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Roll No.

Total No. of Questions : 5] |Total No. of Printed Pages :4

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Fourth Year)
Main, Examination, 2023
(New Syllabus)
| Paper:First |
(Physiotheraphy in Orthopaedic Conditions )
Time: Three Hours) IMaximum Marks : 80

Note : 1. Attempt all questions as directed.

2. The candidates are required to answer only in serial

order. If there are many parts of a question, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1 Define Ankylosing spondylitis. Write in detail its clinical

features and management. [16]


BPT-401/150 (1 ) |PLO
Define Amputation.Write in detail all the Complications
of Amputation.

2. Define PIVD. Write in detail about allthe stages of PIVD.



Define fracture neck of femur. Write all the complications

of fracture neck of femur.

3. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x4-8]

(a) Perthes disease

(b) Kyphosis and its management

(c) VIC

4 Write notes on any two of thefollowing: [2x4=8]

(a) Pes Planus

(b) Complications of Colles fracture

(c) Stages of Periarthritis

5. Write notes on any two of the following : [2x4=8]

BPT-401/150 (2 )
5. Write notes on any two of the following: [2x4=8]

(a) Rhumataid hand

(b) Umbarisation and serialization

saero-iliae joint dvsfunction.

Roll No. :

Total No. of Questions : 5| |Total No. of Printed Pages :3

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Fourth Year)
Examination, 2023
(New Syllabus)
[Paper: Second]
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : 1. Attempt allquestions as directed.

2. The candidates are required to answer only in serial
order. If there are many parts of a question, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1. Define cerebral palsyand its classification. Explain about

physiotherapy management. [16]


BPT-402/150 (1 ) (PT.O.]
Describe in detail about stroke and its physiotherapy

What is Poliomyelitis? Explain about its physiotherapy

management. [16]


Discuss in detail about peripheral nerve injury and its

physiotherapy treatment.

3. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16]

(a) Cerebellar Lesions

b Multiple Selerosis (MS)

(c) Upper motor neuron and lovwer motor neuron


La Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

4. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16)

(ay Parkinson Disease (PD)

(b) Peripheral Nerve Injury (PNI)

(ot Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

BPT-402/150 (2}
(d) Neuro Developmental Therapy (NDT)

5. Answer on any two of the following: [2x8=16]

(a) Cervical decompression surgery

Facial paisy


(d) Transverse myelitis

Roll No. :

Total No. of Questions : 5]| |Total No. of Printed Pages :3

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Fourth Year)
Main Examination, 2023
(New Syllabus)
|Paper:Third ]
(Physiotherapy in Cardiorespiratory
and General Conditions)
Time:Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80

Note : 1. Attempt all questions as directed.

2. The candidates are required to answer only in serial
order. If there are many parts of a question, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1. As a physiotherapist,what are the possible approaches

to treat a geriatric patient and also suggest the
precautions one need to take while handling ageriatric
case. Write PT assessment for such population as well.
BPT-403/150 ()

Discuss the term cardiac rehabilitation in detail. Also write

adetailed PT assessment and cardiac rehabilitation plan
for a 58 year old female suffering from recent cardiac
surgery and is admitted in post-op in ahospital.
2. Discuss the neurophysiology of respiration in detail. Also
write the physiology behind respiratory failure with
respect to it's normal physiology. [16]

A 32- year old male admitted to intensive care unit of

hospital undergoes RTA after which he suffers from upper
and lower extremity multiple fractures. On third day of
hospitalization it was advised that the patient needs bed
rest for a couple of weeks. He also has severe
congestion in his chest. Write in detail a physiotherapy
program for him, to clear his chest and to increase his
lung capacitis both for in hospital and as home program,,
3. Writeshort notes on any two of thefollowing: [2x8=16]
(a) Peaks observed in an ECG and their importance

(b) Mobilization of scar tissues

(c) PT management of breathlessness

BPT-403/150 (2 )
(d) Indications and contra-indication of physiotherapy
in burn cases.

4. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16}

(a) Importance of physiotherapy in emergency

conditions in ICU

(b) Rib Springing

(c) Nebulisers

(d) Prostheses used for patients with lower extremity


5. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16]

(a) Care of the anesthetic hand and foot

(b) Incentive spirometry-indications and steps

involved in training

Discuss in brief about the Neonata!


(d) PT Management in patients with Pulmonary


BPT-403/150 (3 )
Roll N0. :

TotalNo. of Questions : 5) ITotal No. of Printed Pages:3

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (FourthYear)
Main Examination,2023
(New Syllabus)
|Paper :Fourth ]
Time: Three Hours] IMaximum Marks : 80

Note : 1. Attempt ail questions as diecied.

2. The candidatesare required to answer only in serial

order. If there are many parts of aquestion, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1 Describe the causes, types and PT management of

medial collateral ligament of the Knee Joint. [16]

Write in detail about pre-exercise evaluation.

BPT-404/150 (1) |P.T.O.]

2. Discuss about the principles of rehabilitation in sports
injuries. (16)


Write in detail about the PT management of Anterior

Cruciate Ligament injury in a professional football player.

3. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16]

(a) Pre-game meal

(b) Effects of exercises on musculo-skeletal system

Cervical whiplash injury

Physiological changes with aging

4. Write short notes on any two of thefollowing: [2x8=16]

(a) Nutrition for younger athlete

(9) Helmet compression syndrome

Management of Plantar fascitis

(d) Achilles Bursitis

BPT-404/150 (2 )
5. Write short notes on any two of the following: [2x8=16]

a) Tennis elbow

Kissing spine

(c) Female athletic triad

(d) Micronutrients

Roll No. :
Total No. of Questions : S] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 3

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Fourth Year)
Main Examination, 2023
(New Syllabus)
[Paper: Fifth
Time:Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80

Note : 1. Attempt all questions as directed.

2. The candidates are required to answer only in serial

order. If there are many parts of a question, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1. Achildof 8 years was diagnosed with severe back and

cervical pain. He presented with no signs of inflammation
or trauma and had slouched posture when assessed.
History of the patient revealed carryingof heavy bag pack
by child and lesser engagement in physical activity. Write
in detail the physiotherapy assessment and proposed
BPT-405/150 (|)
diagnosis for him. Alsomention a rehabilitation program
for him .Also suggest orthosis if needed.


What do youunderstand by the term Rehabilitation Unit?

Discuss the various steps involved in setting up a
rehabilitation unit and the equipements used.
2. What do you understand by the term Rehabilitation?
Discuss the importance of physiotherapy, as a profession
in rehabilitative medicine. (16]


Apatient after RTA, suffers from spinal cord injury at C,

C, and L,-L, regions making the patient quadriplegic.
Formulate an effective rehabilitation plan for the patient.
Also discuss the role of other rehabilitation team
members which may assist you in delivering quality
rehabilitation to the patient.

3. Write short notes on any two of the following:[2x8=16]

(a) National Trust Act

(b) Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

BPTA0S/150 (2 )
(c) Physiotherapy training before prescription of a

(d) Modifications in a hospital or structures that

reduce architectural barriers for patients

4. Write short notes on any two of the folowing: [2x8=16]

(a) Jaipur Foot

(b) Red Cross Society

Health Care Delivery System

Objectives and Principles of CBR

5. Write shortnotes onany twO of the following: [2x8=16]

la) Dynamic Splints

(b) Milwaukee brace

(c) Vocational Rehabilitation

Discuss any two communication disorders along

with their management and role of physiotherapy
in such cases.

BPT-405/150 (3)
Roll No. :

Total No. of Qucstions : 5) |TotalNo. of PrintedPages :3

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Fourth Year)
Examination, 2023
[Paper: Sixth )
Time:Three Hours] [Maximum Marks:80

Note: 1. Attempt all questions as directed.

2. The candidates are required to answer only in serial

order. If there are many parts of a question, answer
them in continuation.

3. No "B" copy will be provided.

1. Explain in detail about the cardiovascular system and its

yogic management. [16]


Write in detail about the yogic tools which can help to

improve the functioning of Endocrine glands.

7BPT-406/150 (|)
2. What is metabolic syndrome? Write about the
complication of obesity and its yogic management. (16]


Write in brief about the effect of yogapractice on digestive


3. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2x8=16]

(a) introduction and basic principle of yoga therapy.

(b) Role of yogic cleansing process in promotion of


(c) Role of pranayama in stress management

(d) Abdominal breathing and its benefits

4. Write short notes and yoga practice on any two of the

following : [2x8=16]

(a) COPD

(b) Type 2 diabetes

(c) Cervical spondylitis

(d) Hypertension

BPT-406/150 (2 )
5. Answer any twO of the following: (2x8=13;

(a) Thyroid disorder and yoga practice for it.

(b) Physiological benefits of backward bending and

Twisting posture.

Sukshma Vyayama in
(c) Role of Yogic
(d) Role of disciplined life in promotion of Holistic

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