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Text for question 01.

Buy a beach cruiser and help save sea turtles on Kiawah

Every spring, fierce female sea turtles-mostly loggerheads-make their way from the ocean to Kiawah
Island during nesting season.

From May through October, Kiawah's beaches are home to 400 nests and thousands of baby
loggerheads. But many of these endangered hatchlings would not survive without the island's hands-on
nest protection program. Specifically, the Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol efforts that help 75% of hatchlings
make it from their nests to the ocean. Without these efforts: less than 10% have a chance.

Sea turtles are an endangered species and the loggerhead turtle has been on the threatened list since
1978. Over the years, the Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol has become one of the largest volunteer turtle efforts
in the United States. From relocating nests to helping hatchlings find the sea, volunteering is open to
island. residents and guests, and the program relies on the community to help raise awareness about the
importance of nesting season.
This May, you'11 see a custom fleet of beach cruisers with an original turtle print designed by Peter
Millar at the new Timbers Kiawah Ocean Club and Residences.
“We approached Peter Millar, a favorite on Kiawah, to design a turtle-patterned bike as a fun way to
raise our owners' awareness about the turtles and show our commitment to protecting the wildlife on
Kiawah”, says Chris Burden, managing director for
Timbers Kiawah.

You don't have to be a Timbers' owner to help: the limited-edition beach cruisers are for sale to the
public and 100% of the proceeds go to the turtle
patrol. “Kiawah Island is one of the country's most vital nesting areas for loggerhead sea turtles and the
turtle patrol is responsible for nesting patrols and monitoring efforts up and down the beach. The
contributions will be used to fund their initiatives in whatever way they see fit”, Burden says. Anyone can
volunteer in the nesting and hatching programs by contacting Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol.

(Abridged and adapted from

01- It is possible to infer from the text that
a) the island's hands-on nest protection program has been jeopardizing the offspring.
b) hatchlings are imperiled.
c) the purpose of the protection program is to cheat the community.
d) the nesting and hatching programs are compulsory.
e) it is a pointless effort to raise awareness of the community.

Text for questions 02, 03 and 04.

Music therapy with cancer patients

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, in Germany and in many other
industrialized countries. In 2007, about 12 million people were diagnosed with cancer worldwide with a
mortality rate of 7.6 million (American Cancer Society, 2007). In the industrial countries, the most
commonly diagnosed cancers in men are prostate cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Women are
most commonly diagnosed with breast cancer, gastric cancer and lung cancer.
The symptoms of cancer depend on the type of the disease, but there are common symptoms caused
by cancer and/or by its medical treatment (e.g., chemotherapy and radiation). Common physical symptoms
are pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, nausea (feeling sick, vomiting), dizziness, limited
physical activity, hair loss, a sore mouth/throat and bowel problems. Cancer also often causes
psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, mood disturbances, stress, insecurity, grief and
decreased self-esteem. This, in turn, can implicate social consequences. Social isolation can occur due to
physical or psychological symptoms (for example, feeling too tired to meet friends, cutting oneself off due
to depressive complaints).
Besides conventional pharmacological treatments of cancer, there are treatments to meet
and physical needs of the patient. Psychological consequences of cancer, such as depression, anxiety
or loss of control, can be counteracted by psychotherapy. For example, within cognitive therapy
cancer patients may develop coping strategies to handle the disease. Research indicates that music
therapy, which is a form of psychotherapy, can have positive effects on both physiological and
psychological symptoms of cancer patients as well as in acute or palliative situations.
There are several definitions of music therapy. According to the World Federation of Music Therapy
(WFMT, 1996), music therapy is: “the use of music and/or its music elements (sound, rhythm, melody and
harmony) by a qualified music therapist, with a client or group, in a process designed to facilitate and
promote communication, relationship, learning, mobilization, expression, organization, and other relevant
therapeutic objectives, in order to meet physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs”.
The Dutch Music Therapy Association (NVCT, 1999) defines music therapy as “a methodological form of
assistance in which musical means are used within a
therapeutic relation to manage changes, developments, stabilization or acceptance on the emotional,
behavioral, cognitive, social or on the physical field”.
The assumption is that the patient's musical behavior conforms to their general behavior. The starting
points are the features of the patient's specific disorder or disease pattern. There is an analogy between
psychological problems and musical behavior, which means that emotions can be expressed musically. For
patients who have difficulties in expressing emotions, music therapy can be a useful medium. Music
therapy might be a useful intervention for breast cancer patients in order to facilitate and enhance their
emotional expressivity. Besides analogy, there are further qualities of music that can be beneficial within
therapeutic treatment. One of these qualities is symbolism: music can symbolize persons, objects,
incidents, experiences or memories of daily life. Therefore, music is a reality, which represents another
reality. The symbolism of the musical reality enables the patient to deal safely with the other reality for it
evokes memories about persons, objects or incidents. These associations can be perceived as positive or
negative, so they release emotions in the

Music therapy both addresses physical and psychological needs of the patient. Numerous studies
indicate that music therapy can be beneficial to both acute cancer patients and palliative cancer patients in
the final stage of disease.

Most research with acute cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, surgery or stem cell transplantation
examined the effectiveness of receptive music therapy. Listening to music during chemotherapy, either
played live by the music therapist or from tape has a positive effect on pain perception, relaxation, anxiety
and mood. There was also found a decrease in diastolic blood pressure or heart rate and an improvement
in fatigue; insomnia and appetite loss could be significantly decreased in patients older than 45 years.
Further improvements by receptive music therapy were found for physical comfort, vitality, dizziness and
tolerability of the chemotherapy. A study with patients undergoing surgery found that receptive music
therapy led to decreased anxiety, stress and relaxation levels before, during and after surgery. Music
therapy can also be applied in palliative situations, for example to patients with terminal cancer who live in
Studies indicate that music therapy may be beneficial for cancer patients in acute and palliative
situations, but the benefits of music therapy for convalescing cancer patients remain unclear. Whereas
music therapy interventions for acute and palliative patients often focus on physiological and
psychosomatic symptoms, such as pain perception and reducing medical side-effects, music therapy with
posthospital curative treatment could have its main focus on psychological aspects. A cancer patient is not
free from cancer until five years after the tumor ablation. The patient fears that the cancer has not been
defeated. In this stage of the disease, patients frequently feel insecure, depressive and are emotionally
unstable. How to handle irksome and negative emotions is an important issue for many oncology patients.
After the difficult period of the medical treatment, which they often have overcome in a prosaic way by
masking emotions, patients often express the wish to become aware of themselves again. They may wish
to grapple with negative emotions due to their disease. Other patients wish to experience positive feelings,
such as enjoyment and vitality.

The results indicate that music therapy can also have positive influences on well-being of cancer
patients in the post-hospital curative stage as well as they offer valuable information about patients' needs
in this state of treatment and how effects can be dealt with properly.

(Adapted from -Access on 25/02/19)

02- According to the text, most patients felt compelled to

a) create choruses in order to promote musical learning.

b) deprive themselves of getting along with people.
c) join other oncology patients for therapeutic purposes.
d) distress therapists as part of psychotherapy sessions.

03- The second paragraph of the text states that

a) social isolation happens as a result of physical effort and medical treatments.

b) radiation and chemotherapy prove to be ineffective for cancer treatment.
c) there may be a relation between kinds of disease as well as their symptoms.
d) dizziness and bowel disturbances could be caused by different tunes.
04- The text

a) focuses on the present cancer mortality rates.

b) aims at presenting a complementary way to deal with cancer.
c) delves into the mind of worldwide cancer patients.
d) develops a detailed idea on how to live with cancer.

Text for questions 05 and 06.

Science and hope
I was a child in a time of hope. I wanted to be a scientist from my earliest school days. The crystallizing
moment came when I first caught on that the stars are mighty suns, when it first dawned on me how
staggeringly far away, they must be to appear as mere points of light in the sky. I'm not sure I even knew
the meaning of the word 'science' then, but I wanted somehow to immerse myself in all that grandeur. I
was gripped by the splendor of the Universe, transfixed by the prospect of understanding how things really
work, of helping to uncover deep mysteries, of exploring new worlds - maybe even literally. It has been my
good fortune to have had that dream in part fulfilled. For me, the romance of science remains as appealing
and new as it was on that day, more than half a century ago, when I was shown the wonders of the 1939
World's Fair.

Popularizing science - trying to make its methods and findings accessible to non-scientists - then follows
naturally and immediately. Not explaining science seems to me perverse. When you're in love, you want to
tell the world. This book is a personal statement, reflecting my lifelong love affair with science.

But there's another reason: science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.

Adaptado de SAGAN, Carl. The Demon-Haunted World. Science as a Candle in the Dark. Headline Book
Publishing, 1997.
05- It can be inferred from the text that

(A) despite the author’s lack of knowledge on science, he was certain that the stars were mere points of
light in the sky.
(B) the author wanted to disclose mysteries.
(C) the author’s intention was to let the Universe loose.
(D) the possibility of figuring out how things worked has stopped him dead.
(E) the author wished he could explore alternate universes.

06- It can be inferred from the text that

(A) the book is a consequence of achieving the author’s dream of going to the 1939 World's Fair.
(B) common people might think the author’s scientific explanations are deviant due to his emotional touch
regarding Science.
(C) the author’s feelings for a subject made him put effort to make it intelligible by common people.
(D) the author feels he was unlucky.
(E) the author believes it is illogical everybody should grasp scientific concepts.

Text for question 07.

What’s the weather like?

Of all human activities, transport is probably one of the most influenced by the weather. From deciding
whether or not to go for a walk in the park to cancelling or delaying intercontinental passenger flights, the
weather influences our movements all the time. Extreme weather conditions can cause accidents, death
and destruction. So, predicting the weather is a priority when people and goods are moved from one place
to another. Today man has developed some very sophisticated means for predicting the weather, but
despite this, our predictions are not always accurate because weather conditions can change very

(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and Logistics)

07- Which alternative is correct?
a) Adverse weather conditions are not feasible.
b) Inclement weather can be hazardous.
c) Rotten weather indicates it will turn cold.
d) The weather forecast is invariably gloomy.
e) Weather records are to be neglected

Text for questions 08, 09 and 10.

Why do supervillains fascinate us? A psychological perspective

Why are we fascinated by supervillains? Posing the question is much like asking why evil itself
intrigues us, but there's much more to our continued interest in supervillains than meets the eye. Not only
do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the Red Skull run unconstrained by conventional morality, they exist outside
the limits of reality itself. Their evil, even at its most realistic, retains a touch of the unreal.

But is our fascination with fantastic fiends healthy? From a psychological perspective, views vary on
what drives our enduring interest in superhuman bad guys.

Shadow confrontation: Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed we need to confront and understand our own
hidden nature to grow as human beings. Healthy confrontation with our shadow selves can unearth new
strengths (e.g., Bruce Wayne creating his Dark Knight persona to fight crime), whereas unhealthy attempts
at confrontation may involve dwelling on or unleashing the worst parts of ourselves.

Wish fulfillment: Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as inherently antisocial, biologically driven
by the undisciplined id's pleasure principle to get what we want when we want it – born to be bad but held
back by society. Even if the psyche fully develops its ego (source of self-control) and superego (conscience),
Freudians say the id still dwells underneath, and it wishes for many selfish things – so it would love to be

Hierarchy of needs: Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow held that people who haven't met
their most basic needs will have difficulty maturing. If starved for food, you're unlikely to feel secure. If
starved for love and companionship, you'll have trouble building self-esteem. People who dwell on their
deficits may envy and resent others who have more than they do. Some people who are unable to
overcome social shortcomings fantasize about obtaining any means, good or bad, to satisfy every need and

Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov would say we can learn to associate supervillains with other things we
value – like entertainment, strength, freedom or the heroes themselves. Behaviorist B.F. Skinner would
likely argue that we can find it reinforcing to watch or read about supervillains, but without knowing what's
reinforcing about them, that's a bit like saying it's rewarding because it's rewarding.

Our Motivations for Seeking Out Supervillains

Throughout history, humans have been captivated by stories of heroes facing off against
superhuman foes. But what specific rewards, needs, wishes and dark dreams do supervillains satisfy?

Freedom: Superpowered characters enjoy freedoms the rest of us don't. Nobody can arrest
Superman unless he lets them (at least not without kryptonite handcuffs). As much time as supervillains
spend locked up, they seem to escape as often as they please, to run unconstrained by rules and
regulations. Cosplayers who dress like Wonder Woman and Captain America can't do any crazy thing that
crosses their minds without seeming to mock and insult our heroes, whereas those dressed as villains get
to go wild. Supervillainy feels liberating.

Power: Maybe you envy the power these evil characters wield. While that's also a reason to adore
superheroes, good guys don't ache to dominate. Stories like Watchmen and Kingdom Come show how
heroes become menaces when they try to take over. So, when dreaming of superpowers, maybe you relate
to characters who dream of power as well, from the Scarecrow (who controls individuals' fears) to Doctor
Doom (who's perpetually out to dominate the world).

Better villain than victim: Physiologically, anger activates us and feels better than anxiety or fear.
One who feels victimized and cannot figure out constructive ways to stand up, be strong or become heroic
might twist the need for self-assertion into destruction. Alternately, a healthy person simply might focus
on how all characters assert themselves in any given story.

Better villain equals better hero: A hero only appears as heroic as the challenge he or she must
overcome. Great heroes require great villains. Without supercriminals, the world's finest heroes seem like
overpowered brutes nabbing thugs unworthy of them. Through myths, legends and lore across time, we
have needed heroes who rise to the occasion, overcome great odds and take down giants.
Facing our fears: Instead of dreading the darkness, you might reduce that dread by shining a light
and seeing what's out there. Fiction can help us feel empowered and enlightened without literally traipsing
into mob hangouts and poorly lit alleyways.

Exploring the unknown: Our need to challenge the unknown has driven the human race to cover
the globe. This powerful curiosity makes us wonder about everything that baffles us, including the world's
worst fiends. Knowledge is power, or at least feels like it. When gritty details repulse us, exploring evil
through the filter of fiction can help us contemplate humanity's worst without turning away or dwelling
almost voyeuristically on real human tragedy. Even when the fiction is about improbable people doing
impossible things, the story's fantastic nature reassures us that this cannot happen – and therefore we
don't have to turn away.

Supervillains' Ultimate Purpose

In the end, our interest in supervillains can be healthy or unhealthy. Even the more maladaptive
reasons for such fascination tend to arise from motivations that were originally healthy and natural –
frustrated drives that went the wrong way.

Remember, though, that superheroic fiction ultimately begins and ends with the heroes. Comic
book writers and artists create supervillains, who move in and out as guest stars and supporting cast, first
and foremost to reveal how heroic the comics' stars can be.

(Adapted from

08- One of the messages below is mentioned in the text. Mark it.

a) We have to face and know ourselves deeply in order to become better.

b) In fact, we are conditioned to expect more from the heroes.
c) A psychological study states that people have been intrigued by the question whether we are fiends or
d) Superheroes are empowered despite dominating the world.

09- According to what drives people’s interest in supervillains, the text mentions
a) the conscious knowledge that supervillains reinforce things we value (Pavlov and Skinner).
b) the negative side people need to hide to grow as human beings (Carl Jung).
c) the undisciplined principle controlled by society (Sigmund Freud).
d) people’s lack of necessity of food, security and love (Abraham Maslow).

10- Read the statements below and mark the option that contains the correct ones according to the

I. Vulnerable people may have their self-esteem affected.

II. Everybody is infatuated with antagonists.
III. In a psychological perspective, antiheroes aren’t despised at all by the public.
IV. The author reminds us that funny writers created supervillains stories.
V. We have cherished defeated heroes and victorious antiheroes.
a) Only sentences I, II and IV are correct.
b) Only sentences I and III are correct.
c) Only sentences II, III and V are correct.
d) Only sentences IV and V are correct.

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