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Institute of Space Technology

Mechanics of Materials Lab

Group No: 05

Experiment No: 02

Coefficient of Elasticity
Submitted by:

Sr No. Name Roll No

1 Muhammad Hannan 220101021
2 Syeda Rumesa Ali 220101053
3 M.Tehman Saleem 220101043

Submitted To:

Lab Attendant Mam Rida Aftab

Date Of Submission 3/20/2024

To ascertain the coefficient of elasticity for steel, brass and aluminum.


MT 3005 is a combined twist and bend testing machine. It can be used both in laboratory exercises, and in
conjunction with theoretical work on twist and bending. Its size and weight make it easy to carry between

body's propensity to revert to its natural shape after being crushed or stretched; "the waistband had lost its
Tensile tests are typically not used to determine the stress-strain behavior of brittle materials (such as
ceramics and low toughness composite materials). The most often used test involves bending a rod
specimen with a circular or rectangular cross section until it fractures by applying three or four points of
pressure. ASTM Standard C 1161, "Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at
Ambient Temperature," is followed when conducting the assessments.
This module's equipment is designed to let students do experiments on cantilever and simply supported
beams to learn more about:
(a) The relationship between the deflections and the applied loads.

(b) The effect of variations in 1ength and cross sectional i.e. deflection per unit load.

Twist tests are used to determine and compare the modulus of rigidity for different materials and to
demonstrate the deformation formula.

Bending Flexure Formula

Stresses caused by the bending moment are known as flexural or bending stresses. Consider a beam to be
loaded as shown in fig 1.

Consider a fiber at a distance Y from the neutral axis, because of the beam's curvature, as the effect of
bending moment, the fiber is stretched by an amount of cd. Since the curvature of the beam is very small,
bcd and Oba are considered as similar triangles.
The strain on this fiber is.

e= cd ¤ ab = y/r
By Hooke's law, e=s ¤ E than

s ¤ E = y/r ; s= y/r´ E
which means that the stress is proportional to the distance Y from the neutral axis.

Bending tests are used to show experiments, such as the relationship between load, moment of inertia,
distance between supports, modulus of elasticity, and deflection, as well as to calculate the modulus of
elasticity of various materials. You can ascertain the relationship between a material's dimension and
moment of inertia by bending experiments using test pieces with varying dimensions.

Elastic Properties of Materials

Consider a steel shaft that is cylindrical and has both ends securely gripped in a vise. The shaft elongates
and experiences a diameter reduction when the vise is adjusted to apply tension to the shaft. Plotting the
relationship between the applied tension and the axial elongation and orthogonal compression reveals
that, for modest enough tension, the relationship is approximately linear, but with distinct slopes. The two
slopes remain the same when we repeat the experiment using a steel shaft of a different size. Similar
findings can be obtained with new pairs of slopes if the experiment is repeated using shafts made of
various materials. This implies that the material's response to tension is characterized by these slopes.
These are known as Young's modulus E (for extension) and the Poisson's ratio multiplied by Young's
modulus (various writers write this; there is only a partial standard notation for this topic). As we shall
see, it is frequently helpful to define alternative "elastic moduli," which will be logical combinations of
one another. It turns out that enough to characterize the elastic properties (valid for minor deformations)
of any homogeneous isotropic material.

The span is set at 500 mm, and a circular test specimen of steel is employed. Mount load device and set
the testing device. Load with weights as shown in Table and read off the deflection. The test is repeated
with test specimens of brass, aluminum..When E is calculated, the initial load caused by the load device
has no significance since the gauge has been set at zero with the device in place.However, when
calculating flexural stress F1 is included, Where F1 = 2.5 N
Diameter of Specimen: d= 8mm (for all specimens)

Calculation will be made by using the following formulae:

 = FL3/ 48 EI E = FL3/ 48 d I
A determination of the flexural stress yields:

sb = Mb/ Wb Mb= (F+F1) L/4

When rectangular it is:

I = bh3/12 Wb = bh2/6
When circular it is:

I = pd 4/64 Wb = pd 3/32

 = Deflection (mm.)
E = Coefficient of Elasticity

L = Span (mm) = 500 mm

I = Inertia Factor

Mb = Moment of Flexure (N mm)

F1 = Load occasioned by weight of Load Device (N) which = 2.5 N

d = Dia of Specimen = 8 mm

Wb = Resistance to Flexure (mm3)

F = Load occasioned by additional weight (N)

sb = Flexural Stress (N/mm2)

Moment Flexural of
Load, F Deflection, δ of Elasticity
Material of Flexure, Stress, σ b Elasticity
(N) (mm)
Mb (Nmm) (N/mm2) E (N/mm2)
E (N/mm2)

5 1875 37.32 0.49 132230.94

Steel 10 3125 62.20 1.02 127045.41 128498.93

15 4375 87.08 1.54 126220.44

5 1875 37.32 1.09 59443.27

Brass 10 3125 62.20 2.10 61707.77 60631.54

15 4375 87.08 3.20 60743.59

5 1875 37.32 1.58 41008.33

Aluminum 10 3125 62.20 3.10 41802.04 41389.24

15 4375 87.08 4.70 41357.34


a. There should be a proper way to do the experiment.

b. The loads should be placed carefully.
c. The scale should be read carefully.
d. The rods should be fitted tightly so it cannot move easily.

For Steel:

Deflection vs Coeff of Elasticity


132230.94 127045.41 126220.44
Coefficient of Elasticity

For Brass:

Deflection vs Coeff of Elasticity





59443.27 617070.77 60743.59
Coeff of Elasticity

For Aluminum:
Deflection vs Coeff of Elasticity

41008.33 41802.04 41357.34
Coeff OF Elasticity

It is seen in graphs as the coefficient of elasticity increases deflection also increases.

It is seen that deflection in beam due to applied force in the form of load deflection is directly
proportional to the coefficient of elasticity which causes beam to bend.

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