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An ethical and philosophistical system

Founded in China in 6th-5th century BCE

Origin by K’ung Fu Tzi (Confucius) (551-479 BCE)

Temples dedicated to Confucius -

Confucian Temples (China, Vietnam, etc.)

Holy places/things/symbols

水 仁
“Water” Character Rén Symbol Li Symbol
儒Scholar Symbol

The Four Books: Analects of Confucius, Great Learning,

Doctrine of the Mean, Mencius Books/
>>> Emphasis on Universal Harmony, family value, teachings
filial piety, respect for authority

times and ways of Spreading in Southest asia

Gradual cultural influence, especially Vietnam (Chinese colonization

from 2nd BCE - 10th century CE) and Singapore (about 18th century CE)


Confucian temples: The Temple of Literature (Vietnam)

儒 Writing systems
Development of Chinese script (Han characters)

Focus on nature and symbolism, influenced by
Confucius’s Teaching

孝 Beliefs and values

Principles of good conduct, practical wisdom, and
proper social relationship (filial piety)

Important practices
Rituals honoring deceased ancestors, upholding filial
piety, and maintaining social harmony
buddhismA non-theistic religion

Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the

Origin Buddha, around the 6th century BCE in India

Major sites like Bodh Gaya (where Buddha attained

enlightenment) and Sarnath (where he delivered
his first sermon)

Holy places/things/symbols

Lotus Flower Dharma Wheel Endless Knot Chatra Umbrella Golden Fishes Mudra Hand

- Four Noble Truths (suffering, cause, end, path)

- The Eight-fold Path Books/
>>> Emphasizing non-violence, compassion, and teachings
meditation to achieve enlightenment.

times and ways of Spreading in Southest asia

Theravada Buddhism (Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia - from

India); Mahayana Buddhism (Vietnam - from China) through trade
routes and missionary work since 1st - 3rd century CE

Theravada temples (Wat Pho Pagoda - Thailand &
Mahayana temple (One-Pillar Pagoda - Vietnam)

Writing systems
Originally recorded in Sanskrit and Pali, then
translated into Chinese and Tibetan

Buddhist statues, mandalas

Beliefs and values

The Four Noble Truth: Suffering is common, Karma -
through 5 percepts of life

Important practices
Meditation, following the Eightfold Path, seeking
enlightenment - Nirvana
HinduismA poly-theistic religion

Emerging in South Asia before the 2nd millennium

Origin BCE, Hinduism has no single founder and
encompasses diverse beliefs and practices.

Various temples, pilgrimage sites like

Varanasi, the Ganges river and numerous
temples dedicated to specific deities

Holy places/animals/symbols

Om (Aum) Ganesha - Holy Elephant Nandi - Holy Cow Padma - Lotus

The Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita are core

texts exploring diverse philosophical and spiritual Books/
concepts like Dharma (duty), karma (actions and teachings
consequences), reincarnation, and moksha (liberation).

times and ways of Spreading in Southest asia

Through trading, immigrants and missionaries, influence mainly in

Cambodia and south central Vietnam Indonesia and Malaysia around
the 1st to 5th century CE.

Hinduism temples, intricate carvings (Angkor Wat -
Cambodia, Sri Mariamman Temple - Singapore)

Writing systems
Sanskrit language

Murals, sculptures of deities

Beliefs and values

Karma, a way of life – peace, Caste system (past)

Important practices
Puja (worship), festivals, pilgrimage, following one's
Dharma, vegetariansim
A mono-theistic religion

Founded in the 7th century CE on the teachings

Origin of the Prophet Muhammad, submission to Allah,
in the Arabian Peninsula

Mecca (birthplace of Prophet Muhammad), and Medina

(the first Muslim community established)
The Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure in Mecca

Holy places/things/symbols

Kaaba Crescent And Star The Qur’an Tasbih - Prayer Beads

The Quran, believed to be the literal word of God

revealed to Prophet Muhammad, is the central text,
outlining Islamic beliefs, practices, and laws.

times and ways of Spreading in Southest asia

Through trade, the Sufis, the ruling class of ancient empire in

Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei embracing Islam around 13th century

Islamic architecture, characterized by mosques
and minarets (Putra mosque - Malaysia)

Writing systems
Arabic script and has been adapted
into local writing systems

Geometric patterns and calligraphy
play a prominent role

Beliefs and values

Monotheism, community, and charity

Important practices
Five pillars of Islam: Shahadah (faith), Salat (prayer),
Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage)
Women wearing hijab (“tudung”)

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