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David Icke

We are like droplets of water in an ocean of consciousness; individual to an extent, but those droplets together
make up the ocean - without the droplets there is no ocean. It is the same with this infinite energy mind we call
creation / god. We are not part of that infinity - we are that infinity if we open ourselves up to reconnect with it.
Wherever you stand in infinity, you are at the center of infinity. So everything that exists is everything that exists.
I am everything that exists; and so are you - the more you realize that, the more you open up to the full infinity of
who you are. Your life’s transformed, your vision of yourself is transformed, your vision of everything is

The more you see yourself as just an individual ordinarily man or woman in this dream, “i got no power, what
gonna I do”? Once you do that, you are shuten yourself off from the infinity of who you are and you become a
fraction of what you are. And then you are able to be controlled, only then. Which is why this understanding it’s
been so suppressed.

That’s where most people live their lives. In a sense of “I can’t mey” “I could never make it” “all good things in
life happen to someone else” or “oh, what can I do”. And when we’re there, piece of cake. Manipulate you in one
hand while having a cup of tea in another.

When we’re here, we’re manipulator’s nightmare. Braking the egg shell, braking the sense of limitation, breaking
the sense of fear, the fear of what other people think of us. How many people watching this video now would
love to say something, but “ooo, what the others would say, what they’d think of me?” You’d love to do
something in your life. Ooo, I couldn’t give a damn what they think. They have a right to think what they like, but
so do you and so do I. We forgot that. And once we start believing that because people are different to us they
must be wrong, then we’re in a situation where whoever sets the norms in society runs the world. Cos we police
each other, like I say right at the start of this journey we’ve been both been on. And we’ll been on the last few

Cracking the egg shell, stepping out of the fear of what others think of us, being who we are, speaking our truth,
living our uniqueness – that is the revolution. Is not guns and bombs and meeting violence with violence and
meeting anger with anger. What’s the point? We get twice the anger and twice the violence. My Goodness we
moved on that way? The way out of this is the ultimate revolution: is to be who we are and not what someone
else tells us we should be.

It’s interesting .. if you stood in front of a mirror or not even in front of a mirror, anywhere, and you got a baseball
bat and you started smacking yourself around the head with it, people would call the guys in white coats and
“quark it, get him away”. And yet that’s what we’re doing all the time. When we express that violence to another
human being, or to an animal, or to anything, we’re actually expressing it to ourselves, because that is us, we
are all each other, ‘cos we are all this infinite mind.

And because we’ve lost sight of the fact that we are everything and what we are inside is what we externally
create, we go round, because of the manipulation, we’re like walking-talking movie projectors. Let me put it this
way: our inner self, our state of being, our attitudes, are resonating us to a certain vibrational frequency. You
change your attitude, the frequency changes. Hate has a certain frequency. And when we feel hate we resonate
the energy around us that is ours to the hate frequency. We feel love, we resonate it to a different frequency.
This energy that we pull out, with this vibrational code within it, created by our thoughts and attitudes, then
draws towards it a reflection of itself. Other energy fields, people, places, ways of life, experiences, that sink
with what we’re putting out, therefore, what we are in here, we externally create.

And I came across this symbol here, there are some esoteric symbols in that involved in there but ignore all
them. I’m just looking at the basic concept, which is of a reflection. There was a guy, a writer called Longfellow, I
think it was Longfellow who wrote this, anyway, some ... And he wrote a story about how someone drowned
thrashing in the water, fighting with their own reflection. And again if you saw someone next to the river doing
that, you’d call the white coats, they’d be on call all day, wouldn’t they? But that’s what we do, all of us, all the
time. We seek to change what we created by thrashing at the reflection instead of looking at what’s creating it.

So when things are happening in our lives we don’t like and we draw people into our lives that we don’t like, and
we’re drawing experiences that we don’t like, instead of saying “why am I drawing this in? What is it about me
that’s creating this? What is it I’m pulling out that’s drawing this reflection and I don’t like, this pain in the ass is
giving me a hard time?”. Instead of taking that power back and responsibility for what we create in our lives, we
look out there for it, boom boom and we’re encouraged to. And so we’re in a situation where we’re looking at the
reflection trying to change what’s going on, when we need to change what is being reflected. You know, if you’re
standing next to a river and you see a reflection of yourself and you don’t like it very much, you can throw
stones at it, you can cass it, you can kick it, you can jump in and thrash around. All that external things, which
we do in our lives all the time, “you’re responsible”, “you’re fault I’m in this position”, out there, out there, out
there, externalizing responsibility. But once all the thrashing around is finished in the river and once you’ve
thrown all those stones in, everything settles down again, and exactly the same reflection is being reflected
exactly as was before. Cos the reflection is nearly literally a mirror of what is being reflected. We change inside,
we change out here. This is the thing that we’ve been pressured and encouraged not to understand.

Evolution is very very simple. Very simple. Goes in this sequence: experience, learn from the experience,
evolve as a result of the experience. If in stage one we’re pouring out energy, reflecting our stage of being, and
we’re drawing in a certain experience as a result, person, place, whatever. If at a point when we don’t like the
experience we are blaming everyone else out here: “it’s your fault, it was in 1963, it’s me mother, it’s me color,
it’s me sexuality”, what it’s pulling that experience in is not changing, cos we’re blaming everyone else for it. So
what happens is: because what’s going out hasn’t change, what comes back doesn’t change, and we hit these
cycles in our lives, and you’re all had them, and all still have them, when the same things keep repeating. We’re
pulling the same type of person in, love and relationship with, we pull in the same situation in work, nothing ever
works in our lives. And yet, when you look at that, what that is is evolution just running on the spot. We’re not
moving cos we’re not changing what’s creating what we don’t like. So it goes on and on and on.

Once we take responsibility back and stop looking out here to change what’s going on and look at what’s
reflected out there, then in the same situation we say: “hold on a minute, why have I pulled this experience in?
What is there to learn? What is it about me that’s done this? Ok, got it.” At that point, your attitude, your
imagination of yourself changes. When that changes, what you resonate out changes so you start pulling in
different experiences that reflect the new vibration you’re pulling out and not the old one.

And when you come to get into this mode of taking responsibility back, suddenly things dramatically change.
And you can evolve over so quickly. Pull in an experience. Oh, right, what is there to learn from this, ok, got it.
Change vibration, evolve, pull in a different experience, what is there to learn from it, got it. Change vibration,
evolve. And you can move along so quickly, in evolutionary terms. Once you start to open up to that, as more
and more people on this planet are on this, this cycle of change enfolds. Or you can stand here for ever more,
blaming every bogger else, for things that you’re creating and we’re all creating. And that’s an option too, but not
a very good one.

So what we pour out is what we get back. We are in control of our lives, no one else, we just think that we’re
not. For instance, you must have heard this, where people go: nothing ever happens in my life, it’s boring, it’s
boring my life, nothing ever happens, everything I try doesn’t work, you know” And I say to them “what you want
to do with your life?” and they go “I don’t know, really, I don’t know, never thought about it”. “I don’t know really”
is actually a state of mind. Therefore it is a vibrational frequency and “I don’t know really” goes out and “I don’t
know really” comes in. Nothing ever works, cos “I don’t know really”.

If we can just focus on what we want to achieve and go with the intent, the most powerful thing that we can do,
what’s our intent, what’s our focus, “this is what I want to do with my life,” that intent goes out as a vibrational
frequency and it will always bring towards us experiences and challenges that lead us to achieve what we want
to achieve.

That’s where most people give up. They say: “oh, yes, I wanna do this, I wanna do that, I wanna do the other,
that’s my intent” and the intent draws towards us what we need to do to achieve that intent and when it gets a
bit challenging we go : “oh, I’d like to it but not that badly, thank you very much”. And we’re out of the game. So
if we want to be free, and we want the world to be free, that’s what our intent need to be. And then the
challenges and what we need to achieve for that intent will come towards us and then we can meet it and it is
over. Because if we keep jogging on the spot blaming everyone else this is going on and is gonna go on into
another cycle, for a very long time.

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