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CULTURAL STUDIES AND POPULAR power, conflict, and change (George Mason

CULTURE: AN INTRODUCTION University, para. 1).

What is Cultural Studies? Relationship Between Culture and Cultural

Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary
field concerned with the role of social institutions Cultural Studies is concerned not only
in the shaping of culture. Cultural studies with one definition of culture. Instead, it
emerged in Britain in the late 1950s and encompasses Culture and culture. The former
subsequently spread internationally, notably to pertains to what Matthew Arnold (2009) called
the United States and Australia. Originally ‘the best which has been thought and said.’
identified with the Center for Contemporary Hence, written with a capital letter “C.” On the
Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham other hand, culture written with a small “c” is
(founded 1964) and with such scholars as Richard something that is not classifiable in the former—
Hoggart, Stuart Hall, and Raymond Williams, that which is popular among the masses.
Cultural Studies later became a well-established
To simplify, Cultural Studies recognizes
field in many academic institutions, and it has
all types of culture (but most studies have greatly
since had broad influence in sociology,
focused on the ‘popular’). For this field of study,
anthropology, historiography, literary criticism,
it treats culture as a meaning-making entity. It
philosophy, and art criticism. Among its central
pertains to how people live within nature
concerns are the place of race or ethnicity, class,
(including people’s own biology); it is the ‘shared
and gender in the production of cultural
meanings’ people develop and come across in
their everyday lives. Furthermore, the meaning-
making process happens with the texts and from
the texts that people encounter. In this manner,
Stuart Hall (1992) pointed out that:
cultures are derived from the ‘production,
Cultural Studies has multiple discourses; it has a circulation, and consumption of meanings.’
number of different histories. It is a whole set of Therefore, ‘to share a culture is to interpret the
formations; it has its own different conjunctures world in recognizably similar ways’ (Storey
and moments of the past. It included many 2011, pp. 2-3).
different kinds of work . . .It always was a set of
However, this does not mean that
unstable formations . . .It had many trajectories,
Cultural Studies treat culture as a harmonious and
many people had and have different theoretical
organic whole. Instead, it recognizes that
positions, all of them in contention. (Storey 2010,
meanings across cultures are negotiated,
p. 2)
meaning, they can mean different things. It is in
In other words, Cultural Studies offer an avenue this negotiation between cultures and the role of
for academic discourses that derive concepts and power where the core of Cultural Studies lies
arguments from different domains: anthropology, (Storey 2011, p. 3).
history, literary studies, philosophy, political
economy, and sociology (George Mason
University, para. 1). It strives to comprehend, definitions by Raymond Williams (1983):
analyze, and revolutionize certain cultural
practices (George Mason University, para. 5). • Culture can be used to refer to ‘a general
Researches within Cultural Studies place cultural process of intellectual, spiritual and
objects under circumstances that account for aesthetic development.’
• Culture suggests ‘a particular way of inequality, exploitation and oppression. Texts are
life, whether of a people, a period or a said to take sides, consciously or unconsciously,
group.’ in this conflict. For instance, when you watch a
• Culture can be used to refer to ‘the works certain documentary, it presents a particular
and practices of intellectual and reality (i.e. condition of people living in the
especially artistic activity.’ slums) in a way that it wants to invoke a certain
reaction from the audience (i.e. people may show
Another essential term in popular culture studies empathy towards the oppressed or they may feel
is ideology. Graeme Turner (1996) proclaims it anger towards the system).
to be ‘the most important conceptual category in
cultural studies’ (Storey, p. 2). Just like culture,
the term ideology also has competing definitions.
A fourth definition is one that was very influential
Examine the following meanings of ideology and
in the 1970s and early 1980s. It is the definition
try to understand each.
of ideology developed by the French Marxist
Ideology can refer to a systematic body of ideas philosopher Louis Althusser. For him, ideology is
articulated by a particular group of people. Think not simply a body of ideas, but a material
about the different political groups in the country. practice. Principally, what Althusser has in mind
Why do you think certain arguments arise when is the way in which certain rituals and customs
it comes to making decisions for the welfare of have the effect of binding us to the social order: a
the Filipino citizens? social order that is marked by enormous
inequalities of wealth, status and power.

A second definition suggests a certain masking,

distortion, or concealment (as in the capitalist For example, if you live a lavish life, your daily
ideology). Ideology is used here to indicate how practices would differ greatly from the practices
some texts and practices present distorted images of the poor. In what ways do you think would
of reality. They produce what is sometimes called inequalities arise from this societal difference?
‘false consciousness.’ Such distortions, it is
argued, work in the interests of the powerful
Williams (1983) suggests four current
against the interests of the powerless. For
instance, why do you think does the capitalist meanings of the word popular: ‘well- liked
society keep on producing strong and persuasive by many people’; ‘inferior kinds of work’;
advertisements even if some products being ‘work deliberately setting out to win favour
released in the market are not really effective or with the people’; and ‘culture actually
have devastating effects to the environment? made by the people for themselves’
(Storey, p.5).

A third definition of ideology (closely related to,

To better understand the concept, the term
and in some ways dependent on, the second
popular must be juxtaposed with the term high
definition) uses the term to refer to ‘ideological
culture or highbrow culture. Traditionally,
forms.’ This usage is intended to draw attention
highbrow culture pertains to the culture of the
to the way in which texts (television fiction, pop
intellectuals, the rich, or the elitist. Using this
songs, novels, feature films, etc.) always present
idea, popular culture can be identified as the
a particular image of the world. This definition
culture that is left over after we have decided
depends on a notion of society as conflicting
what is high culture. This definition of popular
rather than consensual, structured around
culture is often supported by claims that popular
culture is mass-produced commercial culture, identity fostered by social patterns unique to the
whereas high culture is the result of an individual group.
act of creation. Hence, popular culture explores
"Culture encompasses religion, food, what we
the relationship and the tension that arises
wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage,
between the two in terms of their cultural
music, what we believe is right or wrong, how we
practices and ideological differences.
sit at the table, how we greet visitors, how we
Furthermore, it focuses on how the popular or the
behave with loved ones, and a million other
masses use their own power to challenge the high
things," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at
class society including the capitalist one.
Barnet and Southgate College in London, told
One example of this power struggle is observed Live Science.
in the production of popular products that have
The word "culture" derives from a French term,
fake counterparts such as in the image below.
which in turn derives from the Latin "colere,"
which means to tend to the earth and grow, or
cultivation and nurture. "It shares its etymology
with a number of other words related to actively
fostering growth," De Rossi said. A culture is
learned and is passed from one generation to the

Folk and High Culture

The highbrow culture and the capitalist society Popular culture is usually distinguished from folk
produce the ‘original’ products while the and high culture. In some ways, folk culture is
lowbrow produces their replica for the similar to pop culture because of the mass
consumption of the masses. In this case, the participation involved. Folk culture, however,
original products, which are usually overpriced, represents the traditional way of doing things.
only cater to those who can afford them while the Consequently, it is not as amendable to change
lowbrow finds ways to come up with products and is much more static than popular culture.
that are similar but uses cheaper and more
affordable materials. In this case, the lowbrow Folk culture represents a simpler lifestyle, that is
trying to come at par with the highbrow society is generally conservative, largely self- sufficient,
a challenge in itself as it poses threats to power of and often characteristic of rural life. Radical
the latter. innovation is generally discouraged. Group
members are expected to conform to traditional
modes of behavior adopted by the community.
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a Folk culture is local in orientation, and non-
particular group of people, encompassing commercial. In short, folk culture promises
language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music stability, whereas popular culture is generally
and arts. The Center for Advance Research on looking for something new or fresh. Because of
Language Acquisition goes a step further, this, popular culture often represents an intrusion
defining culture as shared patterns of behaviors and a challenge to folk culture. Conversely, folk
and interactions, cognitive constructs and culture rarely intrudes upon popular culture.
understanding that are learned by socialization. There are times when certain elements of folk
Thus, it can be seen as the growth of a group culture (eg Turkish rugs, Mexican blankets and
Irish fairy tales) find their way into the world of
pop culture. Generally, when items of folk culture 3. Culture Lag. It is the period of maladjustment
are appropriated and marketed by the popular when the non-material culture is adopting to the
culture, the folk items gradually lose their new normal conditions. Example of this are the
original form. ethics on privacy of censorship on the usage of
A key characteristic of popular culture is its
accessibility to the masses. It is, after all, the
culture of the people. High culture, on the other
hand, is not mass produced, nor meant for mass
consumption. It belongs to the social elite; the 1. Culture is LEARNED. Humans are not born
fine arts, opera, theatre, and high intellectualism with genetic imprint of a particular culture.
is associated with the upper socioeconomic Learning depends on the uniquely developed
classes. Items of high culture often require human capacity to use symbols, signs that have
extensive experience, training, or reflection to be no necessary or natural connection to the things
appreciated. Such items seldom cross over to the they signify or for which they stand. Remember
pop culture domain. Consequently, popular that people have the power to create, remember
culture is generally looked (down) upon as being and deal with ideas. Enculturation is the process
superficial when compared to the sophistication by which an individual learns his/her culture. It is
of high culture. (This does not mean that social transmitted through observation and is absorbed
elites do not participate in popular culture or that unconsciously. It involves beliefs, norms and
members of the masses do not participate in high social culture, that is why it is sometimes also
culture.) referred to as socialization.
2. Culture is SHARED. Because we share
culture with other members of our group, we are
able to act in socially appropriate ways as well as
A set of patterns of human activity within a predict how others will act. Therefore, it affects
community or social group and the symbolic behavior. Culture is an attribute not of individuals
structures that give significance to such activity is per se but of individuals as members of groups.
called Culture. There are different aspects of
3. Culture is based on SYMBOLS. A symbol is
Culture such as:
something that stands for something else.
Symbols vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary.
They only have meaning when people in a culture
1. Material Culture. Material culture refers to
agree on their use. Language, money and art are
physical or technological aspects of our daily
all symbols. Language is the most important
lives. They are tangible in our environment (man-
symbolic component of culture.
made) and intended for human survival. Some
examples of this are: Food items, dresses, 4. Culture is INTEGRATED. This is known as
buildings and factories and other raw materials holism, or the various parts of a culture being
among others. interconnected. All aspects of a culture are related
to one another and to truly understand a culture,
2. Non-Material Culture. This aspect of culture
one must learn about all of its parts, not only a
refers to the cultural adjustments to material
few. It is more than the sum of all its parts.
conditions such as customs, philosophies, beliefs,
Economic, familial/kinship, political and social
governments, pattern of communication and even
control, marriage, religious.
ways of using the material objects.
5. Culture is DYNAMIC. This simply means
that cultures interact and change. Because most
cultures are in contact with other cultures, they 1956). They explained that language structures
exchange ideas and symbols. All cultures change, thought. Language thus influences how we
otherwise, they would have problems adapting to understand the world around us.
changing environments. And because cultures are
2. Norms.
integrated, if one component in the system.
changes, it is likely that the entire system must Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards
adjust. and expectations for behaving. We already saw
that the nature of drunken behavior depends on
society’s expectations of how people should
There are two processes involved when culture behave when drunk. Norms of drunken behavior
is changed: influence how we behave when we drink too
a. Internal Changes or Innovations – It refer to
the process of introducing an idea or object that is • Norms are the formal and informal rules
new to the culture. Forms of innovation involved regarding what kinds of behavior are
are discovery and invention. acceptable and appropriate within a
b. External Changes or Cultural Diffusion – It
• Norms are specific to a culture, time
is the process of spreading materials of culture
period, and situation.
from group or society to another.
There are two types of Norms:
a. Formal norms, also called mores (MOOR-
ayz) and laws, refer to the standards of behavior
1. Language. considered the most important in any society.

Perhaps our most important set of symbols is b. Informal norms, also called folkways and
language. In English, the word chair means customs, refer to standards of behavior that are
something we sit on. In Spanish, the word silla considered less important but still influence how
means the same thing. As long as we agree how we behave.
to interpret these words, a shared language and
Some norms may change over time within a given
thus society are possible. By the same token,
differences in languages can make it quite
difficult to communicate. 3. Rituals.
According to Bill Benzon “Language is a key Different cultures also have different rituals, or
symbol of any culture. Humans have a capacity established procedures and ceremonies that often
for language that no other animal species has, and mark transitions in the life course. As such, rituals
children learn the language of their society just as both reflect and transmit a culture’s norms and
they learn other aspects of their culture” To what other elements from one generation to the next.
extent does language influence how we think and
how we perceive the social and physical worlds? 4. Values.
The famous but controversial Sapir-Whorf Values are another important element of culture
hypothesis, named after two linguistic and involve judgments of what is good or bad and
anthropologists, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee desirable or undesirable. A culture’s values shape
Whorf, argues that people cannot easily its norms. Values often suggest how people
understand concepts and objects unless their should behave, but they don’t accurately reflect
language contains words for these items (Whorf, how people do behave. Values portray an ideal
culture; the standards society would like to as sound including national anthems and musical
embrace and live up to. But ideal culture differs styles.
from real culture, the way society actually is,
Subcultures, another level of culture, are smaller
based on what occurs and exists. In an ideal
groups of people who share cultural traits and
culture, there would be no traffic accidents,
patterns within the same country. Subcultures
murders, poverty, or racial tension. But in real
have shared experiences and common cultural
culture, police officers, lawmakers, educators,
distinctions, but they are a part of the larger
and social workers constantly strive to prevent or
society or cultural system. Subcultures have their
repair those accidents, crimes, and injustices.
own set of symbols, meanings, and behavioral
Two Types of Values: norms, which develop by interacting with one
another. Subcultures develop their own self-
a. Cultural Adaptive - Contains customary
culture, or idioculture, that has significant
activities and tools - Although humans continue
meaning to members of the group and creates
to adapt biologically, reliance on social and
social boundaries for membership and social
cultural means of adaptation has increased during
acceptance (Griswold 2013).
human evolution.
“Youth subcultures communicate through acts of
b. Maladaptive - Are traits, patterns, and
consumption” (Storey 2011, p. 143).
inventions that are threat to a specific surviving
Examples: The use of air conditioners and Modes of Acquiring Culture
automobiles. Both can produce chemical
1. Imitation - it is when you imitate or mirrors
emissions increase air pollution, deplete the
the doings of the people or country men in the
ozone layer and contribute to global warming.
new country. It is also the process of socialization
5. Sanctions. plays a very important role in the development of
every individual
Sanctions are a form of social control, a way to
encourage conformity to cultural norms. 2. Indoctrination - The Latin word for
Sometimes people conform to norms in "teach,"doctrinais the root of indoctrinate, that is
anticipation or expectation of positive sanctions: why indoctrination is often called as Formal
good grades, for instance, may mean praise from Teaching. It is the process of inculcating ideas,
parents and teachers. attitudes, beliefs, and cognitive strategies during
the transfer of cultural traditions from one
generation to the next with the expectation that
LEVELS OF CULTURE such traditions will not be questioned but
practiced in the future.
International culture refers to cultural traits that
extend beyond national boundaries. These 3. Conditioning - Conditioning is the way to
cultural traits and patterns spread through make you remember what are the beliefs or
diffusion, migration, colonization, and traditions culture you want to adapt. It is called a
globalization (Kottak and Kozaitis 2012). punishment for yourself to not forget their beliefs.
It is the way to make us more skilled or for us to
In contrast, national culture is the beliefs, practice and always remember what are things in
behavior patterns, values, cultural traits, and need to be remembered.
institutions shared within a country. National
culture is most easily recognizable in the form of
symbols such as flags, logos, and colors as well
Causes of Cultural change PHILIPPINE POPULAR CULTURE
1. Discovery - refers to a process of finding a new
place or object that is previously existed. It is
Read the following introduction by Gary C.
initial awareness of existing but formerly
Devilles from the book, “Kritikal na Espasyo ng
unobserved. Relationship of elements of nature to
Kulturang Popular.”
human life.
2. Invention - the process of creating something
Isang Pagdalumat sa Espasyo at mga Araling
that has never been made before: creating,
producing something new.
Hindi nalalayo sa isang pulong ang paghahain ng
3. Cultural diffusion - refers to when certain
isang antolohiya ng mga aralin sa Kulturang
cultural values, ideas, or even cultures are
Popular. Kung dadalumatin ang kahulugan ng
adopted by different cultures.
“pulong” hindi lamang bilang pagtatagpo,
- refer to spread of cultural traits (immediate or
pagkikita, o pakikipanayam, kundi ang mismong
“pulo” na tumutukoy sa anyo at hugis ng lupain
Parts of cultural diffusion
na pinagdadausan nito, masasabing isang
pagtatagpo at sabay na tagpuan ang antolohiyang
Assimilation - is the process of taking individuals
or social groups and absorbing them into
Isang pagtatagpo ito dahil may pangangailangan
mainstream culture. It encouraged to “adopt the
na rin na magkaroon ng malinaw na pagtalunton
culture, values, and social behaviors of their host
sa Kulturang Popular, mula pa sa mga pag-aaral
nina Bienvenido Lumbera, Nicanor Tiongson at
Acculturation - is the process by which a culture
Soledad Reyes tungo kina Rolando Tolentino at
adapts the customs and ideas of another culture.
sa bagong henerasyon sa larangang ito.
It is a process of learning and adapting the values,
behaviors, and traditions of another group or
Amalgamation - refers to action or process of
uniting or merging more cultural concept through
biological and hereditary fusion.
Enculturation - refers to a process of learning the
surrounding culture values and norms that
accepted in a particular culture through Sinasabi na nakaugat sa mga aralin nina
socialization. Raymond Williams, Richard Hogart at Stuart
4. Colonization - refers to the invasion or seizure Hall ng University of Birmingham Centre for
of land with the land, political and cultural Contemporary Cultural Studies ang mga araling
expansion in land. pakikipagtalastasan at pang-media noong dekada
5. Revolution/Rebellion - refers to when certain 80 kung kailan namutawi ang araling ito sa
cultural values, ideas, or even cultures are akademya ng Pilipinas. Bago nito, nakaangkla
adopted by different cultures. Refer to spread of ang araling pang-media sa US, sa ideolohiyang
cultural traits (immediate or gradual) liberal kung saan tinitingnan ang lipunan sa
optimistikong pananaw, kung saan nagkakasundo
ang lahat, umiiral ang nakararami at pragmatiko.
Dala ng ganitong pananaw, nakatuon lamang ang
pag-aaral sa media sa idinudulot nito sa gawi at
kilos ng tagapagtangkilik, ang masama at
mabuting bias ng media. Simplistiko kung gayon
ang ugnayang itinatakda ng media at
tagapagtangkilik at hindi itinatanong ang
mismong pinagmulan ng media at ang pwersang
sangkot at kinasasangkutan mismo sa buong
produksyon. Lumabas na ang halos lahat ng
araling pang-media ay nag-aanyong
tagapagsulong ng mga pagpapahalagang
indibidwal, demokrasya at ang mismong
pangarap ng sinumang Amerikano. Sa Kanluran, nagmula rin sa mga panayam at
Noong dekada 70, unti-unting nilansag ang palihan ang pagkakaroon ng mga antolohiya sa
ganitong pakiwari sa araling pang-media nina Kulturang Popular. Isa na rito ang The Cultural
Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, at Habermas at Studies Reader ni Simon During na nailathala
naghain sila ng ibang pananaw sa pagsusuri ng noong 1999 at ang Cultural Studies na
kapangyarihan, pagbabago at tunguhin ng pinamatnugutan nina Lawrence Grossberg, Cary
lipunan at media. Dito na rin pumapasok sa US Nelson at Paula Treichler, at batay sa palihan na
ang mga pag-aaral nina Hogart at Hall mula sa naganap sa Pamantasan ng Illinois Urbana-
Britanya at sinasabing malaking impluwensya Champaign noong 1990. Sa pagsusuri ni Ien Ang,
rito ang pagkadismaya sa ideolohiyang liberal na malaking suliranin ng mga antolohiyang ito ang
namumutawi sa Humanidades at mga Agham balintuna ng pagkalat ng Kulturang Popular. Sa
Panlipunan. isang banda, nagkakaroon ng puwang ang
Sa Pilipinas, nagmula sa araling panitikan at hindi diskursong kritikal sa mga akademya, na may
sa araling pang-media ang araling kultural. kakayanan na suriin ang usapin ng
Bagaman ang nagsusulat na sina Bienvenido kapangyarihan, uri at panlasa. Subalit kapansin-
Lumbera sa pelikula, Doreen Fernandez hinggil pansin din ang tila pagiging unibersal ng ganitong
sa pagkaing Pilipino, at Valerio Nofuente tungkol diskurso na sa halip na maging mapagpalaya ay
sa dyip, si Soledad Reyes ang unang masinop na lalo pang nagpapatibay sa mala-kolonyal na
nagtaguyod ng Kulturang Popular sa Pilipinas. bias ng kaalaman.
Mula sa kanyang pag-aaral ng nobelang Tagalog Sa ganitong konsepto ng pagtatagpo nais naming
at sa pagtalunton niya sa genre na ito sa popular ipaliwanang ang espasyo ng Kulturang Popular sa
na babasahin na komiks, naging pangunahing Pilipinas. Una, tila may pagkakahawig sa mga
tanong ni Reyes ang usapin ng panlasa at kung suliraning kinakaharap ng akademya dito sa
paano ang panlasa o estetika ay nakapaloob sa Pilipinas at maging sa US kaya hindi
malawak na usapin ng tunggalian ng uri, mga nakapagtataka kung isang puwersa ang papel ng
tanong na ginagalugad din sa mga araling kultural kasaysayan ng pananakop ng US sa Pilipinas at
sa US at Inglatera noon. Mula sa pag-aaral ni ang patuloy na pagiging dominante ng kulturang
Reyes nagkaroon ng mga serye ng panayam at Amerikano dulot ng globalisasyon. Kung tinurol
palihan sa Kulturang Popular noong 1988, na na nina Soledad Reyes at Bienvenido Lumbera
nagbunga ng mga babasahin na pinamatnugutan ang usapin ng panlasa at ang kaakibat na
din ni Reyes, ang Reading Popular Culture na tunggalian ng uri dito, ginalugad din sa US at
inilimbag ng Pamantasang Ateneo noong 1991. Inglatera ang mga usaping ito. Ayon kay Simon
Tampok sa Antolohiyang ito ang mga sanaysay During, paksa na ang tunggalian ng uri sa araling
hinggil sa dyip, komiks, soap opera, pelikula o kultural sa Inglatera noong katapusan ng
Original Pilipino Music. Layunin ng antolohiya digmaang pandaigdig, batay sa pag-aaral ni FR
ayon kay Reyes na maglaan ng puwang sa Leavis. Ayon kay Leavis, hindi lamang isang
akademikong pag-aaral ang mga bagay na ito at anyo ng libangan ang kultura, kundi isang
ilantad ang mala-burgis na oryentasyon ng pag- tunggalian ng naghaharing uri laban sa masa.
aaral ng panitikan at kultura. Sinusugan nina Richard Hogart at Raymond
Williams ang ganitong mga pag-aaral ni Leavis at pananaw tungkol sa pinanood o binasa sa isang
kung titingnan ang kalipunan na mga pag-aaral na atas o pamantayan, may nagaganap lamang na
ito tila nagkakaroon ng “mala- pagtatagpo” ang isang uri ng pagtatagpo, isang uri ng pag-
mga kritiko sa iba’t ibang lupalop ng mundo. amin na may angking bisa ang itinatanghal at
Subalit kailangan ding idiin na hindi lamang sabay na pagtataya na mauunawaan ng marami
pagtatagpo ang umusbong na espasyo ng ang pagtatalaban ng mga teksto sa mambabasa ng
kulturang popular sa akademya. Kailangan ding mga sandaling iyon. Batid ng kritiko o
makita na isang tagpuan din talaga ang espasyo mambabasa na walang pamantayan ang isang
ng kulturang popular. Pansinin na sa mga pag- paglalayag o paggalugad. May kutob lamang
aaral nina Reyes malimit niyang ginalugad ang siya, kinakapakapa lamang niya ang kanyang
tunggalian ng kapangyarihan sa panlasa at pinanuod o binasa. Hindi nakapagtataka na sa
estetika at kadalasang madudukal sa laylayan ngayon dumarami ang mga espasyo na
gaya ng komiks ang artikulasyon nito. Kaya para gingalugad sa kulturang popular—nariyan ang
kay Reyes, isang espasyo kung tutuusin ang pagtuunan ng pansin ang katawan bilang espasyo
komiks kung saan umiiral ang ideolohiya, panlasa mismo at ang mismong lunan gaya ng Maynila.
ng naghaharing-uri, at maging ang kakaibang Sa ganitong konteksto nais naming ihain ang
pagtanggap ng mambabasa, na may sariling kahulugan ng Kritikal na Espasyo ng Kulturang
pakiwari at paggamit sa nasabing babasahin. Popular. Kritikal na Espasyo ito dahil tumutukoy
Pansinin din ang mga pagsusuri sa iba’t ibang ito sa pagtatagpo ng mga aralin at iba’t ibang
media gaya ng telebisyon at pelikula nina tagpuang ginagalugad sa antolohiyang ito.
Lumbera, Tiongson, at Rolando Tolentino kung
saan tinahak din nila ang ahensya ng mambabasa,
manonood at tagapagtangkilik nito at naghain ng
masalimuot na konsepto ng kaakuan o popular.
Malimit mabatid sa mga akdang ito ang
kakaibang pagturing sa popular na hindi lamang
isang uri ng tao sa lipunan kundi isang
dinamikong gawain o pakikipagtalaban ng teksto
at mambabasa. Kung pagbabatayan ang sinabi ni
Derrida na walang nasa labas ng teksto o walang
labas ang teksto, masasabing ang kulturang
popular ay nasa tumatangkilik nito, ang patuloy
na pagbabago nito ayon sa panlasa ng manonood,
at ang paggigiit ng kanilang mga hangarin sa
konteksto ng umiiral na suliranin ng kanilang
panahon at lugar. Samakatuwid, isang espasyo
ang mismong kulturang popular at sa ganitong
punto rin nagiging tagpuan ang pagtalunton sa
kasaysayan ng kulturang popular at ang iba’t
ibang diskurso ukol dito. Hindi lamang
pagbabalangkas ng panahon ang
pagsasakasaysayan ng kulturang popular. Higit
na angkop na isang pagtawid, pagtahak, o
paglakbay sa mga lansangan at kalye ng
kulturang popular. Naglalayag ang sinumang
kritiko at tagapagtangkilik ng kulturang popular
at sa halip na magmula ang isang pasya o

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