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Student Name :

Class & School :

Python ( 45 hours) DOJ:
No. of Topic/ programs classes Date Remarks
1 Introduction, Data Types, List,Tuple,Strings 2
2 Literals,Variables, Identifiers,Operators 1
Types Of Operators, Basic Programs
3 Input(),Print Statement 1
4 Basic Programs 2
5 Selection Statements - If Statements 3
6 Looping Statements - While Loop 1
7 Programs Using While Loop 2
8 For Loop Introduction, Range function 1
9 Looping Programs(For,While) 5
10 List, Functions, Programs Using List 3
11 Tuple, Programs Using tuple 2
12 Strings, functions, Programs Using Strings 3
13 Dictionaries, Programs 1
14 Functions and modules 2
15 Programs Using Functions, Scope Of Variable 2
16 File Handling, Text Files 2
17 Oop - Classes And Objects 1
18 Constructors 1
19 Inheritance 1
20 Polymorphism, Exception Handling 2
21 Testing 1
22 Network programming 1
23 MySQL 2
24 Database connectivity 1
25 CGI, GUI Programming 1
26 Revision 1
Total 45
Student Name :
Class & School :
Python ( 30 hours) DOJ :
No. of Topic/ programs classes Date Remarks
1 Introduction, Data Types, List,Tuple,Strings 2
2 Literals,Variables, Identifiers,Operators 1
Types Of Operators, Basic Programs
3 Input(),Print Statement 1
4 Basic Programs 2
5 Selection Statements - If Statements 2
6 Looping Statements - While Loop 1
7 Programs Using While Loop 1
8 For Loop Introduction 1
9 Looping Programs(For,While) 3
10 List,Functions, Programs Using List Data Type 2
11 Tuple, Programs Using List Data Type 1
12 Strings, Programs Using String Data Type 1
13 Dictionaries, Programs 1
14 Functions And Modules 1
15 Programs Using Functions, Scope Of Variable 2
16 File Handling, Text Files 1
17 Oop - Classes And Objects 1
18 Constructors, Inheritance 1
19 Polymorphism, Exception Handling 1
20 Testing 1
21 Network programming 1
22 MySQL, Database connectivity 1
23 CGI, GUI Programming 1
Total 30
Student Name :
Class & School :
C Programming (45 hours) DOJ :
No. of Topic/ programs classes Date Remarks
1 Introduction,keywords,Variables, Identifiers 2

2 Operators, types of operators, Expressions 1

3 Data types 1

4 Basic Programs, printf, scanf statements 1

5 Basic Programs 3

6 Switch statements 2

7 conditional operators 2

8 Selection Statements - If Statements 3

9 Looping Statements - While Loop 2

10 For Loop Introduction 1

Looping Programs(For,While,do-while),
11 jump statements
12 numberpattern, star pettern programs 3

13 Functions, passby value, passby reference 3

14 Arrays, numeric arrays, 1D array programs 5

15 2D Arrays, Programs 2

16 Strings, Programs Using Strings 4

17 structures, unions 2

18 pointers 1

19 File Handling 2
27 Revision 1

Total 45
Student Name :
Class & School :
Java Programming (45 hours) DOJ:
No. of Topic/ programs classes Date Remarks
1 Introduction,keywords,Variables, Identifiers 2
2 Operators, types of operators, Expressions 1
3 Data types 1
4 Reading input at runtime, Basic Programs 1
5 Basic Programs 3
6 Switch statements 2
7 conditional operators 2
8 Selection Statements - If Statements 3
9 Looping Statements - While Loop 2
10 For Loop Introduction 1
Looping Programs(For,While,do-while),
11 jump statements 4
12 numberpattern, star pettern programs 3
13 Arrays - numeric arrays, 1D array programs 4
14 2D Arrays, Programs 2
15 Strings, Programs Using Strings 1
16 OOP - classes and objects 2
17 Constructors 1
18 method overloading, overriding 1
19 static data member 1
20 Inheritance 2
21 Interfaces and packages 1
22 exception handling 1
23 Abstract methods,classes 1
24 multithreading 1
25 MySQL 1
26 Database connectivity 1
Total 45
Student Name :
Class & School :
Java Programming (30 hours) DOJ:
No. of Topic/ programs classes Date Remarks
1 Introduction,keywords,Variables, Identifiers 2
2 Operators, types of operators, Expressions 1
3 Reading input at runtime, Basic Programs 1
4 Switch statements, conditional operators 1
5 Selection Statements - If Statements 1
6 Looping Statements - While Loop 1
7 For Loop Introduction 1
Looping Programs(For,While,do-while),
8 jump statements 3
9 numberpattern, star pettern programs 2
10 Arrays - numeric arrays, 1D array programs 2
11 2D Arrays, Programs 1
12 Strings, Programs Using Strings 1
13 OOP - classes and objects 2
14 Constructors 1
15 method overloading, overriding 1
16 static data member 1
17 Inheritance 2
18 Interfaces and packages 1
19 exception handling 1
20 Abstract methods,classes 1
21 multithreading 1
22 MySQL 1
23 Database connectivity 1
Total 30

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