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Assess the view that Bonhoeffers teaching is still relevant today (40).

I would argue that Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology holds good values and principles that still remain
relevant, such as his message of solidarity and sacrifice, and these are aspects that should be
remembered. However, his theology has some very prevalent issues, such as exclusivism and clashes
with modern politics and society.

For the Christian church, the argument would be that Bonhoeffer’s theology is still as prevalent
and important as it was when he was alive. His christology is one that is particularly important within
the church, as he goes back to the heart of Jesus’ message and reminds the church of what he was
truly standing for: discipleship. Bonhoeffer sought to get rid of religion that have come into force
since Jesus lived, and what he called “religionless Christianity”. He wanted to go back to the pure
heart of religion and Jesus’ example, something that is a positive message for those with faith. This is
relevant because it would help to resolve corruption issues within the church such as spending more
money on the church instead of giving to charity. In Bonhoeffer’s religionless Christianity, Christians
once again become generous, selfless disciples to God and not to themselves and their own desires.
His entire theology may not be relevant, but these ideas would bring about some good in modern
society. He was also vocal about the idea that “the Church is her true self when she exists for
humanity”. The same way that Jesus was selfless and lived for others, so should the church. In our
“world come of age”, as he called the West, this is an important principle, that the church should
move with and work for the benefit of humans. These are relevant ideas, because with a more
liberal and autonomous society the church can become steeped in tradition in a negative way, not
staying up to date and solely trusting religious texts from so long ago their message is out of touch. If
the church exists for humanity as it does in Bonhoeffer’s theology, then the church can be an active
force for good and make a real difference. Bonhoeffer’s idea here is definitely still relevant for our
time as well as his own. This solidarity is something that is especially relevant in a time where we
fight to be less divided. In response to this, however, I would argue that this part of his theology only
applied in extremes. He created his theology amidst one of the worst conflicts Europe had seen, so it
only seems to fit in with that kind of environment.

This being said, I would argue that Bonhoeffer’s theology cuts off it’s relevance to anyone of
another religion outside Christianity, or in any secular environment such as our own western society.
A distance between church and state is necessary to have a clear and more human justice and truth.
If not every citizen believes in God or Jesus, how can they live by his example or even be expected to
care? Bonhoeffer’s belief that all Jews should convert to Christianity, although later disputed by
himself somewhat, is a dangerous basis for any theology because its cuts off it’s relevance in a
serious way, rendering it baseless in a secular world. In this sense his theology is almost parochial
because it fits in his situation, similar to Kant’s small town mindset that limit’s his ethical theory, and
doesn’t quite reach past it in a practical enough way. Another reason Bonhoeffer’s theology holds
less relevance is that in history, religion has caused more harm than good, being at the root of many
major conflicts and issues in society. If the church was as involved with state as Bonhoeffer would
have it be, is there not a possibility of further damage? Setting aside the law to follow Jesus’ example
is damaging to our justice system, and doesn’t quite fit in any plural moral society, where we seek to
find a balance and the best democratic option. I would argue that this significant hinders his
theology from being relevant today.
Although Bonhoeffer’s theology may have some ideas that remain insightful and useful, his
theology is too exclusivist and specific, falling short in a secular society. It fails to remain as helpful in
a time that has moved past some of the issues he faced as he preached what he did.

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