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)0sttortthriH c/f Of knce orteoarthriHs.

Co np Li catip f 8/ arputations. beail al the durde nf LyL
3) Leproy, c/F dilail
4) Co lte'frasture, ik i a fabuy

)Genal wnpdi atinng of fraetiuru

G ConaMOn sp Lna deforitiss
)Anky lu t opandsyaitks k s dii at kalnru
Of fralwy, anggu t t us arly co nupliation

tl C }u of tractury, T mag emut in urty A a co nupti catio

Oste asHutti, J g s yupto nAd , PI Mnagenent

Lepo ay, cauu, cyf , Pt Managunt of uprdy patiunt

Ap utob», it, tu, indiuto n , t PT Matment

17 f oltu fraetiue Coplicatis no

mputatun Detail all the utper! Aow er sinb anp tatn lavnlu
How he are of 4 yaSs dtd PT. hauin
Periar thriHt should er? betait th dtagu of Periarthri tid.
PT manag enuent of T. k. R. i C pli catwu
f PT anuMint TH ib copli catisna
Rheunatoid turiHs, many tm ent
betni about He yeUrmUt ,radio ogi cal finding and Man ul
f osteo arthri is of knee.
Prosthalis &Orthotit, ttu rainuy
3. ducibe he diffuut tagu of
inlervertebral diuo dag enuratin i h
phyaicad thrap MaNag td ut f wmbar psnadyks oid.
(4) vad aw unll ofamputabung anaguUNr of bilrw knet
1mutuo Phsical Thurapy usuimt (with ay two specal tut ) &
trtatmat i rrinufor a ohild f t h r MA tAA rfesnd fn
furhur managMtnt ling angeitl d lo catian
f Hip.
1 1110)
ut of froure fenus
Mk of fenun
clasritication nanagen
c/, of Maitlend
teohnnguw of Moitland
Manual thirapy teckugu
in detais
ake7) bub
Mach tnzt

tpinal colunn, T uanager 'nt a s rurms

avruMtnr Maagentnt
prty tau u, ,
0) utatiin, lwd of anyutalian tyfu, tT arurutut MAGa9t
SHORT (401)
2.O Lumbar po ndylsù
0steo0se porodid
3Artho duis
maut land nuaual thuapy.
PT ususmUnt Man0em nt f T8.
Ospinal deformitiu
T) MUit crttoy &nUi cal rrpair
Ratator cuf f teart o n/ervaliu
Polio my tüH surg cal ryav
27 CoMtitiaw of 8IK Agutatin
PT Manag tMnt of Lepro Ho Had
Kinhu pondy r
(Poid my i te.
Guduhu for fracliue trratm et
af ter i muobi i zatun
VTC ib amplication
c Octu arttrir i& dlinicat ftattur
7) PT ManagMUt of rcoliosi
Pyic atui t'
Ankyloring eponaly i L ib c/f
PEVD & stag
201019 PT MQUageMent of PA rhouldus.
3) Principlu of Mautland
29 spi nal canal sknor u
Stump Manag net
2 Avasular neerod
) spina Bifida
20PTmanagu ent of ACL ury.
C nMpastmntat
Mang eM entf Arky
PT tos spndyliH
2 Coller tra otuwe axd h eo mp licatn
33 x varo and
a vadda
201164 tto rocto ouHtt yndme
B PT trRatmtt pro fuofro M onone fol owin the all juy
femalt uko Stand cad t a
fora rit kee

3 Periasthuri ti houldtr.
bayd maluibn
Awal ulas neasosis of Hip.

4 Extrna Aabr
dif ferenee b fw true ud fun bional dinnb ungth dtereyenci
fra oTure Htalin
t3 Gair duiation folltwi n to tal Hip rplacenunt
TManag tent eiu of reuvatuu
4 p at tund syndroMt
262 ddoyecd Matunion
t A i NU of T Manatnment in trattu
T sur nat
4Ma9 un ent of epial fratn
o Poiarthite sho utdr
CYgni uthritH

Detin polio ny diHs ia tyhu.

ocaydy nia
trkle iutability.
)spinal ttasixatian
2 befine prinouplu f IN. explain PN potternu for upper entreutlu
2 Defne curebral paloy i y tyftu qe. i e dow aAen hkbrt-term
(o rm
pwyfiathurapy 20at nd treatmut
Pattt R 4 y ear ld mal yho wal nvo (ueal Mofon Whide
acudert Ufon admiurio, t traima oen, he w as found to hae
fraeur at (ud of T with Sory Mofor futon dutat
to T4 lwnl i abev corturt
Ca biagagse He conditibn
cb k i dlb ae usM Ut of patianr
rte doun phyai otherapy Nanag eMUnt d deil
4befi nt PPRP & i

2o1 G bucibo the princapl frhabi litabion Nurslogical patiuna

by Bobuth 8rumutro teakguu
ODeine etroke. Describu h deait ahout vaioua tyhu of ctroke
Princples of aususmt 2 manggnent by
tdtogical fator
Phio thrap
Defint yringp nuyetid.buorib0 th variouu prniplu oo
auMtnt managinnt of a patlont h 1 n hyperten
nbh- diabiuo wih Syrin extendsAg AroM C4 CT
epi nal COTd lw
Detn wehTal Paly, i Ypd & C(P Duoibe thu prinaplu of
and Mag unnr of sputio cuthral pay ta
wit phauis o arty in ttrntion
2010 . )Eplai Rood' ppro ah i delail
oibe PN teahnigus dau
(Duibe fastd oss diveae & it physid +hirapy managanut
(1 Eaplai AstA UpainnMeat sale d pla out phbhusap y
reabilttobin proto ol for TT- To pina ord tw
(el igury
2197 xple Puahmapusenen nhaewttof ar yr
at the
old patinr wlth pi ord jury lv o
Exptain prineipl of PN, deanigtu Pper ins gon
hat ia thaking aly ? Eplai preeitotian,
Pt aJvuiM
Wkat i
ofunRarn Prograun e plaih ib in detai

2620 (1) Duutbe ih dBil aysistM n t 4 PT

Manageu n t of Parkinu
troke pPt

traunati brals in jury pt

0Ur b0 heroleo phyyiptherapy Neuo surg ert


SHORT7 4 )

2016.O Atar and it Managun ent


Spin Bifida
Lhmitte's sa
Triguninal nuralg ia
Ulnar ntrue ujuy.
8) spaitH iby maayeat
) Gower'
bube strok, tagu 4 maagunti
1 Facio paluy.
20|7.13) PwkintoRUM C[f -

At ia prr nciplu of a4rudM

Aphauiu l it typu
spi na 8i fid typu cawu.
(T Prip hural n u e njuiu-Hptd
(o) Triguuial hunralg i Magq tMl -

Radlal Nurve in7ury - CaUest MaN09uent

PT in Placeidib

1 0el's pyC UL Manggunent
) Claug w
con& sel
)dubtlu pyneuuopatty principlu
2010 nanagenent.
= linical pru vtaton of ¢pina Bi d.
ela si fiaton
of aple 4p ina Cord
dra nak 1
inj wy.
clta duag ram of
6) Rick fastors Brm chis Pier w.
df ctroktk.
6Casi fi cation fner o
) PT ManageMat f AL.
(30 PT MRAg eM Uof PPRPS (,Pod Polio Reidtua Parmlyis y ndr MeJ

etinat proetatin of Encephaliti

(39) Mi mntat talb exaMINabon ale

RtAabid tation 4 Hmiplyio gait

PT MOAg Uuut of epayHi
2o19.3. Multple sderovia.
(3Motor netron disease ( )

9 Craiomy.
t ) typu ekanin of Hadjy,
Poynuropathy enplah G8.
4 Clari fi cathn »f Nve juriu

14) og dtive autNe

troke, Rik f acorr

truetue fundtisn of CerebsuM,
(47) Sruen fuwdtn f evehtluM.
4 UMA&LMN luion
2a2.4 crcde of illi
(so) Ra of cuhrun

Saltatory Conducti
P PAA principlu
ASsurMnt of rflet CArRJ.
Priniplu f tor. rlumi progranune
diftrenet blo UMN NN Iubn.
Bell's jaly
( Spi na 8i fi do auuu LtYY 4

(Co APaar sCrin.

PT N CARSto R ESPt ROToR y 2 GENERaL 00 NDITtoN(403.
t6 Detinu pottura drainagu with tablled diap ram ad plath
d'f fernt con ditian whish we
pply forturat dreaiage
2DeAint Mt euni ca featt ry Omginuy care PT

nuanag emU
en plaui ittUvut gunatuit bleu
pro PT MAn q e ent
What is
Krukbuy AMputation ? Discs detail k
Mag w n
287. A 44
yan old male
conplainh cough for 2MentAs tro
CD ulive On year uwi th trom
eaacerhabon i uornrg
the diao
tue ib biagnare
in detn
Cplain in detnil ahout
Pr anagenen
wAat postabdanntnal wrgery,
y e npulatin ? Enptain in dmi ahout PT MaNagML
in dudi up hyaue , -

tump potitinu bandagvg ofttuny

Erplain dea in
bout PT
manayeM Unt
Casdue RuAaki tatibn aftur ardaL tuyry on
20l0.. ( Manaq Unut
of Acu post opealiue
Ma nnt of spinat nj ury pals 2 prt -opeabu PT.
gh tral (uY.
Epla gcarindmo type of g *urariu
PT Uagem nt
win post-opvati
(0) nhat are the
bnefits of eereuue
ptain the theraputio tfkdoftTaly prg ramme b tui aríc
cardd ulenary dwtun en positning t
biixatin inin
219 )PT i bstruebiv urg dirtase.
(14) PTnuanagtnnt i 4 bun
AsExplain v ia údiatùn &contrais dicatn
MAagmUt df Leprdsy
202 0
) eptein the Pr anagu ut of Qd rthabititatùn
of A t tar
otd ma wio ha
undergon pAt (ower ohtobe
bsunitchati co Ay dse
Ductbe posur
drirap0 Aor di ffet
ty n
()buoiae b dtai aut,CoPb4ti typt Pr nAanag eu nt
typ, dcatbin tentraind'ation efrariou breai,
(23 Caplad the
e erc t
9 A n00 ano

1 ddruib a 13

SHORTS (403)

202. Defint 2 TheraY

P T Managentnof pky vma
Lobe etoMy
Inc entt vu spiromtTy,
SCAR MONag UM nt foll vwing he bsh
C) h at-an fhe PNA tchngdu wed to
tnproUu rupinion
PT Manag eMUtt of BroncAia atthma .
Acti Act yde Brathing trshnigu
AbdsMal Brrathing
10 Hund difi cattb, tsui zatioo
cht obi izatibn
ubpens dlttate. dratnap .
Anatomicat dit fereces 8etwte theaduis L pedsatric inga
14) PPT
HuudiAcatin Nejulsato,
(1) Proc tdun fur Monito rin pulst

) rural dra
Rute of Nino
factors in f luaniay Rupiratiin
2) Arhma.
Valsalu/ MOLUNer
23 Abrdral rath doud.
24) Diabttto toot
2 Bysprota.
T) PactB in fruuniy palse, rupiratbbn BP.

A-donuinat 8ratAiy pattern

entral prinaptu of Ojalysiy
1etp Ap.
ntrvubin durr no vasivu untitün
Role Role of PT

32) tl anin
(23) Huui ficatan
Po stum 'braho
2 . vatbw poions of
(3 Sucia in brief wih Hh inpy huce.
6Brathingtaercirtik H
oh nulaion.
defomiis ik adurse 4 Mo
failyr d PT Maem ut.
4mad u f t itatisn Muhani aty u u for aniy ff tio
for wtanng off fre n
Attun scderoi.
2020 1.O eaplain detail
in akous injury prutb
2bucibe the printiple
treiug 1 rehabiti tatiwn n vetr intuwy,
Wlhat an the uwesf 1Uo ? wik itt tiial featuru Managuiut
4What t h t fitmut Componut and sporks Clysfor spertrpusenj
Hotw wi au MaJure
ftnus 0upo nent and oport oki
219 1 O Dscuss in d etuiu abaut the physiok»pcat
dangu w/th ayi
along wi bneffts rit u of xurcire ddrly Alro trcde
pru&ipton udtlinu for duly.
Copi physical Thurapy rurmnt and tratnet aiu and
Mta for a 20 yrA ld ricktt pa bowlur, whe sutained a
ofator uff pastiat fear w hish hau treated CoNevaH vely with a
Lg for d weub
3 busibu the differenr fypu sports injury around knetjoiut
und hui phyuidh erapy anageruent
Duoihe ahou the cosbo hydsate Joading nd
i pr n t ditt
sports pergon
20 . Drrus indetait aout PI VD , dt alsuCmerr P r nanaguue
bircus d ail abeut pre- nercye aluuatin
sposts p rnt
ffeet of waur t in eray t h diet.
biscuus adeur the
phye dica hay with
fuuu0 i Udurly e u d bn,
pruiptin gudelnu for

d y
DuHbe the diffurn yhe of pert n jwiu areund bncw
i r 3 Huir uiument Pr
2o7ducribeduclbe the diffuunt typu sf vpur ivswiu aUound auee
OUN ad thur alumut and T Manag UMnt:
duws in d dai asous
tuhjuliin d ibjeotive
aahilt tonalina pathy. H findingu
an ou prunt it in basnunloy
r i n i daü abur w e rsk
r ang tmut ef Bics breeht tendis Y, ub fi ndlrge
fIT8 fribon dy naluont
SHOR TS7 (40 4)J
200 Parlto fenuoral pauy tyndrom ,
IT8 ynadrnt
Hedm tt canprutn dy ndsm
Turf toe sy nds MU
Rotator ouff niury.
Scapular dyutinui
Gamekeepers thuUmb
arpu tunne syndom
Risk of enercasu elderlyY
1 Fenale atuit triad
hat ase the pry chslogical changer wth gug
Carbohydrate loadlng
201.3 Pain ful are syndro Me
18oft tHrsue injuy
Ditferenee bo strain t prain
Ckrva hiptauh jury
Principlu of injury pruintion
(o)Amalt athletic triad .

Eact joint yndsomMU

2 nduranc
9aMekeeper'r humb
Physicat fitruut.
Rehabilitatton 06jeebiu Ptantar Fauat
P Hent coprution vyndoMU
dol Garpa tun ned
S1 joint dutunection
Jumps't knte.
aRmalt athletre triad
WMplash tnjury,
( Pirifumls yndru
(21) ITR yndrom
Prinoiplu of trainiy t rehabitabtan
Rotator cuff *njur
Turf- toe yndroMt

Prinplu of injury pruntà

Gotfu's lhoo.

o7T Jwper kene

carbo hy drati Joadir
CopartMnt syndroMt
akral Ankle prain
Ctag u of PI VD
Vasuas upply f mnit ul
is's hunb
Acu wmbar srain
PlyoMtic uerui
Bio Meahanial functubn o
f yamea
Mdis Tibial strus syndrs
D/D of Tenis how
2020 Enumerak. the Ltyitlationu /Atu dn faroun perronu wit
duabiliiu hat are divabiüHu Co red ander RPhlb Act?
How i t di ffurent trom alier WO Ad, 1At ?

W hat an oMmGN cal of 0w back pain Nouw yOu ap p ro aths

puch a atd G yA.Male specifially mtun the rkabtli tatibs
to be ddophd
What rr Spendylo avthrop atdy ? N hat ary tho sy nuptonw sipni a
Cuo Atnky dei ng spo Kay itu y0 youny ar y nmalenl ut do'r &
dan't ou w adwce to uch caU Nhat intiyatihn ysu
a ill pruotbe ush cas and why
Alhat u nputadon ? Wut an thu variouw (wes of anputation in
Lbwr ppu ub? t hat 8 k npaliv
dray av dtagran of PT pr sthuu naN it variow
is pasts

019.. Rtabili tabih, t e a n work. Apiai thi. nuw erat th

MUuber ofa Ruabi litaty n a for rrhabilitatLon of an anputu
7 y Male Hoo f y o u au a tan Mubr p lan niabilihatien
of fu duabt?
c8R J adwanage diiadyantogu r8R. How wili yeu
implement for rabl u'tatih of a cae of A nupultiv ( BK ) i a
r e e rutat wlag the country Aat c6 wdet for
rhabi tatibo of PNDA rulabte Indiw Cat dirtrict lwd)

Rplain i futionirg.
Deine Anuputtün. nthat an luluof onputatthn ruþect of
Loutr Limb hat þrouthuis wiltb applid for thue
aMpulata braw thuir dogran , lwel thun R writ indialionn,
advutagu & divadvantag for the prosthui prucrbd fun

What u Abt? define in dtaii in rupeat ofa to cild Hotd

dhitd. He
ill you
ou agru u cild and prourde A0 trauing

O16. Defint cB INhat ar tho advanigu and liiadvannot

of CBR our t88?DucHibu the rlwaneu
of of c6 in tndia .
Deine thahilitatiboin n/erenee disabju ky 4Name the mu
hu role of a phy therapiut a.
f aRtabi lfatun team' nlhat y
MUbtr AM for rAabiu'tation
0fa paraplio Cose

Hotw will0u dein PhysitharapY ocupatonal thoy

hlkat e hu role tn managtn nt '0f a CP cAid h ruras sttuy

( Alhat ar the tauu h Loo Back Palh ? How w II approah Capo

of hon tralltm ato tow bak paiy tn an Udrly tenale Nam
tenole Name
wih skekth dliagram of anMn orthoto durce wu i
MangtMut of o bale pa
Hew wil pou detinu tmpadrment disabiuy and Handicap b
i n t i p l u (for toch) ? nldh dome alut poina on diaiue
reportd lut Couyoll

Defint c&. What u he roft of phuulotherapast a CAR Poara

C8R prora
Hoo il #ou vet up phaU uray surcuAwaru Prograr
for bnunily haidng a kproay ColdNy thre
(6dtfint orthoia Wri He varow tyuof orthoU wd h wiw
spinal problu h a t are He ndiaion or pu otbUs
duH bu otho Lu hbt 'Wd a daft f Te
pAd t he
l u/ba a yeu mak patint
(u depin Prorhlumate
Mahadiaprany 0f PT PncHhu and lahlL
and lahu
varOw pat. H&w wit o thLuk 0u he Pros thuu if
etMA uL lampulatid for Diahttio
a o Muüby thi pargre dn hu toot)
ttor iurucion you wlu 94w to uk
T O writ prinuplu of rhabi itation in ase Of paralyyu' , Coconduuten
Hou i l OM a Car PPRP Rt Ldwur n b wih TfL
ight n yass fnalu chuld. .
befine daru al prueotun Anky lasi ng
spr ndytite ih lkely
CPcany. u Ho
Manggea pehton wltk 8anubo ine
Pr reai t
fuu HI .
19What ar he
70ut who is anonby
alunon 6y prfuin pmuAA
of Ünp n a caiud a9ed
wi ou Maag aged ueund
aeund fo yars
What ave Hu Perthu ea/ n suh dhild
Jush potint d pain Shftnus
houlder How coill
PrN SSyear fak, akioe Ma
roZ)shouudu RE
for tast
tast 3
houlwf fe sufkr
PTS pros Hhatr
PwD At, 199*
((1 disabi iy ceti fi atwo
Pandele, 2019.
)Frozt shouldtr

spa 8ifida.
Sotal dù tanein
1Hut MedaliePr.
(() RtAabiu tatido of CoPD cae

T PTB Pros
thusr's, draw dlagra u it
asyM' tmputat , Xai'atibn /contmun di altn
Feot brop , cawu ortpsl to be u .
cl Hud eor nuPr& orA duret to &t wd

asnlalkiy H.
ec K RPOD Att, 3o19.
Pacili'ti provi ded tor P td avt thii vott in
Eleation, dul, Gtnerat

lhti ckair ik Pauts , i catdn.

Oceupathn Hunpy PAp iothurpy.
33 Rar nrronmnr in rupeut to disabiity. n hat fauliiy
frre t.
t a Model Ratlwy s talilby in tndia ?
34) Nattonatapa inttrulion aunitahle for hablu tatisn ot Pne,
To dia. Name tM and Dlsahi lihy CoUd b taoh ast
utw i brt

PWD Ad'ts
3 AL aduty of daily tui

Pre prosthu
4 fnaen shsutdu
Vocaona kthabi Crattn
)caw u f Pootbrep-
Precaulin to 6t dutaksn aaeMUt ofu parplyio ftnl
of aallary eruth
and Asw to kahv M
wemuut for
ailary Crutth p
4 birasiitu indudd in R Pald ttt 2ot6'
2s17 4 Rehabi u'tato ftan
40Disabiuy 7
9LD adi ctutre.

vuou failidw
4 oAat iM QuailabMd Cby hi Qput) Forthu
Perso dyabilitiu (b brteA ).
Role f voatonat cotundur a a
Rakab taM
6List M tName the
Conditian/duaM tiiw
a brep 0n kite
Jaltin isy
) Writ a t n
kPlana Rekab prgran
Co plet
buso (ra Mal Mal trualid paapl
ol 9)4c purtally nttrut of PAtDs»
(t divyan

tr faulitay fordtyahtd perron

Prinupl of thysi hermpy gont rplaotmnt
bir abiuy ctfialr
ReanOMLe tmpttmtt of Pwas
f had ur in adult.
PehU 0ttalu Vs 4VN
PTB ProstAu u vs Prs Prosthu is
Aillay Cruth Vwalting sHd
crev VCuuu drtemiy

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