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An integral part of Harvard Business Review , September 2024

Abdulkarim Alnujaidi,
Board Director, Excom Member, Audit Committee Member, OTHAIM MARKETS

Saudi Arabia’s economy is booming, unemployment is at a record low, the output gap is closed, inflation is
contained, and fiscal and external buffers have been rebuilt. The continuation of Vision 2030 reforms has
helped advance the country’s economic diversification agenda, including through reduced reliance on
oil.What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in order to achieve the Kingdom’s
vision 2030goals?

Strategic Vision and Expansion: In recent years, Othaim Markets has shown remarkable growth
within the retail sector. Could you share insights into the strategic vision that drives this expansion?
Specifically, how does Othaim Markets plan to adapt and grow in the face of evolving consumer trends
and digital transformation in the retail industry?

In light of the shifting consumer behavior towards more health-conscious and sustainable products,
how is Othaim Markets planning to adjust its product offerings and marketing strategies to meet these
evolving demands?

With the accelerated rise of e-commerce, especially in the retail sector, could you elaborate on Othaim
´s strategy for enhancing its online shopping experience and logistics to compete with purely online

Sustainability Initiatives: Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses

worldwide, including those in the retail sector. Could you elaborate on Othaim Markets' initiatives
towards sustainability? How are you integrating environmental and social governance (ESG) principles
into your business operations, and what impact do you foresee these initiatives having on your brand
and consumer base?

Digital Innovation and Customer Experience: The digital revolution has transformed how
retailers interact with their customers. Can you discuss any innovative digital strategies Othaim Markets
is implementing to enhance the customer shopping experience? How are you leveraging technology to
meet the changing needs and expectations of your customers, both in-store and online?

Challenges and Opportunities in the Retail Sector: The retail industry faces numerous
challenges, from supply chain disruptions to changing consumer behaviors. As CEO, what do you see as
the most significant challenges and opportunities for Othaim Markets in the current economic climate?
How is your company positioning itself to navigate these challenges and capitalize on new

Leadership and Corporate Culture: Finally, the culture within an organization plays a crucial role
in its success. Could you share your philosophy on leadership and how you cultivate a positive and
productive corporate culture at Othaim Markets? What measures do you take to ensure your team
remains motivated and aligned with the company's values and objectives?

Final message to the readers of Harvard Business Review

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