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1. 1.

Has wanted
2. moved
4. have been trying
5. have finally done
6. have told
7.has become
8.has been
9. have been hoping
11.has spent
12. has passed

2. 1. B

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. b

11. b

12. a

3. 1. A) people person
B) down-to-earth
2. a) embarrassed
b) awkward
3. a) relieved
b) impressed
4. a) two -for -one
b) non-refundable
5. a) keep track of
b) monitor
6. a) deterrent
b) identify
7. a) illegal
b) unethical
8. a) outrageous
b) disturbing
9. a) reasonable
b) irresponsible

4. 1. nervous
2. relieved

5. 1. me what you were like ten years ago

2. to know how you think you've changed
3. what you have done that you are most proud of
4. if it is possible for a person to stay the same all his life
5. me who has influenced you the most
6. if you would like to direct a movie yourself

6. 1. anxiety
2. nerves
3. frustration
4. disappointed
5. embarrassing
6. awkwardness

7. A) 1. Help
2. was wondering
3. booking
4. Would you mind
5. Could you
6. appreciate it

B) 1. e

2. f

3. b

4. d

5. a

6. c

8. 1. Ethical
2. Industrial
3. global
4. domestic
5. economic
6. urban
7. rural
8. political

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