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Read the sentence carefully and encircle the correct answer.
1. Who is the Founder of Boy Scouting
A. Lt. Gen Robert Stephenson Symth Baden- Powell
B. Lord Robert Stephenson Symth Baden- Powell
C. Robert Stephenson Symth Baden- Powell
2. The__________ emphasizes the specific norms of conduct expected to be done by each
Senior Scout in his daily life.
A. Scout Law B. Scout Handshake C. Senior Scout Code
3. What is the senior scout motto?
A. Laging Handa
B. Once a scout always a scout
C. Palaging handa
4. What are the 8 provinces represent in the 8 rays of the sun?
A. Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Laguna, Tarlac, and Batangas
B. Masbate, Cagayan, Basco, Palawan, Nueva Viscaya, Leyte, Tagum, and Bataan
C. Mindoro, Cebu, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Lanao Del norte, Tarlac, and Bataan
5. The Philippine flag was first unfurled on __________ but it was formally presented to
the people on ___________.
A. May 28, 1898, June 12 1898
B. June 12, 1898, June 15, 1898
C. April 2, 2000, June 12, 1940
6. What are the 3 island group represent the 3 pointed star
A. Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
B. Luzon, Tanay, Mindanao
C. Luzon, Panay, Mindanao
7. The 3 women who sewed the flag?
A. Marceliana Agoncillo,Lorenza and Delfina Herbosa
B. Marcela Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo and Delfina Herbosa
C. Marcela Herbosa, Lorenza And Delfina Herbosa
8. Courage, Bravery, Heroism and Willingness to the shed blood in defense of the country
of the Filipino patriot are embodied to the_______?
A. Maroon Field B. Blue Field C. Red Field
9. This particular scout skill required the knowledge to do infinite number of different
ways and each way can hold a different purpose and strength
A. Knot Tying B. Lashing C. Camping
10. What is the trail sign in scouting?
A. The trail signs is used for hiking to help the scouts identify right the path.
B. Used to communicate when a hiking group splits up or when another group is
traveling the same route.
C. Is used to help the scouts to find each other
11. What is the main purpose of trail signs?
A. to promote, identify, provide information, give directions or to raise safety
B. to help us find ourselves lost in the middle of the forest or mountain.
C. to keep everyone in danger
12. What is the name of island that Baden-Powell choice for the very first scout camp?
a. Brownsea Island
b Santorini Island
c. Amelia Island
13. How many time does the Philippine Flag was evolved?
a. 11
b. 9
c. 10
14. Which is not belong in the Scout Method?
a. The scout promise and law
b. Scout motto and slogan
c. Learn by Doing
15. This is define as the contributing to the growth of young people in order for them to
achieve their full physical, intellectual, and social potential and spiritual potentials as
people, responsible citizens
a. Scouting
b. Training
c. Skills
16. What does the Philippine flag symbolize?
a. Peace
b. Dignity
c. Strong
17. What date President Manuel L, Quezon signed the Commonwealth act no. 111 creating
BSP as public corporation?
a. October 27, 1975
b. October 30, 1944
c. October 31, 1936
18. Who is the present Council Chairperson of City of Santa Rosa Council?
a. Mayor, Arlene B. Arcillas
b. Vice- Mayor. Arnold B. Arcillas
c. Scouter Allan D. Dona
19. What date City of Santa Rosa Council, BSP establish in the City of Santa Rosa, Laguna?
a. April 2 , 2004
b. April 12, 2008
c. April 10, 2001
20. How many barangay does City of Santa Rosa have?
a. 18
b. 17
c. 19
21. How many advancement rank in the Senior Scout field have?
a. 8
b. 6
c. 5
22. What is First Aid?
A. An immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill
includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or delayed.
B. Assist in providing prompt care for the medical situation
C. Covering a break in the skin helps to control bleeding and protect against infection.
23. What type of burn is generally characterized on the involvement of the outer layer of
the skin and involves a part of the inner layer of the skin
A. First Degree Burn B. Second Degree Burn C. Third Degree Burn
24. If somehow you find a circular stone with a stone in the middle, what trail sign is it?
A. Change Direction B. The trail not to be followed C. Gone Home
25. If somehow you find three thick clouds of smoke in the sky coming from the bonfire,.
What trail sign is it?
A. Help B. Grass marling trail C. Four miles to –
26. What knot usually use as stopper knot to terminate the working end of a rope
A. Clove Hitch B. Overhand Knot C. Bowline
27. This particular scout skill required the knowledge to do infinite number of different
ways and each way can hold a different purpose and strength
A. Knot Tying B. Lashing C. Camping
28. A substation knot for stopping the working end of the rope.
A. Overhand Knot B. Figure of 8 knot C. Clove Hitch
29. Why are trail signs important?
A. to keep other people safe
B. to help other people
C. All of the above
30. The Philippine Flag was first flown by whom?
A. Apolinario Mabini
B. Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Ambrosio Bautista
31. The _____________ of the flag, which many believed was a memento of the Katipunan
A. White B. Equilateral Triangle C. 3 stars
32. The_________ is used to make a non-slip loop on the end of a rope
A. Bowline B. Timber Hitch C. Sheep Shank
33. This Hitch is known in the oilfield as a claw hitch. It is the best knot to
use with stiff large diameter rope because it never makes a sharp bend
A. Clove Hitch B. Figure of 8 knot C. Sheep Bend
34. Three of the very visible identifying marks of a Senior Scout are:
A The Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake
B. The Scout Oath and Law, Senior Scout Code
C. The Scout Motto, Slogan , Uniform
35. The left hand is used because it is the hand of friendship, the hand nearest the heart.
A. Scout Handshake B.Scout Sign C. Scout Salute
36. Without the ___________,Senior Scouting would not have much meaning to life. Your
life would be like a mountain without a peak, or a vast ocean without any land in sight.
A. The Scout and Law
B. The Scout Badge
C. The Scout Insignia
37. How may law(s) the scouting have?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 13
38. This color symbolizes the high political purposes and noble ideas?
A. White B. Red C. Blue
39. The flag of the Philippines may be flown at half-mast as a sign of
A. War B. Celebration C. Mourning
40. ______________ later was officially proclaimed as the National Independence Day
A. June 12.1898 B. June 12 .1888 C. June 12 1878 .
41. If somehow you find a bush bent to the right. What trail sign is it?
A. This is the trail. B. Turn Right C. Hidden Message
42. How do you best sterilize a piece of cloth or a triangular bandage to be used
A. Soak the cloth in an antiseptic solution
B. Wash the cloth and air dry
C. Slightly dampen the cloth and dry using an iron
43. This type of transportation is used when the patient is a lightweight person.
A. Ankle pull B. Firefighter- Carry C. One person lift
44. This transportation method is the quickest method for short distance in smooth
A. Shoulder Pull B. Blanket Pull C. Ankle Pull
45. If somehow you find a three sticks standing in parallel. What trail sign is it?
A. Danger Help B. Danger C. This Way
46. How do you best sterilize a piece of cloth or a triangular bandage to be used
A. Soak the cloth in an antiseptic solution
B. Wash the cloth and air dry
C. Slightly dampen the cloth and dry using an iron
47. The_________ knot is used as a binding knot for such things as clamping a pad on a
A. Figure of 8 knot B. Square knot C. Sheet bend
48. What knot use in temporarily shortening the rope?
A. Sheep Bend B. Sheep Shank C. Taunt Line
49. How do you best sterilize a piece of cloth or a triangular bandage to be used
A. Soak the cloth in an antiseptic solution
B. Wash the cloth and air dry
C. Slightly dampen the cloth and dry using an iron
50. The three stars in the scout _____ symbolize the ideals of Faith, Truth and Knowledge
A. Scout Law B. Scout Badge C. Scout Oath
51. This knot is used for joining two fine lines such as fishing leaders.
A. Fisherman’s Knot B. Overhand Knot C. Sheep Bend
52. What type of uniform we use in formal meeting and occasion?
A. Type A B. Type B C. Type C
53. The ______ suggests that the moment you enter Senior Scouting and people begin to
know and identify you as a Senior Scout, you are expected to act like one
A. Senior Scout Slogan B. Scout Slogan C. Scout Motto
54. A substation knot for stopping the working end of the rope.
A. Overhand Knot B. Figure of 8 knot C. Clove Hitch

55. What is this trail sign?

A. Turn right B. This Way Over Water C. Wait Here

56. What is this trail sign?

A. Five miles to-
B. Three miles to-
C. Four miles to-

57. This knot is useful when towing a spar or log either afloat or on land.
A. Clove Hitch B. Timber Hitch C. Bowline
58. The _________ is the knot you are “supposed” to use to tie two ropes
A. Sheet bend B. Clove hitch C. Bowline

59. What is this trail sign?

A. Short Distance This Way B. Long Distance This Way C. Turn Right

For number 60- 64 Identify and Explain if need.

60. How do you treat a person with a stab wound with the object still lodged from the

61. .How do you safely assess a person that is currently having a contact with a live wire?

62. When the triangular bandage is folded twice it is known as_______________________.

63. Tell what disease germ is likely to be found in a gunshot wound, stab wound, wound
caused by rusty nail, pitchfork or garden rake; explain why the patient in such cases
must be taken to a physician for treatment.

64. What do you do when a person is currently choking on a piece of food?


For number 65- 72. In one sentence tell the responsibility of following member of

65. Senior Crew Leader.

66. Assistant Senior Crew Leader

67. Outfit Scribe.


68. Outfit Treasurer.

69. Grab Master.
70. Quarter Master.
71. Cheerleader.

72. Hike Master.


For number 73-75. Give at least 3 Full name of the Eagle scout panelist in this
Institutional Board of Review.




“We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do
it.” – Robert Baden Powell

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