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Name and Surname Reg No.
1 Patricia K Mashero R201916S
2 Mitchell Mhuru R201903T R201903T
3 Regis Musamba R201914A
4 Tinotenda B Chitsiku R205834L
5 Tinotenda Madume R201901S
6 Tinotenda A. Ndemera R205831V
7 Charles T Mangwende R201910D
8 Primrose Munezvenyu R201904F
9 Victor N Ndlovu R202079V
10 Aubrie Mbava R207053V
11 Ashley Nhamburo R202085W
12 Tatenda Nyamuturira R207200D
13 Vivian Samu R186771N
14 Bradley Taru R205604P
15 Mudangi Deelany M R207269S
16 Makanya Delphia T R201911B
17 Komoyawo Gracious R202086G

We have chosen Mt Pleasant community as our area of focus. Mount Pleasant is a

vibrant medium-density suburb located in the Northern part of Harare, Zimbabwe.
With a growing population and a diverse demographic, this community presents
unique challenges and opportunities for businesses aiming to cater to its residents'
needs. Conducting a comprehensive market needs analysis is crucial for identifying
viable business ventures that we believe can effectively address the community's pain
points and contribute to its overall development.

The Problems Being Faced by the Mount Pleasant Community

Through extensive market research, including surveys, interviews and observation,

several key issues have been identified within the Mount Pleasant community:

Limited Access to Quality Healthcare Services: Despite being a medium-density

area, residents of Mount Pleasant often face challenges in accessing affordable and
reliable healthcare services. The lack of well-equipped medical facilities and qualified
healthcare professionals within the community has led to long commutes and
increased costs for residents seeking medical attention.

Inadequate Recreational and Community Spaces: Mount Pleasant lacks sufficient

recreational and community spaces that cater to the diverse needs of its residents.
Families, youth and the elderly often find themselves with limited options for leisure
activities, social gatherings, and community engagement.

Inefficient Waste Management System: The existing waste management system in

Mount Pleasant is inadequate, leading to issues such as improper waste disposal,
pollution, and potential health hazards. The community lacks effective waste
collection and recycling initiatives, contributing to environmental degradation.

Three Possible Business Ventures to Solve the Problems

To address the identified needs of the Mount Pleasant community, the following three
potential business ventures have been proposed:

Venture 1: Mount Pleasant Community Health Center

A comprehensive community health center that offers a wide range of healthcare

services, including primary care, specialists, diagnostic services, and preventive care
programs. This venture aims to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to the
residents of Mount Pleasant, reducing the need for long commutes and ensuring
timely medical attention.

Venture 2: Mt Pleasant sustainable waste management solutions

A comprehensive waste management venture that offers efficient waste collection,
recycling and disposal services tailored to the needs of the Mt Pleasant community.
This venture could involve implementing innovative waste segregation systems,
establishing recycling facilities and promoting community awareness and engagement
in sustainable waste management practices.

Venture 3: Mount Pleasant Community Hub

A multi-purpose community hub that combines recreational facilities, co-working

spaces, educational resources and event venues under one roof. This venture seeks to
create a vibrant and inclusive space for residents of all ages to engage in various
activities, fostering a sense of community and promoting personal growth and

Selected Business Venture to pursue

After careful consideration and evaluation of the potential impact, feasibility, and
long-term sustainability of each venture, the Mount Pleasant Sustainable Waste
Management Solutions emerges as the most promising and impactful business idea to

Justification for Choosing the Mount Pleasant Sustainable Waste Management


Addressing an Urgent Environmental and Health Concern: Inefficient waste

management poses significant environmental and health risks to the Mount Pleasant
community. By implementing sustainable waste management solutions, this venture
directly tackles a pressing issue, contributing to a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable living environment for residents.

Potential for Widespread Impact: Effective waste management has far-reaching

benefits that extend beyond the immediate community. By reducing pollution,
conserving resources, and promoting recycling, this venture can have a positive
impact on the broader ecosystem and contribute to the overall environmental
sustainability of the region.

Alignment with Government and Global Initiatives: The pursuit of sustainable waste
management aligns with both local government priorities and global efforts to combat
environmental degradation and promote sustainable development. This alignment can
facilitate potential partnerships, funding opportunities, and support from relevant
stakeholders, contributing to the venture's success.

Revenue Generation and Cost Savings: The waste management venture can generate
revenue through various streams, such as collection fees, recycling proceeds, and
potential partnerships with businesses or municipalities. Additionally, effective waste
management can lead to long-term cost savings for the community by reducing the
burden on existing infrastructure and mitigating the negative impacts of improper
waste disposal.

Job Creation and Economic Development: The establishment of a comprehensive

waste management system will create employment opportunities for various roles,
including waste collection, sorting, recycling, and administration. This venture can
contribute to the economic development of the Mount Pleasant community by
providing jobs and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship.

Scalability and Replicability: Successful waste management solutions in Mount

Pleasant can serve as a model for other communities facing similar challenges. By
demonstrating effective practices and strategies, this venture can inspire and facilitate
the replication of sustainable waste management initiatives across other areas,
amplifying its impact.

Community Engagement and Education: The waste management venture can

actively engage the Mount Pleasant community through awareness campaigns,
educational programs, and initiatives that encourage residents to participate in
sustainable waste management practices. This engagement can foster a sense of
ownership and responsibility, leading to long-term behavioral changes and a more
environmentally conscious community.

In concise, the Mount Pleasant Sustainable Waste Management Solutions stands out
as a pressing and transformative opportunity. By prioritizing sustainable waste
management, this venture has the potential to create a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable living environment for the Mount Pleasant community, while also
contributing to economic development, job creation, and environmental conservation

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