Chen - Qian - 1998 - Joint Time-Frequency Transform For Radar Range-Doppler Imaging

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Radar transmits electromagnetic waves to a target

Joint Time-Frequency and receives the reflected signals from the target.
The spatial distribution of the reflectivity function
Transform for Radar of the target, referred to as the image of the target,
can be reconstructed from the received signals. A
Range-Doppler Imaging radar image is usually mapped onto a range and
cross-range plane. The range resolution of a radar
image is directly related to the bandwidth of the
transmitted radar signal, and the cross-range resolution
is determined by the effective antenna beamwidth,
VICTOR C. CMEN which is inversely proportional to the effective length
Naval Research Laboratory of the antenna aperture. To achieve high cross-range
SHIE QIAN resolution without using a large physical antenna
National Instruments Corp. aperture, synthetic array processing is widely used.
Synthetic array radar processing coherently combines
signals obtained from sequences of small apertures
at different angle-aspects to the target to emulate the
Conventional radar imaging uses the Fourier transform to result from a large aperture.
retrieve Doppler information. However, due to the complex Synthetic array radar includes both synthetic
motion of a target, the Doppler frequency shifts are actually aperture radar (SAR) and inverse synthetic aperture
time-varying. By using the Fourier transform, the Doppler radar (TSAR) [I]. ISAR uses Doppler information
to obtain the cross-range resolution-The differential
spectrum becomes smeared and the image is blurred. Without
Doppler shifts of adjacent scatterers of the target
resorting to sophisticated motion compensation algorithms,
can be observed in the radar receiver; therefore, the
the image blurring problem can be resolved with the joint
distribution of the target’s reflectivity can be measured
time-frequency transform. High-resolution time-frequency by Doppler spectra. The conventional method to
transforms are investigated, and examples of applications to radar retrieve Doppler information is the Fourier transform.
imaging of single and multiple targets with complex motion are In order to use the Fourier transform properly,
given. some restrictions must be applied. During the imaging
time, the scatterers must remain in their range cells,
and their Doppler frequency shifts must be constant.
If the scatterers drift out of their range cells or
their Doppler frequency shifts are time-varying, the
Doppler spectrum obtained from the Fourier transform
will be smeared, and, the radar image will be blurred.
To obtain a focused Fourier radar image, motion
compensation algorithms must be used. Range
tracking can pull the scatterers back into their range
cells; Doppler frequency shifts of these scatterers,
however, can still be time-varying. Then, Doppler
tracking must be applied for phase compensation, so
that Doppler frequency shifts may become constant.
The range tracking and Doppler tracking are the basis
of the standard motion compensation procedure.
If the target is moving smoothly, the standard
motion compensation is good enough to generate
Manuscript received December 28, 1995; revised March 12, 1997. a clear image of the target by using the Fourier
transform. However, when a target exhibits complex
IEEE Log No. T-AES/34/2/02997.
motion, such as rotation and maneuvering, the
This work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. standard motion compensation is not sufficient
Authors’ addresses: V. C. Chen, Code 5360.1, Radar Division, to generate an acceptable image for viewing and
Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, analysis. In this case, more sophisticated motion
DC 20375-5000; S. Qian, DSP Group, National Instruments, compensation procedures for individual scatterers,
Austin. TX 78730. such as polar reformatting, are needed [2].Thus, each
scatterer may remain in its range cell and its Doppler
0018-9251/98/$10.00 @ 1998 IEEE frequency shift may be constant. Then, the Fourier


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properly to reconstruct a

t requires resampling the

points on the polar sampling
desired sample points
grid [l, 31. However, to
ing, some initial kinematic

can still be blu n the Fourier transform is

rictions of the Fourier transform

:% Aadat

Fig. 1. Geometry of radar image of moving target.

if a time-frequency transform hence the restrictions of the Fourier transform are still
We briefly describe the background of radar
imaging of moving targets, the time-varying behavior
of Doppler frequency shifts, and motion compensation
apply a high-resolution in Section 11. The joint time-frequency transform is
rm to the Doppler processing. discussed in Section 111, where several time-frequency
other motion compensation transforms are compared in terms of the instantaneous
idual scatterers are necessary frequency and the time-frequency concentration. Some
ransform is used. Otherwise, examples of applying the time-frequency imaging
rform such complicated motion approach to a single target and multiple targets with
for individual scatterers. By complex motion are given in Section IV.
sform with a high-resolution
rm, the image blurring caused
Doppler frequency shifts can 11. RADAR IMAGING OF MOVING TARGETS

The geometry of the radar imaging of a target is

shown in Fig. 1. The target is described in Cartesian
coordinates with its origin located at the geometric
center. For simplicity, we only show a planar target
with the radar located on the target plane along the
transform. Y-axis. Assume the radar transmits a sinusoidal
waveform with a carrier frequency f . At a time
t = 0 the distance from the radar antenna to the
geometric center of the target is R,, and the distance
ut suffering image blurring. The to the point scatterer, located at (x,,y,), is ro =
transform, which is specially ( R i + d i + 2d0R, ~inO,)'/~,
where d, = (xi + yo) 2 112

is the distance of the scatterer from the origin of

the object, and 0, = arc tan(y,/x,) is the initial
rotation angle of the point scatterer. If the target has
translational motion with a radial velocity of vR and
a rotational motion with an angular rotation rate
0 about its geometric center, at time t the returned
baseband signal from the point scatterer becomes

where r, is an abbreviation of r(t), p(x,,y,) is the

reflectivity function of the point scatterer, the
range of the point scatterer becomes


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initial velocity vR and angular velocity R, initial radial
acceleration uR and angular acceleration Q, and other
higher order terms as follows
R(t) = R, + v R t + &aRt2+ . ‘ . (8)
B(t) = 8, + Rt + & a t 2+ . ’ . .
The range of a point scatterer at (x,y) in the local
Fig. 2. Geometry of radar and target. coordinate system is
r(t) = R(t) +xcosB(t) -ysinB(t). (10)
r(t) = yo + vRt + xo sin Rt + yo cos Rt
Substituting (10) for the range r in (7), the baseband
and the phase of the baseband signal is signal in the receiver becomes

where c is the velocity of the wave propagation.

S(f It = exP(-j4TfR(t)/c)
I” /”
-03. -m

By taking the time derivative of the phase, the x exp{-j2dxf,(t) - yf,(t))}dxdy (1 1)

Doppler frequency shift induced by the motion of the where the components of the spatial frequency are
target is approximately determined by
1 dQr(rt) - = -2f cosO(t)
- 2f dr(t)
f (12)
fD = dt c dt
f = -2f sinB(t). (13)
y c
From (1 1) we know that if the range of the
where the Doppler frequency shift induced by the target is known exactly and the velocity and
translational motion is acceleration of the motion of the target are constant
and known exactly over the entire imaging time,
( 5 ) then the extraneous phase term of the motion
exp{ -j47r f R(t)/c} can be exactly removed by
and that induced by the rotational motion is multiplying exp{ + j 4f~R(t)/c} on both sides of (1 1).
Therefore, the reflectivity density function p(x, y) of
Z y 0 R 2t the target can be obtained simply by taking the inverse
C Fourier transform (IFT) of the phase compensated
where it has been assumed that Rt is very small, frequency signature S(f exp{ +j47rf R(t)/c}. The
hence cosRt Z 1 and sinRt G Rt. The first and process of estimating the motion of the target and
the second term of (6) comes from the linear and removing the extraneous phase term is called the
quadratic parts of the phase function, respectively. range tracking. This is a fundamental step of the
Clearly, the quadratic part of the rotational Doppler standard motion compensation procedure or called
frequency shift is a function of time. Therefore, the crude motion compensation. Then, the IFT may be
rotational Doppler frequency shift is time-varying, used to construct the reflective density function of the
even if the rotation rate is a constant. target. In order to use the Fourier transform properly,
Based on the returned signal from a single point some restrictions must be applied. During the entire
scatterer, the returned signal from the target can be image frame time, the scatterers must remain in
represented as the integration of the returned signals their range cells, and their Doppler frequency shifts
from all scatterers in the target: must be constant. If the scatterers drift out of their
range cells or their Doppler frequency shifts are
time-varying, the constructed image by using the
Fourier transform becomes blurred. After the range
(7) tracking processing, Doppler frequency shifts can still
be time-varying. Thus, a fine motion compensation
For a target that has translational and rotational called Doppler tracking should be applied to make
motion in the global (u,v) coordinate system shown phase compensation, and, hence Doppler frequency
in Fig. 2. The range R(t) and the rotation angle B(t) shifts become constant. The range tracking and
of the target are functions of time. They can be Doppler tracking are the bases of the standard motion
determined by initial range R, and rotation angle Bo, compensation.


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MOVINGTARGET RADAR IMAGE containing M range cells, can be obtained. At each
range cell, the N range profiles constitute a new time
Range history series. Then, the motion compensated range
profiles become G’(rm,n),(m = 0, 1, ..., M - 1, n =
0,1, ...,N - 1).
I The Fourier imaging approach takes the fast
f N Bursts Fourier transform (FFT) for the time history series
and generates an N-point Doppler spectrum, or
Doppler profile. By combining the M Doppler spectra
at M range cells, finally, the M-by-N image is formed
M pulses
Transmitted Slepped-
Z(rm,fn) = FFZ{G’(rm,J} (15)
Frequency Signal
where FFTn denotes the FFT operation with
respect to the variable n. Therefore, the radar image
Z(rm,f,) is the target’s reflectivities mapped onto the
range-Doppler plane.
Now, let us examine the relationship between
motion and time-varying spectrum before introducing
the time-frequency transform for Doppler processing.
When the target in Fig. 2 has both the translational
and rotational motion, from (3) and (lo), the phase of
the returned signal from the target becomes

2[R(t)+ xcosO(t) -ysinB(t)]

= 27rf (16)
where, for simplicity, we only use the zero and
first-order terms in (8) and (9), i.e., R(t) = R, + vRt
and O(t) = 0, + Rt.
Since the time-derivative of the phase is frequency,
by replacing B(t) with Bo + Rt and R(t) with R, + v,t
and taking time-derivative of the phase function
(16), the Doppler frequency shift can be derived
approximately as

(m + n M ) A t , the IM-by-N complex data are organized m r

into a two-dimensional array which represents the

unprocessed spati,1frequency signature of the target
S(f,,J, where m := 0,1, ...,M - 1, n = 0,1, ...,N - 1, -y(ClcosO, -R2tsin0,)] (18)
and A t denotes the time interval between pulses.
where Bo is the initial target angle. It is clear that
The radar processor uses the frequency signatures
when V , or 0 is changing with time, the Doppler
as the raw data to perform range compression
frequency shift is time-varying. Even if the rotation
and the standard inotion compensation. Range
rate R is a constant, the rotational motion-induced
compression funcrions as a matched filter, which
Doppler frequency shift foro, is still time-varying.
removes frequency or phase modulation and resolves
Other sources of time variation in the Doppler
range. For the SF signals, the range compression
frequency shift may result from uncompensated
performs an M-point IFT for each of the N received
phase errors due to irregularities in the motion of the
frequency signatures as
target, the fluctuation of the rotation rate of the target,
fluctuation in localizing the rotation center, inaccuracy
in tracking the phase history, and other variations of
where ZF7, tes the IFT operation with respect the system and the environment. From the relationship
Therefore, N range profiles (i.e., the between the range and the phase given in (3), the
target reflectivities in range), each phase is very sensitive to the range variation. For


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Time history series at a single range Cell the Fourier transform. The time-frequency transform
is an efficient way to resolve the image blurring
problem caused by the time-varying Doppler's
behavior without applying sophisticated motion
compensation algorithms for individual scatterers.
0 100 200 300 400 500 In the next section, we discuss joint time-frequency
time transforms, compare their time-frequency
performance, and select a candidate for radar imaging.


In principle, any time-frequency transform can be

used to replace the Fourier transform for radar image
reconstruction. However, a desired time-frequency
transform should satisfy the following requirements.
It should have high resolution in both the time and
frequency domains.
Fig. 4. (a) Fourier spectrum. (b) Time-varying spectrum for time It should accurately reflect the instantaneous
history series at single range cell. frequencies of the analyzed signal.

example, for an X-band radar at 9,000 MHz, a Ar = Joint time-frequency transforms include linear
2 cm range drift can cause A@.,= 4nf Ar/c = 432" transforms, such as the short-time Fourier transform
phase deviation, hence a 1.2 Hz Doppler drift within a (STFT), and bilinear transforms, such as the
1 s observation time, which is larger than the Doppler Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) [7-91.
resolution and makes the image blurred. Since the The STFT is the simplest time-frequency transform
residual phase errors may vary with time, the Doppler defined as
frequency also varies with time.
As is known [7, 81, the Fourier transform only STFT(~, w) = /-,

s(7)w(7 - t )exp{-jwT) d r
indicates what frequency components are contained in
the signal; but, it does not tell how frequencies change
with time. By representing the time-varying Doppler where s ( t ) is a signal and w(t) is a short-time window
frequency spectrum with the Fourier transform, function.
the Doppler spectrum becomes smeared as an The joint time-frequency resolution of the
example shown in Fig. 4, where the Fourier transform STFT is limited by the uncertainty principle. With
(Fig. 4(a)) and a time-frequency transform (Fig. 4(b)) a time-limited window function, the resolution of
are applied to a time history series. Here an adaptive the STFT is determined by the window size. There
time-frequency transform [5, 61 is used to calculate is a trade-off between the time resolution and the
the time-frequency distribution. We can see that the frequency resolution. A larger window has higher
Fourier transform of the time history series is actually frequency resolution but lower time resolution.
the integral of the time-frequency transform of the The square modulus of the STFT is called the
same series over its time duration. This is because of spectrogram, which is a nonnegative time-frequency
the frequency marginal condition. For a signal s(t), energy distribution.
if its joint time-frequency energy distribution P(t,w )
satisfies the following condition:
A. High Resolution Time-Frequency Transforms
According to the Wiener-Khinchin Theorem [ 103,
the power spectrum P ( w ) of a signal s(t) is the Fourier
transform of the autocorrelation function R ( 7 ) of the
/ P ( t , w ) d w = Is(t)12 (20) signal

where S(w) is the Fourier transform of the signal,
~ ( w =) ls(w)I2 = R(T)exp{-jwr)dT (22)
and w = 2nf is the radian frequency, we say that the
time-frequency transform satisfies the frequency and
where the autocorrelation function is independent of
the time marginal conditions.
time and is defined as
From the insight into the image blurring, we
realize that in order to achieve a clear image, the
time-frequency transform should be used to replace
R(T) = /-,

s(t)s*(t- 7 )dt. (23)


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However, the power spectrum indicates only the Resolution Comparison

frequency components contained over the entire
time duration of the signal. It does not show how
the frequency components are distributed in time.
An approach to ack ieve high energy concentration
in both the time anll frequency domains is to use the
autocorrelation function and make it time-dependent.
1) Wigner-Elk Distribution: The Fourier

o . : u l L1
transform of a time-dependent autocorrelation function 1.5

R ( ~ , Tis) a time-dependent power spectrum of the

signal, which is a f mction of time and frequency, Le.,
, ,

.8.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 .0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

The choice of R(t;-) is not arbitrary because P(t,w)

should satisfy the frequency and time marginal
conditions, and the time-dependent spectrum should
be real-valued, i.e., P(t,w) = P*(t,w), and nonnegative. Window size:
; When the time-dependent
: .
autocorrelation function o
is defined as 0
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05

Fig. 5. Resolution comparison of (a) FFT, (b) WVD, (c) STFT

the time-dependeni power spectrum becomes for sinusoidal signal at normalized frequency of 0.1.

WVD(t,W) = 1 +5)
(l S* (t - i)exp{ -j w T } dT
plot frequency distributions of the signal calculated
(26) by a rectangle-windowed Fourier transform and the
WVD, respectively. Because of the symmetrical
window, the frequency distribution of the Fourier
transform actually corresponds to the center point
of the window. Thus, the frequency distribution of
the WVD is also taken at the center point in the time
domain. Fig. 5(c) plots the frequency distribution of
the STFT with a window size of 1/4 of the length of
the signal. These plots clearly show that the WVD
has a frequency resolution close to that of the Fourier

ambiguity functior by
Therefore, the W\ D is closely related to the transform except there is a cross-term interference at
the mid-point between the positive and the negative
frequency components. As shown in these plots, the
STFT has lower frequency resolution depending on
the window size. Although the Fourier transform has
the frequency resolution close to that of the WVD,
so that WVD(t, w) and A(T,v) actually form a Fourier it does not have time resolution at all. Therefore,
transform pair. the WVD is the one which not only achieves the
Unlike the spe1:trogram of STFT, in which the frequency resolution close to that of the Fourier
time and frequency resolution is determined by the transform, but also provides high time resolution.
selection of the short-time window function w(t), For a signal s(t) = A(t)exp{j$(t)}, the mean of the
there is no short-tme window function involved instantaneous frequency of the WVD is always equal
in the WVD, whe:e the short-time means the to the signal’s instantaneous frequency [7, 81, i.e.,
window size is srr.aller than the size of the data.
However, the time reversed signal itself in (26) can
be considered as i. matched window, which has the
same size as the s.gnal and is similar to the matched
filter operation in some sense [12]. The frequency
resolution of the WVD is close to that of the Fourier
transform. As an example, given a sinusoid signal
at a normalized frequency of 0.1, Fig. 5(a) and (b)


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Because of the high resolution and the accuracy of the
time-frequency representation, the WVD can be the
candidate time-frequency transform for radar imaging.
However, there is a problem of cross-term interference
associated with it. When the signal contains more than 50 100 150 200 250

one component, the WVD will generate cross-term

interference that occurs at spurious locations of the
time-frequency plane. The cross-term possesses a Time Time
50 100 150 200 250
limited energy which reflects the correlation between
(a) (b) (c)
the two related auto-terms and is highly oscillatory.
Although the cross-term has a limited contribution Fig. 6. Comparison of (a) zero-order TFDS, (b) 4th-order TFDS,
(c) 12th-order TFDS for 4 Gaussian modulated sinusoidal signals.
to signal energy as well as other properties, such as
instantaneous frequency, it often obscures the useful
time-dependent spectrum patterns. To reduce the with cross-terms [7, 81. If we use the leading terms
cross-term interference, the filtered WVD can be used (with small n and q) to represent the time-varying
to preserve the useful properties of the time-frequency spectrum, the resulting presentation is expected
transform with slightly reduced time-frequency to well delineate the time-varying spectrum with
resolution and largely reduced cross-term interference. limited cross-term interference. The new time-varying
The WVD with linear low-pass filter is characterized spectrum is named the time-frequency distribution
as a Cohen’s class, such as Choi-Williams distribution series (TFDS), Le.,
[SI, and the distribution with a nonlinear low-pass
filter is the time-frequency distribution series [ 131,
2) Time-Frequency Distribution Series: It is
interesting to note that the cross-term is localized
at the mid-point of two signal components and its
magnitude is oscillatory in the time-frequency domain where d denotes the order of TFDS. For n = q = 0,
[7, 81. On the other hand, as shown in (19), (20), and Hm,o,p,o(t,w) characterizes energy distributions of
(29), the properties of the WVD, such as the marginal the Gaussian function in the joint time-frequency
conditions and the instantaneous frequency, are domain. The energy contained in Hm,O,p,o(t,~) is equal
computed by averaging of WVD(t,w). This suggests to the energy of an optimally concentrated Gaussian
that we could first decompose the WVD as the sum of w) is usually called the energy
function. Hm,n,p,q(t,
2-D localized functions, such as 2-D Gabor expansion, atom. Therefore, the signal’s energy distribution in
the joint time-frequency domain can be thought as
the superposition of the number of infinite energy
atoms. As described in [7, 131, all those energy atoms
where {Dm,n,p,,}are the coefficients of the expansion are concentrated, symmetrical, and oscillatory. The
and Hm,n,p,q(t,w)
is a 2-D Gaussian function given by energy contained in each individual atom is inversely
proportional to the rate of its oscillation. The highly
oscillatory atoms possess negligible energy but
are directly related to cross-term interference. The
parameter d balances the resolution and cross-term
x exp{-a2(w +jqATw} interference. When d is small, TFDSd(t,w)has low
(3 cross-term interference but poor resolution. When
d is large, TFDSd(t,w) has good resolution but
where the parameters m and p are the time index strong cross-term interference. This can be seen in
and the frequency index, respectively, n and q Fig. 6, where four Gaussian modulated sine waves
characterize the rate of oscillation of the 2-D Gaussian are used to compare zero-order TFDS, 4th-order
functions, and AT and AW are the time sampling
TFDS, and 12th-order TFDS. As proved in [7, 131,
step and the frequency sampling step, respectively. when the order d = 0, the TFDS is equivalent to the
Substituting (30) into (19), (20), and (29), we find spectrogram of the STFT, and as the order goes to
that the important properties of the time-frequency infinite, the TFDS converges to the WVD. In most
distribution, such as marginal distributions and applications, the order is set to 3 or 4.
instantaneous frequency, are mainly determined by The basic procedure of computing TFDS can be
those Hm,n,p,q(t,
w ) which possess low oscillation.
summarized as follows.
The highly oscillatory Hm,n,p,q(t,
w ) has a smaller
average, hence has negligible influence to those Compute the Gabor transform, which is the STFT
important properties. On the other hand, the highly with Gaussian short-window function, to find the 2-D
w)are directly associated
oscillatory terms Hm,n,p,q(t, Gabor coefficients Dm,n,p,q
in (32).


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Gabor coefficients

er to the resulting /
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250

j 0M
A :
Instant lreq Instant. Ireq. Instant. lreq.
1, li

is proportional to the order ! 0 5 ' M

d of the TFDS. 2
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250

Instant bandwidth Instant. bandwidth Instant. bandwidth

in the next section.

of the Time-Frequency Transforms:

Fig. 7. Performance comparison in terms of instantaneous
frequency (dotted line: true instantaneous frequency) and
instantaneous bandwidth using linear chirp signal with Gaussian
envelope. (a) STFT. (b) 4th-order TFDS. (c) WVD.

the time-frequency distribution. and the instantaneous bandwidth is

dividual peaks themselves
to display radar images,
tration is more desirable
ion of the image. The Because a determines the window size, the result is
window dependent.
However, for the WVD, the time-dependent power
spectrum of the above signal becomes

2 (w - 2pt
a - wo)2 }. (38)

The instantaneous frequency is

and the instantaneous bandwidth is

where P ( t ) = JP(c,w)dw is the marginal distribution,
and the instantant ous frequency ( w )It becomes ffwlt = (a/2)"2. (40)
1 From (37) and (40), we can see that the instantaneous
- /'wP(t,w)dw
27r bandwidth of the WVD is higher than that of the

STFT. However, there are no closed forms of the

instantaneous frequency and bandwidth available
for the TFDS. As a matter of fact, the WVD has the
Consider a chirp signal with a Gaussian envelope, highest time-frequency concentration among the linear
as well as bilinear time-frequency transforms [7, 81.
(35) Fig. 7 shows a comparison of the time-frequency

concentration, the instantaneous frequency and the
instantaneous bandwidth for the STFT, the TFDS, and
For the STFT with an energy-normalized Gaussian
window ~ ( t=)( 0 / 7 r ) ' / ~ exp{ -ar2/2}, as calculated in the WVD. The WVD has the highest time-frequency
concentration or lowest instantaneous bandwidth, and
[7, 81, the instant neous frequency is
the instantaneous frequency accurately reflects the true
U instantaneous frequency of the signal. Depending on
)/.I,I = WO 4- -2Pt a+a the order of the distribution, the TFDS has slightly


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time-frequency transform for each time history series
Receiver and generates an N x N time-Doppler distribution.
By combining the M time-Doppler distributions at M
range cells, the N x M x N time-range-Doppler cube
Motion Compensation
Joint Time-Frequency Image Processing
Q(r,,f,,t,) can be formed
( Range tracking &
Doppler tracking ) 1

where 7 F ndenotes the time-frequency operation with

respect to the variable n.
At a particular time instant ti, only one
range-Doppler image frame Q(r,, fn,tn = ti) can
be extracted from the cube. There are a total of N
image frames available, and every one represents
a full range-Doppler image at a particular time
instant. Therefore, by replacing the Fourier
Fig. 8. Block diagram of time-frequency radar image
reconstruction. transform with the time-frequency transform, a 2-D
range-Doppler Fourier image frame becomes a 3-D
lower time-frequency concentration than the WVD, time-range-Doppler image cube. By sampling in time,
and can also accurately reflect the true instantaneous a time sequence of 2-D range-Doppler images can be
frequencies of the signal. However, the STFT has viewed [14, 151. Each ipdividual time-sampled frame
lower time-frequency concentration and a deviation from the cube provides not only a clear image with
from the true instantaneous frequencies. In this superior resolution but also time-varying properties
example, the instantaneous bandwidth in normalized from one time to another. According to the frequency
frequency is 0.007 for the WVD, 0.012 for the marginal condition (19), the integration of the N time
4th-order TFDS, and 0.03 for the STFT. Thus, the frames is the Fourier image of the data
time-frequency concentration of the STFT is about tN

4.3 times lower than that of the WVD and about 2.4
times lower than that of the 4th-order TFDS. Since
z(rm3fJ = >:Q(r,,f,,t,>.

high time-frequency concentration and low cross-term Generally, it is not necessary to take the maximal N
interference are desired for time-frequency imaging, time samples because the Doppler variation from one
we choose the TFDS for its higher time-frequency sampling to the next sampling is not significant. In
cqncentration, lower cross-term interferences, and many cases, 16 equally spaced samples may be good
easier implementation [7, 131. enough to show the detailed Doppler variations.
In the next Section, we give some examples of
B. Application to Radar Imaging using the TFDS to reconstruct superior radar images.

We have discussed the basic concept of radar

range-Doppler imaging and shown the conventional IV. EXAMPLES
radar imaging system based on the Fourier transform.
However, to achieve clear images of moving targets, The following examples demonstrate the
the time-frequency transforms which have superior time-frequency approach to radar imaging of single
resolution, low cross-term interferences, and unbiased target with translational motion, with rotational
estimation of the instantaneous frequency spectrum motion, and multiple targets with circular motion. The
should be used. radar data is simulated with a SF waveform. Other
Fig. 8 illustrates the radar imaging system based waveforms, such as LFM and chirp-pulse waveforms
on the time-frequency transform. The standard motion can also be applied to the time-frequency imagiftg
compensation is necessary prior to the time-frequency approach.
image reconstruction. The only difference between the
proposed time-frequency radar imaging system and A. Single Target with Translational Motion and Velocity
the conventional radar imaging system lies in that the Fluctuation
Fourier transform is replaced by the time-frequency
transform followed by time sampling as shown in In the simulation, the radar is assumed operating
Fig. 8. The Fourier-based imaging approach generates at 9,000 MHz and transmits a SF waveform. In each
only one image frame from an M x N I and Q data. burst, a total of 64 stepped frequencies are used
AS described in Section IT the data consists of M time to cover a total of 150 MHz bandwidth or achieve
history series, each having the length of N . However, 1.O m range resolution. The pulse repetition frequency
the time-frequency based imaging approach takes the (PRF) of 20,000 pulsesh is used to cover the entire


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fluctuation. The velocity fluctuation is induced by
assuming that Av(t) is a sine-type function of time.
Even if the fluctuation causes only a maximum
velocity variation of 0.5 m / s with the above mentioned
velocity (which results in a maximum range
fluctuation of 0.1 m), the uncompensated phase error
due to this fluctuation can cause the reconstructed
image to be blurred as shown in Fig. lO(a), where
range tracking and Doppler tracking has been
From a time-varying spectrum point of view,
the uncompensated phase error causes the Doppler
spectrum to be time-varying. If we deal with the
time-varying Doppler spectrum using the Fourier
i Ran@ (meter) transform, the image becomes blurred. By replacing
Fig. 9. Radar imbge of simulated aircraft with smoothly the Fourier transform with the time-frequency
/translational motion. transform, the single Fourier image frame becomes
a sequence of time-frequency image frames. The joint
time-frequency transform resolves the single image
target. The observsltion time should be long enough frame into a stack of its temporal frame elements.
to achieve the desired cross-range resolution. In Each of them represents a full range-Doppler image
our simulation, 0.812 s observation time with 256 at a particular time instant. Fig. 10(b) shows the image
samples of the time history series is used. Therefore, frame 7 from the stack of frames, and Fig. 11 shows
the cross-range resplution is 0.44 m. The radar 8 frames (frame 1 to frame 8) extracted from the
image consists of 64 range-cells and 256 Doppler sequence of 16 time-frequency image frames. We can
frequencies. , easily see that by using the time-frequency transform,
An aircraft is simulated in terms of its 3-D the time-varying spectrum can be represented very
well and, therefore, the smeared Fourier image is
reflectivity density1 function p(x, y , z). It is initially
resolved into a sequence of time-varying images,
located at ( x , = 70 m, yo = 1600 m, zo = 100 m) and
which not only have superior resolution, but also
has only a translat onal motion with a velocity of v = shows the Doppler change and range walk in time.
120 m/s along a tr ck at 19, = 130" from the u-axis in

the global coordinkte (u,v) in Fig. 2. The translational

motion can induce1 an equivalent angular rotation with B. Single Target with Rotational Motion
an angular velocitl of R = vsinB,R,,/R~ = 3.28"/s,
where Ryz = (y," + K,")'/~ and R, = (xi + yo2 + z,)2 1/2 . In this simulation, a 2-D model of an aircraft
(MIG-25) is used, and the aircraft has a fast rotational
Thus, the image 01 the aircraft can be generated as motion with a rotation rate of lO"/s. In each burst, a
shown in Fig. 9. total of 64 SFs are used with a stepping frequency of
If there is a flu'ctuation in the velocity v(t) = v(0) t 8 MHz. A total of 512 samples of the time history
Av(t), it can induce an equivalent radial velocity series are taken to reconstruct the image of the
fluctuation as well as an equivalent angular velocity aircraft.

Range Range

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Radar image of simulated aircraft with translational moving and velocity fluctuation by using (a) Fourier transform and
(b) time-frequency transform.


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Frame no 1 Frame no 2 Frame no 3 Frame no 4

Frame no 5 Frame no 6 Frame no 7 Frame no 8


Fig. 11. Sequence of image frames (from frame 1 to frame 8) of simulated aircraft by using joint time-frequency transform


Fig. 12. Images of simulated MIG-25 by using (a) Fourier transform and (b) time-frequency transform (frame 7).

Assume that the translation motion of a target can see that the blurred image due to fast rotating can
can be perfectly compensated. However, due to be refocused without polar reformatting.
the fast rotation of the target, even after motion
compensation, the uncompensated phase error is still
C. Two Targets with Circular Motion
large. Therefore, the reconstructed image by using
the Fourier transform is still blurred as shown in If a number of targets are within the same antenna
Fig. 12(a). beam, close together in range, and moving with
Usually, when a target has a fast rotational motion, different velocities or in different directions, the
polar reformatting is required, which eliminates the returned signals from these targets are overlapped
drifts of individual scatterers through their range in time. By simply applying a conventional motion
cells, such that the Fourier transform can be used compensation algorithm, which is designed for single
properly. However, to perform polar reformatting, moving target, the multiple moving targets cannot be
some initial kinematic parameters are required. The resolved, and each individual target cannot be clearly
data resampling and polar-to-rectangular reformation imaged.
also increases the computational complexity of the The returned signal from multiple targets can be
image reconstruction. expressed as the summation of the returned signals
By using the time-frequency processing, since each from individual targets:
scatterer has its own range and Doppler frequency
shift at each time instant, without knowing the
initial kinematic parameters and resampling the
data, a blurred Fourier image becomes a sequence
of time-frequency image frames. Fig. 12(b) shows
the image frame 7 from the sequence of 16 frames
reconstructed by the time-frequency transform. We (43)


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nx no.1
cenier 1 -20

I I O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~+center2
~, 1 201
.i .
1200 1400 1600 1800 -20 0 20
X (meter) (meter)

0.5 r %,-'

-50 0 50
-50 0 50
Range (meter) Range (meter)

(C) (d)
Fig. 13. Radar imag*ug of two moving targets. (a) Trajectories of the two targets. (b) Aircraft model (B-727). (c) Radar image using
Fourier transform. (d) Radar image using time-frequency transform.

where p,(x,y) is thje reflectivity function of the target Fig. 13(a) illustrates the trajectories of two
k . The associated ciomponents of its spatial frequencies simulated targets, each of them having a circular
are fk, and fky. I motion around a center point. The radar is located
Due to differenit radial velocities of these targets, at ( X = 0, Y = 0). The two targets start their circular
each individual tarBet has its own Doppler history motion from an initial point at (X = 1600 m, Y =
different from oth6rs. In this case, the time-frequency 1600 m). Target 1 has a circular motion around a
transform may be ptilized for imaging of multiple center at ( X = 1600 m, Y = 1550 m) with a rotation
moving targets. %Filar to (4), the Doppler frequency rate 0.02 rad/s or 1.15"/s. Target 2 has a rotation
shift associated with the target k can be derived as rate of 0.03 rad/s or 1.72"/s around a center at ( X =
1600 m, Y = 1100 m). Fig. 13(c) shows th9''radar
image of the two moving targets with cordkntional
motion compensation and the Fourier transform. As a
- y ( ~ , c o s e ,-
~ R,2tsir1~~,)1. conventional approach, after range tracking a Doppler
centroid algorithm may be used for Doppler tracking.
(44) Thus, the phase correction function is based on a
Even if vRAand R,, are constant, the Doppler centroid frequency and, therefore, it cannot make a
frequency shift is ;till time-varying, or its time clear image for either of the targets.
derivative is However, in this case, the Doppler histories of the
two targets are different due to the different rotation
(45) rates. This difference provides a way to resolving
multiple targets in the time-frequency domain. After
where QoA is the iriitial rotation angle of the target k . range tracking and placing the mass center at the
When two targets ahave different rotation rates, their center of the range extent, the time history series
Doppler frequenvy shifts and their Doppler changing at the center range cell can be used as a reference.
rates are different Even if the returned signals from By applying a joint time-frequency transform to the
the two targets art overlapped in time, they can still reference, a phase correction function corresponding
be separated in teirms of their Doppler shifts and their to one target can be extracted and applied to the time
Doppler changing rates. histories of all the range cells. Thus, the Doppler
Conventional 1 otion compensation algorithms spectrum corresponding to that target becomes
basically perform range tracking and Doppler
a constant. Hence, the Fourier transform can be
tracking. In cases ;of multiple moving targets, the adequately applied to reconstruct the image of that
phase compensatibn by Doppler tracking cannot target. But, images of other targets may be blurred
correct phase errors for all targets simultaneously. The because their phase errors may not be correctly
phase correction fhnction obtained by the conventional compensated. By utilizing only one phase correction
Doppler tracking algorithm may compensate the phase function at a time, multiple targets may be separately
error for one target but induce phase errors for others. imaged one at a time.


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When targets are moving smoothly, the WVD) and the TFDS. We use the TFDS for our
conventional time-frequency approach may generate time-frequency radar imaging approach.
satisfactory images of multiple targets, especially for Simulated targets were used to demonstrate the
point targets. However, for extended targets that are capability of the time-frequency approach to radar
rotating or maneuvering, there is no a simple phase imaging of moving targets. The result clearly shows
correction function for the rotating or maneuvering that the joint time-frequency transform can be used
extended target. Thus, the conventional time-frequencY to replace the Fourier transform as a means of radar
approach is not capable of imaging of multiple image reconstruction without suffering image blurring.
extended rotating or maneuvering targets. Therefore, the restriction of the Fourier transform
As we mentioned in Section I, these conventional can be lifted, and constant Doppler frequency shifts
time-frequency approaches utilize a time-frequency and complicated motion compensation algorithms for
transform (such as STFT or WVD) to compute the individual scatterers are no longer needed for making
time-varying Doppler spectrum and, hence, the phase clear images of moving targets.
correction function. However, the means for image The time-frequency imaging approach can be used
reconstruction is still the Fourier transform. When for imaging of targets with either smooth motion or
multiple targets have different rotational as well as abrupt maneuvering, and for imaging of either a single
translational motion, each individual scatterer of target or multiple targets.
the target has its own motion and rotation different
from others. Therefore, each scatterer of the same
target has its own Doppler history. The phase ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
compensation made by the conventional time-
We are grateful to William Miceli of ONR for
frequency approach cannot remove all the Doppler
drifts from all the scatterers. Therefore, images of support and helpful discussions. We would also like
multiple targets may not clearly show the individual to express our thanks to Dave Kerr and Amy O’brien
targets. of Naval Research Laboratory for their reviewing and
However, when we utilize the time-frequency helpful comments.
transform as the means of image reconstruction,
multiple extended targets with complex motion REFERENCES
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Downloaded on November 12,2023 at 08:49:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Victor C. Chen received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Since 1990 he has been
with the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, working on signal and
image processing, automatic target recognition, moving target detection and
time-frequencykime-scale applications to signal analysis and radar imaging
systems. From 1982 to 1990, he was with Picker International, Technicare
Corporation, and Vitro Corporation as a staff scientist and senior engineer,
working on medical imaging systems, magnetic resonance image processing,
neural networks, visual motion perception, and wavelet transforms. Before 1980,
he was a chief engineer in the Institute of Electronics, the Academy of Sciences
of China, working on signal detection and estimation, statistical communication
theory, and radar tracking systems.
Dr. Chen's publications include a book, chapters in books, and more than 60
papers in journals and proceedings.

Shie Qian is a Senior Research Scientist at National Instruments Corp., Austin,

TX. His research interests include methods and applications of time-frequency
and time-scale analysis.
He is the leading author of Joint Time-Frequency Analysis (Prentince-Hall,


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