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​Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory?

Well it’s based on different opinions . Let’s see some of the

advantages well first if it’s mandatory for everyone everyone will be
dressed in a respectable manner as well as neatly and everyone will
be dressed the same causing no ill feelings for the less fortunate for
their extravagance in dressing how ever they want to.

In recent studies from parenting science their research states that If

everyone wears the same thing, it might foster a sense of group
identity, and help conceal socioeconomic differences between
individuals. In addition, uniforms eliminate “competitive dressing,”
which ought to reduce levels of conflict and distraction.As a result,
kids are less likely to misbehave, and more likely to focus on
learning. But if we look on the other hand we could argue that
restricting students to a one way dressing could potentially not
allow the student to fully express themselves hence “freedom of

Also having uniforms mandatory could be costly for the less

fortunate and it also could be a sort of type of policing causing
mental issues to students to be restricted to certain type of

Proponents argue that students will pay more attention to their

classwork if they aren’t preoccupied with fashion, and that they’ll
be better behaved. Meanwhile, school administrators say uniforms
help eliminate gang-related styles and logos. They also make it
easier to spot a stranger on campus.also wearing uniforms creates a
respectful atmosphere around the school. It also signifies all the
students to be from one community creating a wonderful
inviroment. Hence also causing Barriers between students
observing their class mates have a better dress style then them
which then could lead to disunity.

Well as argued it’s a both way option hence been pros and cons in
both having uniform mandatory or not.

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