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0lIIlltI Fl0llI0 Fl0\lt0 0l Nl


Area (}
A. F|rst 0|str|ct
1. Ca|oayog C|ly Agr|cu|lure ard F|srery, Varulaclur|rg, lour|sr, Wro|esa|e ard rela||,
ous|ress serv|ces
2. 0ardara Agr|cu|lure
3. Valugu|rao Agr|cu|lure
1. 3ar Jorge Agr|cu|lure
5. 3la. Vargar|la Agr|cu|lure ard F|srery
. Tarargrar F|srery ard agr|cu|lure
Z. 3lo. N|ro F|srery
8. Pagsargrar F|srery ard agr|cu|lure
9. Tagapu|-ar F|srery
10. A|ragro F|srery
. 8econd 0|str|ct
1. 8asey F|srery, agr|cu|lure, ard lour|sr
2. Pararas Agr|cu|lure ard l|srery
3. l|raoargar Agr|cu|lure ard l|srery, r|r|rg
1. 3ar Jose de 8uar Agr|cu|lure
5. v|||area| F|srery ard agr|cu|lure
. 3la. R|la F|srery ard agr|cu|lure
Z. Ca|o|ga Agr|cu|lure, l|srery, ard lour|sr
8. Vol|org Agr|cu|lure ard l|srery
9. P|raoacdao Agr|cu|lure ard l|srery
10. Caloa|ogar Agr|cu|lure, l|srery, Wro|esa|e ard rela||, ous|ress serv|ces
11. 0arar F|srery
12. Varaoul F|srery ard lour|sr
13. J|aoorg F|srery ard agr|cu|lure
11. Zurarraga F|srery
15. Ta|a|ora F|srery
1. 3ar 3eoasl|ar F|srery

o||t|ca| Subd|v|s|on

O 1he provlnce ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo (2) dlsLrlcLs 1he flrsL dlsLrlcL ls composed of Calbayog ClLy and 9
munlclpallLles whlch lnclude Candara MaLugulnao San !orge SLa MargarlLa 1arangnan SLo nlno
agsanghan 1agapulan Almagro 1he second dlsLrlcL ls composed of CaLbalogan clLy Lhe caplLal of
Lhe provlnce and 13 souLhern munlclpallLles namely 8asey aranas Plnabangan San !ose de
8uan vlllareal SLa 8lLa Calblga MoLlong lnabacdao uaram MarabuL !labong Zumarraga
1alalora and San SebasLlan (Map 2)

O Calbayog has Lhe mosL number of barangays wlLh 137 or 1631 followed by Candara wlLh
69 or 726 whlle Lhe munlclpallLy of 1alalora has Lhe leasL wlLh 11 barangays or 116 (See
1able 1)
%ab|e 1. 0|str|but|on of arangay by Hun|c|pa||ty, Prov|nce of 8amar
0|str|ct|6|ty|Hun|c|pa||ty No. of arangays 1o 1ota|
8amar 951 10000
A. F|rst 0|str|ct 90
1. Ca|oayog C|ly 137 1631
2. 0ardara 69 726
3. Valugu|rao 20 210
1. 3ar Jorge 41 431
5. 3la. Vargar|la 36 379
. Tarargrar 41 431
Z. 3lo. N|ro 13 137
8. Pagsargrar 13 137
9. Tagapu|-ar 14 147
10. A|ragro 23 242
. 8econd 0|str|ct 10
1. 8asey 31 336
2. Pararas 44 463
3. l|raoargar 21 221
1. 3ar Jose de 8uar 14 147
5. v|||area| 38 400
. 3la. R|la 38 400
Z. Ca|o|ga 41 431
8. Vol|org 30 313
9. P|raoacdao 24 232
10. Caloa|ogar C|ly 37 399
11. 0arar 38 610
12. Varaoul 24 232
13. J|aoorg 34 338
11. Zurarraga 23 263
15. Ta|a|ora 11 116
1. 3ar 3eoasl|ar 14 147
5ootce Notloool 5totlstlcs Offlce

13 Land Area

O 1he provlnce of Samar has a LoLal land area of 3391 square kllomeLers represenLlng 2609 percenL
of LasLern vlsayas LoLal land area of 21432 square kllomeLers lL has Lhe largesL area ln Lhe lsland of
Samar and Lhe second for Lhe whole LasLern vlsayas 8eglon

O 1he provlnce ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo congresslonal dlsLrlcLs 1he 1
dlsLrlcL of Lhe provlnce comprlslng
nlne (9) munlclpallLles and one clLy has a land area of 323880 square kllomeLers represenLlng 383
percenL of Lhe LoLal land area whlle Lhe 2
dlsLrlcL coverlng 16 munlclpallLles has 233220 square
kllomeLers comprlslng 417 percenL of Lhe provlnce Calbayog clLy has Lhe largesL area wlLh 903
square kllomeLers whlch represenL 162 percenL of Lhe provlnclal LoLal whlle Lhe munlclpallLles of
San SebasLlan and Almagro has Lhe smallesL land area wlLh 273 square kllomeLers and 272 square
kllomeLers respecLlvely (lease refer Lo 1able 3)

1 Lst|mated D|stance of Mun|c|pa||t|es from rov|nc|a| Cap|ta| Catba|ogan

O 1he farLhesL munlclpallLy ls Almagro whlch Lakes a 3hours Lravel Llme by moLor boaL Lo reach
Calbayog clLy and anoLher 69 kllomeLers (2 hours) from Calbayog Lo CaLbalogan ClLy
O n Lhe oLher hand nearesL munlclpallLles are !labong and Plnabangan whlch are 11 kllomeLers and
23 kllomeLers from Lhe caplLal respecLlvely (8efer Lo 1able 4)

%ab|e 3: Land Area of 6|t|es|Hun|c|pa||t|es by 0|str|ct, Prov|nce of 8amar
Area (} 7 %o %ota|
8amar 5,591.00 100.0
A. F|rst 0|str|ct 3,258.80 58.3
1. Ca|oayog C|ly 903 1.2
2. 0ardara 132.8 Z.Z
3. Valugu|rao 31.2 .5
1. 3ar Jorge 211.2 1.3
5. 3la. Vargar|la 111.1 2.
. Tarargrar 129.0 2.3
Z. 3lo. N|ro 31.Z 0.
8. Pagsargrar 30.0 0.5
9. Tagapu|-ar 28.Z 0.5
10. A|ragro 2Z.2 0.5
. 8econd 0|str|ct 2,332.20 41.7
1. 8asey 5Z2.Z 10.2
2. Pararas 15Z.1 8.2
3. l|raoargar 3Z2.2 .Z
1. 3ar Jose de 8uar 3.9 .
5. v|||area| 239.1 1.3
. 3la. R|la 222.5 1.0
Z. Ca|o|ga 203.1 3.
8. Vol|org 1Z1.1 3.1
9. P|raoacdao 13 2.9
10. Caloa|ogar 119.8 2.1
11. 0arar 103.1 1.8
12. Varaoul 98.9 1.8
13. J|aoorg Z.Z 1.2
11. Zurarraga 3Z. 0.Z
15. Ta|a|ora 32.5 0.
1. 3ar 3eoasl|ar 2Z.3 0.5
5ootce Notloool 5totlstlcs Offlce

%ab|e 4: Est|mated 0|stance of Hun|c|pa||t|es from Prov|nc|a| 6ap|ta|
0|stance to 6ap|ta|
A. F|rst 0|str|ct
1. Ca|oayog C|ly 9
2. 0ardara 39
3. Valugu|rao (lror 0ardara) 5-rour r|ver/ooal 30 r|rules (39 |r) oy |ard
1. 3ar Jorge 32
5. 3la. Vargar|la 1
. Tarargrar 3
Z. 3lo. N|ro (lror Ca|oayog) 1 rour ooal 9 |r oy |ard
8. Pagsargrar 1 rour oy ooal 10 |r oy |ard
9. Tagapu|-ar (lror Ca|oayog) 2 rour ooal 9 |r oy |ard
10. A|ragro (lror Ca|oayog) 3 rour ooal 9 |r oy |ard
. 8econd 0|str|ct
1. 8asey 9
2. Pararas 23
3. l|raoargar 3
1. 3ar Jose de 8uar Z3.55
5. v|||area| 53
. 3la. R|la 9
Z. Ca|o|ga 1Z
8. Vol|org 19
9. P|raoacdao 52
10. Caloa|ogar 0
11. 0arar 1 rour ooal
12. Varaoul 128
13. J|aoorg 11
11. Zurarraga 1 rour ooal
15. Ta|a|ora 1.5 rour ooal
1. 3ar 3eoasl|ar 1.Z
5ootce l1wClulll 2009


1he developmenL lssues and challenges ldenLlfled ln Lhls secLlon are appllcable
boLh for ulsLrlcLs l and ll

1.1. E60N0HY
O 1he maln developmenL lssue of Lhe provlnce ls wldespread poverLy 1he maln drlvers of poverLy
are slow economlc growLh and llmlLed employmenL opporLunlLles 1hese ln Lurn were due Lo
low agrlculLural producLlvlLy lncreaslng supply of unskllled manpower and Lhe lnadequacy of
lnfrasLrucLure supporL faclllLles and uLlllLles

111 W|despread overty and nunger
O ln 2006 Lhe poverLy lncldence of Lhe provlnce was 476 percenL comprlslng 338873 persons
1hls means LhaL abouL 48 ouL of 100 persons are poor whose lncome falls below Lhe annual per
caplLa poverLy Lhreshold of 13869 and cannoL afford ln a susLalned manner Lo provlde Lhelr
baslc needs of food healLh educaLlon houslng and oLher amenlLles of llfe n Lhe oLher hand
lncldence of subslsLence poor populaLlon was 26 percenL 1hls means LhaL 26 ouL of 100
persons ln Lhe provlnce have lncomes whlch fall below Lhe food Lhreshold of 9773 comprlslng
of 183062 persons who suffer hunger

O 1he provlnce ranked as Lhe 3
pooresL provlnce ln 8eglon vlll 1he poverLy lncldence of
populaLlon ls 09 percenLage polnL lower compared Lo Lhe 483 percenL reglonal poverLy
lncldence buL lL ls 136 percenLage polnLs hlgher Lhan Lhe naLlonal poverLy lncldence of 329
percenL WlLhln LasLern vlsayas lL ls very alarmlng LhaL ouL of 143 munlclpallLles ln Lhe reglon
Lhe Lop 23 pooresL munlclpallLles were all ln Lhe provlnce of Samar

11 Low Iam||y Income
O 1he annual average famlly lncome ln 2000 was reporLed aL 7840900 or 633408/monLh
however 74 percenL of Lhe Samarnon famllles were earnlng below Lhe average lncome and are
poor f Lhese 49 or 63000 famllles derlved Lhelr lncome from enLrepreneurlal acLlvlLles 13
or 16400 famllles derlved Lhelr lncome from salarles and wages and 12 or 14800 famllles
derlved Lhelr lncome from oLher sources

O Ma[orlLy (63) of Lhe low lncome famllles were engaged ln enLrepreneurlal acLlvlLles ln Lhe
agrlculLure secLor speclflcally crop farmlng and gardenlng llvesLock and poulLry ralslng flshlng
and foresLry and hunLlng

O 1he problem of low lncome can be dlrecLly or lndlrecLly aLLrlbuLed Lo varlous facLors such as low
employmenL opporLunlLles lncreaslng labor supply and mlsmaLch of supply and demand for

113 Lmp|oyment

LlmlLed LmploymenL pporLunlLles
O rom 2004 Lo 2003 Lhe number of reglsLered buslness sllghLly lncreased by 144
esLabllshmenLs or an lncrease of 1478 percenL 1he relaLlvely slow growLh of buslness
ls aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lnadequacy of supporL faclllLles and uLlllLles ower supply ls erraLlc
resulLlng ln power ouLages ln addlLlon LransporLaLlon faclllLles are also lnadequaLe 1he
porLs ln CaLbalogan and Calbayog ClLy cannoL accommodaLe blgger sea vessels 1he
alrporL ln Calbayog ClLy can only accommodaLe llghL planes (okker 30) whlle Lhe alrporL
ln CaLbalogan has noL been compleLed yeL Moreover Lhe provlnclal roads llnklng Lhe
caplLal Lown Lo lLs producLlve areas are ln poor condlLlons 1hese condlLlons cause
llmlLed employmenL generaLlon as lnvesLors are heslLanL Lo pour lnvesLmenLs lnLo Lhe

lncreaslng Labor Supply

O 1he provlnce has a rapldly lncreaslng labor force from 237000 ln 2000 lL rose Lo abouL
314000 ln 2003 lL ls pro[ecLed Lo rlse furLher Lo 362000 by 2013 1hls slLuaLlon
conLrlbuLes ln depresslng Lhe employmenL wage raLes and worsenlng Lhe
unemploymenL and underemploymenL slLuaLlon Ma[orlLy of Lhe labor force have no
Lrade skllls and has only compleLed or reached elemenLary (hlghesL educaLlonal
aLLalnmenL) 1hls ls a challenge Lo Lhe provlnce Lo Lraln and educaLe lLs large and
unskllled manpower

Low LducaLlonal ALLalnmenL
O ln 2000 more Lhan a half or 3316 percenL of Lhe LoLal labor force of Lhe provlnce
aLLalned elemenLary level as Lhe hlghesL educaLlonal aLLalnmenL AlmosL one fourLh
reached hlgh school and some 148 percenL aLLalned posL secondary and posL
baccalaureaLe levels 1he resL wlLh a comblned 840 percenL reached preschool and
below and Lhose whose educaLlonal aLLalnmenL are noL sLaLed 1hls lmplles LhaL Lhe
provlnce has a vasL pool of Lralnable human resources

11 Low Agr|cu|tura| roduct|v|ty

Low LducaLlonal Level

O AnoLher conLrlbuLory facLor for Lhe low agrlculLural producLlvlLy ls Lhe educaLlonal
aLLalnmenL of Lhe agrlculLural workers whereln a blg percenLage of 8293 percenL have
noL reached Lhe secondary level 1he same ls Lrue ln flshlng whereln 7932 percenL have
noL reached Lhe secondary level 1he low educaLlonal level had resulLed ln Lhe low
awareness as well as Lhe low adopLlon of Lhe laLesL farmlng and flshlng producLlvlLy
enhanclng Lechnologles

lnadequaLe lnfrasLrucLure/aclllLles SupporL

O 1he low producLlvlLy of palay ls aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe farm's poor lrrlgaLlon and dralnage
condlLlons MosL of Lhe rlce areas are lefL unplanLed durlng Lhe flrsL cropplng season
(May cLober) when sufflclenL ralnwaLer ls noL avallable urLhermore durlng Lhe
second cropplng season (novemberMarch) rlce producLlon ln Lhe lowlaylng areas ls
frequenLly hampered by flood due Lo Lhe poor dralnage condlLlon of Lhe farms

O AlLhough Samar ls rlch ln waLer resources wlLh lLs seven ma[or rlver sysLems and
counLless smaller creeks LhaL can provlde adequaLe waLer for lrrlgaLlon yeL lLs presenL
lrrlgaLed area covers only abouL 2327 hecLares or 4 percenL of Lhe poLenLlally lrrlgable
area esLlmaLed aL 13782 hecLares (8SWM 199043)

O Lher facLors compoundlng low agrlculLural producLlvlLy are lack of farm lmplemenLs and
drafL anlmals lack of posLharvesL faclllLles lack of caplLal llmlLed supply of hlgh yleldlng
varleLles of seeds occurrence of pesLs and dlseases and lnefflclenL dellvery of exLenslon
servlces and degradaLlon of marlne resources

11 Lco1our|sm

Dndeveloped Lco1ourlsm uesplLe oLenLlal

O Among Lhe famous LourlsL aLLracLlons/desLlnaLlons are Lhe SohoLon naLural 8rldge
naLlonal ark ln 8asey Lhe MarabuL Marlne ark ln MarabuL Lhe repuLed 2nd blggesL
cave ln SouLh LasL Asla Lhe LangunCublngob Cave and Lhe Lulugayan alls and LlLeron
8aplds whlch are ln Calblga and Lhe 8angun8ugLong alls ln Calbayog 1he provlnce
has sLlll many undeveloped naLural aLLracLlons ln oLher places wlLh vasL poLenLlals for

lnefflclenL 1ourlsL SupporL aclllLles

O 1he lndusLry ls beseL wlLh Lhe followlng challenges lack of Lourlsm relaLed lnvesLmenL
lncenLlves lack of lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon/markeLlng low Lourlsm consclousness lack
of slgnages Lo Lourlsm desLlnaLlons absence of on llne booklng for Samar's Lourlsm
clrculLs lack of experL/accredlLed Lour guldes and lack of LourlsLfrlendly fronL llners
Llkewlse lnefflclenL securlLy/pollce servlces lack of lnLerpreLers absence of slLe
developmenL plan for LourlsL aLLracLlons lack of soclal/communlLy preparaLlon ln LourlsL
desLlnaLlons lack of organlzed culLural acLlvlLles lack of vlslble markeLlng ouLleLs for
souvenlrs and absence of feedback mechanlsm also prevall

O 1here are several LourlsLs supporL faclllLles llke hoLels lodglng houses resLauranLs and
fasLfoods buL are only found ln Lhe caplLal Lown of CaLbalogan and ln Calbayog clLy
1ourlsLs from 1acloban golng Lo Lhe SohoLon Cave a prlme desLlnaLlon are forced Lo go
on day Lrlps and reLurn Lo 1acloban for sleeplng quarLers Also dlfflculL Lralls leadlng Lo
advenLure desLlnaLlon dlscourage Lhe LourlsLs Lo go Lo Lhese areas

1.2. PhY8|6AL RE80UR6E8

11 Land kesource Management]Land Use
uegradaLlon f Some Dpland Areas

O ApproxlmaLely 4693 percenL (262402 has) of Lhe provlnce's LoLal land area have already
been classlfled as sllghLly eroded lands Compoundlng Lhls problem ls Lhe facL LhaL 8179
percenL of Lhe LoLal land of Lhe provlnce has slopes greaLer Lhan 8 percenL whlch are
prone Lo eroslon Soll eroslon resulLs ln Lhe loss of preclous Lopsoll and Lhe deLerloraLlon of
prlme agrlculLural lands ALLenLlon musL be made however on Lhe degraded land of Lhe
provlnce whlch already consLlLuLe 3487 percenL or 194944 hecLares of moderaLely and
severely eroded lands

MalpracLlce ln ConducLlng AgrlculLural AcLlvlLles

O MalpracLlce of some farmers ln conducLlng agrlculLural acLlvlLles ln areas above 18 percenL slope LhaL
ylelds unfavorable economlc resulLs whereln mosL cases farmers would also resulL Lo Lhe kalngln
sysLem ln preparlng Lhe area whlch ls deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe envlronmenL

Cross vlolaLlon f 1he nlAS Law
O Cross vlolaLlon of Lhe nlAS Law where proLecLed areas llke swamp lands marshes and mangroves are
converLed Lo flshponds and oLher relaLed endeavors

uesLrucLlon f oresL Areas

O 1hls lncludes Lhe desLrucLlon of foresL areas due Lo unregulaLed mlnlng acLlvlLles and lllegal

Absence of Zonlng rdlnances/Land Dse lan

O Absence of Zonlng rdlnances/Land Dse lan ln some munlclpallLles Lo regulaLe/ conLrol
unwarranLed physlcal developmenL whereln only Lhe four ouL of 26 LCDs (8asey MarabuL
MoLlong Calbayog ClLy) ln Lhe provlnce have approved Land Dse lans

Severe loodlng

O 1he occurrence of floodlng ln San !orge Candara Calblga 1arangnan Calbayog and
CaLbalogan has been causlng damage Lo llfe and properLles 1hls could be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe
poor caLchmenL capaclLy of Lhe waLershed areas poor dralnage/ waLerways
houslng/seLLlemenLs along rlverways and denuded mangrove and foresL cover

SeLLlemenLs ln oresLlands And 8uffer Zones

O LncroachmenL of seLLlemenLs or populace lnLo Lhe proLecLlon lands of 8asey Calblga Candara
!labong MaLugulnao lnabacdao and San !ose de 8uan and buffer zones parLlcularly ln coasLal

1hreaL of Lhe nAA
O 1he converslon of Lhe agrlculLural lands for Lhe expanslon of Lhe bullLup areas for Lhe growlng
populaLlon wlll lmpacL on Lhe long Lerm food securlLy program of Lhe provlnce

Large 1racL f ldle/DnproducLlve Land

O Accordlng Lo Lhe uLn8 Lhe provlnce has a large LracL of ldle/unproducLlve lands of abouL
100000 hecLares wlLhln Lhe allenable and dlsposable lands

1.3. 806|AL 8ERV|6E8
O 1he maln lssue ln Lhe soclal servlces ls Lhe poor and lnadequaLe dellvery of baslc soclal servlces
Lo Lhe marglnal secLor ln Lhe provlnce

131 nea|th

oor PealLh aclllLles and Lack of Manpower

O 1he low access Lo baslc healLh servlces ln Lhe provlnce ls aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lnadequaLe number
and poor sLaLus of healLh faclllLles and lack of healLh manpower

oor SLaLus of PealLh aclllLles

O Samar rovlnclal PosplLal ls Lhe hlghesL core referral hosplLal ln Lhe enLlre provlnce lL has an
average bed occupancy raLe of 67 percenL compared Lo normal whlch ls 93 percenL 8ecause of
Lhe poor faclllLles of Lhe hosplLal paLlenLs would seek medlcal LreaLmenL from hosplLals ln
Calbayog and 1acloban ClLy where hosplLal faclllLles are beLLer urLhermore Lhe
dlsLrlcL/communlLy hosplLals have also been downgraded by Lhe uP and could noL funcLlon as
such 1hls compounded Lhe problem of Lhe populace ln Lhe rural areas who are seeklng medlcal
LreaLmenLs 1he deflclencles common Lo Lhe hosplLals are baslcally manpower lnfrasLrucLure
faclllLles and medlcal equlpmenL/supplles

Lack of PealLh Manpower

O 1he opulaLlon raLlo of docLors/denLlsLs ls crlLlcally below Lhe naLlonal sLandard seL by uP
opulaLlon Lo physlclan raLlo ls 1 36386 compared Lo Lhe sLandard of 1 20000 ln year 2007
or populaLlon Lo denLlsL raLlo lL ls 1 60000 compared Lo Lhe sLandard of 1 30000

O Lleven Lowns ln Lhe provlnce have no docLors namely uaram 1alalora !labong 1arangnan
Almagro San !orge agsanghan Candara MaLugulnao 1agapulan and SLo nlno 1he Lown of
1alalora Almagro MaLugulnao and San !ose de 8uan have no asslgned publlc healLh nurses

Plgh MalnuLrlLlon 8aLe

O uue Lo Lhe hlgh lncldence of poverLy ln Lhe provlnce heads of Lhe famllles could noL adequaLely
provlde Lhe mlnlmum food lnLake requlremenL of Lhe famlly members resulLlng Lo malnuLrlLlon
1he hlgher Lhe poverLy lncldence Lhe hlgher Lhe malnuLrlLlon raLe

O MalnuLrlLlon ls one of Lhe causes of lnfanL deaLhs ln Lhe provlnce lL affecLs a slzable number of
chlldren especlally ln Lhe remoLe areas ln 2007 Lhe peraLlon 1lmbang covered 71378 or 70
percenL of Lhe preschool ellglble populaLlon of Lhe provlnce uL of Lhese 20023 chlldren
welghed below normal 1he malnuLrlLlon raLe of Lhe provlnce ls hlgh aL 28 percenL 1hls ls very
much hlgher compared Lo reglonal malnuLrlLlon raLe of 19 percenL

13 Lducat|on

lnadequaLe School aclllLles

O Low access Lo baslc educaLlon faclllLles ls due Lo lnadequaLe number of school bulldlngs
lnadequaLe number of class rooms lnadequaLe number of class room Leachers unavallablllLy of
LexL books and learnlng maLerlals and equlpmenLs and Lhe absence of funcLlonal educaLlonal
school supporL faclllLles

O ln school year 20082009 Lhe Leacherpupll raLlo for elemenLary school ls 134 and 143 for Lhe
secondary school whlle Lhe class roompupll raLlo ls 136 for elemenLary school and138 for
secondary school Compared Lo Lhe naLlonal sLandard of 1 43 raLlo lL appears LhaL Lhere ls a
much hlgher uLlllzaLlon of class rooms ln secondary level 1he LexLbookpupll raLlo ls 1seL Lo 3

Plgh uropuL 8aLe And Low CohorL Survlval 8aLe

O ln addlLlon Lhe provlnce has a hlgh dropouL raLe ln secondary level whlch lncreased from
762 ln school year 20072008 L0 790 ln school year 20082009 Also Lhe provlnce has a low
cohorL survlval raLe (3464 ) ln secondary level ln school year 2008 2009 whlch ls lower Lhan
Lo Lhe prevlous year's (6043) and also lower Lhan Lhe reglonal raLe of 6362 percenL

133 eace and Crder

Plgh Crlme lncldence

O 1he provlnce ls Lhe second hlghesL ln Lerms of LoLal crlme lncldence ln 8eglon vlll ln 2007 and
2008 whlch recorded 333 and 322 crlme lncldences respecLlvely Plgh crlme raLe could be
aLLrlbuLed Lo lnadequaLe number of pollcemen (480) servlclng Lhe enLlre provlnce ln year 2007
wlLh a raLlo of one pollce Lo 1137 populace whlch ls far below Lhan Lhe naLlonal sLandard of
one pollceman Lo 300 populace

Low Crlme SoluLlon Lfflclency 8aLe
O 1he provlnce ls also second lowesL ln Lhe enLlre reglon ln Lerms of crlme soluLlon efflclency raLe
(843) as compared Lo Lhe hlghesL raLe ln Lhe reglon ls 963 (SouLhern LeyLe) and Lhe reglonal
raLe of 911

13 nous|ng

O 1he exlsLlng hlgh number of lnformal seLLlers locaLed along rlver banks and flood prone areas
along hazardous areas prone Lo eroslon and ln governmenL owned loLs ls caused by Lhe rapld
lncrease ln populaLlon especlally ln Lowns where llvellhood opporLunlLles are presenL and
schools offerlng hlgher level of educaLlon (LerLlary level) are ln place 1hese houses are made up
of llghL maLerlals LhaL could easlly be damaged durlng Lyphoons and calamlLles 1hese are
mosLly owned by famllles wlLh meager lncome

O n Lhe oLher hand Lhe houses ln governmenL owned loLs are bullL mosLly by employees who
cannoL afford Lo buy resldenLlal loLs from prlvaLe owners Lmployees earnlng blgger salarles are
usually Lhe reclplenLs of Lhe governmenL's houslng programs 1hose LhaL earn less are usually
found ln Lhe squaLLer's areas

O 1here are also human lnLruslons lnLo Lhe proLecLlon land where foresL lands are converLed Lo
seLLlemenL areas Moreover mosL houses ln Lhe provlnce are made of llghL/lndlgenous
maLerlals llke nlpa cogon and anahaw whlch are vulnerable Lo sLrong wlnds and floods

13 Soc|a| We|fare

lncldence f ulsadvanLaged And Abused Women And Chlldren

O 1here are cases of physlcally abused and malLreaLed women and chlldren ln Lhe provlnce ln
mosL cases Lhe abuse and malLreaLmenL happen ln Lhe lslands and ln Lhe far flung areas of Lhe

O lncldence of human Lrafflcklng Samar has been noLed for havlng Lhe hlghesL number of
Lrafflcked women (38 cases) ln 2007 ln Lhe 8eglon vlll 1here are no avallable hand daLa lf
human Lrafflcklng sLlll perslsLs up Lo Lhls Llme 2010


O 1hls secLlon conLalns Lhe ldenLlfled prlorlLy programs pro[ecLs and acLlvlLles Lo address Lhe
developmenL lssues and concerns of Lhe provlnce Lo wlL

I|na| Conso||dated kank|ng of rograms]ro[ects
LI 01001
rov|nce of Samar
kank ro[ect 1|t|e
1ota| Net
1 8oads uevelopmenL and 8elaLed aclllLles rogram 90
2 Agrlbuslness And MarkeLlng AsslsLance rogram 9
3 roducLlon Loan AsslsLance rogram 68
4 1ourlsm aclllLles And Servlces uevelopmenL rogram 6
3 rovlnclal AgrolndusLrlal rogram 639
6 lshery roducLlon LxLenslon And uevelopmenL rogram 6
7 1rade and lndusLry uevelopmenL and romoLlon rogram 618
8 lndusLry uevelopmenL and lnvesLmenL romoLlon rogram 61
9 Skllls uevelopmenL rogram 613
10 re/osL ParvesL aclllLles and LducaLlon rogram 606
11 Crop roducLlon LxLenslon and uevelopmenL rogram 98
12 LlvesLock roducLlon and Anlmal PealLh rogram 69
13 AlrporL uevelopmenL rogram 66
14 LsLabllshmenL of rovlnclal lnvesLmenL and 1ourlsm romoLlon DnlL 6
13 rovlnclal LnerglzaLlon rogram 8
16 lrrlgaLlon SysLem and aclllLles uevelopmenL rogram 1
17 lood ConLrol rogram 38
18 AgrlculLure and lshery 8esearch uevelopmenL rogram 33
19 rovlnclal lsh orL and 8us 1ermlnal rogram 8
20 lnsLlLuLlonal CapablllLy 8ulldlng rogram AgrlculLure
21 8lver/Sea orL uevelopmenL rogram 1
22 Llvellhood AsslsLance AgrlculLure 9
23 LsLabllshmenL f 8uslness ermlL Llcenslng (8LS) CenLer 9
24 Scholarshlp rogram 8
23 neLworklng Llnkages rogram (CnCs) 63
26 Lher SocloLconomlc uevelopmenL rogram
27 LducaLlonal undlng SupporL rogram
28 Consumer Welfare and roLecLlon rogram 13
29 ulsasLer MlLlgaLlon/WaLershed 8ehablllLaLlon rogram 38
30 AlLernaLlve Learnlng SysLem 3
31 AgrooresLry rogram and SusLalnable Dpland AgrlculLure rogram 36
32 ulsasLer reparedness rogram 33
33 PealLh Servlce uellvery rogram 333
34 nlghL Plgh School rogram 33
33 PealLh 8egulaLlon rogram 39
36 LducaLlonal SupporL aclllLles rogram 309
37 ConsLrucLlon 8epalr and MalnLenance of CovernmenL aclllLles 308
38 Llvellhood rogram Soclal Welfare 99
39 MulLl Crade rogram 9
40 SLudenL 1echnologlsL And LnLrepreneurshlp f 1he hlllpplnes 9
41 LnvlronmenLal rogram Landflll And MaLerlal 8ecovery aclllLy rogram 90
42 PealLh lnanclng rogram 89
43 Pouslng 8elocaLlon rogram 89
44 PealLh Covernance rogram 8
CommunlLy Awareness and CapaclLy LnhancemenL rogram eace and
SecurlLy 1
46 8emedlaLlon 8elnforcemenL And LnrlchmenL rogram 6
47 AnLl urug Crlme revenLlon rogram 8
48 urop uL 8educLlon rogram 6
49 CulLural and SporLs uevelopmenL rogram 0
30 lnServlce 1ralnlng (lnSL1) rogram 3
31 AdopL A School rogram 30
32 arenLs 1eachers And CommunlLy AssoclaLlon (1CA
33 Lher Soclal Welfare uevelopmenL rogram
34 ro[ecL 8esL rogram 0
33 School8ased ManagemenL And CommunlcaLlon rogram 13
36 hyslcal LducaLlon And School SporLs 00
37 lnanclal AsslsLance rogram (lndlvlduals ln Crlsls SlLuaLlon) 191
38 lnformaLlon And 1echnologyLducaLlon 191
39 CapaclLy 8ulldlng rogramSoclal Workers 180
60 Supreme uplls CovernmenL rganlzaLlon or LlemenLary And Secondary 11
61 knowledge Channel rogram 16
62 uay Care rogram 16

8l8l1? 8C8AMS 8!LC1S Anu AC1lvl1lLS 1 Auu8LSS 1PL
uLvLLMLn1 lSSDLS Anu CnCL8nS 1PL 8vlnCL

I koads Deve|opment and ke|ated Iac|||t|es rogram 30000
1CompleLlon of CaLbalogan ulverslon 8oad 73000000
2ConsLrucLlon of Calbayog ulverslon 8oad 100000000
38epalr of aranas (8uray)1afL 8oad 108000000
48epalr of 8aseySohoLon 8oad 60000000
38epalr of 8aseyMarabuL 8oad 120000000
68epalr/MalnLenance of Maharllka 8oad 94330000
7Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 1891 km Candara MaLugulnao 8oad 94330000
8Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 134km SolsogonCurry 8oad 7700000
9Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 1139km San !orge8lanca Aurora 8oad 39930000
10 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 131km 8alugo1arangnan 8oad 66330000
11 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 026 km Plghway!laan 8oad 1300000
12 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 337 km CaLallnaCamarubuan 8oad 27830000
13 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 1617km LokllokonCalapl 8oad 80830000
14 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 780km CasandlgSalay 8oad 39000000
13 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 2188 km CalaplSan !ose ue 8uan 8oad 109400000
16 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 620 km lnobonganSan SebasLlan 8oad 31000000
17 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 743 km Calblgaaslgay 8oad 37230000
18 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 020km Plghwaylnabacdao 8oad 1000000
19 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 484km uoloresvlllareal 8oad 24200000
20 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 392km 1ulaySLa 8lLa 8oad 29600000
21 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 2993 km SecoAmandayehan 8oad 14973000
22 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 299 km Sawa8uenavlsLa 14930000
23 Surfaclng/ConcreLlng of 1191 km San AgusLlnagsanghan 8oad 39330000
24 ConsLrucLlon of 33 DnlLs 8rldges/ rovlncewlde 103300000
23 ConsLrucLlon of Access 8oads Lo uevelopmenL pporLunlLy Areas 1730000000
26 ConsLrucLlon of WalLlng Sheds 10000000

II Agr|bus|ness and Market|ng Ass|stance rogram

27 LsLabllshmenL of 30 MarkeLlng uLleL/7 MunlclpallLles 300000
28 LsLabllshmenL of 32 MarkeL uevelopmenL CenLers/9 MunlclpallLles 3081000
29 LsLabllshmenL of 334 MarkeL lnformaLlon CenLers/8 MunlclpallLles 241000
30 LsLabllshmenL of 27 Agrlbuslness Cllnlcs/3 MunlclpallLles 830000

III roduct|on Loan Ass|stance rogram 311006
31 8lce (lrrlgaLed) armers/22 MunlclpallLles 148681000
32 Corn armers/11 MunlclpallLles 26363000
33 Pybrld Corn armers/12 MunlclpallLles 8426000
34 vegeLables armers/14 MunlclpallLles 18896000
33 8anana armers/11 MunlclpallLles 6301000
36 !ackfrulL armers/10 MunlclpallLles 3330000
37 Mango armers/4 MunlclpallLles 4372000
38 SweeL oLaLo armers/4 MunlclpallLles 372000
39 Cassava armers/3 MunlclpallLles 313000
40 Seaweed roducLlon (Lucheuma spp)/ 12 MunlclpallLles 9403000
41 Mussel CulLure/7 MunlclpallLles 13130000
42 8angus and Sugpo ond CulLure/ rovlncewlde 300000
43 1ahong rocesslng CenLer/ !labong 62300000
44 rovlslon of 29934 8ags of CuallLy alay Seeds (lanL now ay LaLer
Scheme)/20 MunlclpallLles

43 rovlslon of 1603 8ags of Pybrld Corn Seeds (lanL now ay LaLer Scheme)/7

46 rovlslon of vegeLable Seeds (lanL now ay LaLer Scheme)/12 MunlclpallLles 931000
47 rovlslon of 31810 !ackfrulL Seedllng/6 MunlclpallLles 4347000
48 rovlslon of 20600 Mango Seedllng 343000
49 rovlslon of CaplLal Loan Lo 8lce armers for alay rocuremenL/lnabacdao 2000000
30 rovlslon of 1030 bags of ferLlllzers Lo Corn armers/2 MunlclpallLles 402000
31 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of 8anana Chlps rocesslng lanL/lnabacdao 700000

IV 1our|sm Iac|||t|es And Serv|ces Deve|opment rogram
32 SohoLon Caves And naLural 8rldge SlLe uevelopmenL (8lver Landlng LlghLs aLhways Slgnage WaLer
And 1olleLs CommunlcaLlon LlghLlng SysLem)
33 Souvenlr ulsplay CenLer (SohoLon CaLbalogan Calbayog)
34 lmprovemenL/8epalr of LxlsLlng aLhwalk Lo 8awls caves
33 ConsLrucLlon of vlew ueck ln 8rgy San !uan (8asey/MarabuL)
36 1ralnlng for Pome SLay and 1our Culdlng of u1 Lo LCDs and 1ravel and 1our Agencles
37 Lulugayan 8aplds uevelopmenL
38 uevelopmenL of lsland Popplng/ulvlng SlLe
39 LsLabllshmenL of SohoLon nSlLe Museum
60 Calblga Cave 8esearch and reparaLlon of uevelopmenL lan
61 LsLabllshmenL of lloL Pouslng AsslsLance for PomeandCamp SLay rogram
62 Mapaso PoL Sprlng uevelopmenL lan
63 MawacaL Sllde uevelopmenL
64 8angon8ugLong alls uevelopmenL
V rov|nc|a| AgroIndustr|a| rogram

63 ConsLrucLlon of rovlnclal LcoZone
VI I|shery roduct|on Lxtens|on and Deve|opment rogram
66 LsLabllshmenL of 79 68 lsh SancLuarles/6 MunlclpallLles
67 LsLabllshmenL f 346 Modules of ArLlflclal 8eefs/22 MunlclpallLles
68 ConsLrucLlon of 103 1llapla 8reedlng ponds/3 MunlclpallLles
69 ulspersal of 113000 pleces of 8angus lngerllngs/2 MunlclpallLles
70 ulspersal of 2240 pleces of 1llapla ry/lngerllngs/3 MunlclpallLles
71 8eforesLaLlon of 128 Mangrove Areas/3 MunlclpallLles
72 LsLabllshmenL of 6 reshwaLer lsh PaLchery/San SebasLlan and vlllareal
73 uevelopmenL and MalnLenance of !labong Mussell and ysLer arm
74 uevelopmenL and MalnLenance of reshwaLer lsh PaLchery (1llapla and
Carpa)/San !orge
73 1echnlcal AsslsLance on lshery roducLlon
76 Marlne CaLch lsherles
77 Commerclal lsherles/2 MunlclpallLles
78 Munlclpal lsherles
79 8racklsh WaLer 8angus/7 MunlclpallLles
80 8angus and Sugpo MonoculLure and olyculLure rovlncewlde
81 1llapla CulLure ln 6 MunlclpallLles

IV Agr|cu|tura| kesearch and Lxtens|on rogram 16000
82 LsLabllshmenL of 303 1echnodemo arms on 8lce/19 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 2820000
83 LsLabllshmenL of 112 narm8esearch on 8lce/9 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 1010000
84 LsLabllshmenL of 97 1echnodemo arms on Corn/10 selecLed MunlclpallLles 970000
83 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on 8lolnLenslve Cardenlng (8lC)/4
SelecLed MunlclpallLles
86 LsLabllshmenL of 79 1echnodemo arms on Mussel CulLure/7 SelecLed
87 LsLabllshmenL f 30 1echnouemo arms on Seaweed CulLure/3 SelecLed
88 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on ClanL Clam CulLure/2 SelecLed
89 LsLabllshmenL of 13 1echnodemo arms on Cage CulLure (Lapulapu and ClanL
1llapla)/ 3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles
90 LsLabllshmenL of 41 1echnodemo arms on 8angus CulLure/3 MunlclpallLles 1800000
91 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on Mud Crab aLLenlng/3

VII 1rade and Industry Deve|opment and romot|on rogram
92 1echnology Dpgradlng

93 roducL uevelopmenL

94 MarkeL uevelopmenL

VIII Industry Deve|opment and Investment romot|on rogram
93 LsLabllshmenL of lnvesLmenL romoLlon CenLer

96 roducLlon of MulLlMedla lnvesLmenL romoLlon MaLerlals

97 lnvesLmenL Mlsslons

98 lnvesLmenL aclllLaLlon

99 8uslness uevelopmenL Servlces Small and Medlum LnLerprlses (SML)

100 1echnology Dpgradlng

101 roducL uevelopmenL

102 lnanclng aclllLaLlon

103 LnLrepreneurshlp uevelopmenL

Ik Sk|||s Deve|opment rogram
104 CreaLe an lndusLryAcademe uevelopmenL Councll /MaLch Lhe skllls of
Lhe labor force wlLh Lhe demand of Lhe lndusLry

103 lnLegraLlon of LnLrepreneurshlp aL all levels ln Lhe school currlculum
106 Lncourage local colleges and unlverslLles Lo lnclude enLrepreneurlal
courses ln Lhelr currlculum offerlng /MaLch Lhe skllls of Lhe labor force wlLh Lhe
demand of Lhe lndusLry

k re and ost narvest Iac|||t|es Lqu|pment Deve|opment rogram 63000
49 rovlslon of 7 DnlLs 4Wheel urlve 1racLors/3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 600000
30 rovlslon of 286 DnlLs Pand 1racLors/20 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 0910000
31 rovlslon of 100 DnlLs loaLlng 1lllers/3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 81000
32 rovlslon of 16 DnlLs ower Sprayers/2 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 183000
33 rovlslon of 30 DnlLs 8oLlvaLors/ SelecLed MunlclpallLles 1800000
34 rovlslon of 100 DnlLs Mechanlcal ParvesLers/12 MunlclpallLles 6990000
33 rovlslon of 2 DnlLs 8lce 8eapers ln Calbayog ClLy 0000
36 rovlslon of 179 DnlLs of 8lce 1hreshers/ Mechanlcal 1hreshers ln 14 SelecLed
37 rovlslon 40 DnlLs Mechanlcal uryers/ ln 8 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 10000000
38 ConsLrucLlon of 210 DnlLs MulLlurpose urylng avemenLs (Mus) ln 16
SelecLed MunlclpallLles
39 rovlslon of 23 DnlLs MolsLure MeLers/3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 3000
60 LsLabllshmenL of 17 DnlLs 8lce Mllls ln 9 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 90000
61 LsLabllshmenL of 3 DnlLs Corn Mllls/ SelecLed MunlclpallLles 10000
62 LsLabllshmenL of 3 DnlLs eed Mlll/ vlllareal Calbayog and CaLbalogan 000000
63 ConsLrucLlon of 26 DnlLs Warehouses/ LCCC ln 10 MunlclpallLles 336000
64 rovlslon of 41 DnlLs Corn Shellers ln 3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 110000
63 rovlslon of 3 DnlLs eanuL Shellers/ vlllareal 1000
66 rovlslon of 16 DnlLs vegeLable Choppers/2 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 1380000
67 rovlslon of 8 DnlLs SLrlpplng Machlnes/ MaLugulnao 800000
68 LsLabllshmenL of 1 DnlL vegeLable Cold SLorage/MarabuL 10000
69 LsLabllshmenL f 4 DnlLs Cold SLorage aclllLles/4 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 390000
70 ConsLrucLlon of 8 orL aclllLles/1alalora 10000
71 ConsLrucLlon of 6 SlaughLerhouses/6 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 10000
72 rovlslon of 1 DnlL nlLrogen 1ank/ SLa MargarlLa 00000
73 ConsLrucLlon of 13 kms 8lver ConLrol ulke/!labong 100000
74 ConsLrucLlon of 17 lsh Landlng orL aclllLles/7 CoasLal MunlclpallLles 0000
73 ConsLrucLlon of 1 DnlL Callery for 1ahong roducL and 8yroducL/!labong 00000
76 LsLabllshmenL of ll Mllls/Colr roducLlon lanLs/ SelecLed MunlclpallLles 0000000
kI Crop roduct|on Lxtens|on and Deve|opment rogram 3199000
77 rovlslon of CerLlfled/Pybrld alay Seeds 10000000
78 rovlslon of PvCC lanLlng MaLerlal 000000
79 rovlslon of CerLlfled Corn Seeds 000000
80 rovlslon of Lher lnpuLs for 8lce roducLlon 8000000
81 rovlslon of Lher lnpuLs for PvCC roducLlon 3800000
82 rovlslon of Lher lnpuLs for Corn roducLlon 300000
83 LsLabllshmenL of 303 1echnodemo arms on 8lce/19 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 80000
84 LsLabllshmenL of 112 narm8esearch on 8lce/9 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 1010000
83 LsLabllshmenL of 97 1echnodemo arms on Corn/10 selecLed MunlclpallLles 90000
86 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on 8lolnLenslve Cardenlng (8lC)/4
SelecLed MunlclpallLles
87 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of 3 alay Seed roducLlon CenLers/ 2
MunlclpallLles and 1 ClLy
88 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of 32 lanL nurserles/ 18MunlclpallLles 86000
89 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of CoconuL nurserles/ rovlncewlde 3000000
107 1echnlcal AsslsLance on 8lce roducLlon (8alnfed)/ 22 MunlclpallLles 199000
108 1echnlcal AsslsLance on pen olllnaLed varleLy (v) Corn
roducLlon/ ln 11 MunlclpallLles
109 1echnlcal AsslsLance on Pybrld Corn roducLlon/ ln 12 MunlclpallLles 6130000
110 1echnlcal AsslsLance on vegeLable roducLlon/ ln 12 MunlclpallLles 106000
111 1echnlcal AsslsLance on 8anana roducLlon/11 MunlclpallLles 13000
112 1echnlcal AsslsLance on !ackfrulL roducLlon/ ln 10 MunlclpallLles 93000
113 1echnlcal AsslsLance on Mango roducLlon/4 MunlclpallLles 161000
114 1echnlcal AsslsLance on SweeL oLaLo roducLlon/ ln 4 MunlclpallLles 168000
113 1echnlcal AsslsLance on Cassava roducLlon/ ln 3 MunlclpallLles 830000
kII L|vestock roduct|on and An|ma| nea|th Care rogram 019000
116 vacclnaLlon and uewormlng of Large Anlmals/20 MunlclpallLles 1000
117 vacclnaLlon and uewormlng of Swlne/21 MunlclpallLles 191000
118 vacclnaLlon and uewormlng of Small 8umlnanL/2 MunlclpallLles 1000
119 vacclnaLlon of uogs/ ln 12 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 0000
120 ulagnoses and 1reaLmenL/ veLlnerary Servlces/14 MunlclpallLles
121 Caracow ArLlflclal lnsemlnaLlon Servlces/12 MunlclpallLles 13000
122 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of Carabao ualry roducLlon CenLers
ln 8asey
123 uevelopmenL of 8 PecLares asLure Area roducLlon CenLers ln
Calbayog ClLy
124 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of 2 Carabao ArLlflclal lnsemlnaLlon
SaLelllLe CenLers ln 8asey and Calbayog

123 LsLabllshmenL and MalnLenance of 6 Anlmal 8reedlng CenLers ln 6
126 CoaLs ulspersal rogram/rovlncewlde 3000000
127 Swlne ulspersal rogram/rovlncewlde 30000000
128 Carabao ulspersal rogram/rovlncewlde 1000000
kIII A|rport Deve|opment rogram 10000000
129 lmprovemenL of Calbayog AlrporL 0000000
130 CompleLlon of CaLbalogan AlrporL 100000000
kIV Lstab||shment Cf rov|nc|a| Investment And 1our|sm romot|on Un|t 90000
131 LsLabllshmenL f rovlnclal lnvesLmenL And 1ourlsm romoLlon DnlL 00000
132 reparaLlon of rovlnclal lnvesLmenL lncenLlve Code 00000
133 lnvesLmenL romoLlon on 1ourlsL uesLlnaLlon Areas 890000
134 WebslLe uevelopmenL 00000
133 AppolnLmenL of a ermanenL 1ourlsm fflcer
136 rganlzaLlon of a rovlnclal 1ourlsm Councll 0000
137 CapablllLy 8ulldlng for 8evlved 1ourlsm Councll 00000
138 LsLabllshmenL of 1ourlsm lnformaLlon CenLers (CaLbalogan and
139 LsLabllshmenL of 1ourlsm Zones and rovlnclal CollaLerals (8rochures
roducLlon and Archlval SysLem) uevelopmenL

140 roducLlon of MlnluocumenLary 1ravelogue 000000
kV rov|nc|a| Lnerg|zat|on rogram 300000
141 rovlnclal LnerglzaLlon ro[ecL 300000
kVI Irr|gat|on System and Iac|||t|es Deve|opment rogram 1301999000
142 ConsLrucLlon/8ehablllLaLlon of 1 naLlonal lrrlgaLlon SysLem (nlS)/
Calbayog ClLy
143 ConsLrucLlon of 1 Sl8 lrrlgaLlon SysLem/Candara 9000000
144 ConsLrucLlon of 43 ump lrrlgaLlon ro[ecLs (ls)/ 9 SelecLed
143 ConsLrucLlon of 1 naLlonal lrrlgaLlon ro[ecL/8asey 0000
146 ConsLrucLlon of 26 Communal lrrlgaLlon ro[ecLs (Cls)/ 9 SelecLed
147 ConsLrucLlon of 23 Communal lrrlgaLlon SysLems /6 SelecLed
148 ConsLrucLlon of 42 Small WaLer lmpoundlng ro[ecLs/12 MunlclpallLles 13996000
149 ConsLrucLlon of 20 ulverslon uams (uus) ln 6 MunlclpallLles 808000
130 lnsLallaLlon of 471 DnlLs of Shallow 1ube Wells (S1Ws)/13
131 ConsLrucLlon of 423 DnlLs of Small arm 8eservolrs (S8s)/13 SelecLed
132 ConsLrucLlon of 1000 Llnear MeLer LaLeral Canals ln 3 MunlclpallLles 1000000
133 ConsLrucLlon of 10 DnlLs Wlnd umps/ vlllareal 0000
134 ConsLrucLlon of 12 km uralnage Canal/ Candara 000000
kVII I|ood Contro| rogram 900000
1 uredglng f 8lvers ln San !orge Candara Calblga Calbayog And CaLbalogan
2 ConsLrucLlon And ueclogglng f Canals ln CaLbalogan And Calbayog
3 8adlo rogram/ 8arangay Assemblles (SeLLlers Along 1he 8lverbanks) n
LnforcemenL f LasemenL Law n 8lver ways
kVIII Agr|cu|tura| and I|shery kesearch and Deve|opment rogram 16000
133 LsLabllshmenL of 303 1echnodemo arms on 8lce/19 SelecLed
136 LsLabllshmenL of 112 narm8esearch on 8lce/9 SelecLed
137 LsLabllshmenL of 97 1echnodemo arms on Corn/10 selecLed
138 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on 8lolnLenslve Cardenlng
(8lC)/4 SelecLed MunlclpallLles
139 LsLabllshmenL of 79 1echnodemo arms on Mussel CulLure/7 SelecLed
160 LsLabllshmenL f 30 1echnouemo arms on Seaweed CulLure/3
SelecLed MunlclpallLles
161 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on ClanL Clam CulLure/2
SelecLed MunlclpallLles
162 LsLabllshmenL of 13 1echnodemo arms on Cage CulLure (Lapulapu
and ClanL 1llapla)/ 3 SelecLed MunlclpallLles
163 LsLabllshmenL of 41 1echnodemo arms on 8angus CulLure/3
164 LsLabllshmenL of 12 1echnodemo arms on Mud Crab aLLenlng/3
Ik rov|nc|a| I|sh ort and 8us 1erm|na| rogram 10000000
163 ConsLrucLlon of rovlnclal lsh orL and 8us 1ermlnal 10000000

kk Inst|tut|ona| Capab|||ty 8u||d|ng rogram Agr|cu|ture
166 Skllls 1ralnlng for A Members 8lce and Corn/13 MunlclpallLles 1680000
167 1ralnlng for Seed Crowers 8lce/2 MunlclpallLles and Corn/1
168 LnLrepreneurlal uevelopmenL 1ralnlng for 8lce/10 MunlclpallLles and
Corn/2 MunlclpallLles
169 CooperaLlve ManagemenL 1ralnlng 8lce/11 MunlclpallLles Corn/2
MunlclpallLles and CoconuL/2 MunlclpallLles
170 armers 1ralnlng (1) on Cralns ln 11 MunlclpallLles 190000
171 1ralnlng on MarkeLlng/2 MunlclpallLles 190000
172 armers 1ralnlng on 8lo lnLenslve Cardenlng (8lC)/7 MunlclpallLles 180000
173 1ralnlng on Sloplng agrlculLural Land 1echnology (SAL1) 9
174 armers 1ralnlng on ulverslfled armlng/ 11 MunlclpallLles 10000
173 1ralnlng on rganlc armlng 60000
176 1ralnlng on LlvesLock and oulLry roducLlon/20 MunlclpallLles 0000
177 CoconuL ramers 1ralnlng on CoconuL 1echnology 1000000
178 rlenLaLlon Semlnar/Workshop on lshery Laws 8ules and
8egulaLlons/16 MunlclpallLles
179 AquaculLure 1ralnlng ln 2 SelecLed MunlclpallLles 60000
180 Seaweeds roducLlon 1ralnlng/3 MunlclpallLles 00000
181 Skllls 1ralnlng on lsherles Llvellhood ro[ecL/4 MunlclpallLles 8000
182 Mangrove 8eforesLaLlon 1ralnlng ln 1 MunlclpallLy 10000
183 1echnlcal Skllls 1ralnlng for ALa and MAs on 8lce/20 MunlclpallLles on
lshery/16 MunlclpallLles
184 AgrlculLural 1echnologlsLs 1ralnlng on LxLenslon uellvery SysLem on
PvCC/3 MunlclpallLles on LlvesLock and oulLry/rovlncewlde
183 183 8ural lmprovemenL Clubs (8lCs)/ln11 MunlclpallLles 1000
186 191 4P Club/ln 10 MunlclpallLles 16000
187 130 As/ ln 10 MunlclpallLles 198000
188 CoconuL CooperaLlves and ederaLlon/rovlncewlde 1000000
189 130 Munlclpal AgrlculLural and lshery Councll/8arangay AgrlculLural
and lshery Councll (MACs/8ACs)/ln 9 MunlclpallLles
190 377 8arangay lshery and AquaLlc 8esources ManagemenL Councll
(8A8MC)/22 CoasLal MunlclpallLles
191 22 munlclpal lshery and AquaLlc 8esources ManagemenL Councll
(MA8MC)/22 CoasLal MunlclpallLles
192 rovlnclal lshery and AquaLlc 8esources ManagemenL Councll
(A8MC)/ln 22 CoasLal MunlclpallLles
193 22 lsh Warden rganlzaLlon/ 22 CoasLal MunlclpallLles 1100000
194 AcLlvaLlon of 23 8anLay uagaL/ln 13 MunlclpallLles 810000
193 8lce (lrrlgaLed) armers/22 MunlclpallLles 18681000
196 Corn armers/11 MunlclpallLles 66
kkI k|ver]Sea ort Deve|opment rogram 98000000
197 lmprovemenL of ler l and ll ln CaLbalogan 000000
198 lmprovemenL of Calbayog orL 3000000
199 ConsLrucLlon of 8lver Landlngs 000000
200 ConsLrucLlon of Wharves 8000000
kkII L|ve||hood Ass|stanceAgr|cu|ture and 1rade and Industry 3000000
kkIII Lstab||shment of 8us|ness erm|ts and L|cens|ng (8LS )Center 1000000
201 LsLabllshmenL of ne SLop Shop 8uslness ermlL Llcenslng
Servlces(8LS) ln every MunlclpallLy
kIV Scho|arsh|p rogram 000000
202 College Scholarshlp ro[ecL
kVI Network|ng L|nkages rogram (GCs and NGCs) 00000
203 LsLabllshmenL f nCosC neLworklng CollaboraLlon/Llnkages
204 lnLerAgency Llnkages rogram

kkVII Lducat|ona| Iund|ng Support rogram
203 Plrlng f new 1eachers

kkVIII Consumer We|fare and rotect|on rogram

206 Consumer Welfare and uevelopmenL

kkIk D|saster M|t|gat|on rogram] Watershed kehab|||tat|on 600000
207 1ree lanLlng And 8eforesLaLlon ro[ecLs ln San !orge (30 Pas)
Candara (30 Pas) Calblga (30 Pas) 1arangnan (30 Pas) Calbayog (30 Pas)

And CaLbalogan (30 Pas)
208 WaLer lmpoundlng uams ro[ecL ln San !orge Candara Calblga
CaLbalogan And CaLbalogan
kkk A|ternat|ve Learn|ng System rogram
kkkI AgroIorestry and Susta|nab|e Up|and Agr|cu|ture rogram 38000
209 lLC ro[ecL 1o lncrease Awareness f eople n Mangrove And oresL
roLecLlon And ConservaLlon/Medla orum
210 LsLabllshmenL f Slgnage / 8lllboard WlLhln ubllc Areas n
8esLoraLlon/8ehablllLaLlon Mangrove And oresL Cover
211 8eforesLaLlon f 128 Pas f Mangrove Areas ln 3 MunlclpallLles 1760000
212 Comprehenslve AgroforesLry ro[ecL ln San !orge (130 Pas) Candara
(130 Pas) Calblga (130 Pas) 1arangnan (130 Pas) Calbayog (130 Pas) And
CaLbalogan (130 Pas)
213 1ree armlng ro[ecL ln 2000 PecLares 40000000
214 SusLalnable Dpland AgrlculLure ro[ecL WlLhln Allenable And
ulsposable Areas
kkkII D|saster reparedness rogram 1900000
213 8eacLlvaLlon f rovlnclal ulsasLer CoordlnaLlng Councll And Munlclpal
ulsasLer CoordlnaLlng Counclls
216 LsLabllshmenL/8evlLallzaLlon f uCC/MuCC/8uCC Command CenLers 300000
217 LsLabllshlng f Larly Warnlng ulsasLer uevlces ln Lvery 8arangay 3000000
218 1ralnlng n ulsasLer reparedness ln ulsasLer rone Areas 1000000
219 Mapplng f ulsasLer rone Areas
220 AcqulslLlon f Search And 8escue LoglsLlcs (8ubber 8oaLs/ump 8oaLs) 3000000
221 SLock lllng f Lmergency ood Supplles CommunlcaLlon aclllLles
And PealLh And Medlcal Supplles
kII N|ght n|gh Schoo| rogram 130000
227 nlghL Plgh Classes
228 Soclal Servlces
O kkkV nea|th kegu|at|on rogram 100000
229 LnforcemenL f naLlonal LeglslaLlon ollcles And SLandards

230 Access 1o Low CosL CuallLy LssenLlal Medlclnes And Lher CommodlLles

kkkVI Lducat|ona| Support Iac|||t|es rogram 16900000
231 ConsLrucLlon of School 8ulldlng

232 lmprovemenL of hyslcal and Anclllary aclllLles ro[ecL
O kkkIII nea|th Serv|ce De||very rogram 100960000
222 LsLabllshmenL f ulsease ree Zone
223 lnLenslfylng ulsease revenLlon and ConLrol
224 PealLhy LlfesLyle and ManagemenL of PealLh 8lsks
223 Survelllance And Lpldemlc ManagemenL
226 PealLh aclllLy uevelopmenL
233 rovlslon of lnsLrucLlonal and SupplemenLary Learnlng MaLerlals
234 lmprovemenL of Learnlng MaLerlals
kkkVII Construct|on kepa|r and Ma|ntenance of Government Iac|||t|es 00000000

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