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Code No: E - 18759 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LL.B (5 YDC) | Semester Examination, April / May 2023 Subject: Law Paper- lil : Political Science —| Time: 3 Hours Max, Marks: 80 PART - A Note: Answer any five questions. (& x 6 = 30 Marks) 4. Locke's Concept of State of Nature 2. Forms of Government 3. Danda A, Liberalism in India ngheod 5. Features of Totalilarian State 6. Features of Unitary Form of Government 7. Uni-cameral Legislature * 8. Importance of Judicial Review é PART-B Note: Answer any four questions. (4x 12 %4= 60 Marks) 9. Explain the Divine Origin Theory of the origin of state. 10. What is a constitution? How it is useful in the formation of a government. 11. Analyse the significance of Gandhian concept of Sarvodaya in the contemporary — world. 12. Examine the Hindu concept of State and analyse its relevance in the present-day india. 13. Discuss the concept of Legal Sovereignty by giving examples. 14, Explain the main features of the Federal formn of government. 18. Describe the features of One-Party Democracies, 16. Discuss the importance of Independence of Judiciary. Code No.D-12543 FACULTY OF LAW B.A.LLB. (5YDC) | - Year! Semester Examination, June 2022 Subject: Law Paper-Ill: Political Science -1 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any five questions. (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) 1. Examine Evolutionary Theory of the State 2. Explain the Classical Hindu concept of State A 3. Define Political Sovereignty My 4, Features of Unitary Form of Government x\ 5, Functions of Legislatures 6. Powers of Speaker of Lok Sabha “ 7. Features of One party Rule »S 8. Explain the concept of Judicial neuen) ART -B Note: Answer any four auelions (4.x 12 %4 = 50 Marks) 9. Explain the nature of; fds conceived by the Social Contractualists. 10. Examine the various features of Liberalism in India 11. Examine thie mafh features of the Gandhian concept of Sarvodaya 12. Disc Yeh features of Totalitarian State. 13. olan importance of Public opinion in representative states. 14, Discuss the main features of Parliamentary Form of Government with reference to India 15. Write a note on the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. 16. Explain the methods through which Independence of Judiciary is secured Code No. bag FACULTY OF LAW BA LL. B (5 YDC)1— Year |— Semester Examination, September ! October 2021 Subject: Law Paper: Ill — Political Science —| Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 80 PART-A Note: Answer any four questions (4.x 10 = 40 Marks) Write a note on Divine origin theory of the state Explain the demerits of Federal form of Government What is meant by the Concept of Sarvodaya - What is public opinion? Discuss What is Quasi-Federalism? Elucidate Examine the main feature of Presidential form of Government Explain the functions of Legislature Why is separation af powers important? Discuss On Anon PART-B Note: Answer any two questions (2 x 20 = 40 Marks) 9 What is the nature of state? Explain various theories 10 Examine the concept of Judicial Review and Judicial Activism. 441 Write an essay on Liberalism in India? 42 What are the main characteristics of Totalitarian State. 43 Explain the fea ures of Parliamentary form of Government. 414 Explain the features of Presidential form of Government in USA, 15 Examine the powers and functions of Executive. 416 Write an essay on Concept of Parliamentary Sovereignty? Code No.5243 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LL. B (15 YDC) I-Year I-Semester Examination, February / March 2020 Subject: Law Paper -IIl : Political Science-! Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:80 PART ~ A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following 1. Define political theory and discuss its significance. Co m9 & 2. What are the main features of Divine origin theory of ca | 3. Discuss the merits of Federal form of Government Ny % 4. Explain the forms of satyagraha 5. Write a note on Marxist ideology in a 6. Describe the concept of a totalitariaf ‘stat d 7. Explain-the features of parliamentary"fofm of Government. 0 we oh 8. Write brief note on ag parr ipa x 12% = 50 Marks) inser: any Ewer of the following ? 9. Examine the Aone or evolutionary theory of Origin of state 10. Explaintthe Cats and demerits of \unitary form of Government Att =. on basic ideas of Gandhism. 12. Nad is the difference between Lega| sovereignty and political sovereignty? Discuss. 13. What is public opinion? What factors in‘luence public opinion? 14. What is Federal Government? Examine i's characteristics, . 15. Explain the merits and demerits of Presidential form of Government. 16. Explain the Powers and Functions of the executive. Code No. 9814/BL. FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC) | -Year I-Semester Examination, August / September 2018 Subject: LAW Paper - Ill : Political Science -| Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours PART — A (5x6=30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: Evolutionary theory of state Rigid Constitution OM Concept of Danda OM Confederation Plural Executive Judicial Review KY Sarvodayo ¢ Totalitarian form of Government. PART - B (4x1 ze diya ‘Answer any FOUR of the following q 9 Discuss the contractual theory of ori 140 Examine the Islamic concey Say. al 11 Explain the relevance in thought to the contemporary times. ONYOHRONS 12 Discuss the Monisti cory of state features. 413 Explain the role gfpublic opinion in democracy. features of quasi-federal constitution. 14 Explai e concept of separation of powers. 46 Explain civil-military relations under a totalitarian regime. sees Code No. 617 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LiL.B. (5 YDC) I Year I~ Semester Exami Subject : LAW Paper : Ill Political Science -! nation, March / April 2017 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : SO PART -—A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : Force theory Liberalism Legal sovereignty Separation of Powers R Quasi Federal Military Rule 2c Constitutionalism SS PART-B Ge ¥, = 50 Marks) Rule of Law Answer any Four of the followi ONOARONS 9 Explain the various theorie§ of figin of the state. 10 Explain the Anarchist Keperra the nature of the state. 41 Critically examine the views of Nehru on Marxism. \du Concept of the State- 13-Disq - 14 “nhc abet is Quasi-Federal”. Do you agree? 45 What is Presidential Government? How far it is successful in USA? 12 sor of Sarvodaya movement in Indian Political thought. 416 Bring out the growth and importance of Executive in Modern times. eect Code No. 3133 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. L.L.B. (5 YDC) I- Year |- Semester Examination, February 2016 Subject: LAW Paper - Ill : Political Science -1 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART —A (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : Organic theory of State Constitutionatism ; Islamic concept of state Liberalism in India Agencies of Public opinion Federal form of Government ~) Military Rule Independence of Judiciary O c P, (4x 12 % = 50 Marks) Answer any Four of the folldwirig 9 Discuss the concept ce origin theory 10 Highlight the differefées Between the written and unwritten constitutions. 11 Explain the Hindu concept of state. 42 Discuss theysigniffeance of Sarvodaya Movement in Indian Political thought. 13 Criticallftexanijne Austin’s theory of Sovereignty. 14 Whét ar&the important features of the Parliamentary Government? Is Parliamentary Gor Cult, nt unstable? Discuss. 15 “Indian Constitution is Quasi-Federal” — Discuss. 16 Critically examine the theory of separation of powers. OYNonrRON eres . Code No. 5717 FACULTY OF LAW B.A.LL.B. (5-YDU) Year I- Semester Examination, reoruary | March 2015 Subject: LAW Paper - Il : Political Science — 1 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART — A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following. 1 Aristotle's theory of ‘State’. 2. Monarchy 4. State in Hindu Mythology —G 5 Sovereignty . 6 - Confederation —_ GS - 7 Military Rule ; 8 Liberalism \) PART-B ey Marks) Answer any Fodgof the following. 9 Explain the features of the Pat tary form of Government. 10 Analyse the classical Hindu! spt of the State. 41 Distinguish legal sovereignty from political sovereignty. F 42 Explain the att hytes’ot Unitary Constitutions and the governments there under. 13 Discuss, Sy of separation of powers. 14 How is Cy of judiciary maintained in India? Ais Discuss the role of public opinion and participation in modern governments. 46 Explain the ‘Theory of Limited Government’ as propounded by John Locke. Code No. 703 FACULTY OF LAW B.A.LL.B. (5-YDC) I Year I Semester Examination, March 2014 LAW calScience—1 sd Max.Marks: 80 s - Subje Paper ~ Ill: Poli — Time: 3 Hours a PART — A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any five of the following. Contract Theory —_____ Constitutionalism 2 3 Marxism 4 Sarvodaya 5 Sovereignty 6 7 8 Public Opinion Quasi-federal organization “Military Tule — s PART — B (4 x12% = 50 Marks) Answer any four of the following. 9 Explain the nature and definition of the State. 40. Discuss about different forms of Government. 141 Explain the Islamic concept of State. 42 Discuss the significance of Gandhian Political Thought. 43. Discuss the characteristics of the Totalitarian State. 14 Is the Indian constitution a quasi federal constitution? Explain. 15 Explain the significance of the independence of judiciary. 146 Distinguish between Presidential and Parliamentary forms of Government. shee

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