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PART 1-2-3-4

a missed delivery card

proof of payment: Chứng từ thanh toán, bằng chứng thanh toán,

a postal worker: 1 nhân viên bưu điện
a florist: 1 nhân viên bán hoa
to pick up package: lấy hành lý
look through: Đọc lướt qua, đọc nhanh qua
look over: to quickly examine something: ra soát nhanh
watercolor painting: tranh màu nước
sketch (n): tranh phác họa
accommodate (v): cung cấp chỗ ở, chứa, thích nghi
get in: đi vào
sometime (adj): -> Give me a call sometime
-> Tom needs to stop by the bank sometime today.
An architecture firm: một công ty kiến trúc
I’d hope for
I’d better, I’d suggest, I’d prefer, I’d like
Can afford to do sth: to be able to do sth without it causing problem -> We can afford
to wait
to be able to buy or do something because you have enough
money -> Debt is not necessarily a bad thing if the consumer can afford to pay it back.
Lose the business: mất việc kinh doanh
City maintenance department: Bộ phận bảo trì của thành phố
A private party: buổi tiệc riêng tư
Power interruptions: mất điện = power failure = power cutage
mistake someone/something for someone/something: nhầm ai/ cái gì với ai/cái gì
string quartet < strɪŋ kwɔːrˈtet>: a group of four instruments with strings that play

A string quartet consists of two violins, a viola, and a

Accomplished (adj): giỏi
A journal article (N): một bài báo
Organize a filing system: tổ chức một hệ thống hồ sơ
Clarify a procedure: Làm rõ thủ tục
Get through: to finish something:
-> I can get through a lot more work when I'm on my own.
-> We've got a lot to get through today.
Hard copy: bản cứng ( bản in ra giấy của một tài liệu thay vì được lưu trên máy tính)-
information from a computer that has been printed on paper
Exterior (N): the outside part of something or someone >< interior
-> The exterior of the house needs painting
It is fuel efficient : Nó tiết kiệm nhiên liệu
To take public transportation : đi phương tiện công cộng
To take precautions
Promotional apparel/promotional clothing: Trang phục quảng cáo là quần áo in tên, logo
hoặc thông điệp của công ty. Chúng bao gồm áo sơ mi, găng tay, mũ, áo khoác và bất kỳ
trang phục nào có thể được kết hợp trong các chiến dịch tiếp thị và truyền thông.
Promotional products: sản phẩm khuyến mại (quảng cáo) ; Hầu hết đó là những sản
phẩm mà mọi người có thể tìm thấy để sử dụng trong cuộc sống hàng ngày như: áo
phông, ô che mưa/nắng, tủ bảo quản lạnh, đồng hồ, quạt điện, lịch treo tường, lịch để
bàn… Thông thường, những Promotional products này sẽ mang khẩu hiệu, logo, tên và
số điện thoại và địa chỉ trang web của công ty. Chúng thường được sử dụng để quảng bá
một hoạt động nào đó của doanh nghiệp đang cung cấp hay một sự kiện, một sản phẩm
mới, dịch vụ mới, một đợt giảm giá hay đơn giản là một món quà kỷ niệm cho khách
hàng đang phân phối các sản phẩm của doanh nghiệp.
Web site design tools: Những công cụ thiết kế web
business stationery: The term business stationery covers all papers that your company
uses to communicate with your clients. This includes letterheads, business cards,
envelopes, and with compliment slips to name but a few. Business stationery can also
comprise of notepads, presentation folders and company brochures.
advertising space (n): space in a newspaper, on a website, etc. that people pay for to
advertise something:
-> It aims to generate revenue by selling advertising space on its site, as well as from
sales of sporting goods.
To sign up for a newsletter: Đăng ký nhận bản tin
To refer potential customers: Giới thiệu khách hàng tiềm năng
referral customers: Một khách hàng hài lòng và sẵn sàng giới thiệu bạn với bạn bè và gia
đình hoặc cung cấp một lời lời giới thiệu nhiệt tình
either of you: một trong 2 bạn
reference (= recommendation/ letter of recommendation) : a letter that is written by
someone who knows you, to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job, course,
-> My old headteacher said he would write/give me a glowing (= very good) reference.
W: Sorry to bother you, but I’m wondering if either of you( 1 trong 2 bạn) remember
someone named James Pullman? He worked here at the newspaper a few months ago.
At a radio station: Tại 1 trạm/đài phát thanh
At a recording studio: Tại một phòng thu âm
At an electronics manufacturer: Tại một nhà máy sản xuất đồ điện tử
At a newspaper: an organization that publishes a newspaper
-> He wants to work for a newspaper when he graduates.
To promote some new products: Quảng bá sản phẩm mới.
Roast chicken: gà nướng, gà quay
To celebrate a contract: ăn mừng ( khi kí kết được) 1 hợp đồng
To evaluate a business: đánh giá 1 doanh nghiệp
Nutrition information: thông tin dinh dưỡng
W: Let’s talk about November’s cover. This month’s issue (số báo) is about trends in
smartphone technology(65), and we’ve selected our cover photo( ảnh bìa) for that.
Now, which stories should be mentioned on the cover?
M: Reiko is working on a story about teaching people how to develop their own
applications(ứng dụng) for smartphones.
W: Oh, that’s a good angle( Đó là một ý kiến, 1 góc nhìn tốt). But do you think that’s
cover- page material(information used when writing something such as a book)?
M: It’s got an educational theme( chủ đề giáo dục), and she’s interviewed people from
many age groups for the story. I think it’ll attract a lot of readers who don’t normally
buy our magazine. (66)
W: Good point. Let’s put Reiko’s headline (=title) just below the cover photo (67). Any
ideas for which stories to put on the sides of the center photo?\
Material(N): information used when writing something such as a book, or information
produced in various forms to help people or to advertise products
-> I'm in the process of collecting material for an article that I'm writing
Headline(N): a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper,
or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio
photography skill: Kỹ năng chụp ảnh
Online self-publishing tips: Những mẹo để có thể tự xuất bản ( 1 cuốn sách,…) trực
time-sensitive ( adj): used to describe a product that has to be delivered by a particular
time, or information that is only useful for a particular period:
-> time-sensitive documents
The story is time-sensitive
Time-sensitive means that the thing being described has to be done/used/completed by
a specific time, normally soon. It's quite a literal phrase: the thing being described is
sensitive to time passing.
For example, "I need you to complete a very time-sensitive project" means that the
project has a strict deadline, and it probably implies that the deadline is quite soon.
A less common use would be to indicate that something is only useful for a specific
period of time, again usually implying that that period of time is ending soon: "We have
received some time-sensitive information about our competitor's product" would mean
that the information received is useful for a specific amount of time only, and probably
not very long. The information is sensitive to time passing and will become less
useful/important with time.
Floor plan ( thể hiện 1 tầng duy nhất): sơ đồ mặt bằng là một bản vẽ kỹ thuật chia tỷ lệ,
thể hiện cái nhìn từ trên cao, về mối quan hệ giữa các phòng, không gian, mô hình giao
thông và các đặc điểm vật lý khác ở một cấp của cấu trúc.

a business owner: một chủ doanh nghiệp
next door (adv, adj): in the next room, house, or building
-> Who lives next door to you?
-> Margot is our next-door neighbour.
Hours of operation: Giờ hoạt động ( của cửa hàng, thư viện,…)
Cut back on ( sth): cắt giảm cái gì - to spend less, do less, or use less of something
-> We are trying to cut back on travel costs.
Charge sb for sth: Tính phí ai (cho/đối với) cái gì.
Circulation desk (n): Quầy lưu hành – Là nơi người đọc liên hệ mượn, trả và gia hạn tài
What section does the man work?- Người đàn ông làm việc ở mảng nào?
+ The reference section – Mảng tài liệu/ sách tham khảo
+ The rare books collection – Bộ sưu tập sách hiếm
+ The A/V room ( A/V= Audio/Video)- Phòng âm thanh hình ảnh
+ The circulation desk.
Facility (N): a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens –
nhà máy, cơ sở
-> The new sports facility has a swimming pool.
Facilities ( Plural): equipment, rooms, etc. that are provided for people to use – cơ sở
vật chất, thiết bị
-> Are non-members allowed to use the facilities?
Launch a business : khởi nghiệp
Compile (v): biên soạn - to collect information from different places and arrange it in a
book, report, or list.
->We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.
come by (somewhere) - to visit a place for a short time, often when you are going
somewhere else:
->I'll come by (the office/your house) one day this week and we can have a chat.
chief financial officer (n): Giám đốc tài chính
production costs: chi phí sản xuất
to outsource some operations
W: Thanks, Frank and Ming, for coming by on such short notice. I just met with our chief
financial officer and (35) we need to reduce our company’s costs. Our home appliances
are selling well, but production costs are still too high.
M1: Hmm... (36) what about outsourcing some operations? If we hire someone else to
do things like warehousing ( công việc trong nhà kho) and delivery (việc giao hàng, vận
chuyển), it could cut down on our expenses. What do you think, Ming?
M2: I agree, Frank. It sounds like something we should consider. Tell you what...(37) I
can research some companies and put together a list of names for Thursday. Then we
can start compiling some numbers.
"Tell you what" -> câu nói khi người nói muốn đưa ra ý kiến, lời đề nghị; 'nghe này',
'nghe tôi nói này'.
a team-building event :
an advertisement for sth -> I saw an advertisement for the new restaurant that opened
in town.
Well, I’m glad I called earliy, then
On the left-hand side: phía bên tay tái.
M: Hello, I saw an advertisement for your boat tours. Are there any at the end of
W: Absolutely! (38) They’re actually crowded at that time of year because it’s the last of
the nice weather.
M: Well, I’m glad I called early, then. I’d like to reserve two seats.
W: Uh... (39) all our reservations are done through our Web site. (40) Look for the
calendar on the left-hand side. You can’t miss it. Then you just choose the date you
"You can’t miss it" = không thể lỡ nó được -> nghĩa là rất dễ tìm, dễ thấy.
40. What does the woman imply when she says, “ you can’t miss it”?
Correct. Answer: D
A. The tour is highly rated
B. A map should be used
C. The man must arrive on time
D. A calendar is easy to find.
Popular (adj): liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people:
Luncheon : a formal lunch
-> The president hosted a luncheon for the press group.
As part of sth: như là một phần của cái gì.
-> I really need someone who can travel as part of this position.
M: Hi, it’s Jeff from personnel calling. (44) I’ll be conducting the preliminary interviews
for the project manager position in your division ( bộ phận của bạn). Is there any specific
you want the candidates to be able to do?
W: Well, I know you ask about their education credentials and work experience. But I
really need someone who can travel as part of this position. (45)
M: Yes, I see frequent international and domestic travel in the job requirements. Ok, I
won’t invite anyone for a second interview who isn’t interested in that.
W: Exactly. Oh, by the way ,(46) don’t forget that I’ll be out of the week of July sixth on
holiday. Please don’t schedule suitable candidates to interview with me during that
Preliminary (adj): /prɪˈlɪm.ɪ.nər.i/|/prɪˈlɪm.ə.ner.i/: coming before a more important
action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it:
-> Preliminary results show that the vaccine is effective, but this has to be confirmed by
further medical trials.
the preliminary interviews: cuộc phỏng vấn sơ bộ
project manager position: vị trí quản lý dự án
education credentials : chứng chỉ giáo dục
international and domestic travel: chuyến công tác nước ngoài và trong nước
job requirements: những yêu cầu về công việc
Making promotion decisions: Ra quyết định thăng tiến
Manufacturing defect : lỗi của nhà sản xuất
model number: số mô hình - Số mô hình là một số duy nhất được tạo bởi các nhà sản
xuất phần cứng máy tính cung cấp cho mỗi sản phẩm. Số mô hình cho phép các nhà sản
xuất dùng để theo dõi từng phần cứng thiết bị và xác định hoặc thay thế phần thích hợp
khi cần thiết.
Provide a replacement: cung cấp sự thay đổi
M: Hi, (47) I need some help with this mobile phone that I bought at your shop.
Whenever I make a call, I can hear the person on the other end, but that person can’t
hear me.
W: Hmm. It sounds like there might be something wrong with this microphone.
( 48) Have you dropped the phone recently?
M: No, I haven’t. In fact, I just bought it yesterday.
W: sometimes there’s a manufacturing defect. Let me take a look at your phone to see if
that’s the case(= it’s true). If it is, then ( 49) we can give you a brand- new one at no
cost.(không mất tiền).
muffin: Bánh nướng xốp
strawberry muffins ->

fresh strawberries are in season: Dâu tây đúng mùa.

Be in season : (of food) available, ready for eating
-> That fruit is not in season just now.
Almond (n): hạnh nhân
Almond muffins ->

by any chance: used in enquiring about the possibility of something- có thể

->Are you by any chance free tonight?
Assorted (adj): consisting of various types mixed together:
->a box of assorted chocolates
A dozen assorted muffins: 12 cái bánh nướng xốp thập cẩm/12 cái bánh nướng xốp khác
A dozen +N: 12 cái…
W: Hello. I’ve read great reviews of your bakery. You’re famous for your strawberry
muffins, right? I’d like to try one.
M: Sorry, we have strawberry muffins only when fresh strawberries are in season.
Would you like to try an almond muffin instead?
W: Sure, and, by any chance, (51) do you offer catering? I’m expecting some clients at
the office early Tuesday morning, and I’d like to have some food available.
M: we don’t do formal catering, but if you’re in the neighborhood, (52) I can bring your
order to your office.
W: Great, thanks. We’re around the corner from here. How about a dozen assorted
muffins? Here’s the address.
Go out of business: phá sản, sập tiệm, đóng cửa
utility company: a company that supplies something such as electricity, gas, or water to
the public
home goods: đồ gia dụng ( furniture, kitchenware, clothes, consumer electronics, tools,
At a home goods store: Tại cửa hàng đồ gia dụng
At an apartment management agency: Tại một cơ quan quản lý chung cư/căn hộ
A deposit payment: Một khoản trả tiền đặt cọc
M: Hi, Molly. How was your trip to meet with Xavier Retailers?
W: Oh hi, Bryan. It went really well. The retailer really liked our women’s footwear line,
and they’ve decided to place an order with us for their department stores
nationwide(toàn quốc), so it’s much bigger than we expected. (56)
M: Wow, congratulations!
W: Thanks! Of course, I know you did most of the market analysis. It really helped me
convince the client to carry our footwear. (57)
M: Don’t worry- it was my pleasure. Oh, just so you know, there’s been a policy change
and the receipts from the trips can be submitted electronically. (58).
W: Thanks. I’ll take care of that this week.
Department store ->
be advanced to an executive position: được thăng chức lên làm vị trí điều hành
to secure(= to get something, sometimes with difficulty) a large order
take on (phv): đảm nhận, gánh vác -> take on a new task
vendor: a person or company that sells goods or services
-> Our company deals with many vendors of women’s clothing.
To pay vendors: Trả tiền cho nhà cung cấp
Expo = exposition: a show in which industrial goods, works of art, etc. are shown to the
-> Expo 92 (= a show that happened in 1992)
M: Good morning, Jee-Eun. How’s it going with the brochures for the Sports and
Medicine Expo in July? (59) I’m really eager to see what the public thinks about our
company’s new exercise equipment.
W: Actually, not well. (60) I printed a few yesterdays, and for some reason, the ink won’t
dry! I tried different types of photo paper and tested different printer settings, but no
matter what I do... the ink smears when I touch it
M: Strange. Well, since we’re not in a hurry, (61) why don’t we just get the brochures
printed at a place that specializes in this sort of thing? I want to make sure they look
finalise an agreement: hoàn tất một thỏa thuận
M: Hi, I’m one of the new interns here at Manzi Technology(62). I’m here for the
orientation sessions at nine o’clock.
W: Ok. I just need you to sign in, and I’ll find your name tag. What’s your name?
M: Richard Edwards
W: Oh, there’s a Rhonda Edwards in our public relations department. Are your related
to her?
M: Yes, she is my older sister. Actually, she’s the one who told me about this
internship(63). She thought I’d really enjoy working here during my break from
W: I’m sure you will. Well, welcome to Manzi. Here’s your name tag. Orientation is
upstairs. It’s the first room on your left when you get to the top of the staircase.(đầu cầu
thang). (64)
M: Thank you.
W: Hi, Mr. Polk. Thanks for meeting with me.
M: Sure. It’s a pleasure. (65) So, you’re writing an article for Forge Ahead Magazine?
W: Yes, (65) the piece( bài viết) is about how your car manufacturing plant dramatically
changed the way it produces cars. Could you tell me about what you did?
M: certainly. Many factory employees are told to never stop the production line no
matter what. (66) Recently I took the opposite approach. Whenever we found a defect,
anyone could stop the assembly line and address the problem immediately.
W: And this transition improved your quality control? (66)
M: Exactly. In fact, look at this production chart. You’ll see that, compared to other
factories, cars from this one have far fewer defects. (67)

W: Hello, it’s Helen from your lawyer’s office calling to make sure you received the
contract we sent over.
M: Hi, yes, and I had time to look it over. There’s actually a spelling error on the second
line; it should be Milt, M-I-L-T, Industries, not M-A-L-T.(68)
W: Oh, I’ll have that corrected. Did you notice anything else?
M: Well, I just received the building inspection report, and we learned that the electrical
wiring is over 15 years old. We’re worried about having access to enough power to run
all our computers and servers. (69)
W: That’s a problem. I’ll talk to the sellers about covering the cost of upgrading the
electricity. (70)
interior decorating: việc trang trí nội thất
proximity(n): the state of being near in space or time
-> The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
The pro’ximity of a highway: gần đường cao tốc
Dinning establishment (n): khu ăn uống
Work surface = worktop = kitchen counter
Glassware (n): những đồ bằng thủy tinh

W : Hi , I'm calling to get some information about your shipping services(44 ) . My

company manufactures glassware, and we have clients in Mexico. Do you ship there?
M: Yes , we do . With us, you can send your products by air or by ground transport(44).
W: Which of those two options would be safer to use? I'm worried because the
glassware is so fragile(45 ) .
M : On Either way is safe, but if you want, you can visit our Web site, and it will figure
out the exact arrival date for each method(46). You can choose the one that best suits
your clients.
At a seaport: Ở hải cảng
Pricing details: Những thông tin chi tiết về giá
Packing tips: Những mẹo xếp đồ
A non-negotiable deadline
dishwasher-and microwave-safe : an toàn khi sử dụng trong lò vi sóng và máy rửa bát
( nói về bát, đĩa sứ,… bền, không bị hư khi sử dụng trong các thiết bị này)
wide calendar :
-> Company wide calendar
Back and forth: đi đi, về về ( di chuyển từ A->B, rồi từ B->A)
To print your name: ghi tên ( LINH) thay vì ký
Care instructions: hướng dẫn bảo quản, sử dụng

Progress vs progression
Progress (N): the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or
completing something : sự tiến triển, tiến bộ, cải thiện
-> I think we're making progress.
-> The two sides have made very slow progress in resolving the dispute.
-> make progress in sth/doing sth
Progression (n): the process of developing gradually from one stage or state to
another(n): sự chuyển biến
-> opportunities for career progression
-> the rapid progression of the disease
-> progression (from something) (to something) a natural progression from childhood
to adolescence
Progressive (adj): developing or happening gradually
->There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years.
Progressively (adv): gradually
-> The economy has weakened progressively since the beginning of the year.
-> My eyesight has got progressively worse over the years
Professor(n): giáo sư
Professional(N): chuyên gia -> health professional : chuyên gia về sức khỏe
Profession(n): công việc ( work)- a type of job that needs special training or skill,
especially one that needs a high level of education/ chuyên môn
Professionalism (n): tính chuyên nghiệp
-> He praised her professionalism and dynamism
-> We were impressed with the professionalism of the staff.
To run for office : tham gia tranh cử - To "run for office" means to compete to be elected
into a political position by setting up a campaign and getting people to vote for you.
Ex: Who's running for office in the presidential elections this year?
Ex: People who run for office must be honest.
Ex: Both men and women can vote and run for office
In advance of sth: Trước khi….
To make a name for yourself: to become famous or respected by a lot of people:
-> He's made a name for himself as a talented journalist.
To remit (v): to send money to someone, especially as a payment for something:
Constructively (adv): in a useful or helpful way
-> If you use the science and technology constructively, your economy can grow.
Adhesive (n): a sticky substance that is used for joining things together, usually
permanently: keo
-> You'll need a strong adhesive to mend that chair.
Herbal tea (n): trà thảo mộc
expressly (adv): in a way that is clear:
I expressly told you to be home by midnight.
Remarkably (adv): used for emphasizing how surprising or unusual something is
-> Remarkably, she wasn't hurt in the crash.
Tensely (adv) ~ nervously : in a worried or nervous way:
They all waited tensely for the verdict ( bản án)
Instructive (adj): giving useful or interesting information:
It would be instructive to follow up the opinion poll with another one after the election.
Instructively (adv): in a way that gives useful or interesting information:
The outcomes of the two experiments were instructively different.
On-site accident: tai nạn tại nơi làm việc
Intentionally(adv): một cách có chủ đích
Valet parking: dịch vụ đỗ xe có người phục vụ
Naturally occurring substance means an element, compound or material which is
already present in the environment (soil, water, air) and in forms or concentrations that
have not been directly altered by human activity.
Self-order kiosks: trạm, máy tự đặt thức ăn.
Lie (v): nói dối -lied-lied-lying
Lie (v): nằm -> lay-lain-lying
Lay(v): đặt xuống, để/ đẻ trứng -> laid-laid-laying
Transit (n): quá cảnh
-> transit card/pass or travel card (n): Thẻ quá cảnh hoặc thẻ du lịch, thường được gọi
là thẻ xe buýt hoặc thẻ tàu.
Reward system : hệ thống phần thưởng/khen thưởng - a system used by companies
where employees who achieve particular results are paid more or get other advantages
Get a hold of someone: tiếp cận hoặc liên hệ với ai đó, có thể hiểu như tìm kiếm ai đó
mà không nhất thiết là phải sờ được mà có thể tìm người đó qua các phương tiện như
điện thoại, mạng xã hội…
-> She spent all morning on the phone trying to get hold of the manager.
Flyer (n): a person who travels by air
Fogger(n): máy phun sương, hóa chất ( để làm sạch 1 nơi nào đó hay để giệt côn trùng)
Cook (n): someone who prepares and cooks food:
-> She's a wonderful cook
A telemarketing call: một cuộc gọi tiếp thị qua điện thoại
Staff (v): to provide workers for a particular organization
-> be staffed by/with : The law centre is staffed by professional lawyers and advisers.
( Các trung tâm luật được bố trí , có nhân viên là các nhà tư vấn và luật sư chuyên
nghiệp )
Many charity shops in Britain are staffed by/with volunteers : (Nhiều cửa hàng từ thiện
được bố trí / có nhân viên là các tình nguyện viên )
Coverage area : vùng phủ sóng
A delivery driver (n): 1 tài xế giao hàng
To give a skills demonstration : trình diễn kỹ năng
Acquire (v): to get or obtain sth
Benefit Administration is the process of creating, managing and updating an
organization's employee benefits program. Benefits administration typically falls under
the responsibility of Human Resources and involves managing health insurance,
retirement accounts, vacations, paid time off and parental leave.
Timekeeping (n): how good or bad someone is at arriving at work, at meetings, etc. at
the agreed time (sự chấm công)
-> poor/bad timekeeping He was threatened with the sack for poor timekeeping.
Notwithstanding = despite
-> Notwithstanding some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan.
Aside from=except for : ngoại trừ
-> I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs
Pertinent (adj): relating directly to the subject being considered
-> Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period.
Simultaneous (adj): đồng thời, cùng lúc - happening or being done at exactly the same
-> There were several simultaneous explosions in different cities
-> The report will be broadcast in Russian with simultaneous English translation
Stock up (phv): to buy a large quantity of something
-> During the emergency, people stocked up on essential items.
Redeemable (adj): able to be exchanged for cash at a particular time:
-> An increasing number of listed companies are issuing redeemable shares.
Redeemable (adj): (of a coupon, voucher, etc.) able to be exchanged for a particular
amount of money or for goods of this value
-> Vouchers are redeemable until Thursday, June 25.
-> These points will be redeemable at more than 60 stores
Redeem (v): exchange
-> to use a coupon (= piece of paper used to buy goods at a lower price), points from a
credit card, etc. to buy something
-> redeem sth for sth New legislation would enable consumers to redeem gift
certificates for cash once their value falls below $10.
Keep someone posted (dùng khi nói nhiều hơn), keep someone informed of what is
happening, keep someone up to date (báo cho người khác biết tin tức mới nhất về một
chuyện gì.)
- Jane visited her mother in the hospital. Before she left, she requested that the doctor
keep her posted of her mother's situation=Trước khi cô về, Jane yêu cầu bác sĩ thông
báo cho cô biết tình trạng của má cô.
Vậy thành ngữ có nghĩa báo cáo đều đặn cho ai tin tức mới nhất về một vấn đề nào.
- When is your wedding?=Chừng nào anh chị làm lễ cưới?
- We don't have a definite plan yet, but I'll keep you posted=Chúng tôi chưa định chắn
chắn chừng nào thì cưới, nhưng sẽ báo cho bạn biết tin.
Eccentric (adj): lập dị - strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
-> eccentric behaviour
Receptive (adj): willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions:
-> I think you’re more receptive to new ideas when you’re younger
Insightful (adj): showing a clear and usually original understanding of a complicated
problem or situation
-> He was, of course, very funny and insightful
-> She has written an insightful account of the modern art world
Account (n): a written or spoken description or record of an event
-> give an account of She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.
-> keep an account of He kept a detailed account of the suspect's movements.
Intention (n): chủ đích, mục đích, dự định- something that you want and plan to do
-> It wasn't my intention to exclude(loại trừ) her from the list - I just forgot her.
-> I've no intention of changing my plans just to fit in with his.
Call sb over: nghĩa là gọi ai đó đến một vị trí, địa điểm mà người nói đang đứng. Gọi ai
đó tới để làm gì đó.
-> Can you call the waiter over ?
wait (on) tables : to serve meals to people in a restaurant:
-> She waited tables to pay for college: cô ấy đã đi làm phục vụ để trả tiền học đại học
Favourably (adv):
+ in a way that is positive and shows a good opinion ofsomebody/something ( một cách
tích cực)
-> New recruits are usually desperate ( liều lĩnh, liều mình, liều mạng) to be judged
favourably by their superiors (cấp trên, người ở cấp cao hơn).
+ in a way that gives you an advantage or more chance of success:
-> Our products compare favourably with all the leading brands.
Forcefully (adv): một cách quyết liệt, mạnh mẽ
-> He argued forcefully that stricter laws were necessary to deal with the problem.
Oddly (adv): một cách kì cục, kỳ quặc
-> Didn't you think she was behaving very oddly at the party yesterday?
Entrust (v): giao, giao phó - to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are
-> He didn't look like the sort of man you should entrust your luggage to.
-> Two senior officials ( quan chức cấp cao) have been entrusted with organizing the
Keep sth in storage : cất cái gì đó vào nơi an toàn cho đến lúc cần sử dụng lại
in storage: if things are in storage, they are being kept somewhere until they are
-> There is a large amount of natural gas in storage for winter.
-> Much of the art they’ve acquired is still in storage (= being kept in a safe place and
not yet in use).
Acquire (v): có đc, lấy được, đạt được, dành được
study cubicle (n)
student advisory committee: Ban cố vấn sinh viên
service elevator: + thang máy Thang máy dành cho nhân viên phục vụ (ở một cửa hàng)
+ Thang máy chuyển hàng
Escort (v):
+ to go with a person or vehicle, especially to make certain that he, she, or it leaves or
arrives safely: đi theo, hộ tống
-> Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour
-> The police escorted her to the airport, and made sure that she left the country.
+ to go with someone and show them a place:
-> People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology ( khảo cổ học).
Surely (adv): used to express that you are certain or almost certain about something:
-> The problem surely lies in the design of the equipment.
-> US formal "May I sit here?" "Surely." (= Yes, certainly.)
-> Without more food and medical supplies, these people will surely not survive.
Honourable (adj): honest and fair ( chính trực) / or deserving praise and respect ( đáng
kính, đáng tôn trọng)
-> A honourable people
Precipitation(n) /priːˌsɪp.əˈteɪ.ʃən/: water that falls from the clouds towards the ground,
especially as rain or snow ( lượng mưa/tuyết)
-> The average precipitation in Campos for the past 3 years has been 22.7 cetimeters.
Be tired of : Chán làm gì ( vì cái gì đó cứ lặp đi lặp lại )
Be tired from/with : mệt mỏi vì …
Eternal (adj): lasting forever or for a very long time : mãi mãi, vĩnh hằng
-> The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.
Selective (adj): có chọn lọc, tuyển chọn, lựa chọn, lưa chọn kỹ lưỡng – attentionally
choosing some things, not others
-> As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally
( một cách vượt trội, hơn nhiều so với mặt bằng chung, thông thường) gifted pupils.
Terminal: nhà ga sân bay
Terminate (v): [ vừa là nội / ngoại động từ ] : to end or stop, or to cause something to
end or stop
-> [ I ] Trains that used to terminate in Hoboken now run into New York. ( ->nội động từ)
-> [ T ] It sounded like she was trying to terminate the conversation.(-> ngoại động từ).
+ An employee who is terminated no longer has a job: ( sa thải)
[ T ] Employees can be terminated if they miss too many days of work without good
Superb (adj): of excellent quality; very great:
-> He is a superb dancer.
Tenor (n): giọng nam cao
Deliberation (n): a slow careful way of doing something/ considering or discussing sth –
sự thận trọng, cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng
-> After much deliberation, she decided to accept their offer.
-> After five days of deliberations, the jury decided on a verdict
Permissive : dễ dãi, thoải mái - A person or society that is permissive allows behaviour
that other people might disapprove of
-> It's a very permissive school where the children are allowed to do whatever they
-> He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drugs.
Inadvertently (adv): in a way that is not intentional:
-> He inadvertently deleted the file.
-> I inadvertently ended up on the wrong street.
-> The text was edited in a way that inadvertently changed its meaning
Về nghĩa, chỉ có sự khác biệt đôi chút giữa 2 danh từ này. Cả 2 từ đều mạng nghĩa là 1
dự định, 1 kế hoạch, 1 ý định làm gì đó. Nhưng có sự khác nhau trong cách sử dụng.
Intent được dùng trong các tình huống lịch sự, trang trọng hơn như trong luật pháp, …
trong khi đó Intention được dùng trong nhiều tình huống hơn, như là ngôn ngữ
thường ngày vậy.
Về mặt ngữ pháp, Intent là danh từ không đếm được còn Intention lại là danh từ đếm
Ví dụ: trong 1 bài báo tường thuật về 1 phiên tòa, bạn có thể đọc thấy: "He was carrying
a gun with intent to commit a bank robbery."
Trong khi đó, trong đối thoại hàng ngày với bạn bè, người ta có thể nói là “ I went to the
bank with the intention of opening a bank account, but I forgot to take my passport, so I
couldn't even do that."
Intent còn là adj -> be intent on something/doing something=to be determined to do or
achieve something:
-> I've tried persuading her not to go but she's intent on it.
Narrowly (adj): only by a small amount – suýt chút nữa, suýt soát
-> She narrowly missed winning the race.

Tightly (adv): +in a way that is very strict and hard to resist, avoid, etc.
-> The project's finances are tightly controlled.
+ securely in position; in a way that is difficult to move, open or separate
-> Her eyes were tightly closed.
Accessibility (n): the fact of being able to be reached or obtained easily ( easy to enter,
easy to gain access , the ability to be engaged) : nói đến việc có thể tiếp cận cái gì dễ
-> Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre.
Access (n): the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person: sự tiếp cận
-> The only access to the village is by boat.
-> The main access to (= entrance to) the building is at the side.
Operative (adj): working or being used: có hiệu lực
-> The agreement will not become operative until all members have signed.
Security deposit (n): đặt cọc bảo đảm
Security Deposit được định nghĩa là Tiền Ký Quỹ - số tiền được trả khi bạn đồng ý thuê
một căn nhà, căn hộ, v.v. mà chủ sở hữu của nó có thể giữ nếu bạn rời đi trước khi kết
thúc hợp đồng hoặc làm hỏng tài sản.
Security Deposit là một khoản tiền được ủy thác hoặc là khoản thanh toán một phần
ban đầu trong quá trình mua hàng (thường được sử dụng để ngăn người bán bán một
mặt hàng cho người khác trong một khoảng thời gian đã thỏa thuận trong khi người
mua xác minh tính phù hợp của mặt hàng đó , hoặc thu xếp tài chính).
-> Pay a security deposit
Superintendent (n): a person who is in charge of work done in a particular department,
office, etc., or who is responsible for keeping a building or place in good condition –
người giám sát / người quản lý tòa nhà
-> We asked the superintendent to fix the broken window in our apartment.
Computer lab: phòng máy tính
Uneventful (adj): An uneventful time or situation is one in which nothing interesting or
surprising happens – bình thường, không có gì thú vị
-> It was an uneventful journey
Excessive (adj): too much
-> Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
-> Some property owners complained that they were being charged excessive fees
Treadmill (n) /ˈtred.mɪl/

Exercise bike

Hook (n): lưỡi câu

Wall hook : móc treo tường
be in business : if a company is in business, it is operating normally
-> The company has been in business for almost 100 years.
-> How long has this company been in business ?
Physically fit : khỏe mạnh về thể chất.
Tie sth tight : buộc cái gì đó chặt lại
Manually (adv): by hand
-> Few of the machines are operated manually
-> You will have to add the new data to the existing spreadsheet manually
Insecurely (adv): in a way that is not safe or strong ( một cách k an toàn, k chắc chắn )
-> The shelves were insecurely fastened and fell to the floor
Profoundly influence : ảnh hưởng sâu sắc
Momentarily (adv) :
+ for or in a short time ( trong giây lát): She was momentarily confused by the foreign
road signs
+ very soon -> I'll be ready to leave momentarily
Peak season >< off-peak season
Prosperous (adj): rich, successful, usually by earning a lot of money ( thịnh vượng)
-> In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry
-> The area is becoming more and more prosperous.
-> a prosperous businessman
-> a prosperous country/economy/future
Prosperity (n): the state of being successful and having a lot of money – sự thịnh vượng,
sự giàu có
-> A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of
its people.
To an extent/to a certain extent / to some extent: partly but not completely: ở một mức
độ nào đó
-> To some extent, I agree with him.
Preparatory = preparative (adj): done in order to get ready for something: chuẩn bị cho
cái gì, bước đầu, mở đầu.
-> preparatory work
-> Differences over these issues narrowed during the preparatory meetings/talks.
-> He discovered new chemical reactions and introduced improved preparative
Restaurant critic: người đánh giá nhà hàng
Occupancy rate hay thường được gọi là Occupancy là một chỉ số quan trọng trong
ngành khách sạn và kinh doanh lưu trú nói chung - chỉ tỷ lệ sử dụng hay tỷ lệ lấp phòng.
Cụm này sẽ cho bạn biết tỷ lệ số phòng đang được sử dụng trong một ngày, hoặc một
giai đoạn nào đó
-> The occupancy rate at Starburst Hotel has fallen by 24% due to increased competition
Misuse (n): sự lạm dụng, sự sử dụng sai
-> One of the supervisors questioned Ms.Marshall about her role in the misuse of the
investment funds.
Allocation (N): sự phân bổ, sự phân chia
power generator : máy phát điện
competent (adj): able to do something well – có khả năng làm gì tốt, thành thạo, giỏi
-> a competent secretary/rider/cook
-> I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.
Observant (adj): hay quan sát, tinh mắt
-> "That's a new dress, isn't it?" "Yes, you are observant!"
Indecisive (adj): do dự, lưỡng lự, thiếu quyết đoán
Agreeable to sth : có thể chấp nhận, đồng ý
Disposable (adj): A disposable product is intended to be thrown away after use – dùng 1
lần, dùng xong rồi bỏ đi
-> disposable cups/cutlery(=silverware)/plates
Perishable (adj): có thể bị hư, hỏng ( thức ăn, hải sản,…)
Resume (v): If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause:
-> Normal services will be resumed in the spring.
->[ + -ing verb ] He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.
-> The talks are due to resume today
Extensively (adv): in a way that covers a large area or has a great range ( toàn bộ, bao
quát/ chuyên sâu, sâu rông)
-> The house was extensively rebuilt after the fire.
-> The side effects of the new drug are being extensively researched
Specifically (adv): + for a particular reason, purpose,… - dành riêng cho…
-> These jeans are designed specifically for women
-> [ + to infinitive ] I bought it specifically to wear at the wedding
+ clearly, exactly, or in detail
-> I specifically asked you not to be late.
Objectively (adv): in a way that is based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs
or feelings – một cách khách quan
-> Judges must weigh the evidence logically and objectively.
-> Try to look at the situation objectively.
Incorporate (v): to include something as part of something larger:
-> Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.
Nominee (n): someone who has been nominated for something:
-> All nominees for Treasurer will be considered.
online community (n): a group of people who use a particular internet service or belong
to a particular group on the internet ( vd: forum : diễn đàn)
-> Despite the company's relentless ( không ngừng) marketing, its online community has
not grown significantly over the past two years.
Trivia (n): ở dạng số nhiều : details or information that are not important – tin tức vặt,
câu chuyện lặt vặt, linh tinh không quan trọng, mẩu tin thường ngày
-> The museum celebrates the trivia of everyday life
-> She has an encyclopedic (adj): thuộc về bách khoa, có nhiều kiến thức về lĩnh vực
nào đó knowledge of sports trivia.
Journeyman plumber : thợ sửa ống nước lành nghề, nhiều kinh nghiệm, kỹ năng.
Plumbing (n): hệ thống ống nước / việc sửa ống nước : plumbing (work).
a family-owned-and-run business
to welcome in : To greet or receive someone cordially ( in a way that is friendly, but
formal and polite) or hospitably upon joining something or entering some place – chào
đón, chào mừng ai tham gia vào một tổ chức/ nơi nào đó
-> I'd like you all to join me in welcoming Sarah in as our new VP of sales!
-> The foster parents welcomed in the young boy with open arms.
Monstrous (adj): độc ác, tàn ác ( tội ác…) / vô lý, sai
-> It's monstrous to charge that much for a hotel room.
RSVP : abbreviation for "répondez s’il vous plaît", French for "please reply"; used at the
end of a written invitation to mean that you should tell the people who invited you
whether or not you are coming.
-> We request the pleasure of your company at a party in celebration of our daughter's
18th birthday, to be held at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday 20th August. RSVP
-> Please RSVP and indicate if you plan on bringing a guest.
Paid social media marketing: quảng cáo truyền thông trả phí
Organic social media marketing: quảng cáo truyền thông miễn phí.
-> More:
Traffic/ traffic website : lưu lượng truy cập của 1 website
-> To drive more traffic to your website : thu hút nhiều lượng truy cập hơn đến trang
web của bạn.
To call in sb : to request that someone come to you – mời/yêu cầu ai đó đến chỗ bạn
-> Did they call you in and have you demonstrate the software for them?
-> call in for an interview
Rectify (v): to correct something or make something right
-> I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.
-> rectify errors/mistakes
Discretion (n) /dɪˈskreʃ.ən/: sự thận trọng
Consensus (n): sự đồng thuận, sự nhất trí
-> The general consensus in the office is that he can't do his job.
-> Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Let's take a vote.
Aspiration (n): khát vọng
-> It's a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.
office automation system: hệ thống tự động hóa văn phòng
consolidation (n): + the process of becoming or being made stronger and more certain –
sự vững chắc hơn, ổn định hơn.
-> The company is entering a period of consolidation
+ the process in which businesses join together to make a single organization – sự hợp
nhất, sự thống nhất
-> Many employees have been impacted by mergers and consolidations.
Job consolidation
Industry consolidation
Strive (v): try very hard to do sth
-> strive to do sth
-> strive for sth
Elaborate (v): to add more information to or explain something that you have said – giải
thích thêm, giải thích kỹ
-> The congresswoman said she was resigning, but refused to elaborate on her reasons
for doing so.
coffee fruit : quả cà phê, hạt cà phê ( also known as coffee cherry or coffee berry )
*** The LED used in communications devices has a tiny cell structure yet a remarkably
fast response time ( Đèn LED được sử dụng trong các thiết bị truyền thông có cấu trúc ô
cực nhỏ nhưng thời gian phản hồi cực nhanh).
vertically integrated supply chain : chuỗi cung ứng liên kết theo chiều dọc
Vertical intergration : Liên kết theo chiều dọc
Patriotic (adj): yêu nước
-> She is so patriotic that she refuses to buy anything made abroad.
Organic (adj): k dùng chất nhân tạo/ hữu cơ
-> This restaurant only uses organic ingredients.
Soothing tea (n): Trà Dịu
Soothing (adj): Dễ chịu (adjective)
-> She comforted me with a soothing voice.
Refreshing (adj): tươi mới, tỉnh táo
Refresher (adj)
-> Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to [conquer (v): chinh phục, chế ngự] another
To persist (v): kéo dài ( dai dẳng, k dứt )
Physician (n): a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a surgeon
Medication (n): a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular
condition or illness
-> He is currently on/taking medication for his heart.
Explicit (adj): clear and exact
-> I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.
-> She was very explicit about (= said very clearly and exactly) what she thought was
wrong with the plans.
-> I wasn't aware that I would be paying - you certainly didn't make it explicit (= state it
Shrubbery (n): vườn cây bụi - a part of a garden where a lot of shrubs have been

Shrub (n): cậy bụi

Dense (adj): dày đặc, rậm rạp/ đông đúc
-> The population of Ho Chi Minh City is very dense.
business opportunity: cơ hội kinh doanh
certified (adj): having a document that proves that you have successfully finished a
course of training – có bằng cấp, có chứng chỉ, có chứng nhận
-> a certified teacher/nurse
Orthopedic (adj): chỉnh hình ( những vết thương ở xương,,,)
first-rate (adj): extremely good:
-> a first-rate restaurant.
academic background : nền tảng học vấn
generally (adv): nói chung, thường là
generalize (v): to make a general statement that something is true in all cases, based on
what is true in some cases: nói khái quát, nói tổng quát
-> It's difficult to generalize, but most babies can say a few words by the age of 12
-> You can't generalize about a continent as varied as Europe.
Paid internship: thực tập có lương
Unpaid internship: thực tập k lương
To follow the prompts: làm theo lời nhắc nhở, hay lời chỉ dẫn
Packing slip:
Warranty coverage:
Guarantee (n): a promise that something will be done or will happen, especially a
written promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within
a particular period of time:
-> The TV comes with/has a two-year guarantee.
-> The shop said they would replace the television since it was still under guarantee
( còn trong thời gian bảo hành)
Blade (n): lưỡi dao, bộ phận sắc dùng để cắt, gọt -> sharpen the blades

Cutting tools (n):

loaner: something (such as a car or a watch) that is lent especially as a replacement for
something being repaired ( những sản phẩm được cho mượn để dùng đỡ, để thay cho
cái đang được sửa )
-> Loaner product
Pilot (n): a programme that is made to introduce a new radio or television series and
test how popular it is – chương trình thử nghiệm, chương trình thí điểm
-> If you'd seen the pilot, you'd know why they decided not to make a complete series
of programmes!
A programmer : một lập trình viên
A scholar (n): 1 học giả
An in-depth interview(n): một buổi phỏng vấn chuyên sâu
Senator (n) /ˈsenətər/ :
Tangible (adj): real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced - hữu
hình, sờ được nắm được
-> We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.
Mechanical (adj): operated by a machine, or connected with machines or their parts-
thuộc máy móc, cơ khí
-> The plane appeared to have crashed because of a mechanical problem.
-> a mechanical device
Exchange rate : tỉ giá hối đoái
Mortgage (n): khoản vay thế chấp
To convene (v): triệu tập ( hội nghị, cuộc họp,…)
-> We are going to convene a conference tomorrow.
Fertile (adj): (of land) able to produce a large number of high-quality crops – màu mỡ,
phì nhiêu
-> Fertile soil/land
Mandatory (adj): mang tính bắt buộc, có tính bắt buộc
-> mandatory for sb to do sth :They would make it mandatory for everyone to have
health insurance.
Compliant (adj): willing to do what other people want you to do – nghe lời, tuân thủ
-> a compliant child
-> be compliant with sth: tuân thủ, làm theo ( luật, quy định,…)
To report on sth : thông báo, báo cáo về vấn đề gì
Occupant (n): a person who lives or works in a room or building:
-> the current/previous/last occupant The apartment had been left in a bad condition by
the previous occupant.
-> He is the sole occupant of the house.
Communicative (adj): cởi mở
-> I find her very communicative.
Applicability (n): (+to) Có thể dùng được, có thể áp dụng được
-> The new method has applicability to all the students.
Applicable (adj): có thể áp dụng được, thích hợp
-> applicable to sth/sb This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing
more than five people.
Within ( adv, prep): inside or not beyond (a particular area, limit, or period of time):
-> She managed to complete her last film well within budget.
-> The tickets should reach you within a week.
-> The company has always acted within the law (= legally).
-> The updated training program is limited to site supervisors within the casey medical
care system.
Politically (adv): in a way that relates to politics - liên quan đến chính trị
-> His mother was very politically active (tích cực về mặt chính chị, quan tâm đến chính
-> It is a politically and religiously diverse country.
Politics (n): công việc chính trị, hoạt động chính trị
Politic (adj): wise and showing the ability to make the right decisions – khôn ngoan, sáng
-> When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.
Impressively (adv): in a way that people admire or respect
-> The team played impressively throughout the game.
Planning committee : ủy ban kế hoạch
Circulate (v): to send something such as information, ideas, or documents from one
person to another.
-> News of her retirement quickly circulated around the office.
To yield (v): to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food
or information – sản xuất ra, tạo ra
-> an attempt to yield increased profits.
-> Favourable weather yielded a good crop.
Withdrawal (n): when you take money out of a bank account
-> The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made from his
account in a single week
-> make withdrawal from …
Relatively (adv): relatively good, bad, etc - quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with
other similar things or with what you expect: khá là
-> There was relatively little violence.
Approachable (adj):
+ friendly and easy to talk to.
-> Graham's always very approachable - why don't you talk the problem over with him
+ If a place is approachable, you can reach it or get near to it
-> It's one of the few lakeside villages approachable by car.
Courier (n): người đưa thư
An aptitude test (n) : một bài kiểm tra năng lực ( một hình thức đánh giá tâm lý, được sử
dụng để đo điểm mạnh tự nhiên của một người nào đó trong một lĩnh vực nhất định).
An amateur photographer: một nhiếp ảnh gia nghiệp dư.
nature trail (n): a path through an area of the countryside that is intended to attract the
walker's attention to interesting plants, animals, and other features - Đường mòn tự
nhiên (có mục đích khiến người đi qua bị thu hút vào cảnh vật).
-> The area includes hiking trails and a nature trail.
Toolbelt (n)

The boy is reeling in a fish

Duration (n): the length of time that something lasts: khoảng thời gian
-> He planned a stay of two years' duration.
Acceptably (adv):
+ in a satisfactory way that can be agreed to or approved of: có thể chấp nhận được
-> The local authority was pleased to report acceptably low levels of sewage in the
-> If you can't behave acceptably, you will be punished.
+ just well enough, but not very well
-> The students had performed acceptably in the exam but their scores were not
Acceptable (adj):
+ satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of – có thể chấp nhận được.
-> Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties.
-> This kind of attitude is simply not acceptable.
+ just good enough, but not very good.
-> Her performance was acceptable, but not stunning.
Routinely (adv): used for describing what often or usually happens – theo thói quen,
thông thường
-> Health and safety rules are routinely flouted ( coi thường) /ignored.
Removal (n):
+ the process of removing or getting rid of something, often something that is
considered to be harmful
-> the removal of sth : The removal of duties and taxes on trade within the EU has
created an environment in which competition can flourish.
+ the process of moving furniture, equipment, and other possessions from one office,
home, etc. to another:
-> a removal company/firm.
Pool (v): to collect something such as money in order for it to be used by several
different people or groups
-> The kids pooled their money to buy their parents a wedding anniversary gift.
Cold call hay cold calling là thuật ngữ ám chỉ việc tiếp cận khách hàng tiềm năng thông
qua những cuộc gọi chào hàng/ tư vấn giới thiệu sản phẩm.
Place a call ( informal) = make a call
Lead calling, often called warm calling, is a kind of call that is between a sales
representative and a potential customer that has interacted with the company
Cold calling is when a sales rep calls a prospect who hasn’t shown any interest in
becoming a customer and might not be aware of your brand. Warm calling is when a
rep calls a prospect who has expressed interest in your product or service.
Input [U] (n): help, ideas, or knowledge that someone givsecties to a project,
organization, etc.:
-> input from sb/sth We had a very productive meeting with a lot of good input from
the technical department.
-> input on sth We want input on product development from employees and potential
Administer(v): to control the operation or arrangement of something – quản lý
-> The economy has been badly administered by the present government.
A couch = a sofas
Straightforward (adj): easy to understand or simple – dễ hiểu, đơn giản
Rent out (phv): cho thuê
prove (to be) useful (idiom)
: to be eventually found to be helpful
The data could prove (to be) useful in identifying future problems.
Preferable (adj): better or more suitable
-> We could take a later flight if it would be preferable.
How about that?/How do you like that? ( exclaimation) : used when you are referring to
something that is very surprising, annoying, or exciting / Wow! That’s interesting – Bất
ngờ chưa ? Ngạc nhiên chưa ?
-> So I’m going to be your new boss. How about that?
-> Sales are up by 36 percent. How about that?
Body wash (n): sữa tắm
Facial cream (n): kem dưỡng da mặt
Hand cream (n): kem dưỡng da tay
Media exposure : hiệu quả xuất hiện trên truyền thông hay hiệu quả quảng cáo. Đây là
một thuật ngữ dùng để chỉ mức độ xuất hiện của thương hiệu, sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ
trên các phương tiện truyền thông
A garbage disposal : một máy xử lý ( loại bỏ) rác thải
Lobby (v): to try to persuade a politician, the government, or an official group that a
particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed
-> Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.
[ + to infinitive ] Local residents lobbied to have the factory shut down.
[ + obj + to infinitive ] They have been lobbying Congress to change the legislation
concerning guns.
Parcel express : bưu kiện chuyển phát nhanh
Corporate function :
Video game console :

Packing peanuts : Hạt xốp dùng trong đóng gói

A cardboard box :
To pack the truck :

To put the brakes on : hãm phanh

Culinary traditions : truyền thống ẩm thực
Backpacker (n): a person who travels with a backpack, usually not spending very much
money and staying in places that are not expensive

A Sheep (n): con cừu / số nhiều: sheep

Table (v): + to suggest or offer something for discussion – trình bày, đưa ra
-> table an offer/bid/proposal : The company has been looking for a buyer for several
months but so far no offer has been tabled
+ to delay discussion of a subject : hoãn lại
-> We voted to table the proposal until the following meeting.
Sprinter (n): someone who runs short distances very fast, especially someone who
competes in races such as the 100 metres – VĐV chạy nước rút.
Workman (n): a man who uses physical skill and especially his hands in his job or trade:
công nhân, người thợ
Sunbathe (v): tắm nắng
in places (phr): in some areas but not all areas
-> The wall was damaged in places.
At the fork in the road: tại ngã ba đường
carriage ride (n)

Multi-level structures/Multi-level parking structures:

at short notice (idm): only a short time before something happens: trong thời gian ngắn
( nghĩa là rất nhanh, không có thông báo trước kịp thời/ đột ngột).
-> I can't cancel my plans at such short notice.
Retraction (n): a statement in which you admit that something you said or wrote
previously was wrong
-> He demanded an immediate retraction and apology.
-> he magazine will be issuing/printing a retraction in its next edition.
Bolt (n)

Screws (n)

Barrel nuts

Allen key (n): chìa khóa đầu lục giác

Tile Metal

Castle knot :

Plastic zip ties

Extend (v): to offer or give sth to sb
-> extend an invitation
-> extend an apology
Contract (v) = retain (v): thuê
Appreciate (v) = value (v): đánh giá cao, coi trọng

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