.
Prof Dr Mohamed Moenes 54

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