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Cagayan State University


Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

MAPEH Grade 11

Fourth Quarter:

May 23, 2022

Prepared by:
Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:
MAPEH Coordinator

School Principal
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 11

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to

a) Identify the basic skills of softball

b) Define the basic skills of softball in each category, and their
relationship with one another.
c) Discuss the importance of basic skills of softball
d) Perform the basic skills in softball
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic : Basic Skills in Softball
B. Materials : Computers or mobile devices with internet access
C. Values : Develop understanding on the importance Softball Basic Skills
D. References :
III. Procedure
A. Preliminaries

1. Customary Greetings
Good day, class! Good day, Ma’am!

2. Prayer
Dear, can you lead us a prayer? (Student will lead the Prayer)
May we all place ourselves in the presence of
the Lord…

3. Checking of attendance.
Alright. For the checking of
attendance, can you guys open
your cameras for a screenshot? We
will do screenshots before and
after class.

In 1 2 3…

Alright. May I also request

everybody to change the format of
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

your names here to Surname then

first name. Thank you!

B. Motivation

Once again, good morning class!

How are you today? Good afternoon too, Ma’am!

We’re good, Ma’am!

Alright. For today’s discussion, I want
you, my dear students to look and
observe what the photos on this slide
shows. Can you guys analyze and
guess what these photos mean?

Right. How about this 2nd one, Ma’am, Pitching.

Catching, Ma’am.
That is absolutely right.

How about these photos in the 3rd

slide? That is batting, Ma’am.

How about this 4th one? Ma’am, that is throwing.

And how about this last one? That is running, Ma’am.

Alright. With all the set of photos

presented and your right answers,
what do you, guys, think is this all Softball basic skills, Ma’am.

That’s correct. You are really good,

my dear students!

You guys have a really good

understanding about the images
presented! Thank you.
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Quick question class. Do you guys play

softball? Or are you even familiar with this
Is anyone here a softball player? A softballer?
Or just plays softball as a hobby, or have
watched softball games? Anyone? You guys Ma’am, I have watched a softball game, but I
may virtually raise your hands or open your don’t play it.
mics to answer.

Oh, that’s alright, dear. At least, it captured

your interest to watch it. Thank you!
Okay, since you have watched a softball I love when the pitcher pitches the ball,
game, can you share to us which or what Ma’am. I also like the batting.
softball skill or skills do you admire?

Good eye! Those two are really admired by

softball fans.
Ma’am, I like the catcher’s role and even the
Anyone else who eyes for a specific skill or players at the back who catches a long fly
skills in softball? ball.

Good eye, too! You like their catching skills!

Thank you for sharing your favorite softball

We shall discuss more of the softball skills

which you guys may admire more as we
move on.

D. Lesson Proper:

Alright. Last meeting, I have grouped you

into two (3): We have the group 1 who will
present to us why do we have two categories
in softball, plus the two (2) categories for
softball skills namely softball fielding skills
(group 2), and the softball batting skills
(group 3).
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

And the task is:

each group will present their assigned skills
and their relationship with each other.

Alright. Are all groups ready?

May we have the group 1 or the “why 2

categories in softball” group. Good morning, classmates! Good morning
everyone! We are the group 1, or the why 2
categories group.

Alright, so the explanation why we have 2 or

only 2 categories in softball is as simple as
this: we have to opposing teams each game or
each match namely the fielders and the
batters. In softball, we call them the on-field
team, and the on-bat team. These 2 opposing
teams require different sets of skills needed to
perform by each players efficiently. Meaning
to say, the fielders or the on-field team
perform different sets of skills from the
batters or the on-bat team. Group 2 and group
3 will enlighten us about these different skills
performed in their respective categories.

Alright! Thank you group 1. So, as simple as

that. The 2 categories are the 2 opposing
teams in a match who requires different sets
of skills to perform their roles efficiently.
Thank you again group 1.

Shall we move to the 2nd group or the softball

fielding skills category. Are you guys ready? Yes, Ma’am.

Alright. Take it away. Good morning, classmates, good morning

teachers! We are the group 2, and we will
discuss one of the 2 categories of softball
skills which is the softball fielding skills.

So, this category: the softball fielding skills

contain skills required and performed by the
fielders or the on-filed team.
In this category, the players on-field perform
3 skills.
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


One skill that sets softball apart as a sport is


This skill is key for every position on defense.

Since softball is bigger and heavier, having a

strong arm is crucial on order to make
accurate, long throws.

To improve throwing skill is to play catch,

especially toss, where you and a partner
throw the ball back and forth further and
further apart.


It is a very technical skill reserved only for

only one player on the field.

Pitching is different than throwing in softball

because it is underhand and more athletic of
a motion.

To improve pitching, you have to do it a lot.

There are various drills as well but most
important thing is to pitch a lot and take care
of shoulder strength.


Just like throwing, catching is another

crucial defense skill no matter what position
you play on the field.

In the outfield you have to be especially good

at catching high fly balls.

In the infield you have to be able to catch

short throws from othe infielders, especially
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

at first base.

The position where it is most important is

called “catcher” - in a squat, catches the
pitches from the pitcher.


The relationship of these 3 softball skills is

very crucial. Since softball is a team sport,
everyone assigned in each skill must do their
roles effectively and efficiently for the team to
gain advantage.

As the pitcher pitches the ball, the catcher

behind the batter must be focused to catch the
ball in case the batter misses to hit the
pitched ball, and all other catchers: three
baser, outfielders, the short stopper and even
the pitcher must also stay focused in case the
ball is hit by the batter. Also, all fielders must
always be ready to catch the ball in case the
ball is thrown form one fielder to another.

So, those are the three skills in softball

fielding skills and their relationship with one

Very good group 1! That was a well

explained presentation. I hope everyone
listened and understood the three softball
fielding skills and their relationship. I just
want to add:
As I have mentioned while ago, we have these
5 skills we call the five tools, and pitching is
not one of them. Pitching is one of the most
important skills but it is usually trained. The
point of five tools is to spot potential softball
players and after seeing their play, potential
pitcher is spotted and will be trained.
Yes, Ma’am.
Is everyone clarified with that?
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Alright. Thank you again, Group 2. Let’s now

proceed to the group 3 or the softball batting
skills group.
Yes, Ma’am.
Are you guys ready?
Good morning, again, classmates! Good
Take it away. morning teachers.

We are the group three, the softball batting


So, this category: the softball batting skills

contain skills required and performed by the
batters or the on-bat team which are the


One of the “five-tools”.

This skill is your ability to make contact with

the ball while hitting.

As a softball player you won’t want to strike

out as possible, and get as many hits as you

Hitting for contact is especially important for

hitters who might not be as strong, as it is
even more important to get base hits.


This skill is one that not everyone has, but is

very coveted in softball players.

Hitting for power is the combination of

making contact with the ball, but also hitting
it as far as possible.

Usually only one of two players on a softball

team will be power hitter, hitting home runs
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

and driving in lots of runs.

One can improve this skill by lifting weights

and working on the swing.


The last of the “five tools”.

This applies to both offense and defense, the

only tool that does.

Running especially applies to outfielders on

defense, as they have to cover more ground to
get to balls.

It is especially important on offense - with

base running.

In softball with bases sixty feet apart, being

fast is a huge advantage, leading to more hits
and more runs.


In softball batting, players’ goal is to hit

home runs as many as possible to gain
advantage over their opponent. With that,
players must make sure to hit the pitched
balls or what we call hitting for contact in
order to avoid strike outs which only counts
to three and the batting chances will be over.
Aside from thinking of hitting for contact, a
batter must also think of hitting the ball hard
but also hitting it as far as possible to make a
lot of home runs.

Hitting for contact an hitting the ball hard

and as far as possible must also be aided by
fast and smart running. Once you hit the ball
in, you must run as fast as you can to hit the
base and avoid getting out. Running smart is
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

knowing when to run or when to not.

So, that is all about the softball batting skills

Well done, group 3! We had a clear view of and their relationship.
the skills differences and their relationship
with one another. Thank you so much!

Shall we give a virtual clap for our presenters,

all the groups!

E. Generalization

So, that class is all about the basic skills in

softball. Again, we have how many

Right. Namely the…?

Two, Ma’am.
Yes, dear?
The softball fielding skills and the softball
batting skills, Ma’am.
Very good. Softball fielding skills consists of
what skills?
Yes, dear?
Softball fielding skills consist of throwing,
pitching, and catching, Ma’am.
Very good! While the softball batting skills
consist of …?
Yes, dear?
Softball batting skills, Ma’am, consist of
hitting for contact, hitting for power, and
running, Ma’am.
That is absolutely right, dear.

Do you now have a better view of the

importance of these basic skills in softball?

What do you think is the importance of

Yes, Ma’am.
knowing all these skills, dear?

Of, course as a player, Ma’am, you must

know all these skills because in softball, you
cannot choose to play only one set or
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

category of skills. Knowing skills in both

Good point. What else class? categories and being good at it is an
Yes, dear? advantage to the game.

Knowing and being good at performing these

skills, Ma’am, is a really big help because
That’s right. Very good! you will have the choice to do which skills
you must do depending on what the game
What else, class? situation requires.
Yes, dear?

Yes, that’s a really good point! Ma’am, knowing all these skills enables the
players for a substitution in case one player
Alright, we are done with today discussion. I cannot be good at his/her game.
am thankful to you guys, for your active,
interactive participation, and your brilliant

Thank you so much everybody!

Again, lets please have a screenshot in 1 2


Thank you! Have a good day!

F. Application

For our next meeting, we will only have two

groups. Same group for 2 and 3, I just have to
distribute the group one.

I have your group names ready here.

So, your task is to perform the skills in your

assigned category.

I will be sending the task or the activity sheet

with the criteria for grading and the guideline
in your GCs for you to be guided.
Cagayan State University
Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Wearing of P.E. uniform is a must.

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