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7 Fundamental

Truths to
Manifesting Your
Dream Life
A guide
to building a strong foundation to
consistently manifest your desires

Manifestation Coach
Hello and Welcome Powerful Creator!
In 2018, I came across the law of assumption and the world of intentional
manifestation. I was excited, but felt overwhelmed with all the
manifestation techniques and methods available. When I finally
manifested dating and marrying my specific person within a year, it
became clear to me that all the manifestation techniques I was reading
about were not enough to help me create a successful manifestation. I
needed to learn and implement 7 fundamental truths.

Think of manifestation in terms of building a strong foundation rather than

collecting a set of techniques and hoping that one of them will magically
create what you desire. A successful manifestation lifestyle invites you into
a life of intentionality and awareness. These 7 fundamental truths will get
you started on becoming consistent and successful in manifesting your
dream life.
1- The Nature of Your
Personal Reality
Reality is malleable because it's made of
energy just like your are!

Everything is energy including you. Energy cannot be

created or destroyed but it can be transformed.

The first time you hear you have the capacity to create
the reality of my dreams, you'll surely doubt it. That's
completely normal. I had spent over 20 years of my life
feeling powerless around my unwanted
circumstances. I constantly asked myself if it was ever
possible to change so many tangible experiences I

So, when I started gathering evidence that everything

is energy, I could now see that reality had a constant
ability to shift to reflect my desired circumstances. So
every time you get stuck in overthinking your ability to
shift your unwanted circumstance, remember that the
very nature of reality is to shift and reflect who you are
2- Consciousness is the
Only Reality

Consciousness is the only reality

according to Neville Goddard. In other
words, God or the source of life within
you becomes tangible and real
according to:
1. How you are conscious of it
2. How you intensely dwell on it
3. How you interpret it

"The world and

However, because your awareness of it
all within it are
is what keeps it real and the source of
energy or life within you is always the states of
only real thing, you can shift the
external unwanted reality as you shift
your state of consciousness. objectified."
3- The Power of
Your power to manifest is always in the

"The most fruitful thing to do is not to remember (the

past) and wait (for the future). It is to observe,
experience and create now. Observing, experiencing
and creating now is timeless and true of the true
nature of the universe. Everything happens now. You
remember your past now. You dream your future
now" David Gikandi

When you think about the feeling of the fulfillment of

your manifestation, allow yourself to feel it in the
present moment. One way to do it is to connect at
least one of your five senses with feeling your wish
fulfilled. For instance, if you love the smell of coffee,
imagine that sensation in connection with the
fulfillment of your desire. Or every-time you are
physically enjoying coffee, imagine with it that you've
become the person who is enjoying your
4- Self-trust

When you've gathered evidence for

many years that your specific desire for
something is impossible or hard to get,
it's normal to struggle with trusting
yourself. However, you want to start
learning how to trust your inner
powerful self and its guidance.

You cannot learn to trust yourself in a

Self-trust is the
vacuum. The same way you've gathered
tangible evidence over the years to currency between
doubt your inner self, you have to you and the
gather evidence that your inner
powerful self is powerful and manifestation of
trustworthy. One way to do that is to your dream life.
test it and allow a process of trial and
error. Start with building tangible - AMEIDO
evidence that you can manifest small
5- Your Imagination is
"The way to use your imagination creatively is this.
Relax in a chair or on a bed and close your eyes. First
determine what it is you wish to experience. Then, in
this state of complete relaxation, bring to mind the end
result of what it is you desire. In other words, if you
were seeking a promotion at work, the end result
might be that people would congratulate you on your
promotion. You might move to a larger office. You
would enjoy an increase in pay.

Take any one of these events and, with your eyes

closed, actually hear your friends congratulate you on
your promotion. Feel their hand in yours as they tell
you how happy they are for you. By actually feeling
that you are being congratulated, your imagination will
go to work to bring about that state in your outer
world. You need not be concerned about how this will
be accomplished. Your imagination will use whatever
natural means are necessary to bring it about."
-Neville Goddard
6- Release Your
It's normal to conclude that something
external may be causing you to create
your unwanted reality over and over
again. But, it doesn't mean it's true. For
example, before I came across the law
of assumption, I thought before I could
manifest love, I needed to loose weight
and make a certain amount of money.
However when I applied the law of
assumption, I manifested my specific
love without those conditions. In fact "...what is seen
the money ended up coming with my
specific love manifestation.
was made out of
things which do
What conditions have you consciously
and unconsciously build around your not appear."
desire to manifest the reality of your
dreams? Write them down and give - HEB. 11:3
yourself permission to release them and
receive the fulfillment of your
manifestation within you.
7- Self-surrender

SELF-SURRENDER IS essential...

According to Neville Goddard, creation is finished. This

means that the version of you who is enjoying your
manifestation already exists. Therefore, your role is to
select that version and surrender to the process of
embodying or becoming her.

When you are focusing on finding the how and when

of your manifestation, it's a sign you are not
surrendering to the version of you with your
manifestation. However, when you focus on
embodying the essence of that version, surrendering
becomes easier.

So in order to manifest the reality of your dreams,

often ask yourself the following question and expect
your inner guidance to give you the answer: who is
the version of me who is already experiencing my
Thank you!
My name is Ameido. I am a mindset
transformation and manifestation
coach. I'm here to help you tune into
your powerful inner self for an
effortless and joy-filled manifestation
practice and result. I help you
overcome self-doubt and self-
sabotage so you can create your
dream lifestyle.

Do You Need More Help?

Schedule a Call

When you get a clear vision of who you are, you'll get clarity on what you
desire. Consequently, you will know without the shadow of a doubt that you
are worthy of manifesting your dreams and they've been waiting on you to
give them permission to serve you and remind you that you have always
been a powerful creator!

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