Sample Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods that will be used in the conduct of this study.

This presents the research design, the research participants, and role of the researcher

in the investigation, data sources, data collection procedure, data analysis, the

trustworthiness of the study and ethical consideration.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher will use the qualitative research design. According to

Aspers and Corte (2019), qualitative research is an iterative process to understand and

improve the community’s situation by achieving and making new significant distinctions

resulting in getting closer to the phenomenon being studied. Qualitative research is a

never-ending journey, it condensed to understanding a nature of social phenomena that

are complex, historically situated, and subjective (Gaudet & Robert, 2018).

This study on the challenges encountered by the private school principals in

integrating the school core values fall under the qualitative umbrella of research since the

researcher seeks to understand their experiences. Moreover, qualitative research

approach is deemed fitting to this research because through this, the researcher will be

able to collect and document the diverse perception from the informants.

Furthermore, this study will be employing the phenomenological research

approach. Neubauer et al., (2019) defined phenomenology as a form of qualitative

research that focuses on the study of an individual’s lived experiences within the world.

Additionally, phenomenology can be defined as an approach to research that seeks to

describe the essence of a phenomenon by exploring it from the perspective of those who
have experienced it. The goal of this approach is to describe the meaning of this

experience – both in terms of what was experienced and how it was experienced.

In this study, a phenomenological approach will be employed as it aligns with the

primary goal of comprehending the challenges faced by school principals in the process

of integrating school core values. This approach is well-suited for the study’s objectives

as it offers a means to delve into the lived experiences, coping mechanisms, and

insights of the participants, in this case, school principals. It allows for an in-depth

exploration of the challenges they encounter and provides a platform for understanding

the multifaceted nature of these challenges.

The phenomenological approach proves invaluable in uncovering the personal

and unique perspective of school principals, offering researchers a nuanced

understanding of their experiences. By employing this approach, the study aims to

unravel the intricate challenges faced by school principals, providing profound insights,

and potentially revealing hidden issues. Essentially, this approach serves as a powerful

tool for delving into the multifaceted landscape of challenges encountered by school

principals in integrating core values. It facilitates an exploration of subjective experiences

and perceptions, contributing to a more comprehensive comprehension of this crucial

aspect of educational leadership.

Research Participants
The participants of this study will be 10 school principals from the different

catholic schools under the Diocese of Tagum Educational System. According to Creswell

and Creswell (2018) recommend that 10 to 50 participants are enough in this kind of

study. The participants have different views and opinions in relation to their challenges.

Additionally, the participants will vary in gender, age, and status. The chosen participants

know the daily lives, routines, and experiences in integrating core values. The
participants will be chosen based on the selection criteria of the researcher, (1) private

catholic school principals who have at least three (3) years experienced handling both

elementary and secondary private schools; and (2) private catholic school principals who

are assigned in different private schools under Diocese of Tagum Educational System

(DOTES). This research study will exclude private school principals who are note

assigned within the DOTES and those with less than three (3) years of experience in the

management of both elementary and secondary private schools. This criterion is

designed to ensure that participants possess a substantial level of experience and are

specifically affiliated with DOTES, contributing to the study’s targeted exploration of the

challenges and experiences unique to this context.

Role of the Researcher

As the researcher of this study, I will collaborate and interact with the informants

and gather data. In this phenomenological study, I will take the role of being the

interviewer, recorder, transcriber, translator, primary data analyst, and verifier.

Furthermore, it is my responsibility to maintain the smooth process and procedures

during the conduct of the study to observe the school principals and interview the

selected informants regarding the experiences and challenges of integrating core values.

I will be the one to collect the data needed for the study. As interviewer, I will ask

questions during the in-depth interview to the informants to have a detailed account as

much as possible on their opinions and observations in the course of integrating core

values. However, in interviewing the informants my point of view on the case will be set

aside to ensure the objectivity, thus strengthening the credibility of this study.

In this study, I will record the interviewing process. With the help of an audio

recorder application installed in my smartphone, I will account the proceedings of the

interviews. Through this, I will be able to guarantee that the exchange of ideas and

information will be properly and audibly recorded.

As a transcriber, I will make sure that the participants answers will be transcribed

into verbatim regardless of how intelligible the transcript may be when it is read back and

that transcriptions would be precise. In addition, I will assign pseudonyms for each

informant to hide their identities in transcribing the data.

Additionally, the participants will be encouraged to speak in any language or

dialect that they are comfortable with so they can freely express their thoughts and

opinions in detail. With this, as the translator, I will make sure that the responses will be

translated correctly and organize carefully.

As primary data analyst, I will analyze the data gathered from the participants

suited for qualitative research to comprehend the overall narrative and come up with

themes from the data gathered. After gathering and analyzing all the data, I will submit it

to the expert analyst that help me review and check the analyzed data. Additionally, I will

seek the help of my thesis adviser to make sure that the data gathered will be analyzed


Finally, as the verifier, I will validate the accuracy of the data by returning it to the

participants. This step involves cross-referencing the transcriptions with the participants’

original responses from the interview. By doing so, I aim to ensure that their answers

have been faithfully transcribed, thereby enhancing the overall trustworthiness and

reliability of the collected data.

Data Sources

The sources of the data will be from the information and insights given by the

research informants. According to Creswell (2007), an important step in the process is to

find informants of the study, gain access and establish rapport with them so that they

could provide good data.

In-depth interview will be the primary source of the data. In gasping properly their

responses, I will use a recorder to make sure that their responses will not be altered nor

misinterpreted. In this study, the aim of this interview will be to understand the challenges

of school principal integrating the core values through the informants’ insights, feelings

and point of view, where they will be given enough time to ponder without being

influenced by the opinions of others.

To reinforce the data from the primary source which is the individual in-depth

interview (IDI), this study will also use of data from secondary sources like government

publications, websites, books, journal articles, Catholic Educational Association of the

Philippines (CEAP) mandates, and other researchers conducted.

Data Collection Procedure

Qualitative data collection methods serve the primary purpose of collecting

textual data for research and analysis. The collected research data is used to examine

knowledge around a specific issue or a program, experience of people; meaning and

relationship; and social norms and contextual or cultural practices demeaning people or

impacting a cause (Bhat, 2022).

Furthermore, Creswell (2007) emphasizes that qualitative research tied up in

series of activities in the process of collecting data. The qualitative research work took

comprehensive and methodological procedures to achieve its purpose. The vital steps

will be to find informants who will be involved in this study, seeking the permission to

conduct the study, the preparation of materials and the tools for data gathering like audio
recorders, interview guide and the place where to conduct the study to obtain accurate


My initial task as a researcher will be to obtain official permission from relevant

authorities, such as DOTES Officials of Tagum. Securing this permission is crucial as it

allows me to conduct a comprehensive study on school principals and their efforts in

integrating core values. This step is imperative from an ethical standpoint, ensuring that

all necessary permissions are obtained and observed before delving into the research.

Second, I will ask an endorsement letter from the Dean of the Graduate School

of St. Mary’s College of Tagum Inc. for the permission to conduct the study. After which,

the letter of approval will be sent to the DOTES. After securing the necessary documents

such as the permit to conduct the study, I will identify the informants from different private

schools under DOTES and provide each one of them a letter of consent seeking

permission to participate in this research endeavor.

As a first step in the interview process, the participants will be oriented to the

purpose of the study, which is to understand the challenges encountered by the school

principals in integrating the school core values and on how they cope with the

challenges and the insights they experience. It will be explained to them the research

procedures, expected benefits, their right to withdraw from the study at any time and the

protection of confidentiality. The informed consent form written in English will also be

given and explained to them. Questions and clarifications will also be catered during the


During the pre-conduct of the study, the participants will be asked if they will

allow audio recording or not and that the data will be stored in a safe drive to ensure

their safety and anonymity. They will be oriented that once the study is done, all the data
gathered including the recorded audio and transcript will be deleted. Prior to the conduct

of the interview on the agreed schedule and venue, the signed informed consent will be

collected. The queries, clarifications and concerns from the informants will be addressed

and answered politely.

Each participant during the conduct of the in-depth interview will be asked with

self-explanatory questions. This is the researcher’s way of identifying the challenges of

school principals and on how they cope the struggles, as well as the insights of the

participants. Moreover, the documentation of the responses through audio recording will

be transcribed into verbatim to ensure the accuracy and validity of the outcomes and will

be verified by the informants. Everything that will be transcribed during the conversation

will be put into record through recorded audios and copied out word for word to confirm

the reliability and integrity of the interview.

Lastly, any information that will be obtained in connection to this study and that

can be identified with the participants will remain confidential and will be disclosed only

with the permission of the informants. Information gathered concerning the participants

will be encoded through the use of pseudonyms, initials, or numerical identifiers to

maintain anonymity. Stringent measures will be implemented to safeguard this

information, ensuring that it remains secure and accessible only to authorized individuals.

Thus, the sharing of any identifiable data will strictly adhere to the permissions granted by

the participants, emphasizing the commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of all

information obtained throughout the research process.

Data Analysis
The data that will be collected during the conduct of the study will be analyzed to

come up with conclusions to resolve the problem of the study. Qualitative data analysis

included identifying, coding, and categorizing core ideas and themes found in the data.

The analysis will be done after the process of transcribing the results of the

interview among the informants. In this study, the researcher will be using coding and

thematic analysis in analyzing the collected and gathered data. The data will be

organized into different categories that have similar responses from different informants.

Thematic analysis is the method that will be utilized in analyzing and reporting

the pattern of themes in this study. According to Mack et al., (2005) posits that thematic

analysis is considered as the most used method of analysis in qualitative research. In

this study, I will adhere to this type of analysis for this would help me make sense of

complex and rich qualitative data, allowing me to explore and understand the underlying

patterns and meaning within the information collected.

To familiarize the data, the researcher will listen and transcribe the recorded

interview of the informants and keep on reading it to identify similar answers given by the

informants. After familiarizing the data, coding the data began, the researcher will use

coding in which the data will be confirmed to arrive for particular themes, ideas and


To strengthen the reliability of the data, the researcher will also tap a data analyst

who is an expert on the field and an adviser for further verification of the data. Lastly, the

researcher will present the findings and interpretation of the data.

Trustworthiness of the Study

In qualitative research, the term “trustworthiness” relates to the caliber, veracity,

and accuracy of the results. The level of readers’ confidence in the outcomes is relevant
(Schmidt & Brown, 2015). Researchers should set the protocols and methods required for

a study to be regarded as worthy of consideration by readers in each study (Amankwaa,

2016). In addition, it is pertinent to address how qualitative researchers establish that the

research study’s findings are credible, transferable, confirmable, and dependable. The

strategies advocated are based on the experience gained by Shenton (2004) when

undertaking a qualitative research study.

Credibility or truth value refers to the truthfulness of the research findings. The

degree to which the researcher has developed confidence in the findings is based on the

research methodology, and environment. It is derived from the intended research

objectives, and credible research decisions are those that are consistent with the

researcher’s objectives, and the researcher or practitioner is critical and confident in

making methodological decisions. According to Biado et al., (2021), good research must

meet certain criteria, one of which is the research involving the use of rigorous

procedures and techniques by the research is notable for collecting important types of

data. Following the collection of the data, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis,

paying close attention to the reliability, validity, triangulation, and the researcher’s

credibility. Additionally, an innovative and thorough analysis of the data should be done.

In this study, to have a credible, I will utilize iterative questioning and member checking

as I will be using the in-depth interview as the method of data collection.

Furthermore, as cited by Wadembere (2014), iterative questioning is about using

probes to collect detailed data. The researcher returns to topics previously posed by the

participants and extract relevant data through rephrased questions. In both cases where

disparity occur, falsehoods are revealed and the research can decide to discard

questionable data. In the context of this study, the iterative questioning will be done by

using probing questions to collect data. Follow-up questions will be also be asked to help
us identify additional aspects that can make a difference to their provided information and

to confirm that both of the researcher and the participants understand each other. Also, I

will ensure the sufficiency and relevance of the gathered information by also using the

research questions.

Moreover, member checking will be used in the context of this study. It is about

returning data, analytical classifications, interpretations, and findings to members of the

group from which the data was obtained. It improves the data, especially because the

researcher and participants view the information from various viewpoints (Korstjens &

Moser, 2017). Asking a participant to review the transcript of the interview may improve

data accuracy. It can be used to allow participants to reconstruct their narrative by

eliminating portions that they believe no longer represent their experience or present

them in a poor light (Birt et al., 2016). In this study, the researcher will present the raw

transcriptions to the participants. The researcher will let them the participants read and

analyze for they to verify the accurateness of the transcripts. Also, the researcher will let

the participants ask the research to discard some parts that are not appropriate for the or

think they never said. Th researcher will also let them know that they can add some

information that they wanted the researcher to include in the transcript.

Dependability refers to the consistency and reliability of the research findings,

as well as the extent to which research procedures are documented, allowing someone

not involved in the research to follow, audit, and critique the research process (Moon et

al., 2016). Describing the research states performed from the start of a research

endeavor to the development and reporting of the findings in a clear and concise manner.

Throughout the research, records of the research patch will be kept (Korstjens & Moser,

In the context of this study, the researcher should begin with a well-defined and

articulated conceptualization of the core values under consideration, establishing a clear

foundation. Throughout the study, careful documentation of research procedures,

including the development and implementation of strategies for integrating core values,

should be maintained. Moreover, regularly updating a detailed research patch and

recording any deviations from the original plan contributes to a transparent and

accountable process.

Confirmability is the neutrality of the degree of findings that are consistent and

could be repeated. It is critical for other researchers to be able to duplicate the results in

order to demonstrate that the results are the result of independent research

methodologies rather than intentional or unconscious bias (Devault, 2019). Therefore, the

research should ensure that the results are based on the experiences and preferences of

the research participants, not the experiences or preferences of the researcher, to control

and reflect the influence of philosophical or empirical preferences (Moon & Blackman,

2016). Also, the strategy required to guarantee an audit trail because the researcher is

expected to provide a comprehensive list of notes on decisions taken during the research

phase (Korstjens & Moser, 2017).

In the context of this study, the researcher will guarantee an audit trail to ensure

the confirmability of this research. In addition, the researcher will provide a detailed and

comprehensive list of procedures that will be taking and ensure to keep and list track of

records throughout the conduct of this study to reserve as the evidence in order to elude

from biases and ensure that this study is not from the perspective and interest of the

researcher. Moreover, establishing an audit trail, where decisions and changes made

during the research are carefully recorded, enhances transparency and allows for

external scrutiny. By adopting these measures, the study aims to enhance the
trustworthiness and reliability of its findings, contributing to the overall confirmability of the


Transferability concerns the aspects of applicability. It is the responsibility of the

researcher to provide a thick description of the participants and the study procedure so

that the reader can decide whether or not the findings are applicable to their own context

(Korstjens & Moser, 2017). The researcher can improve transferability by thoroughly

defining the research context and the basic assumptions of the study. The individual who

intends to transfer the results to a different context is then responsible for determining the

appropriateness of the transfer (Trochim, 2020).

In the context of this study, the researcher will provide a thick description of the

participants and a careful attention should be directed towards providing a detailed and

comprehensive discussions of the participants and procedures of the study. In addition,

offering a thorough and contextually rich description allows readers to assess the

relevance of the findings to their own educational settings. Moreover, by transparently

delineating the research context and fundamental assumptions, the research will

empower potential researchers to make informed judgements about the applicability of

the study’s outcomes in different contexts.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations for research are principles that protect morality and guide

researchers in conducting research. Also, these keep the researchers accountable and

guarantee that the public can trust the research (Mazumdar, 2022). In this research

study, the SMCTI-REC ethical principles will be utilized such as, social value, informed

consent, vulnerability of research participants, risk, benefits, and safety, justice,

transparency, quality of the research, adequacy of facilities, and community involvement.

The participants of this study are the private school principals assigned in DOTES

schools. Their challenges as private school principals will be explored in this research.

The main concerns of this study are the challenges of school principals in integrating

core values. They are the school leaders, who are significant in the study; therefore,

their safety and full protection will be secured. This is to preserve the trust they will give.

In line with this, this study adheres to the principles of ethical standards to secure the

safety of the participants.

Social Value. This refers to the relevance of the study to an existing social or

health problem such that the results are expected to bring about a better understanding

of related issues, or contribute to the promotion of well-being of individuals, their

families, and communities. Also, this is included as one of the ethical principles because

it emphasizes the importance of conducting research that has meaningful and positive

impacts on society (Wenner, 2018).

In this study, the social value is manifested through its commitment to addressing

educational challenges, promoting holistic development, enhancing school culture,

strengthening community bonds, fostering ethical decision-making, and contributing to

the formation of responsible citizens within the private school context. This study aims to

have a lasting positive impact not only on the individuals directly involved but also on the

broader societal landscape influenced by the values instilled. Furthermore, collaboration

with stakeholders, including educators, administrators, and policymakers, should be

emphasized to ensure that the research outcomes are directly relevant and applicable to

the actual needs and concerns of the educational community.

Informed Consent. Informed consent is a decision of a competent potential

participant to be involved in research after receiving and understanding relevant

information, without having been subjected to coercion, undue influence, or inducement.

Moreover, this is included as one of the ethical principles because through this informed

consent, it ensures that participants are fully aware of the nature, purpose, and potential

risks and benefits of their involvement in a study (Leguizamo, 2023).

In this study, the informed consent process is paramount to uphold ethical

standards. The school principals, as the participants in this study will be provided with

clear and transparent communication about the study’s purpose, procedures, and

potential outcomes. A comprehensive informed consent document will be developed,

outlining the voluntary nature of participation, confidentiality measures, and data usage

protocols. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek

clarification, ensuring a full understanding of the study. Additionally, the consent form will

include a section for participants to acknowledge their understanding and voluntary

agreement to participate. Finally, this research study will obtain approval from the

relevant ethics committee to ensure that the informed consent process aligns with ethical

guidelines and safeguards the rights and well-being of all participants.

Vulnerability of Research Participants. Those who are relatively or absolutely

incapable of deciding for themselves whether or not to participate in a study for reasons

such as physical and mental disabilities, poverty, asymmetric power relations, and

marginalization, among others and who are at greater risk for some harms. In addition,

this is included as one of the ethical principles because it underscores the need to protect

individuals who may be at increased risk of harm or exploitation due to various factors

(Gordon, 2020).

In this study, a comprehensive approach will be employed to prioritize the

participants’ welfare. The informed consent process will be meticulously designed to

ensure clarity about the study’s objectives, procedures, and the voluntary nature of
participation. Privacy protections will be paramount, with a commitment to handling

sensitive data securely and minimizing intrusions into participants’ privacy.

In addition, continuous communication channels will be established, offering

participants opportunities to ask questions, seek support, and express concerns

throughout the research process. Moreover, culturally sensitive practices will be

integrated, respecting diverse perspectives within the participant group. The study will

minimize power imbalances, promote participant autonomy, and incorporate debriefing

sessions to address any emotional impact. Lastly, ethical oversight and monitoring

mechanisms will be implemented to detect and swiftly address any emerging issues,

reaffirming the commitment to prioritizing the well-being and right of all research


Risk, Benefits, and Safety. Research is justified if there is a reasonable

likelihood that the population from which the participants are derived stand to benefit from

the research. All research involving human participants shall be preceded by a careful

assessment of predictable risks, burdens, and foreseeable benefits to the research

participation or to others. Also, risk, benefits, and safety are included as ethical principles

because it is very important to balance the potential harms and benefits associated with a

research study to ensure the well-being of participants and uphold ethical standards

(Stahlke, 2018).

In this study, a comprehensive approach to addressing risks, benefits, and safety

will be implemented. A thorough risk assessment will precede the study, identifying

potential psychological or emotional impacts on participants discussing values and

ethical considerations. The informed consent process will transparently communicate

these risks, ensuring participants understand the nature of their involvement.

Moreover, clear protocols will be established to protect participant confidentiality

and privacy, minimizing potentials harms. Also, benefits, both tangible and intangible,

will be emphasized during the consent process., highlighting the potential positive

impacts on personal and professional development. Furthermore, throughout the study,

continuous monitoring will occur to promptly address any unforeseen risks, and

participants will be provided with information on available support mechanisms, fostering

a safe and respectful research environment. Lastly, the study’s ethical conduct and

participant safety will be prioritized through ongoing oversight and adherence to

established ethical guidelines.

Additionally, this study will also adhere to the Republic Act 10173 also known

as Data Policy Act stated that any personal information should be secured and

protected in any means. To ensure that any personal information would put into safe the

researcher will use pseudonyms in referring the informants. No names of the informants

will be revealed to maintain confidentiality and anonymity. Republic Act 10173 also

known as Data Privacy Act of 2012 is an act to protect the fundamental right of human

right of privacy. To ensure personal information to be used in public and private were

secured and protected.

In this study, the research will strictly adhere to data privacy regulations. The

researcher will begin by obtaining informed consent from all the participants, clearly

outlining the purpose, scope, and handling of their personal information. Additionally, the

researcher will ensure the proper storage and transmission of data, employing

encryption and access controls as mandated by the Act. Moreover, anonymizing and

aggregating data wherever possible can further mitigate privacy risks. By proactively

addressing data privacy concerns, this study will uphold ethical standards and legal
obligations, safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of participants’ information in

accordance with Republic Act 10173.

Justice. This refers to equitable distribution of both the burdens and the benefits

of participants in research. It should not be the case that one group in society bears the

costs of research while another group reaps its benefits. In addition, justice is included

as one of the ethical principles because it emphasizes the fair and equitable treatment of

research participants and the distribution of the benefits and burdens of research across

different populations (Varkey 2021).

To follow justice in this study, the researcher will prioritize fairness in particular

selection, ensuring inclusivity across diverse stakeholders. The study’s design and

reporting will be sensitive to cultural nuances, avoiding perpetuation of inequalities.

Moreover, the findings will be analyzed and reported in a way that respects the diverse

voices and experiences of participants, promoting a just representation of their

contributions. Additionally, the study’s outcomes and recommendations will aim to

benefit the entire school community equitably, fostering a sense of justice in the

distribution of knowledge and potential improvements in educational practices.

Transparency. Ethical research shall be characterized by transparency. It is

imperative for all parties to be transparent about matters relating to their involvement.

This promotes confidence in the research enterprise, even when privacy and anonymity

need to be preserved about sensitive matters. Also, this plays a crucial role in upholding

the integrity of the research process, ensuring accountability, and building trust among

stakeholders (Moravcsik, 2019).

The transparency in this study will be rigorously maintained to foster trust and

clarity. The research process, objectives, and potential implications will be clearly
communicated to all stakeholders, including the participants. Throughout the research,

regular updates will be provided, and participants will be encouraged to ask questions or

seek clarification. Similarly, the data collection and analysis methods will be detailed in a

transparent manner, ensuring the reproducibility of the study. Findings, whether positive

or challenging, will be reported accurately, avoiding biases and promoting an open and

honest exchange of information with the entire school community.

Quality of the Researcher. Persons engaged in research involving human

participants shall have moral fortitude, scientific competence, social awareness, cultural

sensitivity, intellectual humility, vigilance, and preparedness in safety issues. Also, the

researcher shall have the training ability, and resources to conduct the proposed study.

Similarly, this is implicitly considered in ethical considerations in research because the

conduct, competence, and ethical behavior of researchers directly impact the integrity of

the research process and the well-being of participants (Resnik, 2020).

In this study, ensuring the quality of the researcher involves a commitment to

methodological rigor, ethical conduct, and cultural sensitivity. The researcher possesses

the necessary expertise in educational and values-based research, fostering credibility in

study design and execution. Clear community channels will be established, allowing for

ongoing dialogue with participants to address concerns and maintain transparency.

Additionally, cultural competence will be a priority, ensuring that the researcher is

attuned to the diverse perspectives within the private school community. Lastly, ethical

considerations, including participant welfare, will be central, and the research process

will be continuously monitored to uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity

throughout the study.

Adequacy of Facilities. Assurance that the research environment for the

specific issues must be supportive of protocol procedure and well-being of participants.

In addition, this is included as one of the ethical principles because the availability and

appropriateness of research facilities directly impact the safety, well-being, and ethical

treatment of research participants (Derecho, 2021).

In this study, ensuring the adequacy of facilities involves a meticulous

assessment of the physical and technological resources necessary for seamless

research execution. Prior to the study, the researcher will conduct a thorough evaluation

of the facilities, including meeting spaces, interview rooms, and data storage

infrastructure. Adequate technological support will be in place to facilitate data collection,

analysis, and communication. The researcher will work closely with the private schools

to address any identified facility needs and ensure that the environment is conducive to

ethical and effective research practices. Continues monitoring and responsiveness to

facility-related challenges will be integral to maintaining the overall adequacy and

functionality of the research facilities.

Lastly, Community Involvement. Respect for local traditions and culture,

community empowerment, and acknowledgement of participation. Benefits must be

made clear to the individuals and to communities that they represent. Also, research

forum for the stakeholders must be possibly organized for the dissemination of research

forum results. In addition, this is included as one of the ethical principles because it

ensures that the research conducted in a respectful, culturally sensitive, and socially

responsible manner (Derecho, 2021).

In this study. addressing community involvement necessitates a collaborative

and participatory approach. The research design will incorporate mechanisms to actively

engage the private school community, including participants, teachers, parents, and

students, in decision-making processes and the identification of core values. Moreover,

regular community forums and feedback sessions will be organized to gather insights
and perspectives, ensuring that the study resonates with the community’s values and

aspirations. Dissemination of findings will be inclusive, involving the community in

discussions on the implications and applications of the research outcomes. This

commitment to community involvement aims to foster a sense of ownership and

relevance, aligning the study closely with the needs and priorities of the private school


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