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Closing Prayer - Option B OUR MISSION STATEMENT

L: Let us pray for our particular intentions. That those we A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values,
visit may find Your gift of confidence, courage, and peace growing in holiness and building a more just world
by our concern for their needs. A: Lord, hear us. through personal relationships with and service to
L: That our Holy Father, the Pope, be enlightened and people in need. (approved April 14, 2018)
strengthened in his leadership; that all members of the OUR IDENTITY STATEMENT
Society, their families, any who may now be in need, and Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de
all those who help us in our work be attracted by Your love Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men
and live fulfilling lives. A: Lord, hear us. to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-
L: That the Society and this conference be blessed with person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition
continual growth and renewal in its mission to help of its founder, Frederic Ozanam, and its patron, St.
overcome suffering. A: Lord, hear us. Vincent de Paul.
L: That we accept with new enthusiasm our calling to make
visible our unity with Christ by working together with all As a reflection of the whole family of God, Members,
Christians in service to the needy. A: Lord, hear us. who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every
L: That the Cause for the canonization of Blessed Frederic ethnic and cultural background, age group, and
Ozanam, who excelled in the virtue of Christian love, be economic level.
advanced. A: Lord, hear us.
L: That our departed friends and relatives, our Vincentian Vincentians are united in an international society of
brothers and sisters, and those whom we have served be charity by their spirit of poverty, humility, and sharing,
welcomed into Your Kingdom and joined in love. which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually
A: Lord, hear us. supportive gatherings, and adherence to a basic Rule.
A: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God's love by
embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society
Closing Prayer - Option C collaborates with other people of good will in relieving
A: Our Father who art in Heaven. . .etc. Amen. need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in
L: St. Joseph. A: Pray for us. those served, because, in them, Vincentians see the
L: St. Vincent de Paul. A: Pray for us. face of Christ.
L: Blessed Frederic. A: Pray for us. Opening Prayer
L: For all the benefactors of the poor, that God may L: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
reward them with eternal life. A: Lord, hear us. Holy Spirit.
L: For our Society and all its members, that God may A: Amen.
renew their spirit of service and union. L: Come, Holy Spirit, live within our lives.
A: Lord, hear us. A: And strengthen us by Your love.
L: For all who are sick or suffering, that God may L: Send forth Your spirit, and new life will be created.
Give them courage and consolation. A: And the whole face of the earth will be renewed.
A: Lord, hear us. Our Father who art in Heaven. . .Amen.
L: For the deceased members, the deceased poor, L: Let us reflect on the words of Our Lord Jesus
and our deceased benefactors, that God may Christ, recalling His unity and presence among us:
grant them eternal rest. A: Lord, hear us. "Where two or three are gathered together in my
L: That the unity for which Christ prayed - all people Name, there am I in the midst of them." (Silence)
one in truth and charity - may be realized. A: Lord Jesus, deepen our Vincentian spirit of friend-
A: Lord, hear us. ship during this meeting. Make us responsive to
L: For families and those who have no homes, that the Christian calling to seek and find the forgot-
they may quickly find a place in which they can ten, the suffering, or the deprived, so that we may
live a decent and happy life. A: Lord, hear us. bring them Your love. Help us to be generous
L: That if it be God's holy will, Blessed Frederic with our time, our possessions, and ourselves in
Ozanam, our founder, may be further glorified by this mission of charity. Perfect in us Your love
the Church. A: Lord, hear us. and teach us to share more fully in the Euchar-
L: That our Holy Father, the Pope, may be granted istic Sacrifice offered for all.
the protection, guidance, strength, and consolation (Hail Mary full of grace. . .etc. Amen.)
that he needs to discharge his duties as Christ's L: Sacred Heart of Jesus. A: Have mercy on us
vicar on earth. A: Lord, hear us. L: Immaculate Heart of Mary A: Pray for
L: That many people will respond to the needs of our L: St. Vincent de Paul. A: Pray for us.
time by joining the Society of St. Vincent de L: St. Louise de Marillac A: Pray for us
Paul. A: Lord, hear us. L: Blessed Frederic Ozanam A: Pray for us
A: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and L: Blessed Rosalie Rendu A: Pray for us
of the Holy Spirit. Amen. A: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - CONFERENCE MEETINGS
Archdiocesan Council of Milwaukee 1. Call to Order
1. Membership in the Society is open to all regardless
2. Roll Call
of sex, age, or ethnic background. Diversity within
3. Opening prayer
conferences is important for their functioning.
4. Spiritual reading and discussion
5. Approval of Minutes
2. Training is required to live the Vincentian vocation
6. Home visit reports
fully and to assure quality of Vincentian services.
7. President’s report
Training takes place primarily at the conference level,
8. Secretary’s report
but it is supported by formalized Ozanam Orientations
9. Treasurer’s report
and other workshops offered by Councils for new and
10. Committee reports
experienced members alike.
11. Membership reports
12. Resolutions
3. The most important part of Vincentian meetings is the
13. Special Works reports
mutual support and encouragement members give to
14. Old business
each other.
15. New Business
16. Time and Place of next meeting
4. Prayer and reflection are indispensable elements of
17. Secret collection
such meetings. 18. Closing prayer
19. Adjournment
5. Regular meetings are absolutely essential. Meeting
weekly or bi-weekly is the internationally accepted
standard. Closing Prayer - Option A
L: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
6. Person-to-person contact with the needy in their Holy Spirit.
homes is viewed as the most basic and necessary A: Amen.
Vincentian activity. Visitation in other settings, such as A: Father, grant that we who are nourished by the
institutions, is also important. Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist,
may realize the depth of our needs, respond more
7. Vincentian services are not offered exclusively to spontaneously to the suffering of others, and
parish members or to Catholics. Offers of help are not come to love You more deeply by service to our
made or denied on the basis of religion or the choice of neighbor.
Grant us also the wisdom and strength to per-
8. It is important that the conference and its services be severe when disappointed or distressed. May we
known both in the parish and in the broader never claim that the fruitfulness of our apostolate
neighborhood. Vincentians need to reach out and seek springs from ourselves alone. United in prayer
the less fortunate. and action, may we become a visible sign of
Christ, and may we give witness to His bound-
9. Conferences cannot stand alone. Being part of the less love which reaches out to all people and
Vincentian family means communicating with draws them to love one another in Him.
neighboring conferences and networking with
conferences throughout the council. Conferences are We thank You, Lord, for the many blessings
expected to be represented at council meetings. which we receive from those whom we visit. Help
us to love and respect them, to understand their
10. It is essential for parish conferences to be deeper needs, and to share their burdens and
represented in other organizations and structures within joys as true friends in Christ.
the parish.
L: That the Cause for the canonization of Blessed
11. Submitting an annual accounting of activities is Frederic Ozanam, who excelled in the virtue of
required for affiliation with the District Council. Such Christian love, be advanced.
reports should be shared at the parish level. A: Lord, hear us.
L: That our departed friends and relatives, our
approved by the Archdiocesan Council on 2-28-98 Vincentian Brothers and Sisters, and those whom we
have served, be welcomed into your Kingdom and
joined in love.
A: Lord, hear us.
A: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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