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SA is likely to be one of the world’s fastest-growing economies this year, 7,6% GDP.

SA is taking important steps to

1)improve the business environment, 2)attract foreign investment and 3)create private-sector employment. These
initiatives, combined with governance and labor market reform, have made it easier to do business (a business can be
registered in just three minutes), increased the number of industrial facilities. World full uncert

, the IMF praised Saudi Arabia for its efforts to diversify the eco and expressed support for the implementation of VAT, the
overhaul of the PPP law, and new legislation designed to enhance the business environment, including full foreign ownership
od Saudi cies. Among the numerous reforms underway, including labor ,fiscal reforms, laws aimed at improving the business
landscape, which reform do you believe is most crucial at present for fostering a favorable investment climate?"
Backgroud: Mubarah has experience of more than 27 years in leading positions in industrial,
commercial and logistic companies. How come the invitation to lead OM came about?

It all begain in 1956 when the late Sheikh Saleh Al Othaim opened its first food hop in the village of Al
Gusman at Al Batha Since establishment in 1980, OMA has raised the standards of ex in the regions
food, super markets sectors. What are the core pples that have made the Cie such an ongoing sucess
through the years?

Since inception, we have strived for benchmark quality, CUSTOMER CENTRIC APPROACH,
robust engineering a strong Customer Loyalty (Takasuh)and engagement. Id like to talk about
Relation with Costumer: What makes your approach unique?

Challenges and Opportunities in the Retail Sector: The retail industry faces numerous
challenges, from supply chain disruptions to changing consumer behaviors. As CEO, what do you
see as the most significant challenges and opportunities for Othaim Markets in the current economic
climate? How is your company positioning itself to navigate these challenges and capitalize on new

In light of the shifting consumer behavior towards more health-conscious and sustainable
products, how is BIN planning to adjust its product offerings and marketing strategies to meet these
evolving demands?

With the accelerated rise of e-commerce, especially in the retail sector, could you elaborate on
BINs strategy for enhancing its online shopping experience and logistics to compete with purely
online retailers?

Started Panedemic…Every ECONOMIC SHOCK leaves a legacy. The Covid-19 pandemic is

no different. It has AG financial markets, dampened global growth, C traditional business ,
changed trad supply chain modelsand threatened the future of . opp. Lessons Adaptability and

RADICAL models are emerging from different parts of the world and they're transforming
how business is done. Integrating technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud
computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to improve their manufacturing
and distribution operations to ensure optimised performance. How does JF approach

THE WORLD IS MOVING towards the increased adoption of environmental, social and
governance (ESG) standards across all sectors of the economy; what steps is BINDaking to
integrate sustainable practices into its operations, ++. How are you adopting and ESG-driven
approach through the company’s entire value chain ¿

NUMBERS, question on leadership: 323 across SA . more than 5000 employees ,

2.6 B revenueWhat does it take to run a company of this magnitude?
--Sauditization and employment owmen… HK greates asset: How are you
creating an ecosustem to find talent and allow it to thrice in the cie’

SECTOR: Saudi Arabia will likely maintain its exceptional performance in the retail sector, with sales
expected to increase by 5% annually over the next five years. The non-oil economy's consistent
growth, coupled with rising income levels are key factors. What are the cha and opp that the
hypermarket sector Will fase and how is BIN positioned to maintain its leaderhip?
I recently interviewed the Vice Minister of Agriculture ( Al Mushaiti. )talking about the agribusiness
potential for growth. The recent shift towards organic products, the increased drive for self-efficiency
and food safety as well as the potential for clusters increased innovation and R&D are but a few of the
key factors to enable the Kingdom to play a leading role in the region.

Corporate Governance in Jordan : In an era of escalating shareholder and public scrutiny,

corporate boards must lead with greater transparency, efficiency, and expediency than ever before.

International partnerships play a crucial role in GLOBAL BUS STRATEGIES global business
strategies. Elaborate on the imp of partneship and How do you select your international partners, and
what criteria do they need to meet to align with your company's objectives

HK A company's success is often a reflection of its culture and the talent it nurtures. HK is the cie.
greatest asset. How is AL creating an eco to find good talent and allow thrive . ?
Views on Sauditization, empowering women , and creating more inclusive corp. culture (COCU)

THE WORLD IS MOVING towards the increased adoption of environmental, social and
governance (ESG) standards across all sectors of the economy; what steps is ALK C taking to
integrate sustainable practices into its operations, ++. How are you adopting and ESG-driven
approach through the company’s entire value chain ¿

NUMBERS : When examining Alkhorayef by the numbers—considering its employees, revenue,

number of projects, and the variety of economic sectors it spans—what are the key challenges
associated with leading such an organization of this magnitude?"

CORP GOV "In an era of increased shareholder and public scrutiny , corporate boards must lead
with more efficiency, exped and Transpa than before. KKs approach to GCC
— Nomu parlel market..Many IPO: How has corporate governance evolving in Saudi Arabia,
especially as more family-owned businesses expand globally and some transition to public entities?

Digital Innovation and Customer Experience: The digital revolution has transformed how
retailers interact with their customers. Can you discuss any innovative digital strategies Othaim
Markets is implementing to enhance the customer shopping experience? How are you leveraging
technology to meet the changing needs and expectations of your customers, both in-store and

Leadership and Corporate Culture: Finally, the culture within an organization plays a crucial
role in its success. Could you share your philosophy on leadership and how you cultivate a positive
and productive corporate culture at Othaim Markets? What measures do you take to ensure your
team remains motivated and aligned with the company's values and objectives?

Final message to the readers of Harvard Business Review

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