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An In-depth Look into Personal Preferences on

Breast Size
This topic is a shrewd one to talk about. Most of the time, this will be
just a passing conversation among friends. However, I feel a need to
talk about it in a way that really dives deep into the psyche (wow,
fancy word) of what it means to have a certain preference on body
types, or more specifically chest size of women.

As a disclaimer, this is just my personal opinion on it and people can

like whatever they like. Sometimes these kinds of preferences can
happen with no rhyme or reason. People just like it because they do.
This whole thing may just as well seem as a senseless virgin
degenerate rant on a weird topic. However, I see it as a way of self-
discovery on likes and dislikes. Now with that out of the way, let’s get
into the topic.

Men are naturally attracted to breasts biologically and culturally. This is due to our
time when we were babies, still breastfeeding on our mother’s breasts. During
breastfeeding, it releases a hormone called oxytocin, aptly named the love chemical.
This hormone goes both ways to the child feeding off the hormone and the mother
producing the hormone which that it establishes and improves the bond between the
child and the mother. This relationship gets carried into our adulthood. Men know
that you can stimulate a woman by kissing her breasts and this improves the bond
with women. Therefore, men are just evolutionarily hardwired to like breasts.

There is also another reason for that, and it’s exceedingly simple yet also
complicated at the same time. To put it in simple terms, men are very instinctual
creatures when it comes to sex and everything related. Most mammals don’t engage
in sex the same way as humans do. Humans conduct sex face-to-face unlike most
mammals, which is what mainly made human males as a whole to pay more
attention to nipples and breasts.
“Many animals, including our ancestors, walk on all fours and show
their bottoms to attract a mate. The bigger, redder, shinier the better.
But when we become bipedal, that is to walk on two feet, something
else had to stick out. Yes, they were the breasts. They supplanted the
backside. We became breasts men and not butt men.” – Zoologist
Desmond Morris in his famous book “Naked Apes”.

Science have said that breasts are evidence of fertility/nurturing ability and bigger
breasts are a bigger advertisement of that. However, a counter to that argument is
that breast size does not contribute anything to the ability of the woman in terms of
fertility and nurturing ability at all. Small breasts can make just as much milk as big
breasts. This preconception is due to the bottoms of the woman being covered and
put behind, therefore making it hard for men to see it from the front.

This makes the breast the indicator for such things. We assume that bigger breasts
mean a bigger bottom, and a bigger bottom means that the woman have higher
fertility/nurturing ability compared to women with smaller bottoms. This is not a
stereotype or baseless assumption but science proven. Women with bigger bottoms
do indeed have better chances of fertility and nurturing ability. It makes childbearing
less of a burden for the women and childbirth a lot safer. Again, this just proves even
more that men are just biologically instinctual creatures.

But we’re getting of topic here. Let’s steer back onto lane. This is just to explain
briefly why men like breasts that I think is an interesting piece of extra information.

So, what do men really prefer when it comes to breast size?

The easy answer is that men don’t really care about breast size as much as we think
they do. From many of the responses that I’ve read from men regarding this topic is
that they’re all happy regardless to be able to look at breasts. It’s exceedingly simple
and very much on brand. However, when pressed on for more information they were
able to provide more specific responses regarding their preferences.
From many of the responses, a pattern starts to show itself that men would
appreciate the shape of the breasts more than the sheer size of it. Let’s first start off
on the responses of men that like big breasts:
A few stated that they like it when the breasts seem like they are spilling out from
their hold. Some also stated that the larger breast size make it stand out a lot more.
This coupled with the fact that humans make love face-to-face just enhances the
love making as they can look at the breasts more in the act. The motion of the
breasts moving during the act also arouses them a lot more. There are also a few
other accounts that have said that the bigger breasts accentuated the hourglass
figure of the woman more compared to women that have smaller breasts.

On the flip side, men who like smaller breasts stated that they are more firm and
perky, along with being easier to hold, or in their words; “A handful to hold”. This
specific reasoning becomes a recurring pattern throughout the responses. More so
than once. Others have also said that smaller breasts have higher sensitivity so it’s
easier to stimulate during foreplay. There are also a few interesting responses such
as one saying that the nipples appear cuter when the women have smaller breasts.

Through my research, I did manage to find an interesting study that managed to

gather evidence that preference in breast size can be in correlation to the wealth of a
person. Studies have found that poorer men have higher preference to women with
big breasts while richer men have preference towards women with smaller breasts.
Apparently, men who are poor or hungry will be more attracted to women with big
breasts, because it indicates that the women have easier access to stuff like food
and the like.

On the flip side of the coin, rich men and men who have eaten tend to find women
with smaller breasts more attractive than big breasted women because they don’t
lack any resources financial or otherwise.

Perhaps that’s why on some accounts it’s said that smaller breasts have a more
elegance feel to them when compared to big breasts? According to the person, small
breasts have more beauty because it exudes refined and elegance to the look of
them. As compared to big breasts which gave off a more sexiness and lower class
feel to it. It was definitely the most interesting response I’ve read compared to any
To be honest, this all seems very much like baseless finger pointing. If it weren’t for
the fact that there’s evidence and an actual study by two professionals in the
industry, I would’ve just regarded it as nothing more than a crazy conspiracy. The
study is done by psychologists Viren Swami and Martin Tovée. They recruited 266
men from three parts of Malaysia that varied in socio-economic status – low, medium
and high. I won’t go into too much detail regarding the study, as it’s very long lengthy.
You can check out the study yourself by searching it up.
So, what cup size do men prefer more?

Referring to a survey done by ZAVA, an online doctor service and online pharmacy run by the London-based Health Bridge Ltd, which had 1,000
participants from USA and 1,000 participants from Europe. From their survey, they
had asked the ideal breast size from both men and women regarding this topic. The
men and women were asked to get a little specific on what they think is the ideal cup
size on a woman.

According to the survey results, over

50% of women sent in that C cup is
their ideal cup size. Only about 25%
answered B size and less than 2%
answered A cup. Interestingly, the
results don’t differ that much when it
comes to men’s preferences.
Notably, most men also agreed that
C cup was the ideal cup size for
women. However, slightly more men
agreed that D and DD cup size were
the ideal cup size than women.

At the end of the day, there is no
right or wrong when it comes to
breast size. Everyone is entitled to
what they like or dislike. As a wise
man once said, arguing over breast
size is as illogical as arguing over
beer choice. Men will grab at
whatever is handy. The portrayal of
breasts as symbols of femininity and
sexuality can contribute to their
appeal. However, it is important to
note that preferences are subjective
and can vary among individuals.

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