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Lesson Plan MCA 1st year 2nd Sem


Lec.No Proposed Date Points To Covered
1 50 2024-04-04 Basic Concepts and Automata Theory: Introduction to Theory of Computation- Automata
2 50 2024-04-05 Computability and Complexity, Alphabet, Symbol, String, Formal Languages
3 50 2024-04-06 Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)- Definition, Representation, Acceptability of a String and Language
4 50 2024-04-08 Non Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), Equivalence of DFA and NFA
5 50 2024-04-09 NFA with ε-Transition, Equivalence of NFA’s with and without ε-Transition
6 50 2024-04-11 Finite Automata with output- Moore Machine, Mealy Machine
7 50 2024-04-12 Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machine
8 50 2024-04-15 Minimization of Finite Automata
9 50 2024-04-16 Myhill-Nerode Theorem, Simulation of DFA and NFA
10 50 2024-04-18 Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular Expressions, Transition Graph
11 50 2024-04-19 Kleen’s Theorem, Finite Automata and Regular Expression- Arden’s theorem
12 50 2024-04-22 Algebraic Method Using Arden’s Theorem
13 50 2024-04-23 Regular and Non-Regular Languages- Closure properties of Regular Languages, Pigeonhole Principle
14 50 2024-04-25 Pumping Lemma, Application of Pumping Lemma
15 50 2024-04-26 Decidability- Decision properties
16 50 2024-04-29 Finite Automata and Regular Languages
17 50 2024-04-30 Regular Languages and Computers
18 50 2024-05-02 Simulation of Transition Graph and Regular language.
19 50 2024-05-03 Regular and Non-Regular Grammars
20 50 2024-05-06 Context Free Grammar(CFG)-Definition, Derivations, Languages
21 50 2024-05-07 Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
22 50 2024-05-09 Regular Grammars-Right Linear and Left Linear grammars
23 50 2024-05-10 Conversion of FA into CFG and Regular grammar into FA
24 50 2024-05-20 Simplification of CFG, Normal Forms- Chomsky Normal Form(CNF)
25 50 2024-05-21 Greibach Normal Form (GNF)
26 50 2024-05-24 Chomsky Hierarchy
27 50 2024-05-27 Programming problems based on the properties of CFGs.
28 50 2024-05-28 Push Down Automata and Properties of Context Free Languages: Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata (NPDA)- Definition
29 50 2024-05-30 Moves, A Language Accepted by NPDA
30 50 2024-05-31 Deterministic Pushdown Automata(DPDA) and Deterministic Context free Languages(DCFL),
31 50 2024-06-03 Pushdown Automata for Context Free Languages
32 50 2024-06-04 Context Free grammars for Pushdown Automata
33 50 2024-06-06 Two stack Pushdown Automata
34 50 2024-06-07 Pumping Lemma for CFL
35 50 2024-06-10 Closure properties of CFL
36 50 2024-06-11 Decision Problems of CFL, Programming problems based on the properties of CFLs
37 50 2024-06-13 Turing Machines and Recursive Function Theory : Basic Turing Machine Model
38 50 2024-06-14 Representation of Turing Machines, Language Acceptability of Turing Machines
39 50 2024-06-18 Techniques for Turing Machine Construction, Modifications of Turing Machine, Turing Machine as Computer of Integer Functions,
40 50 2024-06-20 Universal Turing machine, Linear Bounded Automata
41 50 2024-06-21 Church’s Thesis
42 50 2024-06-24 Recursive and Recursively Enumerable language
43 50 2024-06-25 Halting Problem
44 50 2024-06-27 Post’s Correspondance Problem
45 50 2024-06-28 Introduction to Recursive Function Theory

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