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Checklist Writing an Analysis

before writing: suggestions:
⃝ read assignment carefully, check
⃝ additional keywords?

⃝ highlight important parts in the

While writing:
⃝ write a draft outline. Include:
⃝ structure
⃝ references to the text (line
numbers and quotes)
⃝ be specific and precise

⃝ no personal opinion

⃝ be factual and neutral

⃝ use present tense

After writing:
⃝ proofread your analysis

⃝ check your text:

⃝ grammatical correctness
⃝ punctuation
⃝ spelling
⃝ follow the structure.
⃝ Introduction
⃝ Main body
⃝ Conclusion

Stems Choice Board for An Analysis Paragraph

Who or what ... ... does what?
Simple(r) Sentences Effect Verbs

The author/name uses The (author’s) use of

to highlight to confirm to reveal
device to effect verb device
that/how ... . effect verb... .
to illustrate to amplify to contrast
The device here is
In the passage, ... uses
especially effective
device to effect verb.
because ... . to indicate to clarify to signify
Gerund Constructions

Using device in line x, By gerund, to intensify to depict to repeat

it/the author effect it effect verb
verb that ... . that ... .
to lack to evolve to personify

The author effect verb By gerund device in

.../that ... by device in line x (“...”), the author to
to magnify to minimize
line x. effect verb because ... . abertreiben VergovoBen elew minimieren

Sub Clauses

to evoke to parallel to criticize
elw hervorrulen etwientspechen etwKritizieren
When ... explains When ... says/writes
that ..., “...” (l. x),
it effect verb ... . this effect verb ... . to establish to reject to reinforce

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Exercise 26.02.2024/

t Twenty five years after John ablove returns home she wrote
her first novel.

Since 1997 J.k Rowling sold over 450 million books


Ч 2 Wanting to share her experience, Joan Abelove tells a very credible story.
3 Becoming bestsellers, J.K. Rowling decided to write about her time in Peru.
4 Losing his parents at the age of one, Harry Potter appealed to children everywhere.
5 Deciding that he has to escape, Jake goes to live with his aunt and uncle.
6 Not knowing that Sue is planning to leave, Aler realizes that his life is in danger and
is shocked when she tells him the news.
3 1 Living with the local people, the women study their way of life. Studying their way of life, the
women live with the local people.
2 Describing small-town life, the author paints a fun picture of local characters.
3 Developing quickly, the plot holds the readers' interest.
4 Wandering around the town, the hero looks for a place to eat.
5 Traveling through the jungle, the two girls sleep in trees as they go.
6 Standing at the top of the ladder, Jake tried to open the window.

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