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An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

Research Proposal




Enhancing Efficiency and Minimizing Downtime in Mine Shaft Operations: Mitigating Skips Derailment
and Shaft Guide Damage

An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

Table of Contents
Research Proposal.......................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background and definition...........................................................................................................2
1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Aim....................................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Justification........................................................................................................................................3

1.0 Introduction
In this study the researcher is going to examine the effectiveness of the predictive/documented
standard project management procedures in large scale mining operations. The research project
covers the background of study, problem statement, and aim of the study, project research
objectives, and justification of the study, research limitations and delimitations, definition of
terms, research methods, data gathering and collection.
1.1 Background and definition
Shafts of an underground mine are vertical or near-vertical tunnels that are dug from the surface to access
an ore body below. They are used for mining, ventilation, transportation, and storage purposes. Shafts can
vary in shape, size, and depth depending on the geology and the mining method of the ore body.
Shafts can be circular, rectangular, or elliptical in shape, and can range from a few meters to several
kilometers in depth. Shafts are usually lined with concrete, steel, or timber to prevent collapse and water

An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

inflow. Shafts are equipped with hoists, cages, skips, and other devices to facilitate the movement of
people and materials.

1.2 Problem Statement

Frequent downtimes caused by skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides pose a significant
challenge for mining companies. These challenges hinder their efficiency and profitability, wasting
valuable time and resources.

1.3 Aim
he primary objective of this project is to develop a solution that will reduce the frequency of skips
derailing and damaging mine shaft guides. The solution should be cost-effective, easy to implement, and
sustainable. The specific objectives of the project include:

1. Identifying the root causes of skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides.
2. Developing a solution that addresses the root causes of the problem.
3. Testing the effectiveness of the solution in reducing the frequency of skips derailing and damaging
mine shaft guides.
4. Evaluating the economic feasibility of the solution.

1.4 Objectives
Identifying the root causes of skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides.
To improve the safety of mining operations by preventing accidents caused by derailments and damage to
mine shaft guides.
To increase the profitability of mining operations by reducing the costs associated with downtime and

1.5 Justification
Safety: The safety of mining operations is paramount. Derailments and damage to mine shaft guides can
cause accidents that can result in serious injuries or fatalities. A real-time monitoring and alert system can
prevent these accidents by providing early warning of any abnormalities in the condition of the shaft

2. Efficiency: Downtimes caused by skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides waste valuable time
and resources, hindering the efficiency of mining operations. A real-time monitoring and alert system can
reduce these downtimes by allowing for proactive maintenance and repair of the shaft guides.

3. Cost Savings: Downtimes and repairs associated with derailments and damage to mine shaft guides can
be costly for mining companies. A real-time monitoring and alert system can reduce these costs by
preventing accidents and allowing for proactive maintenance and repair.

An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

4. Competitive Advantage: Mining companies that invest in innovative technologies such as real-time
monitoring and alert systems can gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Such systems can
improve the safety, efficiency, and profitability of mining operations, making them more attractive to
investors and customers.

To achieve the objectives of this project, we will adopt a mixed-methods approach that combines
qualitative and quantitative research methods. The following are the key steps of the methodology:

1. Literature review: We will conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature on skips derailing and
damaging mine shaft guides to identify the root causes of the problem and the existing solutions.

2. Data collection: We will collect data from mining companies through surveys, interviews, and site
visits. The data collected will help us understand the specific challenges faced by mining companies and
the factors that contribute to skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides.

3. Solution development: Based on the findings from the literature review and data collection, we will
develop a solution that addresses the root causes of the problem. The solution may involve redesigning
the mine shaft guides, improving the track infrastructure, or implementing better loading practices.

4. Solution testing: We will test the effectiveness of the solution in reducing the frequency of skips
derailing and damaging mine shaft guides. We will collect data before and after implementing the
solution to evaluate its impact.

5. Economic feasibility analysis: We will evaluate the economic feasibility of the solution by conducting
a cost-benefit analysis. The analysis will consider the costs of implementing the solution, the savings
from reduced downtimes, and other benefits such as improved safety and productivity.

Expected outcomes:

The expected outcomes of this project include:

1. A better understanding of the root causes of skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides.
2. A solution that reduces the frequency of skips derailing and damaging mine shaft guides.
3. Improved safety and productivity in mining operations.
4. Reduced maintenance costs and increased profitability for mining companies.

Certainly! Here's an updated breakdown of the Schedule of Activities with percentages and a limit of
three months:

1. Phase 1: Research and Data Collection (20% - 3 weeks)

An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

- Conduct literature review on skips derailing and shaft guide damage in mining operations (10% - 1.5
- Gather data on previous derailment incidents and related maintenance practices (10% - 1.5 weeks).

2. Phase 2: Evaluation of Existing Practices and Identification of Improvements (15% - 2.25 weeks)
- Assess current maintenance practices for mine shaft guides (5% - 0.75 weeks).
- Evaluate the design and condition of existing skips and guide rails (5% - 0.75 weeks).
- Identify potential areas for improvement and upgrade (5% - 0.75 weeks).

3. Phase 3: Implementation of Upgraded Practices and Technologies (50% - 7.5 weeks)

- Develop a comprehensive maintenance schedule for mine shaft guides (10% - 1.5 weeks).
- Procure and install advanced monitoring equipment for real-time data collection (15% - 2.25 weeks).
- Upgrade skips design to improve stability and resistance to derailment (15% - 2.25 weeks).
- Upgrade guide rails and related infrastructure for proper alignment and strengthen support (10% - 1.5

4. Phase 4: Training and Awareness Programs (15% - 2.25 weeks)

- Develop training programs on proper operating procedures, maintenance practices, and safety
protocols for mining personnel (5% - 0.75 weeks).
- Conduct training sessions and workshops for employees at various levels (7% - 1 week).
- Promote a culture of safety and responsibility among employees through awareness campaigns and
regular communication (3% - 0.5 week).

5. Phase 5: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement (Ongoing - 0.25 weeks)

- Implement regular monitoring and inspections of mine shaft guides to track performance and identify
any emerging issues (0.25 weeks).

Please note that the percentages provided are rough estimates and may be adjusted based on the specific
requirements of the project. Additionally, it's important to create a detailed project management plan,
including milestones, dependencies, and a clear framework for monitoring and evaluation, to ensure
effective execution within the given time frame.

An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

Feel free to adapt this schedule based on your specific project needs and priorities.

T INSTITUTE, P. M (2017) PMBOK GUIDE 6 TH EDITION, Newtown square, Pennsylvania
19073-3299 USA: Project Management Institute, Inc

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An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

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An examination of challenges of integrating large scale mining projects using a predictive and documented project management procedures: a case

study of BMC mini tonnage ramp up from 33ktm to 42ktm

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